Test whether you have developed intuition. Intuition Test - How developed is your intuition? If you found one or two boxes, how does the test interpret it?

Have you ever wondered how developed your intuition is? What is more like you - relying on logic and analytical thinking or your sixth sense?

This may not be the most entertaining test, but it is very useful, practical and will allow you understand how you make decisions in your daily life.

There are 4 levels of intuition. The first level is your danger signaling system. The second level is social intuition. The third level is creative intuition. And the fourth level is the intuition of a higher purpose.

This test will help you determine what level of intuition you are currently operating at and, if you are not already at level 4, how you can rise to the next level of intuition.

So, take this test and tell us what results you achieved. And don’t worry - this is just a test, this is not a competition :)

Intuition test

Record your answers and tally your score at the end of the test. Possible answers:

  1. You are more of a spontaneous person and like to go with the flow rather than plan and organize ahead.
  2. You make decisions based on your intuitions, and you turn out to be right, although at the time of making the decision it may have seemed illogical.
  3. When you meet someone for the first time, you instantly form an opinion about that person and later become convinced that you are right.
  4. Have you ever had a successful investment or won the lottery using just your gut feeling?
  5. You know your mission and your purpose in life.
  6. If you ignore a strong hunch warning you about something, you regret not listening to your intuition.
  7. When making work decisions, you rely on your intuition, which confuses your colleagues. You are able to make good decisions even when you don't have enough facts.
  8. You are a creative person and you are illuminated by wonderful ideas, implementing which you achieve outstanding results.
  9. You feel inexplicably anxious or excited even before some good or bad event occurs that you could not have known about in advance.
  10. You get great ideas, seemingly out of nowhere, and by implementing them, you create outstanding work.
  11. You can sense when someone close to you is suffering, even if you don't know they have a problem.
  12. Your friends think you are creative.
  13. You make important decisions based on hunches, even if they contradict the advice of experts or your loved ones, and as a result you are right.
  14. You feel when someone is lying to you or telling the truth.
  15. You have times when you anticipate an accident, death or disaster and this event actually happens.
  16. If you don't know what to do, what choice to make, or what direction to take, you sit down and meditate, confident that it will tell you the right decision.
  17. You feel a strong connection to people you have never met or places you have never been to.
  18. You are a very empathetic person and take on the emotions of those around you, whether you want it to or not.
  19. Have you ever had a time when you miraculously escaped danger?
  20. Have you ever had a time when, being lost in an unfamiliar place, you found your way completely by accident?

Now... calculate your result. What is your result?

How developed is your intuition?

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There are 4 levels of intuition. Most people operate on levels 1 or 2. But we all have the ability to operate at the highest level of intuition. Our goal is to consciously develop our intuition to the highest possible level.

Your score from 20 to 30: Level 1 - Hazard Alarm System

At this level, your intuition kicks in when your life is in danger and helps you avoid the worst.

For example, after the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York City, an extremely large number of people who worked in the World Trade Center area reported feeling unexplained anxiety while commuting to work.

Between 60% and 70% of people experience intuition at this level. If you ask people you know about their intuitive experiences (let's face it, everyone has had an intuitive experience at least once in their life), the vast majority of your friends will tell you a story involving avoiding danger.

Although we are all born with intuition, most of us, including you, never consciously try to develop this gift. And even if your intuition saved you in dangerous situations, you still do not listen to your sixth sense, for which you pay a high price.

There is no need to despair - It's never too late to start developing your intuition. And if you work on this, you will open up a whole new level of life for yourself.

Your score is from 30 to 40: Level 2 - Social Intuition

You use your intuition mainly to understand the feelings and emotions of people close to you. You are a very compassionate person and strongly empathize with the emotions of those around you.

People with this level of intuition are able to finish a sentence started by a loved one, anticipate danger awaiting a friend, just as a mother senses danger for her child.

This level of intuition is typical of close-knit groups, but this type of intuition is especially pronounced in you. Intuition of this nature is very useful for leaders, family people or between close friends.

And despite the fact that you constantly use your intuition to better understand the people close to you, you are ignoring a very important part of this gift, which can affect other areas of your life. But if you develop your intuition, you can move to a higher level and benefit greatly from it. But if you continue to ignore your sixth sense, you will soon turn it off completely.

Still, it is not too late to reconnect with your intuition. After a little practice, you will learn to trust your inner voice and benefit not only in personal relationships, but also in career, financial well-being and personal growth.

