Scenario of the New Year's event "New Year's space travel near the Christmas tree." New Year's fun (aliens kidnap Santa Claus)

Municipal educational institution "Starotimoshkinskaya secondary school"

Scenario for the New Year
"New Year's fun"

Primary school teachers
second qualification category
Muleeva Galina Pavlovna

Hosts: Snowstorm and Pippi Longstocking.
Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.
Aliens (4).
Evil spirits: Yagusya, Kikimora, Leshy, Brownie.
Brilliant: 3 people.
Snowflakes: 9 students.

(The song “A blizzard is sweeping along the street” sounds, Metelitsa comes out) 1836
Blizzard: Through swamps and plains,
slopes and valleys,
Through forests and glades
I was in a hurry to visit you.
Hello, kids, girls and boys!
- Did you recognize me?
(Children answer)
Snowstorm: The holiday of Christmas tree and winter has come to us again today
We were looking forward to this New Year's holiday.
Forest, frequent wet field
The winter holiday is coming to us,
So let's say it together:
All together: Hello, hello, New Year!
Pippi Longstocking runs out to the accompaniment of lively music.1826
Pippi (shouting): Hello, here I am! Am I late?
(Children answer)
Metelitsa: Welcome to our holiday. Guys, do you recognize our guest?
(Children answer)
- I hope you like it with us.
Pippi: I hope too, because today the guys and I will have fun, play pranks and be mischievous! Hooray!!! Stop. Why am I happy to meet you, but you are silent? Aren't you glad to see me?
(Children answer)
Then let's all shout loudly: “Hurray!” I really want to play this game with you: I will tell you different news, if it’s happy, then loudly shout “Hurray!”, and if it’s sad, “Uh-oh.”
Naughty game with Pippi
Wonderful guys came to our New Year's party! (Hooray!)
There are cute girls here! (Hooray!)
And dirty boys! (Ooh)
Sorry, there are smart boys here! (Hooray!)
Every second student here is a poor student! (Ooh)
Every first one is smart! (Hooray!)
New Year is coming soon! (Hooray!)
Our holidays are about to begin! (Hooray!)
They will last one day! (Ooh)
No, a whole week! (Hooray!)
Santa Claus has prepared delicious gifts for us! (Hooray!)
A big jar of mustard! (Ooh)
No, delicious sweets! (Hooray!)
Peppy: Well, thank you guys for playing with me.
And answer me now, are you having fun in winter?
(Children sing the song “If only there were no winter”)2186 or cassette
Metelitsa: Guys! Here we are all playing, having fun, but what are we missing at the holiday?
(Children answer)
Pippi: Our Christmas tree is simply marvelous:
And elegant and beautiful, -
It's just a pity that she's wearing
No sparkling lights.
Let's light the Christmas tree
And we'll call Santa Claus.
Snowstorm: How do we light it? We don't know the magic words.
Pippi: Let's blow on the Christmas tree, it will perk up, wake up and light up with cheerful lights. Come on, all together, 3, 4: “Ugh.”
(everyone blows on the tree)
Metelitsa: No, nothing comes of it. Only needles fell on the floor.
Pippi: Let's ask the guys: who knows how to light a Christmas tree?
(Children come up with and name spells)
Metelitsa: Yes - but bad luck. What to do?…
(Soundtrack of a snowflake appearing)
Snowflake: Telegram! Telegram! "Forest Mail"!
Pippi: Unfold faster, read!
Snowflake: So that all paths open,
And Santa Claus was able to come to us,
We must loudly and all together
Sing a New Year's song!
(Children sing the song “Come to our housewarming party.” Snowflakes appear)
1: We are snowflakes
2: We are fluff,
3: Let's start a round dance.
4: The Snow Maiden is coming to us,
5: New Year is coming!
6: This meeting,
7: This day
8: The children waited for a whole year.
9: Santa Claus is probably now
Our Christmas tree will be lit. (Dance “Snowflake”)1234
(Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear and sing the song of Father Frost)97
Santa Claus: Hello, kids!
I was in a hurry to see you from the snowy forest in the morning.
I asked the horses to gallop faster,
I was afraid I would be late for the holiday,
Suddenly, I think, you won’t wait for grandfather!
Metelitsa: Well, grandpa! What would it be like without you?! Who will light the Christmas tree, who will bring gifts? And we miss your granddaughter, we are glad to see her - we are tired of waiting a whole year.
Snow Maiden: Happy New Year! Good afternoon! Happy New Year's tree!
We will have a fun holiday today!
Hello, kids, girls and boys!
Pippi: Well, all the friends are here, we can’t delay any longer, get together for a round dance, let’s celebrate the New Year together!
(The song “Near the Christmas Tree” is performed. Participants and children lead a round dance around the Christmas tree.)
The lights go out. The recording “Howl of the Wind” is played. Flashing lights. Aliens enter and walk through the hall. We wish everyone a Happy New Year from Inoplan. 104
