Pom pom blanket pattern. Pompom blanket: a soft miracle without any extra effort

Modern man loves to surround himself with beautiful and functional things. Moreover, the more unusual the thing, the closer it is to the heart. Take a blanket: today this blanket can be made from anything, even pom-poms.

Pom pom throws are a unique accessory to any sofa or bed. Such products stand out against the background of their classic counterparts and have a number of advantages.


A blanket of pompoms is not just a decorative element of a room’s interior. This product is unique. Like conventional blankets made by woven and non-woven methods, it forms a single base, but is made completely differently, using a special technology. Externally, it is a solid canvas of multi-row round elements.

Such products are considered exclusive. As a rule, they cannot be found on sale, because these accessories are made by hand using special tools. In most cases, yarn or fiber is used to make pom pom blankets, although the technique for making each type of pom pom blanket is different. The working tools usually used are a hook, knitting needles, a sewing machine, scissors and accessories.

Each product is unique in its own way and has a number of advantages. Pompom blanket:

  • has excellent breathability, due to which it does not overheat the body and eliminates the appearance of sweat;
  • is an exclusive item, has no duplicate;
  • depending on the model, it can be of different shapes (square, oval, hexagonal, round and traditional rectangular);
  • differs in size, being made for a child’s, single, double bed, sofa or chair;
  • being an elegant product, it does not require additional decor;
  • made from yarn of a natural, synthetic or mixed composition that does not irritate the skin, so it is suitable even for allergy sufferers and people with particularly sensitive skin;
  • has a rich color palette, varying the pattern or being designed specifically to match curtains, wallpaper, pastels;

  • is a stylish accessory for a bed, in perfect harmony with other interior items and refreshing the overall background of the room;
  • depending on the composition of the yarn, it can have not only warming, but also healing properties;
  • in most cases it is hygroscopic, capable of releasing absorbed moisture back into the air, due to which it is almost always dry and pleasant to the touch;
  • is the result of the work of skilled craftswomen, as well as all those who are not alien to creativity when they have free time.

In addition to the usual geometric options in the form of plain or contrasting products, experienced craftswomen create unique blanket compositions for children in the form of funny animals (tiger, zebra, cat, ladybug, etc.). Children really like such products, temporarily becoming a unique rug, albeit a small one, or simply an envelope in which you can wrap a baby while going for a walk.


If such a blanket is made from wool and half-woolen threads, it can have a beneficial effect on the human body. Due to the special structure of the fibers with a hollow structure and the presence of lanolin in the composition of the natural antiseptic, such products will:

  • increase immunity to colds and speed up recovery from colds;
  • calm the nervous system, increasing resistance to stressful situations;
  • using “dry” heat, maintain the desired temperature inside, preventing the body from freezing (regardless of the temperature in the room) and eliminating the appearance of sweat;
  • promote muscle relaxation, normalizing blood flow;
  • make sleep comfortable and healthy.

Such bedspreads are an excellent theme for a holiday gift to loved ones. Depending on the color of the material, they can be given as a gift for Christmas, Birthday, Valentine's Day, wedding, New Year and other significant events.

Moreover, such a gift will always be welcome, because a piece of the soul will be invested in it, and this is dear to everyone.


Along with the advantages, pompom blankets have some disadvantages. Such products:

  • are not completed quickly (you need to spend some time on production, and the work cannot be rushed, otherwise the result will suffer);
  • in most cases, they require a considerable amount of high-quality yarn that is resistant to washing and active use;
  • need to be used carefully (pom-poms should not be tugged, pulled out hairs, or pulled on the base threads - this will disrupt the arrangement of the threads, which will affect the quality of the entire product);
  • short-lived if made from low-quality raw materials;

  • are not resistant to dust, which can provoke the appearance of dust mites that cause allergies;
  • Do not knock out, shake, or dry-clean (there is a risk of the product losing its shape);
  • depending on the volume of raw materials used and its structure, they have different weights;
  • need special delicate care (washing and airing).

Since pompom blankets are handmade and carefully made, such products are expensive. In some cases, the cost is calculated based on the amount of material at a certain rate per meter of yarn. Other professionals rely on the amount of time spent on making a blanket, having a certain price for labor per hour.

Types and details of assembly

Since the name “Pom-pom blanket” is not clear to everyone, it is worth knowing the nuances of assembly. This is an important point, because in each case the product has its own degree of reliability and durability. A pompom is an element of a blanket, which is a ball of cut yarn threads of a certain size and density. This is a convex relief element that provides volume and density to the bedspread. The unique thing about the pompom is that it can be made in different ways.

Conventionally, the implementation of such a product can be carried out in three different ways:

  • similar to knitting a scarf;
  • by machine;
  • assembling a blanket from a mass of identical blanks;
  • plain weave method.

From yarn

The knitting method is relevant for those who love crocheting and knitting. This is a monotonous and long work, which involves a special thread with thickenings of round or oval shape in the form of balls, located at the same distance from each other. The fabric is knitted with uniform thread tension without the use of additional devices, constantly straightening the pompoms to the front side, leaving the backside flat.

By typewriter

If the yarn is braid with ready-made pompoms, making a pompom blanket is even easier. Armed with a sewing machine, the braid is sewn on one by one, placing the edge of the braid on top of the previous row. To make the composition complete, the edge is decorated with fringe or finishing edging.