Your score is from 40 to 50: Level 3 - Creative Intuition

Thomas Edison once said: “Ideas come from space. This may be impossible and difficult to believe, but it is true. Ideas come from space."

Many scientists and inventors operate at the 3rd level of intuition. Remember the famous incident Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, who worked for a long time on a unified system that summarizes the properties of various chemical elements. When everything began to add up to the overall picture, Mendeleev could not express it in a single table for a long time, and in order to complete his work, Mendeleev worked without sleep for 3 days and 3 nights, but, having not achieved the final result, he went to bed. According to Mendeleev himself, he immediately fell asleep and had a dream: “In my dream I see a table where the elements are arranged as needed. I woke up and immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper - only in one place did a correction later turn out to be necessary.”

History is full of cases where creative intuition helped make a discovery or create a masterpiece of art. Even in entrepreneurship, there are examples of building entire business empires based on intuition alone.

As a Level 3 intuitive, you are very attuned to what's going on around you, which is a great skill to have. The ability to tap into your creative intuition helps you and your loved ones move forward in life.

You probably use your intuition not only in communicating with loved ones, but also in your work, resorting to your sixth sense in solving problems, making important decisions, creating new works and inventions.

Most likely, you are a very creative person, a successful businessman, or an outstanding master of your craft.

Your score is from 50 to 60: Level 4 - Intuition of higher purpose

This is the most useful and most amazing level of intuition. At this level, your subconscious mind works for your benefit and constantly helps you move towards your life purpose.

People with this level of intuition are amazingly successful both in business and in such a risky activity as investing in the securities market.

Let's take for example Sir Richard Branson— in his business, Branson collaborates with more than 300 partners. And yet, according to Branson himself, he is able to make a decision about a partnership in the first minute of communicating with a person.

As a person who operates on the 4th level of intuition, you know that You should never neglect your inner voice, which guides you along the path of life.. You know how important it is to develop and hone your intuitive abilities and listen to your inner voice. You meditate daily, which helps you make important life decisions - from romantic relationships to business and health.

You always listen to your intuition and that is why you have achieved everything that you have now in life. You know that you are on the path to your divine higher purpose in life. By realizing your purpose in life, you make this world a better place. Your subconscious mind, like a jet engine, guides you towards your life purpose. You are a very intuitive person who makes maximum contribution to society.

You can take your intuition to the next level with simple, hands-on exercises and time-tested techniques from our home study program.

Irina Khlimonenko
and the Silva Method team

Have you ever wondered how developed your intuition is? Are you used to relying on logic and analytical thinking in everything, or do you trust your sixth sense? We invite readers to take a simple test that will allow you to understand how you make decisions in your daily life.

No plan can be executed perfectly, no intention has a guarantee of flawless implementation. And only those who listen to their inner voice can achieve success in this constantly changing and unpredictable world. There are four levels of intuition. The first stage is your danger warning system. The second stage is your social intuition. The third stage is creative intuition. And at the top of the list is intuition of higher purpose.

Arm yourself with a piece of paper and a pencil, and get ready to write down points for your comments on the following statements. Answer options: never = about points, sometimes = 1 point, often = 2 points. Results are tallied by category at the end of the test. Well, let's go?

First level intuition

You feel inexplicably anxious or excited even before some good or bad event occurs that you could not have known about in advance.
Sometimes you feel scared, happy, sad or nervous... in your mind you see pictures-symbols, “signs” and clues in reality, you feel echoes of physical sensations (pain in the stomach, joints, throat...) And you make decisions based on your premonitions. As a result, you turn out to be right, even if at the time of making the decision your choice may have seemed illogical.
Sometimes you have the feeling that you need to postpone something until tomorrow or vice versa, and then it turns out that this could not have been more opportune.
If you ignore a strong hunch warning you about something, you regret not listening to your intuition.
There are times when you anticipate an accident, death (of friends, relatives) or a disaster - and this event actually happens.
Have you ever had a time when you were miraculously saved from danger - a car accident, a faulty elevator, a banal brick falling from the roof, etc.
When a dog barks, you can feel if it will bite - or just scare passersby.
You can predict an impending thunderstorm or storm long before the first cloud appears in the sky.
When reading books and watching movies, you manage to predict what will happen in the next seconds.
You are lucky in games - cards, dominoes, etc. If you are successful in poker, add the required number of points to the second level of intuition.
Have you ever had a successful investment or won the lottery using just your gut feeling?
Have you ever had a time when, being lost in an unfamiliar place, you found your way completely by accident?
Sometimes you feel where to look for this or that thing - even if you really don’t remember where you left it (or someone else “hid” it).
You are left-handed or ambidextrous, and therefore, in the process of thinking, your right, emotional hemisphere predominates (or is as well developed as the logical left).

