Become irresistible: a few tips on how to quickly improve the appearance of facial skin (women's beauty secrets). How to improve your appearance

Did you know that with simple exercises you can improve your appearance completely natural? Just 5 minutes a day before leaving the house will be enough to keep you looking fresh and!

Relaxing techniques to improve your appearance

If we are very tired or stressed, then muscle pain often appears. But Did you know that tension builds up in the facial muscles as well? The face from this looks more angular and rigid. The stiff muscles make him less attractive and add a few years to us.

However, this can be dealt with, because you can relax in the same way as your back. How? Through special exercises and massage!

What can we do to improve our appearance? The first step will be to make a little face in front of the mirror. Make various grimaces for one minute. It is very important that absolutely all parts of the face work: mouth, chin, cheeks, tongue, lips, nose, eyes and forehead. Don't be afraid if you get a little "exaggerated" facial expressions. This is even better, so you can "work out" all the facial muscles.

These exercises will help activate microcirculation, which in just a few seconds will give your face a more relaxed and calm look.

Voluminous lips

Volumetric and juicy immediately make the face more sensual. And for this it is not at all necessary to “go under the knife” of a plastic surgeon or do various cosmetic procedures (for example, with Botox, etc.). We suggest you follow simple steps.

Many women have a habit of pursing their lips. They do this unconsciously when they are stressed, angry at someone, or just tired. Then such a "gesture" can be repeated in a dream, which ultimately makes the lips thinner and more motionless.

In order to cope with this "bad" habit, you can do three simple exercises:

1. We draw the tongue over the entire surface of the lips, from one corner to the other (along the upper and lower lip).

2. We press our lips into the oral cavity and strongly squeeze the jaws, we linger in this position for 10 seconds. Then we do the opposite movement - stretch the lips forward as far as possible.

3. At the end of these exercises, apply a small amount of vegetable oil to the lips (with index and middle fingers) and wipe the lips in a horizontal direction.

Such simple manipulations will significantly improve the appearance of your lips.

shining look

Large eyes and radiant make our face look younger and livelier. But during the day, not only our body gets tired, but our eyes too. The reason may be prolonged work at the computer, environmental pollution and other factors.

And in order for your eyes to always be a reflection of health and vitality, you need to work on relaxing the muscles of the muscles around them.

To do this, first close your eyes and tightly, with force, squeeze your eyelids. We linger like this for 5 seconds, and then relax and open wide, wide (as far as possible). We repeat 5 times.

After that, we massage the area around the eyes:

  • lightly press with index fingers and perform circular movements (from the eyebrows towards the cheekbones)
  • rub your hands to make your palms hot
  • apply them to the eyes (from above, without pressing) for a few seconds.

rosy cheeks

Beautiful cheeks should be taut and elastic, smooth and with a slight blush. With age, the skin becomes flabby and loses its attractive appearance.

But with the help of the following three exercises, you can revive them with a natural blush. You can repeat these exercises at any time of the day.

1. We inflate the cheeks, taking in more air into the mouth, and move it from one cheek to another.

2. We push the cheeks from the inside with the help of the tongue (this must be done with effort).

3. We pinch our cheeks with our fingers, paying special attention to the area adjacent to the cheekbones, this activates blood circulation and instantly gives the face a natural glow.

These exercises will not only instantly relieve tension in the facial muscles, but also help improve the appearance in general.

We are all different and, of course, beautiful! 😊 In order to emphasize our beauty, in summer we need a little: a light bronze shade on the skin kissed by the sun, a flying dress above the knees and a compliment from a loved one to make our eyes shine with happiness 😊 And our favorite jewelry, which never exists, helps us to shine too much. These small details, it turns out, can not only “stretch out” the most boring look, but also help visually correct the flaws in appearance! Don't believe? Try it out!


Task: visually “smooth out” sharp corners, make facial features more proportional, softer and more feminine.

Solution: in addition to competent makeup, you need to pay attention to earrings of a suitable shape, because it is these jewelry that are in close proximity to the face

    Round face: for visual “stretching” and correction of chubby cheeks, take long earrings as an assistant. Of course, we are not talking exclusively about evening dresses that almost reach the shoulders: just choose vertical-shaped jewelry;

    Square face: a “heavy” chin, on the contrary, should not be additionally emphasized with massive earrings. Not too small, but not too bulky either. If the soul really wanted something catchy, try to distract attention with a complex design or colored inserts of earrings, but not their length and width.

    Triangular face (“diamond”, “heart”): elongated earrings, voluminous towards the bottom, will be an ideal option.

