Test for male or female thinking type. Take the test and find out what type of thinking you have: feminine or masculine! When explaining a new idea or concept, you are more likely to

The test* is designed to determine the feminine or masculine principle in the mind of each person. There are no right or wrong answers - the result will simply show probable level of male hormones, that your brain did or did not receive six to eight weeks after conception.

This fact will be reflected in your preferences in your value system, style of behavior, orientation and choice of solution to the problem.

Test to determine the nature of thinking

Circle the statement that you believe is correct in the vast majority of cases.

1. When you need to understand a simple or road map, you:

A. in difficulty and often ask for help;

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b. turn it so that it coincides with the direction of your view on the ground;

V. you don't experience any difficulties.

2. You are preparing a complex gourmet dish for dinner, the radio is on and the phone is ringing. You:

A. continue preparing the dish, leaving the radio on and talking to your friend;

b. turn off the radio, continue cooking and talk;

V. say on the phone that you will call back as soon as the dish is ready.

3. Friends gather around you and ask you to tell them how to get to d6 your new home. You:

A. draw a route map and send it to friends or ask someone to explain how to get there;

b. ask what notable places your friends know, and then try to explain how to get to you;

V. explain in words how to find your house: “On the MZ road to Newcastle, then turn around, then turn left and go to the second traffic light...”

4. When explaining a new idea or concept, you are likely to:

A. you will use pencil, paper and gestures;

b. explain in words, using gestures and facial expressions;

V. explain in words clearly and precisely.

5. When you find yourself at home after watching a wonderful movie, you tend to:

A. replay scenes from a movie in your mind;

b. talk about those scenes and what was said on screen;

V. mainly quote the words of on-screen characters.

6. In a cinema, do you prefer to sit:

A. on the right side;

b. you don't care;

V. From the left side.

7. A friend's mechanical problem has broken. You

A. express sympathy and talk about how unpleasant it must be for him/her;

V. figure out how this thing works and try to fix it.

8. You are in an unfamiliar place and someone asks you where north is. You:

A. admit that you don't know

b. after thinking, you will guess where he is;

V. instantly point north.

9. You have found a place where you can park your car, but it is very cramped, and you need to reverse it. You:

A. try to find another place;

b. Having carefully prepared, drive the car there;

V. Reverse your car easily and effortlessly.

10. You are watching TV and the phone rang. You:

A. answer without turning it off;

b. turn off the TV and then answer;

V. turn off the TV, ask those present to be silent and only then answer.

11. You have just listened to a new song performed by your favorite artist. Usually you:

A. you can sing a verse from this song, and it won’t be difficult for you;

b. you can sing some of this song if it's simple enough

V. you will have a hard time remembering the tune of the song, but you will remember some of the tones.

12. You are the best predictor of the outcome:

A. intuitively;

b. making a decision based on available information and “gut feeling.”

V. making a decision based on facts, statistics and accurate data.

13. You put your keys in the wrong place. You:

A. do something until you remember where you put them;

b. get down to business, intensely remembering where they could have disappeared to;

V. mentally replay your path until you remember where you left them.

14. You are in a hotel and heard the distant howl of a siren. You:

A. you can immediately indicate where the sound is coming from;

b. you can point in the direction if you concentrate;

V. you will not be able to determine the direction in which the sound source is located.

15. You came to a reception and were introduced to six or seven new people. The next day you:

A. you can easily describe their faces;

b. remember just a few of these faces;

V. are more likely to remember their names.

16. You want to go on vacation to the village, and your partner wants to go to a resort. To convince him/her that your offer is better, you:

A. gently say how you feel: you love the village, and the children and family there are always so much fun;

b. say: if your partner goes to the village, then you will be grateful to him/her and next time you will definitely go to the resort;

V. take advantage of the facts: the village is closer, cheaper and good for sports and recreation.

17. When planning your day, you:

A. write a list of what needs to be done;

b. think about what needs to be done today;

V. picture in your mind the people you need to meet, the places you need to visit, and the things you need to do.

18. A friend has a personal problem and he/she came to you to discuss it. You:

A. sympathy itself, and understanding, and everything;

b. say that problems are never as serious as they seem, and explain why;

V. try to give rational advice on how to solve the problem.

19. Two of your friends from different marriages have started an affair and are secretly dating. How likely is it that you will understand what is happening:

