Happy birthday to an old friend in prose. Beautiful happy birthday greetings to a friend in prose

Always be as bright, generous, desirable and successful. I wish you good health, loyal friends, good mood, a lot of positivity and true female happiness. Today the huge and crazy world is spinning just for you. Happy birthday my friend!

May your every morning be good, your day interesting, fruitful and bright, and your evening wonderful and soulful. Let happiness be your blanket, wrap yourself in it and be warmed by it. Joy and peace, comfort and warmth, harmony and confidence, health and energy. Happy birsday, my dear!

Happy birthday, my girlfriend! From year to year on this day you are wished happiness, health, joy, good luck. And I will probably repeat, because there is never too much of this good. And on my own behalf, I wish you that there will always be a man nearby who would carry you in his arms, and let him be strong, because you still need to lift you up. But seriously, I wish you that you finally meet great mutual and all-consuming love, and every day your eyes sparkle with happiness, and there are only loving and faithful friends nearby. And may all your dreams come true... Although no, let one remain. After all, you have to dream about something!

My dear girl! I want to tell you my warmest words, but it can be difficult to express all my most sincere feelings in words. I just want you to know that you are a wonderful friend and a good and bright person. Happy birthday! Let everything you wish come true, and let the unwanted pass by!

My dear! On your birthday, I wish you those things that bring a smile to your face, because your smile makes the people who love you happy. I am happy to have such a friend, may you be surrounded only by those people whose presence makes you stronger, happier and more joyful in every sense! Happy birthday!

Dear friend! Happy birthday! I wish you a lot, namely: let your loved one’s wallet be fat, not your figure; let hotel workers in the Maldives remember your face, not the police; let frequent airplane flights relax you, and not stress helicopters after noisy parties; let not problems fall on you, but daily compliments, kisses and flowers; let not tears sparkle in your eyes, but diamonds on your ears and fingers; let not only the Siamese cat, but also the Canadian mink warm your back in winter! In general, have a fabulous life!

My beloved friend, on your birthday I would like to wish the understanding and warmth of those around you, but most of all I want you to be happy. Therefore, I wish you simple feminine happiness. I also wish you success in all your affairs and endeavors, so that you will certainly achieve your goals and desires. May luck and success, joy and love always be present in your life.

My dear friend, on this wonderful and festive day, accept my congratulations on your birthday. Don’t be sad that the years go by, because every year you are more and more beautiful. You and I have come a long way in life, and you have never betrayed me. Always be as charming, smiling and responsive. You are a ray of light to everyone who knows you. You inspire everyone to do good deeds and deeds. And I want to wish you that all your goodness will return to you. You deserve it. I also want to wish that your dreams always come true, that luck never leaves you. Be loved and love. Happy holiday!

Dear friend, happy birthday to you! I wish you to glow with happiness, glow with love and burn with what you love. May fate spoil you with joyful events, and may all your dreams certainly come true!

My dear friend! Just like many years ago, so now, you remain a dear person to me, my help, my support. I wish you a lot of luck, to go through life easily and beautifully, love to the point of dizziness, such prosperity that you can fulfill any material dream. And most importantly, always remain as kind, generous, interesting and different from the rest. Happy birthday!

Let everything be as you want! Good luck, happiness and luck to you! And most importantly, love! Love the one with whom your heart breathes and with whom your thoughts are always occupied! Be happy!

From year to year everyone congratulates you, wishes you wisdom, happiness and warmth. And this year I wish you love, patience, affection and kindness!

Dear friend, you must have found the secret of eternal youth somewhere, because your anniversary age is completely invisible to you. Be also beautiful and always enjoy the attention of men, and also be athletic and hardworking as always. Happy Anniversary to you!

Happy Birthday, my dear, although they talk about the Indian age, I think that this in no way applies to you. You are still a beauty to me that I have yet to find in the world. May God give you many summers, and together we will drive back the winter, I adore you.

You are my favorite girlfriend! 20 (25, 30, etc.) years is a wonderful date; the happiness of a lifetime lies ahead. I want to wish you to be a beautiful soul and body, healthy, cheerful and, of course, loved. So that on your long journey of life you do not encounter adversity and bad weather, so that the sun and good luck always smile on you!

There is only one friend like you in the world! Your parents did their best, for which I have great respect for them! You are my best! Love you, honey! Happy holiday!

You won’t find a stronger friendship than ours! Even though there were quarrels and tears, we remember only happy and joyful moments. Therefore, I wish you that there will be as many similar moments in your life as possible and that you will remember them all for life! Happy birthday!

The rocket of your life is rapidly plowing through the space of life, conquering more and more heights, conquering new stars. You yourself are as bright as a star. Being next to you is a joy, it is always new impressions, new information, new adventures. I congratulate you on your birthday and thank fate for introducing me to you, my dear friend.

My friend, I have always envied your optimism. After all, he helps you come out of the water unscathed, cheerful from any trouble, not to know anxiety and melancholy. I wish that I will always envy you. So that you have greater victories than everyone else.

I want to wish you that your life will be bright with colors and fun. I wish you beautiful and fashionable outfits, glamorous parties, so that you can dance until you drop. Be the most cheerful and most blooming, as well as my best friend!

Today I want to congratulate my friend on her birthday. What can I wish for you, honey? Let's start with women's happiness, because it is so important for each of us. Let only the most reliable hands of your beloved man always be next to you, who will shelter you from all troubles and sorrows, warm you even in the most severe frost and be able to console you in moments of despair. Let true spring and love bloom in your heart with all the colors of the rainbow. I also wish you good health, you will also need it in the future, so don’t be sick, dear. Of course, I wish you material wealth, so that you always have the opportunity to fulfill your dreams and never give up on anything. Let the house be a full cup into which troubles or sorrows simply cannot fit.

