Color combinations with coral. What color goes with coral

Coral color has long been one of the most preferred tones.

For example, the Sumerians revered this shade because, in their opinion, it had the ability to bring happiness.

In Egypt they believed that it promoted immortality.

In ancient Greece, it was believed that if you take a coral-colored thing with you on a long journey or on a trip, then this thing will serve as a talisman against difficulties along the way and will become protection from troubles.

Later in Europe, coral began to personify modesty and attracted the gaze of the opposite sex. Let's consider what color coral goes with.

Corals from the bottom of the sea have long been admired for their extraordinary appearance and delightful color.

In ancient times, corals were a great treasure, and those who managed to get them paid a lot of money for them.

Even in those distant times, jewelry was already made from these sea gifts.

Corals vary in color: milky, black, silvered, azure and different shades of red. But corals especially in red shades have been the most sought after for a long time because of their magnificent beautiful scarlet tone.

The scarlet tone of corals has a large palette close to burgundy, pinkish or terracotta. Most often, the color of corals is the middle tonality of this range. It was the cocktail of these tones that gave coral its name.

In the West, shades of coral are more popular than in wide circles here.

The basis of the coral undertone is a mixture of reddish, orange and pinkish tones. The saturation of the original colors in its basis can vary significantly. Due to this circumstance, the tones of the resulting coral are noticeably different.

Nature gave warmth to this color, combining other tones with it, you should choose from a natural tonality:

  • Coral organically combines with blue tones. The interior, made in such a marine style, fascinates with the motif of the sea depths and transports you to the shores of overseas countries, flooded with sunlight. Bright tiles in blue shades look great against the background of the warmth and comfort of terracotta.
  • The filled blue ornament looks stylish against the background of the coral shade of the walls.
  • Emerald, close to azure, or a bright herbal tone will also look great. But you need to be able to use two independent, rich colors wisely. The predominance of only one color is encouraged, and the second should complement it.
  • Brightness is used in individual details, and soft components will be the main ones in the kitchen design. A good background would be wallpaper in the color of pistachio or olive for coral, which can be used in furniture colors, fabrics or patterns.
  • The beige set is in harmony with the background of the warm surfaces of the walls in terracotta undertones. And, accordingly, against a beige background, for example, against a background of pastel-colored tiles, furniture in brighter and denser colors looks advantageous. It is recommended to note milk, creme brulee, beige, etc. as neutral tones.
  • A cocktail of coral with gold or silver will look rich and magnificent. Gold fills with aristocracy. Silver adds rigor and modernity to the room.

The combination of coral with dark tones is also successful:

  • By combining coral with wood and chocolate, you can achieve a classic style in kitchen design.
  • In combination with charcoal color, the decor takes on a somewhat official character, and the design becomes masculine.

Moreover, experts advise leaning towards choosing matte ones, since gloss makes the depth of colors in this combination somewhat tasteless.


  • If we are dealing with a coral-colored kitchen set, then we select a suitable apron and the main background for it. The apron is contrasting, bright or dark in color, just like the tabletop.
  • If the kitchen is decorated in coral tones, then any furniture is suitable in style, as long as it blends organically with the walls.
  • It looks very unusual, energizes and gives mood to the entire kitchen with a coral-colored floor.
  • Coral tiles look great.
  • If you add just a little detail of the same tone to the overall interior, the kitchen will acquire harmony.
  • The brightness of the floor will dilute the atmosphere if the kitchen has more of a dark tone of natural wood. Pastel colors will give a beige kitchen a zest.
  • An original solution would be one of them, also made in a coral tone. Or you can repeat this color in tiles or in the apron ornament.
  • It would be useful to have textiles in warm colors in this design, provided that it is combined with the overall style. As an option, one kitchen wall is done in coral color.

Furniture in the dining area, tiles above the hob and above the sink, and some decorative components should be in the same color palette. This means that according to the color of the sets, we will choose a neutral one, like the walls. The dining area will attract attention. The design of the work area furniture remains simple without decoration, its main property is functionality.

An original solution is the use of coral tones in the decor of suspended ceilings and in.

More often, this option is acceptable for kitchens combined with living rooms.

