Scenario for an event on patriotic education “Preschoolers should know - they can build the future of the country. Class hours about patriotism Scenario patriotic education of youth

Patriotic and spiritual-moral education of youth in the work of club institutions…………………………………….
Scenarios of cultural and leisure activities for patriotic education……………………………………
“Victory remains young!” Scenario of a literary and musical composition dedicated to the celebration of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Author-compiler……………………………
"Military feats of Russian warriors." Script for a lesson in courage. Andreeva………………………
“The past is in the present...” Scenario for a themed evening dedicated to the work of the youth team “Search”. Galatova……………………………………
"Army store" Scenario of a musical and entertainment program dedicated to Conscript Day. Isaev………………………………………………………
Scenario of the concert dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. From the experience of the RDK “Kolos” of the Bokovsky district………………………………………………………………
“Songs of war are sung by the young.” Scenario of the Romanovsky patriotic song festival-competition. Burenina …………………………
Scenario of a festive concert dedicated to the Day of Liberation of the city of Zernograd from the Nazi invaders. From the experience of cultural institutions in the Zernograd region………………………………………………………………
“We must live and remember!” Scenario of a meeting between the Great Patriotic War and the youth of the Aksai region. Chernysheva………………………………….
“We are citizens of Russia!” Scenario for the ceremonial presentation of passports. Goncharova………………....

Patriotic and spiritual and moral education

youth in the work of club institutions

The emergence of negative trends among modern youth characterizes the acute moral situation and spiritual instability of Russian society. The problem of loss of ideals, lack of spirituality, and civic passivity requires active action not only from the state, from public organizations, but also from each of us. A big role in this matter belongs to cultural workers. Cultural institutions, being participants in sociocultural processes in society, possessing sufficient information, personnel and material resources, directing them in the right direction, help in fulfilling the tasks of patriotic education.

Fostering readiness for dignified and selfless service to society and the state, and fulfillment of duties to protect the Fatherland has become fundamental in the work of cultural and leisure institutions.

In total, in 2009, 20,760 cultural and leisure events of a patriotic nature were held, including: 14,160 holidays, 560 festivals, 3,040 competitions, 3,000 exhibitions.

A great contribution to the organization of work on patriotic education is made by club formations of a patriotic orientation: 290 clubs for war and labor veterans, which number 5,936 participants, as well as 308 interest clubs (6,626 participants) and 142 amateur associations (1,862 participants). Thus, the Poisk club has been operating in the Sovetsky district for three years. Its participants collect materials about the history of the village, about the people who glorified it with their work, about the family dynasties of teachers, doctors, and workers. In the Tatsinsky district, members of the military-historical club “Warrior” in the costumes of ancient Russian heroes are restoring historical battles. It has become a good tradition in many areas to celebrate Conscript Day and evenings of farewell to the army.

Important work on patriotic education is carried out by museums operating at clubs and houses of culture: 15 museums of historical and patriotic direction, 21 museums of local history, 18 museums and 191 corners of military and labor glory. In addition to organizing thematic exhibitions, museum specialists conduct various cultural and educational programs, such as lectures, conversations, courage lessons, quizzes, and excursions. Thus, specialists from the historical museum of the Oryol RDK prepared a traveling exhibition dedicated to the day of remembrance of the sabotage detachment “Makmim-66” and the Great Patriotic War, and held talks for high school students in schools in the area.

Children receive a large school of life, moral and physical training, and civic-patriotic education during military-historical campaigns (“Cossack Memory”, Kamensky District), various competitive and game programs aimed at the physical development of young people (“Gentlemen of Fortune”, “Knight’s Tournament”, “Strength, Courage, Dexterity”, “There are few knights in the world, give way to the knights”).

Children attending the Krasnaya Gorka folk culture school in the Proletarsky district and the Miusskaya Gornitsa club in the Matveevo-Kurgan district participate in oral folk art festivals and make ancient musical instruments, weapons and armor. Young residents of the Rostov region are active organizers and participants in regional events, such as “Memory Watch”, Conscript Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, etc.

Also, the integrity of the process of spiritual and patriotic education is achieved as a result of organizing the participation of children in regional poetry competitions “We remember the war” (Bokovsky, Kamensky districts), concerts “Children sing about the war” (Taganrog, Zavetinsky district), participation in city and regional quizzes and shows (Verkhnedonsky, Milyutinsky, Proletarsky districts), folklore festivals (Azov, Aksai district). The guys conduct local history work and maintain constant contact with war and labor veterans living in the neighborhood (Zernogradsky, Proletarsky, Zavetinsky, Myasnikovsky districts).

In order to increase the effectiveness of the work of the KDU in patriotic education, the methodological divisions of the RDK and GDK conduct training events. Thus, in the city of Novoshakhtinsk a seminar “The work of club institutions on the patriotic education of citizens” was held. In the Azov region - a seminar “Modern concepts of patriotic education in the system of work of club institutions.” Specialists of the methodological office of the RDK of the Azov region developed events dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Raising a patriot and citizen who knows and loves his homeland cannot be successful without knowledge of the spiritual wealth of his people and the development of folk culture. Turning to the roots, origins of traditional culture, familiarization with the spiritual and moral values ​​of the people is the surest way to educate the younger generation.

The creation of an integral system of patriotic education in cultural institutions makes it possible to form a high level of general culture among the younger generation, instilling in the younger generation a love for their Motherland.

We hope that the methodological materials prepared by the Regional House of Folk Art will help KDU workers in the development of patriotic education and help improve the quality and efficiency of services provided to the population.

Scenarios for patriotic education events

(from the experience of the KDU of the Rostov region)


literary and musical composition dedicated to the celebration of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

In the hall of the cultural institution there is an exhibition “Let us bow to those great years!” The stands display documents, photographs, letters, and awards from the war years. There is a separate stand “Rostov-on-Don – the city of military glory!” Wartime posters hang on the walls. On the first and second floors, artists in military and naval uniforms and civilian clothes from the pre-war years quietly sing war songs. An accordionist and an accordion player accompany. Children are standing on the stairs, holding balloons and tulips in their hands. Extras hand out St. George ribbons, postcards and calendars to the audience.

There is a screen on the stage in the auditorium. On it is a screensaver illuminated by a beam of light: “Victory remains young!” with the image of a Soviet soldier. 2-3-4 shots of the scene are darkened.

