The longest day of the summer solstice. What to do on the summer solstice

For many pre-Christian millennia, our ancestors revered the Sun as the highest divine force that gives life to the entire Earth. Unfortunately, the former deep meaning of the unity of man and all of nature with the great heavenly universe has not reached us, but intuitively deep down we continue to feel this unity. All holidays of Mithraism - the cult of the veneration of the Sun - were dedicated to the Sun. And the dates of these holidays passed into today's Christian holidays.

So, for example, the day of the summer solstice, previously celebrated as Kupala, is now celebrated later, as the day of Ivan Kupala. Ivan Kupala, unlike the real holiday of Kupala, is not timed to coincide with the solstice on June 21, but is celebrated on the date of birth of John the Baptist on July 7. Celebrate Kupala on July 7 according to ancient traditions doesn't make any sense, since the solstice is long behind us. Our ancestors celebrated it exactly at the solstice, on the longest day and shortest night of the year - the Night before Kupala.

For thousands of years, this day has had incredible significance in the religions of many nations, as the day of the highest solar energy, the apogee of the dominance of light over darkness. The tradition of rolling wheels and lighting fires was widespread throughout the world and is found in historical sources North West Africa, Japan, Australia and even Brazil. IN Iran one can still observe the winter Zoroastrian festival of Zalda with night vigils and bonfires to disperse darkness; similar festivals are found in Tibet and Muslim northwest India. This indicates the antiquity of the traditions of worshiping the Sun.

In Rus', the Sun had different faces depending on its position in the sky and the time of year. This is a newborn Kolyada whose winter light is still weak, then it is young and ardent Yarila, exciting all nature after hibernation, then a mature husband Dazhdbog, bringing a large harvest and prosperity for the whole next year, then the wise old man Horse, giving light of hope in the winter time of darkness. The change of solar gods occurs on the days of solstices and equinoxes and is each time accompanied by major holidays. By the way, in the culture of the Mayans and Aztecs - on the other hemisphere - these days were also accompanied by celebrations.

Kindling the fire - recreating the sun

Recreating the Sun by lighting a fire on earth stands above all other rituals and is the most common practice on all solar holidays. The fire of a fire, saturated with the fire of the Sun, becomes magical. In it not only does all darkness burn out, but also a fiery body is given to the passing seasons. It’s not for nothing that effigies of solar gods are burned on holidays - thus ending their current path on Earth and they return to the fiery Sun.

Customs of the summer solstice

On Kupala Day it was customary set fire to a wheel and roll it down a hill into a river. This symbolic action depicted Yarila the Sun sliding down from its highest position in the sky (the moment of the summer solstice). The dancing and fun that celebrated the summer solstice sometimes lasted a whole month. During this period, the day does not decrease so quickly, and the Sun moves only slightly from its zenith. Therefore, there is a feeling of solstice. For our ancestors, it was not the moment of the highest point of the Sun’s position that was important, but the entire solstice period.

The most important thing on this holiday was Kupala bonfire on the night before Kupala. The night was lit with bonfires as a sign of the victory of light over darkness. The fire in the fire acquired magical properties highest solar energy. The fire saturated the spirit of the people jumping over it with this energy for the entire next year. He burned away illnesses, failures and other troubles. Couples jumping through the fire acquired harmony in their relationships; all damage and evil eyes burned away. Also, for purification, it was customary to drive cattle between Kupala fires.

What to do on the summer solstice

What can you and I do on the day of the summer solstice, which will take place in 2017 on June 21? You can attend one of the holidays of admirers of ancient Russian culture on the night before Kupala, or light the Kupala bonfire yourself somewhere in nature, or, as a last resort, light a candle at home. You need to mentally turn to the Sun and ask to combine its seething energy with your fire.

The energy of the Sun is absolute justice, clarity, happiness, purity and the highest law. Energy that is so lacking in our lives. So on this day let us ask the Sun for justice in our personal lives, and certainly in the country and in the world.

Only the field of how you ask for help to the world, the planet and your Motherland - you can ask for yourself. That's the order. Let us together ask to put out hotbeds of war, bring honest and just rulers to power, and establish social justice in the country. And after that, you can ask yourself for what you lack for happiness. Let go of all failures, fears, doubt and despair, these emotions carry negative energy, which is the opposite of solar energy. Be joyful, inspired and solemn on this great sunny holiday! And be sure to feel and believe in the power of the Sun!