The overall image will be completed by dishes and utensils, patterns on the edges of the set.

This color is very unusual and unique; it is used occasionally in ordinary and simple formats.

More often in some intricate design non-standard ideas. This tone has sophistication and a certain whimsy. Also, for example, coral can be organically combined with vegetation, with openwork. But we don’t combine it with geometric shapes, they are too strict for him.

Simplicity and excessive laconism in combination with a coral tone are inappropriate. Nowadays it is rarely used in the design of a modern style kitchen. But this amazing and mysterious shade gives you the opportunity to feel the flight of your fantasies and realize creative ideas on your own.

Coral color in a variety of room styles

Coral is used in a variety of ways in interior design.

Sometimes it looks great as a detail, other times it is a good background or main tone.

Nowadays, interiors are often designed in a classic style using coral color.

Bedrooms and living rooms are especially often decorated in this palette.

Usually, part of the room is filled with this rich color, thereby highlighting the center or one of the parts, which attracts the eye.

In addition, furniture pieces of similar tones and patterns are added:

  • Classic style. When paired items are present in a classic-style interior, this is especially emphasized by this chosen color. Coral is a successful ornament in the classics. Classics are demanding of calm, strict tones and sophistication; coral is especially appropriate in this case. Children's rooms are also eagerly decorated using coral undertones. And more and more often they are replacing them with the style of vanilla rooms, made in pink. For younger children, the coral tone helps them be active and inquisitive, because it is not aggressive like scarlet and does not have a tiring effect like yellow.
  • Vintage and retro. These styles are also perfectly executed using coral. It is well suited for the design of patterns and ornaments, as well as decoration. In addition, it will decorate soft sets and wallpaper, curtains and bedspreads. Often used in vintage decors are milky and coral. The shabby chic style represents coral in a cocktail with pearls, lace and satin. Provence style is coral in a cocktail with natural materials from nature. The coral tone looks great in company with faded blue, emerald or turquoise, as well as milky or creamy.
  • Scandinavian style. In the Scandinavian style, a coral tone will add warmth to its cool components, which are traditionally used in this style, emphasize them and will not overload the space, it will remain spacious. Coral can be used here as details or as a second complementary tone. It is customary to introduce ceramics and coral-colored glass details into Scandinavian design; it is also used in fabrics. Chandeliers and mirrors framed by chaotically bending corals have now come into fashion. These items emphasize this tone and create an interesting accent that is in harmony with the overall idea.
  • Urban (functional) style. The coral tone is entering the urban style more and more confidently and quickly. At first it was present only in individual parts, but now coral is used for flooring and wall cladding, furniture sets and even. It is considered very fashionable that in addition to the coral interior details, transparent glass accessories are added; they add lightness to the style, giving it a transparent image. Coral's assistants in this style are milky, beige, cream and gray.
  • Modern. In the Art Nouveau style, coral has been used since the very beginning of this style. Today, variants successfully continue the tradition. And this is not surprising, because only the peculiarity of coral clearly highlights the capricious forms and expensive textures that underlie this style and its innovations.
  • Art Deco and Postmodern. Coral found its place in art deco and postmodernism, despite the fact that until recently it was not so in demand in these styles and was considered too simple and ordinary. Currently, tastes have changed, and coral has again found recognition among lovers of these flashy and daring styles, and its inconstancy is successfully used in the construction of these elaborate designs.

For more information about the exquisite and popular coral color, you can watch the video:

Coral is a marine hard skeleton. Its varieties number up to three and a half thousand representatives, more than three hundred and fifty colors. It has a texture similar to stone. At the moment, jewelers are fascinated by it and prefer: silver-pearl, black and white. Since coral shades are characterized by chic, elegance and sophistication.

Color spectrum

The palette of coral shades is very diverse- from soft pearlescent pink, peach, to bright red-orange tone. Once you see this color, you can easily distinguish it from other pink and red shades. The coral range contains a large number of bright exotic and precious colors.

