Parent meeting is the beginning of the year in the preparatory group. Parent meeting “Your child is a future schoolchild”

Target: to help parents of children at the start of school to navigate the main difficulties that a first-grader may encounter and possible ways to prevent the child’s maladjustment at school.


1. Speech by teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. “Tasks of raising and teaching children 6-7 years old.”

2. Speech by teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. Exercise “Parade of Opinions” on the topic: “Preparing children for school”

3. Speech by teacher Borovkova S.V. "Crisis of 7 years".

4. Speeches by teacher Borovkova S.V. “Advice to parents of future first-graders.”

5. Memo for parents of future schoolchildren (Appendix 1).

6. Miscellaneous.



Parents' meeting for parents of the preparatory group

“Kindergarten and parents are equal partners”

(“Children and parents at the school start”).

Target: to help parents of children at the start of school to navigate the main difficulties that a first-grader may encounter and possible ways to prevent the child’s maladjustment at school.


2. Speech by teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. Exercise “Parade of Opinions” on the topic: “Preparing children for school”

3. Speech by teacher Borovkova S.V. "Crisis of 7 years".

4. Speeches by teacher Borovkova S.V. “Advice to parents of future first-graders.”

5. Memo for parents of future schoolchildren (Appendix 1).

6. Miscellaneous.

Progress of the meeting:

Hello, we are glad to see you in our garden! We would like to congratulate you

Dear parents, with the transition to the preparatory school group.

We invite you to play a little and unite our team.

Exercise "Match"

Goal: Team building.

Contents: Stand shoulder to shoulder (two teams). Now we will give you matches that can be held with only one finger. Your task: to reach the finish line together without dropping the match. If at least one match falls, then the whole team returns to the start. You need to make a circle around each chair. How exactly to hold matches is up to you. The main condition is to hold with one finger. Well done, take your seats.

Answer the questions:

Was this exercise easy to do?

What prevented you from reaching the finish line?

1. Speech by teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. “Tasks of raising and teaching children 6-7 years old.”

2. Speech by teacher Mavlyutova N.Kh. "Preparing children for school."

2. Exercise "Parade of Opinions"

Target: Encourage meeting participants to discuss the proposed topic"Preparing children for school."

This year will fly by very quickly, and your, as it still seems, kids will go to first grade. And our task is to help the children prepare for school.

A) “Which aids are best to choose to prepare for school? »

Currently, there are many manuals; we advise you to choose author’s manuals, designed with pictures, with large font, clearly presented tasks for the development of memory, attention, thinking, speech, with fun tasks, puzzles, and copybooks.

Give your child a certain time to complete each task, teach him to control time using an hourglass. Encourage tasks completed correctly, tactfully point out errors and help correct them.

B) “How much time should I spend preparing for school at home?”

No more than 20-30 minutes, if you see that the child is tired, there is no mood to study further, switch the activity to play, let the child study independently.

C) “If a child categorically refuses to study at home, what should I do?”

Offer your child a small amount of activities – no more than 5 minutes.

Conduct all classes in a playful way: add syllables and words from pasta, count soap bubbles, solve problems using real objects, fruits and vegetables, write letters to fairy-tale characters.

Be sure to answer them in block letters, encouraging your child to read. Encourage your child to be independent and think outside the box. Help to hold a pencil or pen correctly.

D) “If a child constantly demands new tasks and is ready to study a lot, is it worth limiting him?”

If the child does not show signs of fatigue, does not get upset because some task is not going well, and perceives studying as an attractive activity -There is no need to set strict boundaries for activities.

Try to switch your child from one activity to another, offer to diversify the situations that may happen at school, ask what he will do if:

He will offend someone;

Someone will offend him;

Something will hurt him;

He will lose something;

He will not understand how to complete the task, etc.

D) “Is it necessary to talk with your child about the topic “School”?”

Even if a child has the necessary stock of knowledge, skills, abilities, level of intellectual and volitional development, it will be difficult for him to study if there is no social position of the student, i.e. the child's desire to become a schoolchild. Not only to understand, but also to accept the importance of schooling, the respect of the teacher, and schoolmates.

A conscious attitude towards school is associated with the expansion and deepening of ideas about educational activities, with the creation of an emotional attitude. Tell your child about your favorite teachers, read stories about school, watch films. This will create a positive attitude towards school.

E) Why is it difficult for a child to control his behavior?

Because his will is not sufficiently developed. Not only external behavior must be controlled, but also the child’s mental activity: attention, memory, thinking. The child needs to be able to observe, listen, remember, and achieve the task. To develop will in preschoolers, it is necessary to help him establish relationships between the purpose of actions and their motives.

E) “What is the difference between the relationships in the “child-teacher” system in kindergarten and school?”

When a child enters school, the system of relationships in interpersonal communication changes. The relationship becomes businesslike. Whereas in kindergarten they were more emotional, personal and individual. At school, the child is evaluated on the tasks completed. It is important to gradually prepare the child for the system of new relationships at school.