    Oval Face: Considered the perfect "experimental field" with almost any type of earring.


Task: shade the natural color of the skin, make the complexion fresh, visually highlight the eyes.

Solution: choose jewelry with inserts of the “correct” shades that are in harmony with the skin tone, and do not enter into controversy with it

    Very light skin: found in girls of diametrically opposite color types - “winter” and “summer”. You can easily determine your color type. For maximum wow effect in contrasting “winter”, you should pay attention to the bright local colors of gemstones in earrings: emerald, garnet, indigo. Take as an example the beauty of the fair-faced brunette Natalia Oreiro, atypical for the southern regions, who knows without any stylists that the pure bright colors of the inserts most favorably set off light green eyes and a soft pink-peach skin tone. The actress has repeatedly admitted that she catches her resemblance to Russian girls, which means we take her secret on a pencil. But Emilia Clarke - also the owner of "doll" porcelain skin - represents a completely different color type - "spring". And chooses the color palette in full accordance with it.

    Skin of a natural shade ("natural beige"): you are free to choose earrings, rings, pendants and bracelets with inserts of almost any shade - here you should "dance" from the color of your eyes and hair, there are no serious restrictions. Brown-haired women with a classically correct oval face, like supermodel Cindy Crawford, can choose any jewelry - everything will suit their face and also with the prefix "super". The only "but" is controversial combinations like inserts of "typical" summer shades - blue, light pink, light green - for brown-haired brown eyes: earrings have a high risk of being "lost". The reverse side of the coin is earrings with purple garnets on a blonde: they will take all the attention to themselves, and not to you, and in addition they will make the skin faded. If you really like grenades, make-up tricks and subtleties will help out, but in general, we advise all goldilocks with a natural skin tone to be inspired by the images of their favorite “gossip girl” Blake Lively.

    Dark skin: not so important, with congenital or acquired (thanks to the bronzers!) dark shade, the main rule is to play on the contrast. Do you remember yourself at the edge of the sea during your vacation? Favorite jewelry, especially with inserts of light colors, suddenly begin to play in a new way on the skin, touched by the gentle rays of the sun. Metaphorically, a tan is like a dark paint applied to the white canvas of your skin, and black and white, as you know, in the spectral circle, are antipodal colors that together guarantee spectacular contrast. Other local colors (that is, the main ones - devoid of shades and nuances) - pure green, classic red, deep blue, and also the whole palette of eye-catching bright colors (orange, raspberry and others), warm golden or, conversely, cold metallic shades will also come in handy. A beauty with Puerto Rican roots, Jennifer Lopez, for example, permanently appears in the world in all her splendor - in every sense, and the sultry Brazilian Giselle wears her favorite gold with pleasure. Lots of gold!


Task: emphasize the natural depth of the shade of your eyes, “refresh” your face, make your eyes shine.

Solution: choose earrings that match the color of the iris or, on the contrary, play the game again in contrasts

    Blues: Bluebell, North Atlantic, Arctic, Jeans and Caribbean are not the strangest blue names in the official Pantone chart. Probably, there are as many of them as there are blue-eyed girls in the world 😊 No matter what shade your eyes differ, heavenly topazes will always be able to present it in the most favorable light. The same applies to stones in pastel colors: dusty pink, pale green, peach and others.

    Brown: "burning eyes, passionate eyes" - this is undoubtedly about them. Despite the fact that, according to statistics, brown is the most common shade of the iris, it cannot be said that all brown eyes have an absolutely identical shade, right? In any case, warm tones of cinnamon, Belgian chocolate and dark ocher should be accentuated with bright accessories - otherwise they are "lost". Passionate red, mystical purple, deep emerald or cobalt - and you are ready to conquer the eye even without any mascara from advertising.

    Green: If you are one of the rare 2% of the world's population with green eyes, you are a real treasure without gems! And yet, we, girls, will never refuse the next replenishment in the jewelry wardrobe, because jewelry should be exactly the number of favorite dresses, and it doesn’t matter that we ourselves came up with this rule 😊 With eyes of all shades of green, the rule “contrary to everything”: choose not obvious emeralds, but lilac amethysts, as well as stones of all shades and pink.

What color are your eyes? Hurry up to take part in the new one to win the earrings of your dreams and choose the color of the stones you like!