Coral goes perfectly with other shades. All green options are considered one of the best combinations. With light coral it is the perfect color base for a child's room. But at the same time, it is advised to be careful when choosing an outfit and accessories in coral shades, because the chosen color should be combined with the tone of the woman’s skin and hair. This option will emphasize the attractiveness of a lady in a coral dress.

Fashion trends

This color has long been used in the design of Western countries, and in the coming year an increasing number of Russian designers are turning to it.

If you have a desire for something joyful and warm, you should pay attention to coral. This unique color can give off red, then turn into warm pink, orange or peach. Despite its enormous variety, it retains its brightness and richness, which is why it has gained enormous popularity.

Combination with other colors and shades

In the interior. A beautiful look is created by coral in combination with chocolate, beige, milk caramel and cream tones. It lends itself to exquisite textile and wall decor, and golden, brown, and gray frames of paintings and photographs look great against its background. It’s good in a duet with blue, but you shouldn’t choose tones with the same brightness. If a person likes all sorts of trinkets and has a desire to create an unusual interior with attractive decor, he should pay attention to coral.

Pale and colorful shades have their own characteristics. A successful combination of light coral would be aquamarine, gold, lilac, azure and cream tones.

In clothes. It is unique and brings a special and unique femininity to the image of ladies. Outfits in coral tones give lightness and freshness to the image:

  • Combined with beige, gray and white, the outfit will look very festive.
  • When paired with black, you should think about a moderate combination of colors, since an excess of one or another tone can make the image heavier.

The combination of bright and colorful colors in clothes is a fashion trend on the catwalks that has been going on for many years. The appearance will be more attractive if it is complemented with accessories in delicate shades such as a handbag, bracelet or beads that will help decorate your look. Fashionistas, accustomed to attracting attention, can combine several tones simultaneously in their outfits.

Women who are tired of drab everyday life can brighten up their boring look with a pink and peach blouse. A combination of coral with gold, silver and yellow would be appropriate.

Selection of accessories

Fashion designers, when creating collections of dresses, most often use coral color and its tones, which gives the clothes sophistication. An outfit made of coral-toned fabric , appropriate accessories and decorations are required, where each shade has its own pair. Pearlescent pink will look chic with items made of moonstone, pearls and turquoise. The image of every woman in such a beautiful combination of clothes and accessories will be light and mysterious.

The pink-orange tone is very bright for winter and subdued for summer. Fashion designers call it universal. Jewelry made of gold, silver, amber and turquoise is ideal for this delicate tone.

The color “red coral” differs from the classic shade in reduced brightness. Fashionistas can safely complement their outfit with a product made from material of this tone. They are perfect for any type of woman's appearance. You can wear clothes of this shade both in summer and winter., on vacation and in the office. Neon pink goes great with light yellow, lilac, pink-orange, gold, white, gray and brown.

When purchasing a new outfit, you should pay attention to products made from material in coral shades. This color will charge you with energy and give you a good mood for the whole day.

Gone are the days when jackets were worn exclusively by men. Now a jacket is a universal item that is present in every girl’s wardrobe. Women's jackets have survived the strict business style. Previously, it was customary to wear them exclusively to work, to formal meetings, business negotiations; they were an integral part of a strict business suit, and today they have become a symbol of femininity and elegance. To refresh their look, women prefer to wear jackets in unusual colors; recently, for example, coral color has become fashionable. The coral jacket is unique in that it suits many, regardless of age, hair color, skin color and the volume of the female form. Especially in summer, a woman's jacket becomes a standard of brightness for a woman's silhouette, acquiring more and more playful shades.

It is important to choose a style that suits your figure, hides all the flaws and emphasizes the advantages. It is obvious that designers of fashion collections always know what a coral-colored jacket goes well with and what it does not go well with. After analyzing designer images, we will try to understand this topic - what to wear with and how to combine a coral jacket with other wardrobe items.

A women's coral jacket harmonizes very well with traditional white and black colors in clothing. A coral jacket goes perfectly with white or black skinny trousers. In addition to a coral jacket, a skirt in the same colors will look harmonious; you should wear a white T-shirt or blouse under the jacket. Light beige shoes and a bag, or a coffee and milk clutch will look appropriate with this look.

