Heavy bottom. Female body types or how to dress correctly! Skirt with Basques

Many women are faced with the fact that they have been on diets for years, working out in the gym, but the annoying centimeters do not go away in the right places. The editors of Woman's Day and Elena Sanzharovskaya, a popular fitness trainer and nutrition consultant, as part of the Oriflame Wellness Pumping program, found out how to determine your body type and select workouts for it.

Before you start serious work on your body, you need to determine your body type. This test should appeal to all girls: it is simple and requires you to take three selfies, you need to pick up your phone, place it at navel level and take three photos (front, back and side) in tight clothes/swimsuit. After the photo shoot, you must carefully analyze the photos according to the following graphics.

It is necessary to identify from the photo the places that need to be corrected. To do this, you need to draw straight lines from the shoulders to the hips. The side view and its lines will tell you what to do with the stomach, chest and buttocks (if they are full). Such three-view photographs will help you quickly identify problem areas and understand what needs to be corrected and what needs to be worked on first.

So, follow these steps: measure your waist circumference and height in cm (1 inch = 2.54 cm); for example, measurements were obtained: waist = 30 inches, height = 64 inches; divide your waist by your height: 30/64 = 0.47.

This means that: less than 0.4 - you are too thin, you need to increase weight;

4−0.5 – “correct” pear;

0.51−0.6 – moderate apple. Store excess fat around the midsection;

above 0.61 – enlarged apple;

triangle – hips are more than 5% wider than shoulders. For example, shoulder circumference is 80 cm, waist circumference is 85 cm or more;

inverted triangle - the opposite of the triangle, the shoulders/chest are wider than the hips by more than 5%. For example, with a shoulder circumference of 85 cm, the hip circumference is 80 cm;

rectangle - shoulders, chest and hips have similar anthropometry, there is no waist. For example, shoulders 85 cm, chest 85, hips 89 cm (differences up to 5%), waist 70 cm and above;

hourglass - shoulders, chest and hips have similar anthropometry, the waist is clearly defined (60−65 cm).

Please be aware that this is very common mixed types!

And now more about the most common types

PEAR– differences in this body type: narrow shoulders, wide hips, small breasts, and most often a flat stomach. Perhaps the most feminine body type. But few people are pleased with powerful thighs, which are also very often decorated with cellulite, since the main accumulation of fat is in this area.

How to train

Your main attention should be paid to the top - back, shoulders, arms, chest. Don’t be afraid to pump up these muscles; it’s unlikely that you will succeed; on the contrary, by improving your proportions, you will hide your heavy bottom. We work on these zones at least 2 times a week, in the mode of 10-12 repetitions, 3 approaches. We select the weight wisely. You need to “dry” your feet as much as possible. Avoid heavy weights, work only in multi-repetition mode (25-30 times). Focus not on basic exercises, but on isolating exercises (swings, abductions, etc.). The advantage of your physique is that your abs quickly acquire athletic shape.

As for cardio, absolutely exclude the stepper and regular bike (cycling is fine, but don’t use resistance). Only high-intensity cardio with minimal resistance (ellipse, treadmill) in interval mode for 40 minutes or more, after strength training or on days free from strength training. Don't expect very quick results, but if you show consistency, perseverance and don't forget about proper nutrition, your very feminine figure will become toned and harmonious.

In body type HOURGLASS your problem areas: triceps, outer/inner thighs, lower abdomen. Do circuit training for the whole body 3-4 times a week. Use your body as a weight, CrossFit and plyometric exercises are great. Work your legs with multi-repetition basic exercises: squats, jump squats, lunges, stepping onto a bench. For abdominal exercises, use cross crunches (bicycle), plank, side plank. Stick to a high number of repetitions - from 15 to 30. For cardio, use a jump rope, running on a treadmill without an incline, jogging for 30-35 minutes 2-3 times a week. Do not use a stepper, bicycle, or running on an inclined track, this will add volume to your legs.