By the way, in this method it is important to use pompoms of different sizes. This blanket is especially durable and reliable.

From separate fragments

The method of making a “ball”, familiar to everyone from childhood, is using cardboard blanks on which yarn is wound, then tied in the center and cut between the cardboard blanks and then removed. A rather labor-intensive method that requires a lot of free time and patience, as well as a bunch of identical blanks. Such a blanket cannot be called reliable, because it does not have a solid foundation. All fragments of the assembly are fixed together with a double thread of yarn.

Considering the total weight of the blanket, this is not enough for daily use.

On frame

The most interesting way to create a high-quality, practical and durable blanket is to assemble a pompom blanket on a frame. The main difficulty lies in making the frame itself of the required size (a unique design of handicraft inventors), because only the owner of the house or to order can do this. This device consists of 4 boards knocked together in the form of a frame, along the edges of which regular nails are nailed at equal distances.

Creating a blanket is based on winding a large number of layers of yarn lengthwise and crosswise, catching the thread on nails. Once the required number of layers of yarn has been reached, it is tied in the resulting crosshairs, firmly securing the central parts of the pom-poms. All that remains to turn the “honeycomb” into a pompom blanket is to count the required number of threads and cut them together, as well as cut the loops of the edges. Healthy and durable! Unlike the two previous techniques, this method allows you to make high-quality and fluffy pompoms, and they will be securely attached to a multi-layer base.

This product will withstand washing better than the version made from individual fragments.

Color solutions

The choice of color for pompom blankets has no limits. It all depends on the preferences of the craftswomen or the wishes of the customer. Basically, these are gentle and pleasing to the eye shades of the pastel group. Such bedspreads are made for newborns and preschool children. Among the most popular shades are pink, blue, white, lilac, light green, mint and their mix in the form of melange pompom yarn. Regarding models for teenagers and adults, the priority is rich colors: blue, orange, red, warm sand and terracotta tones.

In some models, variegated colors make it easier to make a blanket: using different colors of yarn, it is easier to separate the required amount and cut it.

Having accidentally seen a blanket made of pom-poms on the Internet, I also got excited about the idea that such a miracle must be made. There were also a lot of descriptions, some detailed and some not so detailed, as well as pictures of finished products, based on which a plan for further action was formulated.

Well, now I want to tell and show what happened in the end in my photo master class on making a blanket from pompoms.

I want to say right away that the process of making such a blanket is quite labor-intensive and not fast, despite at first glance - so be prepared to be patient and persevering. And also be prepared for the fact that it may not be possible to avoid small calluses on delicate fingers)))

To make a blanket of pompoms measuring 80*80cm I needed:

A knocked together wooden frame measuring 90*90cm, along the perimeter of which, at a distance of about 4 cm, you need to drive small nails. I ended up with 22 nails on each side of the frame.

And of course you will need yarn. In my case, the above size required 5 skeins of acrylic yarn, 350m each (100g) and half a ball of thin acrylic threads in the color of the blanket (but you can also use the required amount of thread from the above skeins)

And of course the manufacturing process itself:

We fix the thread on the outermost nail on either side of the row and start with a snake, moving from top to bottom and back to fix the thread, moving from one side of the frame to the other. When you reach the end of the row of nails, carefully transfer the thread to the adjacent nail, and now fasten the threads not vertically, but horizontally. In this way, we wind all five skeins layer by layer, connecting the ends of the skeins into one thread (horizontal stand of threads - vertical layer and again horizontal - vertical). We fix the end of the thread by tying it well on a nail.

This part of the process is quite simple and takes little time.

The most difficult things lie ahead.

Please note right away that you need to leave a certain number of threads for the next stage of production, or choose another skein that matches the color. I took a small skein of thinner thread.

Let's proceed to the second stage of making a blanket from pompoms. To do this, we cut the thread into pieces of 10-15 cm, and use them to tie each intersection of the layers of thread on the frame. Since I had 22 nails in a row, I ended up with 400 thread crossings, each of which needed to be tied with a strong knot.

It was precisely this stage that I wrote about above as the most difficult, because, believe me, it is impossible to tie 400 strong knots in one evening, and your hands and fingers get pretty tired. Therefore, be prepared to stretch this pleasure over several evenings. It took me a week, despite the fact that I knitted knots in the evenings for two to three hours.

Well, when all the knots have been tied, there remains the third stage, which will seem simple and quick to you. All you need to do is take scissors and methodically cut the threads between the knots in the center from one row to the next, forming pom-poms. In this case, we cut not all the threads, but 2/3 of them, since the pompons should be formed only from the front part of the blanket, and from the back there remains a layer of threads that form a “frame” on which the pompons will be held.

I left the outer rows with thread knots for last, so that when cutting the pom-poms, the blanket would be well fixed to the frame. At the very end, we cut the layers of thread along the perimeter between the nails - the tension of the threads will be weakened - the pompoms will take shape and become closer to each other.

And now the blanket is ready! Fluffy soft pompoms will delight not only you, but also your baby! And of course, it is worth noting that the appearance of the blanket evokes only admiration!

Video to help

Today I finished my work.

This is the blanket we will wrap our baby in when she is discharged.