Aliens: Solar System. Planet Earth. We're getting closer. The village of Old Timoshkino. School. New Year's Eve. The given object is here. Order No. 1: Put Santa Claus to sleep, capture him, and deliver him to the ship.
(The lights are flashing, the aliens are dancing to the music of the Prodigy group. The aliens surround Father Frost, dance around him and lead him out of the hall. The Snow Maiden remains and looks around)
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, where are you? Where have you gone? How can I live without you? (crying)
The song “Babok-Yozhek” plays. from the animated film The Flying Ship. Yagusya comes out and dances to it. 24
Yagusya: Hello, hello! (you can introduce yourself) I was flying past and heard songs, screams, laughter and crying. I decided to take a look.
Who is that roaring here? No way Snow Maiden? Where did grandfather go? Left him, old man, to the mercy of fate! Come on, honey, don’t cry, what’s the problem, speak up. Maybe I can help? Rely on Yaga!
Snow Maiden: Yagusya, Yagusenka. Some strange people kidnapped my grandfather and said they would take him to a ship.
Yagusya: Shiny(s)?
Snow Maiden: Shiny.
Yagusya: Shaggy(s) e?
Snow Maiden: Shaggy.
Yagusya: Well, I know, there is such an ensemble, it’s called “Brilliant”. Yes, here they are!
A parody of the "Brilliant" ensemble is performed, the song "Cha-cha-cha".704
Yagusya: Are these?
Snow Maiden: No, not these.
Yagusya: Well, then we know the aliens! UFOs keep flying and flying over the forest. There is no peace! And we got here. To the kids! Until grandfather!
Snow Maiden: What to do, Yagusya?!
Yagusya: What to do, what to do? We'll help out. Now I’ll call all the evil spirits together and find a way out.
Yagusya whistles, evil spirits (Kikimora, Goblin, Little Brownie) run out, stand in a circle and dance. At the end of the dance, Leshy grabs his lower back. He groans and gasps.
Goblin: Oh, oh, old age is no joy. Oh, the weather is cold, the wind is howling. My bones hurt, my lower back ache... I'm all sick and nervous. Hey, Kikimora, quickly prepare a medicinal decoction.
Kikimora: Oh, now, now, dear! If you drink the potion, everything will go away.
Goblin (trying): What a disgusting thing!
Kikimora: This potion will save you from everything.
Goblin: What are you making the potion from?
Kikimora: From leeches and tails! I add fly agarics and birch leaves. And I mix bugs and boogers with grass. I bring everything to a boil. This is better than jam.
Goblin: Drink this crap yourself!
Kikimora: What to do? I need to drink. Well, just once, just a sip!
(The goblin drinks... chews... straightens up. Dances.)
Goblin: Oh, I really feel better...
Brownie: Why was Yaga calling us? Has there been a problem?
Kikimora: Why did we have to rush, answer, there’s a bone in my throat!
Yagusya: Don't make noise, don't get angry! And calmly figure it out. Here are the guys standing. They want to celebrate the New Year!
Brownie: Well, what is the reason for this?
Yagusya: You are a stupid man! Santa Claus was stolen and taken away without looking back. They were taken to the Alpha system! I don’t know what we should do. I called you for some advice!
Leshy: Well, yes, we can do that. Let's gather all the kids and stamp our feet and clap our hands.
Kikimora: In a moment they will return Grandfather to us and will not reach Alpha.
(The presenters come out: Metelitsa and Peppy)
Pippi: Maybe it’s true, guys, let’s stamp our feet and clap our hands.
(children stomp and clap)
Leshy: Your advice is not suitable, grandfather will not return to us like that.
Kikimora: Can we ask Gorynych to visit that plate? He would set all his enemies on fire - grab Frost - and so he was!
Metelitsa: What should we do, friends? We can't live without Grandfather. Well, why do they need Santa Claus? Here is the riddle, here is the question.
Voice-over: Grandfather. Name - Frost. Brings gifts. Lights up the Christmas tree with bright lights. Suitable for the holiday - New Year.
Yagusya: Wait - wait, wait - (Takes out of his pocket and hands the mobile phone to Domovoy.) Come on, Domovoy, get in touch. Stop dozing. It's time to start negotiations. (The brownie dials the number)
Leshy (takes the phone): Hey, why do you need Santa Claus? Seriously tell us!
Voice-over: The task of Santa Claus is to implement the New Year in the Alpha system.
Yagusya: (takes the phone) But why do you need New Year?! And who will figure out how you really need to meet? Well, how can you not be angry?! (Gives the phone to Domovoy).
Brownie: You aliens, don't make noise. Give us grandfather back soon. And we’ll show you then (shakes his fist).

Natalya Mikhnevich
"New Year's Eve with Aliens." Scenario for the preparatory group

« New Year's holiday with aliens»

Dance "Icy Palms"

Leading: Last year was a glorious year, but time does not wait hastily.