How to improve your appearance and gain gloss


Your beauty and sex appeal will be incomplete if you do not take care to look sleek and well-groomed. Do not be lazy to wash your hair often, because after washing it looks thicker and fuller. I know women who wash their hair almost every day. This is not difficult: there are many shampoos on the market with a soft, gentle formula, and a hair dryer allows you to dry your hair in just 10-15 minutes. But how the face is transformed, framed by cleanly washed hair! It becomes younger and healthier in appearance: the skin acquires a fresher tone, and the eyes become bright and lively.

If, despite all the efforts made, your hair remains not as thick and luxurious as you would like, then there is an easy way to correct this defect. In this case, a wig, hairpiece or individual strands of hair can help you out. I do not urge you to necessarily wear false hair for every day. But in critical situations, they can be simply irreplaceable for you.

When choosing a wig, make sure it is neither too tight nor too loose. Synthetic hair now looks almost indistinguishable in appearance from natural hair. Especially convenient is that the wig can be cut and styled, giving it the shape that best suits your face. Chignons and individual strands of hair are also very practical. With their help, you can make yourself a thick, luxurious hairstyle, discreetly pinning them to your hair.


Well-groomed hands and feet add chic to your look. Make sure that your manicure and pedicure are always fresh, without flaws. There is a wide range of quick-drying nail polishes on the market. True, they are not as firmly held as ordinary varnishes. But due to the fact that they dry instantly, their daily application is not difficult.

However, if the shape of your natural nails is not ideal, then artificial false nails, which are glued with special glue, can help you out. They, like a wig, do not have to be worn every day. But they can be very useful for you in responsible and solemn occasions. Therefore, I advise you to have them in your arsenal. Conveniently, you can cover false nails with varnish of the desired color. When buying artificial nails, make sure that the quality of the glue with which they are glued is reliable.

In addition, you can make your natural nails absolutely perfect using the now common nail extension procedure. What it is? This procedure is carried out in a beauty salon. Your nails are given a perfectly beautiful shape by applying a special composition to them. It solidifies, hardens and “joins” with your natural nails, making them look flawless. This composition is somewhat reminiscent of modern composite materials used for inconspicuous dental fillings.


If your eyelashes are not thick and long enough, then artificial eyelashes can help you out. They look best in the evening light, so they are especially useful for special occasions. Gently glue the fake eyelashes to the edge of the upper eyelid using the special glue that comes with them. After the glue has dried, you can optionally apply shadow and eyeliner to the upper eyelid, as well as tint the eyelashes with mascara. Your eyes with false eyelashes will look very impressive and expressive. When buying false eyelashes, make sure that the glue for them is of the most reliable quality.


Clean up your teeth if necessary. This is not cheap, so, first of all, try to make at least those teeth that are in front, in plain sight, flawless. Now there are no problems with teeth that are not subject to the achievements of modern dentistry. However, the range of prices for dental services is quite large, and this will allow you to find the best option. Beautiful, well-groomed teeth simply transform the appearance! They give chic and shine to even the most inexpressive face with irregular features.


Remember that the appearance of an irresistible woman is inconceivable without the subtle smell of perfume that surrounds her. Remember how a woman (or a man!), passing by, intrigues the imagination, leaving behind a subtle exciting aroma. When choosing perfumes, rely on your intuition, although there is also a fashion for perfumes. Keep in mind that it is more profitable to buy expensive perfumes (even in a small trial bottle) than cheap ones. The last of them instantly run out of steam, and, accordingly, do not fulfill their task. At the same time, a drop of persistent expensive perfume can retain its smell for a long time. As wonderful as cheap perfumes are, they almost never last and are therefore not a bargain.

Grooming gives your look a special gloss and chic. A well-groomed woman, even if she has the most modest external data, is perceived by others as a luxury woman. Well-groomedness indicates your high self-esteem, and this always intrigues others, arouses their interest. Remember this!

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A month - 30 days - is it a lot or a little for you? We believe that if, of course, do not be lazy and honestly follow all our recommendations. In addition, they are quite simple and do not require large financial investments. However, the ability to control yourself is needed. 🙂

We go to bed on time

If it's not unusual for you to go to bed after 12 a.m., then it's time to radically change this habit. At midnight, the most active phase of sleep is already underway, and if you miss it, then you can lie down for a long time and count the sheep jumping over the fence. 🙂

At least as an experiment, try to consciously go to bed at 22:00 - 23:00. Remember that healthy sleep lasts 8 hours. And when we sleep, then mood much better!

Put your gadgets away

Many of us like to “hang out” in the evenings on social networks, chatting with friends, scrolling through the news feed or reading articles on the Internet. However, if your goal is to improve your health and appearance, then say goodbye to this habit. Do not use smartphones, laptops, etc. an hour or two before bedtime.