To knit such a blanket you will need:

Yarn (I had 10 skeins of 150m each - 100% acrylic, you can also take acrylic with wool - 2 white, 2 coral and 6 peach. Subsequently, I bought another white skein for tying the intersections)

A sheet of plywood, I have a thickness of 18mm, size 80*80cm (more is possible, but accordingly it will take more threads!)

80mm nails (in short, I don’t recommend it because the threads will fly off.

Help from a spouse or other male person to drive nails into a sheet of plywood (perhaps there are especially gifted young ladies who can do carpentry work, alas, I’m not one of them)

And your desire, patience and of course hardworking hands))

1. I had yarn in three shades.

2. Here is a sheet of plywood, the nails are already hammered in. For me, the distance between the nails is 4 cm, maybe 5, then the pompoms will be a little larger. And we begin to wind the threads, first in rows horizontally, then vertically, alternating. I advise you to start with white threads or any contrasting from the main color of the blanket.

3. Macro. 20 rows of white yarn were wound, we started winding coral yarn)

4. Continue... after two skeins we wind the main color - peach (well, this is mine, but you may have a different shade of thread) All the yarn is wound...

5. We bandage all the intersections (very tightly, I bandaged it twice). At the intersection points, there are 2 times more threads.

If we take the classic version of knitting this blanket, a total of 50 rows should be wound vertically and 50 horizontally, (of which 20 rows are the lowest in a contrasting shade), i.e. Accordingly, at the intersections there are 100 threads. I got more.

6.After all the intersections are tied, we begin to form the pompoms. We just stretch the top 30 threads (to the white yarn) - I didn’t get 30, but more, exactly in the middle between the intersections. Be careful, one wrong move and this cute product could be... spoiled. That's all! If anything is unclear, please contact me, I’ll help you. Wrong side

Additions to the post at the request of girls - How to remove a blanket from nails

Now we move on to the next stage of work. We cut our blanket from the nails. We go along the entire perimeter of the frame and where it is marked with a red line in my photo, we cut it in half.

We have completed most of the work, now we are waiting for cutting the pompoms. We take scissors, preferably not very sharp and not dull))). Scissors also cause a lot of chafing on your fingers, so take breaks when cutting. We cut 30 threads from our knots on four sides, without touching the base, otherwise nothing will work.

Now I’ll explain why we took threads of a different color for the warp: in order not to count 30 threads each time, we simply see by color where the warp is and don’t touch it, we only cut the other color that we wound after the warp.

I also show in the photo exactly where to cut, the red line indicates the location of the cut. That is, we cut the small sides of the resulting squares in the middle.

Thus, we cut our entire blanket and in the end we get such a wonderful fluffy blanket made from pompoms with our own hands.

It’s hard to say exactly what a blanket is. This is a large shawl, a blanket, a cape, and a bedspread. One thing in common: the blanket should be warm, soft, not heavy and not parkable. Making a blanket with your own hands is a rewarding task in the literal sense of the word - it will be warm and cozy. And figuratively: a really good branded blanket costs somewhere up to $400, and the materials for the most expensive homemade one will cost half or three times less. Or maybe 10-20 times cheaper. Or for nothing - a blanket can be made in various ways.

A classic knitted blanket can be knitted or crocheted. A large blanket for the entire double bed (item 1 in the figure) is difficult to knit without a machine: you need very long knitting needles and it’s easy to get confused when counting a huge number of loops. By hand, on a free evening at home, it is possible to knit a smaller blanket on knitting needles for a chair (item 2) or for shoulders. It’s easier to knit a large blanket from super-thick yarn (item 3): in general, knitting needles are not needed to knit it (see below), and the number of loops with a width of 1-2 is a number that fits in the average mind. But a thick blanket is not a cheap pleasure, although even here resourceful craftswomen come up with unusual options for reducing the cost.

A large one-piece blanket is more convenient to crochet: with this tool it is easier to switch from motif to knitting motif, which allows you to get large, one-piece, fairly detailed items, pos. 4. And at the same time, it is convenient to crochet small fragments, which are then either tied into a panel with the same crochet (pos. 5), or sewn with threads (pos. 6), or hand-knitted with ties, pos. 7.

The baby blanket is knitted from hypoallergenic yarn (wool is an allergen). It is better to weave a blanket for a baby on a frame (see below) and tie pompoms on it (item 8), there will be both a blanket and a play mat - no matter how you play around, you won’t hurt yourself. A budget option and an easy-to-make blanket for little ones - hand-knitted from fleece, also see below. Such a blanket will not last long, just until the child grows up.

And, finally, an “extra-budget” version of a blanket that is comfortable, durable, but not for show (say, at the dacha) - sewn from old knitted items, see fig. on right. In order for a blanket made from worn rags to serve for a long time, warm well, get dirty a little and warm well, the materials for it need to be prepared, see below.

We knit a blanket...

...knitting needles...