The last calendar leaf has been torn off, the New Year is marching towards us.

Check out our Christmas tree: how decorated she is!

The snow is fluffy on needles, and a star is burning above.

1 child: It smells like fresh tar again, we are gathered around the Christmas tree,

Our Christmas tree was decorated, the lights on it were lit.

2reb-k: The Christmas tree came to us today, all made of gold lights,

Everyone is happy about her: children, guests, we will have more fun with her.

3reb-k: Everyone is singing and having fun, dancing in a friendly circle,

Because today holiday. What the holiday?

Together: New Year!

4reb-k: Get into a circle quickly, hold hands tightly,

We’ll start a round dance, because that’s what the New Year is for!

Round dance « New Year»

(children sit on chairs)

5reb-k: On this winter starry evening,

The old year is passing away.

New Year to meet him

He comes to us with gifts.

Along the magical path

You can enter a fairy tale.

But where is the magic path?

How can we look into a fairy tale?

The music is about to start,

We will be able to get into a fairy tale!

"Dance of the Stars"

(the sound of a space rocket descending is heard)

Leading: Well, miracles fell like stars from the sky! It seems to me that someone has come to visit us!

The boys come out Aliens.

Aliens: -Hello dear!

Good afternoon

Leading: Hello, dear guests! Where and why did you come to us?

Aliens: We came to you from the Alpha Planet! We are looking for magical objects for our museum. Do you have anything for us?

Leading: Of course have! We are waiting for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, magic and fun await us, because today New Year holiday! Stay on our holiday and we will find magical objects.

Aliens: Certainly! We'll be happy to stay!

The sound of horses' hooves and bells can be heard.

Leading: This is probably Santa Claus who has arrived. The presenter draws the children's attention to Santa Claus, who is visible in the window.

Let's all call him together so he can find us faster!

All: Father Frost! Father Frost! Father Frost!

Father Frost enters with the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost: Hello, dear little and big!

Take me into your round dance, guys!

I am ruddy, bearded,

I came to you for the New Year.

Lots of fun today!

The friendly song is ringing!

Noisy New Year's holiday,

Light up your lights (The presenter lights the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden: Hello guys, quickly all get up in a circle and sing a song together!

Round dance Santa Claus is our guest New Year.

Leading: Santa Claus, look what guests have arrived to us.

Aliens: We came to you from the Alpha Planet! We are looking for magical objects for our museum.

Father Frost: Well, then you’ll have to go to the magical land of fairy tales. And there we will find magical objects. Do you agree? (Music sounds, the lights go out, the children circle around them)

Father Frost: Well, here we are in a fairy tale!

Music sounds, the Queen comes out, looks in the mirror, admires.

Father Frost: Hello, dear Queen! Let me ask you?

Queen: Speak!

(Aliens repeat their story: "We have arrived...")

Leading: Would you give us your mirror?

A noise is heard, Kikimora runs in with Leshiy.

Kikimora, Leshy: What is this I hear! We made it! We've done it! They sell everything, they buy everything! Everyone is shaking over their own good! Oh, you see, give them magical things! I'll show you! I'll arrange it for you! I'll grab them myself! Give me, give me the mirror!

Leading: Guests have flown to us, asking for magical objects for the museum, but why do you need a mirror?

Kikimora: I will look at myself and admire it!

Goblin: And I!

Queen: Well, if you ask so much, earn it! Complete my task!

My pearl necklace has fallen apart! Whoever collects the most beads will own a mirror!

Leading: Guys will help you now!

A game "Collect the Necklace".

Children are divided into 2 teams, some go to the team aliens, the other half to Kikimora with Leshiy. The team wins Aliens.

Goblin: Such small beads. Can't see without glasses!

Kikimora: Yes, it’s definitely not visible! (they leave, whisper)

The queen gives Mirror for aliens.

Leading: Stay Queen on our holiday.

Father Frost: Well, guys, let's play some more!

Game with Santa Claus.

Music sounds (the sound of an airplane, the Sultan appears in the hands of a carpet airplane.

Sultan: Hello guys, I came to you from an eastern country!

(Notices oriental beauties)

How many beauties do you have?

Leading: They know a wonderful dance and want to dance for you.

Dance of oriental beauties.

Father Frost: Dear Sultan! You have such a wonderful airplane carpet. Would you give it to guests from another planet?

Sultan: He's old, full of holes and doesn't fly well!

Aliens: So what, is it old? For us, for the museum.

Kikimora runs out with Leshiy.

Kikimora (to the Sultan) Expensive! You are from a fairy tale, I am from a fairy tale! We will understand each other!

Give me a carpet, I will fly on it.

Sultan: And do you need an old, holey carpet - an airplane?

Well, okay, then I'll give you a competition.

(thoughtfully) It's winter outside! What task would you like to come up with?