The beginning of the event is marked by a fanfare performing the leitmotif of an excerpt from the film “Belorussky Station” “We need one victory” (words and music by B. Okudzhava).

Prologue. Darkening in the hall. Demonstration of an excerpt on the screen

from the film “Belorussky Station”, accompanied by a soundtrack of the song “We need one victory” (words and music by B. Okudzhava).

During the last bars of the song, the screen rises. A group of readers enter the stage from the right portal: a nurse, a fighter in a tunic, a sailor with a machine gun, a teenager in a work sweatshirt, a girl.

(Freeze in freeze frame. Literary montage. Light on the participants in the literary montage).

The presenters, a girl and a boy, come out from the left portal.

The phonogram of the song “Take your overcoat, let's go home” sounds (words by B. Okudzhava, music by V. Levashov).

Girl: Dear friends! We sincerely congratulate you and your

to our loved ones on the most dear holiday for each of us - Victory Day!

Young man: This day occupies a special place among significant dates in the glorious history of our Fatherland. We bow our heads to those who, in the name of freedom, in the name of the living and future generations, heroically fought on the fronts and worked in the rear, who, having returned from the war, without sparing their strength and health, restored the destroyed national economy.

Girl: Decades pass, but respect for the glorious deeds of our veterans does not fade. The Great Victory became a fateful event for all humanity!

Young man: Everyone stood up to fight the fascist invaders: old people, adults and children. People of all nations and nationalities who worked at the front and in the rear were united by one goal - to survive and win.

Group of readers: We survived and won!

Girl: But the war did not spare a single family, and therefore the memory of it, pride in the feat of our great people, who defended the honor and independence of the Motherland, are passed down from generation to generation, unite us all, and serve as an unshakable moral guideline for us.

Young man: Our Victory is not just a historical fact - it is our spiritual heritage, a source of strength and faith that allows us to overcome any difficulties and adversity.

All-Russian competition

methodological development of lessons, activities and extracurricular activities for teachers “Patriotic education at the educational institution!”


extracurricular activities for patriotic education

for fourth grade:

"I love my motherland! »

Prepared by Lushnikova

Lidia Nikolaevna

teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1


extracurricular activities on patriotic education for fourth grade:

"I love my motherland! »

Kremlin stars

They are burning above us,

Their light reaches everywhere!

The guys have a good homeland,

And better than that Motherland

S. Mikhalkov

Purpose of the event: to form a patriotic education, to instill a sense of love and pride for their Fatherland.

Objectives of the event: introduce folk art, form an emotional image of your country, organize work in extracurricular activities through cooperation with students.

Equipment: posters on the theme “Motherland”, a set for applique of the flag of the Russian Federation, recordings of songs “Where the Motherland Begins”, “Song about the Motherland”, presentation for a lesson on the theme “Motherland”.

Plan of implementation.

1. Who are fellow countrymen?

2. Russia of many names

3. Folk art

4. Symbols of the Russian Federation.

5. Everyone has their own homeland

6. Conclusion

The teacher greets: “I love you, my favorite class! Hello, my dear fellow countrymen! What does the word “countrymen” mean, guys? Who are they? (Schoolchildren survey: “Who are called fellow countrymen?”)

Progress of the event


"We call you countrymen

Those with whom we live together

Under the sky of my beloved city,

Our love for him is very dear to us!

Simple feelings are expressed in words:

The one with whom we live together in Russia,

We can always call him a fellow countryman.

And if the years and cities separate us,

A fellow countryman will never forget a fellow countryman!

We usually call countrymen those with whom we live on the “same” land, in the same city, in the same country. They are connected by feelings of inexplicable kinship and love for their common Motherland. You and I are fellow countrymen, we live in the same country. What is it called, children?

(Schoolchildren survey: “What is the name of our country?”)

Do you know what our country used to be called? After all, it did not always bear its proud name - Russia, and more than one name has changed. At first it was Kievan Rus.”

(Show a slide of a temple from the times of Kievan Rus.)


Oh, Rus', my gentle homeland,

I cherish my love only for you.

Your joy is short-lived

With a loud song in the spring in the meadow.

Teacher: “Then the Russian Empire appeared, and after it the Russian Republic. Then the USSR and, finally, the Russian Federation, or Russia, were formed.”


Just think about it, listen

In the name of "Russia"!

There is dew and blue in it,

And radiance and strength.

Teacher:“At all times, both the territory and the composition of the peoples of our Motherland have changed. We love her just the way she is. Throughout the existence, development and decline of our country, its population revered and praised their Fatherland, and its inhabitants expressed their feelings of love in art and creativity.”

(Review of paintings and photographs selected according to the theme “Motherland”, to the sound of the song “Where does the Motherland begin?”)

Teacher:“As you know, guys, the traditions of our ancestors have been preserved in Russian folk dance, which is performed in Russian folk costume.

(Guys dance Russian folk dance)

Many poems, fairy tales and stories, as well as proverbs and sayings are dedicated to our Motherland. Children, what proverbs do you know about the Motherland?

(Survey of schoolchildren “Proverbs that you know about the Motherland.” Then the teacher hangs a poster with written proverbs and sayings on the board.)

Teacher:“These are not all existing set expressions, but only some of them. I will read, and you help me

1. Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her.

2. The matchmaker praises the foreign woman, but she herself doesn’t step foot in it.

3. Your own land is sweet in a handful.

4. The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother

5. The native bush is dear to the hare

6. In a foreign land, the hare dreams of his native land.

7. In a foreign land, sweets are like mustard, but at home, horseradish is like candy.

8. Die from your native land, but don’t leave

9. There is nothing more beautiful in the world than our Motherland.

10. The nearest straw is better than the distant straw.

11. On someone else’s side, I’m happy with my little crow.”

Leading:“It is impossible to imagine oral folk art without ditties. A chastushka is a short folk song based on a specific motive with humorous content.”

(The guys sing ditties).

1st student:

Hey, laughing girls,

Sing some ditties.

Sing quickly

To please the guests!

2nd student:

I'm starting the chorus

The first, initial one.

I want to cheer

The audience is sad.

3rd student:

To make the stove burn,

We need to turn up the heat.

To make the song sing better

We need to help by dancing.

4th student:

I have a big braid

The ribbon is short

Don't think about me, boy

I'm still young.

5th student:

There are two flowers on the window,

Blue and scarlet.