A. You'll understand pretty quickly;

b, you will understand what is happening after a while;

V. You'll probably never guess.

20. What, exactly, is life, in your opinion?

A. have friends and live in harmony with others;

b. be friendly to others while maintaining personal independence;

V. achieve a worthy goal, earn the respect of others and achieve a prestigious position.

21. If you had a choice, would you prefer to work:

A. in a team where other people get along easily with others;

b. with others, but maintaining some space for yourself;

V. separately.

22. Of these books do you prefer:

A. novels and works of fiction;

b. magazines and newspapers;

V. documentary prose, biographies.

23. When you go shopping, you tend to:

A. buy, obeying a sudden impulse, in particular, extraordinary things;

b. plan purchases in advance, but do not consider this plan mandatory;

V. look at labels and compare prices.

24. Do you prefer to go to bed, get up and eat:

A. whenever you want;

b. according to schedule, but not mandatory:

V. at the same time every day.

25. You started a new job and met a lot of new people. One of them calls you at home. You:

26. What worries you most when you argue with someone:

A. the silence of the interlocutor or his reaction that you do not understand;

b. his lack of understanding of your point of view;

V. his alarming or aggressive questions and comments.

27. At school, what was your attitude towards literacy tests and essays:

A. you dealt with it easily;

b. one was given to you, and the other was not;

V. neither one nor the other was possible.

28. When dancing you:

A. you can feel the music as soon as you learn to move correctly;

b. You can dance some dances, but others are not given to you;

V. have difficulty following the rhythm.

29. How well can you recognize animal calls and imitate them:

A. not very good;

b. in moderation;

V. Very good.

30. At the end of a long day, do you prefer:

A. talk to friends or family about your day;

b. listen to others talk about their affairs;

How to calculate the result

Add up the number of answers under the headings “a”, “b”, “c” and “no answer”.

No answer

Use the following chart to calculate your points:

For men:

Multiply the number of “a”s by 15 points.

Multiply the number of questions left unanswered by 5 points.

Sum up the resulting numbers. Please note that points awarded for “c” answers come with a minus sign, meaning they will be deducted.

For women:

Multiply the number of “a”s by 10 points.

Multiply the number of “b” by 5 points.

Multiply the number of “in” by (-5) points.

Multiply the number of questions left unanswered by 5 points. Sum up the resulting numbers. Please note that points awarded for “c” answers come with a minus sign, meaning they will be deducted.

Your result: _________________________________________________

Analysis of results

Most men have between 0 and 180 points, and most women between 150 and 300.

The predominantly male mindset usually earns itself less than 150 points.

The closer to 0, the more masculine the mind, and all the more likely high testosterone levels.

Such people have strong logic, analytical skills and eloquence. The closer they are to 0, the better they predict value, the more accurate conclusions they make based on statistical data and are almost completely free from the influence of emotions on conclusions.

Points in the minus area indicate a purely masculine mentality. This means that in the early stages of embryonic development, a large amount of testosterone entered the fetus.

The lower the number of points a woman has, the higher the likelihood of showing lesbian tendencies. A purely female mind scores more than 180 points.

The more, the more female in the brain program, the greater the likelihood of the manifestation of extraordinary creative, artistic, and musical abilities.

Such people make decisions based on intuition, on internal, unmotivated feelings, and are good at identifying problems when there is a minimum of data. They are good at solving problems that require solutions based on creativity and intuition.

The more points above 180 a man has, the greater the likelihood of homosexual tendencies.

Men with a score below O and women with a score above 180 have brains programmed so differently that the only thing they have in common is that they live on the same planet!

Transition region

The number of points in the range from 150 to 180 indicates a similar mindset for both sexes, figuratively speaking, when one foot is in one camp and the other is in the opposite camp.

These people tend to exhibit neither masculine nor feminine patterns and tend to exhibit flexibility of thought, which can be a great asset in any problem-solving group. They are predisposed to friendships with both men and women.

* Test from Alan Pease’s book “How to Make a Man Listen and a Woman Silence”

What is your sexuality type: female or male?

There is a big difference between male and female sexuality. The difference is that male sexuality is active, and the female one is very calm and constant.

The female energy center is located in the lower abdomen, in the area of ​​the uterus. It is important that this center is filled. This gives a woman stability. When we schematically depict a woman at my trainings, we draw a triangle with the base down. That is, there is a lot below, little above.

