Geisha Secrets: The Art of Japanese Love. Geishas and their secrets of seduction that are hard to believe

Books are written about them and films are made that do not always reflect the true picture of the life of these priestesses of beauty, harmony and art ... Of course, we are talking about geishas. the site decided to understand the secrets of the attractiveness of Japanese women and at least a little to comprehend the science of conquering men.

Geisha: a special art

Many are mistaken, believing that a geisha, among other things, provides intimate services. In fact, it was intended for aesthetic enjoyment, and sold not the body, but her art, and music and dance were not always the main ones.

Most often, it required the ability to entertain, carry on a conversation and create a pleasant, trusting atmosphere in order to keep the men present in a good mood.

Some girls were so popular that they received marriage proposals from clients, sometimes regular visitors wooed them for their sons, relatives and friends.

Not every geisha agreed to this, because until some time just women or wives were "earthly" - that is, created for housekeeping and parenting, and a geisha is a creature of a higher "heavenly" rank, why go down to earth?

She could settle for a wealthy patron who paid her bills, gave her presents, and had privileged social rights, but if the stories of the geishas themselves are to be believed, they were free to choose a man.

Geisha had great success primarily due to their beauty and education, and by no means the ability to deliver unearthly sexual bliss, as is commonly believed.

But this does not mean that the geisha did not know some of the intricacies of the sexual sphere. Indeed, in Japan, intimate relationships have always been perceived as an integral part of life, and not as something forbidden.

For example, it was considered completely normal to give an encyclopedia of sex in pictures with a description for a wedding. various poses. Or, leaving for a long time, the husband left his wife a sex toy so that she would not get bored.

Of course, with the advent of European culture in Japan, the attitude to this issue has changed.

Geisha Beauty Secrets

Japanese women ate little sugar and preferred fruit desserts.

They ate in small portions and slowly, enjoying the appearance of the food, so serving was of great importance. The benefits of food and such a meal are obvious, so it is not surprising that geishas could boast beautiful figure, soft skin and shiny hair.

Geisha devoted a lot of time to self-care. Body care began with cleansing with soap, and then the women took a hot bath. Hair was washed in advance, and the composition of detergents necessarily included rice flour and olive oil.

By the way, a bag of rice flour was also used for evening skin care. He was dipped for several minutes in hot water, allowed to drain and washed.

This procedure helped to maintain the whiteness of the skin, which is very important for a Japanese woman - because the lighter the skin tone, the closer it is to the ideal of beauty.

Camellia oil was widely used to add shine to hair. In order for the blood to circulate better and the condition of the hair to improve, they regularly massaged not only the scalp, but the whole body.

The secret of seductive gait

Special care was given to the hands and feet. These body parts played an important role in the process of attracting a man who could not look away when a geisha played a musical instrument or poured tea.

Japanese women took care of their hands, and therefore almost always wore gloves or hid them in the sleeves of a kimono.

As for the legs, or rather the feet, no less time was spent on caring for them: hot baths, massage with various oils, good pedicure.

The fact is that during lovemaking, the feet played an important role, and therefore the man always paid attention to them.

Of great importance was the gait, as well as the posture of a geisha. Geishas have been trained in several types seductive walk, sometimes you could tell a lot about a woman by the way she moved and controlled her body.

A wide belt, which was tied around a kimono, helped to maintain the correct posture; for young girls, the upper edge of the belt was above chest level. The movements of the geisha are unhurried, cautious, as if she is swimming, sitting down gently and smoothly.

The beautiful movements, as well as the elegant postures adopted by geisha, are facilitated by learning to dance, which takes a very long time. A real geisha trains every day.

By the way, about postures: in order not to disrupt blood circulation, they try not to sit cross-legged, because this can contribute to the development of varicose veins and problems with female organs.

Geisha facial expressions should not reflect her state of mind. The face should be relaxed, eyes half-lowered, and a friendly smile on the lips.

In order to emphasize such "coquetry" even more, a Japanese woman must be good at art. makeup. Special attention was paid to the eyes, the outline of the eyes was always highlighted with black paint.

Geisha: attitude towards men

There is nothing fancy about taking care of yourself and maintaining beauty. Every woman, whether she is Japanese or European, has her own secrets.

But what can really become a role model is the inner world of a geisha and her attitude towards men.

Despite life's circumstances, geisha are taught to always have a positive attitude. She should try to remain calm as much as possible, express humility, but at the same time be self-confident.

No one should see that a geisha is tired or in trouble.

Her appearance should express rest and relaxation. You need to breathe through the diaphragm, inhaling through the nose, counting to five and exhaling slowly. This is a very good stress relief exercise.