How to train

EXAMPLE OF TRAINING (for a home gym): type – circular, number of exercises performed in 1 circle – 5, number of circles – 4-5, number of repetitions – as many as you can do in 40 seconds, rest between exercises – no; rest between circles – 1 minute.


Jump Squats

Push-ups from the floor/knees/feet

Squats with a weight plate in your hands and hold for 2-3 seconds at the bottom point

Side plank

Standing row of a rubber shock absorber (dumbbells) to the belt

INVERTED TRIANGLE- This is a body type that is typical for men, but is also found among women, especially among athletes involved in rowing or swimming. Characteristic features: broad shoulders, a developed chest, smoothly turning into a waist and narrow hips. Despite the fact that the structure of the skeletal system in the android body type is similar to the male body type, nature often gives them large breasts, which, when used skillfully, allows you to create very attractive feminine images. Excessive volume of the upper body can be balanced by visually widening the hips with the help of clothing, while the waist will look much narrower.

Slender long legs are the second undoubted plus; their high stature makes them stand out from the crowd. More often they have a slender figure, but there are also overweight ones among them. Fat is deposited in the shoulder girdle, upper arms and chest, making the figure even more masculine.

With obvious obesity, the stomach begins to enlarge, and then the figure begins to resemble an apple in shape. Regardless of weight, women's thighs and legs remain slim.

How to train

The main goal of training is to balance the lower and upper body. Therefore, when doing cardio, it is best to use a stepper. It gives a good load on the hips and legs, increases their volume a little, but burns calories. You can also use a treadmill with a strong incline uphill. But it’s better to avoid the ellipsoid. Its main goal is to rid the legs of volume, and women with massive tops need the opposite result. When it comes to strength training, you need to add volume to your legs. First, you should perform complex exercises for large muscle groups: squats, presses, and then do all kinds of lunges, flexions, extensions, abductions of the legs. Pre-exert your upper body to burn fat and avoid building muscle mass. The training should be exclusively high-repetition: 20-30 repetitions in 4-5 approaches.

80% of women make unacceptable mistakes when choosing clothes. Each type of figure has features that are best hidden from prying eyes, and a highlight that can be emphasized with the help of clothing. How to do it?

1. “Inverted Triangle” or “Carrot” shape

Women with an “Inverted Triangle” figure are distinguished by wide shoulders, an inexpressive waist and narrow hips. Breast size varies. The buttocks of the Inverted Triangle are usually flat, and the legs are long and thin.
Among the stars, Anastasia Volochkova, Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta Jones, Cameron Diaz have Inverted Triangle figures.
Choosing clothes
It is advisable to have a strip of fabric (or something else) around the neck to visually narrow the shoulders. The so-called American armhole will look good.
■Aim for a V-shaped, deep oval or sweetheart neckline.
■A circle skirt that holds its shape well is good for you. It will visually widen your hips.
■Avoid short sleeves and tight skirts: they will emphasize broad shoulders and narrow hips.
■If the dress has a dark top and light bottom, it will make your figure proportional.
■Tunics and strapless clothes are also great for you.
■Your body type is the only one that allows you to wear horizontal stripes and not look fat Tops and shirts

Next up are tops and shirts. Your choice is tops with butterfly sleeves. Try to keep them darker than your skirt or trousers - this will narrow your upper body. In addition, it is highly desirable that they end in the middle of the thigh - the waist will appear narrower. Try raglan sleeves.
Don't buy things that are overloaded with details. You should also avoid wide collars and large sleeves. Avoid boat necklines.
Skirts should create volume, so skip the pencil skirt. Your choice is a-line or pleated skirts, or high-waisted, or sun-cut. For the “Inverted Triangle” - oblique lines, light colors, that is, everything that will make your butt proportional to your shoulders. The best length is to the knee.
The “inverted triangle” looks especially impressive in flared trousers and boyfriend pants.
In principle, the “triangle” is not a particularly problematic female figure. And if there is no strong disproportion, you can afford a lot. The most critical thing is excess weight, since the upper part can become very massive. And this greatly violates the proportion of the figure.
Triangle clothing should not be overloaded with details in the upper part, so as not to weigh it down.