For men the opposite is true. Their strength is at the top. There is a lot in the head, little below. If we talk about sexual energy, then when a man’s energy rushes down, it immediately begins to look for release, a way out, because... there is simply nowhere to collect it down there.

For a woman connected to her feminine center, which is filled, sexual desire is very pleasant and familiar. This is a state in which she can live her entire life, and not a thirst that urgently needs to be quenched...

This state of mild arousal is normal for a woman in her feminine state. And it does not require any urgent action. She doesn’t need to look for a man, urgently seduce someone, or even initiate sex or acquaintance. She just feels good, and doesn’t need to throw out anything, free herself from anything….

Such a woman can give a man true pleasure and enjoyment in sex... She is filled with this sweet nectar of pleasure, which attracts men, awakens an impulse in them... And she can fill a man with this nectar.

If a woman wants sex, she is bursting with the desire to urgently put this sexual energy somewhere... If a woman gets the greatest pleasure not from accumulating energy, but from freeing herself from it, her sexuality is built according to the male type. For such women, casual relationships are normal.

A woman in her feminine state will not simply let a man in. She feels good downstairs, and the man still needs to look after her, get close to her... This is a kind of state of constant light orgasm, self-pleasure... Her arousal does not go off scale, like a man’s, it is pleasant and comfortable.

Sex with such a woman and for such a woman is completely different. This is a qualitatively different sex, when female sexuality is developed according to male and female types.

If a woman has a male type of sexuality, then only clitoral orgasm is available to her. If available at all. Then, as a woman with a relaxed and filled feminine center, in a state of constant light orgasm, she experiences the sweetness of sex with all of herself, and the waves of orgasm spread throughout her entire body...

And many modern women need to rebuild themselves in order to one day finally experience with their whole being what it means to be a Woman. What a pleasure this is...

Perhaps this will once again inspire those of you who are already engaged in nurturing yourself as women more and more... It will inspire you to engage in feminine practices, change the rhythm of life, wear women's clothes, do what fills you and makes you more feminine, and not vice versa...

The main thing is to remember that this restructuring takes time... But if you continue, you will definitely succeed...

Knowing and understanding is not enough... At some point it will fall into the depths and become yours. And then everything will happen. While this is at the level of the mind, it is just knowledge and it is useless. When it becomes yours, you begin to live by it. This is where the Magic begins.

I sincerely wish you to feel this!

February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day, and on this day in our country it is customary to congratulate men, regardless of whether they served in the army. Accordingly, this holiday is associated with various attributes that are generally considered masculine. At the same time, many people think that the stereotypes of women and men are sharply different from each other and that these differences are self-evident. However, anthropologists argue that they are determined by tradition and may vary from culture to culture. We invite you to check yourself and not get confused when choosing men's and women's accessories in other cultures, and at the same time find out which famous anthropologist is closest to you.

1. Let's start simple. Is it true that in Greece a white pleated skirt is part of the men's national costume?
2. It’s not hot in mountainous Peru, so all the indigenous people wear hats. Answer, is a black felt bowler hat traditionally worn by women or men?
3. What item is indecent to give to a man in China?
4. In the west of Niger, on the Gerewol holiday, men of the Wodaabe tribe try to look more attractive. Is it true that they use black lipstick for this?
5. The oldest wig in history is known from an Egyptian fresco from the mid-3rd millennium BC. Do you think only women wore wigs in Egypt?
6. In many cultures, both men and women wear their hair in braids. Are there nations where traditionally men's hairstyles are more decorated than women's hairstyles?
7. Both men and women in Papua New Guinea love to carry bags. What shape of bags do men prefer?
8. Face tattooing is traditionally popular among Maoris. Did this tradition exist only among men?

Congratulations, your result: from

You are the author of The Golden Bough, James George Frazer.

As a child, little James was taken to see the “wild man of Borneo” on display in a tent. The boy broke free and ran away screaming. This was the only meeting of the famous ethnographer and specialist in primitive culture with a savage. When the famous American psychologist William James subsequently asked the venerable Fraser if he had ever met a living savage, he replied: “What are you, God forbid!” All his life Fraser was a purely armchair scientist.

