Working with parents in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Institution. Modern forms of work of teachers with parents in pre-schools in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standards up Work with parents on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards up to

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
Kiselevsky urban district kindergarten No. 7
(kindergarten 7)

Work system
working with parents in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Rogachevskaya E.S.
Khaidukova O.Yu.
Ufimtseva Yu.A.
[Download the file to see the picture]
Kiselevsk, 2016
Compiled by:
Yu.A. Ufimtseva senior teacher of the highest qualification
category MBDOU kindergarten 7
Rogachevskaya E.S. teacher of the highest qualification category MBDOU kindergarten 7
Khaidukova O.Yu. teacher of the first qualification category
MBDOU kindergarten 7

O.A. Zaitseva head of MBDOU kindergarten 7

The work system contains the structure, principles, forms and directions for building work with parents in kindergarten in all educational areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Stages of building work with parents7
Directions in working with parents.10

“speech development”...17
Working with parents in the educational field
“cognitive development”23
Working with parents in the educational field
“social and communicative development”...24
Working with parents in the educational field
“artistic and aesthetic development” 26
Working with parents in the educational field
“physical development”29
Program for working with parents..35

“Children are happiness created by our work.
Classes, meetings with children, of course,
require mental strength, time, labor.
But, after all, we are happy then,
when our children are happy,
when their eyes are filled with joy."
V. A. Sukhomlinsky
Family and kindergarten are two important institutions for the socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, their interaction is necessary.
Parental love gives a person a “margin of safety” and creates a sense of psychological security.
Educators are the first assistants to parents; in their hands, children become inquisitive, active, and creative.
In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the kindergarten needs to “turn its face” to the family, provide them with pedagogical assistance, and bring them to their side in terms of unified approaches to raising a child. It is necessary that the kindergarten and the parents of the pupils become open to each other and help to reveal the individual abilities and capabilities of each child. Parents who do not have sufficient knowledge about the individual and age characteristics of the child often carry out upbringing “blindly” - intuitively. This does not bring the desired results.
The Federal State Educational Standard states that work with parents should have a differentiated approach, taking into account social status, family microclimate, parental requests and the degree of interest of parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions, improving the culture of pedagogical literacy of the family. Requirements for the interaction of the Organization of Work with parents are also formulated. It is emphasized that one of the principles of preschool education is the cooperation of the Organization of work with families, and the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education is the basis for assisting parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their physical and mental health, in the development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of their violations development. One of the requirements for psychological and pedagogical conditions is the requirement to provide psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increase the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a kindergarten is obliged to:
inform parents (legal representatives) and the public regarding the goals of preschool education, common to the entire educational space of the Russian Federation, as well as about the Program, and not only to the family, but also to all interested parties involved in educational activities; Parents, who act as social customers of educational services, often do not have in-depth knowledge in this area. Therefore, the goal and objectives of public education should be the subject of detailed discussion by teachers and parents, during which the teacher needs to convey to the family his vision of the result of raising a child and coordinate it with the pedagogical guidelines of the parents.)
ensure openness of preschool education; create conditions for the participation of parents (legal representatives) in educational activities;
support parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their health;
ensure the involvement of families directly in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying needs and support
family educational initiatives;
create conditions for adults to search for and use materials that ensure the implementation of the Program, including in the information environment, as well as to discuss issues related to implementation with parents (legal representatives) of children.
Based on this, the teaching staff sets the leading goal - creating conditions for the formation of relationships with the families of students and developing the competence of parents (the ability to resolve different types of socio-pedagogical situations related to raising a child); ensuring the right of parents to respect and understanding, to participate in the life of the kindergarten; improve pedagogical culture.
establish partnerships with the family of each student;
join efforts for the development and education of children;
create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, community of interests, emotional mutual support;
to activate and enrich the educational skills of parents in all areas of child development (social - communicative, physical, artistic - aesthetic, cognitive, speech development);

in all educational areas
Stage I – “Let’s get to know each other!” - at the beginning of the school year with the parents of newly admitted students. At this stage, parents get acquainted with the kindergarten, the educational program, and the teaching staff, and opportunities for further cooperation are revealed. The teacher analyzes the social status of the pupils' families, their mood and expectations from the child's stay in kindergarten through a questionnaire.
Stage II – “Let’s make friends!” - parents are offered active methods of cooperation in all areas of student development (meetings, conversations, round tables, etc.).
Stage III - “Let's find out together!” - parents become active participants in the educational process in all educational areas (projects, excursions, holidays, etc.)
Establishing cooperation and partnership between the kindergarten and the family is of great importance. Only by joining their efforts can parents and educators provide their child with double protection, emotional comfort, an interesting, meaningful life at home and in kindergarten, and will help develop his basic abilities and ability to communicate with peers.
Only through the joint efforts of the family and kindergarten can we achieve good results and achieve our goals. Therefore, you need to build your relationship with parents on the basis of cooperation and mutual respect. Parents, when they come to kindergarten, look closely at the teachers. In its own way, the same adaptation takes place (Stage I) And how do we understand what special and interesting things our parents expect from us? Of course, a questionnaire helps in this matter. The survey is conducted at the beginning of the school year. The questionnaire helps to find out the social status, preferences of the child, the skills and abilities that the child has when he comes to the preschool educational institution, how many children are in the family and what the relationship is between them.
Data analysis helps to get to know the child’s interests better, which in turn can have a positive effect on adaptation. Personal conversations also help to identify parents’ needs. Thanks to this organization, a rough plan for working with parents for the year is drawn up. Why exemplary, because after getting to know the children better, the teacher will have questions that will need to be addressed to the parents. This is already reflected in scheduling. Work with parents smoothly moves from the first stage to the second. Parent-teacher meetings remain very effective. This traditional form is very effective.
A good form of working with families is exhibitions of joint creativity of children, parents and teachers on various topics. Holding such exhibitions as: “Autumn Fantasies”, “Zimushka - Winter”, “In the Hands of Our Mothers” “Ah, Summer, Summer!” became a stimulus for the development of aesthetic feelings of our pupils, an incentive for joint activities of children and parents. It is practiced to award diplomas to exhibition participants. The regular organization of a photo stand with photographs “This is how fun we live” introduced parents to the life of a preschool educational institution, the activities of their children. Parents receive the necessary information on the issues of raising and educating children through visual information material: screens, stands, folders - slides, booklets, a flip system. Of course, modern parents are very busy. And here modern resources come to the rescue. On the website of the preschool educational institution, parents post various topics for discussion. Photos from exhibitions of drawings and crafts made from plasticine. The use of various forms of work with families made it possible to awaken a sense of affection and trust among parents in the kindergarten.
Thus, without noticing any changes, parents acquire the necessary knowledge in the educational process and participate more actively in the life of the group, preschool educational institution. They develop joint projects, help teachers publish group magazines, and enthusiastically prepare the group for the new school year. They act as initiators in organizing exhibitions, holding holidays, and entertainment. This indicates the transition of work with parents to the third stage.

A kindergarten today should be in development mode, not functioning, be a mobile system, and quickly respond to changes in the social composition of parents, their educational needs and educational requests. Depending on this, the directions of work of the kindergarten with the family should also change.