Father Frost: Sultan, let’s see how they can ski? (brings skis)

A relay race with skis is held

Participate aliens and Kikimora with Leshim. You need to run around the tree on one ski and pass it to the next one.

Sultan: The winners are the aliens! I give you a carpet!

Kikimora and Leshiy are pulling the plane carpet, but they won’t give it up.

Leading: They won’t give it back! We'll have to scare them. Robbers, come out!

Robber: We are robbers - murderers,

These are the big darlings.

Dance of the robbers.

At the end of the dance, the carpet is given to the plane. They leave.

Leading: Stay Sultan on our holiday! Let's have fun! (Remain)

Game with felt boots.

The children sing “Masha went to the market, Masha bought felt boots, we began to ask her, let me wear them a little...”

Masha (speaks): “I don’t feel sorry, vilify, vilify, but return” - gives one felt boot to the children between whom she stopped. The children put one felt boot on each foot and run in a circle towards each other. Whoever ran to the place first takes the felt boots and play continues again.

Leading: - Santa Claus, the children want to read poetry to you.

Children's poems.

Father Frost: Guys, aren’t you afraid of frost?


Father Frost: Yes, yes, that means you’re not afraid. I'll check it out.

Leading: Santa Claus, why do you scare children by their ears or grab their nose?

Father Frost: I’m cheerful today, and I’m friends with the guys.

I won’t freeze anyone, I won’t give anyone a cold! (Children join hands)

Oh, how can I get out of the circle?

A game “We won’t let you out”.

Leading: Santa Claus, dance with us, then we will let you out of the circle.

Father Frost: Well, what can you do with you?

We will continue the holiday,

Let's dance merrily

Just don't lag behind

Repeat after me.

The dance is common.

While dancing, Santa Claus loses his mitten. (Kikimora and Leshy appear, steal the mitten, and run away)

Father Frost: Oh, I'll freeze them now!

Kikimora: Please forgive us!

Goblin: Don't freeze, let go!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, I can’t see tears. Let's forgive them?

Father Frost: You must atone for the guilt

Try to do good.

This is a thick log

It has been under the tree for a long time.

You must cut it

And surprise all the guys with this.

Kikimora: Goblin, roll up your sleeves! Hold the saw (Kikimora and Leshy are sawing a log)

Goblin: We sawed the log,

And it is, it is all full of gifts.

Father Frost: Gifts for children, for cheerful preschoolers.

Distribution of gifts.

Kikimora: Do we have any gifts?

Father Frost: Of course have! For you Kikimora the biggest bow, and for you Leshy - warm felt boots.

Kikimora: Let's go home, Leshy. I’ll show off my bow to Vodyany.

Goblin: And my feet won’t get cold in felt boots!

Kikimora, Leshy: Thank you Santa Claus! Goodbye! (Leave).

Father Frost: You have a nice Christmas tree in your kindergarten,

But many are waiting for Frost now.

Snow Maiden: Goodbye! (Leave) The host invites aliens with you in the group. Everyone leaves the hall.

Scenario for the New Year in elementary school “Happy New Year!”

How many children
I see around.
We're all gathered
In this festive circle.
Smart, beautiful, cheerful people,
Let's celebrate the New Year!
Hello girls and boys! Well, you are all gathered in the hall, the music is playing, the tree is standing. The toys are hanging - it’s time to start the holiday. Although no, someone is missing. Who? How do you think?
Guys (answer). Santa Claus, Snow Maiden.
Presenter(waves a telegram). Telegram, telegram (reads.) “I’m going with my granddaughter. Meet me soon, kids!”
Oh, I think I hear Father Frost and the Snow Maiden approaching. Let's sing a song about our Russian Santa Claus, guys.

Sing the song "Russian Santa Claus"

Father Frost.
Hello, kids!
I was in a hurry to see you from the snowy forest in the morning.
I asked the horses to gallop faster,
I was afraid I would be late for the holiday,
Suddenly, I think. You won't wait for grandfather!
Presenter. What are you doing, grandpa! What would it be like without you?! Who will light the Christmas tree, who will bring gifts? And we miss your granddaughter, because we’ve been waiting for a whole year.
Snow Maiden.
Happy New Year! Good afternoon!
Happy New Year's tree!
We will spend our holiday having fun today!
Hello kids, girls and boys!
Presenter. Well, all the friends are here, we can’t delay any longer, get together in a round dance, let’s celebrate the New Year together! Guys, do you know what New Year is? So let's sing a song about it.

They sing the song “What is New Year?”

