The child is often naughty. The whims of infants

1. Don't Fight Children's Wants

Perhaps most often a small person begins to act up when adults refuse to fulfill his desires. And it happens all the time: they don’t give you candy before soup, they don’t buy a car, they don’t allow you to ride enough on a hill just because your nose is cold ... In a word, sheer injustice.

Most often moms and dads in these cases:

* diligently explain why this or that “want” cannot be realized: “Look, this machine is bad, it will quickly break down, you have better food at home”, “We have already been outside for two hours. You should have walked. Tomorrow we’ll go riding on the hill again, otherwise you’ll catch a cold ... ”;

* forbid something without explanation: “I said:“ No! ”. Stop!";

* the most compassionate, seeing that the lower lip of their child is already trembling, and tears are rolling down their cheeks, change their mind: “Well, okay, I’ll buy it, since you really need all this nonsense.”

But, in fact, neither option is good. In the first case, the parent spends a lot of energy dissuading the child of the wrongness of his desires, and the child is drawn into an unnecessary argument (“No, this car is good!”, “No, I haven’t walked up yet!”), Which eventually loses and gets even more upset . In the second situation, the baby is offended, learns a model of sharp, rude behavior, and the adult feels guilty. The third option is no better - to indulge children's tears - because this is the most reliable way to grow a whim and a manipulator.

What to do? In fact, being attentive to the needs and desires of the child does not mean putting into practice every “want”. Sometimes it is enough to agree that the child has the right to want anything - even if it is dangerous, harmful or untimely. And the parent has the right not to fulfill every desire, but at the same time to listen and show sympathy. Psychologists call this technique active listening.

In practice, it will look like this: “Yes, you really want this machine, and you are sad that I am not buying it. I know how frustrating it is when you can't get what you want." Or: “You really want to ride down the hill. You don't like that we have to go home. Of course, it’s hard to wait until tomorrow if you really want to have fun right now.” During a conversation, it is advisable to sit down in order to be at the level of the baby's eyes, you can hug him, press him to you. The child will understand that you are on his side. But at the same time, he will learn that there really are circumstances that have to be taken into account.

2. The fewer “don’ts”, the easier it is to be obedient.

Another reason for whims is an excess of prohibitions, the lack of stable requirements and the boundaries of what is permitted that are clear to the crumbs. This happens when a child asks for something, an adult, without thinking, forbids, and then, seeing the chagrin of the child, nevertheless allows. A child has confusion in his head, and with a vengeance he tests each new “no” for strength. Suddenly, if you really want to, then you can still?

To solve the problem, you need to accustom yourself to use prohibitions as little as possible, but each expressed prohibition must be strong and unshakable. For example, you can’t run out onto the road, throw sand at other children, offend pets - in a word, everything that threatens the safety of oneself and others is prohibited. These things simply cannot be done, there is nothing to discuss here, and even more so there is no need to be capricious.

In other situations, the word "can't" is best avoided. And to explain that there are things that are possible only under certain conditions. You can walk through puddles, but only when you have rubber boots on your feet. You can go to bed later, but only if tomorrow is not in the garden. You can climb a high “climbing frame”, but only when dad is securing from below, etc. If you say these conditions out loud each time, it is easier for the child to learn self-control. “What do we have on our feet now? Sandals! Can you go to the puddle? Not worth it." It’s even better to plan the style of the walk before it starts: “Now we are going to visit, we will put on beautiful shoes, we won’t get into puddles” - or: “We are going to the playground, what is better to wear so as not to get our feet wet?”.

3. Avoid overprotection

Often the baby is naughty due to the fact that his parents take care of him too much, not noticing growing up. This is especially evident during crises of one year and three years. Imagine, the baby has finally mastered new skills, and he is not allowed to put them into practice. But I really want to feel like an adult! How can you not shout: “I myself!”?

The only way out of the situation is to admit that your child is growing, which means it's time to give him more independence, to entrust new things. And let the baby be smeared with food - but he will eat it himself. Or start small - let the baby drink the delicious "Tyoma" biolact from a straw, in order to feel independent. Let him take off his shoes, hat, gloves after the walk. Let him not vacuum the floor too well - but he will feel like his mother's helper. The feeling of confidence in one's own abilities, one's skill, which is formed at this age, will remain with the child for life.