From early childhood, geisha begin to be taught dancing, playing musical instruments, the art of the tea ceremony and many women's tricks - for example, the rules for choosing and wearing a kimono, applying makeup.

But, in addition to this, a geisha must be educated and have versatile knowledge in order to be able to keep up a conversation with a man.

Later, some geisha even learned foreign languages, mastered the science of diplomacy and were chargé d'affaires of their clients.

But the most important thing was that the girls themselves sought to acquire the maximum knowledge, as this guaranteed them successful future.

Before going to the evening, the experienced geisha tried to find out all possible information about the men (and sometimes women) who would be there.

For example, if a scientist came, the geisha had to have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis work in order to ask him questions on the relevant topic in a conversation. At the same time, questions should be on the merits, but a little naive - a kind of female coquetry !

In general, Japanese women have a special attitude towards a man, it differs in many respects from the attitude of European women, although, perhaps, in the modern world it is no longer the same as several decades ago, when geisha were at the peak of popularity.

Even having a close relationship with a man, a geisha treated his wife with respect, and the wife knew about the existence of a mistress and considered this the norm.

And sometimes women even exchanged gifts for the holidays. This speaks of the great tolerance of Japanese women, respect for the behavior and choice of men.

Of course, not all wives and mistresses did this.

A real geisha can be attributed to spiritually strong women, but their biggest secret is that they do not show this, but look gentle, weak, defenseless and submissive.

That's why Japanese men love them!


Most of the geishas were in Japan in the 20s of the last century. Now there are not so many representatives of this profession left, but they continue to keep their secrets and protect traditions.

1. Don't do what you don't feel like doing.

The traditional costume of a geisha differs from the traditional costume of a woman of easy virtue in an important detail - the way the belt is tied. If the representatives of the ancient profession have a knot in front and it is easy to untie it in front of each new client, then the geisha clasps the belt so as to be pulled together from behind. A geisha cannot untie such a belt quickly and without outside help, and therefore quickly undress too. Geisha are not required to provide clients with intimate services, so if she has sex with a man, then only of her own free will and as a sign of special disposition. Well, the traditional complex knot does not allow you to quickly take off your clothes, but makes the process of undressing tedious and exciting for the male imagination.

2. Always be interesting to your man, do not stop surprising him

Geisha, before meeting a man and taking him to a tea house, learn as much as possible about his occupation and interests. This knowledge helps them to maintain an interesting conversation with a man and give him a sense of his own importance and significance. The same goes for the science of love. Geishas study the addictions of men, and are not afraid of experiments. If you read books about geishas, ​​you can find, for example, a dozen techniques for touching a man alone. And among the kissing techniques, you can even find the “Butterfly Kiss”, when a woman tickles her partner’s face with her eyelashes.

3. Explore the erogenous zones and learn the art of erotic massage

Geishas do not seek to bring a man to a speedy denouement. On the contrary, their task is to prolong the pleasure and give the man priceless moments of relaxation. One way is erotic massage, during which erogenous zones are stimulated and muscles relax. Begin massage from the navel, gradually rising up the body or going down. Massaging the upper chest area, for example, helps to relieve emotional stress, and stretching the skin in different directions in the lower abdomen - the tension accumulated during the day. At the same time, during the massage, conversations do not stop immediately. As soon as they feel that the man has begun to relax and does not want to continue the conversation, the geisha fall silent and begin to influence the more sensitive erogenous zones. The main rule of such a massage is slowness. And a little secret - they do not touch the genitals for as long as possible, because such direct caresses lead to strong excitement and rapid discharge.

4. Remember that sexy is in the details.

In the eyes of an Eastern man, the sexiest parts of the body are the ankle, wrist and beautiful neck. Please note that the traditional geisha hairstyle exposes the back of the neck, and the movements of the hands during tea ceremonies are so smooth that only a delicate wrist can accidentally open, leaving a man room for imagination. Such non-aggressive sexuality in Western civilization has long been a rarity. When images of a naked body are pouring on us, it's hard to imagine that the strong half of humanity could be interested in some kind of ankle. But it turns out that ancient instincts are stronger than modern debauchery. During tea ceremonies, geishas seem to flirt with men all the time. For example, while pouring, they can bend over so that a particular man sees a little more than everyone else. But still, no more than allowed.

The traditional geisha costume hides the body of a woman and reveals only some details to the male gaze.

5. The body can say more than the tongue.

Another oriental feature that is hard to imagine in our bedrooms. Geisha should not express their emotions with groans and loud sighs. What they feel is for the body to say. And if exclamations of passion can be faked, then a man will immediately feel the sincere behavior of a woman in bed. No extraneous sounds should interfere with the communication of two bodies.