G) “Can there be restrictions on watching television for a preschooler?”

A child should not watch every TV show. Restrictions must be imposed unconditionally. And stick firmly to the decision you make. We must also remember that a child perceives a film differently than an adult. Therefore, it is better to watch the program with your child and discuss your impressions of what you saw.

H) “Why do all children master reading and writing differently?”

Not all children develop reading and writing skills equally quickly.

There are many reasons for this, but the main one is that the child’s speech, phonemic hearing in particular, is not sufficiently developed.

By the end of preschool age, the child should be able to perform sound analysis of words.

You can teach it using interesting games, for example, cutting strips of colored paper of different colors and sizes and using them to teach the child to build a model of a word. Then the child will, as it were, “see” speech. It is important that he tells what he is doing. It is useful to choose entertaining material: puzzles, lotto, pictures, which can be used to consistently tell about what you saw. When developing a child’s speech, it is important to remember absurdities, inversions, and fables. Preschoolers love them very much. They significantly improve the child’s speech, which at an older age becomes the basis for the restructuring of mental processes and a tool of thinking.

3. Speech by Teacher Borovkova S.V. "Crisis 7 years".

The 7-year-old crisis usually coincides with the period in a child’s life when he goes to school.

This is a crisis of self-regulation, reminiscent of the crisis of 1 year.

The child begins to regulate his behavior with rules. Previously flexible, he suddenly begins to make demands for attention to himself, his behavior becomes pretentious.

On the one hand, a demonstrative naivety appears in his behavior, which is annoying because it is intuitively perceived by others as insincerity.

On the other hand, he seems too mature: he imposes standards on others.

Any older preschooler makes a claim to respect, to be treated as an adult. If the need for respect is not satisfied, then it will be impossible to build a relationship with this person on the basis of understanding ("I am open to understanding if I believe that I am respected").

Dear parents, be patient, be attentive to your children and just love them!

4. Speech by teacher Borovkova S.V. “Advice to parents of future first-graders.”

Help your child master information that will allow him not to get confused in society.

Teach your child to keep his things in order.

Do not frighten your child with difficulties and failures at school.

Teach your child to react correctly to failures.

Help your child gain a sense of self-confidence.

Teach your child to be independent.

Teach your child to feel and be surprised, encourage his curiosity.

Strive to make every moment of communication with your child useful.

Annex 1

Memo for parents and future schoolchildren

In the area of ​​speech development and readiness to master literacy, it is necessary:

Be able to clearly pronounce all speech sounds;

Be able to distinguish sounds in words intonationally;

Be able to isolate a given sound in a stream of speech;

Be able to determine the place of a sound in a word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end);

Be able to pronounce words syllable by syllable;

Be able to compose sentences of 3-5 words;

Be able to name only the 2nd word, only the 3rd word, only the 4th word, etc. in a sentence;

Be able to use generalizing concepts (bear, fox, wolf are animals);

Be able to compose a story based on a picture (for example, “At the zoo”, “On the playground”, “Sea holiday”, “For mushrooms”, etc.);

Be able to compose several sentences: about the subject;

Distinguish between genres of fiction (fairy tale, short story, poem, fable);

Be able to consistently convey the content of a fairy tale.

The child must have developed basicmathematical representations:

Know the numbers from 0 to 10;

Be able to name the previous and subsequent numbers relative to any number within the first ten;

Know the signs +, -, =, ;

Be able to compare numbers of the first ten (for example, 7 is less than 8, 5 >4, 6 =6);

Be able to correlate the number and number of objects;

Be able to measure using a ruler;

Be able to compose and solve one-step problems involving addition and subtraction;

Know the names of the shapes: triangle, square, circle, trapezoid, oval, rectangle;

Be able to compare objects by color, size, shape;

Be able to operate with the concepts: “left”, “right”, “up”, “down”, “earlier”, “later”, “behind”, “between”, orientate yourself on the sheet.

In area ideas about the surrounding world:

Be able to distinguish by their appearance plants common in our area (for example, spruce, birch, oak, sunflower, chamomile) and name their distinctive features;

Be able to distinguish between wild and domestic animals and their young (squirrel, hare, goat, cow)

Be able to distinguish birds by appearance (for example, woodpecker, crow, sparrow);

Have an understanding of the seasonal signs of nature (for example, autumn - yellow and red leaves on trees, withering grass, harvesting);

Know the names of 1-3 indoor plants;

5-6 insects, edible and inedible mushrooms.

Know the names of all days of the week, seasons, months.

Besides, a child entering 1st grade should know:

What country does he live in, what city, his home address;

Your first name, patronymic, last name;

Your age (preferably date of birth);

Last name, first name, patronymic of parents, their profession;

Know the rules of behavior in public places and on the street.

MBDOU "Poltava kindergarten "Solnyshko"

Poltava district


final parent meeting

In the preparatory group

“Goodbye, kindergarten!”

Prepared by the teacher

first qualification category

Beloded T. A.

r.p. Poltava 2014.