Second level intuition

When you meet someone for the first time, you instantly form an opinion about that person and later become convinced that you are right.
At the beginning of the meeting, you already feel how communication with the person will go further; it is worth talking about certain topics, making a request or initiative - or is it better to wait until better times.
When you first enter an unfamiliar house, you usually immediately notice the atmosphere reigning there - friendly, creative, dull, scandalous, etc.
You know what impression you make and you can control it.
You are a very empathetic person and take on the emotions of those around you, whether you want it to or not.
You can sense when someone close to you is suffering, even if you don't know they have a problem.
You are sensitive to the slightest changes in intonation and facial expressions of your interlocutor.
You feel when someone is lying to you or telling the truth.
Hypocrisy irritates you, and especially the inability to lie (you get an offensive and furious feeling that you are being taken for an idiot).
You predict the desires and intentions of people you know.
When you hear the phone ring, you know who is calling. Or vice versa: you think about someone, and then you meet him, or he calls (writes), or someone tells you the latest news about this person.
You can recognize your significant other's ex-lover from a group photo or during a personal meeting among a large audience (not necessarily in the presence of your partner).
You often and willingly give advice to friends, especially when it comes to their personal lives.
You understand the expression in the eyes of dogs, cats, parrots and, if possible, other animals (birds).

Third level intuition

You are a creative person and you are illuminated by wonderful ideas, implementing which you achieve outstanding results. Your friends think you are inventive.
When making work decisions, you rely on your intuition, which confuses your colleagues. You are able to make good decisions even when you don't have enough facts.
You are able to calmly engage in long-term work where tangible results cannot be achieved immediately.
You often find analogies between different events and objects.
A random phrase you hear or something you see can suddenly give you a hint to solve a problem that has nothing to do with the hint.
You can learn from almost any situation or incident.
You are curious, inquisitive, love to read and learn new things.
You cook well, while only glancing at the cookbook out of the corner of your eye.

Fourth level intuition

You know your mission and your purpose in life.
You feel a strong connection to people you have never met or places you have never been to.
It was the sixth sense that once “accidentally” brought you into contact with your future love, best friend, mentor, “mentee”.
If you don't know what to do, what choice to make, or what direction to take, you sit down and meditate, confident that it will tell you the right decision.
In a dream, you receive an answer to a question that interests you, see the direction of your future activities, or find out from which side you are in danger. Your dreams come true.
You are more of a spontaneous person and like to go with the flow rather than plan and organize ahead. But at the same time, you do not rely only on the help of your inner voice.
You have never seriously guessed using tarot cards, coffee grounds, etc.
You make important decisions based on hunches, even if they contradict the advice of experts or your loved ones, and as a result you are right.

Let's take stock

Now calculate your result and compare it with the maximum number of points. First level (intuition of luck and danger): from 0 to 28 points. Second level (social intuition): from 0 to 28 points. Third level (creative intuition): from 0 to 14 points. Level four (intuition of higher purpose): from up to 16 points.

Completely irrational, inexplicable - the sixth sense, flair, insight, in one word - intuition! Check if you have it.

An inner voice, a confidence that comes from out of nowhere, a strange premonition not based on logic - intuition has many manifestations. It is quite difficult to explain intuitive insights. This is something that defies logic. This is something that sits inside us and quite often helps us make the right decisions, or even save our lives. Moments when we do unusual things against our will happen more than once in our lives.

English psychologist W. Coleman offers several simple questions, answering which you can evaluate your intuitive abilities.

1. Are you quick to guess the answers when you try to solve various riddles and puzzles?

2. Have you been lucky several times in a row when playing for money?

3. Do you often feel that your home is cozy and happy?

4. Have you ever wanted to get to know a person better after seeing him for just a moment?

5. Has it ever happened that you felt who was calling on the phone without even picking up the phone?

6. Have you ever heard an inner voice that advised you what to do?

7. Do you believe in fate?

8. Does it ever happen that you know in advance what a person is going to say?

9. Have you ever had a bad dream that turned out to be prophetic?

10. Have you ever known in advance what was contained in a letter without opening it?

11. Does it happen that in a conversation you can finish a sentence for your interlocutor?

12. Has it ever happened that you were thinking about a person with whom you had not communicated for a long time, and then suddenly unexpectedly received news from him or just met?