2. Hourglass figure

The hourglass has balanced proportions: the chest and hips are clearly defined and have approximately the same parameters. The waist is always clearly defined and is approximately 75% of the size of the hips. If an hourglass woman gains weight, then fat is deposited in the lower part of the figure - on the butt and hips.
It is worth saying that the “hourglass” figure was considered the ideal figure in the 19th century: women wore corsets to achieve such a figure. And today such forms are considered perfect - and men really like them
Among the stars with an hourglass figure are Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, Scarlett Johansson.
Choosing clothes
If you are not overweight, you can wear almost anything. Any style will suit the hourglass: sporty, romantic, or business - the choice is yours.
A great option for an hourglass look is a strapless top or blouse with a deep neckline - this way you balance the top and bottom. Tight or wrap tops, sweaters or blouses will also highlight your waist.
The main rule is to avoid baggy clothes - they will make you look square, and do not emphasize your hips.
If you have great legs, don't hesitate to wear miniskirts. Pencil skirts and high-waisted skirts are also great for your body type.
Try not to wear skirts that are striped or have large patterns, as they will make your butt look very big.
Don't wear low-rise jeans - this will accentuate your hips and make them appear larger. Do not buy trousers with patch pockets on the sides, as well as with embroidery or other accents on the hips.

3. “Apple” figure

Women with an Apple body type have a wide waist, large breasts, but relatively slender hips and legs.
There are two types of the “Apple” figure:
"Apple" is a round type. The main part of the volume is located above the hips - in the chest and waist area. The hips and shoulders are almost the same, but the waist is wider than them. The widest parts of the body are the chest and back, the waist is not clearly defined. The shoulder girdle is quite wide.
Those with this type of figure have rounded buttocks, but there are also flat ones; the same applies to the breasts: the breasts can be lush, or they can be of medium size. Most of the weight is gained in the abdominal area, which makes the figure look a bit like an apple or a ball.
The Apple body type is very tricky, so you need to be especially careful when choosing clothes.

Choosing clothes
Dresses cut on the bias and dresses with a belt will look great on you. Choose monochrome dresses. You can add color, but only towards the bottom to draw attention away from the waist.
Avoid flying fabrics, as they develop too much and create bulk. But you don't need it.
When choosing tops, follow these rules:
Avoid ones that are too tight or too baggy. neckline - any. V-shaped or boattail, or figured, maybe a high collar. Avoid large and puffy sleeves. Tops that fit your chest and are loose at the waist will suit you. Try to keep the length below the waist so as not to focus attention on the stomach. Open your neck and chest. Emphasize your chest. By the way, vests will suit you very well. They will make your waist look slimmer. Try layering. Wearing a tank top and a light blouse can help make your belly look smaller.
The general rule for choosing skirts and trousers is dark colors.
High-waisted skirts will make your waist look slimmer, hide your tummy, and help avoid over-tightening, and therefore no protruding sides. A-line skirts will help you visually create an hourglass shape. Also, try circle skirts and wearing a semi-fitted top or camisole will definitely make you look slimmer.
But pencil skirts will not suit you, no matter how much you like them. And no mini ones - in them you will look like a ball with legs
The ideal length for you is to the knee or mid-calf. And no flashy belts.
Unfortunately, jeans and low-waisted trousers are contraindicated for you. But trousers with a high waist or slightly low waist will suit you perfectly - they will create an excellent silhouette without constrictions.

4. “Pear” figure

Women with a Pear body type have a heavy bottom. They have narrow shoulders and wide hips, and a well-defined waist.
The “Pear” type figure comes in 3 types:
Skittles - medium-sized breasts, slim waist, small tummy, wide hips and thin calves, like Halle Berry.
Bell - narrow shoulders and waist, small breasts. Short waist with wide hips and a big butt (eg Hilary Clinton).
Pear - small breasts, long waist, flat stomach, and powerful legs. Example, Sandra Bullock.