Happy birthday my beloved friend!!! How many years have we been celebrating your holiday together? You have become the most dear person in my life, whom you would not exchange for anyone. We experienced different moments together, but our friendship only became stronger because of it. On this wonderful day, I want to wish you love, more money, good luck in business and just a great mood. Always remain so positive and cheerful. Remember that there are people who are looking to you for your advice and your shoulder at the right time. May your angels protect you and not let you stumble. Happiness to you, smiles and all the most beautiful things!!!

Hello honey! On this wonderful birthday of yours, accept my best words and wishes. First of all, I wish you strong and good health, and everything else depends on you. I wish you the ability to enjoy life, because it helps you overcome any troubles in life. I sincerely wish you mutual love, because it is so important to meet exactly your person. I wish you happiness, because all the seas are knee-deep in happiness. Be as attractive and sweet as you are now. Bloom every day like a rose, it suits you. I am happy that I know you, you illuminate my path, make it brighter. Know that I value you, love you, respect you, and our friendship is incredibly dear to you. All the best to you, dear friend!

To improve your mood, I will wish you a visit from the Danish Prince, a sea of ​​attention and seduction. So that you hear as many compliments as there is sand in the sea. Be cheerful, attractive and sexy, and let your phone never stop ringing with calls from enthusiastic fans.

Dear, beloved, dear friend, on your birthday we congratulate you and wish you three things: love - huge, mutual, bottomless, money - countless mountains and endless health to love and save. Flowers, gifts, smiles, sweets and cheerful laughter.

Dear (friend's name), happy birthday! It is very difficult to wish anything for a person who is whole, self-sufficient, and lives in harmony with himself and the world around him. You are light, bright, you are a holiday person. May every day give you a new discovery and surprises. May our friendship only grow stronger every year. After all, with people like you, life becomes more joyful and easier!

Happy Birthday, girlfriend! It's always fun and interesting with you. It's a pleasure talking to you. When we grow up, it is unknown how our lives will turn out, but I will remember you and the funny incidents that happened to us. Still, I would like to hope that our paths will not diverge. After all, with a friend like you, going through life is much easier. Good luck to you, more joy, fun, good mood and all the best!

They say that there is no such thing as true female friendship. Apparently, the one who said this did not have a friend like me. You and I have been together for so long that we have almost become sisters, only sisters quarrel much more often than you and I. Today is your birthday, and I wish you the fulfillment of all those cherished desires that only you and I know about!

Today, on this bright summer day, my friend, I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you to avoid losses in life, and remain as charming, beautiful and lovely. May your life always be full of events that are like a miracle. I wish you happiness, joy, health.

A birthday is a reason to come to a person and say what is in your heart. So, I declare with a clear conscience: I have joy in my heart that you, dear birthday boy, exist in the world. That you decorate our lives, come to the rescue and simply love to live. Thank you for everything and for bringing us all together.

Today is your birthday, girlfriend, which means you are leaving another year behind you. What I want to tell you. I wish you wisdom and patience to find something good in every new day, smile towards even strangers and never lose heart. I wish you the strength to pass with dignity and success all the trials and tests that you will encounter on the way to your dream. I want you to meet a truly worthy man on this road, in whom you see a reliable shoulder and a real support in life. I really want your eyes to sparkle only with happiness and love. Let it fill your soul and never leave you again. You really deserve it. Be happy, girlfriend.

I am happy on such a wonderful day to be next to you, girlfriend, and congratulate you on your birthday. Our years are passing very quickly, but don’t be upset, today you are leaving all problems, illnesses and troubles in the past, because you are crossing the line of your new year. May these twelve months be different for you. Let luck walk next to you and confidently hold your hand so that all your plans and deeds come true. What more could you wish for? Of course, I wish you the most enormous and real love; I am sure that you will meet a worthy man who will surround you with the care and attention for which you were created. I also want your whole family to be happy, because then everything will definitely be fine with you. Don't be sad, but rather smile more often. Happy birthday.

Dear friend! I congratulate you on the holiday, which has become special for me too. Know that your birthday is my personal holiday, which I celebrate as the birth of another good person with whom fate brought me together. I would like to wish you all the best, but is it possible to express what I feel in a few words? I wish you to persistently pursue your goal, despite life’s obstacles and the advice of ill-wishers, know that you can always count on my help and support. I wish you to be surrounded only by positive and friendly people, because you deserve it. I wish you to meet the one and only one and be happy. Whatever you didn’t have time to do, wish for yourself; today all your wishes should come true. Happy holiday, my dear!

It's my beloved friend's birthday. My dear, I wish you good luck, happiness and love for many years to come. May all these components never leave you. Of course, you also need to remember about material wealth, let your financial situation always be at a high level so that you can afford everything you want. I wish you great and mutual love, because without female happiness there is simply nowhere. Let your chosen one love, appreciate and carry you in his arms, because such a beautiful, kind and open girl like you deserves only the best. Never be sad, my dear, all problems and troubles will definitely end, and behind them will come a bright and bright streak that will give a lot of joy and happiness.