I'm a fighting boy

Although small in stature.

6th student:

I danced on three legs

I lost my boots.

I looked back -

My boots are lying there.

7th student:

For ditties, my dear friend,

I'll give you three rubles.

You can see it in your eyes.

That you liked us.


We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you,

So that we can be applauded.

Teacher: “Many songs are dedicated to our Motherland, but among all the musical compositions there is one, special one, it is state approved, praising the country in which we live. Which one of you guys will answer the question, what is it called? (Children's answers.) Right! It's called an anthem. On what occasions is the anthem usually played? » (Children's answers.) The anthem is usually played at special or important events: if our athletes win sports competitions, on New Year’s Day after the President’s speech, at significant government meetings, etc. Guys, how do they listen to the anthem of the Russian Federation? (Children's answers.) They listen to him while standing. Let's listen to the anthem for the glory of our great country while standing! Let us feel all the love and pride addressed to our Motherland, which lives in our hearts!”

Of course, a song is always a miracle!

Hymn. The whole country sings this song.

It praises our Motherland,

Nature's beauty, Fatherland's glory!

The anthem is a symbol of our State,

It fills meetings and parades.

Athletes first places

Famous for the anthem everywhere, always!

The custom of listening to the anthem while standing

Now we will repeat it with you.

(Listening to the anthem of the Russian Federation).

Teacher:“The symbolism of our country is not limited to just the anthem. There are also the coat of arms and flag of the Russian Federation"

(View a slide showing the anthem of the Russian Federation)


Russia has a majestic

The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,

So that to the west, to the east

He could have looked right away.

He is strong, wise and proud.

He is Russia's free spirit.

Teacher: Do you know, children, which flag is called Russian?

(View a slide depicting the flags of three states, including the Russian flag. The children are asked to choose the one they want. Children’s answers.)

Let's try to make the Russian flag ourselves. Let's cut out strips 10 centimeters long and 2 cm wide from blue, red and white sheets of colored paper. While you are preparing for the applique, I will tell you what the colors of the Russian flag mean. By the way, the combination of colors on our flag is called the tricolor. Colors have always had different meanings, but now the unofficial one is most often used. White color symbolizes purity, peace, perfection, blue – fidelity and faith, red – strength, blood shed in the struggle for the Motherland. There is also such a division of colors:

White color - birch,

Blue is the color of the sky,

Red stripe -

Sunny dawn.

So, after you have cut out the strips in the color and size you want, let's glue them to the cardboard and trim off the excess edges. Now each of you has a little reminder of this evening. Guys, but we can call not only our country our homeland. Homeland is different for each of us. This is your city, home, street and, of course, family!”

1st student:

Homeland is a big word - big!

Let there be no miracles in the world,

If you say this word with your soul,

It is deeper than the seas, higher than the skies!

2nd student:

It fits exactly half the world:

Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.

Dear city, dear apartment,

Grandma, school, kitten... and me.

Teacher:“So, my dear fellow countrymen, you and I have found out that the Motherland is a broad concept, familiar to everyone, but for everyone it means something different, warm. This is how the famous poetess Yulia Drunina spoke about her Fatherland.”

3rd student:

Oh, Russia!

A country with a difficult fate...

I have you, Russia,

Like a heart, alone.

4th student:

I'll tell my friend too

I will tell the enemy too -

Without you,

Like without a heart

I can't live...

Teacher:“Children, tell me, what feelings does the word “Motherland” evoke in you?

(Children’s survey: “What feelings does the word “Motherland” evoke in you?”)

For us, our Motherland is always the best! We are kind to our native nature and our fellow countrymen.”

1st student:


He flew over a hundred lands.

Flew around, walked around,

Wings, legs strained.

We asked the crane:

Where is the best land?

He answered as he flew by:

There is no better native land!

2nd student:

I see wonderful freedom,

I see fields and fields -

This is Russian expanse,

This is my homeland!

3rd student:

I see mountains and valleys

I see steppes and meadows.

These are Russian paintings

This is my homeland!

4th student:

I hear the lark singing,

I hear the trill of a nightingale -

This is the Russian side,

This is my homeland!

Teacher:“I hope that each of you will grow up to be a worthy son of our country, ready to fight for his Fatherland, defend its interests, love his country, and dedicate his labors and exploits to it. Remember, great deeds in the name of the Motherland are great deeds in the name of a large and friendly family. Let’s all sing together an excerpt from the famous song about the Motherland, the poems of which were written by the Russian poet Vasily Lebedev-Kumach.”

(The whole class sings the song.)

“My native country is wide,

There are many forests, fields and rivers in it.

I don't know any other country like this

Where a person breathes so freely"

Budgetary educational institution

"Atira Secondary School"

Tarsky municipal district of Omsk region


extracurricular activities for patriotic education

"To remember..."


Russian society is going through a difficult period: on the one hand, there is a formation of a new statehood with recognition of the priority of universal human values, and on the other, there is economic instability, a pronounced division of the population along property lines, armed conflicts, and demographic problems.

Recently, the following trend has been observed among young people: young people generally give preference not so much to spiritual and moral values ​​as to big money earned in any available way. Only the school teacher often speaks about spiritual and moral categories, about citizenship, about patriotism. But patriotism is not only one of the most important personality traits, but also an inherent, essential feature of the Russian mentality, which forms the spiritual and moral basis of life. Therefore, the need to revive patriotic education today is one of the priority tasks of the educational work of our secondary school


formation of general cultural competence of children and adolescents through civic and patriotic education


    strengthening knowledge of the history of the Fatherland in children and adolescents;

    development of cognitive activity in students;

    instilling in children and adolescents patriotism, love for the Motherland, for their native land, and respect for the historical past of the country.

Form of conduct: historical and literary composition with multimedia presentation and musical accompaniment.

Location: school hall scene.

Equipment: computer, multimedia installation, decorations, military-themed posters, clothes for children during the war years.

Progress of the event:

Slide 1-5

1 presenter: Dear friends, teachers and distinguished guests! On May 9 we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great War. Victory Day for you and me and all residents of Russia is a special day, a Day of Remembrance, a day of Sorrow and at the same time Pride for our people, our country.

2 presenter: This day is directly connected with the history of our state, our people, we again turn over the pages of our history and again see how selflessly our people defended the Fatherland.