The Sun and I are family

Blavatsky wrote that The sun is a living spirit with nerves, and Chizhevsky - what The sun directly affects the mental activity of the masses. Sun worship is so natural that no other beliefs have been able to completely exterminate it. So let us return to the Sun, like lost children to their father, who has been calmly and patiently waiting for our conversion all this time. The Sun and I are family. Remember this, and we will all become not orphans, but children of our cosmic parent. And parents always help their children! Happy New Summer Sun to you!

One way or another, almost all cultures of the world celebrated the summer solstice! What is the power in it and how to use it? Find out more here!

In ancient times, people celebrated the summer solstice¹, considering it very valuable for their lives. What makes it special? It turns out that it is very important from the point of view of the planet’s energy. This is the day of Power, when all natural energies are activated and are able to renew human energy.

Summer solstice is June 21st. The most interesting thing is that you simply cannot find a better time for natural, natural balancing with the forces of this world!

The period from June 20 to June 23 is the most powerful in terms of energy!

These days, the planet, nature and reality itself are being transformed. Everyone can influence their life with the power of their desire and model events according to their will.

This is a great time to take stock of the year and let go of those things and events that are no longer needed. The Summer Solstice is an important day to decide and plan what you want to achieve in the next 6 months.

The energy of the Sun on this day will increase the chances and opportunities for the implementation of your plans. By participating in special rituals, people acquire some qualities of the Sun:

  • power;
  • charisma;
  • leadership;
  • reliability;
  • vitality;
  • good health.

You can learn to synchronize with the energy of the Sun and receive the blessings of the star. Just on the day of the summer solstice it will be in the sky in the zodiac position, which is responsible for changes in life.

This is the right time to plan and initiate changes in your career, finances and relationships. During the solstice, the energy of the Sun is very powerful; By using it, you can lay the foundation for prosperity in the next 6 months!

How to celebrate the summer solstice?

The celebration of the summer solstice dates back to ancient pre-Christian traditions. People organized big celebrations: dancing against the backdrop of bright fires, special rituals were held.

  • Christians celebrate the holiday of Ivan Kupala (John the Baptist) at this time.
  • A festival of the Chinese goddess of light takes place in Asia.
  • According to Indian tradition, the summer solstice is considered a great time to manifest everything that is needed in material life: health, a partner or external beauty.

The movement of the Sun affects our brain in the same way that the Sun affects the weather and the environment. It is associated with the right hemisphere and can provide intense spiritual experiences and awareness, and open up creative abilities.

1. Yogis chant the Gayatri mantra on the summer solstice. This is a prayer to the Sun. It sounds like this:

“Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha Tat Savitur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi Dh’yo nah Prachodayat.”

This is how they ask the Sun to enlighten their consciousness. Sounds are important, they are special vibrations that increase the state of consciousness, giving joy of life, happiness, peace and harmony!

2. The easiest way to connect to the energy of the Sun is to donate wheat to the poor and needy on June 21st.

Wheat is associated with the Sun; By sacrificing it to the underprivileged on this day, you will tap into the solar energy and appease the Sun deity, who in turn will bless you with mental acuity, beauty and vitality.

From June 20 to June 23, with your thoughts you influence your own destiny especially clearly. This must be remembered! These days it is necessary to avoid bad thoughts and negative wishes. If your mood deteriorates, you need to wash your feet: this removes low energy.

3. The night from June 20 to 21 is the most powerful period. At this time, awakening and activation of natural energies occurs: therefore, at this time it is good to jump over a fire - 3 or 9 times or walk on coals, if you are prepared. These are some of the best moments for cleansing energy and “burning out” mental garbage!

4. Having cleansed yourself with fire, it is good to cleanse with water, performing ablution 3 or 9 times.

The number of repetitions is associated with the Trinity; by performing ablution in this way, a person synchronizes with the laws of the Universe and prepares himself for a new life and a new level of spiritual development.

This fits well:

  • for those who want to start everything “from scratch”;
  • new business, business or undertaking;
  • before starting a new job.

5. On the evening of June 20, it is useful to be in nature, stand near large and mature trees, and it is very advisable to weave a wreath!

It can be woven from birch branches. And release it into the water with gratitude for all the good that is and has been in your life. The energy of gratitude is healing, and the more sincerely you thank, the better for your energy and your soul.

If it is not possible to weave a wreath, you can simply release the flowers into the water.

This simple ritual is a sign of respect to the forces of Nature and the Universe.