6. Keep your muscles toned

The very contractions of the vaginal muscles that brought worldwide fame to Arnold Kegel in the middle of the 20th century have long been known in Japan. But only the concubines of the emperor and the geisha practiced them. Regular repetitions of these exercises helped them maintain sexual health for a long time, fight diseases of the genitourinary system and give men such pleasure in sex that they could not get anywhere else.

But the most important weapon of a geisha is sensuality and a sense of superiority that they give to men. Sincere admiration for his talents and merits, admiration for his intelligence and generosity for several centuries have forced Japanese men to return to geishas in tea houses again and again to take a break from pressing problems.

Deliberate sexuality today is no longer surprising, and even more so to hook, so that right in the heart and for a long time. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a film without explicit scenes, a video clip without a half-naked singer, and advertising without hints of frankness. Yes, and humor on the stage, by the way, hits below the belt more and more. And how can an ordinary modern woman, with all the abundance of frankness and the absence of prohibitions, remain a wonderful lover and at the same time not become infected with vulgarity? Here's who you should learn the art of seduction from, so it's the most mysterious women in the world - geisha!

It is they who have the secret secrets of conquering the male heart with just a glance. It is they who are the keepers of the most ancient, and probably the most chaste art of seduction, it is about them that many legends have been composed, many films have been shot, and it is they who are still considered the standard of sexuality and femininity. What are the secrets of this magical attraction of geishas?

All of them consist in daily, painstaking and hard work on oneself, creative and intellectual development. Being a geisha is a real craft that has been learned since childhood. And the center has always been and remains the Man (namely with a capital letter). Geishas were able not only to seduce, but also to respect, listen, support any conversation, admire, care, conquer talents, entertain, excite and intrigue. It is no wonder that they could literally subjugate men, penetrate into their most secret corners of the soul and stay there for a long time. Maybe we can also take lessons at a geisha school and try to comprehend the ancient art?

First lesson. Psychology

A real geisha is fluent in the science of psychology. She knows how to listen carefully, guess the mood, gracefully indulge male weaknesses, knows how to calm down any storm of emotions, always showing true female wisdom and flexibility. Therefore, we should learn precisely these necessary and important female qualities. Men's undertakings and interests should be supported, and getting what you want is not hysteria and tears, but wisdom. So the first lesson is to buy the necessary literature on psychology and intensively absorb smart knowledge for the benefit of love understanding.

Lesson two. Development of creative potential

Every morning, a geisha began not with a cup of coffee and an hour of sitting on the Internet, but with developing activities and lessons. Geisha learned to dance, draw, play musical instruments. After all, a man is always conquered by talent, although he never realizes that exhausting training and hard work are behind a skillful skill. It's time for us to forget about lazy lying on the bed and do something really useful. If you dream of losing a couple of kilos - sign up for fitness, if you want to conquer a man with a dance - the doors of the dance studio are always open. The main trump cards of a geisha are not rhinestones on clothes of world brands and not frank night dresses, but her talents, which can manifest themselves in the most unexpected situations and deliver a well-aimed blow to a man's heart.

Learn how to paint flowers with watercolors. Watch the video!..

Lesson three. Speech technique

Lesson four. The art of love

Contrary to popular belief, the art of a geisha was not aimed at seducing a man at all. A geisha is far from a one-night stand. Those lucky ones who got access to the body of this skillful seductress also had to subdue the geisha herself, in return they actually acquired a long-term mistress. An experienced geisha knew all the intricacies of the art of love and could open new, previously unknown horizons of pleasure to a man. Therefore, our task is to learn to feel your body and masterfully master the art of erotic caresses. To do this, you should not watch porn films and imitate movie strippers. Let's adopt the time-tested Kegel exercises to increase the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. How to do them can be found everywhere - both in books and on the Internet. They are very simple, and they allow you to train muscles even at work, even in the subway, even in line at the store. The effect of such training has been amazing for more than a dozen years, not only for women, but also for men, literally opening up new frontiers of sexual pleasure.

Lesson five. Harmony

But the main secret of geishas lies in harmony. Everything they do, touch and say just oozes naturalness. No artificiality, only art. The man has the complete impression that with all this hidden beauty and talent you have already been born. To create around yourself this world of amazing harmony - this is the highest skill of a geisha.

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| Eliza Tanaka
| Sexual practices of the East. Geisha love art

Unties the belt
Takes off a long cord
Still keeping a delicate aroma,
Here is the unsteady bridge between the two worlds.