Slide 6-10

1 student: We live in the middle of big Russia,

Among cities, forests, lakes, fields,

And we have, whenever we are asked,

A sword for the enemy, a hug for the friends!

We are destined to love our Motherland

And my heart reaches out to her from everywhere,

Do not break the connecting thread,

And sometimes we need to look back...

Slide 11-12

1 presenter: Our Motherland has a rich history, every page of it gives us a genuine sense of pride. Before the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, our country experienced many different trials. These were years of great achievements, revolutions, discoveries and achievements. However, all the trials faded before the new national grief, which unexpectedly fell on peaceful people.

Student 2: Tomorrow the birds will be afraid of the groves,

Tomorrow the birds will not be recognized by the forests...

This will all happen only tomorrow,

In 24 hours...

Everything breathed such silence,

It seemed that the whole earth was still asleep...

Who knew that between peace and war

Just 5 minutes left...

Slide 13

2 presenter: The roar of the treacherous shelling of Brest reached every city and village of our country. Our land began to wail and groan, and our wounded Motherland began to wail.

Appendix 1 "Holy War".

1 presenter: And her sons and daughters stood up and rose to defend her. They had different names and different nationalities, but they all became brothers and sisters by blood, because they shed it on one great battlefield. They shed it for the salvation of their common homeland!

Slide 14-15. Appendix 2. The beginning of the war. Levitan.

2 presenter: Deeply outraged by the treacherous attack and the cruelty of the invaders, people walked and walked into city squares, volunteers besieged the premises of military registration and enlistment offices. They went to the front, young and old, yesterday's schoolchildren, almost the same boys and girls as us!

1 presenter: Forty-one - he was cruel,

To crush the enemy's scope,

The boys walked, holding their rifles

In still inept hands!

Slide 17-22

2 presenter: The war lasted 1418 days, almost 4 years. These were years of hardship, grief, and hard work. Cities and villages were devastated, grain fields were scorched, the dreams and hopes of the Soviet people were cut short. At the same time, these were years of courage and selfless love for the Motherland.

1 presenter: June 22, 1941. Who doesn't remember this date? It entered the life of our people with the hateful howl of enemy bombs, destroyed villages and cities, millions killed at the fronts, driven into slavery, tortured in death camps.

1 presenter: The war left its mark on almost every family. Our country missed 27 million of its sons and daughters. They did not spare their lives for our victory.

2 presenter: 1,710 cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages and hamlets were destroyed. About 32 thousand industrial enterprises and 65 thousand kilometers of railway tracks were blown up. What was created by the labor of our people was destroyed. Plants and factories were put out of action, mines were flooded, fertile fields were trampled.

1 presenter: On May 9, for the umpteenth time, the Victory fireworks will go off. And the immeasurable suffering of the war years and the immeasurable courage of the people are still alive in the people’s memory.

2 presenter: The whole world knows the day of May 9, 1945. Our country has been moving towards this day for 4 years. But what years those were...

Slide 23-26

1 student:Forty-first! June.

A year and a month of national struggle.
Even the dust of time
This date cannot be delayed.
The country was rising
And she went to the front in company
Red stars
Carrying away banners on canvases.

Slide 27-33

Student 2: Forty second! To Leningrad
Circumference on three sides.

Hitler marched with the strength of 40 divisions.
Bombed. He brought the artillery closer,
But I didn’t shake it, not even a micron,

Didn't pause for a moment
He is the heartbeat of Leningrad.
And seeing this, the enraged enemy,
Planning to take the city by raid,
Seemingly proven strategists
He called for help: Frost and Darkness.
And they came ready for victories,
And the third, Hunger, followed them.

Student 3: Above me is the blockade sky.

I turned 11 years old.

I'm wondering over the ration of bread -

Should I eat it completely or not?

The house next door is a brick pile.

It's soon night. The bombs will sing again.

Not to leave? What will I eat tomorrow?

Don't finish eating? What if they kill you today?

1 presenter: Leningrad... November 1941... The most terrible years of the war. Great Patriotic... Blockade. In total, famine claimed over 11 thousand lives in November, and 53 thousand in December. In January, 199,187 Leningraders died, and in March another 89,968.

Slide 34-37

4 student:Forty third!
In the damp steppe near Perekop,
Where we broke boundaries
Where were the long trenches?
Ditches, barriers, dugouts.
There, at deserted crossroads,
So that the country remembers them,
On the stars, on plywood boards
We wrote the names.

Slide 38-42

5 student: Forty-fourth!
There's still war, but we stubbornly believe
Whatever the day, we will drink the pain to the dregs.
The wide world will open its doors to us again,
With the new dawn there will be silence.

2 presenter: During the Great Patriotic War, our army fought in 6 giant battles and carried out about 40 major offensive operations. The Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Leningrad, the Battle of Stalingrad, the Battle of the Caucasus, the Battle of Kursk, the Battle of the Dnieper. Thousands of lives were cut short by enemy bullets, but did not shake faith in victory.

Slide 43.

Appendix 3. Levitan. Victory.

Student 6:Forty-fifth!
There was still mute darkness,
The grass was crying in the fog.
Ninth day of Big May
Already came into his own.
All over the country from edge to edge
There is no city like this, no village,
Wherever Victory comes in May
The great ninth.
Some sang and some cried,
And someone slept in the damp ground... Slide 44-48.

1 presenter: The memory of the war, of the victims of the war... It rings the alarm bell in our hearts, commanding us not to forget the feat of the people, to carefully preserve the peace won at the cost of more than 27 million human lives.

Appendix 4. Clip “Cranes”. Slide 49.

1 student: Today only a handful of them remain,
Front-line soldiers, war participants,
From the army that fought on the fronts,
Of those to whom we owe money.

Slide 50

Student 2: Quiet guys, a moment of silence
Let's honor the memory of the heroes,
And their voices once sounded
In the morning they greeted the sun,
Almost our peers.
There are none among us
Who went to the front and never returned.
Let's remember in centuries, in years,
About those who will never come again.
Let's remember!

Appendix 5. A minute of silence. Slide 51.

2 presenter: Our people’s victory in the Great Patriotic War came at a great price, so let us honor the memory of those who died with a minute of silence.

Slide 52-58

Student 3: Dawns rise, sunsets burn,

The earth does not know, does not seek silence.

The soldiers turn gray in labor and anxiety -

These people passed through thunder and flames,

But the heart is young and the hands are strong,

Walking with grandchildren in sunny parks

Heroes of a long-gone war.