In work with

Informational and analytical
In order to study the family, clarify the educational needs of parents in all educational areas, establish contact with its members, and coordinate educational influences on the child, I began work with a survey “Cooperation between kindergarten and family.” Having received the real picture, based on the collected data, preschool teachers analyze the features of the structure of family ties of each child, the specifics of the family and family education of the preschooler, and develop tactics for their communication with each parent. This helps to better navigate the pedagogical needs of each family and take into account its individual characteristics.
We have developed a criterion that we call the “involvement” of parents in the educational process. At first, this criterion reflected quantitative indicators of the presence of parents at group events: attendance at parent meetings and consultations; the presence of parents at children's parties, the participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of excursions and thematic classes; participation in exhibitions, opening days; publication of magazines and books; visiting the “Open Day”; assistance from parents in equipping the pedagogical process.
Later, we identified qualitative indicators: initiative, responsibility, parents’ attitude towards the products of joint activities of children and adults.
This analysis allowed us to identify three groups of parents.
Parents are leaders who know how and enjoy participating in the educational process and see the value of any work of a child care institution.
Parents are performers who take part subject to significant motivation.
Parents are critical observers. A change in the perception of parents as participants in the educational process has led to a change in the understanding of the types of families: active participants in the educational process, interested in the success of their children; interested, but wanting to solve problems with the help of specialists; indifferent, living by the principle “I was raised the same way.”
We now have the opportunity to provide a differentiated approach to parents during joint events.
The cognitive direction is the enrichment of parents with knowledge in matters of raising preschool children in all educational areas (social - communicative, artistic - aesthetic, physical, cognitive, speech development).
In the kindergarten, all conditions have been created for organizing a single space for the development and upbringing of a child. The joint work of kindergarten specialists in implementing the main educational program of the preschool educational institution provides pedagogical support for the family at all stages of preschool childhood, making parents truly equally responsible participants in the educational process.
When working with parents, active forms and methods are used:
- visiting families of pupils at home;
- general and group parent meetings;
- consultations;
- classes with the participation of parents;
- exhibitions of children's works made together with their parents;
- joint excursions;
- Days of communication;
- Days of good deeds;
- Open days;
- participation of parents in the preparation and holding of holidays and leisure activities;
- design of photomontages;
- joint creation of a subject-development environment;
- morning greetings;
- work with the parent committee of the group;
- conversations with children and parents;
- trainings;
- seminars – workshops;
- parents' living rooms;
- helpline;
- Trust mail;
- family vernissage.
As a result, the level of educational activities of parents increases, which contributes to the development of their creative initiative.
Visual information direction includes:
- parent corners,
- folders - movements “Healthy”, “According to the advice of the whole world”,
- family and group albums “Our Friendly Family”, “Our Life Day by Day”, “Education from All Sides”,
- library - moving,
- photomontages “From the life of the group”, “We are friends of nature”, “In the family circle”,
- photo exhibitions “My grandmother is the best”, “Mom and me, happy moments”, “Dad, mom, me - a friendly family”,
- family vernissage “My best family”, “Family is a healthy lifestyle”, “Learn to be a dad”,
- emotional corner “I’m like this today”, “Hello, I’m here”,
- a piggy bank of Good deeds.
The form of work through parent corners is traditional. In order for it to be effective, to help, to activate parents in the garden, the following headings are used: “What and how to keep a child occupied at home”, “We asked - we answer”, “Children say”, “Pub noses”, “Grow up”, “ Thank you”, “This is interesting”, “Let’s play”, “With all my heart”, “Pay attention”, in which we place practical material that makes it possible to understand what a child does in kindergarten, specific games that you can play, tips, tasks.
The activity of parents in creating photo newspapers, magazines, newspapers, and exhibitions suggests that these forms of work are in demand. The visual information direction makes it possible to convey any information to parents in an accessible form and tactfully remind them of parental duties and responsibilities.
The leisure area in working with parents turned out to be the most attractive, in demand, useful, but also the most difficult to organize. This is explained by the fact that any joint event allows parents to: see from the inside the problems of their child, difficulties in relationships; test different approaches; see how others do it, that is, gain experience interacting not only with your child, but also with the parent community as a whole.
The preschool educational institution hosts events in which the parents of our students actively participate (I perform roles, prepare attributes, assist in decorating the hall, jointly developing and adjusting the holiday script, entertainment):
- holidays “Mother’s Day”, “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “Birthday”, “My Best Family”,
- entertainment “Family Gatherings”, “April Fool’s Day”,
- “All professions are needed, all professions are important” (meeting with an interesting person),
- sports activities “Family - healthy lifestyle”, “Growing Up Day”,
- vernissage “In the world of feelings and emotions”, “Our daughters and sons”,
- joint projects “My Pedigree”, “My Family”,
- publication of newspapers and magazines: environmental newspaper “Healthy Planet”; informational, educational and entertaining “Gnomes”, “Grains of Pedagogical Wisdom”,
- exhibitions of family collections, relics “From Grandma’s Chest”, “That’s the Outfit”,
- performances
- excursions “We are friends of nature”, “Let’s protect our nature”.
To make these events educational for children and parents, preschool teachers have developed a specific algorithm for preparing for family holidays:
- highlighting the goals and objectives of events for children, parents and teachers;
- consultations for parents;
- drawing up a plan for the event and the participation of parents in it;
- distribution of adult roles;
- production of invitation cards;
- preparation of individual performances (learning poems, dances, songs);
- drawing up a memo - assistant for parents and children;
- individual meetings and consultations;
- production of attributes, aids.
The work being carried out allows us to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters of parent-child relationships.
The upbringing and development of a child is impossible without the participation of parents. In order for them to become teacher assistants and develop creatively together with children, it is necessary to convince them that they are capable of this, that there is no more exciting and noble thing than learning to understand your child, and having understood him, helping in everything, being patient and delicate and then everything will work out.
Today we can say that in our preschool educational institution a certain system has developed in working with parents. The use of various forms of work yielded certain results: parents from “spectators” and “observers” became active participants in meetings and assistant teachers, and an atmosphere of mutual respect was created.
Experience has shown that the position of parents as educators has become more flexible. They now feel more competent in raising children.
An analysis of joint events and a survey of parents shows: 35% of parents regularly participate in planning the educational process, 95% of families take an active part in organizing educational activities, and up to 70% in evaluating results.
Parents began to show sincere interest in the life of their children in a preschool institution, learned to express admiration for the results and products of children's activities, and emotionally support their child. 100% of parents attend parent-teacher meetings, actively participate in holidays and entertainment, and project activities.
Organizing interaction with the family is difficult work, without ready-made technologies and recipes. Its success is determined by the intuition, initiative and patience of the teacher, his ability to become a professional assistant in the family.
The use of new forms of work with the families of our kindergarten students has yielded positive results: the nature of interaction between teachers and parents has changed, many of them have become active participants in all activities of the kindergarten and indispensable assistants to teachers.
As a result of the work done, the use of various forms and methods of communication with parents, the psychological and pedagogical literacy of parents and the culture of interpersonal interaction of children in the group increased.
The main thing in a teacher’s work is to gain trust and authority, to convince parents of the importance and necessity of coordinated actions between the family and the preschool institution. Without parental participation, the upbringing process is impossible, or at least incomplete. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the introduction of new non-traditional forms of cooperation aimed at organizing individual work with families and a differentiated approach to families of different types.

Preschool age is the stage of active speech development. In the formation of a child’s speech, his environment plays an important role, namely, parents and teachers. The success of a preschooler in language acquisition largely depends on how they speak to him and how much attention they pay to verbal communication with the child.
Recently, due to the widespread use of technical means of communication (telephone, television, Internet, etc.), and the high employment of parents with everyday (usually financial) family problems, there has been a tendency to reduce the quality of communication between a child and an adult. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the connection between family and kindergarten in order to ensure the unity of the speech development of the preschooler.
To achieve a common goal, interaction involves not only the distribution of tasks between the participants in the process, but also feedback, so you need to:
- introduce parents to the peculiarities of speech development of a preschooler.
- increase parents’ pedagogical competence in matters of children’s speech development.
- involve parents in the pedagogical process and the life of the group.
When working with parents, it is advisable to take into account the following requirements: relevance, originality, interactivity. Recently, new, promising forms of cooperation have emerged that involve involving parents in active participation in the life of the kindergarten. When planning this or that form of work, you must always proceed from the idea of ​​modern parents who are ready for learning, self-development and cooperation.
At group meetings at the beginning of the year, parents are introduced to new educational tasks, told which speech skills are most important at a given age level, and introduced to the main mistakes in children’s speech. Attention is focused on what assistance the family can provide in mastering speech. Interesting and useful for young parents are meetings at which parents themselves speak and share their impressions about the development of speech in the family. Parent meetings provide an opportunity to jointly resolve internal issues of a particular age group. For more fruitful cooperation, a survey is conducted that reveals the child’s living conditions and the level of parental competence in teaching and raising children. In addition, it gives teachers the opportunity to see the desire and possibility of interaction between parents and the preschool institution.
A special place in the promotion of pedagogical knowledge is occupied by visual information material for parents. The creative use of this form of work allows parents to widely familiarize themselves with the issues of raising children. In order for it to be effective and help activate parents, such headings as: “Theme of the week”, “Recommendations for parents”, “Our creativity”, “Repeat with us” are used, which contain practical material that makes it possible to understand what the child is doing in kindergarten, specific games that you can play, tips, tasks.
The visual information direction makes it possible to convey any information to parents in an accessible form and tactfully remind them of parental duties and responsibilities.
Project activities have become an effective form of interaction between “teacher-parent-child” work. It involves active cooperation between children and adults, promotes the development of creativity in various types of cognitive and speech activities, and provides a modern integrated approach to the upbringing and teaching of children. By participating in the development and implementation of the project, parents become direct participants in the educational process and begin to realize their role in it. The topics and content of projects are determined by teachers in accordance with the objectives of the preschool educational institution’s annual plan and the developmental characteristics of this group.
A prerequisite for the implementation of all projects is the activation of children’s speech activity and joint speech creativity. Projects are designed for a significant period of time. The project ends with a presentation, which involves the release of newspapers, albums, the organization of exhibitions, and a celebration. Adults and children demonstrate the results of their activities and rejoice at each other’s achievements.
Consultations are structured so that they are not formal, but, if possible, involve parents in solving problems and develop a spirit of cooperation, since a modern parent will not want to listen to long and edifying reports from a teacher. Consultations need to be made extremely clear, containing only the specific material that parents need. In addition to consultations, it is necessary to organize exhibitions of manuals, didactic games, and methodological books.
Books, periodicals, methodological literature, etc. are of great benefit in the pedagogical education of parents. Therefore, in groups it is necessary to create a “library for parents” and the parents themselves provide all possible assistance in this. During the child's stay in a preschool institution, parents can read a lot of pedagogical literature, and the teacher has the opportunity to supervise and guide their reading. Books for such a library are selected in accordance with the age group and work objectives for the academic year. Parents can take books from the library home for a more detailed study of an issue that interests them.
Modern parents are literate, informed, but at the same time very busy and have limited time to obtain a large amount of information. Parents' employment is the main problem in the interaction between kindergarten and family. Therefore, in the new conditions, the search for such forms of interaction between family and kindergarten that make it possible to effectively implement the basic general education program of preschool education is of particular relevance. And this is possible if teachers and parents are aware of each other’s plans and intentions.
The use of ICT in the educational process is one of the modern trends in preschool education. Information and communication technology tools help teachers diversify forms of support for the educational process, improve the quality of work with parents of students, and also popularize the activities of the group teacher and kindergarten as a whole. The advantages of their use in interaction with families of preschool children are obvious and are as follows:
minimizing the time parents have access to information;
the teacher’s opportunity to demonstrate any documents, photographic materials;
ensuring an individual approach to parents of pupils;
the optimal combination of individual work with parents and group work;
growth in the volume of information;
prompt receipt of information by parents;
ensuring dialogue between the teacher and the parents of the group;
optimization of interaction between teacher and family.
One of the most effective forms of working with parents, as experience shows, is seminars and workshops. Seminars and workshops are aimed at increasing the level of not only theoretical, but primarily practical training of parents in the development of children’s speech. The topics of seminars and workshops are selected taking into account the objectives of the annual work plan of the preschool educational institution and the plan of work with parents. You need to prepare for the workshop in advance: selecting methodological literature, preparing the venue for the workshop, preparing video materials and multimedia presentations, exhibitions of attributes, manuals, etc. on the stated topic of the workshop. At workshops, the necessary techniques and methods of interaction between parents and children are shown in action, which are then analyzed and discussed.
A conversation can be either an independent form or used in combination with others, for example, it can be included in a meeting. The purpose of the pedagogical conversation is to exchange opinions on a particular issue; Its peculiarity is the active participation of both the teacher and parents. Conversations can arise spontaneously at the initiative of both parents and teachers. The latter thinks through what questions he will ask the parents, announces the topic and asks them to prepare questions to which they would like to receive an answer. When planning the topics of conversations, we must strive to cover, as far as possible, all aspects of education. As a result of the conversation, parents should gain new knowledge on the issues of teaching and raising a preschooler.
In his work, the teacher convinces parents of the importance and necessity of developing fine motor skills. Talks about different types of work: from finger games to the development of manual skills. But he can find out how parents used this information from the materials of exhibitions that are organized in kindergarten and group. The exhibition showcases crafts that were made by children and parents at home.
To develop communication skills and consolidate the material covered, holidays and leisure activities are organized in kindergarten. The speech basis becomes what was prepared at home by the children and their parents; maximum activity of parents and children. The themes of the holidays cover different aspects of a child’s speech development. At these events, parents read poems with their child, sang songs and told interesting stories, for example about their profession, and participated in holiday scenes.
The interaction system clearly demonstrates the professional relationship of all preschool specialists in working with children. The teacher strives to have a unified approach to the education of each child and a unified style of work in general. Proper planning ensures the necessary repetition and reinforcement of material in different types of children’s activities and in different situations.
The richer and more correct a child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities to understand reality, the more complete his future relationships with children and adults, his behavior, and, consequently, his personality as a whole. Conversely, a child’s unclear speech will greatly complicate his relationships with people and often leaves a heavy imprint on his character.
Speech development is an important component of the child’s development as a whole, and it is important not to miss the moment of the baby’s speech development. And when he grows up, he will thank you.