Erotic Tanka

What prompted me to write this book? My constant craving for the secrets and mysteries of the erotic tradition of the East. It was so great that I had to seriously study Eastern philosophy, history and culture. And the more I learned, the more I admired the “porcelain dolls” of the tea house, that is, the geishas. I wondered how geisha could combine such a huge variety of qualities. Getting to know this world better, I realized that Japan is an amazing country, bashfully and restrainedly hiding behind the folds of a kimono the secrets and mysteries of the centuries-old traditions of sensual love play. One of the few countries that has developed a rich and distinctive tradition of free relationships outside of marriage. Undoubtedly, each culture has placed its own emphasis on the value of the practice of sexual intercourse. But it was the Japanese tradition that considered sexual and erotic practice as part of the aesthetic perception of the surrounding world.
Probably nowhere in the world will we find both ceremonial and so aesthetically perfect admiration for a man.
The desire to give maximum pleasure to a partner, a gentle attitude towards him, feeling and understanding his desires and whims have always distinguished a special category of Japanese women - guardians, experts and initiators of the ancient secret teachings of love. The opinion about the easy accessibility of a geisha, about her seductiveness and temptation to please men according to the "secret teachings of the bedroom" is a completely erroneous myth of European culture. As professionals in this area in Japan, yujo - courtesans act. They are fluent in the secret teachings of the love game, which includes the ability to bring a man to full orgasm in a short time, portray and maintain an extreme degree of pleasure and excitement, knowledge of traditional methods and postures, possession of techniques to increase potency and give the act the greatest sensuality and sharpness. . A special art of yujo is sensual massage and the art of kissing and caressing the tongue of various parts of the body. Yujo is well aware that burnt newt, eels and lotus roots serve as a reliable means of increasing sexual activity and have in their arsenal a large number of auxiliary means, such as various herbs, amulets and aromas, which allow you to repeatedly enhance both your sexual sensations and your partner.
On the wave of fascination with the West, other varieties of courtesans arose - onsen geisha (resort geisha), the Japanese analogue of European prostitutes, "barmaids" and "secretaries".