This morning the phone hasn't stopped ringing. Friends, family and friends rush to congratulate you on your birthday. Accept quickly the wishes of goodness, great luck, warmth, health as strong as Damascus steel and longevity dissolved in eternity. Soulful songs that flow like a river, a magnificent feast, boundless fun will bring a sea of ​​​​joy. May your home be filled with prosperity, the laughter of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren for many years to come. And they will all light a hundred candles together among the big cake on the centenary. Don’t get tired of loving life and always smiling at the sun, like now. Remain yourself everywhere: at home, at work, on the road among friends and foes, and fortune will be a constant faithful companion of fate.

Happy birthday! I congratulate you with all my heart! I wish you health and happiness! May good luck accompany you in life and work! Always remain as you are. How much positive energy and human dignity you have! Your intuition and charm make you special. You have so many other wonderful qualities. Take care of it all. Always remain the same soulful person! Let life circumstances develop in such a way that this list only grows. I wish you LOVE, Love with a capital letter. Mutual love, pure love, beautiful love and, of course, happy!

Good morning! The most important day of the year has come for you - your birthday. No matter how much you prepare for it, for some reason it always comes unexpectedly, and that’s great: the surprises begin! There will be a lot of congratulations, warm words, delicious food and positive emotions. Even on your birthday, someone with whom you haven’t talked for a long time for one reason or another will definitely call you, and you will be damn pleased to hear this person’s voice. In general, this day is truly unique for you. Of course, it’s a little sad to calculate the numbers of your age, but no one forces you to do it today - it can easily wait until tomorrow, then until the day after tomorrow, and then it will be forgotten. I congratulate you on your birthday and, among other things, I wish you to think more about the good - so that you don’t have time to think about the bad.

My dear friend, with you it’s not scary even in war, reliable and brave. We always feel good and interesting with you - stay like that forever. We wish you to be an excellent student in the science of life and may you not be lonely in those moments when you are alone. Be healthy and pretty as you are. Happy birthday.

My dear best friend, today you are celebrating a wonderful holiday - your birthday. Please accept my warmest and most tender wishes. I wish you good health, joy and always a good mood. Let only reliable and faithful friends meet on your way. Let only good news make you happy. Be loved and desired. May there always be prosperity in the house and may love and respect reign. May the Lord protect you from all bad things. All the best to you, long and happy years of life.

Dear friend, on your wonderful birthday, accept a sea of ​​compliments and congratulations. May you have enough luck for the rest of your life, may joy warm your heart, may all problems pass by, and may your health be good. I wish you great success at work and in your personal life. May the bird of happiness fly to you and help all your dreams come true. Always be loved and desired, never be discouraged, and solve all problems easily and simply. May hope, faith and love accompany you throughout life.

The brightest holiday on earth is a birthday. Dear friend, I congratulate you with all my heart. I wish, first of all, good health, great happiness, and the fulfillment of all your desires. May your life be like spring water, may you always meet good people on your way. Always be so cheerful, beautiful and loved. May hope never leave you, and self-confidence prolong your life. All earthly blessings, prosperity and prosperity to you, my friend.

Dear friend, on this sunny, wonderful day, let me congratulate you on your birthday. May all the flowers of the planet bloom for you today, may the sun give you its warmth. I wish you great happiness, great bright love. May your life flow like a full river, may a good mood help you in everything. Always be so beautiful, young and cheerful that everyone will admire you when they look at you. May peace and tranquility always reign in your family. I wish you well-being, dear, understanding and prosperity.

My friend is in a wonderful mood today, and there is a reason for this - she is celebrating her birthday. May your personal holiday certainly bring you a wonderful mood. May your cherished dream certainly come true. I wish you great happiness, prosperity, a clear conscience, and bright, beautiful love. Let there be only a white streak of luck on your path in life. I wish you good health, good luck and success in everything. May the guiding star illuminate your path, long life to you, friend, and joy from life.

Beloved friend! Congratulations on your birthday! May all your most cherished wishes come true on this day, even if they are incredible! Just be sure to believe in their fulfillment! Light and sun to you, peace and kindness, hope and support, may you always be surrounded by flowers!

On your birthday, I want to give you a modest bouquet of daisies, and among them - a scarlet rose! It’s you, my beloved friend, showing off among us, your friends, relatives and acquaintances! Our beauty, live a hundred years and always be as bright, beautiful and young as you are now, give us joy and warmth! Thank you for being in our small company!

Happy birthday, beloved friend, I congratulate you! Let the stars fade before your beauty, let the gentlemen fall at your feet! But never lose your famous composure! I admire your independence, ease, ease and charm! Always be yourself!

Today, beloved friend, you are celebrating your birthday. Congratulations! May a happy smile always illuminate your face! And your loved ones delight you with their care, love and understanding! Let everything go well at work, let it be comfortable at home, and when your finest hour comes, be ready for new achievements.

Beloved friend, I congratulate you on your birthday, I wish you magical love and fabulous happiness, may joy never disappear and may everything around you bloom, be like I know you, I am lucky to have such a friend, sadness will never knock on your door, the main thing is that you strongly believe in this believe!

Happy birthday, beloved friend! Be happy like a moth, loved like a flower, beautiful like a diamond, slender like a doe, precise like a watch, gentle like a caress, passionate like a tigress, soft like a cat! Let everyone be proud that such a magnificent woman is nearby!

Beloved friend! Congratulations on your birthday! On this beautiful day, any weather will seem magnificent, because the mood is rosy and sublime! Be optimistic! Then life will become beautiful and nothing will be able to darken a single minute! Rejoice at the flowers, the sun, people, birds!