Knitting is not such a complicated science. It’s more difficult to get used to not losing count of loops, which makes the item uneven and can wrinkle. The principles of knitting are simple:

  • The loops of the first row (basic loops) are thrown onto the outgoing knitting needle;
  • The first basic loop is cast on by hand;
  • To cast on the 2nd and subsequent loops, grab a thread of yarn with the end of the knitting needle and pass it into the previous loop until the required number of loops creep onto the emerging knitting needle;
  • The second row is knitted by transferring stitches from the outgoing knitting needle to the incoming one;
  • When throwing a loop, the end of the outgoing knitting needle grabs the thread, thus forming the loops of the third row;
  • Whether the new stitch will be knit or purl depends on which side the outgoing needle goes around the incoming one;
  • If the item is large, the second (idle) incoming knitting needle is pushed into the loops of the third row as they are formed;
  • When the 2nd row is knitted, the next ones are knitted according to paragraphs. 3-7, only the working and idle outgoing knitting needles change roles from row to row.

To get started, watch a selection of videos, after which (or better yet, during which) you can start knitting:

Video: how to learn to knit

Video: Knitting Basics

Video: types of loops for knitting

Plaid patterns

On the one hand, knitting a blanket is easier than knitting a sweater - you knit a simple rectangle. On the other hand, it’s more difficult: there are a lot of loops, it’s easy to lose count. In addition, the blanket should be larger (to make it warmer) and weigh less. It is also highly desirable to reduce yarn consumption. And the last condition: oddly enough, the blanket should be stronger than a sweater or mittens and have less stretch. Anyone who remembers the times when there was a shortage of bed linen also remembers that over the summer, the sheet used to cover oneself in the hot weather instead of a blanket wore out faster than the same one one was lying on. And if the blanket stretches, it will not warm as well and will wear out more quickly. Therefore, not every knitting pattern is suitable for a blanket.

For beginners, it’s better to knit your first blanket with a bias (see picture):

Bias knitting satisfies all the above requirements, and its motif is simple:

  • 6 purl loops - a path between the strands of the braid;
  • 3 knit loops – one strand of braid;
  • 3 more knit loops - another strand of braid;
  • interweaving of strands - single and working outgoing knitting needles change places through a loop (see figure on the right), i.e., while the weave is being knitted, the loops on the incoming knitting needle A are dropped alternately, one at a time, from knitting needle B, then from knitting needle C.

You get a very good blanket if you knit it all with a Canadian elastic band: the tracks are narrow, it’s easy to count the loops, and if it goes wrong, you can see it right away. In addition, this knitting is called an elastic band because it is elastic and wear-resistant (it is used to knit cuffs, cuffs, sweater hems, etc.): a blanket knitted with an elastic band fits very neatly as a bedspread, and you can wrap yourself in it however you like. True, it will take more yarn for an elastic band than for a braid (approx. 3.5 kg versus 2.5 kg for a blanket for an adult). How to knit with Canadian, see next. video clip:

Video: pattern for knitting a “Canadian elastic” blanket

Patterns and motifs for knitting a blanket can be found in abundance on the Internet. If you choose a suitable option yourself, pay attention to the knitting patterns for hats - the technical requirements for them are the same as for the patterns for blankets. Simply, if you are knitting a blanket, keep the number of loops in all rows the same in accordance with the width of the blanket. One loop of regular yarn is 3-6 mm; from here the number of loops in the row is calculated. For example, how to knit a very beautiful, not very complicated and quite economical in terms of yarn consumption pattern for a hat, which is also quite suitable for a blanket, see next. plot.

Video: beautiful knitting pattern suitable for a blanket

Note: in practice, the number of loops for knitting a blanket is not calculated in advance. Knit and knit the first row, counting the loops, until the desired width is obtained. The next rows are knitted with the same number of stitches.


The principle of crocheting is somewhat different from that of knitting: we make a base loop, pull a thread into it, forming the next one in the row, etc. The finished ligature comes off the tool immediately. Crocheting topologically complex things (clothing, gloves, solid furniture covers) is much more difficult than knitting, or even impossible. But as for flat items (unfolded) or small decorative fragments, crocheting them is much simpler and easier than knitting. For example, a blanket is crocheted in exactly the same way as a scarf - the technical requirements for the motif are the same, you just need to give more loops per row:

Video: crochet example

Note: You can start crocheting large things only after mastering knitting to the point of automatism - since there is no incoming needle, it is impossible to get the descending loops the same only through effort and attention, the item will go awry.

It is better for beginner knitters to get used to the crochet hook on small decorative details, which can then be sewn onto the same blanket or somewhere else. For example, how to crochet a heart, see the video below:

Video: crocheted heart for blanket decoration

Or, let’s say, the basis of many decorative knitted elements is a circle. How to crochet it, see another video tutorial.

Video: Crochet a circle

Knowing how to knit a circle, there will be no insurmountable difficulties in crocheting flowers. A baby blanket made of flowers for a girl – what little princess wouldn’t be delighted with it? Even if she is a real Baba Yaga on a potty.

Making a blanket for a child from crocheted flowers is not difficult in principle, but the work will be painstaking:

  1. Prepare a straight (without pattern) knitted base, or buy a ready-made inexpensive thin knitted blanket;
  2. Knitting flowers;
  3. When knitting the core, leave yarn tails of 10-15 cm;
  4. Weave flower tails into the base as a tone (see below).

Another useful knitting operation, which is easy to do with crochet and impossible with knitting, is weaving a tone thread (tone) into a finished knitted item, see fig. below. In addition to decoration, this is a way for literally a “teapot” (sorry, teapot) to perform 2-level knitting (see below), the highest class of knitting skill. More precisely, its imitation: the tone thread is thick, fluffy, but not tenacious - mohair, etc. Dividing after weaving, it will cover the base and create the full impression of a voluminous knit.