6. It’s good to drink herbal tea and light candles at home.

7. It is very useful to walk barefoot on the grass. This is good to do in the morning throughout the period from June 20 to June 23. You need to get up early, taking in the dawn rays of the sun, when there is still dew in the grass.

The most interesting fact! During the summer solstice, focused thought² is very powerful!

  • If health is important to you, then when eating food, concentrate on the fact that it nourishes your body and makes it healthier. It is recommended to keep water in crystal containers.
  • If love is important to you, give the opposite sex something small but beautiful. Women need to weave a wreath and release it into the water with a request to the Higher Powers to grant you mutual love and personal happiness.
  • If well-being and prosperity are important to you - throughout the entire period, from June 21 to 23 - treat sweets to those you can: children, beggars, acquaintances and friends.

Such simple techniques, carried out with inner sincerity on the day of the summer solstice, will help you improve your life and fill it with positive and happy moments in all respects!

The summer solstice or summer equinox is the day of the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere of the Earth and the beginning of winter in the southern hemisphere. The summer solstice occurs at the moment when the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation towards the Sun is at its lowest. The day of the solstice is also called the solstice.

Depending on the calendar shift, the summer solstice occurs on June 20 or 21 in the Northern Hemisphere and December 21 or 22 in the Southern Hemisphere (winter solstice). In 2018 in Ukraine it will take place on June 21 at 13.07 Kyiv time. The longest day is 17 hours and 33 minutes long.

This holiday has many names among the people: Ivan Kupala, Ivan the Herbalist, Yarilin's Day, Sontsekres, Spirits Day, Dew Festival - these are all the names of the summer solstice at different times among different peoples. And in some countries, for example in Finland and Sweden, the summer solstice is even a day off and a national holiday.

With the adoption of Christianity, the pagan holiday of Kupala did not disappear from Slavic culture, but was transformed on the day of John the Baptist, which according to the old style fell on June 24. But after the transition to the Gregorian calendar, the day of John the Baptist shifted to July 7. Today in Ukraine the celebration of Ivan Kupala does not coincide with the summer solstice.

Summer Solstice Day: holiday traditions

The Summer Solstice is a pagan and Zoroastrian holiday, the shortest night of the year. Scientists still cannot come to a common opinion when the pagans began to celebrate the solstice. We only know that it was long before our era. Many years ago, the summer solstice was of great importance for our ancestors, who obeyed natural cycles. In the times of the pagans, the sun had divine power over all living things, and the summer solstice meant the highest flowering of all the forces of nature.

There are many beliefs associated with the summer solstice that are still rightfully worthy of our attention, because on the day of the summer solstice there is a powerful surge of energies of goodness, love and prosperity. It is believed that on the day of the summer solstice all magical rituals, rites and conspiracies have special power.

On the day of the summer solstice, a midsummer festival was celebrated, which was called Lethe. On this day they jumped over the fire, sang songs and just had fun.

In ancient times, rituals involving fire and water were performed on this day. For example, it was believed that swimming in ponds cleanses the soul. The flame also had purifying properties: mothers burned the shirts of sick children. According to legend, the disease burned along with the clothes.

Ancestors had a tradition of watching the sunrise on the day of the summer solstice; their ancestors were convinced that this gave strength and health for the whole year and protected from troubles.

The summer solstice was considered a good day for a wedding. However, now weddings are not celebrated on this week, because June 21 falls during Lent.

Signs for the summer solstice

On this day they found out what the harvest and weather would be like in the summer.

If there is thunder on this day, then expect prolonged bad weather.

It's good if you take a steam bath on this day. Collect the broom on this day. This way you can “knock out” all bad thoughts and illnesses from yourself. The body and mind will be cleansed.

The morning sunrise you meet alone or with loved ones will help give you strength for the whole year, as well as get a strong amulet.

Make your deepest wish and on this day climb over any twelve fences.

If the sky is starry, expect a big mushroom harvest this summer.

All misfortunes and troubles will bypass the house if you hang a bouquet of Ivan da Marya flowers on the threshold.

The water collected on the morning of June 21 is considered healing. They collected water from wells and springs, washed themselves with it that same day and drank it.

But the rain that day did not bode well. In the evening everyone went to jump over the fire, which promised a rich harvest and prosperity for the family. Rain and wet grass made it difficult to light fires and perform all rituals.

And to prevent evil spirits from entering the house, it was necessary to place a burning or prickly plant, nettle or rose hips in the openings of windows and doors.

The summer solstice occurs on June 21st. The most powerful energy days are from June 20 to June 23. This is a sacred time of power, when practices and rituals work much better. If you spend this day correctly, doing everything necessary, you will lay significant improvements in your health and destiny in your future.