In the radiant light, boundless distances,

And songs ring across the vastness of the country,

Both songs and the sun defended in battles

Heroes of a long-gone war.

Appendix 6. Clip “Soldiers of War”. Slide 59.

Slide 60-63.

Primary school student:
Let the machine guns not fire,
And the menacing guns are silent,
Let there be no smoke in the sky,
May the sky be blue
Let the bombers run over it
They don't fly to anyone
People and cities don't die...
Peace is always needed on earth!

1 presenter: Honor and eternal glory to those who defended their Motherland from the enemy during the war, who stood in the rear at the machines and grew grain in the fields, to all those who, with their labor and feats of arms, brought the long-awaited victory closer. Glory!

Primary school students:

Let the sun drown the whole Earth in its rays!

Let the peaceful stars shine above her!

Let you breathe deeper, calmer, freer!

May there always be sunshine!

May there always be heaven!

May there always be a mother!

May there always be peace!

Appendix 7. Song "Great-Grandfather".

Extracurricular activity

on civic-patriotic education of schoolchildren

Sharandina Valentina Vladimirovna

(MBOU “Secondary school No. 53”, Kurgan).

Subject: “What does it mean to be a patriot today?”

They love the Motherland not because it is great,

but because she is one of her own.

Class : 10-11 grades of secondary school.

Form of conduct : dispute over the content of the film “We are from the future.”

Target : Formation of a sense of patriotism in a modern schoolchild.


To lead students to understand the essence of the concept of “patriotism” through watching, discussing and organizing a conversation on the film “We are from the future.”

Contribute to the formation of patriotism, citizenship and spiritual and moral qualities.

To develop in students the ability to argue, prove their point of view and conduct dialogue.

To develop the ability to analyze historical and modern life realities.

Deepen your knowledge of the Great Patriotic War and the hostilities of the summer of 1942.


Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”.

State program “Patriotic education of citizens in the Russian Federation” for 2006 - 2010.

The concept of modernization of Russian education until 2010.

National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation.

Calendar of memorable dates: cool hours on patriotic themes. 5 - 11 grades / comp. I.I. Varakina, S.V. Paritskova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007

With hope for the future (part 3). Personal values. Family values. Citizen values. / Auto-stat. N.N. Ushakova, N.V. Konovalova; Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers in the Kurgan Region. - Kurgan, 2008.

Equipment : feature film “We are from the future” ( CD-ROM ), computer, multimedia projector.

Technology of critical thinking, methodology - “Six Hats”.

  1. "Call".

Plato, Aristotle:

“A patriot is one who respects his state; law-abiding person."

J. J. Rousseau:

“Patriotism is the free self-expression of the individual, the development of the individual in the state.”

V. Dahl:

“A patriot is a lover of the Fatherland, a zealot for its good, a lover of the fatherland, a patriot or fatherlander.”

Pedagogical technology “Six thinking hats”

A question that has no clear answer : What does it mean to be a patriot today?

"Red Hat" - emotions, feelings, intuition - ( patriotism is a sacred feeling of any citizen, love for the Motherland, etc.)

"White Hat" - reason, facts, statistics - ( modern market relations, pluralism of ideology, the right to choose one’s homeland, etc.)

“Yellow Hat” - everything positive, kind - ( heroism during the Great Patriotic War, restoration of a destroyed economy, etc.)

“Black Hat” - everything negative, strong counterarguments - (“skinheads”, “neo-fascists”; patriotism is an outdated concept, etc.)

“Blue Hat” - summing up the discussion - ( the existence of two opposing points of view: 1) patriotism - was, is and will be: the motto of the midshipmen is “Fate and Motherland are one!”; 2) you can live without patriotism: “Where it’s warm, there’s the Motherland”)

"Green Hat" - original, creative answer - ( songs, poems about the Motherland)

Oh, how cruel Nemesis is to Russia

Now and at all times.

They tried to exhaust her and overpower her

Now there is turmoil, now pestilence, now war.

And again the tests. In hard times

You stand, be faithful to your ancestors.

And I will never leave you for anything,

A country with a harsh fate.

(Lyubov Andreeva)

  1. "Comprehension".

What does it mean to be a patriot today?

A question to which we were never able to give a clear answer; a question that remains open.

Perhaps watching the feature film “We are from the Future” will help us answer this question.


to activate mental activity,

suggested to students before watching the film:

What period of the Great Patriotic War is shown in the film? What specific battles did the film's main characters take part in?

What modern youth subcultures are represented by the main characters of the film? What do they have in common?

How does the worldview of the film's characters change? Give examples from the film.

Brief summary of the feature film “We are from the future”

“We are from the future”, Russia, 2008. Director - Andrey Malyukov. Scriptwriter: Alexander Shevtsov. Starring: Danila Kozlovsky, Andrey Terentyev, Dmitry Volkostrelov, Vladimir Yaglych, Ekaterina Klimova, Boris Galkin, Daniil Strakhov. Duration - 120 minutes.

Four young people (18-20 years old) are engaged in illegal excavations of burial sites of military operations during the Great Patriotic War, i.e. are “black diggers”. They sell everything they find - weapons, ammunition, medals and insignia - to private collections, thereby “earning” money.

The film begins near St. Petersburg in the summer of 2007, where young people find a buried military dugout with the remains of Soviet soldiers and well-preserved ammunition, weapons and documents.

Overjoyed, they decide to celebrate such a successful find and drink vodka. Among the documents, they discover four military ID cards, in which, to their amazement, their photographs are pasted and their names are written. Deciding that this is how “scorched” vodka affects them, they decide to “cool off” and dive headlong into a nearby lake. After swimming, they surface already... in 1942, i.e. in the distant past.

Finding themselves in the past, they experience various feelings: bewilderment, confusion, but especially animal fear for themselves - those who find themselves in war.

In our “combat” past, the guys undergo a reassessment of values, a change in worldview: what was main and significant there, in modern times, here becomes unnecessary, superficial, superficial. The children “awaken” a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, and responsibility for its future.

This is especially noticeable in the plot, when one of the film’s characters exclaims: “We will leave. Who will defend the Motherland?”

Despite all the difficulties, the guys find the strength and courage not only to be at war, but also to participate in hostilities, defending the Fatherland. During the offensive operation, they accomplish a feat: they make their way to a German pillbox and throw grenades at it, thereby “saving” the offensive.