Cognitive development involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; formation of cognitive actions, formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the small homeland and the Fatherland, an idea about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth as a common home, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.
Cooperation with the family is built in the following areas:
- involvement of families in the educational process organized by the preschool institution;
- improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents is carried out through parent meetings, conferences, consultations, newspapers, magazines, folders, and the release of information sheets.
- ensuring the unity of influence of the kindergarten and the family in matters of cognitive development of pupils.

In [Download the file to view the link], the social development of the child is included in the educational area “[Download the file to view the link]”. The tasks of this particular area cannot be achieved without interaction with parents.
The interaction of kindergarten teachers with parents is carried out in several areas:
Study of living conditions and psychological climate in the family;
Pedagogical education of parents;
Organization of joint activities of family and kindergarten.
The first direction is the study by teachers of the living conditions and psychological climate in families of preschool children, as well as the characteristics of children’s behavior at home.
When visiting at home, attention is paid to the composition of the family (full, single-parent, large, low-income), its cultural level, economic situation, sanitary and hygienic living conditions.
In addition to home visits, questionnaires are used, conversations between preschool specialists, teachers, the head, the methodologist and parents on various topics of family education.
The second direction is related to the pedagogical education of parents. In the family sphere, unlike the professional sphere, where there is a system of advanced training, there is no specially organized service for psychological and pedagogical support of parenthood as a social and educational institution. The function of pedagogical education of parents raising preschool children is currently assigned to preschool educational institutions. Pedagogical education includes the practical application and theoretical literacy of a person in matters of education, the ability to transfer to the younger generation the knowledge, skills and abilities accumulated by previous generations.
To improve the pedagogical culture of parents in matters of socialization of preschoolers, various forms of work are used: group and individual consultations for parents, workshops, master classes, parent conferences, creation of folders, booklets, information sheets, newspapers, memos, video libraries, audio libraries and etc. It is advisable to create a library of pedagogical literature for parents from the series “Social development of the child.”


This educational area includes: visual activities; constructive-model activity; musical activity.
Visual activity. We still know little and, most likely, underestimate the possibilities of individual contact between a person and art, its influence on an individual. But once upon a time art was closely connected with all aspects of human life. An amazing phenomenon of the art of drawing in childhood. Every child at a certain period of life enthusiastically draws grandiose compositions. True, as life testifies, this hobby passes forever. Only artistically gifted children remain faithful to drawing. But from 2-3 years old until adolescence, children necessarily go through the stages of “doodles” and “cephalopods” in their drawings. Drawings by children of different nations, but of the same age, are surprisingly similar to each other, which speaks of the biological, non-social nature of children's drawing. Being directly related to the most important mental functions - vision, motor coordination, speech and thinking, drawing not only contributes to the development of each of these functions, but also connects them with each other. Helps the child organize rapidly acquired knowledge, formalize and record a model of an increasingly complex understanding of the world. Finally, drawing is an important information and communication channel. The joint work of parents and educators can support the interest of preschool children in the visual arts. In order for joint work in this direction to constantly produce positive results, educators constantly provide methodological assistance to parents. In the process of this methodological assistance, teachers introduce parents to the fine arts, and together the subject-development environment is replenished.
Constructive – modeling activity. The constructive activity of a child is a rather complex process: the child not only practically works with his hands and perceives the structure being erected, but also necessarily thinks at the same time. This is one of the most interesting activities for preschool children: it deeply excites the child and evokes positive emotions. When interacting with parents, use different forms of work: consultations, folders - moving, when organizing joint activities, hold exhibitions with the participation of parents, making crafts, child-parent activities, entertainment, parent meetings.
Musical activity. Introducing children to music can be successfully carried out under the condition of direct interaction between the teacher and parents. It is necessary that favorable conditions for the musical development and education of a preschooler be created in the family and preschool educational institutions. Pedagogically literate parents understand the importance of musical education in the development of a child, and try to enrich him with emotional impressions and expand his musical experience. It is necessary to explain to parents (at the information stand, on the website of the preschool educational institution, at parent meetings, in personal conversations, recommending relevant literature) the need to create prerequisites in the family for the full development of the child’s musical abilities. To orient parents towards developing a positive attitude towards art in their child. Inform parents about the current tasks of musical education of children at different age stages of their development, about the progress of the educational process: open days, individual and group consultations, parent meetings, design of information stands, inviting parents to children's concerts and holidays, creating reminders, news and consultations on the institution's website. Invite parents to participate in joint holidays, entertainment and other events organized in the kindergarten (as well as in the city) with their children.