Choosing clothes
The main advantage of the Pear figure is a thin waist, which does not depend on the height and weight of its owner, so it is this that should be emphasized when correctly composing a wardrobe. In addition, to achieve harmony in the figure, the emphasis must be transferred from full hips to the fragile upper part.
Fitted jackets with rounded shoulders, curved lapels, and smooth edges will look harmonious in your appearance; cropped blouses with shoulder pads; trousers with several folds from the waist, tapering downward; tulip-style skirts with a couple of pleats from the waist. This body type is perfectly suited to jabots and bows, patch pockets and fabric flowers on the chest, square and triangular necklines that visually increase the shoulder line, lowered sleeves, as well as tops and blouses with bare shoulders.
The following should be avoided: straight dresses of any length, skirts and tight trousers, tapered trousers, men's cut jeans, low-waisted items with protruding pockets on the sides and back, low belts, as well as large patterns and horizontal lines in the hip area. Due to the contrast of this type of figure, it is necessary to pay special attention to the fabrics from which the clothes are made. Thus, items for the upper body (sweatshirts, sweaters, jackets, jumpers) should be predominantly made of heavier fabric than trousers and skirts. Chunky knits look good on this figure.
Jeans straight from the hip will create the effect of long legs, and no pants that are tapered to the bottom. This will only make your thighs look bigger.
5 things that should be in the wardrobe of women with a pear figure.
1. Pants flared from the knee. They will make your legs look slender.
2. A-line skirt.
3. Tops or sweaters with square necklines or stripes.
4. Jackets and tops, up to the waist.
5. Colored tops.

5. Rectangle shape

The type of female figure “Rectangle” (type H) is characterized by shoulders and hips of equal width, a weakly defined waist, which practically disappears when gaining weight, medium-sized breasts, slender legs, straight sides, fairly flat buttocks and, in general, a body that looks resembling a rectangle. Women with such a figure may tend to be overweight, with extra pounds mainly accumulating in the hips and abdomen, which turns the “rectangle” into a “cube”, and the more excess weight, the less prominent the contours of the figure become. Celebrities: Cameron Diaz, Natalie Portman
Choosing clothes
When choosing your wardrobe, remember that the style of the outfits should follow the silhouette of your figure. Let's note several options that will help you achieve voluminous, smooth lines: elongated models of sweaters, jackets and cardigans - the main thing is that the neckline is not round;
single-color sundresses, dresses, tops, as well as high-waisted blouses, gathered under the bust and flared at the bottom. Models based on not too narrow corsets are also suitable;
women with a rectangle type are not recommended to button their jackets - this will help balance the hips and shoulders;
Clothing such as skirts, jeans or trousers should be high-waisted and no lower than knee length. If you have slender, straight legs, choose capri pants. Buy shapewear: belts, high shorts, long T-shirts. These wardrobe items will help hide your belly and visually narrow your waist.
“Rectangles” are strictly prohibited from wearing tight-fitting or baggy clothing, as well as too-tight skirts. Give preference to sweaters with an oval or square neckline; a deep V-neck also looks great. As for fabrics, delicate chiffon, silk, guipure and lace will not make your look elegant - choose denser materials. To give your shoulders a more feminine flowing line, use shoulder pads.
In order not to spoil the appearance of your figure, a Rectangle woman should not wear: skirts with elastic (wide), narrow trousers and skirts, baggy clothes, long jackets, T-shirts and tops with thin straps, “advanced” jeans, tight trousers, “pencil” - a skirt.

Greetings, dear readers!

Each of us wants to look attractive and elegant at any age, regardless of what external characteristics nature has endowed. Today I will tell you what to wear for women with a pear or triangle body type, what styles of dresses, coats and other clothes are suitable, I will give examples of how dress for the photo.

These forms are considered by the overwhelming majority of girls as an obvious disadvantage; older ladies, on the contrary, see them as advantages.

Let's learn to play up our strengths and level out our shortcomings so that those around us will look at them with admiring glances? Then go ahead!

Standing in the fitting room, girls with a pear figure usually worry: “With such a heavy bottom, nothing suits me, everything looks terrible and not at all as it should!” Is this a familiar picture? Then it’s time to figure out if everything is really that bad!