“As long as there is tatami in Japan, there will always be a place for a geisha on it” - this statement of the poet at the beginning of the last century, like no other, emphasizes that the geisha was, is and will be a kind of symbol of the Land of the Rising Sun. Because more than any natural disasters that so often hit this small country, the Japanese are afraid of losing their ancient traditions, which have been embodied and materialized in the geisha.
Perhaps these fears are somewhat justified. Many Japanese old people complain that modern morals and the very way of life inexorably reduce the set of requirements for applicants for the high rank of geisha to a minimum. Yes, and the electronic 21st century dictates other requirements for girls who want to master this exotic profession. In many ways, it seems to old people that the time will come when it will be enough to reproduce only an external resemblance to their famous predecessors: to whiten their face with the so-called “Nightingale Dung” (white for geishas), to make up their lips with bright lipstick, to put long hair in an impressive and intricate hairstyle, to put on kimono and wooden sandals to become a real geisha. Well, it has not yet come to this, and modern geisha still know the secrets of the tea ceremony, they know how to dance and play the old three-stringed instrument, and also, as before, delight their guests with pleasant communication.
They have been doing this for over 250 years. Oddly enough, but in the past, only men, the geisha, managed this kind of entertainment. They entertained visitors to brothels who were looking for love pleasures in the arms of prostitutes - yujo. But one day, women took on this role, and the men - visitors to brothels - liked it so much that geishas quickly began to reign in the pleasure quarters along with yujo. The first geisha was a former prostitute named Kasen from Yoshiwari.
In 1761, she officially announced the start of a new activity. But only in 1779 the geisha craft was declared an independent female profession, and only in 1800 did the geisha men finally capitulate. After that, only women were called geisha.
The golden age of geisha has begun. In our modern lexicon, their profession could be called "entertainment entrepreneurship." Although many outside of Japan mistakenly consider it prostitution. Of course, at first, many brothel regulars joked: “Let us spread our legs first, and then we will listen to the voice.” But geisha soon proved that their value is only the level of intelligence and charm, and not the wisdom of sex. A geisha has always, at all times, decided for herself whether to spread her legs or not. This was their attraction or the hidden meaning of playing with a geisha: to win her favor, so that not for money, but out of sympathy and self-interest, she would open the entrance to her bed.
Since great skill always takes time, the most famous, popular and expensive geisha did not acquire this status at the age of twenty or even thirty. And always a highly professional geisha has been and is in a special position, regardless of whether she enters into a love affair with a client or not. Moreover, a geisha can be safely called a monogamous, since in their environment it is considered a sign of good taste to have one influential and wealthy patron and maintain the status of an official mistress or unofficial wife as long as he enjoys her favor. And sometimes it can last almost a lifetime.
Many geisha, in love with their patrons, have become models of fidelity more than once. In Japan, the love story of the geisha Okoi and Prime Minister Katsuro-Taro is passed down from generation to generation. Okoi, after his death, took the veil as a nun of a Buddhist monastery, remaining faithful to her beloved until the end of her days and spending the rest of her life in one of the Tokyo monasteries. Even during the wars with China, and later with Russia, geishas proved to be true patriots, often going to the rear to entertain soldiers.
Therefore, it is not at all surprising that in 1957, when official prostitution was abolished in the country, the geisha communities were not even touched. By this time, the Japanese had long understood the difference between geisha and yujo. Here is what they wrote about these mysterious women in the middle of the 19th century: “Yujo sells his feelings along with his body for money, and the location of a geisha, if it appears, is always sincere.”
Yes, indeed, it was the "golden age" of geishas, ​​who became the keepers of traditions and bearers of the very spirit of Japan. They were known, they were worshiped, as at the present time, female fans consider movie stars and pop stars to be their idols.
First of all, geisha drove not only Japanese men crazy, but also statesmen. No wonder the expression "tea house politics" originates from spending time with geishas. During such meetings, many influential politicians openly discussed issues of national importance. It is rare that anyone in the Japanese government, including the prime minister, did not have a geisha mistress. Too late, the yujo prostitutes realized their loss, watching how quickly they climb the "Fujiyama" of popular geisha worship. That, having allowed, at one time, these women to entertain visitors to the cheerful quarters, they themselves deprived themselves of customers, pushing them to the geishas.
It was from that day on that the clientele, accumulated over the years, began to smoothly flow into the "world of willow and flowers." Yujo, with all his baggage of knowledge of sexual positions and bells and whistles, lost the coveted territory of men. But this is not surprising. Japanese men are unusual. One feature of the ethnopsychology of Japanese men is known: for them, a pleasant pastime before an act of love, ethnically furnished and extremely ritualized, is more important than the act itself, or even completely replaces it. The Japanese consider sex and erotica only as part of the aesthetic perception of the world around them. Besides, what a man does not like when his male pride is constantly pampered and his personal qualities are extolled to the eastern skies.
Yes, and the family way of the Japanese is completely opposite to the European one. The wife is the mother and guardian of the hearth. Husband and wife very rarely make joint trips anywhere. Marriage in Japan is just one of the steps in becoming a full-fledged member of society, a certain condition for social or social advancement. As a rule, marriage in Japan does not even imply any affection or love between spouses.
The wife should be restrained, modest, silent, completely immersed in family affairs, and therefore completely devoid of a halo of sensuality and romance. The mores of Japanese society quite strictly prescribe the norms of a man's behavior in all cases of life, including at home and in the family.
In geisha society, on the contrary, the Japanese man is completely liberated. All his intellectual, erotic and creative fantasies, which he leaves at the threshold of his house, are more than realized in the atmosphere of "tea houses", because from adolescence a geisha is his ideal and dream. Of course, now the training of geishas is not as cruel and tough as it used to be. Currently, girls aged 18–20 go to geisha and not after the strictest selection. A couple of centuries ago, the selection began already at the age of 9-12, and the girl had to have an attractive appearance, an ear for music, plasticity, charm, artistry, an excellent memory and simply incredible patience. Mastering such a unique profession was not easy, and the owners who trained professional geisha never stood on ceremony and did not allow concessions. One of the ways to learn on the three-stringed shamisene instrument was the “lesson in the cold”. Creepy, I tell you, training. Imagine: girls were forced to play outdoors on frosty days until their fingers started to bleed. And for every note played out of time, they beat on the hands and head. Dance lessons were accompanied by the same torture.
Professional geishas believed that only after going through such a hellish path, the girl could become a worthy representative of the "world of willow and flowers." But this hellish training was justified by the fact that, without having mastered the entire list of necessary arts, a geisha could belittle the prestige of the profession, which was completely unacceptable.
So what should a geisha be able to do? A real geisha must perfectly play several national instruments, perform classical folk dances and songs, recite poetry, participate in mini-theatrical performances, have a wide knowledge of poetry, literature, music, be aware of the news of modern life, mainly interesting to a man. In addition to all of the above, a geisha must thoroughly know the professional etiquette polished over the centuries, own the ritual of the traditional Japanese tea ceremony. It should be distinguished by aristocratic manners: the ability to hold on, walk, sit, turn around and conduct small talk, dress with taste and laugh. Therefore, it is not surprising that all these wisdoms seem too complicated for modern girls.
And perhaps that is why the geishas of ancient Kyoto, recognized as the most professional, evoke a special attitude from the Japanese. Only here are conservative geisha communities still preserved. They don't dress up for work, they live the life of a geisha 24 hours a day. Having devoted themselves entirely to this ancient art, they turn their own lives into a true work of art. The geisha of the Kyoto communities live very apart, almost never leaving their little world. And if they go out, they invariably plunge others into aesthetic ecstasy. This is her life and work, every second to take care of the aesthetic perception of her people, especially men. That is why she will never eat in the presence of guests, but will only allow herself to drink the offered drinks, and that is why, even on the coldest frosty day, a geisha will mince through the snow in sandals, shivering from the cold, but demonstrating an elegant naked leg.
Because of this peculiar philosophy - "life for the sake of art, art for the sake of life" - geisha almost never create a family, although they can afford to have children. And it rarely happens that a patron legalizes his relationship with a geisha. However, she herself, accustomed to independence and freedom, is in no hurry to voluntarily imprison herself in a Japanese family cage.
A geisha considers saving money to be an almost ideal solution, so that later he can open his own "tea house".
And, as a rule, girls - daughters of geishas - join the thinning ranks of representatives of the "world of willow and flowers", since almost all childhood is spent in this atmosphere.
What is the tragedy of this situation? The fact is that although the Japanese dad will do everything to prevent the disappearance of the “world of willows and flowers,” he will lie with his bones on the threshold of his house - just to prevent his daughter from even thinking about such a choice.