The recording “Howl of the Wind” is played. Aliens enter and walk through the hall.
Aliens .
We're getting closer. Solar system. Planet Earth. City of Gukovo. School No. 18. New Year's Eve. The given object is here. Order No. 1: Put Santa Claus to sleep, capture him, and deliver him to the ship.
Alien dance to the music "Puffed Corn". Aliens surround Santa Claus, dance around him and lead him out of the hall. The Snow Maiden is left alone.
The song “Babok the Hedgehog” from the film “The Flying Ship” is playing. Baba Yaga comes out and dances to it.
The Snow Maiden is crying.
Baba Yaga. Who's roaring here? No way Snow Maiden? Where was Grandfather off to? Left him, old man, to the mercy of fate! Come on, honey, don’t cry, what’s the problem, speak up. Maybe I can help? Rely on Yaga!
Snow Maiden. Grandma, grandma. Some strange people kidnapped my grandfather and said they would take him to a ship.
Baba Yaga. Shiny(s)?
Snow Maiden. Shiny.
Baba Yaga. Shaggy(s)?
Snow Maiden. Shaggy.
Baba Yaga. Are these?
Snow Maiden. No, not these.
Baba Yaga. Well, then we know the aliens! UFOs keep flying and flying over the forest. There is no peace! And we got here. To the kids! Until Grandfather!
Snow Maiden. What to do, grandma?!
Baba Yaga. What to do, what to do? We'll help out. Now I’ll call all the evil spirits together and find a way out.
Baba Yaga whistles, evil spirits run out, stands in a circle and dances. At the end of the dance, Domovoy grabs the lower back, groans, gasps.
Brownie. Oh, oh, old age is no joy. Oh, the weather is cold, the wind is howling. My bones hurt, my lower back ache... I'm all sick and nervous. Hey, Kikimora, quickly prepare a medicinal decoction.
Oh, now, now, dear! If you drink the potion, everything will go away. Brownie (trying).
What a shame! Kikimora.
This potion will save you from everything. Brownie.
What are you making the potion from?
From leeches and tails!
I add fly agarics and birch leaves.
And I mix bugs and boogers with grass.
This potion will save you from everything. I bring everything to a boil. This is better than jam.
Kikimora Drink this crap yourself!
This potion will save you from everything. What to do? I need to drink. Well, just once, just a sip!
What are you making the potion from?(The brownie drinks... chews... straightens up. Dances.)
Baba Yaga. Oh, I really feel better... Why was she calling us, Yaga? Has there been a problem?
Why did we have to rush, you answer, there’s a bone in my throat!
Don't make noise, don't get angry!
And calmly figure it out.
Brownie. Here the kids are sitting.
Baba Yaga. They want to celebrate the New Year!
Well, what is the reason here?
You are a stupid man!
This potion will save you from everything. Santa Claus was stolen and taken away without looking back. They were taken to the Alpha system!
What are you making the potion from? I don’t know what we should do. I called you for some advice!
Well, yes we can do this. Let's gather all the kids and stamp our feet and clap our hands. In a moment they will return Grandfather to us and will not reach Alpha.
This potion will save you from everything. Your advice is not suitable, Grandfather will not return to us like that.
What are you making the potion from? Can we ask Gorynych to visit that plate? He will set all his enemies on fire - grab Frost - and so he was!
Presenter. What should we do, friends?
We can't live without Grandfather.
Well, why do they need Santa Claus?
Here is the riddle, here is the question.
They're calling you! (Takes out a mobile phone and gives it to Baba Yaga.)
Voice behind the scene: Grandfather. Name - Frost. Brings gifts. Lights up the Christmas tree with bright lights. Suitable for the New Year holiday.
Baba Yaga (hands over the mobile phone to Domovoy). Come out, Brownie, get in touch. Stop dozing. It's time to start negotiations.
Brownie (takes the phone). Hey, why do you need Santa Claus? Seriously tell us!
Voice behind the scene . The task of Santa Claus is to introduce the New Year into the Alpha system.
Baba Yaga (takes the phone). But why do you need New Year?! And who do you have there? will figure out how to clearly meet? Well, how can you not be angry?! (Hands over the phone.)
Brownie. You aliens, don't make any noise. Give us grandfather back soon. And we’ll show you then (shakes his fist).
Voice behind the scene . Show, show, show...
Well, yes we can do this. Let's gather all the kids and stamp our feet and clap our hands. So there is only one way out - have fun, sing, play. Otherwise, we will never see Santa Claus!
Presenter. Let's show the aliens, guys, that we can have fun too.
Dance "Penechka-Fir-tree Dance".

Presenter. So we danced. What else do people do to be honest on New Year’s Day?
And it wouldn’t hurt to ask children riddles, but come up with ones that they won’t be able to solve forever.
Kikimora, Baba Yaga and Brownie ask riddles.

1. Near the Christmas tree in every house, children dance in a circle. What is the name of this holiday? Guess... (New Year.)
2. Moves his ears, jumps under the bushes. Little gray coward. His name is... (Hare.)
3. Walks in a golden fur coat. The gossip's tail is fluffy. Very cunning eyes. And her name is... (Fox.)
4. Clubfoot, clumsy. Loves honey, does not like cold. Until spring I got used to snoring. What kind of animal is this?.. (Bear.)
Presenter. At least the guys guessed where, as always. And it's time to play.
They dance "Boogie-woogie".