First, let’s find out how, in addition to the “heavy bottom,” this one differs from other types of figures.

Pear body type

“Pear” or, as it is also called “A-silhouette” or triangle, is characterized by a strong difference between the top, which for such ladies is always fragile and graceful, and the bottom. Narrow chest, defined waist, small breasts, sloping shoulders and medium-length legs.

It is because of the last point that high growth does not give pears almost any advantages, unlike other types of figures, since it is achieved through the length of the body, not the legs.

Just as paradoxically as it may seem, an extra 5-7 or even 10 kilograms “will not make a difference” for young ladies of this type. Due to the fact that any increase is reflected primarily on the lower part, which in itself is quite massive, losing weight at any cost will not add positive changes.

Keeping your weight within reasonable limits and doing sports is worth it solely for the sake of health, because pears will not be able to change their proportions either by being thin or even by strength training.

Even if one wants to, such a figure cannot be called athletic, but it has the charm of true femininity. A curvy bottom can be the main advantage, especially with today's fashion for pronounced buttocks.

Jennifer Lopez, Beyonce, Christina Aguilera, Rihanna, as we can see, there are many gorgeous women on this list!

To find out whether your figure is a pear type, just stand in front of a mirror or take a full-length photo. Mentally draw a strictly vertical line from the shoulder down, and if it extends onto the thigh, then we have a pear in front of us.

Of course, this type of figure requires a special approach in clothing and accessories, since not all things are able to emphasize the beauty of these beauties.

Features of clothing for pear body type

What obvious advantages do owners of such a physique have, and what should you think about when choosing a wardrobe?

Pros of a pear shape

Fragile collarbones, an elegant neck, a neat curve of the shoulders and, of course, a thin waist are the main trump cards of pear-shaped girls.

In combination with a beautiful posture and a straight back, all kinds of tight sweaters and turtlenecks, as well as bustier dresses or with an American armhole, will make their owner the queen of femininity and grace.

Disadvantages of a pear shape

If you wear a pencil skirt or skinny jeans with such a tight top, the effect will most likely be exactly the opposite.

Due to the noticeable “overweight” of the bottom, pears should be extremely careful about tight-fitting items of clothing for it, being very careful in placing accents.

Now that everything is clear in general terms, let’s move on to specific recommendations and find out what to wear with a pear body type. Before putting on clothes, every woman puts on a bra.

In order for the dress to fit perfectly, you need to choose the right piquant element of clothing, and I tell you how to do this in my article.

How to dress in winter: outerwear

Whether we need a fur coat, sheepskin coat, coat or raincoat, we pay attention, first of all, to the fact that the model has shoulder pads. Regardless of the cut, this long-known trick will balance the silhouette, giving it the correct proportions.

Fur coat: how to dress elegantly with a triangle figure

Those with a pear shape can safely wear fur coats made from both long-pile fur and sheared fur. However, it is better to choose models equipped with a hood, a large fur collar or, on the contrary, a horizontally elongated boat neckline.

All these techniques will add volume to the fragile top and draw attention to it.

For slender young ladies with this type of figure, fur coats with horizontal stripes are quite suitable, but for ladies with curves, it is better to refuse them so as not to make the silhouette heavier.

It is better to choose a medium length - from mid-thigh to just below the knee. A short “auto lady” is categorically contraindicated, as it will place emphasis on the hips. It’s also better not to wear a maxi, especially one made from short fur, as the folds will emphasize the volume.

The best choice is an A-line silhouette, fur coats made from astrakhan fur or oversized sheared fur.

Coat for pear shape

Choosing a coat for a pear body type will not be difficult, because both trendy and classic models are literally created for women of this type.

We give preference to fabrics that lie softly and drape well. It’s better to put aside hard drape or textured leather - feminine curves are what we need. The same can be said about the cut - we leave a tunic, a single-breasted straight coat with a narrow jacket collar on a hanger, and give preference to fitted models.