They return to modern times the same way, diving into the lake. But they return as completely different people.

  1. "Reflection".

Discussion on the content of the film.


Tell me, are the main characters of the film typical representatives of modern youth? Give examples.

What do they do in life? Name their hobbies. How do they spend their time? What do they have in common? Give reasons for your answer.

Can they be called patriots of modern Russia? Give examples (affirmative or negative) from the film.

Diving into the past, what period of the Great Patriotic War, what military events were the heroes of the film involved in? Prove it.

What exactly was the heroism of Soviet soldiers during the war according to the plot of the film? Give specific examples from the film.

Why did ordinary people need this? Why did they do this? Wouldn't it have been easier for them to avoid these problems?

How do you think the main characters of the film changed during these 3 days at war? How exactly did the worldview of the main characters change?

What did it mean to “be a patriot” during the Great Patriotic War?

What does it mean to “be a patriot” today? Is this possible in modern conditions, when there is no war?


Patriotism is active love to motherland;

when you need not only to love, but also to do something for her.

Regional competition

scenario development of events dedicated to the dates of Russia and the Days of Military Glory of Russia “Hail, Fatherland!”


“Scenario for a patriotic event”

Job title

"An Evening of Meeting of Three Generations"

for Defender of the Fatherland Day

OU: Osino-Gaisky branch

MBOU 2-Gavrilovskaya secondary

secondary school,

Gavrilovsky district

T.: 4755125368

e- mail: osinogay@ mail. ru

Makarova Tatyana Valentinovna,

Deputy Director

on educational work


Patriotic education is one of the main directions of education of the modern generation. It is necessary to instill in children pride in the history of the country, for the deeds of their ancestors, acquaint them with the traditions of defending the Fatherland, and promote the development of an active life position.

The evening took place in the form of a meeting of representatives of three generations: veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in armed conflicts, soldiers transferred to the reserve and future defenders of the Fatherland.

During the meeting, memories of veterans were heard, a presentation “My Land and the Great Patriotic War” was presented, and internationalist soldiers and soldiers retired to the reserve spoke. During the evening, students asked questions to the guests, and at the end of the holiday they shared their impressions of what they heard.

School students prepared concert numbers with patriotic themes.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War M.S. Korosteleva and Kosyrev V.D. after a meeting at the monument to fellow villagers who died during the Great Patriotic War

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War M.S. Korosteleva and Kosyrev V.D. during the meeting

School students during the performance of the staged song “In the Dugout”

While reading the poem "Mama"

Screening of the presentation “My land during the Great Patriotic War”

    Target: - education of military-patriotic consciousness among students.

    Tasks: - instilling pride in Russian soldiers;

Fostering respect for the older generation;

Getting to know the traditions of defending the Fatherland;

Development of an active civic position;

- formation of a culture of communication.

    Preparatory work:

    Event development.

    Invitation of guests: veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in armed conflicts, former military personnel, relatives of fallen soldiers.

    A selection of musical accompaniment and decoration, photographs of fellow countrymen, photographic documents, concert numbers.

    Main part

Equipment and props:

laptop, multimedia projector, screen, stereo, guitar, prepared presentation “My Land and the Great Patriotic War”, exhibition of books on patriotic themes.

Room decoration:

stand “The Combat Path of Our Compatriots”, stand “Nothing Is Forgotten, No One Is Forgotten”, folders “Portrait of a Soldier” with veterans’ memories of the Great Patriotic War, newspaper articles, stand “Heroes-Compatriots”, stand “They served in hot spots” "about participants in armed conflicts, a folding folder about the Afghan warrior Viktor Nikolaevich Rebrov.

Musical accompaniment:

metronome recording,backing tracks of the songs: “In the Dugout”, “Ogonyok”, “Duck Hunt”, “Tell me, Father”, “Mom”, “Officers”.

Target group (age category): students in grades 8-11.

Progress of the event:

    Introductory part.

    Main part.

    The Great Patriotic War.

    Post-war years.



    North Caucasus.

    Final part


    Introductory part.


Hello, dear guests, participants of this evening. Let me congratulate all the men and boys present on the holiday - Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day. After all, we dedicate this evening to them, our defenders.

    Main part.


The Great Patriotic War. How much do we talk about her?! Of course, less than it should be. And those terrible years fade into existence: the siege of Leningrad, the defense of Stalingrad, the Battle of Kursk. How much the soldier had to endure!

Our guests are witnesses of those terrible days, veterans of the Great Patriotic War Vasily Danilovich Kosyrev, who ended the war in Koenigsberg, and Maria Stepanovna Korosteleva, a participant in the Battle of Stalingrad. They have the floor.

Performances by veterans


Yes, it was difficult for veterans to get orders and medals. Let's remember our fellow countrymen who have received high awards. These are Heroes of the Soviet Union Zoya and Shura Kosmodemyansky, Alexander Dyachkov, Stepan Perekalsky, Ivan Cherenkov, Pavel Pluzhnikov.

Screening of the presentation “My Land and the Great Patriotic War”

NUMBER Poem “Awards” (Author Alexander Karpenko)

We're walking on stormy paths

Taking up arms against adversity and death,

And the rewards flying behind us,

It's so difficult to keep up with us.

It happened, one day he was given away

I'm in the sleepless hands of doctors,

And a military order was looking for me

Two hundred and seventy days and nights.

Here again that moment is before me,

There was an explosion in the silence...

Perhaps I have already been awarded

That he remained alive in this hell.

You are walking through Neskuchny Garden,

I beckon with the promise of happiness,

What are you, dear reward,

Has it taken you so long to catch up with me?


What did the soldiers do in the intervals before the battles? They wrote letters to their relatives, composed poems, and sang songs.

NUMBER Staged song “In the dugout” (Author A. Surkov, K. Listov)

Leading. And the girl remained waiting for the soldier at home, keeping love in her heart, which supported them during their separation. Do you know a song that talks about such a breakup?

NUMBER Song “Spark” (Author M. Isakovsky, M. Blanter)

Leading. The war has died down. Those terrible years began to be forgotten. Although we are not bothered by night raids, the borders are still guarded. Our guys - army officers and soldiers - are standing guard. A veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a retired naval officer, will talk about his service in the navy.Kiselev Alexey Mikhailovich .

Alexey Mikhailovich writes poetry. Please read one of your works.