The health of children depends not only on physical characteristics, but also on living conditions, sanitary literacy and hygienic culture of parents. Not a single, even the best physical education and health program can give good results if it is not decided together with the family.
Very often, practicing teachers experience great difficulties in communicating with parents. It is difficult to “reach out” to fathers and mothers, just as it is not easy to explain to them that the child must not only be fed and dressed beautifully, but also communicate with him. After all, the family is the personal environment of a child’s life from birth, which largely determines his physical development. One of the priority activities of our kindergarten is the development of new forms of interaction between parents and teachers in the process of improving the health and education of preschoolers. First of all, we will try to answer questions that are important for the entire team: “How to interest parents?” “How to make work effective?” “What new forms of interaction need to be developed?”
In resolving these issues, a contradiction arose between the pedagogical knowledge of parents, their participation in the valeological and physical development and upbringing of the child, and updating the content of preschool education.
We decided to begin work in this educational area in the following areas:
creating conditions for the development and health of the child;
development of a comprehensive system of health improvement and education for preschool children;
implementation of close interaction between parents and teachers.
The first step was to create conditions for the development and health of children. Physical education centers and health corners in groups, from which parents receive information about the content of physical education and health work in preschool educational institutions, in particular during the day. Physical education centers have been replenished with equipment, both traditional and non-traditional. There is equipment made by hand together with parents. I inform parents about what basic movements the children learned, outdoor games, health exercises, finger exercises, exercises for the eyes and legs, breathing exercises. A recommendation is given for using these exercises with children at home, for example, when watching a TV show for more than 20 minutes, it is appropriate to do eye exercises.
Health tracks in bedrooms, sports grounds for outdoor activities.
In our work, we adhere to a number of principles that allow us to more consistently implement the content and methodology of working together with the family:
unity of goals and objectives of raising a healthy child in a preschool educational institution and in the family (this is achieved through coordinating the efforts of teachers and parents in this direction, familiarizing parents with the main content, methods and techniques of health-improving work in a preschool educational institution and teachers studying the successful experience of family education);
individual approach to each child and each family;
systematic and consistent work throughout the entire period of the child’s stay in the preschool educational institution;
mutual trust and mutual assistance of teachers and parents, based on strengthening the authority of teachers in the family, and parents in kindergarten, the formation of an attitude towards parents as equal partners in the educational process.
Compliance with these principles allows parents to be involved in active work on the physical education of children, replenish their knowledge about the features of the use of preventive and corrective physical exercises, outdoor and sports games, and also helps in creating conditions for the development of the child’s motor skills at home.
To achieve a positive result, we use such traditional forms of working with families as:
1. Individual and group conversations are mostly individual in nature. Conversations are concise, meaningful for parents, and encourage the interlocutor to speak out. The characteristic features of the child, possible forms of organizing joint activities at home and on the street are discussed, and literature on the development of movement in children is also recommended.
Open physical education classes for parents provide an opportunity to clearly demonstrate the state of physical development of children and their physical fitness. Parents get acquainted with a large list of available exercises and outdoor games that contribute to the development of motor skills in children. They master methods of teaching exercises in order to consolidate acquired skills through repetition.
3. Open days in the gym help children, together with their parents, satisfy the need for physical activity of their choice, giving preference to their favorite exercises, and parents learn their child’s preferences in choosing the type of movement and the level of its development, as well as get positive emotions when joint motor activity.
4. Physical education holidays and entertainment - contribute to the introduction of children and parents to physical culture and sports, improvement of movements, and instill discipline, responsibility, and friendship in children. Joint physical activity also helps to create positive emotions and a cheerful mood, which is an important condition for active recreation.
5. Consultations. The purpose of consultations is for parents to acquire certain knowledge and skills, and to help them resolve problematic issues.
6. Development and design of poster information - allows you to acquaint parents with the tasks of physical education, with issues related to a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, organization of a regime, hardening, selection of physical education equipment, etc.
7. Parent meetings - allow you to establish closer contact with the family of the pupils, discuss issues of interest, exchange opinions in one direction or another of the work of the preschool institution, and outline future plans.
8. Questioning – necessary to identify the significance of individual factors, providing for obtaining a variety of data, information and characteristics. They allow us to study the culture of family health, identify the individual characteristics of children in order to build further work with them and introduce effective programs of physical education and health in the family.
A kindergarten today should be in development mode, not functioning, be a mobile system, and quickly respond to changes in the social composition of parents, to their educational needs and educational requests. Depending on this, the forms of work of the kindergarten with the family should also change.
9. One of the new forms of involving parents in the educational process is project activity. The development and implementation of joint projects with parents made it possible to interest parents in the prospects for a new direction in the development of children and involve them in the life of our preschool educational institution. The result of this activity is the participation of parents in the educational process and interest in the formation of a subject-spatial environment.
10. For parents who are always in a hurry, we provide information in the form of express leaflets. The leaflets are varied in content, such as: “ball games”, “let’s play with the whole family”, where parents can find out what movements can be learned with their child, about the rules of a particular game. I have also developed health-related leaflets that are in demand among parents on the topics: “Into the family piggy bank”, “Health is in charge”.
11. Photo exhibitions. Parents see the achievements of all kindergarten students and learn news about their children’s sporting achievements.
12. Parents together with their children take part in the work of “workshops” for the production of non-traditional equipment for physical education and recreational activities. The use of non-traditional equipment has a beneficial effect on the formation of all systems and functions of the body, satisfies the child’s needs for movement, causes great delight and respect for the equipment, and a desire to use it as often as possible.
13. Compilation of albums “Our sports family”. This form of work helps to increase children’s interest in physical education and sports, in performing physical exercises, and in morning exercises. And also, children are invited to comment on photographs, talk about sports hobbies and achievements of their loved ones.
14. Health school “Rosy cheeks”. One of the most productive forms of introducing families to a healthy lifestyle and physical education. These include tourist walks, hikes - at different times of the year outside the kindergarten (to a pond, to a forest clearing, to a birch grove), visiting sports shows at city stadiums, reading relevant literature, and personal example.
15. Joint actions, for example, “I will save my health, I will help myself!”, which form in children and adults a position of recognition of the value of health, a sense of responsibility for preserving and strengthening their health.
16. An unconventional form of feedback with parents “Mailbox”, in which they can put notes with their feedback, suggestions, ideas, questions to the kindergarten administration and specialists.
Various forms of work with families allow you to interact with the maximum number of parents. Each family receives information in the most appropriate way for itself. In the process of such interaction, adults began to understand the child better and were more interested in the problems of the group and the preschool institution as a whole.
Parents from “spectators” and “observers” became active participants in meetings and assistants in the work on the physical education of children. Parents who have overcome embarrassment during open events at preschool educational institutions become more active participants in the child’s life at school (they willingly join the parent committee, participate in various projects, competitions).
Thanks to interaction with preschool educational institutions, most parents eventually understand that their involvement in the pedagogical work of the kindergarten, active participation in the educational process is important not only for the teacher, but also for the development of their own child.

To combine work with parents into a single whole, we have developed a program of work with parents, which allows us to effectively organize cooperation, gives impetus to building interaction with the family on a qualitatively new basis, which involves not just joint participation in raising a child, but also an awareness of common goals and a trusting relationship and the desire for mutual understanding.
The content of the program meets the requirements of updating the preschool educational strategy, within the framework of which, kindergarten specialists create optimal conditions for improving the culture of socio-pedagogical knowledge of parents, thereby focusing them on increasing their activity and participation in the educational process in order to develop the child’s personality.
The novelty and practical significance of the program is expressed in the fact that its implementation contributes to the creation of a unified educational environment in preschool organizations and families through the development of social and pedagogical competence, increasing the responsibility and interested attitude of parents for raising children in a family environment based on the use of updated forms of interaction; Parents are active participants in the implementation of the program, for which the target is the formation of a social portrait of a preschool child and the degree of trust and respect for the employees of the preschool organization increases, which leads to the promotion of the image of the kindergarten.
The methodological basis of the program is the general theoretical principles of domestic psychology, which characterize the features of interaction between a preschool institution and the family (O.I. Davydova, L.G. Bogoslavets, T.N. Doronova), and works that reveal the content of methodological activities in the direction of developing interaction with parents ( Ol. – a oriented communication system aimed at updating and concretizing the cooperation strategy; clarifying goals, objectives and content by introducing various forms and means of social and pedagogical education; determining indicators of the effectiveness of the process of interaction between preschool specialists and the amount of pedagogical knowledge of parents.
The practical value of the program is determined by the fact that the proven system of social and pedagogical education of the family can be used in the development of different groups of parents, taking into account the age of their children; the practical materials contained in the program on methodological support for parents: a collection of diagnostic tools for working with parents, help to increase the efficiency of the process of interaction between preschool specialists and families; Long-term planning of classes/events with parents can be used by teachers in practice.
The implementation of the program is designed to work with children of junior (children 2-4 years old), middle (children 4-5 years old), senior preschool age (children 5-6 years old) and preschool age (children 6-7 years old). Designed for 4 years of study. The content of the program is implemented through long-term planning, the place of implementation of the program is kindergarten.

Thus, based on the work done, we can draw a conclusion about the successful implementation of the system of working with parents, about joint cooperation, which contributes to the diversified development of students. The annual goals and objectives of the main educational program of the educational institution are fully realized.
Using various forms and areas of cooperation in working with parents, taking into account the interests and requests of the families of pupils, our work acquires positive dynamics.
We consider it necessary to continue our work with parents in the same direction, since a further increase in the level of mutual understanding and mutual assistance can only increase, which will have a beneficial effect on the development of students.
So, as a result of the system we created for working with parents, we managed to achieve our goal.

1. Berezina V.A., Vinogradova L.I. Volzhina O.I. Pedagogical support of family education: Parental education programs. St. Petersburg: Karo, 2005.
2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 Moscow “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education.”
Mikhailova-Svirskaya L.V.Working with parents. - M.; Education, 2015.-126 p.
4. Kindergarten - family: aspects of interaction. A practical guide for methodologists, educators and parents. / Auto - comp. Glebova S.V. - Voronezh: TC “Teacher”, 2005 – 111 p.
5. Doronova, T.N. Preschool institution and family - a single space of development: methodological guidance for workers of preschool educational institutions / T.N. Doronova, E.V. Solovyova, A.E. Zhichkina, S.I. Musienko. – M.: LINKA-PRESS, 2001.-224 p.
6.Zvereva O.L. Parent meetings in preschool educational institutions: methodological manual / O.L. Zvereva, T.V. Krotova. - M.: Iris Press, 2006. - 128 p. - (Preschool education and development)
7.Metenova N.M. Parent meetings in kindergarten. 2nd junior group. - M.: "Publishing house Scriptorium 2003", 2009. - 140 p.
8.Markova, T.A. Raising preschoolers in the family / T.A. Markova. – M.: 1979.
9. Osipova L.E. Parent meetings in kindergarten. Senior group. - M.: “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003”, 2008. - 64 p.
10. Osipova L.E. Parent meetings in kindergarten. Preparatory group. - M.: “Publishing house Scriptorium 2003”, 2008. - 56 p.

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Stage I – “Let’s get to know each other!”

Stage II – “Let’s make friends!”

Stage III - “Let's find out together!”

Information and analytical



Visually - informational

The words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky became more relevant than ever to our seminar

"Only with my parents,

by common efforts,

teachers can give children

great human happiness."

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

It is no coincidence that in recent years a new philosophy of interaction between family and preschool institution has begun to develop and be implemented. It is based on the idea that parents are responsible for raising children, and all other social institutions are designed to support and complement their educational activities.

For a child, family is also a source of social experience. Here he finds role models, here his social birth takes place.

And if we want to raise a morally healthy generation, we must solve this problem “with the whole world”: kindergarten, family, public

The topic of our seminar: “Modern forms of interaction with the family in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard.” In accordance with the new law “On Education in the Russian Federation,” one of the main tasks facing a preschool institution is “Interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child’s personality.” Verse 44 says:

  1. Parents have a priority right to educate and raise their children over all other persons. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality.
  2. State authorities and local governments, educational organizations provide assistance to parents... in raising children, protecting and strengthening their physical and mental health, developing individual abilities and the necessary correction of their developmental disorders

In connection with this law, Article 6, Part 1, Clause 6, approved the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), which meets new social needs and in which much attention is paid to working with parents.