Those who want to emphasize femininity should pay attention to a fashionable cut-off coat with a highlighted waistline. Sleeves can be straight or gathered at the armhole with lanterns. A fluffy mid-length hem completes the look.

Lovers of the classics can safely choose a fitted model made from fine wool with a classic cut and a lush fur collar. The ideal option is if the coat is equipped with shoulder pads; if not, it’s okay, the collar is a bright enough and voluminous detail to balance the proportions.

High boots with stable heels and a satchel bag will make the look complete and elegant, and will immediately remind you of the chic stars of the 50s.

But girls with a pear body type can also afford trendy unisex clothes today. It is enough to choose an oversized coat with a loose fit. The length in this case does not matter, the main thing is not to choose a shortened model, but the style of the sleeve requires the presence of shoulder pads.

If you have a pear figure and are going to get married, then the next article is for you. The article shows interesting collections, among which you will find a suitable dress.

Pear Jackets: How to Dress Elegantly

Not the most successful wardrobe item for ladies with a pear shape, but if you really want to buy something short, remember just one golden rule: clothes should not end at the widest line of the hips.

Even if you choose a jacket that reaches the waist, if it is cut correctly, it will not make the bottom as voluminous as if its hem reached the middle of the buttocks or just below.

The jacket should either have a belt or, in the case of a shortened model, an elastic band to emphasize the waist. In this case, straight lines of shoulders with shoulder pads or gathered sleeves, as well as a hood or large collar will help us balance the top and bottom.

We select a winter jacket for a pear figure with a belt and decor in the upper part in the form of tabs, pockets or fur trim.

If the time of year allows, we wear a leather bolero with emphasized shoulders. Such a jacket will expand them, drawing all the attention to itself.

If you buy things abroad or in foreign online stores, then this article will be useful to you:.

Cloak for triangle figure

However, flared models with a sun hem, popular today, will also emphasize the femininity of their owner.

The only thing that girls with a pear shape should avoid when choosing a raincoat is a laconic neckline combined with a straight cut. The complete absence of a collar and narrow shoulders undesirably emphasize the features of the figure.

But if you choose the same model, but in an A-line, everything will immediately fall into place - the flared hem hides the volume, so even the laconic style of the 60s will create a cute and effective image.

What styles of dresses suit a pear body type?

Selecting a dress for a pear figure type should take into account not only general principles, but the characteristics of each specific figure, so let’s look at several of the most suitable styles.

Empire style

Let us remember the times of Alexander I and Napoleon - ladies shone in light outfits, the hem of which began immediately under the chest. Such a high waist will still give all pear-shaped young ladies grace and fragility today.

You don't have to wear a maxi; a knee-length hem or just above will disguise a heavy bottom. And in order not to look too naive, we choose models made of thick fabrics, with long or ¾ sleeves.

You will be interested in trying on a polka dot dress. What features does this print have, read the article.

New look

Christian Dior's discovery in the late 40s is still at the peak of fashion - an emphasized waist, a full skirt, defined breasts, embodied femininity and grace are perfect for a pear figure type.

Its slender and young representatives can emphasize their waistbands with thin straps and choose skirts of any length, even the shortest. A curvy mini is on the crest of fashion, it looks fresh and gentle.

But dresses for overweight women with a pear body type should be elongated. Just below the knee or a couple of palms above the ankle.

Wrap dress

It looks especially chic on girls with this type of figure. The waist emphasized by the belt and the chest highlighted by the very movement of the dress, and at the same time the lower part of the body completely hidden by the fluffy skirt - isn’t this a dream!

It is better to choose a hem that is just above the middle of the shin. This will give the silhouette more fragility and grace. Find more ideas and photos of clothes for plus size people in the article.

Balloon dress

As design wisdom says, rather than try to hide a flaw, it is better to play with it. The “balloon” dress style seems to have been specially invented for girls with a pear body type.

Such models are sewn, as a rule, from light knitted fabrics - they lie in beautiful folds and emphasize feminine shapes, without exaggerating them at the same time.

We choose a top with a boat neckline - it will make your shoulders visually wider.