Where the child cannot yet decide for himself, use the tricky "choice without choice" trick. For example, before crossing the road, ask: "Which pen will you give me - right or left?" (the option "to go not by the hand" disappears by itself). But do not cheat often, the child should have the opportunity to make a real choice.

4. Don't ask for the impossible

Remember what the king said from the fairy tale about the Little Prince: “If I order some general to flutter like a butterfly from flower to flower, or compose a tragedy, or turn into a sea gull, and the general does not follow the order, who will be to blame for this - he or I ? Everyone should be asked what he can give. I have the right to demand obedience, because my commands are reasonable.”

These principles are also adhered to by a wise parent who dreams of avoiding children's whims. When making demands, always take into account the age characteristics of the child and his physiological capabilities. For example, it is useless to demand from a preschooler that he sit quietly in a long queue at a clinic or in a bus slowly crawling through traffic jams. Such a requirement is completely contrary to its capabilities. If you are very worried about the comfort of those around you, who may be annoyed by the screams and running around of your child, then stock up on relatively quiet entertainment and make sure that the child does not get hungry. You can take his favorite book and drinking yogurt "Tyoma" with you. Thoughtful prevention will help you survive even difficult situations without tantrums.

5. Don't Forget About Humor

Sometimes a good joke is the best way to defuse a tense situation and avoid escalating whims. The main thing is that she be kind and harmless. For example, to someone who does not want to leave the walk, say: “Imagine, we will ride down the hill for a long time. And we won't go home until we're covered in so much snow that we turn into two huge snowmen. In an hour we will return home, knock on the door and say: “Dad, open it, the snowmen have come!” Here he will be surprised ... ". Behind such a fascinating story, it will be easier to switch the baby's attention and turn it towards the house: “Let's go - let's see if dad has already come. We will tell him that we were going to become snowmen ... ".

As an exception, you can try to switch roles with a little capricious. What will the baby do if the mother begins to loudly beg for a toy from him or falls into a snowdrift and starts screaming: “I won’t go home for anything!”? Probably, he will try to calm him down, but at the same time he will laugh at how the whims look from the outside.

Let humor, goodwill and confidence in your requirements become your faithful companions. Patience and ingenuity! And let the capricious mood visit your beloved child as rarely as possible!

Any mother raising a child has gone through various life situations that cause difficulties, but almost every parent will confirm that the baby's two-year-old age is almost the most difficult. As a rule, it is during this period that even the most positive and cheerful baby suddenly becomes a real little tyrant who haunts mom and dad with constant screams and causeless whims.

Children's hysteria is considered a rather complicated phenomenon, since it is not possible to find a universal recipe that will help to cope with the whims of a child. Parents begin to lose patience, lose their temper, and the life of the family from an idyll turns into a real nightmare. The child's hysteria that has begun can last for hours, moreover, for no apparent reason. At this moment, it is impossible to agree on anything with the baby, but you still need to calm him down.

Based on an emotional background, the issue of tantrums in two-year-olds has been of concern to child psychologists for quite some time. Often the attack is accompanied by aggression and other manifestations:

  • causeless irritation;
  • despair;
  • anger;
  • loud crying;
  • hysterical screams.

In addition, in the process of hysteria, the child ceases to control the motor skills of his body, as a result of which parents are faced with the so-called "hysterical bridge", when the baby strongly arches back during a cry.

One of the most terrible manifestations of hysteria is the desire of the crumbs to beat their heads against hard objects. At this time, the child does not feel pain at all, which is very dangerous, because in oblivion the baby can hurt himself and not notice it.

Some parents mistake children's tantrums for normal disobedience. There are indeed similarities, because the child begins defiantly lying on the floor, kicking and kicking the people around him, throwing things and breaking everything that comes to hand. The baby becomes very capricious, refuses food for no reason and makes demands that seem impossible. If such situations occur frequently, then parents should be concerned and take their beloved child to a neurologist for consultation.

What are the parents complaining about?