Emphasized, that one of the principles of preschool education is close cooperation between the Organization and the family, clause 1.4,

and the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is the basis for assisting parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their physical and mental health, developing individual abilities and the necessary correction of their developmental disorders. P1.7.6

One of the main objectives of the standard is aimed at

Providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents in matters of development and education, protecting and promoting the health of children. P.1.6. 9

The Federal State Educational Standard states that work with parents should have a differentiated approach, taking into account social status, family microclimate, parental requests and the degree of interest of parents in the activities of preschool educational institutions, improving the culture of pedagogical literacy of the family. Requirements for the interaction of the Organization with parents are also formulated.

The requirements for the structure of OOP DO in the content section of the Program must include:

- features of interaction between the teaching staff and the families of students P.2.11.2

The part of the program formed by the participants in educational relations must take into account the educational needs, motives of children, members of their families, and teachers.

The additional section of the program should contain a short presentation aimed at parents and available for review.

The requirements for the conditions for the implementation of OOP DO include:

- requirements for the educational environment P.3.1

conditions are created for parents to participate in educational activities

- Psychological and pedagogical conditions P.3.2.1

Supporting parents in raising children, protecting and promoting their health

- Conditions for creating a social situation P.3.2.5

Communication with parents on issues of the child’s education, direct involvement of them in educational activities

- conditions for counseling parents P.3.2.6

Consulting parents on issues of education and protecting the life and health of children.

Requirements for the results of mastering OOP DO

These requirements provide guidance for

- interaction with families

- informing parents (legal representatives)

Thus, preschool organization creates opportunities for:

  1. Providing information about the program to the family and all interested parties involved in educational activities
  2. For adults on searching and using materials that ensure the implementation of the Program, including the information environment.
  3. To discuss with parents (legal representatives) of children issues related to the implementation of the Program.

The result of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in working with parents should be the creation of an effective model of cooperation based on a person-oriented model of interaction. For successful cooperation with parents, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of interaction:

A positive attitude towards communication is the solid foundation on which all the work of the group’s teachers with parents is built. In communication between a teacher and parents, the following are inappropriate: categoricality and a demanding tone.

The teacher communicates with parents every day, and it depends on him what the family’s attitude towards the kindergarten as a whole will be. Daily friendly interaction between teachers and parents means much more than a single well-executed event.

Modern mothers and fathers, for the most part, are literate, knowledgeable people and, of course, well aware of how they should raise their own children. Therefore, the position of instruction and simple propaganda of pedagogical knowledge today is unlikely to bring positive results. It will be much more effective to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance and support for the family in difficult pedagogical situations, to demonstrate the interest of the kindergarten staff in understanding the family’s problems and a sincere desire to help.

We have a goal: to make parents active participants in the pedagogical process, providing them with assistance in realizing responsibility for the upbringing and education of children.

To achieve this goal, to coordinate the activities of the kindergarten and parents, we are working to solve the following tasks:

  • Establish partnerships with the family of each student.
  • To combine the efforts of family and kindergarten for the development and education of children.
  • Create an atmosphere of mutual understanding between parents (legal representatives) of kindergarten students and teachers, and emotional mutual support.
  • Activate and enrich the skills of parents in raising children.
  • Maintain the confidence of parents (legal representatives) in their own teaching capabilities

Modern life and its rhythm dictate that kindergartens should always be in development mode, not functioning, be a mobile system, and quickly respond to changes in the social composition of parents, their educational needs and educational requests. Depending on this, the forms and directions of work with the family should change, which will help unite the parents around them.

All forms with parents are divided into collective, individual and visual information.

To work effectively with parents in new conditions, it is necessary to start with an analysis of the social composition of the family, their mood and expectations of the child’s stay in kindergarten. The study of the family should be carried out consistently and systematically. The most common methods for studying family are, first of all, conducting questionnaires, personal conversations, observations, family visits, which help to properly organize work with parents, make it effective, and choose interesting forms of interaction with the family.

The questionnaire method (written survey) allows you to collect data that interests the teacher about the needs of each family, about the problems of child upbringing and development that arise in the family. Allows you to take into account its individual characteristics, etc. Teachers conduct questionnaires at the beginning of the school year, in order to get to know the family, study their needs and in their future work, depending on the tasks assigned.

An important link in individual work with parents is visiting family. It allows the teacher to get acquainted with the conditions in which the child lives and the general atmosphere in the house. As a result, the teacher can give parents more informed recommendations and find optimal ways to create a single line of influence on the child in kindergarten and at home. By visiting families, the teacher gets acquainted with the experience of family education. In addition, such visits give the teacher the opportunity to communicate not only with mom and dad, but also with other family members who often take part in raising the child (sisters and brothers, grandparents, etc.).

During the conversation You can get the necessary information about such aspects of home education that are hidden from prying eyes. During the conversation, parents should feel that the teacher has no other goal than to provide assistance. This will promote confidence and improve the pedagogical effectiveness of the conversation.

One of the forms of differentiated work with parents is consultations. Consultations are similar in nature to conversation. The difference is that a conversation is a dialogue between a teacher and a parent, and when conducting a consultation and answering parents’ questions, the teacher strives to give qualified advice.

Observation as a method of study families are characterized by purposefulness. The teacher determines in advance for what purpose, when, and in what situation the parents will be observed and their interaction with the child. This usually happens during morning reception hours and when the child leaves kindergarten. The observant teacher is thrown into

eyes, many features of the relationship between an adult and a child, by which one can judge the degree of their emotional attachment and culture of communication. Based on what the child’s parents ask about in the evening and what instructions they give him in the morning, one can draw a conclusion about the priorities of modern education and the attitude towards the preschool institution.

Our teachers not only use outside observation, but also create special situations that help us get to know parents more deeply:

Joint work (we invite parents to assist in the repair of the group, territory, etc.)

Classes with parents and children.

In the process of participant observation, the teacher can see those family aspects of upbringing that are often hidden during external observation.

Thus, the teacher studies the family, the experience of family education, pursuing primarily the interests of the child.

And so, using this method, we conditionally divided the parents of children attending preschool educational institutions into three groups.

The first group are parents who are very busy at work, for whom kindergarten is simply vital. But, despite this, they expect from the kindergarten not only good supervision and care for the child, but also full development, health improvement, training and education, and organization of interesting leisure time. Due to their busy schedule, this parent group is unlikely to be able to actively attend consultations, seminars, and trainings. But with the correct organization of interaction, they will happily prepare a family project for a competition at home with their child, select photographs for the exhibition, and take part in pre-announced events at a time convenient for them, for example, fun starts or a cleanup event.

The second group consists of parents with convenient work schedules and non-working grandparents. Children from such families might not attend kindergarten, but parents do not want to deprive the child of full communication, games with peers, development and learning. The task of teachers is to prevent this parent group from remaining in the position of a passive observer, to activate their pedagogical skills, and to involve them in the work of the kindergarten.

The third group is families with non-working mothers. These parents also expect from the kindergarten interesting communication with peers, learning skills for behavior in a team, maintaining the correct daily routine, learning and development. The teacher’s task is to select energetic mothers from this parent group who will become members of parent committees and active assistants to teachers.

The first and decisive condition for positive interaction is a trusting relationship between teachers and parents. It is necessary for parents to develop an interest in the process of education and confidence in their abilities. During the adaptation period, parents have many questions; they are concerned about how the baby will feel without mom and dad, how he will get used to the new social situation. Together with a psychologist, we invite parents to meet at a round table. This allows us to get to know parents, children, and where parents share their experiences and problems in raising young children, and difficulties that arise in the adaptation process are resolved.

TO collective forms of work with parents relate Parent meeting. Preparation for the parent meeting begins long before it takes place. An important role is played by questionnaires, which allow one to collect extensive and varied material on topics in a short time. Preliminary preparation also includes competitions, making memos, invitations to meetings, and issuing thank-you notes. We hold meetings in the form of discussions, round tables, etc. Teachers often use video recordings of children’s activities and fragments of classes. Exhibitions of children's works or a stand with photographs from the life of the group are prepared for the meetings.

Currently, such forms of work with parents as research and design, role-playing, business games.

Parents of almost all groups take an active part in project activities. Together with teachers and children, the following projects have been developed: “A Journey through the Children’s Library”, “Mordovian Cuisine”, “The City I Live in”, “Through the Pages of the Red Book”, “Indoor Plants”, “Maslenitsa”, etc. Many projects are, as it were, the end of a thematic week; others are developed on the initiative of the children themselves.

Parents are invited to open classes where they actively participate in role-playing games. During these games, participants do not simply “absorb” certain knowledge, but construct a new model of actions and relationships. For example: during a lesson on the topic “A healthy mind in a healthy body,” the children, together with their teachers, taught their parents how to do acupressure correctly, and the parents with great pleasure repeated all the movements after the children, offering their own methods in the fight against colds; Using a business game at a parent meeting, teachers learned for themselves what kind of relationship develops between parents and children. (questions and diagrams were used) During the discussion of the topic, the game participants, with the help of teachers, tried to analyze the situation from all sides and found the right solution.

It has become a tradition to invite parents of future schoolchildren to open classes held at the end of the school year. Open screenings give parents a lot: they get the opportunity to see their child in a situation different from the family situation, compare his behavior and skills with the behavior and skills of other children, and adopt teaching and educational techniques from the teacher.

An equally effective form of working with parents is competitions.