This potion will save you from everything. There's another game for you. We will begin the story now. We'll start - you continue. Answer in unison.
This potion will save you from everything. The sunny time has flown by... (summer)
And everything is covered in white snow.
She came to visit us -
The beauty herself... (winter).
The sparrows sat on a branch and chirped loudly.
They are glad, like everyone else, that they came... (vacation).
What are you making the potion from? The needles glow softly, the coniferous spirit comes from... (the Christmas tree).
Presenter. According to the scenario for the next game, I need three students. (Children from different grades of elementary school are invited).
I'll tell you a story
In one and a half dozen phrases.
As soon as I say the word “three” -
Take the prize immediately.

The game is underway. The prize is on the floor.
1. Once we caught a pike,
Gutted, and inside
We saw small fish
And not just one, but... two.
2. When you want to memorize poems,
They are not crammed until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
Once, twice, but better... five.
3. A seasoned boy dreams
Become an Olympic champion.
Look, don’t be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command “One, two...three.”
Baba Yaga. Anaplanets, hey, come quickly. Look how much fun we have. Time for everyone to start dancing!
Voice behind the scene. Wait to start dancing. We also have talents.
Santa Claus and aliens enter to the music.
Snow Maiden. Grandfather, dear, are you okay?
Father Frost. I wanted to freeze them. But then the soul softened, because they also want a holiday. I promised them a holiday too, but first with the guys.
Snow Maiden.
The blizzard is dancing in the field,
Leads a snowy white round dance.
The bright holiday is coming to us, coming to us
New Year!
Father Frost.
Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Congratulations to all the children! Congratulations to all guests!
Snow Maiden. How beautiful is your Christmas tree! There is nothing more beautiful. Is it just that the cheerful lights aren’t sparkling?
Father Frost. We need to light the Christmas tree.
Baba Yaga. Children, repeat after me: “Trynda-brynda ta-ra-ra, it’s time to light the lights. Lyuli-truli-gi-gi-gi - light up the lights." (The lights don’t light up.) Oh, for some reason it doesn’t light up.
Father Frost. What are you talking about, Baba Yaga, these are not the right words. Guys, let's say together: “One, two, three, Christmas tree, burn!” (lights came on)
Well, yes we can do this. Let's gather all the kids and stamp our feet and clap our hands. And now we get up in a round dance and sing “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”
Sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”.
Snow Maiden. We're on New Year's Eve
Here we gathered at the Christmas tree,
So with a perky smile
Sing, play and have fun!
Let your faces bloom with a smile,
The songs sound cheerful,
Who knows how to have fun
He knows how not to get bored!
Father Frost: Now it's time to part,
But don't be upset!
You will meet us again
More surprises await you!
In the meantime, have fun,
Music and laughter flow,
Happy New Year! Happy New Century!
Happy century of joyful miracles!
Leading. Guys, let's have fun. Let's dance the polka!
Dance "We'll hang the balloons."
Snow Maiden.
Father Frost. Well done boys! But it’s time for grandpa and I to return.
Snow Maiden. North wind! Spread your wings! Me and the Snow Maiden are off again.
We have opened magical doors for you to a new, tempting, joyful year! And now we are returning to our magical forest. Sing us a goodbye song, guys.

Dance “One, two, three on your toes.”
Participants come out one by one and say their wishes. Aliens.
We wish that the captures of Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens would only be possible in fairy tales. Live in peace and harmony. Baba Yaga and evil spirits.
We wish that the world becomes kinder, that all evil spirits turn into such kind Grandmothers-hedgehogs, Kikimoras and Brownies (in unison) - like us! We got to know you better at the festival, we have many friends in this room! Christmas tree, promise to come to us again! Christmas tree, goodbye until the New Year!
Presenter. This is where our holiday ends. Thank you for being with us. Happiness, good luck, success in everything. (Addresses Father Frost.) Goodbye, Father Frost and Snow Maiden!
The music of the song “Snowflake” sounds.

Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Alien Khrum - Thrum
Alien Gosha

Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear on stage
D.M. Hello, dear guests! Hello, children and dear adults! We have gathered on this wonderful day - on the eve of the New Year - and each of us believes that a miracle will happen to him today!
Sn. New Year's holiday is coming soon!
The whole earth is waiting for him!
The forest is dressed in silver...
Expect miracles this holiday!

D.M. (pointing to the sky) What a miracle! A small green star is approaching the earth. It's getting bigger.

Sn. Yes, it's a flying saucer! Are we really going to meet aliens?

(Cosmic music sounds, the alien Gosha appears)

Gosh. I'm on this jalopy
Fly to your planet!
I'm not afraid of you either,
But a little surprising:
What is this white speck?
Is it very cold?
Incomprehensible your summer-
There are no leaves on the trees,
The needles have just grown
Here on this one on a broom! (nods at the tree)

Sn. This is not a broom, but a Christmas tree!