Most often, parents experience absolute helplessness in trying to cope with their own child. Mom feels that she does not understand her child at all, because the usual actions only cause irritation in the baby.

Very often, parents of two-year-old children notice that it is at this age that the crumbs have problems with sleep. In the daytime, the child refuses to sleep, and in the evening it requires attention. At the same time, it becomes very difficult to accustom him to some actions: clean up toys, listen to lullabies or fairy tales. The baby responds to everything by crying and screaming.

If earlier the baby could be distracted by some other activity, now an attempt to transfer attention to something else causes a prolonged tantrum. Some parents even try to lightly spank the child as a punishment, but the child often just laughs back, terrifying mom and dad.

It is quite logical that with the frequent whims of the baby, parents begin to think about the methods of raising their offspring. Sooner or later, a young mother comes to the conclusion that the fault lies entirely with her, but this is a delusion. The reason for the complex state is the processes of a natural nature: the baby begins to closely interact with the world, the process of socialization begins, which never goes easily and painlessly. The little man needs to master a new system of relations with the objects around him as soon as possible, to understand and accept them as they are.

It is expected that a child in such a situation strives for a certain amount of independence and tries to cope with the simplest things without the help of his parents. When the baby feels that mom and dad are beginning to infringe on his emerging personality, he begins to fight with the help of tantrums and screams.

Other reasons also include:

  • excessive tension, which eventually takes the form of hysteria;
  • a large amount of unspent energy;
  • unmet needs (when parents refuse to buy a new toy, chocolate, or say their resolute "no" on other occasions);
  • lack of attention, jealousy of other children;
  • mastering speech - often the baby wants to formulate and designate some kind of desire, but simply cannot, because he has not yet developed speech skills.

Not the best ways to deal with a child tantrum

According to experts, through howling and crying, a child can also try to feel the boundaries of what is permitted. If the baby gets used to the fact that with the help of a cry he can get anything, then the vector of his behavior in the future is distorted, which leads to psychological difficulties. Without boundaries, the baby ceases to feel safe, so it is very important to refuse a child. But it must be done wisely.

Many parents choose the safest and easiest way, yielding to the child in all his whims. However, setting a ban on any action is very important. It is equally important to be consistent and keep this prohibition going forward. Once you succumb, you show the baby a chance to lead you, even if the motive was such bright feelings as a feeling of pity or tenderness for the child.

A stressful situation suggests another simple way - distracting the child's attention. However, parents eventually notice that the effectiveness of this method is significantly reduced and at some point it no longer helps. According to psychologists, distracting a child who is in hysterics is not worth it for the reason that this only postpones the problem, but does not eliminate its source.

The first thing parents need to do is try to calm down. The worst thing you can do in such a situation is to start yelling and putting pressure on the child. The baby is very sensitive to the parent's voice, so you must be as calm and convincing as possible. Do not try to indulge in lengthy reasoning and try to reach out to the conscience of the crumbs. Remember that you are dealing with a child.

It is necessary to clearly and clearly explain to the baby why his requirements will not be met. If the child is not ready to stop the tantrum, leave him for some time in the room alone. This method often works better than any belief. After that, the baby most often shows interest in his parents. Then mom and dad should be as gentle and friendly as possible.

At the age of two, the baby develops an interest in his peers. The baby begins to be interested in how his peers spend their time, what games they prefer, what line of behavior they choose. That is why it is very important to place the child in an environment where he will be comfortable watching children and establishing communication with them. You can sign up for some group classes with your baby. This will contribute to the proper development of the crumbs and increase the skill of his socialization.

When to See a Doctor

Normally, a two-year-old child indulges in tantrums about 2-3 times a week. In many ways, the number of whims depends on the characteristics of the temperament of the baby. In the event that the baby several times a day brings parents with endless screams, this is already a reason to contact a specialist. Perhaps the baby is experiencing stress and needs help. In such cases, parents take the child to a neurologist or psychologist.

It is important to understand that crying and irritation in childhood is quite normal. Otherwise, only phlegmatic children behave.