Competitions “Crafts from natural materials”, “Gifts for Santa Claus”, “Autumn fantasies”, “Future defenders of the Fatherland”, etc. are held regularly. By participating in them, parents revealed all their interests and abilities, which they themselves did not suspect .

Another effective form of working with parents is a master class. For example, the lesson on working with dough in the second junior group was interesting; it was conducted by Eremina S.V., she taught parents to make amazing things from salt dough, Balobanova N.V. with the parents and children of the speech therapy group for making amulets dolls, N.A. Prytkova, she showed the parents a non-traditional drawing technique that can be used in working with children at home.

And one of the dads showed how you can create an interesting collection from simple postcards.

A holiday in kindergarten is joy, fun, celebration, which is shared by both adults and children. Parents are the dearest and closest people! They see that the children are proud of them, and they want to dance, sing songs, and play with them. Years will pass, the children will forget the songs, but in their memory they will forever retain the warmth of communication, joy, and empathy. Parents take an active part in the New Year holidays; on Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8, they organize birthday parties.

As a result of festive meetings, positive relationships between parents and their children are formed and emotional contact is established. The work being carried out allows us to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in matters of parent-child relationships.

Healthy children are a reliable future. Health Day was included in the system of physical education and health activities as an effective and active form of working with children and, very importantly, with their parents. We invite parents to take part in sports competitions “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!”, dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day, “Fun Starts”, “We’ll Go to Nature”.

The holiday is accompanied by a joyful atmosphere, music, laughter, and fun. The script includes not only recreational and competitive exercises, but also concert numbers: songs, poems, riddles. Of particular importance are surprise moments, as well as rewarding participants with diplomas and sweet prizes.

The emotions that arise during the event, the memories of it, unite big and small. There is an introduction to a healthy lifestyle; an individual approach is taken to each child; Parents are involved in joint efforts to improve the health of their children.

The “Give a book to children” campaign has become traditional.

Many people have books and toys that their children have “grown out of.” How many educational moments are hidden in this small event! This is a careful attitude towards old things, while children learn not only to accept gifts, but also to give them - this is a lot of work, educating the soul.

The task was to organize this so that adults themselves would want to help, bring books and games. It may not be a new game, but now the child is playing with friends. And your favorite book has become even more interesting and sounds in a new way among friends.

Now in our groups we have libraries created thanks to parents.

My children and I love to go on excursions; our parents are always nearby. They have the opportunity to spend time with the child, entice him, and interest him by personal example. Children return from these trips enriched with new impressions about nature, insects, and their region. Then they enthusiastically draw and make crafts from natural materials.

As a result, children develop hard work, accuracy, and attention to loved ones. This is the beginning of patriotic education, love for the Motherland is born from a feeling of love for family.

The main task of visual propaganda- purposeful, systematic use of visual aids in order to familiarize parents with the tasks, content, methods of education in kindergarten, and provide practical assistance to the family. In pedagogical practice, various types of visualization are used and combined: natural, pictorial, verbal-figurative, informational.

  • An example of information propaganda is corner for parents. Parent corner materials can be divided into two parts according to content:

Informational materials: rules for parents, daily routine, announcements of various nature;

Materials covering issues of raising children in kindergarten and family. They reflect the current work on the upbringing and development of children. Parents will clearly see how they can equip a corner or room for their child, receive answers to their questions, and find out what consultations will be held in the near future. The most important thing is that the content of the parent corner is brief, clear, and legible, so that parents have a desire to refer to its content.

  • An effective form of working with parents is various exhibitions . For example, exhibitions of children's works: children's drawings, homemade toys, albums, etc.
  • Information sheets , which may contain the following information:
  • announcements of meetings, events, excursions;
  • requests for help;
  • happy Birthday.
  • Reminders for parents .
  • Parent newspaper prepared by the parents themselves. Most often they are issued for the holidays.
  • Sliding folders , which are formed according to the thematic principle: “So that our children do not get sick”, “Seasonal changes”, etc. The folder is given for temporary use to parents. When parents become familiar with the contents of the travel folder, you should talk with them about what they read, answer questions that have arisen, listen to suggestions, etc.

Parents also receive information about the life of the kindergarten by visiting our website, where consultations and advice are given to parents on issues that interest them.

I would like to talk about one important point in the system of working with parents. Every person, having done some work, needs an assessment of his work. Our parents need this too. Don't forget to praise your parents. It's nice to see the happy eyes of adults when they hear words of gratitude addressed to them.

Today we can say that we have developed a certain system in working with parents. The use of various forms of work gave certain results: parents, from “spectators” and “observers”, became active participants in meetings and assistants to the teacher, an atmosphere of mutual respect was created.

The effectiveness of the work with parents carried out in a preschool institution is evidenced by:

  • showing parents interest in the content of the educational process with their children;
  • the emergence of discussions and disputes on their initiative;
  • an increase in the number of questions to the teacher regarding the child’s personality and his inner world;
  • the desire of adults for individual contacts with the teacher;
  • reflection of parents on the correctness of using certain methods of education;
  • increasing their activity in joint events.

So, let's summarize the above:

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the kindergarten is obliged to: . inform parents (legal representatives) and the public regarding the goals of preschool education, common to the entire educational space of the Russian Federation, as well as about the Program, and not only to the family, but also to all interested parties involved in educational activities; . ensure openness of preschool education; . create conditions for the participation of parents (legal representatives) in educational activities; . support parents (legal representatives) in raising children, protecting and strengthening their health; . ensure the involvement of families directly in educational activities, including through the creation of educational projects together with the family based on identifying needs and supporting the educational initiatives of the family; . create conditions for adults to search for and use materials that ensure the implementation of the Program, including in the information environment, as well as to discuss issues related to implementation with parents (legal representatives) of children, which is what we are trying to do.

Documents for download:

Elena Elovaya
Working with parents in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

Working with parents in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

Family and kindergarten are two important institutions for the socialization of children. Their educational functions are different, but for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, their interaction is necessary. IN conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard Pre-kindergarten task "turn around" to the family, provide them with pedagogical assistance, and bring them to their side in terms of common approaches to raising a child. It is necessary that the kindergarten and the family become open to each other and help reveal the child’s abilities and capabilities. Parents, without sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child’s development, often carry out the child’s upbringing "blindly"- intuitively. This does not bring the desired results.

One of the tasks Federal State Educational Standard DO is to provide psychological and pedagogical support to the family and increase competence parents(legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health. [ GEF DO p. 1.6] Based on this, the teaching staff of our kindergarten has a leading goal in working with parents is about creating conditions to form responsible relationships with the families of students and develop competence parents(ability to resolve different types of socio-pedagogical situations related to raising a child); enforcement of rights parents for respect and understanding, for participation in the life of the kindergarten; improve pedagogical culture parents.

Teachers set themselves the following tasks parental education in preschool educational institutions:

1. forming an idea of ​​the stages of the organization working with parents;

2. identifying the principles of interaction between parents and child, parents and teachers, teachers and children.

In kindergarten working with parents organized into four forms:

1. informational and analytical;

2. leisure;

3. educational;

4. visually – informational.

The main task of the information and analytical form of organizing communication with parents are collecting, treatment and further use work data on the social status of each pupil’s family, his general cultural level parents, their availability of pedagogical knowledge, identification of needs for psychological and pedagogical information. This Job teachers conduct them in the form of tests, questionnaires, and conversations. By analyzing the information received, it is possible to implement an individual, personality-oriented approach to the child and build competent communication with parents.

Leisure forms of organization are designed to establish partnerships between teachers and students’ families, as well as more trusting relationships between adults and children. This form of organization includes joint entertainment ( “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”, events dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day with the participation of dads, etc., family competitions, exhibitions, construction of a snow town on walking areas in the winter, decoration of areas in the summer.

Cognitive forms of organizing communication with family are intended for familiarization parents with the characteristics of the age and psychological development of children, with rational methods and techniques of raising children, for the formation of parents practical skills. They are held in the form of general meetings, consultations, open days, "round tables" with the involvement of narrow specialists. During the adaptation period of young children, the presence of parents in the group.

Visually – informational forms of organizing communication between teachers and parents solve the problem of familiarizing the latter with conditions, content and methods of raising children in conditions of the preschool educational institution. Allows you to evaluate the activities of the teacher. Visually - information forms are included in myself: parent corners, folders - mobiles, stands, booklets, memos, leaflets, recommendations.

Today, thanks to the information openness of the Kindergarten (website has been operating since 2013) even the busiest ones parents can have information about the activities of an educational organization and receive answers to their questions. Teachers post photographs, consultations, GCD constructs, and holiday scenarios. Parents can get acquainted with the team, schedule work, with all the documentation regulating the activities of the kindergarten, with the main educational program - the preschool education program, ask a question to the director ( works"electronic reception").

Family projects are also gaining popularity, such as "Family tree", "River of Time", "My house", "My family", "Safe Road Home" etc., using them parents move from the category of passive observers to the category of active participants. Families implement projects in a given format, and children present them in class. The purpose of such events is to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, common interests, emotional mutual support, to activate and enrich educational skills parents.

Teachers actively engaged parents to the creation of a developing subject-spatial environment. Manuals and games were created (tabletop sandbox, theatrical sets, SensiBars, geoboards, mathematical aids, etc.) to develop children's cognitive activity, imagination, tactile sensitivity, and interest in creativity. I would like to note that homemade games are several times cheaper "shop" analogues and are not inferior in quality. Parents in turn, we became acquainted with the requirements of the new standard of preschool education for a developing subject-spatial environment.