13. Does it happen that for inexplicable reasons you don’t trust some people?

14. Are you proud of your ability to determine a person’s character at first sight?

15. Have you ever experienced the feeling that you have seen it before - “déjà vu”?

16. Have you ever refused to fly on a plane for fear that it might crash?

17. Have you woken up at night worrying about the health or safety of a friend or relative?

18. Does it happen that you don’t like some people for no particular reason?

19. Has it ever happened that you saw some accessory or clothing and felt that you absolutely had to have it?

20. Do you believe in love at first sight?

So, now for each positive “Yes” answer, give 1 point. Negative answers “No” are scored 0 points.

Count up the points.

10-20 points. Your intuition is highly developed. You have exceptional abilities and are not afraid to trust your instinctive feelings.

1-9 points. You have developed intuition, but you do not always fully use your abilities. You are more likely to think thoughtfully using common sense and experience. But sometimes the first thought that comes to mind is the most successful!

0 points. You haven't developed your intuition at all. But it is deep in your subconscious. Try to let it appear more often and use it more actively. you'll be surprised at how many unexpected, productive solutions can come to your mind.

Every person has an innate sense of intuition. But for some it is strong and quite often helps in life, while for others it is almost not developed.

Have you ever thought about how highly developed your sense of intuition is?

What kind of person are you? What do you rely on most in your daily life? Logic or intuition?

This fairly accurate test will help you understand how well developed your intuition is and will help you find a balance between it and logic.

Levels of intuition

From a psychological point of view, there are 4 degrees of development of intuition. The first level is our internal system, which gives signals of possible danger. Social intuition is the second level. The third level is the creating intuition (creative). And at the highest level, the fourth, there is high-purpose intuition.
Using the test below, you can determine what stage of intuition development you are at and what ways you can achieve the maximum level.

Testing algorithm

Take a piece of paper and pen and write down the answer points for each question:

  • most often - 3 points;
  • sometimes - 2 points;
  • never - 1 point.

At the end of the passage, calculate the amount of points.


    1. You do not like to make plans and deal with organizational issues. You prefer spontaneity.
    2. When you are looking for a way to solve a problem, you are guided by primary sensations. In the end, your choice turns out to be correct.
    3. When you first meet a new person, you form a certain opinion about him, which is later confirmed.
    4. Your instinct has more than once helped you win some lotteries and competitions. And the financial resources invested in any project successfully paid off.

4. You know your own life mission and purpose in this world.
5. When you don't listen to your inner voice, you end up being wrong and regretting what you did.
6. During the work process, you rely on your sixth sense, and your colleagues wonder how you do it.
7. You can find a way out of any situation, even if you have few concrete facts at hand.
8. You are a creative person and generate interesting ideas that lead you to stunning success.
9. Before a positive or negative event occurs, you feel internally restless or agitated.
10. You have extraordinary ideas that are wonderfully translated into reality.
11. You can feel the emotional state of a person close to you, despite the fact that he is not nearby.
12. Friends and acquaintances consider you an inventive person.
13. When you solve a problem, you rely on your inner feelings and do not listen to the advice of others. As a result, your sixth sense does not let you down.
14. You are able to recognize a liar and understand whether a person is sincere or not.
15. You have more than once foreseen a disaster, death or illness.
16. When you don’t know what to do in a situation, you start meditating and wait for the true answer within yourself.
17. You have an unusual attachment to strangers or places you have never been to, but where you really want to go.
18. You are an extremely empathetic person and are able to empathize with the feelings and emotions of other people, regardless of your own desire.
19. You avoided danger without knowing it.
20. If you get lost in any area, you can intuitively find your way back.

Scoring and level determination

After you have answered all the questions, let's calculate the number of points scored and determine your level of intuition.

  • The first level is from 20 to 30 points.
  • The second level is from 30 to 40 points.
  • Third level – from 40 to 50 points.
  • Level four – from 50 to 60 points.

As written earlier, there are four levels of intuition. For the majority of the population, intuition is developed in the range of the first and second stages. But each of us has the ability to make decisions guided by the highest level. And the main goal of every person is to develop his sixth sense as much as possible throughout his life.