Congratulations, your result: from

You are the British post-functionalist Edward Evan Evans-Pritchart

Edward Evans-Pritchart, although he devoted a total of more than three years to field work among the Nuer in Western Sudan, was never able to fully study the intricacies of building a hierarchy in their culture. Until his old age, his colleague Meyer Fortes loved to tell the story of how every week someone from the tribe, with the rights of the strong, took away the researcher’s field diary.

Congratulations, your result: from

You are the main popularizer of the participant observation method Bronislav Malinowski

Bronislaw Malinowski made a significant contribution to the methodology of anthropological field work, but after his death he was moved from his pedestal, as his first expedition diaries were published. In them, the researcher describes how he was irritated and perplexed by the customs of his informants.

Congratulations, your result: from

You are Margaret Mead, the most famous female anthropologist

Margaret Mead was the first to study children and adolescents as a separate category and pioneered the use of photography and film in ethnographic work. Her best-known work, Growing Up in Samoa, still provokes heated discussion.

Congratulations, your result: from

You are George Peter Murdoch and are familiar with the cultures of all the peoples of the world

George Peter Murdoch, in the pre-computer era, began to classify ethnographic information from a representative sample of peoples around the world and present it in a form easily accessible to statistical testing. This led to the creation of a database for 863 crops for more than 100 indicators, which is still being updated

Are you wondering what kind of thinking you have?

Just because you were born female does not mean that you have a female mind.

We want to figure it out and put everything in order. All you have to do is look at the drawing and answer the following question: in which direction is the man running? Is he running towards you or running away from you?

Answer: a man is running towards you.

This means that you think completely like a man. And this is a fact. You will not take on several tasks, but prefer to complete one task first, and only then proceed to the next one. You are very attentive, you set a goal and try to achieve it. You think pragmatically. You try to talk less and do more.

Answer: the man is running away from you.

This characterizes you as a person who thinks like a woman, 100%. You know how to cope with your emotions, but this does not mean that you are a “callous” person. If you like the place where you work, you will be able to realize your creative potential. You have a good memory. And intuition is simply amazing! You love order. The “feminine principle” dominates in you, so you can note the desire for planning and love for everything related to beauty.

If you have learned that you have masculine thinking, maybe it’s time to start using it to your advantage? Everything in life can be useful.

Well, do you agree with your result? Share this test with your friends!

The Soul came to Earth in the form of a woman.

I came to solve my problems. Tasks of the soul. Realize your Purpose.

What are the tasks of the Soul? These are those energies, those qualities that the Soul does not possess sufficiently. For example - to be soft, to be gentle, to be able to trust, to be able to forgive...

The soul chooses which body is more suitable for solving its problems - female or male. If a female body is chosen, then the Soul has come for female tasks. I came to reveal, to show feminine qualities. Live like a woman!

For most modern women, the world of the female soul remains closed. Why? We have created a life in which male values ​​predominate. This is easy to understand by looking at the qualities that modern pedagogy develops in children.

Purposefulness, diligence, the ability to think logically, express one’s thoughts clearly and quickly... These are all masculine qualities. Just like the ability to survive in difficult conditions, have a strong character, and are not afraid of competition.

We are being prepared for life in a man's world, for life with male values. Because the world lives according to male values.

A man's world is a world of power. Women's world is the world of the soul. The value of the male world is to be successful, to create the material world. We judge a man by his creations. What did he create in his life?

And we often evaluate a woman by what she created... She created it, just like a man, in material terms. But the value of a woman lies elsewhere. In the subtle, in the intangible. In the soul.

The value of a woman is in her sincerity. It's how warm her soul is. In the warmth that she conveys to the world. As long as the soul remains warm, the woman lives.

Who did you warm today? Is your soul warm? Is it warm near you? Or “what kind of soulfulness is there - to survive?” Or “someone would warm me”... If - “to survive” and “who would warm me”, then the soul does not solve its problems, does not realize its purpose, and life’s difficulties suggest that the wrong road has been chosen.

If a woman follows the path of her soul, then the world helps. It unfolds with its best, brightest, sunny sides, reflecting her spiritual light.

I can’t, I don’t know how, I haven’t been taught - this is the point of choice. YOUR CHOICE. It’s never too late to learn to live like a woman if you CHOOSE the feminine world, the world of life to your liking. Or is it your CHOICE to continue to live in a man’s world, with men’s values, continuing to suffer and blame this world.

Who did you warm today?..