Preliminary work:

♦ Prepare invitations in which to draw the attention of parents to the fact that this is the last and very important meeting in the kindergarten.

♦ Prepare letters of gratitude and certificates for parents.

Progress of the meeting

1. Leaving kindergarten...

This is the end of your child’s last year in kindergarten. The stage of development called preschool childhood ends. Soon the school will open its doors to you, and a new period in the life of your children will begin. They will become first-graders, and you, dear mothers and fathers, will sit at their desks with them. We have so many expectations and joyful hopes for school. Entering school is a child’s entry into the world of new knowledge, rights and responsibilities, complex, diverse relationships with adults and peers. How a child will enter a new life, how the first school year will turn out, what feelings he will awaken in his soul, what memories he will leave, to a huge extent this depends on what the child acquired during the years of preschool childhood. And the children bought a lot. First of all, they became more seasoned and physically developed. We learned to purposefully carry out elementary intellectual and practical activities. They developed speech, increased cognitive activity, interest in the world, desire to learn new things, and abilities in terms of mental activity. Children are quite good at navigating the world around them. They have access to an awareness of a number of clearly expressed connections: temporal, spatial, functional, cause-and-effect. During the years of preschool childhood, they acquired a number of mental and cognitive skills: differentiated perception and targeted observation, the ability to reason, independently formulate questions and answer them, and use simple visual models and diagrams when solving problems. Various special skills mastered during preschool childhood (artistic, visual, speech, musical activities) become basic for the independent implementation of creative ideas, imaginative reflection of reality, development of feelings and creative initiative.

The child’s feelings acquire a social and moral coloring and become more stable. Fulfilling moral requirements and rules gives the child a feeling of satisfaction and pride; violating them makes him sincerely worry.

Thus, preschool age is a crucial stage in a child’s life, when quality acquisitions occur in all areas of the child’s development. Based on children's inquisitiveness and curiosity, interest in learning will develop. The cognitive abilities and activity of a preschooler will become the fundamental basis for the formation of theoretical thinking. The ability to communicate with adults and peers will allow you to move on to educational cooperation.

2. Our achievements.

All these years we have been close. We watched children grow, helped each other, collaborated and made friends, learned from each other, celebrated holidays, participated in competitions, rejoiced at the children’s achievements and experienced failures together. We remember your children when they were very small and we rejoice with you when we look at them, so mature. Each child in our group is special, each has their own talents and abilities. Check out the “Our Achievements” gallery. (Teachers prepare a small portfolio for each child in advance, highlight merits in sports, arts, music, dancing, etc. It is imperative to note each child.)

3. Ceremony of awarding families for success in education.

The teacher rewards parents with letters of gratitude and certificates. It is important that every family receives an award

Nominations for awards:

♦ For raising the most gifted child.

♦ For raising the most athletic child.

♦ For nurturing kindness and sensitivity in a child.

♦ For introducing a child to a healthy lifestyle.

♦ The most active family.

♦ To the most creative family.

♦ To the most responsive family.

4. To the parent’s piggy bank: “How to spend the summer before school?”

Very soon the first bell will ring and your children will go to first grade. You are excited and worried as this day gets closer and closer. How will the child’s relationship develop in the new team? How will the teacher greet him? What changes will happen in your family's routine? All these questions worry parents. You cannot avoid solving these problems, but you will solve them as they arise. And you have a beautiful sunny summer ahead. Time for rest, health promotion, hardening, travel, interesting events. Enjoy this last “free” summer!

Form more positive expectations in your child from meeting with school; a positive attitude is the key to a child’s successful adaptation to school. Use favorable natural factors - sun, air and water - to strengthen the body of the future student.

Summer lasts three months. Many parents believe that during this time they will have time to catch up - teach their child to read, count, etc. Don't repeat these mistakes. In the summer, the child should rest. And it is much more interesting to consolidate the skills acquired in kindergarten using the example of the surrounding nature. For example, let the child try to count the ants in an anthill, observe changes in nature, or measure the depth of a stream.

What can a future first-grader do on vacation:

Make applications, collages from natural materials;

Learn the names of new plants and animals, look at them and remember them;

Write poetry together;

Encourage the child to meet new friends, communicate with them more, play outdoor games;

Compose short stories on a given topic, invent fairy tales;

Spend more time in nature, learn to swim!

This summer will be remembered by the whole family, and the strength and knowledge gained from communicating with nature will serve as a good starting point in September and will be useful to the child in the new school year.

5.The secret to a successful stay at school.

By the beginning of the school year, the child must master certain knowledge.

.(the teacher hands out reminders “What should a 6-7 year old child know and be able to do?”