Gosh. Christmas tree?

Sn. This is not a white grain, but snow!

Gosh. Zne - eg?

D.m. And this is not summer at all, but winter.

Gosh. Winter is bad, cold! (shakes)

Sn. No! Winter is very good! To avoid freezing, people dress in warm fur coats, mittens and boots.

D.m. In winter you can build snow forts and play snowballs!

Gosh. And it’s always hot on our planet! We have no snow! There is no snowball!

D.m. Don't you have a New Year?

Gosh. What is New Year?

Sn. Holiday! All earthlings decorate Christmas trees, light colorful lights, cook delicious dishes and give each other gifts!

Gosh. A-ah! and my dad and mom also gave me gifts!

Sn. Where are your dad and mom?

Gosh. My dad and mom
Aliens too!
We flew and flew away,
We were looking for a protector!
I got a little lost, got lost, got lost!

D.m. Why did you need a defender?

Gosh. Our planet was attacked by the terrible Khrum - Trum! He is from a different planet, very, very, very evil. He wanted to turn us all into Tamagotchis and sell us to your planet! Here!

Sn. Don't be afraid, Gosha! We won't let you offend!
How much joy there is in winter if you don’t sit still! (round dance around the tree)

D.m. You can sled down the hill, skate and ski!

Gosh. Explain to me, my friends,
What is eating skates?
Is this a difficult riddle?

D.m. No!
Gosh. Is this a little horse?

D.m. No!

Gosh. Do skates wave their manes?

D.m. No!
Gosh. Are they running in a race?

Gosh. Skating, skating, relay race!
When I return to my planet,
I'll make artificial ice,
ride all day and night!

Sn. Dear Gosha, on this day
You didn’t come in vain!
This holiday is the best!
New Year - what a miracle - a fairy tale!

Gosh. Fairy tale! Fairy tale! Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I don't want to!

D.m. Well, what, are you afraid, you fool? Are all fairy tales on your planet scary?

Gosh. Boring! Fairy tales are “twice two is four”, “three times three is nine”... I don’t want a fairy tale!

D.m. “twice two makes four” is a multiplication table! And fairy tales are magical stories.

Sn. The tale of miracles is full! We all need a fairy tale! Every fairy tale is, children, a small country!
(the song “Little Country” is performed)

Gosh. Little country! Little country! I want, I want, I want a fairy tale! Tell us!

D.m. No, we won't tell a fairy tale,
We better show it!
Guys, do you know a lot of fairy tales? Then tell me which fairy tale has the main character...

Sn. He really liked to lie, he made up a hundred stories: he shot a cherry pit at a deer...

Gosh. Shooting?

Sn. I dragged myself out of the swamp by my hair...

Gosh. Taskal?

Sn. Have you flown on wild ducks?

Gosh. Lethal?

Sn. I rode a cannonball...

Gosh. Did you ride?

Sn. And I was never left a fool!

D.m. Guys, tell Gosha, what was the name of this dreamer and liar?
(Baron Munchausen)

Gosh. I want, I want, I want to be like this baron! If my plate breaks, I want to ride on the cannonball!

Sn. There is another fairy tale...

D.m. About the princess!

Sn. Who couldn’t sleep all night, kept spinning and turning, because under her 12 down jackets and 12 feather beds lay... What, guys?

Gosh. Ice cream? Under the feather bed? A! Understood! It must have been such a fabulous ice cream - it didn’t melt!

D.m. Yes, not ice cream, but a pea! That’s what the fairy tale is called: “The Princess and the Pea.” Yes, the princess and the pea, not the ice cream! Let's have a game for our girls.

Gosh. I am the first! I am the first! I want to be a princess!

Sn. Gosh, you got everything mixed up again! Only girls can be princesses!

Gosh. Confused? Yes, I am the world's most important changer - a mixer!
Sn. And I know one simple girl who became a princess because she was obedient, kind and cheerful. There is both a fairy tale and a riddle about her:
Even though it's hard for her to work,
And if he works, he is not lazy,
But she is destined to come out
For a fairytale prince!
What is the name of this fairy-tale heroine? (Cinderella)

Gosh. I know! I guessed! I can’t be Cinderella either! (Snow Maiden disappears unnoticed and changes into a Baba Yaga costume)
I like fairy tales so much!
Fairy tales, yes!
All fairy tales are beautiful
And always kind!
(music sounds, ditties are performed)
B. i. Well, guess who I am,
Just don't open your mouth,
I'm known to everyone
Grandma is wonderful!

I live in a hut in the forest
With a wart on the nose.
Maybe I'm nasty
But at least it’s sporty!

I can play football
Bone leg
And I’ve been called for a long time
Just Grandma - Yozhka!

Gosh. - oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid! Go away, evil grandma, go away, nasty little hedgehog!