Video - How to deal with child tantrums

Of course, all children are capricious from time to time - some more often, some less often. But sometimes parents notice that the child has become too capricious and whiny, and for no apparent reason. Increased capriciousness in a child causes a lot of trouble and takes a lot of strength from adults. Why did the child become whiny and how to properly raise a capricious child so that the stigma of “crybaby” does not stick to him?

The reasons why the child became very capricious and whiny

The tearfulness of children for parents is one of the most powerful irritants. At the same time, the tears and cries of the baby can cause a variety of emotions in adults from the desire to help to despair and rage.

It is worth mentioning right away that children's excitability is several times stronger than that of an adult. This is quite normal, since the baby's psyche has not yet had time to fully form. An occasion that is trifling for an adult can turn into a real tragedy for a child. The kid reacts with tears to all those moments that are connected in his mind with negativity. Crying for him is an expression of emotions that he still does not know how to restrain. However, parents can be sure that the child is able to switch from bad to good very quickly and forget that he was upset about something just a minute ago.

Parents need to be as calm as possible about the tears of their offspring. The younger the child, the more often he will express his problems with the help of tears. If the child is very capricious and whiny, tears appear in his eyes too often, then there may be several reasons at once.

First of all, the causes of tearfulness in children are associated with temperament or individual personality traits. The fact is that by nature every person has a weak or strong nervous system. If a person has weak nerves, then even in adulthood he will differ from others in increased sensitivity, a tendency to melancholic manifestations, etc. In babies, this is more pronounced - from the first days they have increased excitability, sleep poorly and cry very often .

But sometimes it happens that the child becomes capricious all of a sudden - why is this happening? This may be due to some kind of stress, such as conflicts in kindergarten or school, divorce of parents or quarrels in the family. All this can significantly weaken the child's psyche and make the baby more excitable. Quite often, a child becomes capricious due to crises associated with the peculiarities of the age development of the personality - for example, at the age of one, three and seven years. You can ignore such tears; over time, this tearfulness will disappear by itself.

Another reason why a child is very capricious is internal tensions, which become a behavioral form of the child, which turned out to be quite effective in order for him to attract attention at any moment. Parents need to follow the baby and find out in what situations he starts to get upset and whimper. If tears appear when parents forbid something to their child or restrict him in something, while crying often develops into hysteria, then you should think about why such behavior has become the norm for him.

However, it should be remembered that the reasons why the child became whiny can be quite serious. For example, if a child has depression or has experienced violence. If the parents notice that the child has suddenly become whiny, capricious and tense, he has lost interest in life and in what used to be very fascinating him, or that he begins to have nightmares, nervous tics or other serious symptoms, then in this case parents need to go with the child to a psychologist. A specialist will help identify the reason why children become capricious and give recommendations for treatment.

Remember, children's whims are already a more serious phenomenon compared to tearfulness and even tantrums. In fact, this behavior is a real manifestation of the dictatorship of the weak. The baby, with the help of screams, tears, etc., can control his parents and get what he wants from them. Adults, seeing such behavior of their child, are ready to do anything, if only he would stop being capricious.

How to deal with a capricious child and wean him from tearfulness

Parents may notice that the child reacts very sharply to sad episodes in movies and cartoons, to screams and noises, and cries if he is told a terrible tale. Adults often do not quite correctly perceive the tears of a child with weak nerves: they begin to ridicule, urge him to stop crying, etc.

This should not be done, because the child will additionally develop self-doubt, and tearfulness will not disappear. Over time, the psyche will become stronger, the increased tearfulness in the child will decrease, he will be able to control himself, there will be less and less tears. In this case, it is useful for parents to consciously focus his attention on the positive aspects of life, trying to switch him from the negative to something positive.

Parents are often afraid of capriciousness in children, so they begin to suppress the child from the very beginning and do not allow his independence to develop. It is worth saying that the development of the psyche of a baby cannot take place without the occurrence of various kinds of conflict situations. Often, such whims arise when a child is forbidden something, with the help of indignation and disagreement, he tries to defend his independence.

In addition, a tantrum is a great way to attract the attention of adults. It happens that the mother goes about her business all the time, not paying attention to the child, and the father is constantly at work. Due to this state of affairs, the baby has to somehow act. He chooses the easiest route and throws a tantrum just to get a certain amount of parental attention.