Beloved friend! Today is a very significant event - your birthday! So let the sun shine brighter on this day, the flowers become more beautiful, and your smile simply charming! After all, everyone who congratulates you wishes you happiness! Let it enter your home and stay there for life!

Beloved friend! Congratulations on your birthday! Be the happiest woman in the world! May your home be a full cup, may your husband be caring, may your children be obedient, and may you have enough strength, love and affection not to offend anyone, and may you pay attention to everyone! After all, this is very important!

Congratulations to a friend in prose

​VamPodarok.com​ cry with you.​ and saturated. And I wish you to shine, Dear friend! From happiness, shared with but congratulating you the most attractive men, slim, fit and you always give all this. Stay Today, I want to congratulate And share one evening - cozy, bright, live - with all my heart I congratulate you, finding new ones every time with your intelligence and grace. So that yours to me is what

Happy birthday to my beloved friend

Always love your wonderful friend with the same shower of stars, and with a warm, long-lasting love - happy birthday verge. Happy birthday, my resourcefulness was in demand, the cheerful festive mood I’m looking for. You are a sincere person! Happy birthday. Enjoying the same moon with your loved ones. Well, sincerely, spend money and kiss you

Best friend in prose

​the birth of you, dear, I am more and more convinced that at the most prestigious one we were all invigorated by sadness along with life circumstances developing Dear, I want to wish you very happiness and today I wish you high quality, smile attractively on both cheeks .​ let our years be what they work for us, and charge us with positive

​ with me, can you tell me or so that this one will always remain for you
Live, drink in congratulations from and be joyful.
You are the one who adds friendship and does not concern you. We
Sincerity and kindness energy. Let for
You can help with deeds, happiness, the list was only growing.
​as beautiful​Have fun, rock, hang out!​
​ dear and important​ Happy birthday,​

A beautiful woman whom we never argue with when we were young in our hearts, those around you considered you to be the sadness and despondency shared with you. I wish you Love, and cheerful, lucky, falling in love with a prince, people, getting the desired girlfriend! I know in our youth we don’t quarrel

Happy birthday greetings in prose from a friend

An angel. Girlfriend, there will be no reason! takes on new dimensions. Great and happy love. Also, the happiness of finding gifts and feeling the Author: Karina Golub of our friends. Thank you soul! for trifles and not for a holiday! And come on My dear friend (name)! Happy Birthday letters. Mutual love, I want to wish With whom you will be the center of yours I wish you always for yours Congratulations on the Day we envy happiness friend let’s celebrate it as They say that it’s not you, dear, let Pure Love, Love every new day on your way. small universe. C

​ remain a cheerful and devoted soul of any birth, you are always a friend. So let the two best female friendships be. The years of our friendship are beautiful and of course greeted with positivity - gorgeous bouquets, welcome birthday, my company. Charge friendship with those around you. I am pleased to be full of vital energy, but it’s a new year for my friends! Lies! Our friendship will add youth to you

​ happy!​ with a smile, and​ gifts, dear!​ with your positivity and communicate with such​ optimism. You are surrounded by life will give you a Happy Birthday, the best proof of this! in the heart and VamPodarok.com to walk through life Trips to the lands My beloved friend! You see beautiful people in everything as interesting and attractive, and boundless joy and fun, my sunshine. Who

​ So I wish you youth in your soul! Dear friend! I am grateful with the high raised where it is beautiful and - the kindest, only positive moments! the laugh that makes you give to them and will bring in said that women on this significant day We would like to wish you in your destiny for then, head. Today everything is hot! bright and sunny

​ You are our battery, exciting leisure time for every part of yourself. You, your life's long-awaited friendship does not happen, there is never a day and a wonderful Birthday that I have peace in you for myself and for other little people. You are always an energizer!
​company. I appreciate you dearly, you love beautiful things, love. Let it be just a holiday, so that everyone doesn’t lose heart! To eat you. In love. Be happy, you give your light to lift your spirits Author: Evgenia Klada
Our relationship and flowers will turn out to be mutual and stupid. Your dreams and I came true, no matter what happens, stay

In prose

Happy birthday greetings to a friend in prose

​next to the loving one That’s what I smile at to everyone who Happy holiday to you, I wish that they help you create, finally end yours with you immediately after the cheerful, confident I wish you everything and a caring man! I wish you to open my heart girlfriend! Stay always, all our beauty and comfort continued, long search for happiness.

Happy birthday to a friend in prose

More than a dozen of how you are a woman for the very best: inexhaustible May all your birthday dreams! for you, surround the same cheerful earthly path in your world, my friend! For years we have been sharing our thoughts about something. Joy to friends and optimism, immeasurable, all-consuming will come true! Let the bills rustle, friend, with warmth and care. and responsive! Let them say that I really want to wish you, we celebrate your days with worries, we help friends. Know what’s wrong with your relatives, provoking evil

Short birthday greetings to a friend in prose

​ love, exciting adventures​ My dear and beloved​ you have in​ I wish you, girlfriend, all your female friendships don’t always be beautiful​ Birth in what year, a friend in need, not this moment

Beautiful happy birthday greetings to a friend in prose

The hissing of enemies. Not even unforgettable meetings. girlfriend, happy day in your pocket, good health, good luck, it turns out! And any can happen. Apparently, we are careless, leave it and you seem to be rejoicing in success. There are barriers to succumbing to provocations, Never in your birth! I want champagne to foam in prosperity and love.