Blue goes well with a jacket in coral shades, so you can safely combine it with blue jeans; complement it with a T-shirt in light colors with a fashionable print.

You can wear a jacket with a blue blouse and a blue skirt. This set looks very fun and playful.

This season, ripped blue jeans are popular; they will fashionably complement your everyday look. A coral-colored jacket worn over a naked body will look very sexy; it will go well with skinny blue jeans, but if you don’t like such an open look, then you can wear a white top under the jacket. You can complete the look by wearing mid or high heel shoes.

Coral color also goes well with clean blues, turquoise and neon turquoise clothes. These are turquoise cropped trousers, short light dresses and floor-length dresses, long flowing skirts, summer light overalls. If you want to make your look even warmer and sunny, then add clothes and accessories in yellow and green colors.

If you are planning to attend a stylish party, a short coral jacket and a black fitted lace dress will look luxurious. Shoes and accessories can be chosen in neutral colors; it is better to choose light beige or turquoise tones. Turquoise-colored jewelry - a necklace or pendant, elongated earrings, a wide bracelet - are perfect to complete the look. In the same way, you can wear a short and tight white dress, this is ideal if you have slender hips and legs.

If you want to add a touch of airiness to your stylish look, then you should opt for a white dress; it can be made of chiffon or other lightweight material. A blue or turquoise dress will be a very stylish combination with a coral jacket; these colors look original with each other.

As for beige shades, an excellent combination with a coral jacket would be beige trousers or a fluffy beige skirt with a wide leather belt, which looks great on young girls. You can find photos of the most harmonious combinations of a woman’s coral jacket and other clothes on the Internet; this topic has been extremely relevant for the last few seasons.

In order to purchase a coral jacket that is suitable for yourself, you should proceed from the characteristics of your figure. For example, if you have wide hips, then you should give up a coral skirt or trousers and choose a coral jacket. If in everyday life you wear neutral clothes, then it would be very useful to dilute your wardrobe with a soft coral jacket; it will successfully refresh your look. And an elongated coral jacket will not be out of place in any woman’s wardrobe; it will effectively fit any female shape. Regarding the material, you can choose any of its types. The most popular fabrics remain the following: cotton with elastane, pure cotton, linen with additives, denim, velvet. For the summer season, it is preferable to choose light natural fabrics with synthetic additives that will keep the shape of the product.

So what is the highlight of such a stylish coral jacket? Why is every woman simply obliged to include it in her summer and autumn wardrobe? Let us emphasize the fact that a coral jacket is a unique and fashionable item of clothing with which you can combine various models of things and in almost any color scheme, both in neutral and contrasting tones. Bright jackets are more on trend now than ever, so don't forget to treat yourself to one. She deserves such attention from every woman because she makes you irresistible!

Coral has been one of the most popular colors for many seasons now. This is no coincidence. After all, there are many shades of it. In order to properly organize your wardrobe, you need to know what colors go with coral.

Shades of coral

There are many shades of this bright color. Each of them is combined with some type of clothing and suits a certain type of person.

  1. Pink shades: pearl pink, pink orange, neon pink, light and dark pink.
  2. Orange shades: red-terracotta, orange-pink.
  3. Peach shades: pale and bright peach.
  4. Red shades: lilac pink, pale raspberry red and red pink.

Who is this color suitable for?

Thus, even some very dark colors are also called coral. Of course, most shades suit blondes or light brown-haired women well. However, brunettes can easily afford this color. As for skin color, people with reddish or pinkish skin, as well as those who tend to blush, should not wear coral. In this case, the pink or orange color of the clothes will blend into the skin, and it won’t turn out very nice. Coral looks best on dark, tanned or, on the contrary, pale skin. There are no age restrictions. A coral dress or blouse will look appropriate on both a young lady and a mature woman. It all depends on the model and style. The same can be said about the figure. Coral does not add extra weight or volume if you choose the right model.

General rules for color combinations in clothing

To understand what colors go with coral, you need to understand the general rules for combining shades in clothing.