Relationships with the families of kindergarten students are being built step by step:

Stage I conventionally called"Let's get acquainted!": at the beginning of the school year from parents newly admitted pupils. At this stage parents get acquainted with the kindergarten, the educational program, the teaching staff, and discover the possibilities of joint work. The teacher analyzes the social status of families, their mood and expectations from the child’s stay in kindergarten through a questionnaire.

Stage II – "Let's be friends!": parents active methods of interaction are proposed (meetings, conversations, round tables, etc.).

Stage III – "Let's find out together": parents become active participants in educational relations (joint projects, excursions, entertainment, family holidays, research activities, etc.).

For successful cooperation, teachers adhere to principles:

1. focus – orientation towards the goals and priority objectives of education parents;

2. targeting – taking into account educational needs parents;

3. accessibility - taking into account opportunities parents master the educational material provided by the program;

4. individualization - transformation of the content, teaching methods and pace of mastering the program depending on real level of knowledge and skills parents.

Family and kindergarten are two educational phenomena, each of which provides the child with social experience in its own way. But only in combination with each other do they create optimal conditions for a little person to enter the big world.

Forms of work with parents

in a preschool

( in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard )

Relevance of the problem is that kindergarten is the first non-family social institution, the first educational institution with which parents come into contact and where their systematic pedagogical education begins.

  • establishing unity in raising children,
  • pedagogical education of parents,
  • study and dissemination of best practices in family education,
  • familiarizing parents with the life and work of a preschool institution,
  • involving parents in pedagogical interaction with the child, helping them become their child’s true friend and authoritative mentor

There has long been a debate about what is more important in the development of personality: family or public education

Mother's school- this is the sequence and sum of knowledge that a child receives from the hands and lips of the mother. Mother's lessons - no changes in the schedule, no days off or holidays. The more diverse and meaningful a child’s life becomes, the wider the range of maternal concerns.

Jan Amos Comenius

Robert Owen believed family one of the evils on the path to the formation of a new person. His idea of ​​the need exclusively public education the child from an early age was actively embodied in our country with the simultaneous reduction of the family to the position of a “cell” with “backward” traditions and customs.

A. S. Makarenko believed that: “Families are good and bad. We cannot guarantee that a family can educate as it wants. We must organize family education, and the organizing principle should be kindergarten and school as representatives of the state education. Kindergarten and school should lead the family."

Article 44. Rights, duties and responsibilities in the field of education of parents (legal representatives) of minor students

1. Parents (legal representatives) of minor students have a priority right to the education and upbringing of children over all other persons. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child’s personality.

2. State authorities and local governments, educational organizations provide assistance to parents (legal representatives) of minor students in raising children, protecting and strengthening their physical and mental health, developing individual abilities and the necessary correction of their developmental disorders.


Thus, parents need to remember that kindergarten- only an assistant in raising a child, and therefore they should not shift all responsibility to teachers and withdraw from the educational process.

Working methods: observation; conversation; testing; survey. Forms of work are divided into group and individual, as well as into:



  • Parent meetings,
  • Seminars and consultations,
  • Visual material
  • Home visit,
  • Open Day
  • Questionnaire
  • Parent conferences, etc.
  • Competitions and projects
  • Parent trainings,
  • Discussions,
  • Psychological warm-ups,
  • Round tables,
  • Workshop,
  • Parents' evenings, rings...

  • Information and analytical
  • Cognitive
  • Leisure
  • Visual information

Information and analytical form of working with parents is aimed at identifying the interests and requests of parents through conducting sociological surveys, questionnaires, testing, trust mail, magic chest, casket of wishes and suggestions

Cognitive form introduces parents to the age and psychological characteristics of children: joint excursions, walks, non-traditional parent meetings in the form of a round table, question and answer evenings, “heart-to-heart conversations”, reading conference, parents’ club

Meeting "School of Young Parents"

Leisure form to establish emotional contact between teachers, parents and children joint leisure activities - KVN, talk shows, “master class”, holidays, excursions, walks, participation in exhibitions, competitions, promotions, “family workshop”

Visual and informational used to familiarize yourself with the work of a kindergarten, the peculiarities of education and development, the forms and methods of working with preschoolers, the publication of newspapers, a piggy bank of good deeds,

group albums, parent corners

Consultation For parents

Experimental work on the introduction of non-traditional forms

interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family

The work was carried out in 3 stages :

  • Ascertaining
  • Formative,
  • Control

During ascertaining stage the work was carried out from September 2013 to December of the same year. During this period, psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue was analyzed.

  • Questionnaire Dear parents! Your child attends our preschool. We want the time he spends in kindergarten to be joyful and happy for him. Therefore, we hope to cooperate and achieve complete mutual understanding with you in matters of education. It is important for us to know your opinion about what you consider most important for your child.
  • FULL NAME. parents_________________________________________________ Child's name, age _____________________________________________
  • Are there any other children in the family, their ages. 1. Do you follow articles in magazines, radio and television programs on education?
  • Yes No Sometimes 2. Do you read books on pedagogical literature? Yes No Sometimes 3. What issues of education remain less studied for you?
  • Relationships between children
  • Relationships between children and parents
  • Organization of a healthy lifestyle for a child
  • Introduction to cultural values
  • Other
  • 4. In what forms would you like to receive information about raising your children in kindergarten?
  • In classes, in games
  • At parent-teacher meetings
  • At parent conferences
  • In individual conversations with specialists
  • Other
  • 5. Are you and your spouse unanimous in matters of raising a child? Yes No Sometimes
  • 6. Who do you consider responsible for raising a child?
  • Family
  • State
  • Social environment
  • Educators (MDOU)
  • 7. Do you think that you understand the child’s inner world?
  • Yes No Difficult to answer 8. Do you wish to participate in working with the children of your group?
  • Yes Yes, but there is no time at all No Sometimes 9. Which direction of raising your child do you prefer? (you can choose 2 directions)
  • * Sports and recreational * Ecological
  • * Skillful hands * Moral and ethical
  • *Musical *Dance and plastic
  • *Theatrical speech *Other _______________
  • 10. Would you like to conduct circle work?
  • Yes Yes, but there is no time at all No
  • 11. What kind of circle could you lead in a group?
  • *Young athlete *Choral *Dance and plastic arts *Skillful hands *Younnats *Art modeling *Musical *Etiquette *Young artist *Other
  • Thank you!

Second, formative stage The experiment took place from December 2013 to April 2014

Getting to know the life of each family began with a questionnaire filled out by parents .

  • 1. Do you know your child well?
  • 2. What is your child's temperament like?
  • 3. How often do you spend free time with your child?
  • 4. Do you enjoy communicating with your child?
  • 5.What does your child like to do in his free time?
  • 6. What household responsibilities does your child perform?
  • 7. How does he carry out his duties around the house?
  • 8. What parenting methods do you prefer to practice?
  • 9. Which member of your family spends the most time with the child?

Club "Happy Family"

Release of wall newspapers “Here we are!”

Competition “My Family Portfolio”

Exhibition of family albums

"The path to a happy family"

On the last control stage , which took place from April to May 2014, the effectiveness of the work done was studied and analyzed.

Comparative analysis of the questionnaire

Do you follow articles in magazines and television programs on parenting issues?

Do you read books on pedagogical literature?

What issues of education remain less studied for you?

Relationships between children

Relationships between children and parents

Organization of a healthy lifestyle

Joining the cult. values

In what forms would you like to receive information about raising your children in kindergarten?

In classes, in games

At parent-teacher meetings

At parent conferences

In ind. conversations with experts

Who do you consider responsible for raising a child?


Social environment

Educators (MDOBU)

Do you wish to participate in working with your children? groups?

Yes, but no time

Would you like to conduct group work?

Yes, but no time

Thus ,

the use of non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool institution and the family helps to increase the effectiveness of work with parents

  • Show mutual respect for each other.
  • Encourage initiative, creativity and imagination of parents, help them.
  • Involve parents in entertaining kindergarten and group activities.
  • Use a variety of parental involvement and be sensitive and understanding.
  • Remember!!! All people have different resources and lifestyles. What suits one person may not suit another.
  • Allow parents to choose how much help they can provide to the kindergarten.
  • Bring to the attention of parents that their participation in the life of the preschool educational institution and the group is valued, and any help from them is welcome.
  • Talk to families about the expectations educators have for parents.
  • Be patient with them.
  • Emphasize the family's strengths and provide positive feedback.
  • Maintain close contacts.
  • Show your appreciation to them.
  • Remind parents that you welcome any participation.
  • Try to interest and involve the whole family.
  • Encourage attendance at parent-teacher conferences.
  • Keep all information confidential.
  • Learn collaboration skills.
  • Create joint educational activities with parents and children to strengthen their mutual understanding.

  • Thank you
  • for your attention!

Organization: MBOU "Stepanenskaya Secondary School" Timensky kindergarten

Locality: Udmurt Republic, Stepanenki

On January 1, 2014, the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education was introduced, which was developed on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

In the context of the implementation of new normative and substantive approaches, preschool education has been set targets that require openness, close cooperation and interaction with parents. Parents are active participants in the educational process, participants in all projects, regardless of what activity dominates them, and not just outside observers.

In our preschool educational institution, we try to work with parents with a differentiated approach, taking into account the social status, microclimate of the family, parental requests and the degree of interest of parents in the activities of the preschool institution, and improving the culture of pedagogical literacy of the family.

The family and kindergarten are closely interconnected, which gives the child a certain social experience. By interacting with each other, optimal conditions for the full development of the child are created.

Modern parents are educated and have wide access to scientific and methodological literature in the field of pedagogy. However, a high level of general culture, erudition and awareness of parents does not guarantee a sufficient level of their pedagogical culture. Parents experience difficulties in raising children, choosing optimal educational methods and techniques, and applying information, usually from the Internet, in practice.