Why so categorically? - you ask. Yes, because the blue color that the screen emits has a very detrimental effect on the production of melatonin, as a result of which your sleep is disturbed. This leads to a deterioration in well-being. There can be no question of a high level of mindfulness, good memory and a strong immune system. We rarely think about it, but still try to live without gadgets for a month before going to bed. We are sure you will feel the difference.

Sleep mask

Buy a sleep mask even if you don't use it daily. It can come in handy at any most unpredictable moment. The most banal thing is that the husband wants to read before going to bed, and you are tired and want to sleep. Put on a mask and voila - darkness, nothing shines in your eyes. We also advise you to buy earplugs - thanks to them you can sleep peacefully if the neighbors suddenly decide to rearrange the furniture late at night or have a loud party. 🙂


You will not become a world champion in a month, but you will be able to correct your figure and activate your muscles. And to definitely do sports, we advise you to purchase a subscription to a fitness club. If you don't really like it, take classes in stretching, Pilates, yoga, etc. To date, each fitness club provides various types of training, you just have to choose what you like best.

Do not immediately buy a subscription for a year. It is possible that you don’t really like something in the chosen club, or you just want to try to work out in a new gym. It is better to sign up where monthly payment is possible.

beautiful posture

When walking, remember to keep your back straight. When you are in the gym - ask the trainers to show you the best exercises to strengthen your back muscles. Also be sure to do stretching exercises during your workouts.

If you have a sedentary computer work, then remember that the top corner of the monitor should be at eye level. Take breaks from work at least once an hour. Get up and walk around the office to stretch a little.


This procedure is very useful and incredibly pleasant. Pamper yourself and sign up for a massage at one of the spas. If you do not want to overpay, look for where in your city they make a regular prophylactic massage. Perhaps some massage master will even be able to come to your home to give a session.


The optimal number of steps taken per day is 10,000. If the weather is more or less normal, get off public transport a couple of stops early to walk. Or just go for a walk whenever you have a free moment. It is also useful to walk in the fresh air before going to bed - 15-30 minutes. If you live in an apartment, and not in a private house, then do not be lazy to walk up the stairs.

Manicure and pedicure

Well-groomed hands are a visiting card of a woman. But we can’t always make the perfect nail shape on our own, remove cuticles and hangnails. Find a good master and trust him to do manicure. In this case, it is not necessary to paint your nails with gel polish, this is already at your request. By the way, this advice also applies to men, because they have the same problems with nails.

As for the pedicure, it is also important and not only from an aesthetic point of view. If calluses appear, cracks or nails grow in, this creates significant discomfort. Do not bring your legs to such states, it is better to visit the master at least sometimes. And at home, we advise you to use a laser file, because it is more effective than ordinary pumice.

A haircut

Experiment with appearance, namely with hair. Look online for haircuts that you like, then visit one or more salons to consult with the hairdressers. Do not try to save money so as not to stumble upon a non-professional.

Facial care

In the morning and evening, while washing, we recommend using a light cleanser. It can be a foam cleanser or milk. Then apply cream on your face. In winter, it should be nutritious, and in summer - moisturizing. If you have problematic skin, go to a beautician - he will be able to choose the right care products for you and, perhaps, give you nutritional advice.

In addition, if necessary, the beautician will make you facial cleansing. We recommend ultrasonic, because it is more gentle. After it, you do not have to wait long until the appearance of the face improves. The main benefit after cleansing is skin health.

And one more important rule: do not touch your face with dirty hands. This habit is quite common, but if you don't want to see pimples and other breakouts on your face, learn to control your actions. This is especially true for those who have sensitive and problematic skin.


Sort through the things in the closet. Feel free to say goodbye to those clothes that do not fit you in size or are badly damaged. If you no longer intend to wear some things, but they look good, you do not need to throw them away. You can do a good deed by donating these clothes to those in need. Various charity organisations, whose contacts can be found on the Internet.


It is very difficult to change your eating habits immediately and drastically. Everything must be done gradually. At first, try eating less sweets, starchy foods, and other fast foods. Note that the point is not to sit on a strict diet for several weeks, and then with even greater force start to fill up on hamburgers and sweets.

You need to realize what is really useful for your health and beauty, and what is very harmful. Only in this way can you put yourself purpose and confidently move towards it, removing everything unnecessary from the diet and adding more useful things.

Also, don't forget to have breakfast in the morning. Even if it is oatmeal with fruit or scrambled eggs, your body must be filled with energy in the morning, which will come from a good breakfast. And you are unlikely to want to eat something unhealthy before lunch or at least an afternoon snack.