This technique is very useful for knitting a blanket for a newborn's crib and stroller. Square fragments of the base are knitted (you can also crochet them); perhaps not very even. You can use cotton yarn for the base - it is cheap and hypoallergenic. A hypoallergenic tone (mohair, padding polyester, etc.) is also woven into each square of the base, and then the fragments are woven (also crocheted) together, see fig. lower right. In the crib, the child’s body under such a blanket will breathe freely. In the stroller it will easily fold as it should along the seams of the plexuses. At the same time, the seams will overlap with a fluffy tone, and there will be no blowing through them.

The simplest way to weave knitted square fragments into a blanket is as follows:

  • Binding threads are prepared from the same yarn from which the warp is made, 5 sides of a square fragment long;
  • Bend in half;
  • The ends of the first connecting thread are crocheted into the first adjacent loops of the base of a pair of squares;
  • In the next pair of loops, the connecting threads are drawn crosswise, etc., each time crossing the connecting threads;
  • The tails of the first connecting thread and the ends of the second are drawn into the loops of the next pair of squares (2 threads per loop until the tails run out;
  • The tails of the last connecting thread in the row are bent to the sides and passed into the transverse loops of the outer squares;
  • Weave in the next row of squares in the same way;
  • Similarly, the squares are woven crosswise.

...and just with your hands...

Hands without knitting needles or a hook usually knit a blanket from super thick yarn, see below. However, with your hands without knitting needles or a hook, you can also knit an openwork blanket from regular yarn. Very openwork: the woman’s shoulders under it have about the same effect on the stronger half as slender legs in fishnet tights. Keep in mind. How to knit an openwork blanket with your hands without knitting needles and a hook, see video:

Video: hand knitted blanket - without knitting needles or hooks

…very fat

A thick blanket made of unusually thick natural wool yarn (mostly merino) is a recent development: the first samples went on sale 3-4 years ago. In 2016, a thick blanket reached its peak of popularity, which has now noticeably waned and, speaking in modern terms, the downward trend in demand continues. The reason is that it is very expensive, and there is only one advantage over the usual one: a luxurious, catchy look. $400 for a quality thick blanket is still cheap, and prices for products from leading manufacturers start at approx. from $600.

Merino extra thick yarn on AliExpress costs approx. from $40 per kg; for an adult blanket you will need approx. 3.5 kg. In terms of volume it will be as shown in Fig. on the right, so add delivery to the door of easily damaged and dirty cargo: In this case, it is better to keep Rosposhta in mind as a last resort. The total cost is around $200-250 in materials for a thick blanket knitted by hand. Synthetics instead of merino are not an option: it is difficult to knit and creeps in the product.

They knit with super thick yarn by hand using the so-called. giant knitting needles, pos. 1 and 2 in Fig.:

The simplest patterns are possible, for example. braid, see above. How to knit a thick blanket from super thick merino yarn, see video:

Video: knitting a blanket from thick merino yarn

Most often, a thick blanket is knitted smoothly (without a pattern) with your own hands, literally, without knitting needles. The basic loops are thrown over one hand (pos. 3) and transferred to the other (pos. 4 and 5), which serves as an incoming knitting needle. It turns out easier, faster and even smoother than with giant knitting needles. There is only one drawback: suddenly something happens urgently (the child is crying, the doorbell is ringing) - it will take 3-4 minutes until you get out of these loops yourself. You can watch a visual animation of how a thick blanket is knitted with hands without knitting needles.

Note: Expensive, super thick yarn is the main obstacle to making a thick blanket. Here a woman’s trick comes to the rescue - how to twist ordinary yarn into one suitable for knitting a thick blanket, see another video:

Video: making thick yarn for a blanket

Blanket made of pompoms for children. And not only

If we talk about such qualities of a blanket as sophistication and elegance, a blanket made of pompoms on a woven base provides much more opportunities for their embodiment in a product than a knitted blanket made from super thick yarn. The advantages of a children's blanket made from pompoms are discussed above. And for an adult blanket they are:

  • It’s easier to do - you don’t need to have any complex working skills at all.
  • Weighs approx. 1 kg less than a fat one of the same size.
  • It warms better.
  • Thanks to the openwork base, it ventilates more freely and allows the body to breathe more.
  • The cost of materials is at least half that of the cheapest ones for a thick blanket.

There are two disadvantages to a pompom blanket. The first is that it is difficult to wash and clean. Therefore, a blanket made of pompoms is mainly for children for little ones or, for adults, for neat owners. Second, it requires some manufacturing equipment to make it. However, it is simple, inexpensive and more than affordable to make with your own hands.


Let's talk a little further about the supporting base of the blanket with pom-poms. In the meantime, let’s talk about the decorative stuff – the pom-poms themselves. Some homemade ones for a blanket are not necessarily suitable, because... You need a lot of pompoms, more than a hundred or even several hundred.

A well-known method for making a pompom on a disposable, removable cardboard mandrel of 2 rings is shown in the figure:

The outer diameter of the mandrel is equal to the diameter of the pompom; the diameter of the hole in it is half of it. However, you can make a pompom for a hat this way. If you need a lot of pompoms and exactly the same ones, then due to the inevitable errors in marking and cutting out the mandrel rings, this method is unsuitable.