In Japan, geisha throughout their history have developed simple and accessible rules for the art of being beautiful, known as the "nine signs of beauty." This applies to such parts of the body as the eyes, mouth, head, hands, feet, as well as the spirit, posture, seductive aroma and appearance and voice. Among these signs, the most difficult is probably to determine what a "spirit" is. A geisha who did everything to perfection had a special quality or spirit called "hari". She was superbly intelligent, insightful, regardless of her appearance, she had an inner fire and an extraordinary sex appeal even when she was dressed.
Eroticism was strictly taboo in the Edo period, instead of the naked female body, the emphasis was on depicting the physical beauty of a woman by demonstrating her posture, the proportions of the outlines of her figure and face, her hair styled in the latest fashion, and the elegant grace with which she wore magnificent kimono. In the paintings of that era, dressed women radiate an erotically arousing sensuality. These women had nine signs of beauty - and hari.
What makes them attach so much importance to the art of seduction is that Japan is a society where sexual activity is welcomed as part of life, and seduction must be both sophisticated and innovative in order to arouse and stimulate the male libido. What is the best means to achieve this goal than adapting these nine signs to your daily routine and perfecting your hari? With the five signs of physical beauty and the four signs of inner beauty, you will look impressive and sexy both externally and internally. Your inner beauty will shine through your self-confidence as you embark on your next love adventure.

It is your eyes that attract the attention of men - sparkling with intelligence, under a curved arc and clearly defined eyebrows.
Geisha makeup fascinated foreigners from Western countries. White, which completely covered the face, was called "osira". This tradition dates back to the Heian period, when the Japanese were heavily influenced by Chinese court traditions. It was from there that the custom of using white came from. Ironically, they were created on the basis of lead, which led to premature aging of the skin, and sometimes was the cause of death. The white make-up that was used later was soft and safe. The geisha applied it to the hands and arms below the elbow, as well as to the face. After the coloring was completed, the powder was carefully brushed off the skin with a powder puff.
The traditional makeup of a geisha was bold and defiant, spectacular and expressive. Eyelashes were not dyed. Instead, they circled the eyes, which gave the look depth. A young maiko, an apprentice geisha, would contour around her eyes and brows in black and red. When she became an adult geisha, she used more black to deepen her look. Eyebrows were of particular importance. The face received a natural “lift” due to the fact that the eyebrows were almost completely plucked, and instead of them, others were drawn with a pencil, above their natural location. The shape of the eyebrows was so important that if they couldn't get it perfect, the geisha had to take off all her makeup and start over. The perfect shape of the eyebrows was considered the shape of a crescent. If it was said that eyebrows itch, it meant wait for a lover to visit.
//-- Eye Care Tips --//
You can save the shine of the eyes, remove makeup and mascara, relieve fatigue and a feeling of pain with the help of lotions from infusion of chamomile and linden: mix a tablespoon of chamomile and linden inflorescences, pour a glass of boiling water; after cooling, strain through cheesecloth. Infusion moisten cotton swabs and apply to the eyes for 10 minutes.
Nourishing eye mask also helps with swelling and bags under the eyes: mix 2 teaspoons of sour cream with 1 teaspoon of mashed parsley. Apply to eyes for 30 minutes. Wash off with cold water.
To fight wrinkles, add 10-20 drops of cranberry juice or vitamin A concentrate to the eye cream, 10 drops per cream jar.
Eyebrows and eyelashes add expressiveness to a woman's face, so try the following two recipes: soak thin cotton flagella with peach oil (warm up) and apply to the eyebrows, covering with strips of cotton wool and paper. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes and prevents hair loss, as well as softens and makes the eyebrows fluffy. Peach oil is also used to lubricate eyelashes.