But the secret of successful study lies not only in the accumulated knowledge, but also in having loved ones nearby. Kids really need support, encouragement, and praise from adults; they strive to be independent. At first glance, harmless stereotypes of parental behavior can lead to school neuroses. You have cards on your tables with phrases written on them that are quite often used by adults. Let's try to predict what the inspiring effect of these phrases might be for a child - a future first-grader, what feelings and experiences of a child can be stimulated by such upbringing stereotypes:

o “When you go to school, you’ll…” or “You’ll probably be a bad student!” (Can cause feelings of anxiety, lack of confidence in one’s strength, and loss of desire to go to school.)

o “You know how much we will love you if you become an excellent student!” (the collapse of parental hopes can become a source of childhood suffering, loss of confidence in parental love, and therefore self-confidence.)

o “Study so that I don’t have to blush for you!” (Parents feel that their own self-esteem depends on the child’s assessments; often such an overwhelming psychological burden leads the child to neurosis.)

o “Do you promise me not to fight or run around at school, but to be quiet and calm?” (Do not set impossible goals for your child, do not push him onto the path of deliberate deception.)

o “Just try and make mistakes in the dictation!” (Under the constant weight of the threat of punishment, a child may develop hostile feelings towards his parents, develop an inferiority complex, etc.)

There is no need to force your child to study, scold him for poorly done work, but rather find a well-done fragment in his work, even the smallest one, and praise him for the completed task. It is important that the child gradually gets involved in intellectual activity and the learning process itself becomes a need for him.

Character traits such as responsibility, the ability to overcome difficulties, the ability to obey general rules, and take into account the interests of others are very important. Parents need to develop their child’s thinking, perception, and memory. We must remember that when playing with a preschooler, performing simple tasks with him, adults develop memorization, attention and thinking in the process of doing exercises. A preschooler learns through play, and the principle “from simple to more complex” must be taken into account. Parents must remember one simple truth: education can make a child smart, but only spiritual communication with loved ones - family - makes him happy. Parents can create an environment that will not only prepare their child for successful studies, but will also allow him to take his rightful place among first-graders and feel comfortable at school.

6. Some tips on the interior of a children's room.

When preparing for school, you will have a million everyday problems, one of which is the workplace of a future first-grader. Many parents refurbish their children's room to one degree or another. After all, a student will now live in it. I want the child to feel good and cozy in the nursery during this difficult period of life. Do not forget that the children's room is one of the most multifunctional rooms in the house. Here the child plays, sleeps, and now will do his homework. This means that the room needs to be divided into three zones: a play area, a relaxation area and a study area. When choosing interior colors, give preference to delicate tones of pastel shades. Bright, saturated colors quickly tire a child's vision. It is important not to make radical changes in the room, let everything that is loved and familiar be preserved, you just need to add some elements of school life. Of course, this is primarily a desk. When choosing such an important piece of furniture for a future first-grader, pay attention to the following rules:

· The table should be near the window, the light should fall from the left.

· The table should not have sharp corners or parts.

· Transformable tables with a variable tilting lid and additional retractable tabletops are very convenient.

· The table should be spacious and comfortable for the child.

· Choose a chair with a high back for the table. It’s easy to check the height of the chair: when the child sits on the chair, his feet should touch the floor at a right angle.

The room, of course, will have new shelves or racks for books and textbooks. It is important to arrange them in such a way that the child can independently get everything he needs, and not depend on the help of mom or dad. Also, pay attention to the consultation, which tells you how to choose the right briefcase for your child.

7. Look into the future...

While observing children, we noticed their inclination towards a certain type of activity, and decided to find out what your children will become in the future.

(the teacher puts on an astrologer’s hat and takes the scroll in his hands)

I am a great stargazer

I know fate in advance.

I'll tell you now,

In the future, what awaits you.

(Unrolls the scroll.)

Misirov Rustam has become very important!

It even has its own supermarket.

Here are fruits, toys and everything you want!

Don't believe me? Take a look here for yourself.

Ksyusha in Paris at a dance competition

She amazed all the foreigners with her grace!

Nikita became the best architect.

Its skyscrapers soar upward.

A sports complex and even a maternity hospital

He built it in a short time.

Very clever and beautiful

They will give you a wonderful haircut.

Super stylists Alina and Sasha

A salon has opened in our capital!

Our Nastya Klimenko became a famous artist,

Her masterpieces are kept in the Hermitage!

Oh, look, our kindergarten,

Nastya Didenko takes the children for a walk.

She became the best teacher,

The children love her very much and listen to her.

Our Vanya Tarasenko, just think,

He has become a major figure, he is so busy!

Lives and works here next door,

Now the chief doctor of the children's clinic!

Tall, slender, like a spruce,

Our Sofia is a supermodel!

The Bolshoi Theater is coming to us on tour,

And prima Elena - in the title role!

Very brave, just a hero,

Artyom enters the battle with fire!

He is the best fireman, everyone knows about it!

And the president gives him the order!

Our Pavel works in a bank,

Loans and deposits are under strict control.

He became the manager of an entire bank,

Sends your salary home on a tank!

A rocket flew up,

Made by designer Ivan Fadeev.

Sets an example for everyone at work.

He is a very talented engineer,

Evening, TV on, Karina

The news will tell us everything from the screen.

Very elegant, beautiful, elegant.

She became a popular announcer.

Matvey became a major scientist - he

Nobel Prize for one

Awarded for achievements in science

There are no smarter people on Earth.