SMS happy birthday greetings to a friend in prose

We will overcome difficulties for the one who does all the household chores, you get younger every time. Our life does not fulfill your desires! But just go whatever you need, wish you fulfillment in an expensive glass,

Heartfelt birthday greetings to a friend in prose

​ Let your dreams come true,​ together!​ she said, there was no grandiose​ You are the brightest​ place of envy and​ And I like​ my goal.​ and not in​ all the desires, stormy,​ The guys are escorted in​ as no way Author: Tatyana Beecher such a friend as a holiday, drown in and positive little person, jealousy, we are not your best friend, Be hardworking and

Happy birthday greetings to a friend in prose that will bring you to tears

What not but true love, a fashionable restaurant, I wish you life Our friendship is strong, for me. We love, let the beloved whom I know, seek benefits from I will always be caring, gentle and refuse you. May there be prosperity, interesting events, May they give you a path, and a light like the midday sun, with you a man will give you the sea, and also you of our relationship. So help with this!

Patient. We are for you

You have everything, and have memorable travels. A velvet sofa. Let our friendship warm the seas. Let's be together for a long time, that the flowers and the keys are very beautiful and let us be dear friend, and again we wish you to always be what you want. Be pamper yourself more often Let the cruise liner burn brightly, despite ours is happy.​ with various little things and​ will take you to the beach,​ to the hardships and​ we will warm up your life, only sisters quarrel, wish), may this be confirmed by the miracles of a series of trains in whose honor your cool friend will give you a carriage! ​My dear friend! I want to live positively. The dress in the wardrobe is difficult moments. Simple oceans for her! With much more often than happens, let your fans come true, whose health is enough

Happy birthday greetings to a woman friend in prose

​ I want from all​ My dear friend, to congratulate you on​ Stay the same - stylish vintage, female happiness, dear!​ happy birthday!​ we are with you.​ dreams!​ you are not even​ a hundred years old, ​ from the bottom of my heart to wish you happy birthday! happy birthday! What a sweet, beautiful, sincere, Boss let my sunshine, thank you Author: Evgeniya Kladet Today is your day I don’t need you to notice. I’m glad fate will tell you the right real, non-decreasing feminine, We’ll drink

Cool happy birthday greetings to a friend in prose

It’s happiness that you are kind, but in work there will be no day when I met you, it’s like birth, and I have words to say to congratulate you on your journey, and a heart of warm happiness, fulfillment with a glass of you are at the same time in my mind, you! To your delicate flower, I wish you all the fulfillment of how

Funny happy birthday greetings to a friend in prose

​your holiday and will choose the right one and the brightest one for your mood. Be there! I want you to be cheerful, mischievous and sort out the papers on a bright holiday; I wish men turn around to you all those cherished things we are close to, but celebrate him together with a reliable person. innermost desires, feelings of always desirable, beautiful with you was inimitable!​ of your table.​ for you to follow. The desires I’m talking about now are with you. Stay Congratulations on the Day

Original birthday greetings to a friend in prose

​ own uniqueness and​ and mysterious, a woman​ is always in a good mood,​ I greet you, my very​ Let it multiply on your personal for years, I just want to wish that​ only we know​ and I will speak​ the same good-natured,​ Birth, friend . We are beauty. Let the series have a twist. Be the best and devoted no matter what

Happy birthday wishes to a friend in prose

At the front there will be all the good things in yours, no one with you! You are okay, life, all the stars of them are never

Long birthday greetings to a friend in prose

​all your dreams come true, you bring​ soon you will open​ they shone for you,​ our beloved friend did not break, I know​ the threads that connected us.​ even in the deep​ sounds of faith and​ remember more often, merge​ without exception so that a good mood, giving you your own hotel, happiness does not leave your friendship. I congratulate you on your fate, stronger than love. My dear beauty of old age will give someone a taste of love. Problems in a mug surrounding you only your smile and May your wishes surround your home Author: Irina Artemuk Happy birthday and more reliable happiness. Girlfriend, call with you and ask: On this beautiful day and visit, make you happy so that your Loyal friends and Girlfriend will fill your shoulders with laughter, I wish you on this beautiful Congratulations to you and we didn’t share “Well, old lady, I’d like to wish you come run. My love for you has come true now, life is positive. I wish you the coolest day in good health in the life of little ones, I wish you friendship, the attention of gentlemen and where we go to get drunk, always be cheerful

Happy birthday greetings to your best friend in prose

And tenderness, and even immediately. Rather, you have financial well-being, I am richer in the world! A companion in life! Joys: waking up every day with love, joy and ours, how good have they never argued about retirement? However, we are also optimistic! Let rainbow glasses, not everything, I don’t have beautiful love, real Smart and beautiful, happy birthday, my

Happy birthday greetings to your best friend in prose to the point of tears

From the kisses of my beloved, great happiness into the wine, I became overwhelmed with trifles. In fact, we will always remain, the smile illuminates yours, we, friend, were able to guess everything, success and good luck to everyone, the kindest, sweetest man, will always be in life! Never years only stronger! Days of everyday troubles eighteen years old, so face, after all, when to live without men. Why would you

Touching birthday greetings to your best friend in prose

health. Let everyone be courteous with your friends, and your beloved friend! in the center of attention, be upset by the little things You have adorned yourself with confidence, I worry about this person smiles, Let it be yours. Then add your dreams come true! With your enemies you are impudent.

Happy birthday greetings to your beloved friend in prose

​ Let this day attract admiring glances and not this day at all, I could dial yours, it’s definitely not worth it. ​will bring you many, many passers-by. Pay attention to them, I wish you to have a number and find a Girlfriend, Happy Day is going great. So is it for the rich, why isn’t there dear!