Also good are balloon dresses with a high waist, the top of which is made of fabric that differs in texture or color, guipure, printed velvet or a bright print. All this will distract attention from the monochrome smooth skirt.

Which dress models are not suitable for a triangle body type?

And now a few words about what dresses girls with a pear body type should not wear either in winter or summer. Moreover, these recommendations apply not only to overweight ladies, but also to “underweight” young ladies.


They make the bottom even heavier and make the figure disproportionate.

The pear loses its main trump card - a thin waist, becoming shapeless and sloppy.

Do you wear red things? How, not yet? Then study the article and dress brightly and attractively!

Shirt dresses

If the model has a belt (preferably wide), then everything is fine, provided that the collar is made like a classic men's shirt, but without a belt, just a fitted dress of this style does not suit either plump or thin women with a pear-type figure.


Makes narrow shoulders even more indistinct, which looks bad with a heavy bottom.

Baggy oversized

By itself, it’s not bad, but just like a shirtdress, it needs to be complemented with a belt. An accentuated waist will make its owner more graceful, while a “bag” will create the appearance of fullness even in a slender girl.

Blouses, jackets, sweaters

Regardless of the material from which the top is made, we choose items with a square neckline or boat neckline to emphasize the shoulders.

For this purpose we use any structural elements: breast pockets, large voluminous flowers, tabs and straps, decorative shoulder straps. Bows, frills and ruffles look very beautiful and feminine.

Shoulder pads will also be a major help in creating a beautiful silhouette.

The color can be any, but large polka dots, horizontal lines, a bright geometric print or catchy paisley “paisley” will make the top more noticeable, which will create the right accent.

We choose fitted blouses either tucked in or untucked, but make sure that their length does not reach the massive hips.

As for full pears, we wear both fitted and wide blouses, the main thing is that we are not afraid of beautifully designed sleeves - wings, lanterns, all kinds of ruffles. This won't make the look too girly if you choose the rest of the outfit correctly.


Here, girls with a pear figure especially should not deny themselves decor. Short jackets with puffed sleeves, shoulder straps or epaulettes are what you need. We play with the details as you please: thorns, beads, rhinestones, today all of these are fashionable separately and at the same time.

The jacket can be very short or elongated, the main condition is to choose fitted models and pay attention to the fact that they are not too long, otherwise it will emphasize the already steep curve of the hip.


Sweatshirts and oversized sweaters that are fashionable today are perfect for a pear body type. But here you need to be careful - as a rule, such models are sewn with a dropped shoulder or raglan sleeve, which, in turn, can “drip” down, leaving fragile shoulders sticking out and strengthening the already confident bottom.

In winter you can wear either a sweater with shoulder pads or a sweater decorated with decorative elements on the shoulders. Even a well-chosen color will cope with the task of creating the right accents.

The length of the sweater also matters. If it is cut like a crop top and barely reaches the waist, then that’s what you need. But if it’s a little cold outside for such experiments, we choose one that doesn’t look too big, and at the same time falls on the waist with soft folds, indicating it.

Selection of clothes according to pear body type: skirts

Choosing the bottom of a wardrobe for girls with a pear body type is always difficult. Let's pay close attention to it so as not to get into trouble with the most outstanding part of the magnificent beauties.

Regardless of height and weight, pears should wear the following styles of skirts.


It's a win-win. The length from mini to maxi will disguise the heavy bottom with spectacular folds and emphasize the waist. We enhance the effect with a strap or wide belt.

Pleating or pleating

It will also emphasize the waist, shifting the emphasis from the hips.

Skirt with Basques

An ambiguous choice, but only if the length of the frill is chosen incorrectly. But if the peplum reaches the widest part of the hips and slightly covers it, this is what you need.

Of course, this model will fit best on tall girls, but petite girls can also try it on. The length of the hem in this case should be up to the knee, plus or minus a few centimeters. This will elongate the lower part and give it grace.

Direct: how to choose the right one

Here, during the fitting, you should examine yourself from all sides. An ideal-fitting skirt is one that hugs the waist and slightly the upper part of the hips, and flows freely downwards. In this case, like a peplum skirt, it will hide flaws and emphasize advantages.