Poem “To Veterans” (Author A.M. Kiselyov)

There is gray in the hair,

On the chest of the order,

There are fragments rubbing in the body,

What the war forgot.

There aren't many of us left

On a free land

We got this...

Don't dream about it in a dream.

In battles with a furious beast

We are losing friends.

And they didn’t feel sorry for themselves

For the sake of people's happiness.

For the sake of a beautiful life

We got up to fight

Earth, our Motherland

They covered it with themselves.

In difficult battles I got

We have Victory in the war.

There aren't many of us left

On Russian soil.

A former teacher at our school will tell us about his service in the ranks of the Soviet Army.Savelyev Alexey Nikolaevich

Guest speech

Leading. Of course, it's nice to hear from home. How was she perceived by the soldiers? And from the girl you love? What if the girl stopped writing?

NUMBER Song “Well, what have you done?” (From the repertoire of the Blue Berets ensemble)


We continue our interview with former military personnel:

Firsov Vladislav Ivanovich

Polyansky Vadim Valentinovich

Guest performance


Heroism and courage, love and melancholy of our soldiers - all this was embodied in poetry and then set to music. And these songs were performed, as a rule, with a guitar and entered into our home. Interest in them is high because the people who composed them experienced the most heightened feelings, sometimes finding themselves in exceptional situations, where they were often in danger, even death. As A. Tolstoy said, “by constantly circling around death, people become better, all nonsense peels off from them, like unhealthy skin after a sunburn, and remains in the person - the core.” In such conditions, the craving for art and longing for beauty intensifies.

NUMBER Song “Duck Hunting” (Author A. Rosenbaum)


“So sing, comrade,

Where is your song?

And it will become closer to me

My homeland."

These lines are from a poem by Lieutenant Alexander Stovba. He had someone to follow by example, someone to be proud of: both grandfathers, father, Nikolai Ostrovsky, Alexander Matrosov meant a lot in his short life. He dedicated a poem to Matrosov’s feat.

NUMBER Poem “Officers and Soldiers” (Author Alexander Stovba)

For officers and soldiers

Sometimes time is compressed by war.

Now, having prepared the machine guns,

Your comrades are lying down.

Their life depends on you

Oh, feat of immortal flight!

You rushed to shoot first,

Loving friends and homeland!

And having removed the lines by attack,

The native company went forward,

And you are at the enemy pillbox

You lie in the snow, unwavering.

Young citizen of the Fatherland,

Immensely loving the Fatherland,

You gave your life for humanity

And he could live to be gray.


Of course, the soldiers who sang songs and wrote poems did not think that an audience of millions would listen to them. They wrote only for themselves, so that in short hours they could remember their Motherland, their mother, their beloved.

NUMBER Song “Tell me, father.” (From the repertoire of the Blue Berets ensemble)


Afghanistan. February 15, 1989, for many, was the day when the count of losses of our soldiers, officers, and employees ended. The result is sad. About 1,500 mothers and fathers did not wait for their sons, they did not say: “Mom, I’m alive!”, and about 33,000 returned wounded.

The mothers were worried. Their hearts shrank in melancholy and hope, and in their eyes there was pain for their sons. The soldiers remembered their mothers in difficult moments. And lines dedicated to them were born.

NUMBERPoem “Mom” (Author Nikolai Sukhin)

Hello dear mother,

I send you greetings.

The most tender, heartfelt,

There are not even words in the world.

You miss your son

Mom, wipe away your tears,

I'll come home again

And I will hug you.

Service - in Afghanistan,

Where there is heat and sand.

How are you living, my dear?

Write a couple of lines.

Quietly, quietly in the barracks,

You can only hear it around

How the guitar yearns

Yes, the soldiers sing.

NUMBER Song “Mama” (Author A. Shulgin, V. Gavrilina)


The war in Afghanistan did not spare our village either. Many of those present knew Viktor Nikolaevich Rebrov, whose life ended tragically already in peacetime. I give the floor to his sister

Gureeva Lyubov Nikolaevna

Leading. One of the most wonderful songs that exists among our Afghan soldiers is the lyrical “Cuckoo”, the text of which is based on the poem by Viktor Kochetkov “Everything is illuminated by the glow of peace.”

The cuckoo is an eternal image of folk poetry. A girl, given in marriage to someone else, flies to her parents' house like a cuckoo. In folk songs, the cuckoo is likened to a mother looking for her child, her son.

In the song, the hero refers to the cuckoo as a symbol of his distant Motherland. The song already has its own history.

Sergei Fedotov was in secret in the mountains. I was blown up by a mine at night. His fighting friends tried to help him, but they didn’t get through. The dushmans tried to capture him and also failed - Sergei fought back until the last bullet. Bleeding, he sang “Cuckoo” until dawn.

ROOM Song “Cuckoo”


After the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, it would seem that the deaths of our guys are over.

In 1994, a war broke out inTajikistan. This war affected our borders, and our fellow villager Armen Eduardovich Makaryan defended them. He is given the floor.

Guest speech.


A war broke out behind TajikistanNorthern Caucasus . Our guys were morally strong, unpretentious and hardy, originally endowed with ingenuity, always ready to help their comrades. This is the most glorious tradition of continuity. Among our fellow villagers there are such experienced guys: Alekseev Mikhail Evgenievich, Korolev Gennady Alexandrovich, Makarov Nikolai Alekseevich. We give the floor to them.

Guest performance.


Chechnya is still breathing war,

The sky is black over Dagestan.

And not everyone is protected by armor,

And the mournful ones fly to their mothers.

How many of them are there, fighting boys,

Entered the world with dreams and love,

Will pay again for the mistakes of others

With your life on takeoff and blood.

NUMBER Song “Officers” (Author O. Gazmanov)


First there was Afghanistan, then Chechnya

Who will explain to me what is going on in this world?

When will the bloody war end?

When will people sleep there peacefully?

Here the mother is standing over the coffin, all in tears.

The father stands aside in inconsolable grief.

And how many more innocent souls are there?

He died in that war, which was unnecessary for everyone.

Let's stand up. And let's remember them

After all, we need this alive, not dead.

Minute of silence

    Final part (conversation with children about the content of the evening and impressions).