Our Kiryusha works at the school,

He became the best teacher!

Danya became a predator tamer:

His tigers and lions are like mice,

They walk in circles, ride dogs,

They listen to Danya and don’t growl.

Maxim became a famous athlete.

He glorified our country throughout the world.

All gold medals to him

The sports committee gives it to one!

Time flies so unnoticed

Your children will become great people.

But all as one, when the years pass,

They will bring their kids here.

Do not forget, dear parents, that childhood is an amazing time in the life of every person - it does not end with entering school. Give yourself enough time to play, improve your children’s health, and spend more time together. After all, right now your child needs your attention, love and care most of all.

When we walk you to school, we don’t tell you: “Goodbye!” We say: “Goodbye, see you soon!” Perhaps in the near future we will be able to say “Welcome” to some of you when you bring your younger children to us. Well, while time does not stand still, we invite you to your first prom in your life!

(Parents receive beautifully designed graduation invitations.)

Tatyana Dudkina
Parent meeting in the preparatory group at the beginning of the school year “Year before school”

A game "Compliment"

Target: set between parents contact to create a positive attitude in them.

Parents sitting in a circle. Starting with the teachers, each participant needs to introduce himself, passing a bouquet of autumn leaves and say a compliment or some wish to the neighbor sitting next to him. Close the circle of wishes - compliments on the teachers, indicating it in such a way that we, the teachers, and you parents are united, together we create the mood for our children.

Conversation on the topic "Why do we need a game"

Target: provide parents an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of play in their child’s life.

Today we will try to answer the question that worries everyone parents of future first-graders, and as we all know since September 2016 of the year, our the group is called preparatory to school, and this topic parent meeting is very relevant, question: "What means prepare your child for school When is one year left? Unfortunately, some parents think, what is the main thing when preparing for school - learning to read, count, write. Undoubtedly, Preparing for school is essential, but it is not enough for successful learning in school It is best to develop the cognitive activity of the future student.

Particular attention should be paid to the game. In the game, memory, thinking, attention, speech are developed, real relationships of children in a team are formed, the ability to obey and lead, organize joint actions, overcome conflict situations, help others, etc. Equally important is the education of moral and volitional qualities and independence. We consider these areas to be leading, since the presence of knowledge in itself does not determine the success of training. It is much more important that the child knows how to obtain and use them independently.

What characterizes an independent child? Senior independence preschooler is manifested in his ability and desire to act without the help of an adult, in his readiness to seek answers to questions that arise. Independence is always associated with the manifestation of activity, initiative, and elements of creativity. An independent child is, first of all, a child who, as a result of the experience of successful activities, supported by the approval of others, feels confident. The whole situation schooling, these are new requirements for the behavior and activities of the student, new rights, responsibilities, relationships, based on the fact that over the years preschool During childhood, the child developed the foundations of independence, elements of self-regulation, and organization. The ability to solve accessible problems relatively independently is a prerequisite for the social maturity required in school. Experience shows that a first-grader who has not developed this quality experiences serious neuropsychic overload. A new environment, new requirements cause a child to feel anxiety and self-doubt. The habit of constant guardianship by an adult, the executive model of behavior that has developed in such a child in preschool childhood, prevent him from entering into the general rhythm of the class, making him helpless in completing tasks. Ill-considered parenting tactics, the desire of an adult, even with the best intentions, to constantly look after and help a child in basic matters create serious difficulties for his education in advance.

Therefore the goal preparation for school- formation of personal qualities necessary for mastering educational activities: curiosity, initiative, creative imagination, arbitrariness. The task preschool institutions and task parents- this is to help the child.

"Social and communicative development"»

familiarization with basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral);

formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community.”

Fostering a value-based attitude towards one’s own work, the work of other people and its results

"Cognitive Development"

Work in this direction is aimed on:

Improving quantitative and ordinal counting skills within 10, number composition within 10. Compose and solve simple arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction on a visual basis.

Divide objects into 2-8 or more equal parts, work with a conventional measure when measuring the volume, weight and length of an object.

Learn to recognize shapes group them by color, shape, size, create thematic figures as a whole and from individual parts.

Learn to navigate in space, a sheet of paper

Learn the sequence of days of the week, months, times of the year, distinguish the duration of time intervals (1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour)

Organization of work on cognitive, research and project activities, sensory development (right left arm, leg, classification of objects by shape, color, structure)

Work to familiarize children with the subject environment (History of creation)

Familiarizing children with the social world (Russia, coat of arms, flag, anthem, space, the birth of the Earth, children's rights, WWII, cities of Russia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, small homeland, sights of the region, region, Russia, Russian army.)

"Speech development"

development of free communication with adults and children;

development of all components of children's oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech - dialogical and monologue forms) in various forms and types of children's activities;

practical mastery of speech norms by pupils.”

Preparing for literacy(idea of ​​a sentence, composing a simple sentence without conjunctions and prepositions, indicating the sequence of words, dividing words into syllables, composing words from syllables, isolating sounds from a word indicating their sequence.)