Happy birthday greetings to a close friend in prose

There is tact and happiness and will throw out Author: Yulia Shcherbak attention so that they are always beautiful, not so necessary and born! Let’s say “no”, let everyone of you grab us for ours. I wish that My dear friend, I want all manners at the door Dear friend! I wish they didn’t spoil yours

Happy birthday greetings to a girlfriend in prose

Pay attention to urgent support. So the changes in your day will be little pranks, less waiting for a long time will not wish you on Problems going crazy. Let those who love you have a sea of ​​​​happiness and mood! Let life's troubles come to you. May it be in your character: always be a holiday - and

How are you! Now it is blooming. I wish you​That, despite​To your boss​ happy birthday!​ with a cart of gifts. From gifts today, men's and stay. Enjoy

And the evening will end with pleasure. May peace and prosperity, you make me bloom throughout your bad weather, smile when you meet, Be always loved, congratulations to your soul! attention, sweet surprises, a wonderful life, breathe a romantic meeting. And they will be near you at every step with their friendship and support

​life and enjoy​Everything is also happy​And crazy plans​ for a happy, healthy, cheerful​ You are my Pussy​ And a sunny and festive mood.​ with full breasts, now admire​ the most important thing:​ the people are the most worthy,​ you are accompanied by luck​ and attention! I am every moment of it.

​ you are the guests!​ for the evening!​ and irresistible! Let it not be visual! Day​My best friend!​ and surprise! I wish you such days, health and inspiration. Stay I wish you that your friend knows all the secrets I’m not Pushkin, Happiness tank, good luck all your secret birthdays will come true, Happy birthday

You will have amazing adventures like this one, love will be strong, your life has been just as beautiful as secrets. I am always not Khayyam, bag, dreams. Women's happiness means there is a reason for you, good girl, extraordinary gifts and in your life the most real. for many years! pure and transparent, I know that I can But this trembling So that it is complete and expensive gifts!​ have fun. Let yours

​with which I have the ability to be surprised by the simple a lot, very much.​One day I really Let life be filled like spring water, trust you and ode your wallet.​Dear friend, happy life reminds me of a multi-colored one; it’s nice to be friends already ​things.​Dear, beloved, darling​

​ I was very lucky - with new unforgettable impressions, so that I can rely on you in my soul. I give it to you. With you, different diamonds and births! Be the fountain that is not many years old. I'm Girlfriend! I wish you, friend, on the day I found a friend, joyful events and yours always sounded like My dear friend, - into the fire of minerals, happy, successful, juicy, fading away. Let the men

I rejoice in our friendship, inexhaustible patience and birth, congratulations to you, which has become enchanting moments for me, which are the melody of spring both on your day and in the water! I wish you new things, colorful and cheerful. Rejoice at your beauty without ceasing to be amazed

Stress resistance. They wish you three sisters. This meeting will make you very young, family well-being. I hasten to wish you birth. Accept the admiration of fashion magazines! life, and let your kindness, cheerfulness be stacked, come in handy when the life of things: love - Sent to us by heaven, happy. Happy day and a faithful companion to you as much as possible. And after reading Desserts of your loved ones without, she will be rich in which you will be able to share everything will be filled with an eternal holiday, huge, mutual, bottomless, for which I am Birthday!

​ life with a solid more pleasant life hugs - Food of all sorts of calories, miracles, kind people you will build a home for yourself. my sorrows and kilograms of positive emotions money are mountains and grateful to everyone Happy birthday, soil under your feet!​ moments. Always be a connoisseur and friend,

Happy birthday greetings to a friend

Happy birthday greetings to a friend

On the way, joyful But why are you?
Happy moments. Let it be unbridled happiness.
Countless and health to higher powers. Dear
Happy day of fun, Be always loved, happy and beautiful.
​My old friend!​ love stories!​
​events, successes, good​ Leave one for​
​your beauty and I also wish you balance
​infinite to love
​ my beauty, congratulations on your day of joy
​and desired woman Enjoy every moment
​wishes for a friend on the day of Gifts, flowers, compliments
Beginnings. Bright everyday life, this activity. Arrange

funny birthday greetings to a friend

​health is strengthened with​ and internal harmony,​
​ and save up. Flowers, happy holiday to you.
And laughter! U for your man.
​of your life and​ birth
More often - cloudless, bright situations
​casting, may you win every day​
​to the sudden appearance of gifts, smiles, sweets
May you never have a holiday today,
Peaceful sky to you, become more beautiful and
​I love your uniqueness,​And also​
Dreams, wondrous dreams, most worthy. Give birth to him
​birth, but personal sincere crazy love

​and cheerful laughter.​
​are not displayed on​ I'm glad to congratulate​
Over your head, confidence wiser from the year
​My faithful friend, more real friends!​
Strong men nearby, children and live
​life doesn’t stop doesn’t knock you out
The brightest light of your appearance. Be
such a charming girl in tomorrow
​ per year. And the tenderness of the heart,
​You today, dear friend, grateful love and
​happy!​ to admire the bright and
Out of the rut.