Of course, it is not at all necessary to use whitewash like a geisha, nowadays it is much more convenient to use decorative cosmetics or make-up. The very concept of decorative cosmetics is inextricably linked with the concept of female beauty.
Each of us has our own idea of ​​everyday makeup. For some, our “war paint” is just a mask behind which you can hide your real emotions and self-doubt, and therefore it can be quite bright and a little more provocative. And for someone - the opportunity to reflect their real mood and state of mind, so sometimes a complete absence of cosmetics or its minimum is allowed.
But for a woman with a true spirit, there is no such thing as exposure to momentary emotions - she must always be on top and proudly “wear” her face. And no matter how your mood changes, none of those around you should even guess what is really going on in your soul. For a modern woman, applying makeup is not an end in itself, but a way to assert her style, not a self-taught artist's daub in the face, but the art of giving it individual attractiveness. The purpose of cosmetics is not to change your face, but to bring out and emphasize your most attractive features, to reflect your zest, charm and elegance. Applying makeup, you simply have to be a good psychologist, because in many respects it depends on the way of life and on the situations in which we find ourselves. If you are going on a date, you are counting on a long-term, serious relationship, you should at least slightly understand the psychology of men so as not to create the wrong impression with your chosen one. In this case, a real woman will never adopt the bright makeup of a vulgar beauty from a nightclub. A man will definitely turn his attention to such a woman, but he is unlikely to want to have a long relationship with her. This makeup is good for entertainment and a few meetings.
The higher the “position” for which you are applying, the “more expensive” you should look. For a more serious relationship, it is better to make a completely different impression and look more modest, but tasteful. And pretentiousness and aggressiveness in makeup, on the contrary, immediately indicate its absence. The same advice applies to business situations related to your work, and when applying for a new job, a sense of proportion and taste in makeup play an even more significant role. But this does not mean that we should not be friends with lipstick, shadows and blush. After all, a brighter make-up (bright-moderate, not vulgar) will help you become a seductive, languid and catchy beauty in more festive situations, for example, in a theater, restaurant or at a fun celebration.
In order for his “majesty makeup” to work a miracle and turn you from a gray mouse into a seductive geisha, adopt the following golden rules.
The first golden rule says: the best makeup is the one that is not noticeable. Many women often make the big mistake of thinking that wearing too much makeup will make them look like a vamp. In fact, you will look much better without makeup at all than by applying it incorrectly and in excess.

Geisha is perhaps one of the most striking symbols of the Land of the Rising Sun, the embodiment of true femininity and grace. And this symbol is much deeper and more complex than just a stylized costume, special makeup or elaborate hairstyle of extras who happily take pictures with tourists in Japan for a modest fee.

The word "geysya" is translated as "man of art". The first geisha appeared in the 17th century, when there were special quarters in Japan where you could forget yourself in the arms of a courtesan, drink, relax and generally escape from the bustle of the world. But bread alone (as well as tea and sake) was not enough, the brave shoguns wanted spectacles. And the geisha men catered to them as best they could: they joked, sang, danced, acted out scenes and in every possible way raised the degree of fun. The female role was reduced only to the satisfaction of the sexual needs of the client.

They say that one of the girls, either disappointed in the profession itself, or in the income that it brought, decided to try her hand at the role of an entertaining geisha. It turned out well. Soon other enterprising Japanese women followed her example, slowly but surely ousting men from the “labor market”. In 1770, the geisha craft was recognized as a profession and their activities began to be controlled at the state level.

Only without hands!

Geisha gave (more precisely, sold) to a man their society, their artistry, charm, but not their body. They were forbidden by law to provide love services - for these purposes there were more accessible and much less respected ladies. And the geisha were wealthy, successful and influential women, and they had no need to offer something extra to their clients.


A sophisticated person, by one look, could determine who was in front of him - an exquisite, sophisticated, long-term training and at the same time an inaccessible geisha or just a beauty of easy virtue. At the first, the obi belt was tied at the back. The second had a front and less intricate knot, because she had to take off her kimono every now and then.