"Artistic and Aesthetic Development"

development of children's productive activities (drawing, modeling, applique, artistic work);

development of children's creativity;

introduction to fine arts"

development of musical and artistic activities;

introduction to musical art

constructive modeling activity

"Physical development"

development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination);

accumulation and enrichment of children’s motor experience (mastery of basic movements);

formation in pupils of the need for physical activity and physical improvement.”

Formation initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle

Formation of the foundations for the safety of one’s own life activities


And now I invite you to take part in the test "Me and my child". To do this you will need to answer 9 questions...

Test for parents"Me and my child"

I can and always do this - A

I can, but I don’t always do this - B

I can't - B

Can you:

1. Leave everything at any time

your own business and take care of the child?

2. Consult with your child, regardless of his age?

3. Confess to your child a mistake made towards him?

4. Apologize to your child if you are wrong?

5. Always refrain from using words and expressions that could hurt a child?

6. Promise a child and fulfill his wish for good behavior?

7. Give your child one day when he can do what he wants and behave as he pleases.

8. Not react if your child hits, roughly pushes, or simply unjustly offends another child?

9. Resist children’s tears and requests if you are sure that this is a whim, a fleeting whim?


Answer "A" is worth 3 points.

Answer "B" is worth 2 points.

Answer "IN" is worth 1 point.

Test results

From 16 to 30 points. Taking care of your child is of paramount importance to you. You have the abilities of an educator, but in practice you do not always apply them consistently and purposefully. Sometimes you are too strict, in other cases you are too soft; In addition, you are prone to compromises, which weaken the educational effect. You should think about your approach to raising a child.

Less than 16 points. You have serious problems raising your child. You lack either knowledge or patience, or perhaps both. We advise you to seek the help of specialists, teachers and psychologists, and get acquainted with publications on family education issues

Overview of requirements parents

Educational activities with children are carried out according to the schedule approved for the year. We work with children with speech impairments specialists: teacher speech therapist (Ryl Natalya Alexandrovna), teacher-speech pathologist (Kaposhina Anna Nikolaevna) and educational psychologist (Chugueva N. M.). physical culture - Averkova Natalya Leonidovna, music. Head - Bashun Marina Sergeevna.

Requirements: for physical education classes: white T-shirt, black shorts, socks or Czech shoes for everyone.

The form is stored in a bag in the booth (you can make a mark). A mandatory condition for holiday matinees is a uniform. clothes:

for boys - shirt, trousers, tie (bow tie, shoes for girls - elegant dress, bows, shoes.

Children are accepted until 8.30. Afterwards children are not accepted. Being late interferes with the teaching process and distracts children and teachers from routine activities and exercises.

If for some reason you are late, please notify the teacher.

Pay your kindergarten bills on time by the 15th of each month.

Request parents- take part in life groups and kindergarten in the design of the site, groups. Participate in competitions and events dedicated to holidays.

Summary of the final parent meeting in the preparatory group

Tushmakova Natalya Nikolaevna, teacher, kindergarten No. 203 “Alice” ANO DO “Planet of Childhood “Lada”, Togliatti.
Description: This material can be used by teachers of preparatory groups for final parent-teacher meetings.
Target: involving parents in the process of preparing future first-graders for school.
- summing up the results of the group’s work for the year;
- rewarding parents for active participation in the life of the group and kindergarten;
- familiarizing parents with the criteria for children’s readiness for school in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Parent meeting summary

1. Greetings, viewing the presentation “From the life of the group”
2. Report on the expenditure of funds on the purchase of stationery, educational games and benefits for children (speaking by the chairman of the parent council N.N. Panasyuk)
3. Preparation for organizing a graduation party for children (speaking by member of the parent council Abbasova V.K.)
4. Preschooler’s readiness for school in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard (speaking by teacher Tushmakova N.N.).
5. Our achievements, rewarding families for success in education (both educators participate).
6. How to overcome fear of school (speaking by teacher Sidorova O.G.).

1. The school year is ending. Our children have grown older, learned a lot, learned a lot, and our friendly family has grown stronger. I want the parting to be pleasant and memorable. Let's remember once again what this school year was like in our group (viewing a photo presentation from the life of the group).
2. The floor is given to the chairman of the parents’ council, Natalya Nikolaevna Panasyuk.
3. The floor is given to a member of the parent council, Valeria Konstantinovna Abbasova.
4. Many parents are concerned about the problem of children transitioning from kindergarten to school. Parents are interested in their child’s school success, so they begin preparing him for school as early as possible. What needs to be done so that a child goes to school prepared and studies well, while receiving only positive emotions?
As part of the law on education, the “Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education” was issued, in short - the Federal State Educational Standard, and it came into force on January 1, 2014.
Why did scientists suddenly start developing a standard for preschool education? Because for the first time in the history of our culture, preschool childhood has become a special, intrinsically valuable level of education - this has never happened before, i.e. Previously, preschool age was considered as one of the stages for preparing children for school. Now preschool age is valuable in itself. The essence of the change concerns the model of the educational process. The educational model needs to be completely eradicated from it. Preschool children need not to be taught, but to be developed. Development is at the forefront. They need to develop through activities accessible to their age - games.
The changes also concern the position of the adult. An adult interacts, but interaction is considered not in a formal context, but in an essential one (partnership). An adult interacts with children: together they set goals, together they act to achieve these goals, and together they evaluate the resulting product.
The main thing under the new law was the psychological preparation of children for school, which includes:
- intellectual readiness;
- motivational readiness;
- emotional-volitional readiness;