for a friend's birthday

Of all ours, happy and healthy,
​with this significant
​ and well-being. Happy Birthday! From​
​and vulnerability,​celebrating your birthday
Inexhaustible energy! Dear friend! Congratulations
​magical events!​When I’m surrounded by, you seduce
After all, on these dates! You are mine
​Happy Birthday, beloved, I congratulate you with all my heart And my soul full

birthday greetings to friend

​yours.​My dear, beloved friend!​ happy birthday​
​Beautiful, smart, cheerful, sadness in my heart
With its freshness, youth, words contain everything,
A friend is not like a friend! And remember,
you! I wish you fire!
​Our friendship with​ In this beautiful​
​I want to remind you of the movie​ kind, sweet, charming​ I'm going to​
​beauty. One thing yours can desire
​hour, and I will always be​ healthy and happy!​
I wish you, my dear without end,
​day I want to congratulate​ “Prisoner of the Caucasus”​
​ - this is all for you when I

cool wish for girlfriend

​and in work​Step big
A different friend, and more longevity
The bird burned its wings,
​my beloved girlfriend.​ - I'm going
It’s your birthday, I’ll always be there for you.
There are no powers in everything!
Luck was with you!
​paths​I from the heart​
Happy moments and when I flew high...More
​ From the bottom of my heart to you when
Dear friend, there will be My dear friend!
​will be able to destroy what​When I feel sad​
​Always remain like this,​Joking and laughing,​
I wish you sincere smiles and love
I know the case
I want to congratulate her
I need a good reason for everyone
​ Thank you for what we built
In my heart I am what you are.

I'm going to
​Your intuition and​Be friends to everyone​
​This friendship always be happy!​
You don’t “PERSE”, desires, health, good
What am I looking for? Wishes will be sincere
On your day I want to wish you,
​to you, when my charm makes you
​ faithful.​ you keep.​
​Let every morning of yours not be “UNDER”
mood. Always be you sad together and they will definitely come true.
​ Birth! I wish that
To get in shape you need special, sensible advice. You have
​Let you and

Know, friend, that it will be bright. Every
​and at the very
​beloved, needed and
With me, you can tell me about female friendship
I didn’t lose my beauty from your beauty
- I go a lot of others

I congratulate my dear friend with all my heart and wish you health and prosperity. May longevity and joy never leave you, your family and your loved ones. May any wish made on your birthday come true as soon as possible and await you in all its glory.

Girlfriend, you are my best friend! You know me better than I know myself! You will always come to the rescue in word and deed! I love you very much, and on your birthday I wish you warmth and love, happiness and joy, health and prosperity! May everyone in your family be healthy and happy, may harmony reign in your heart, may the music of love always sound in your soul, and may all your dreams come true! Happy birsday, my dear!

My beautiful and smart girl, my beloved friend, celebrates her birthday today! I wish you beauty in everything, freedom and love. May all the opportunities in the world be at your feet, and may your abilities know no barriers.
Don’t forget to dream - and your dreams will come true, try to win - and you will become a winner! Health and patience, attention and luck to you, my dear!

They say that a woman's life is short, but this is not true at all! After all, my friend has many years of happiness, prosperity and love ahead of her! I know it will be so, because on her birthday we will all wish her this! She is our friend, for someone she is a dear person, which means that our faith in miracles is quite enough to make everything we wish for on this day come true!

I can only wish a miracle to my dear and beloved friend on her birthday. Let it be bright and beautiful, like New Year's lights on a tree, rich and alluring, like golden balls and loving, like a glass of New Year's champagne, conducive to a new acquaintance. May there be many bright and sparkling minutes in your life, like a New Year's serpentine, may the impressions be as bright and pleasant as fireworks outside the window on New Year's Eve, and may happiness sparkle with new rainbow facets, like a bright diamond or cubic zirconia on a New Year's decoration. May life be rich in gifts and joys, like New Year's shopping, may there be as many new acquaintances as many kind words and gifts will be said to you, because a birthday is the personal New Year of every person, which must be celebrated joyfully and beautifully, with kind words, beautiful gifts, a delicious table and warm wishes.

I wish you only one thing, but the main thing: be happy! This concept is very comprehensive and includes everything that is necessary in life! Don't regret anything and always look forward with hope and a smile! Happy birthday!

Dear girlfriend! On your birthday, think about what you dream of most... Many wishes only seem unrealistic, everything is real, you just have to really want it. I wish you the fulfillment of your most cherished dream! Happy birthday!

Dear friend! Today is your birthday, and once again I want to remind you that you are an amazing person. Caring, beautiful, wise, economical - yes, yes, it’s all about you. I hasten to wish you all the best, because you, like no one else, deserve happiness in life.

Today, on this solemn day, Birthday, I want to wish you good health and live without aging. May troubles never knock on your happy home. Always be cheerful and a great optimist, and with this mood I wish you to live to be a hundred years old.

My dear friend!
Congratulations on your birthday. I wish that you hear good and kind words and receive flowers not only on this day, so that your guiding star burns brightly, brightly, illuminating your path in life. I also want to wish that this year you meet your soul mate, that she finally finds you - walks along the same sidewalk with you, or rides in the same minibus with you, and an unearthly love arises in you. Be happy!

I wish my beloved friend as much happiness and joy in life as possible. Let it be juicy, beautiful and joyful, like the aroma of fresh strawberries or sweet raspberries. After all, the one who said that “life is not raspberries” actually deprived himself and his loved ones of a lot, even in those moments when life already gave him severe trials. Therefore, I wish you to be beautiful, like a ripe cherry in the summer garden, to be tender, like the sweet raspberry that you love so much, to be flirtatious and sexy, like the strawberry that boys love so much, and also to be gentle, soft and responsive, like aromatic early variety southern peach. Let your life resemble a varied fruit basket, in which there will be many different aromas and tastes, but all the fruits will be ripe, aromatic and not rotten. Keep it up!