  1. The set should not contain more than 4 colors. One is banal and boring. But more than four gives clothes a clumpiness. Therefore, you need to maintain a golden mean - 2-4 colors.
  2. The set should include a primary color (one or two). All other colors are just an addition. For example, a bag, strap or scarf can stand out.
  3. White, gray and black colors are universal, that is, they match all other tones. Moreover, using gray or white you can dilute overly bright colors. These are colors that go with coral.
  4. All pastel colors are easy to combine with each other. Pastel means whitened. Accordingly, pastel coral will look elegant and stylish with any other whitened shades.
  5. The bottom, as a rule, should be darker than the top. Thanks to this, the figure visually becomes lighter and slimmer. The exception is white skirts and trousers.

Coral color is very warm and feminine in nature. That is why it is combined according to the principle of contrast with cooler shades, giving the set an edge. So, coral looks good with white, black, smoky blue and some shades of turquoise. However, such contrasting combinations are suitable only for brave young ladies who know how to properly arrange items in their wardrobe. To avoid making mistakes in the initial stages, it is best to wear coral items with beige, light or dark brown, and white wardrobe items. So, let's look at some sets of clothes to clearly see what colors go with coral.

Coral sweater (blouse, shirt)

A coral top looks good with any dark pants or skirts. These can be classic black ones with an arrow or trousers that are tapered to the bottom. Brown trousers of any style also look elegant with all shades of coral. With a sweater of this shade, you can wear light blue or dark blue jeans.

Coral pants

Light pinkish coral looks great with a beige or light brown top. A win-win option is a white blouse or sweater. You can play with colors. Wear a white shirt under a brown pullover and complement the look with a contrasting bag. Any coral bottom looks great with a dark raspberry or lingonberry top.

Coral dress

It can be complemented with a black strap, bag and the same shoes. Nude or gray sandals will also look impressive. Over this dress, you can wear a gray or black jacket, which will give a contour to the figure and make it slimmer.

Accessories and decorations

So, we figured out what colors go with coral. Now you need to understand what accessories you can complement the set with.

Coral looks spectacular in combination with all shades of gold. These can be gold earrings, preferably large ones, bracelets, necklaces or thick chains. You can choose multi-layered bracelets to make them stand out against the coral background.

Oddly enough, coral items go well with turquoise jewelry. Wear beads or a necklace over your blouse to complement your outfit perfectly. What else does coral color go with? The light peach shade can be diluted with bright pink-orange accessories. And vice versa - bright clothes look good in combination with pale jewelry.

When selecting a bag, the same rules apply as for clothes: brown, beige, white, black, raspberry and dark blue - all these bag colors are suitable for a coral outfit.

More and more often in fashion stores we see new collections with coral-colored products. And many people have some problem when purchasing such things, namely: what does coral color go with? If you have made your final choice in favor of such clothes, but have no idea what coral goes with, then you need to know certain rules for combining this color.

What classic color goes with coral?

Brown color scheme is the first thing that is combined with coral color. This combination is a classic autumn choice, which is perfect for those who do not like too flashy and bright color combinations, but at the same time do not want to hide behind modest, inexpressive shades. In this combination of brown and coral, the main thing is exposure. For example, a brown pantsuit and a coral blouse, or a brown jacket with a coral dress, brown boots, accessories and a coral coat would look great. Another nice classic combination is blue and coral. It is perfect for those who like a combination of bright colors. In addition, the blue color can have several shades at once - from a bright and rich cornflower blue to a deep dark shade. An excellent example of such a combination is the popular one.

Bright combinations of coral

Romantic girls will really like the combination of blue and coral colors. This combination looks incredibly beautiful especially in one item, such as a jumpsuit or a dress. Jewelry and various accessories in blue shades, for example, bracelets, silk scarves or shoes, go well with a coral-colored suit. Lift the mood of yourself and those around you by combining coral and green in your outfit. Such bright clothes will be a wonderful reminder of the bright, warm and eventful summer days. Green trousers and a coral jacket will look good. It is also worth paying attention to the outfit of a dark green coat and coral accessories - a scarf, bag and gloves. For a romantic evening, choose coral jewelry and. Remember the main thing - do not combine more than three colors in one look. A beautiful combination would be coral and gray. Try on a coral skirt and a gray blouse and you will definitely love this outfit.