Large pom-poms for a blanket or rug should be made on a permanent frame, see figure:

Moreover, the rings must be cut out of durable sheet plastic with a compass drill, and their edges must be thoroughly sanded so that they do not cling to the threads. So that the pompoms do not need to be trimmed, the initial cut of the winding is made with the tips of scissors until the edges of the rings appear. Cut no more than 3-4 threads at a time. The curling is finally cut with a razor blade or, better, a new sharp mounting knife.

Note: remember the pose highlighted in red. We'll need it soon.

It is quite possible that you will also need small pom-poms for the blanket. For an adult - fill the gaps between large ones and thereby make the blanket warmer and more attractive. For children's blankets for the little ones (for example, for a one-piece blanket for a newborn), large pom-poms are not needed at all.

You won’t be able to screw the base of a small pompom onto the rings - they will be too small. There will also be few turns in the braid, and the pompom will come out sloppy. Small pom-poms, 2-3 cm in diameter, are made instead of a mandrel on a 4-pronged dinner fork, see figure:

Warp and knitting

Using the described method, small pompoms can be prepared all at once. Large ones are made one at a time when the base of the blanket is ready. In general, a blanket of pompoms is made in 5 stages: a) making the machine; b) warp weaving; c) tying the base; d) tying pompoms; e) formation of fringe. The stages are simple, but each has its own subtleties.


The machine for weaving the base of a blanket with pom-poms is a wooden (plywood) board (pos. 1 in the figure) or frame (pos. 2). The frame will require much less material and is much more convenient to work on, but it needs to be made by someone who has at least basic carpentry skills.

Frame material – timber from 60x60. Corner joints are half-timber reinforced with diagonal pairs of self-tapping screws. Nails 100 or 150 are not driven in completely along the contour of the machine in increments equal to the diameter of the pompom. If pompoms are used in 2 sizes, the larger one is the diameter.


The base of the blanket is woven from knitting yarn, usually lengthwise and crosswise (orthogonal weaving), pos. 1, 2, 3 and 5). The number of threads in a longitudinal or transverse row is at least 3. First, all the transverse rows are braided with one thread, then all the longitudinal ones, again the transverse ones, etc. The ends of the threads are tied outside the weave, around the nails. If you use multi-colored yarn (3 and 5), you can get a base (the wrong side of the blanket) with color tints.

The base of orthogonal-diagonal weaving (item 4) will make the blanket much stronger and warmer with little additional material consumption. It will be possible to tie small pompoms onto the crosshairs of the diagonal beams, which will enhance the decorative effect. In this case, first knit all the small pompoms, and then all the large ones.

In orthogonal-diagonal weaving, for 1 diagonal thread there should be 2 orthogonal (longitudinal-transverse). To do this they weave like this:

  1. Cross thread;
  2. Longitudinal thread;
  3. Diagonal thread;
  4. Cross thread;
  5. Longitudinal thread;
  6. Thread of the opposite diagonal;
  7. Cross thread;
  8. Longitudinal thread;
  9. Thread along the initial diagonal (step 3);
  10. etc.

Warp binding

All intersections of warp beams are tightly tied with strong twisted thread, pos. 5. Pom pom ties alone (see below) will not keep the base from unraveling! Knit crosswise. The tails of the binding threads of at least 3-4 cm should fall on the future front side (on which the pom-poms will be, pos. 6).

Pompom tying

Pom-poms are tied while the base is still on the machine, pos. 7. In order for the pompoms to hold firmly, they are knitted while the rings of the mandrel are not yet completely removed (“red” position in the figure with a diagram for making pompoms!) Knit the pompoms onto the base like this:

  • When dressing the “waist” of the pompom, leave the ends of the dressing thread (sling) 20-25 cm long;
  • The ends of the sling are drawn into the base crosswise from the intersection of its bundles;
  • Tighten the sling until the pom-pom fits into place as it should;
  • The ends of the sling are tied with a simple straight knot;
  • Bring the ends of the sling up (back to the pompom) crosswise from the insertion points into the base;
  • Draw the ends of the sling under the “waist” of the pompom crosswise;
  • They are brought out over the “waist” and tied tightly;
  • Cut the ends of the sling to the length of the pompom threads;
  • Remove the mandrel rings from the pompom blank;
  • Make the next pompom, etc.


Fringing a pompom blanket is very simple. The contours of the machine's nails with warp bundles are cut in the middle, the product is removed - the pom-pom blanket is ready.

Note: For more information on how to make a blanket from pompoms on a frame yourself, see the video below:

Video: example of making a blanket from pompoms

Simple blankets: knit and sew

We connect

For a very young child, for example. for a newborn, and the smallest pompoms on the blanket will seem too big. But soon the baby will grow up and he (she) will need a bigger, thicker, softer and more interesting blanket. In the meantime, mom has no time for complex needlework. In this case, it is better to knit a blanket for a newborn by hand using knots from pieces of fleece - you don’t need any skill, but a little more time and inexpensive material.