We explain to parents in every possible way that a preschooler is not a relay race that the family passes into the hands of the teacher. It is not the principle of parallelism that is very important, but the principle of mutual understanding between the kindergarten and the family.

Rebuilding something is not easy; you have to break existing stereotypes, look for new forms, fill them with relevant content, and present it in such a way that parents want to use it.

In our group, we actively cooperate with parents, using different forms of work:

  • non-traditional parent meetings,
  • master classes,
  • open days,
  • joint holidays, leisure, entertainment, tea parties,
  • participation of parents in family competitions, exhibitions,
  • organization of joint work activities, n
  • visual design of stands, corners, photo exhibitions,
  • consultations,
  • survey,
  • individual conversations, etc.

Our goal is: to make parents active participants in the pedagogical process, providing them with assistance in realizing responsibility for the upbringing and education of children.

To achieve this goal, to coordinate the activities of the kindergarten and parents, we are working to solve the following tasks:

  • Establish partnerships with the family of each student.
  • To combine the efforts of family and kindergarten for the development and education of children.
  • Create an atmosphere of mutual understanding between parents, students and kindergarten teachers, and emotional mutual support.
  • Activate and enrich the skills of parents in raising children.
  • Maintain the confidence of parents (legal representatives) in their own teaching capabilities

To work effectively with parents in new conditions, we begin with an analysis of the social composition of the family, their mood and expectations of the child’s stay in kindergarten. The study of the family was carried out consistently and systematically. We used the most common method of studying families; we conduct questionnaires, personal conversations, observations, and visits to families, which help us properly structure work with parents, make it effective, and select interesting forms of interaction with the family.

The survey method allowed us to collect data that interests us as teachers about the needs of each family, about the problems of child upbringing and development that arise in the family. This made it possible to take into account her individual characteristics, etc. We conduct surveys at the beginning of the school year, in order to get to know the family, study their needs and in our further work, if there is a need to solve the tasks.

In individual work with parents, it is very important to visit families. This allowed us, as educators, to get to know the conditions in which the child lives and the general atmosphere in the house. As a result of this visit, we can give parents more informed recommendations; together we find the best ways to create a single line of influence on the child in kindergarten and at home.

By visiting families, I get acquainted with the experience of family education. Such visits give me the opportunity to communicate not only with mom and dad, but also with other family members who often take part in raising the child (sisters and brothers, grandparents, etc.).

I conduct consultations, answer parents’ questions, and strive to give qualified advice.

We also conduct observation as a method of study families . We determine in advance for what purpose, when, in what situation we need to observe parents and their interaction with the child. This usually happens during morning reception hours and when the child leaves kindergarten. If you carefully observe, many features of the relationship between an adult and a child catch your eye, by which you can judge the degree of their emotional attachment and culture of communication. Based on what the child’s parents ask about in the evening and what instructions they give him in the morning, one can draw a conclusion about the priorities of modern education and the attitude towards the preschool institution.

We not only use outside observation, but also create special situations that help us get to know parents more deeply:

  • joint work (we invite parents to help in repairing the group, territory, etc.), and since we live in the village and have stove heating, I also invite parents to saw and split firewood. We have our own garden where we grow absolutely all our vegetables, and this too with the help of our parents.
  • spend leisure time together;
  • classes with parents and children. Moreover, we give parents the opportunity to be a teacher; parents conduct classes on various topics: “Profession of a salesperson.” The seller’s mother talks about her work, followed by a visit to the store, where the children already clearly see the seller’s work. Accordingly, the entire activity is under our control. After this form of work, parents look at the teacher’s work differently, understanding what kind of work it is. Children are proud of their parents.

Thus, when studying the family and the experience of family education, we pursue, first of all, the interests of the child.

We roughly divided the parents into three groups.

First group These are parents who are very busy at work and for whom kindergarten is simply vital. But, despite this, they expect from the kindergarten not only good supervision and care for the child, but also full development, health improvement, training and education, and organization of interesting leisure time. Due to their busy schedule, this parent group is unlikely to be able to actively attend consultations and seminars. But at home they are happy to prepare family works for competitions with their children, select photographs for an exhibition, and take part in pre-announced events at a time convenient for them, for example, fun starts or a cleanup event.

Second group– these are parents with a convenient work schedule, non-working grandparents. Children from such families might not attend kindergarten, but parents do not want to deprive the child of full communication, games with peers, development and learning. Our task as teachers is to prevent this parent group from remaining in the position of a passive observer; we activate their pedagogical skills and involve them in the work of the kindergarten.

Third group– these are families with non-working mothers. These parents also expect from the kindergarten interesting communication with peers, learning skills for behavior in a team, maintaining the correct daily routine, learning and development. We single out energetic mothers and fathers from this parent group who have become members of the parent committee and our active assistants.

The first and decisive condition for positive interaction was the trusting relationship between us teachers and parents. Parents developed an interest in the process of education and confidence in their abilities. As a rule, during the adaptation period, parents have many questions; they are concerned about how the baby will feel without mom and dad, how he will get used to the new social situation. In such cases, we invite parents to a round table meeting. This allows us to get to know parents, children, and where parents share their experiences and problems in raising young children, and difficulties that arise in the adaptation process are resolved.

We lead collective form of work with parents - This is a parent meeting. I begin preparing for the parent meeting long before it takes place. An important role is played by questionnaires, which allow one to collect extensive and varied material on topics in a short time. I also prepare for competitions in advance, prepare reminders, invitations to meetings, and issue letters of gratitude. I hold meetings in the form of discussions and round tables.

A very effective form of working with parents is competitions.

Competitions are held regularly: “Doll Competition”, “Our Defenders of the Fatherland”,

“Autumn Fantasies”, etc. By participating in them, parents revealed all their interests and abilities, which they themselves did not suspect.

Another effective form of working with parents is a master class .

There are interesting classes on working with cereals, making appliqués in an unconventional way: “Appliqué from cotton wool”, all this can be used in working with children at home.

Parents take an active part in the New Year holidays, Defender of the Fatherland Day, March 8th, we organize birthday parties, tea parties and much more.

As a result of festive meetings, positive relationships between parents and their children are formed and emotional contact is established. The work being carried out allows us to increase the pedagogical competence of parents in matters of parent-child relationships.

Healthy children are a reliable future.

Health Day was included in the system of physical education and health activities as an effective and active form of working with children and, very importantly, with their parents. We invite parents to take part in sports competitions: “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”, “Fun Starts”.

The emotions that arise during the event, the memories of it, unite big and small. There is an introduction to a healthy lifestyle; an individual approach is taken to each child; Parents are involved in joint efforts to improve the health of their children.

The “Give a Toy to Children” campaign has become traditional.

Many people have books and toys that their children have “grown out of.” How many educational moments are hidden in this small event! This is a caring attitude towards old things, while children learn not only to accept gifts, but also to make them - this is a lot of work, education of the soul.

My children and I also love to go on excursions; our parents are always nearby. .

They have the opportunity to spend time with the child, engage them, and interest them by personal example. Children return from these trips enriched with new impressions about nature, insects, and their region. Then they enthusiastically draw and make crafts from natural materials.

As a result, children are taught hard work, accuracy, and attention to loved ones. This is the beginning of patriotic education, love for the Motherland is born from a feeling of love for family.

In pedagogical practice, various types of visualization are used and combined: natural, pictorial, verbal-figurative, informational.

  • We have corner for parents. Which contains informational materials: rules for parents, daily routine, announcements of various nature;
  • An effective form of working with parents is various exhibitions . For example, exhibitions of children’s works made together with parents: “Exhibition of flowers”, “Exhibition of paintings from finely chopped threads”
  • Information sheets , which carry the following information: announcements about meetings, events, excursions; requests for help; happy Birthday.
  • Reminders for parents , on various topics.
  • Moving folders , which are formed according to the thematic principle: “So that our children do not get sick” and many others. The folder is given for temporary use to parents. When parents become familiar with the contents of the travel folder, we talk with them about what they read, answer questions that arise, and listen to suggestions.

I would like to talk about one important point in the system of working with parents. Every person, having done some work, needs to have his work evaluated. Our parents need this too. We don't forget to praise our parents. It's nice to see the happy eyes of adults when they hear words of gratitude addressed to them.

Today we can say that we have developed a certain system in working with parents. The use of various forms of work yielded certain results: parents became active participants in meetings and assistant teachers, and an atmosphere of mutual respect was created.

The effectiveness of work with parents in a preschool institution is evidenced by:

  • showing parents interest in the content of the educational process with their children;
  • an increase in the number of questions to the teacher regarding the child’s personality and his inner world;
  • the desire of adults for individual contacts with the teacher;
  • reflection of parents on the correctness of using certain methods of education;
  • increasing their activity in joint events.

To summarize, I want to say:

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a kindergarten is obliged to:

  • Inform parents and the public about the goals of preschool education about the Program;
  • Provide and create conditions for parental participation in educational activities;
  • support parents in raising children, protecting and strengthening their health;
  • involve families in educational activities;
  • support the educational initiative of the family;
  • Create conditions for adults to search and use materials to ensure the implementation of the Program, including in the information environment, which is what we are trying to do.

List of used literature

  1. Berezina V.A., Vinogradova L.I. Volzhina O.I. Pedagogical support of family education: Parental education programs. St. Petersburg: Karo, 2005.
  2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 Moscow “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education.”
  3. Mikhailova-Svirskaya L.V.Working with parents. - M.; Education, 2015.-126 p.