Cook your own food at home, put it in a food container and take it with you to work to eat not harmful pies and sweets for lunch, but normal, wholesome food.


Allow yourself to relax and forget about all your worries. Remember that even a new hairstyle, dress and manicure will not remove the fatigue accumulated over a working week or even more time without a normal rest from your face. Just lying on the couch in front of the TV will not help.

Visit Spa. Choose the procedures that you like best. By the way, you can do everything described above just in one day - manicure, pedicure, massage, facial treatments. Relax and feel like a woman - beautiful, young and happy. And remember that all these procedures will have a great effect on your appearance.

Every girl dreams of being beautiful. After all, to attract the attention of surrounding men and cause envy in women - is this not happiness? But not everyone is lucky with a dazzling appearance from birth. In the modern world, plastic surgery and cosmetology help women achieve their goals.

Everyone chooses a way for himself. Fashion today dictates the trend "Beauty is equal to sexuality." And every woman strives for this.

Often girls are not even aware of their beauty. After all, to be beautiful is not only to have a charming face and an impeccable figure. You also need to believe in your own attractiveness. Not for nothing there is a rule: "If you want others to love you, then first love yourself." A woman who is confident in herself will attract more admiring glances simply because she will try in every way to emphasize her irresistibility. Even psychology says that female beauty begins with the sparkle of the eyes of its owner. So, to become beautiful, first of all, you need to believe in yourself.

It is often possible to observe such a situation when a woman struggles with her unattractiveness all her life. After all, everything in it is terrible: both the figure with its fat deposits where it is not needed, and the face (first with pimples on the entire surface, then with wrinkles). And there is never enough time to take care of yourself. After all, to be irresistible, you need to spend a lot of hours a day on yourself! This woman clearly does not love herself. First of all, she needs to go to some kind of training to combat the complexes. As soon as she learns to love herself and her body, no matter how ugly it may seem to her, everything in her life will change beyond recognition. After all, you will immediately find the strength to deal with your beloved.

You don’t want to feed your beloved body with food that is harmful to it, for your favorite figure you want to do a couple of exercises a day. And there will be time to take care of your appearance. After all, when it is done with love, everything becomes easier. So, psychologists advise engaging in self-hypnosis for about fifteen minutes a day to start a month. The main thing is to believe - it will help. The result will not be long in coming. But throwing trips to the solarium, beauty salon and fitness club is also not worth it. Perhaps it is worth cleansing the body with a certain diet. Don't go from one extreme to another.

Beauty is indeed a terrible force. Have you ever paid attention to what beautiful women have in life? Yes. They have everything: material goods, love, and happiness. And not because they have fewer problems than non-beauties. And because it is much easier for them to deal with them.

So what is good looks? Here, for example, is a small elegant nose. Nobody will argue that it is beautiful. And if you "plant" such a nose on a face with large features? It will look out of place there. Or, for example, full, sensual lips are now considered the standard of beauty. And if they are on a miniature face? This is definitely not pretty. This means that beauty is a harmonious combination of individual components of appearance.

There are ways to improve your appearance, and they are quite simple. Here is some of them.

Healthy sleep. You need to know the measure in everything. And in a dream too. If you do not get enough sleep, it is reflected, first of all, on your face. "Bags" under the eyes, blue circles, unhealthy complexion, etc. Oversleeping will also not lead to anything good. The optimal time for the body to rest at night is eight hours. It is necessary to go to sleep, no later than twelve o'clock at night, the room should not be stuffy. And at night you can not overeat and drink plenty of fluids.

Bad habits. We all know that smoking and alcohol have a detrimental effect on the health of our body. And, first of all, it is reflected in our appearance. Dry skin appears, teeth become yellow, nails and hair become brittle. To avoid this, you need to permanently abandon these addictions.

Complete nutrition. For a healthy appearance, the body needs to receive a daily dose of all vitamins, minerals and trace elements. And for this, nutrition must be balanced. You need to eat less fatty, salty foods. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Use cosmetics correctly. It is necessary to choose the right face and body care products. It is necessary to give preference to products that suit your age and type of skin and hair. Also make sure that cosmetics do not cause allergic reactions. Check expiration dates on packages. You can also use traditional medicine recipes. After all, they have been created for centuries and tested by time. If possible, don't forget to visit. At least sometimes, beauty salons.

And also: smile more often, love yourself and the world around you and people. And everything will be fine for you. And do not forget that after all, the main thing is inner beauty, and then external.