There was another kind of women "for soul and body": educated, graceful, expensive courtesans - tayu and oiran. They perfectly knew the ABC of love pleasures, and their services cost fabulous money. In addition, arrogant mistresses could easily refuse a client if they decided that he was not good enough. Tayu and oiran tied their obi in front with a magnificent knot in the form of a heart - as a sign that they were noble ladies who did not have time to do work. During the heyday of geisha, tayu and oiran could not stand the competition and began to rapidly lose popularity.

Beauty requires...

A geisha spends 4-5 hours a day creating an ideal image. Her robes are worth thousands, and even tens, hundreds of thousands of dollars. But in their wardrobe there are more than one or two outfits, because it must correspond to the season, of which there are already 28 in the Japanese year.

The geisha hairstyle is the result of a weekly visit to the hairdresser, who creates real works of art with the help of varnish, hairpins and overlays. And like a real work of art, it requires careful handling. In order to maintain her hairstyle, a geisha must get used to sleeping absolutely still on a wooden pillow placed under her neck. To comprehend science, rice was scattered near the pillow: if you move at night, it will get stuck in your hair, the styling will be spoiled, and the girl herself will certainly be reprimanded.

Japanese women of easy virtue could afford lush hair ornaments, while the elements of the hairstyle of an experienced geisha or geisha student (maiko) were strict and concise. By the way, wooden sticks in the hair have not only aesthetic value: sharply sharpened, if necessary, they could become a means of protection from drunk or simply aggressive men.

Geisha makeup is white on the face and neck, blush on the cheeks, scarlet lips, lined eyes and thin eyebrows. An important accent in the image is a small area of ​​bare, not covered with white skin on the back of the neck. He creates the illusion that the geisha is wearing a mask, making the girl look especially seductive and mysterious.

Traditional European underwear is not worn under a kimono. Its role is played by two strips of fabric that wrap the chest and hips. Over the kimono is a wide obi that supports the back, and the length and position of the belt depend on the status of a geisha.

On the feet of a geisha are shoes with high wooden soles. Keeping balance and not falling in full dress is quite difficult. “I weighed ninety pounds. All attire - a kimono along with hair ornaments - could well weigh forty, ”wrote Iwasaki Mineko, one of the famous geishas, ​​in her memoirs.

Not surprisingly, the gait of geisha is special: the upper body is very straight, the knees are slightly bent, the steps mince, and the toes point slightly inward. According to a poetic Japanese expression, a walking geisha should be a wave breaking on a sandy shore. But all the movements of a geisha are already perfected to perfection: they have been taught to enter, sit down, pour tea, serve sake, use an umbrella or a fan for years.

Silent woman

Geisha are well versed in art, politics, play the shamisen and dance. More importantly, they use all this knowledge and skills to please the interlocutor, help him relax and unwind.

A man at a geisha reception should feel like a welcome guest. Before the visit, she will collect information about his hobbies, interests, profession and apply it at the right time. A skilled geisha will certainly raise the guest's self-esteem, be kind and attentive. In addition, clients appreciate geishas for their sense of humor. Accurate and funny, even moderately daring, but caressing pride remarks sometimes act even stronger than beauty and grace.

But the most important skill of a geisha, so rare for a woman, is to keep her mouth shut. A beautiful Japanese woman has a seal of silence on her lips. A man knows for sure that everything he says will not leave the room. Largely due to this valuable quality, geishas rose so high in their time. When in 1867-1868 the brave samurai planned to overthrow the Tokugawa shogunate, they held their secret anti-state meetings precisely with the geisha. And they did not disappoint. Of course, after the accession to the throne of the new emperor, the geisha were close to the most powerful group of nobles in the country.

Of course, there are exceptions: one of the geisha told the press about her relationship with the prime minister, and even complained about the bad treatment. The unfortunate prime minister has resigned. And the influential geisha of the country condemned the talkative colleague, because she violated the code of silence.

For home, sex and soul

“A wife is for the home, a prostitute is for sex, a geisha is for the soul,” says a Japanese proverb. There is also a fairy tale in folklore about a wife thanking a geisha on her deathbed for taking care of her beloved husband. Of course, everything happens in life, but a truly wise woman will not lecture her husband for visiting a geisha. After all, the task of the wife is to run the house and raise children. And it’s good if the husband can talk about abstract topics, relieve stress and relax in the company of the best women in the country. Especially since now, when there are a little less than a thousand geishas in Japan (compared to tens of thousands during the heyday of the craft), such visits are an indicator of the high position and refined taste of a man. Of course, Japanese wives look differently at intrigues with ordinary women, but a visit to a geisha is, one might say, an honor for the whole family.