How to cope with a capricious child and prevent him from turning into a crybaby? If the child is properly treated, then the tantrum itself is not dangerous. Parents simply need to prepare to meet this behavior of their child. First of all, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to teach the baby to resolve conflicts and disputes without tears, in addition, thanks to this approach, the child will be able to painlessly overcome one of the most important transitional periods in the development of his personality. However, it should be remembered that he also needs to set a personal example.

There are several basic methods for weaning a child from tearfulness and coping with children's whims. A tantrum is much easier to prevent than to deal with its consequences later. If mom or dad feels that the child is about to burst into tears, then you need to switch his attention from the danger zone to the positive or at least neutral. You should not shout at him, you should talk in a friendly tone, while parents need to remain calm. And, in addition, you should constantly give the child a sufficient amount of attention.

How to behave with a capricious child and re-educate a crybaby

If you do not know how to behave with a capricious child, use the following recommendations from psychologists. If it was still not possible to avoid whims, then, first of all, the child must be isolated from witnesses who can see his hysteria. The fact is that very often children work for the public. The kid needs to be taken out of the room where the rest of the adults gathered. You can only let him back in if he has calmed down. This action often leads to the most positive results in the shortest time.

When the baby begins to act up in a crowded place, such as in a store, you must firmly ignore any manifestations of tantrum. The child should be told that the conversation with him will take place only after he calms down.

However, before using such methods, you need to make sure that the baby's psyche develops in a normal way. Such methods will not work on a child with a weak nervous system, they can only aggravate his condition.

You need to re-educate a capricious child as quickly as possible. Parents should show their disapproval of the child's behavior in every possible way. For example, after another tantrum, a mother may say before going to the store that she was very upset by his behavior the last time. For this reason, she now takes the child with her, hoping that he made the right conclusions after that incident. It must be remembered that all the requirements of the baby, which he makes during a tantrum, must be ignored. Otherwise, such phenomena will happen more and more often.

The child should learn to manage their emotions and recognize them. During his whims, you can ask him leading questions so that he can understand the cause of the tears. Parents should offer him alternative ways to express their emotions. For example, a baby may start tearing up an old newspaper, jumping on one leg if he is very angry with something. He should explain that adults also experience similar emotions, but find the strength not to express them so clearly.

Parents should be consistent always and everywhere, especially if the child is next to them. In public, you need to behave very calmly, especially at home. Children perfectly feel those moments when their whims will have the greatest impact on their parents. As soon as they understand in which situation mom or dad has the least firmness, all their efforts will be directed to this place.

An important point in the course of how to raise a capricious child is the approval of calm behavior. When a child has managed to cope with his anger or some kind of stressful situation, he should be praised and encouraged. In the future, this method should be resorted to if the baby again tries to throw a tantrum. The baby needs to be hugged, kissed and praised as often as possible. It is parents who have a primary influence on the self-esteem and self-awareness of children.

To avoid tantrums, it is necessary to develop the will of the baby from early childhood. At the same time, the will is not the ability to insist on one's own at all costs, but the ability to cope with the difficulties that arise. Children need to be taught on their own, dress, make the bed, wipe the dust, put away toys, etc. In order to prevent hysteria, it is very convenient to apply the rule of the third call, that is, parents begin to talk about the end of some business in advance. In addition, the child should be given the opportunity to understand the feelings of other people. The sooner he starts doing this, the easier he will be able to fit into the society around him.

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Even if you do not have children, you still know perfectly well what children's whims are. A loudly screaming baby on the bus, heart-rendingly screaming in the store, not wanting to leave the candy counter, a child roaring all over the street, dragged by an angry mother - all this is only the visible part of the problem. The main place for tantrums is, of course, home and family. Very often, parents helplessly shrug their hands, why in the kindergarten he is an excellent and calm child, but at home - so immediately hysteria and whims. Before yelling or punishing a child, it is necessary to determine the cause of the tantrum. Why are children naughty? Let's try to consider the main reasons for whims:

1. In infancy whims, as a rule, are due to discomfort: due to wet diapers, hunger, a loud sound or an uncomfortable position. The most important thing here is to determine the right cause and eliminate it in time, but if you have already changed the diaper, and fed, and shook your hands, tried all means, then it is best to contact a qualified pediatrician.