D.M. Gosha, Goshenka, don’t be afraid, set yourself in a good mood, look carefully - you’ll definitely find out! This is not Baba Yaga at all, but the Snow Maiden! She just changed her clothes to cheer everyone up.
Your wonderful planet
Everything is full of love and light!
Everything is good here
games, singing and dancing!
And in the frosty winter
It's not cold here!
There are no boring or gloomy ones,
I won't be lost with you
And from the evil Khrum - Truma
I will find protection here!

Sn. - Well, what are you talking about, Goshenka! Maybe the evil Khrum - Trum will not find you here...
(Ominous music sounds, Khrum - Trum appears.)

Krum-krum, rum-krum,
Krum-krum, rum-krum!
Glory to my mighty mind!
I ran fast like a light
and now Goshin’s trail is on him!
Don't wag your tails
Give it back to Gosha quickly!

D.m. (menacingly) Who are you talking about tails to? I'll freeze you now!

Hrum. And I will shoot beams from a laser - maser - igniter!

Sn. No no no! No need to shoot rays, no need to freeze anyone! There are children here! Let's resolve everything peacefully!

Hrum. In what other peaceful way? I am the strongest! Your peaceful ways are of no use to me! I will beat you all, no, I will defeat you! No, I will win! Briefly speaking! I have won and will continue to win.

D.m. And you can test your strength with the guys! (game “Get Out of the Circle”)

Sn. Well, strong man Khrum-Trum? Will you fight the strongman?

Hrum. Fuck - drums! There is no force on our planet like that of your pushers! I will not fight with them, never, not for anything, no, pipes, figurines, the hell out of it! Smart because I am! Smarter than everyone else because I am! Give me Gosha quickly!

Sn. Well, if you really are smarter than everyone else, let’s play riddles! If you guess just one, so be it, take Gosha!
(in a whisper to Gosha) don’t be afraid, Goshenka! He will never guess my riddles!

Hrum. I can guess your riddles like biting a nut with my teeth. Crack - crack - and smack! Hrum-Thrum!

Sn. Here's my first riddle:
The good gnome repairs the sky -
Hitting the clouds with a hammer!
Who is this?

Hrum. It's me! I'm flying, I'm thundering, I'm hitting the clouds - give me Gosha! Hrum-Thrum!

D.m. Ah, the scarecrow is flying, he doesn’t understand anything! It's thunder!

Hrum. Ah-ah, how can I not guess! I am tearing and throwing! But don't fly back! Bring on your next riddle! I'll chew her brains out! Krum-krum!

Sn. I walked through the earth and found Little Red Riding Hood!

Hrum. It's me, me, me! And flew through space! And passed through the earth! And I found Gosha! Are you hiding it under a red cap? I'll find him now! Chrum Thrum!

D.m. Oh, you flying head chattered! It's not you at all, but a mushroom! If only you could fly from here, hello, before I give you the initial acceleration!

Hrum. No no! I don't agree! I have another riddle! I’ll guess it and take Gosha with me! And he will no longer be Goshenka, but Tamagoshenka! Ha ha ha! Hrum-Thrum!

Sn. Guess the riddle well!
Who goes all over the earth
Does he give gifts to everyone?
Brings joy to children
This - …

Hrum. This is my flight! Krum-krum! Fuck - drums! And everyone is happy!

D.m. No, no one is happy to see you! You are a space pirate!

Sn. Gives gifts to everyone on the glorious holiday - New Year!

D.m. You lost, you didn’t solve anything!
Get out quickly, evil space spy!

Hrum. I’ll catch Gosha anyway, because he’s good! He will make an obedient Tomagotchi. Khrum - Khrum!

D.m. You won't succeed! Don't be afraid Gosh, come out! (game "Cat and mouse")

Sn. Cats - mice, mice - cats - can't catch Hrum - Truma Goshki!
(he stops the game with a gesture, waves his hand and throws a bag-suit, decorated with stars and foil balls, over Khrum’s head - the scary pirate turns into a New Year tree)

D.m. He became a green tree - an evil space spy!

Hrum. Needles are growing on me...
Listen, friends,
The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree -
And this tree is me!

I was once terrible
Space villain
Now I want to go to the party
Make the children happy!

He used to be very nasty
I used to be very angry
But now it’s smart - yes!
And so polite!

Hrum. I used to be shameless
Space Pirate,
Now I have become a Christmas tree
And very, very happy!

It's so good that the Christmas tree
She came to us for the holiday
And a New Year's song
I brought it for the kids!

(mysterious cosmic music and calling voices are heard from somewhere far away: “Gosh-ah! Son-ok! Home-oh!”

Gosh. This is my dad and mom found! That's why they will be happy when they find out that the evil Khrum - Trum has become a green Christmas tree! And this miracle was performed by earthly kindness! And my saucer boat was repaired!

Sn. Today a big New Year's miracle happened - kindness won! And small miracles are still on the way.

D.m. They can happen to each of us - if we are cheerful and kind, friends!
Happy New Year!