Scenario of a parent meeting with parents of a preparatory school group on the topic: “A child on the threshold of school”

Author: Askarova Ilmira Rashitovna, senior teacher of the joint venture “Kindergarten “Laysan” GBOU secondary school with. New Usmanovo
Description of work: I offer you a scenario for a parent meeting on the topic: “A child is on the threshold of school.” This material will be useful to senior educators, preschool teachers, as well as parents of preschool graduates.
Target: Increasing the competence of parents on issues of psychological, pedagogical and social preparation of the child for school. Improving the system of joint activities between families and preschool institutions aimed at preparing children for school.
1. Involve parents in the process of defining the concept of “Child’s readiness for school.”
2. Optimization of the efforts of the family and preschool organization to prepare the child for systematic education at school.
Preliminary work:
1. Preparation of invitations for parents of pupils of the preparatory group for school.
2. Preparation of instructions for parents of students.
3. Questioning of parents of pupils.
4. Conducting a survey with children “Do I want to go to school?”
5. Parent survey: what questions would you like to ask at the parent meeting.
6. Exhibition of literature and teaching aids for preparing children for school.

Progress of the event.

Hello, dear parents. We invited you for mutual communication, exchange of experiences, feelings, and feelings. Your children will soon turn seven years old, preschool childhood will end and a new important stage of personality formation will begin with strict systematic training, with a five-point assessment of success. Each of you is worried and now I would like to determine the degree of your anxiety about the upcoming schooling.
There are cards on your tables. Hold up a card of a color that reflects the level of concern you have about your child's upcoming school life (black for high, blue for moderate, green for none).
Question to those who raised the black card: On whom or what does normalization depend on in improving your well-being?
Questions for discussion:
1. What do you think will ensure a child’s success in school?
2. What most contributes to the desire to learn?
Select the five main factors that indicate your child is ready for school. Consider them in order of importance
- physical health;
- developed intelligence;
- communication skills and ability to interact with peers and adults;
- ability to count and read;
- endurance and performance;
- accuracy and discipline;
- good memory and attention;

Initiative, will and ability to act independently.
So, let's talk about the child's readiness for school. The first one is personal. In other words, this is the child’s attitude towards school, towards educational activities, towards himself. In psychology, there is such a concept - motivation - the urge to action, the reason why a person acts this way and not otherwise. Your children answered the question “Do I want to go to school?” The children’s answers are being considered. Correct answer: a child who is ready for school is one who is attracted to school not by its external appearance (uniform, briefcase, textbooks, notebooks), but by the opportunity to gain new knowledge.
Let's move on to the next aspect - emotional-volitional readiness. It is very important to develop emotional stability in children, and willpower is no less important. The child must have a set of strong-willed qualities, without which he will not be able to carry out the teacher’s assignments for a long time, not be distracted in class, or complete the task. Let's look at the situation and think about whether mom is doing the right thing. Six-year-old Anton is an active boy. He does not like games and activities that require attentiveness and perseverance. So now I’ve drawn a picture without trying, although I can draw it better. Mom, seeing the drawing, says: “Well done.” And Anton, rejoicing that he was praised, again draws a picture no better than before. Mom continues to praise him, thinking about his shortcomings: “Just think, he didn’t finish the drawing, he’ll learn at school. If only he was busy with something.” Parents talk. The strong-willed readiness of the future first-grader should be given serious attention. After all, hard work awaits him; he will need the ability to do not only what he wants, but what is required. By the end of preschool age, the child is able to set a goal, make a decision, outline a plan of action, carry it out, implement it, show a certain effort in the process of overcoming an obstacle, and evaluate the result of his volitional action. It happens that a child makes an effort of will to get a reward; this technique can sometimes be used, but not abused.
Another equally important readiness – intellectual. I suggest you consider and arrange in order of importance the knowledge, skills and abilities needed by a future first-grader.
- ability to analyze;
- ability to write a story based on a picture;
- broad outlook;
- ability to read;
- ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships;
- ability to draw conclusions;
- large vocabulary;
- ability to read;
- ability to generalize;
- ability to solve arithmetic problems;
Before our meeting, you have prepared questions that interest you. Now we will try to understand them and answer these questions.
1.How often and how much time should you devote to preparing for school at home?
No more than 30 minutes, with short breaks, 2-3 times a week.
2. Is it necessary to teach a child to read?
If a child has a desire to add syllables, do not forbid it. It is advisable to focus on the following tasks: determining the position of a sound in a word, dividing words into syllables, determining softness, sonority of sounds, etc. d.
3. The child does not show the initiative to study at home, what should I do?
Offer your child a small amount of activity – no more than 5 minutes. Conduct all classes in a playful way: add syllables and words from pasta, count soap bubbles, solve problems using real objects, fruits and vegetables, write letters to fairy-tale characters. Encourage your child’s independence and unconventional thinking. Help to hold a pencil or pen correctly.
4.Which aids are best to choose for studying at home?
We advise you to choose author's manuals, designed with pictures, with large font, clearly presented tasks for the development of memory, attention, thinking, speech, with fun tasks, puzzles, and copybooks. In addition, in our hallway, in the “Getting Ready for School” corner, you can always find information, assignments, and games that you can play at home.
Summing up the parent meeting.
At home, you should continue to prepare your child for school, but without overloading him. Two exercises, fun tasks, and an element of graphic dictation are quite enough. After a short lesson, role-play a situation that could happen to your child, discuss it, and help him draw the right conclusions.
You can suggest using the “Helpful Advice” technique at the end of the meeting.
Each participant in the meeting receives a card on which he writes advice to the teacher or other meeting participants. Advice can be given in a humorous, aphoristic form.
Distribution of memos.