These days, Nature has special vibrations that can be used to cleanse the mind, body, soul and spirit, create harmony and change destiny. Our ancestors knew the power of these days and celebrated a holiday at this time, which was called the solstice.

From 21 to 22 June, the longest day and the shortest night. On the night of June 20-21, Kupala Night takes place. The replacement of the holiday with Ivan Kupala was made by Christianity. Be that as it may, sacred dates need to be remembered and learned to feel their power.

By these days, flowers and herbs are gaining strength, and on the day of the solstice the border between the worlds is erased. People and gods can merge into one.

A little chronicle and facts

Before Christianity, this holiday was celebrated not only among the Slavs, but also among the Celts, Scandinavians, Germans and the Baltics.

The most ancient mention of the importance of the solar holiday is said by the oldest tower in the world, Jericho. She is about 10,000 years old or more.

It was not for nothing that Hitler attacked the Soviet Union at this sacred time. He considered himself the heir to the ancient Vedic Aryan civilization that worshiped the Sun. On June 22, he tried to collect as much energy as possible from the Sun for his satanic plans.

Another interesting fact from the history of the Japanese people, when they used the power of the Sun through prayer. In December 1944, the US fleet with landing troops headed to the shores of Japan. The Japanese Cabinet of Ministers called on the Japanese people to pray to the Sun Goddess Amaterasu. They asked the goddess to send the Kamikaze wind, considered sacred to the Japanese, to the US fleet.

The simultaneous prayer of millions of Japanese worked. American ships were caught in the middle of a powerful typhoon, resulting in damage to 31 ships and 146 aircraft. Almost 800 people died.

Solar energy is very powerful and our ancestors used it for purification and creation.

Solar energy peaks follow the cycles of astronomy. In some years it may be not the 21st, but the 20th for the northern hemisphere. In 2018, the summer solstice will be June 21 at 13:07 Moscow time. You can calculate the time yourself for your region.

On this day, the Sun moves from the constellation Gemini to the constellation Cancer and astronomical summer begins.

What to do on the summer solstice

To get the most out of this day, you must:

From June 20 to June 23 are the strongest energy days. If you are practicing, use this time for cleansing and the practices you are doing. If you do everything right, the results will be good.

On the night of June 20-21, you need to swim in the pond. At this time, water has healing properties.

Start the morning of June 21 with a greeting to the Sun. A very good greeting would be the yoga gymnastics Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation). It is advisable to spend this entire day in Nature.

Make yourself some sun tea. Brew the tea you like and put it out in the sun. Drink it with honey.

In the morning, fill up with water. On this day, water is considered healing.

On this day, wear clothes and jewelry with yellow color.

Take time to understand and cleanse your emotional sphere. We look into all corners of our consciousness and cleanse it of all negative things. In return, we are filled with love and joy.

Forgive all your offenders, mentally thank them for the lessons they taught you.

Get as much rest as possible on this day.

If you can, find a group of people who celebrate on this day. At the festival, in round dances and through rituals, you will receive purification.

However, listen to your intuition. Not all holiday groups will be useful for you.

Do something creative on this day: sing, embroider, express yourself.

Have fun with friends or like-minded people in Nature.

On this day, it is customary to cleanse the body (swimming in a pond), cleanse the soul (jump over a fire) and cleanse the spirit (walk barefoot on hot coals).

What not to do on the summer solstice

Avoid aggression, anger and other negative qualities. Avoid sadness and despondency. This affects fate.

Don't drink alcohol. Alcohol attracts the lower worlds.

You can't spend this day alone.

You can't guess. Fortune telling is harmful on any day, and especially so on energetically strong days.

Rituals and rituals

On this day it is customary to carry out ceremonies, rituals, and make conspiracies. Most of the practices used today harm the soul or space. When people try to perform rituals against the evil eye, for wealth, etc., they do not understand that there is a reason for everything and it is necessary to remove the cause, not the effect, with the help of rituals. However, there are good and safe rituals and ceremonies.

I will give a few useful rituals.

A ritual that nourishes with solar energy.

At dawn you need to be in Nature. When the Sun fully appears on the horizon, stand facing it. In this case, you need to stand with your bare feet on the ground. Close your eyes and stretch your hands towards the Sun. Spread them apart so that your palms are facing him.