Our evening is over. I would like to believe that the memory of the warriors of the Russian land will be the guarantee that in the third millennium our descendants will not be touched by this terrible word “war”

NUMBER Song “Bending of the Yellow Guitar” (Author: B. Okudzhava)

In today's Russia, more than ever, such personality qualities as autonomy, independence, the ability to make decisions, responsibility, and an active life position are in demand. The teenager develops his skills, lines of behavior, values, acquires knowledge about life,participating in school-wide events.

It is civic-patriotic education that is given the main place in the preparation, organization and conduct of such an important event asDefender of the Fatherland Day. It has already become a tradition to invite veterans on such holidays.Great Patriotic Warwars, participants in armed conflicts, soldiers transferred to the reserve. And every timeyou have to tryfindnew forms of communication, bring something special to the event,Whatdonenoa sincere and unforgettable meeting.

The farther the terrible years of war go from us, the more urgent the need becomes to talk about it, to record the memories of war participants, of whom there are fewer and fewer every year., hold meetings with those who protect us in peacetime. Their personal example should tell about the high title of Defender of the Fatherland.

To work on the scriptshouldattractedwhosestudents. Children's creative thinking brings a fresh spirit to the content, making the material modern and relevant. The participation of teenagers in the selection of concert repertoire, conversations with them about the enormous role of their grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the Victory over fascism, about the depth and significance of understanding their contribution to the history of the Fatherland are, in our opinion, a justified method of instilling patriotism and civic duty in them.

Studentsthey prepare not only thematic concert numbers, but also directly communicate with veteran guests, organize exhibitions,design stands, folding folders, prepare materials forpublications innewspaperse, welcomeguestsflowers and souvenirs, take pictures with them as a souvenir, talk about their successes and achievements. Students and guests sing together front-line songs that are still relevant today and equally loved by people of different generations. Such touching meetings once again prove that “veterans never grow old in spirit.” They are undoubtedly needed by both the older generation and young people.

The upcoming meeting should be solemnly touching, impressive and memorable. And most importantly - meaningful.

These guidelines can become a guide to action in preparing and conducting various thematic events, in particularcelebrationI Defender of the Fatherland Day,on the eve of the DayVictory.

If there are various forms in the arsenal of educational activities, it is possible to significantly diversify creative work, resorting to the initiative of all persons involved in the process, using the creative potential of everyone. Based on the experience of holding festive and themed events, we considered the most preferable form in a particular situationevening meeting. This is how one can most clearly express feelings and one’s own attitude towards the heroicthempagesamin the biography of the country.

A mass event will be successful if you carefully plan its organization and preparation at three main stages:

1. Preparatory stage – acquisition, selection and analysis of literature, drawing up a list of recommendations, conducting conversations on the topic, defining goals and objectives, drawing up a plan, determining the course and content of the event, determining methods and techniques, developing a script, preparing didactic and handout materials, making visuals, identifying participants,concert numbers, preparation and distribution of tasks, determination of place, time, date, coordination with the administration, resolution of organizational issues.

2. Corrective stage

Preparation and testing of equipment and technical means, preparation of design, rehearsals and dress rehearsal, script adjustment, announcement, invitation of spectators and guests.

3. Main stage

Installation of equipment and technical means, decoration of the hall, holding the event, summing up, analysis of the event(self-analysis), discussion with colleagues, collecting feedback, developing methodological recommendations, disseminating work experience, covering work experience in the media.

The relevance of the topic, the adequacy of the content, practical orientation, focus on the appropriate audience, responsibility for the thoroughness of preparation make the event effective.

An educational event as a model of activity for teachers and children's teams presupposes a certain logic of development and consists of five sequential elements that determine its integrity.

    Purpose (motive)- patriotic upbringing, education.

    Method (means)- learning songs and poems.

    Execution (implementation)- meeting evening.

    Control (self-control) - auditorium.

    Assessment (self-assessment)- attention of the audience, applause, discussion.

In our case, preference is given to the following form:evening meeting . We think this choice is the most successful, because it allowed students to touch the history of their country not only from the point of view of knowledge gained in lessons gleaned from books, the Internet, television shows, etc., but also to directly express themselves and their own attitude to the theme of the event through the disclosure of their creative and artistic abilities, acting as direct performers.

School is the starting point of a journey into the history of our Motherland, into distant wartime. And this journey should be educational, creating conditions for instilling in schoolchildren a sense of patriotism, love for their Motherland, people, respect for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in armed conflicts, soldiers transferred to the reserve. It is human nature to look into the past as into a mirror. He sees other people's destinies there, but often correlates them with his own destiny. With what is happening around.

From howorganizerseducational work is built, how with its help and with direct participation the assigned tasks are carried out, depends not only on the favorable atmosphere in the team, but also on the responsible attitude towards the event, the desire of each participant in the educational process to demonstrate their civic position, to fill it with new content.

Finally, the undoubted roleorganizersis also to be able to convey to students their own spirituality, love for the stage and for the audience, the desire to create and serve art. Understanding the responsibility and significance of the moment, the educational component and personal example - this is what, in my opinion, will help bring methodological activities intoschoolsto a new, higher level.

    List of sources used:

    Book of memory. Afghanistan is our memory and pain. G. Tambov, 2001

    Book of memory. They returned victorious. G. Tambov, 2005

    Book of Memory of the Tambov Region, vol. 2, Tambov, 1994.

    Book of memory. The tragedy of Chechnya is Russia's pain. G. Tambov, 2003

    When soldiers sing: Modern amateur song creativity of Soviet soldiers performing international duty in Afghanistan / Comp., will enter. Art. P.I. Tkachenko.- M.: Mol. Guard, 1987

    Materials of the school museum room of the Annensky branch of MBOU 2-Gavrilovskaya sosh.

    Internet resources.


Stand “They served in hot spots”, dedicated to the soldiers:

Alekseev M.E., Korolev G.A., Makaryan A.E.

Fragment of the stand “They served in hot spots” - Armen Eduardovich Makaryan

Fragment of the stand “They served in hot spots” - Gennady Alexandrovich Korolev

Folding folder about an internationalist soldier, a participant in the war in Afghanistan

Rebrov Viktor Nikolaevich

Stand “The battle path of our fellow countrymen”

Exhibition of newspaper articles about veterans - fellow countrymen

Exhibition of student works “Portrait of a Soldier” based on the memories of veterans

Stand “Heroes are our fellow countrymen”

Organized exhibition of books on patriotic themes

Stand “Front-line writers”