Wishes to parents in the process of preparing their child for school

Work with your child systematically (2-3 times a week), preferably at the same time.
The duration of each lesson for children 6-7 years old is no more than 30 minutes.
It is better to draw (write), read, paint, sculpt, cut, glue at the table. You can study for 10-15 minutes at a table, 10-15 minutes on a mat. This allows you to change your position and relieves muscle tension.
Do not work with your child if he is not feeling well or is actively refusing to study.
Start your lesson with your favorite or easy-to-do tasks. This gives the child confidence in his abilities.
Treat your child’s difficulties and failures calmly and without irritation. Do not scold or shame your child for failures.
Encourage your child if he doesn't succeed. Patiently explain anything that is not clear.
Be sure to find something to praise your child for during each lesson.
Do not force your child to repeatedly repeat tasks that do not work out. In such cases, you should return to similar, but simpler tasks.

Memo for parents on preparing children for school

Avoid heavy loads on the child (several clubs, sections and other activities).
Do not scare your child with school (“You go to school, they will show you!”, “They will teach you how to behave!”, etc.).
Do not allow sudden changes in the child’s life: in the internal structure of the house, daily routine, cancellation of any previously present entertainment for the child, communication with former friends, etc. (during the transition from kindergarten to school).
In order to reduce difficulties in preparing lessons when the child is already attending school, prepare the child for them in advance (in the preparatory group): regularly, at about the same time, engage in some activity (drawing, modeling, design, educational games, etc. .). This will develop perseverance, the habit of purposeful activities and, most importantly, voluntary behavior.
Optimize your parent-child relationship: it is necessary that the child grows up in an atmosphere of love, respect, and respect for his individual characteristics. Interest in his affairs and activities, confidence in his achievements; at the same time - exactingness and consistency in educational influences on the part of adults.
Also help optimize the child’s relationships with peers: if a child has difficulties in relationships with them, you need to find out the reason and help the child gain confidence in a group of peers.
Constantly expand and enrich the child’s individual experience: the more diverse the child’s experience, the more varied his activities and the greater the basis for active independent actions, therefore. He has more opportunities to test his abilities and expand his ideas about himself (museums, theaters, circus, zoo; poems, fairy tales, children's songs, cartoons, children's films, etc.).
Contribute to the development of the ability to analyze the child’s own experiences and the results of his actions and deeds: always positively assessing the child’s personality, it is necessary to evaluate the results of his actions together with him and compare with the model. Find the causes of difficulties and errors and ways to correct them. At the same time, it is important to build confidence in the child that he will cope with difficulties, achieve good success, and that everything will work out for him.
Think about what else your child may need and implement it in life, and if in doubt, come to specialists and consult, even if you think it’s not worth it.
Draft decision of the parent meeting
1. Combine the efforts of the family and kindergarten in preparing children for school.
2. Contribute to the formation of the child’s motivational readiness for school. Organize an excursion to school with children, visit exhibitions in order to broaden their horizons, familiarize themselves with the school and the work of the teacher.
3.Play home games with children aimed at preparing for school
4.Take part in educational, aesthetic and sports activities with children.
Used Books:
1. Pavlov I.V. I want to learn! To parents about the psychological preparation of a child for school. St. Petersburg, Speech 2008.
2. Plotnikova N.V. How to teach a preschooler effective communication and positive self-esteem “I want and I can”, St. Petersburg, 2011.
3. Rogov E.I. Handbook for a practical psychologist in education. M., 1996
4. Kurazheva N.Yu., Kozlova I.A. "Adventures of future first-graders" - St. Petersburg, 2007.
5. Chibisova M.Yu., Pilipko N.V. "Psychologist at a parent meeting, M. Genesis, 2009