The technology is extremely simple (see figure):

  • We prepare a template from dense material 10x10 cm with the sides marked by centimeters, pos. 1.
  • Cut the fleece into pieces of approx. 20x20 cm each, i.e. with an allowance of approx. 5 cm per side, pos. 2.
  • Apply the template, pos. 3.
  • We cut the edges of the fringe into ribbons 1x5 cm, pos. 4.
  • Remove the corner squares, pos. 5.
  • We knit ribbon by ribbon (pos. 6-8) of 2 adjacent squares.
  • We tie it square by square in the same way until you get a ribbon as long as the width of the blanket.
  • We make the next ribbon (possibly of a different color) and tie it to the first one in the same way.

The ribbons are tied one to the other until the blanket grows as long as needed. You can, of course, tie ribbons from multi-colored squares - it’s a matter of taste and the availability of material. Instead of fleece, flannel, flannel and other fabrics certified for children's wear will be used. You can combine pieces from different materials at random - they will be enough for the natural service life of such a blanket.


You can sew a blanket that looks unpretentious, but warm, from old knitted items, cutting them into shreds. It is only necessary that later the flaps do not become shaggy and do not crawl under the stitching thread. To do this, things “sentenced” to the blanket need to be prepared - felted. And for things to feel felted, they must be wool with the addition of no more than 10-15% viscose or polyester. Throw things onto blanket material in the washing machine:

  1. Place in a textile bag for gentle washing. Exactly in textile! If the bag is mesh, fraying can damage the washer. It is quite difficult to repair it yourself, although it is possible.
  2. The washing machine is set to the longest wash cycle and the items are washed with wool powder. After washing, the fringes are carefully removed from the bag.
  3. Dry when stretched in a horizontal or slightly inclined position (on a stand, without hanging).
  4. Shake it out well. On the street, standing with your back to the wind: allergenic dust will fly from the laundry!

Good afternoon, dear readers!

I would like to introduce you to Elena Kurbatova and her fluffy pompom works.

Pompom blanket, the master class on the production of which is offered, is made using an unusual technology on a frame, or more correctly, on a lume.

Elena Kurbatova is a young mother, a teacher by training, lives in the Rostov region. He loves his family very much, cooks mind-blowingly delicious dishes, runs in the morning, practices taekwondo, even does the splits! Loves nature and photography.

Lena runs her own blog “,” dedicated to family and children, interesting books and delicious home cooking.

In addition, she also manages to do needlework. I invited Lena to talk about how she makes blankets from pompoms with her own hands.

"Hello, dear blog readers" »!

Relatively recently, I became very interested in the topic of making soft and fluffy products from pompoms and I decided to look into it, and you will now see what came out of it.

There is only one technology for weaving such products; it is used for everything: children’s and adult blankets, scarves and stoles, bedspreads, etc.

Today I will tell you how to make a baby blanket from pompoms.

Pompom blanket. Tools

We will need:

  • wooden square or rectangular frame
  • nails
  • hammer
  • yarn of two colors.

The frame size should be the size you want your product to be. But once removed from the frame, the product will shrink a little, about 10 centimeters, so keep that in mind.

My frame is square, side length is 1 meter. If you want to knit a blanket for a sofa, for example, then such a frame will no longer suit you, then you need to make a rectangular one depending on the size of the sofa, I think everything is clear here.

I’ll say right away that I wouldn’t have made such a frame myself, I asked my husband, fortunately it wasn’t difficult for him (he’s a carpenter after all!). Therefore, dear women, ask your husbands to make a frame for you.

When the frame is ready, you need to drive nails into it at the same distance from each other. My distance is 4 centimeters. You can do 3 or 5 centimeters at your discretion. My nails are seventy, the best option. My husband also drove in .

So, we are the happy owners of a frame with nails. This is our tool on which we will weave our blanket.

Pompom blanket master class

First we will weave the warp.

I recommend making the base with different threads, a tone darker or lighter, or a different color altogether, otherwise it will be difficult later, I’ll tell you why later. The warp should be 20 threads vertically and 20 threads horizontally, at the intersections there will be 40 threads respectively.

We begin to weave vertically, tie a thread to the top nail and lower it down, at the bottom we grab 2 nails and go up, here we also grab 2 nails and down and so on until the end we pass the vertical part.

Now we turn the thread to the horizontal part and in the same way, clasping two nails at a time, weave to the very bottom.

This is what 1 wound row looks like vertically and 1 horizontally.

Then we again weave the vertical part, and then the horizontal, and so on in turn until you wind 20 threads on the vertical part and 20 on the horizontal part.

The next step is to take yarn of a different color and wind it in exactly the same way vertically and horizontally, 30 threads each. These 30 threads will be our future pom-poms.

When 30 vertical threads and 30 horizontal threads have been wound, the winding process is finished.

Now we are faced with quite painstaking work, which, out of habit, rubs calluses on our fingers, so I recommend immediately wrapping your fingers with adhesive tape. You will need to tie knots at the intersections, without missing a single intersection, otherwise the blanket will not work. See photo.

When all the intersections are tied, carefully check again to see if they are tied everywhere.

Now we move on to the next stage of work. We cut our blanket from the nails. We go along the entire perimeter of the frame and where it is marked with a red line in my photo, we cut it in half.

We have completed most of the work, now we are waiting for cutting the pompoms. We take scissors, preferably not very sharp and not dull))). Scissors also cause a lot of chafing on your fingers, so take breaks when cutting. We cut 30 threads from our knots on four sides, without touching the base, otherwise nothing will work.