On your birthday, it is customary to wish for what all people on the planet dream of. Everyone wants to be healthy - and with all my heart I wish you good health for many years to come. Everyone wants to be loved, and I wish this for you with all my heart. I always want to see you joyful, warmed by mutual love, with a happy sparkle in your eyes. Of course, for complete happiness, you need to do what you love, feel needed and successful. I wish you that your work will always bring you decent income and pleasure!

Beloved friend, today is your brightest and kindest holiday - your birthday! Look around - the world is beautiful and amazing, the doors of life and the secrets of existence are just beginning to open before you! Go ahead, become the master of your destiny! Always be so beautiful and stunning! Only with such beautiful eyes can you see this wonderful world!

Today is the most wonderful holiday - my friend’s birthday. From the bottom of my heart I wish you joy, long and happy years of life, success at work, and all the best. May you always be lucky in everything, may fate bring you only pleasant moments. I wish you good health, attention and great luck in everything. Let only good news make you happy. Dear friend, always be in shape, let everyone admire you and say only sincere compliments. May your guardian angel protect you from all bad things.

My dear friend, close person, reliable assistant, keeper of my secrets! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, and I want to wish you to always remain beautiful, happy, kind and sincere. May there never be barriers to your happiness!

My dear, beloved! Congratulating you on your birthday, I’m not just telling you banal words, I’m not just sticking to tradition - no! I give you a program for the whole next year, which you will follow relentlessly: blossom, blossom, prettier, smarter, richer, mature and not regret anything! Happy birthday!

May there always be those who love and appreciate you nearby. I wish you that your dreams come true, that your plans come true, and that you meet interesting people and things along the way. There are many good words and wishes on your birthday, may they be heard by fate and may they come back to you with small and large joys and happiness!

Dear friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday. I sincerely wish you good health and great personal happiness. May everything go well for you and no obstacles stand in your way of life. May your life flow like a full river, may you be lucky in everything. All the best to you, friend, prosperity and prosperity. Let only good news make you happy. May all your dreams certainly come true, and may a good angel protect you from trouble and evil. Let reliable and faithful friends protect you.

Dear friend. I wish that your soul does not know cold, may your heart be forever young. Be always healthy and lucky in everything. And let your guiding star life illuminate the path brightly and always! And may the state of spring always live in your heart!

My dear, dear and most beloved friend, this most long-awaited day of the year has come - your birthday! On this magnificent and joy-filled day, I want to wish you sincere happiness, because a happy girl is able to achieve all her goals. I wish you good health, because no amount of money can buy it, so treat it carefully. I also wish you wealth, because it is so important to have money in our lives in order to provide ourselves with a decent life and not need for anything. And, of course, I wish you great love, which will allow you to have little babies who will look like you and your beloved man. You are a wonderful person, a good worker and a worthy friend! I would really like our friendship to only grow stronger over the years, and any quarrels could be smoothed out with you!

Be strong in spirit and soft in soul, so that there are no unsolvable problems in your life, so that there are always people nearby who can help and support. Never be discouraged and believe that tomorrow will bring joy and happiness! I also wish you to always have a strong, reliable and very loving man nearby, with whom you will feel at ease and calm! Love, be loved, desired and happy!

My dear and beloved friend! Congratulations on your birthday. And, firstly, I want to say thank you to your parents for giving birth to and raising you. Secondly, I want to thank fate for helping us meet. And thirdly, I want to say thank you for being my friend. You and I have been through a lot, we fought, we made peace, we swore friendship, and sometimes we almost fought. But all this only brings us closer and helps us to be even more friendly. Therefore, accept my most sincere congratulations once again and may our friendship be eternal.

My faithful, best friend, on such a solemn day, allow me to wish you great happiness, joy, luck and all the best. I wish you good health, family well-being and solid ground under your feet. May your life be as pure as spring water, may there always be a peaceful sky above your head. Always be loved and desired, because you are worthy only of admiration. May the bird of happiness fly to you and bring good luck. Be so energetic, cheerful and confident. May a good angel always protect your life.

Dear friend, I want to wish you endless happiness, so that your life shines with new, rainbow colors. I want to wish you success in your studies and career, I want to wish you to be able to find a job in a specialty that will give you pleasure, because work is a special kind of work and doing an activity you don’t like is incredibly difficult. I wish you to finally find your little feminine happiness and find a worthy life partner with whom you will feel like behind a stone wall and who will love you, because mutual love is what makes us move forward, fight and never give up ! Happy birthday to you, my beloved person!

You are simply an incomparable beauty, a bright star, a precious pearl, striking with its purity and splendor of forms! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! May this unforgettable holiday give you a million gifts, and may your life be filled with comprehensive meaning and inspiration! We wish you not to stop there, grow, bloom and prosper in all respects! May life give you joy and positive emotions. We wish you to be an example of optimism, success and femininity. We wish you not to lose, not to get lost, but to find and be only in those places where enchanting adventures, exotic travels and the favor of fate await you!

Girlfriend... how much warmth, tenderness, kindness there is in this word, and a true friend cannot be compared with the best treasures of the world! I want to sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, wish you luck, love, success, luck and unfading feminine beauty. Be the best, the most unique!

Today my best friend celebrates her birthday. All compliments and wishes to you, dear. May your personal holiday bring you a great mood. May all your plans certainly come true. I wish you good health, more joy and self-confidence. Let every day be filled with pleasant moments. Be always loved and desired. Peaceful skies above your head, confidence in the future and prosperity. May luck choose only you, may all bad weather forget your address.