Feel how the energy of the Sun penetrates your body through your hands. Feel how the energy of the Earth enters you through your feet. After 5-10 minutes you will feel the strength filling you. If you stand longer, your body may hum. This is a sign of great energy in the body. Receive this energy with gratitude.

Do not allow a single bad thought at this time.

In such a strong energy state, thoughts with decesterated force will strive for materialization. Any harmful thought will have a bad effect on fate.

Rejuvenation with morning dew

On the days from June 20 to 22, dew has extraordinary rejuvenating properties. Use a natural cloth to collect dew. You can run it across the grass or just lay it on the grass. When the fabric is saturated with dew, remove it.

If the dew is strong, you can squeeze it out of the fabric into a mug. If there is not enough dew, just wet the cloth and apply compresses. When washing with dew, connect visualization. Imagine how all the wrinkles are smoothed out. After this procedure, do not wash your face for at least 3 hours.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

Wildflowers are collected and a wreath is woven from them. While weaving a wreath, you need to think about your desire and pay attention to the feelings that appear at the same time. If there is joy and happiness, the desire is good. If there is even the slightest discomfort, it is better to refuse such a desire.

Table of summer solstices until 2025

Year Date and time in Moscow
2018 June 21 at 13:07
2019 June 21 at 18:54
2020 June 21 at 00:44
2021 June 21 at 06:32
2022 June 21 at 12:13
2023 June 21 at 17:57
2024 June 20 at 23:50
2025 June 21 at 05:42

Good luck and bright thoughts to you! Sincerely, .

The best way to protect against energy vampirism...

Our world depends on the light of a huge star called the Sun. If you don't like waking up and falling asleep in the dark, rejoice - on December 22 at 1:22 (Moscow time) the winter solstice is coming!

Reference Winter solstice- astronomical phenomenon; occurs when the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation in the direction from the Sun takes on its greatest value.

The position of the Earth on the days of the solstices and equinoxes. Wikimedia Commons

And although the astronomical winter has just begun, the days will slowly begin to lengthen, and the sun will delight longer with its timid winter rays.

Thomas Morris |

8 interesting facts about the winter solstice.

1. There are two winter solstices every year.

Each hemisphere has its own winter solstice. Since the planet's orbit is tilted on its axis, the earth's hemispheres receive direct sunlight alternately. In the Northern Hemisphere, the winter solstice occurs on December 21, and in the Southern Hemisphere on June 21 (we call it the summer solstice).

And here's what it looks like from space:

2. The winter solstice happens in an instant.

Although the calendar allots a whole day for the event, the sun actually stands over the Tropic of Capricorn for a very short period of time.

3. The winter solstice occurs on different days in different countries.

But not always. For example, in 2015, the winter solstice occurred on December 22 at 4:49 UTC (7:49 Moscow time). This means that in any place on the planet that is at least 5 hours behind this standard (or 8 behind Moscow), the event occurred on December 21.

4. It's the first day of winter... or not - depends on who you ask

There are two ways to look at this issue - meteorological seasons and astronomical seasons. Meteorological seasons are based on the annual temperature cycle, while astronomical seasons are based on the position of the Earth relative to the Sun. For the astronomer, winter began today.

5. Winter solstice - a time of long shadows

Right now the sun is at its lowest position in the sky and the shadows from its rays are the longest.

6. A full moon on the winter solstice is extremely rare.

Since 1793, the full moon has appeared in the night sky on the winter solstice only 10 times. The last time such an event occurred was in 2010, and it also coincided with a lunar eclipse.

By the way, since this year at the latitude of Moscow the solstice will occur on December 22 at 1:22 (GMT this event occurs on the 21st), it actually coincides with the December full moon, which will occur on December 22 at 20:48!

7. The winter solstice is associated with Christmas.

People have celebrated the winter solstice throughout history. The Romans celebrated the festival of Saturnalia, the Germanic and Scandinavian pagans celebrated Yule, the Slavs celebrated Kolyada. Even Stonehenge is associated with the solstice. To attract pagans to their faith, Christians added religious meaning to their traditional holidays. Many Christmas customs, such as the Christmas tree, are directly related to the celebration of the solstice.

8. Winter solstice - a reminder of how grateful we are to Copernicus

English word " solstice"(solstice) comes from Latin solstitium, which means “the point when the Sun is stationary.” Before the Renaissance astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, who first announced the heliocentric system of the world, people believed that the Earth was motionless and the Sun revolved around it. The use of the word “solstice” is a beautiful reminder of how our knowledge of the world has advanced thanks to medieval thinkers who challenged the unchallenged status quo.