2. Also, children of all ages often become capricious before illness. If suddenly your baby becomes lethargic and capricious, immediately go home, measure the temperature of the child and keep him busy with something calm. It will be very good if you give him tea with raspberries or honey. Keep an eye on his health.

3. Another common cause of whims is time to sleep. It is enough to put the child in bed and now he is already sleeping. But sometimes not everything is so easy, so you need to look for another reason. Let's consider further.

4. The goal of whims is very often and drawing attention to yourself and when there is no one around, then there is no need to cry. Therefore, if the child notices that you remain indifferent to his tantrum, he can calm down. The main thing here is not to succumb to his persuasions.

5. Children quite subtly feel the mood of others. Therefore, often the cause of whims can be tense situation at home, swearing, quarrels of parents. Scientists have already proven that the atmosphere in the house affects the formation of the character of the baby from his very birth. Even if you smile sweetly at him, he still feels that something is wrong here.

6. The word "can't". There are two options. The first is when the parents never say the word. On any prohibition, the child rolls up a terrible scandal with beating on the floor with his hands and feet. Persistent attempts to calm him only make it worse, and he starts screaming even more. Then, most often, parents make concessions and give him what he requires, and this only aggravates the situation. And the second option. The child always hears the word "no". Everything is forbidden to him, at first he observes these prohibitions, obeys his parents, but soon his patience bursts and he begins to defend his rights, and this irritates his parents even more. And this vicious circle can last for months and even years.

7. Another fairly common cause of whims is research "what happens if ...". For example, “What happens if I go there? It is forbidden? But I'll go anyway!" But you must understand that these are not whims, this is a kind of knowledge, the child grows up and is interested in exploring the world. If you calmly and firmly explain everything to him, then soon (for different children in different ways: from a couple of months to two years) you will find that the baby clearly understands what is possible for him and what is not.

Now you know the main causes of tantrums and you can easily understand why do kids get naughty and also easy to soothe your beloved baby. Just remember, you first need to determine the cause of the whim, and only then try to act in one way or another.

In raising a child, keep the golden mean. He must understand that not all of his desires will be immediately fulfilled.

Be consistent in your actions. Do not forbid today what was allowed yesterday. Calmly explain why he can't do it. And make sure that both you and your husband adhere to the same method: if dad said it’s impossible, then it’s impossible.

Teach your child to be independent. Clean up toys, dress - he has to do everything himself. This will help him be responsible.

Tantrums will stop if the baby understands that whims are not the best way to achieve what you want and the task of parents is to help him with this. Good luck!

Why is the child constantly naughty and crying? This question is relevant for parents of infants and preschool children. Therefore, we want to consider this problem in more detail.

Why is the child naughty

Most mothers and fathers every day face the reluctance of the child to eat, sleep, dress, go to kindergarten or for a walk. The baby cries, refuses to comply with the proposed requirements, and sometimes just screams or whines. There are several main reasons for this behavior:

  • Physical - this group includes various diseases, fatigue, hunger, desire to drink or sleep. The child feels bad, but cannot understand why this happened. Therefore, it is so important for parents to follow the daily routine, feed, water and put the baby to bed on time.
  • The child requires attention - most children's tantrums can be prevented by increasing the time of communication. Mom's love is important for a little person, like air. If he does not get the right amount of attention, he will "pull" him in all available ways. Therefore, you do not need to wait for the baby to start hysterical. Just leave your affairs, turn off the phone, the Internet and hug the child. Play with him, take an interest in the news and spend time together.
  • The child wants to get what he wants - the little man perfectly understands where the pain points of the parents are, and knows how to put pressure on them. Therefore, if mom or dad pays off the whims financially, then the child will quickly learn to use the new scheme. It is very important to teach the child to negotiate, to look for new solutions to his problems.