Now I’ll explain why we took threads of a different color for the warp: in order not to count 30 threads each time, we simply see by color where the warp is and don’t touch it, we only cut the other color that we wound after the warp.

I also show in the photo exactly where to cut, the red line indicates the location of the cut. That is, we cut the small sides of the resulting squares in the middle.

Thus, we cut our entire blanket and in the end we get such a wonderful fluffy blanket made from pompoms with our own hands.

Often on winter evenings there is a desire, covered with a warm blanket, to watch your favorite movie or read a book. And although in modern stores these products are presented in a wide range, believe me, it will be much more pleasant to use a pom-pom blanket made with your own hands. Plus, you can make it in the sizes and colors you like.

Preparing materials and equipment for weaving a blanket from pompoms on a frame

Weaving a blanket from pompoms on a frame is the most labor-intensive method of making this product. Indeed, in addition to the fact that the creation process itself takes a lot of time, it is also necessary to prepare special equipment for the work - a frame. To make the latter, you will need a plywood sheet of the size that the needlewoman wants to get a finished pom-pom blanket. You will also need 70 mm nails at the rate of 1 by 4 cm on all sides of the base. It is important not to forget about the threads from which you plan to weave the product. A two-color blanket made of pompoms looks especially original. With her own hands, while working, the needlewoman can alternate colors according to her own taste. As for the type of yarn, thick threads are best suited for making this product, since they produce the fluffiest pompoms.

So, all the materials are at hand, all that remains is to make a frame, after which you can proceed directly to weaving the blanket. To make the main equipment, it is necessary to drive nails along the perimeter of the plywood sheet at a distance of 4 cm from each other. It is important that they hold tightly enough, but at the same time their height is sufficient for the weaving process.

Weaving a blanket on a frame: master class

If you plan to make a two-color blanket from pompoms, then you need to start working with the yarn that will be on the wrong side of the blanket. First you need to fasten the thread to the upper left corner of the frame and, stretching it to the opposite nail, hook the neighboring one to it. Then, returning, wrap the peg located next to the first one, located on the top edge of the frame. This weaving should be continued until the entire area of ​​the base is covered with vertical stripes. Next, similar actions will need to be done with the two remaining sides. Thus, the needlewoman will receive the first layer, which will become the basis of the future product. There should be at least 50 of them - the more, the thicker the finished pompom blanket will be. The master class involves making a two-color product, so it is important not to forget that you first need to wind 20-25 layers of thread of one color and about the same amount of another. You can make the top and bottom one shade, and the middle rows another. By alternating yarn during weaving, you can get very interesting products - everything is limited only by the imagination of the needlewoman.

The final stage of making a blanket from pompoms on a frame: photo of the finished product

After the required number of layers have been woven, you will need to bandage each crossing of threads. For this task, you should use yarn similar to the top rows. It is important that the dressing thread is tightened tightly and covers all layers. After making sure that all the places where the yarn intersects are fastened together, you can proceed to the next step. To do this you will need scissors. Using this tool, you need to cut the top 25-30 layers of yarn, leaving the rest intact. The cut should run in the center, between the ties made at the previous stage. Each cut section of thread will form a pompom. Upon completion of this stage, you will receive a luxurious blanket made of pompoms, a photo of which can be seen below.

Sewing a blanket from pompoms with your own hands

Needlewomen who do not have enough time or patience to create a blanket from pompoms according to the described pattern can take an easier route and sew a product from a special braid. True, to implement this idea, a prerequisite is the presence of a sewing machine. The materials you will need are fabric for the base - the ideal option would be linen or burlap, pins, two types of braid - regular and colored with pom-poms, and, of course, sewing thread and scissors.

First, the fabric used as a base will need to be trimmed around the perimeter with regular braid. After which the product should be ironed, then you can proceed to the next stage. Stepping back 2 cm from the top edge, use pins to secure the braid with pom-poms across the entire width of the base, and then sew it on. Similar actions should be performed until the entire area of ​​the fabric is covered. You can make such a blanket from pompoms with your own hands quite quickly, and this method does not require any special skills or knowledge.

Pompom yarn blanket: preparatory stage

Needlewomen who have at least a basic level of knitting skills should pay attention to another option for making a blanket. We're talking about knitting. True, it has its own peculiarity - for its implementation it is necessary to use the so-called pom-pom yarn, preferably in several colors, since in this case a homemade blanket made from pom-poms looks much more interesting. The master class on creating this product assumes the presence of circular knitting needles No. 3 and the yarn mentioned above, the amount of which should be determined by the size of the future blanket. So, to make a product 75x75 cm you will need 400 grams of acrylic yarn.

Knitting a blanket from pompom yarn

The required number of loops is cast on manually by crossing the thread from the broach and putting it on a knitting needle. Next you will need to alternate knit and purl rows. The first - edge - loop also needs to be knitted, pulling the second through it. As you work, the pompoms should fit between the loops and form a tight knit. It is better to complete the work using a hook. To do this, the first loop is knitted with knitting needles and thrown onto a hook, which grabs the working thread and makes an air loop from it. Then, using a hook, the loop is removed from the knitting needle and pulled into the air one. In the same way, it is necessary to alternate loops to the end of the row, that is, knit one from the working thread, and remove the second from the knitting needle. At the end of this row you will have a gorgeous pom pom blanket.