Nature has arranged so that children's crying causes a strong emotional reaction in adults. This is very good, because sometimes reflection saves the life and health of a small person. If the child cries all the time, then you need to understand why he does it.


Many parents recall the age from birth to three or four months with horror. Why during this period the child is constantly naughty and crying? The following reasons can be distinguished:

  • The baby is hungry - sometimes the mother does not have enough milk or artificial formula is not suitable for him. If the child is not gaining weight well, then doctors recommend starting complementary foods.
  • Colic - It is believed that they are caused by gases in the intestines. Therefore, a nursing mother should monitor her diet and exclude a number of foods containing fiber. In addition, the pediatrician usually prescribes drops that help to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • A cold or inflammation of the ear - a doctor will help eliminate this problem. And the mother should report in time about the problems that have arisen and the change in the behavior of the baby.
  • Wet diapers - many children react sharply to untimely change of linen. Therefore, you should use diapers or change your baby's clothes on time.
  • Feeling of loneliness - children miss adults and calm down immediately after being picked up.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult for inexperienced parents to determine why the child is constantly naughty and crying. Therefore, they should listen carefully to the baby and immediately respond to his needs.

Whims in one year

When the baby grows up, he is faced with the first prohibitions. Often children react very violently: they scream, throw things, stomp their feet. If parents are aware of age-related characteristics, then, as far as possible, they will be able to prevent What to do when a child screams and cries (1 year old)? The baby is naughty for various reasons. So first you need to define them:

  • The child is naughty from an illness or internal conflict - he does not understand why he feels bad, and protests in a way that is accessible to him.
  • Protests against excessive guardianship - wants more freedom, refuses offered clothes or returning home from a walk.
  • Seeks to copy parents - let him participate in his affairs. Thanks to this, you can constantly be nearby, and at the same time teach your baby how to use new objects.
  • Reacts to emotional stress - excessive severity and control cause the child to cry. Therefore, try to treat him as a person, and not an object that must unquestioningly fulfill your will.

Do not forget that there are also invisible reasons for children's tears. Sometimes a child is constantly naughty and cries only because his temperament is of a weak type. This means that the baby is quickly overexcited, reacts sharply to stimuli and instantly gets tired. With age, he will learn to control his behavior, but for now it is important to monitor the daily routine and timely rest.

Two years

At this difficult age, even the most complaisant children turn into little tyrants. Parents complain that they cannot cope with the whims and demands of the baby. Many children have problems with sleep, there is increased excitability, and sometimes the first tantrums. So, what causes of whims can be identified when the child is 2 years old:

  • Socialization - at this age, the child must learn new rules for him to communicate and interact with other people. Therefore, he reacts sharply to restrictions that relate to his independence and freedom of action.
  • Speech development - until the child can formulate in words what he feels or wants to do. Therefore, he relieves nervous tension by screaming and crying.
  • Unspent energy - it is very important that during the day the baby can actively move and play. Stiffness leads to the fact that in the evening he cannot calm down and fall asleep.
  • Emotional stress - the baby feels the emotions of adults, it is hard for family conflicts and quarrels of adults.

When a child is 2 years old, he enters a phase of crisis. Therefore, it is so important to treat his personal problems with understanding and respond correctly to them.

Crisis of three years

A new stage in the development of the baby is accompanied by a violent reaction on his part. At this age, he realizes himself as a person, the pronoun "I" appears in his speech. The child tries to do everything himself, but does not always succeed in this. Therefore, he "revenges" his parents with tears and cries. What should be done? Psychologists advise to come to terms with the situation and just survive it.

What to do if the child is constantly naughty and crying

Each parent finds their own solution to the problem. Not always the chosen path will lead to a positive result, and sometimes even more aggravates the situation. What to do if the baby is crying:

When to See a Doctor

Experts consider it normal if the baby shows his displeasure two or three times a week. If the child is constantly capricious and crying, and even more so arranges real tantrums, then this is a reason to seek help from a qualified specialist. Perhaps just a few visits to a child psychologist will help restore peace and tranquility in the family.


Every parent should understand that whims at an early age are absolutely normal. Therefore, it is so important to learn to recognize the causes and eliminate them in time.