In addition, today such models are presented in an original cut and color; correctly placed colored inserts or decorative seams will visually reduce the volume.

Skirt with tails

A flared, flared skirt is almost always a win-win clothing option for a pear body type. The seemingly emphasized upper thighs are balanced by the wide hem that plays around the legs.

This restores harmony, transforming the pear into a spectacular hourglass.

Pants, jeans, shorts

This wardrobe item is even more difficult for girls with this type of figure to choose than a skirt. But don’t despair - just follow simple tips.


The simplest and most obvious choice would be dark-colored straight trousers in winter and pastel in summer. The legs should widen slightly from the hips, but without a pronounced flare, so as not to shorten the legs.

This style can have any fit: both at the waist and at the hips, since it is still better to choose the top just below the waist. Even if we are talking about a tucked blouse, we wear it slouchy to add volume to the top. In this case, we emphasize the waist with a belt.

Bananas, surprisingly, are a very good choice for pears of almost any size. Decorative pintucks and specially tailored fluffy riding breeches, as in the case of a balloon dress, will turn the feature of the figure into the main advantage.

Cropped cargo pants will also successfully complement a fluffy bottom. Slender women with this body type can choose a low-rise model and wear it with a crop top.

Overweight girls should prefer trousers with a belt, adding a bomber top to a regular T-shirt.


Just like trousers, it is better to choose them straight, with a slight flaring from the knees - this is optimal. But if you want something more interesting, you should not deny yourself the skinny model that is fashionable today. It’s not so easy for girls with a pear-shaped figure to choose it, but if you find one that fits perfectly, we complement it with a loose tunic and a cropped jacket with an emphasis on the shoulders. Fashionable look is ready!

The only things you should avoid are bulky patch pockets and overly stretchy models. This can create the impression of non-existent completeness.

Don’t completely write off trendy boyfriend jeans either. The same principle works with them as with cargo pants.

We select a model that is not too tight on the buttocks, roll up the legs so as to reveal graceful ankles and wear them with stiletto heels. We complement the top with a waist-length top with a boat neckline.


The main thing in this case is the correct length. You should not focus on heavy hips; shorts just above the knee with decorative cuffs would be optimal.

We give preference to a discreet color. In summer it can be sandy, woody shades, in winter - wine, plum, dark emerald.

Shoes and accessories

Selecting shoes and accessories for ladies with a pear body type can become not just an exciting activity, but a magic wand that can “pull out” any, even the most dubious, look.

There is only one basic rule: more accents at the top, less at the bottom.

If you have long dreamed of buying red boots, but did not dare because you do not know what to wear them with, then we offer you a useful article where you will find interesting options for yourself.

Shoes: what to choose and what to combine with

When choosing shoes, we always remember that heels add height and length to the legs, and pears should elongate the silhouette whenever possible. Depending on the thickness of the ankle, we select a stable massive heel or an elegant glass or stiletto heel.

  • It is better to avoid straps around the feet and overly rounded toes. Such shoes will make a pear of any size even heavier.
  • In winter and autumn, we select tights in the same color scheme as the shoes and the bottom of the outfit. This will visually make your figure slimmer.
  • You don’t have to give up flat soles altogether; it’s better to replace them with very thick ones. Not as impressive as stiletto heels, slip-ons or sneakers with a 2.5 cm margin will still cope with the task and lengthen the legs.


When choosing a bag, we give preference to models with straps near the armpit - this technique will avoid making the bottom heavier and will take attention away from the hips.

A clutch also works; it is better to take it in an impressive size, and satchel bags with short handles will complement the classic look.


Scarves, stoles, chunky knit snoods - all this is an invaluable help in adding volume to the top. We put them on over coats, raincoats and jackets.

Oversized hats also work well. At the peak of popularity now are angora knits a la ski ones, but one and a half times larger. They can be either smooth or decorated with a pompom.


In the summer, we complement the look with massive necklaces, beads, and collars embroidered with large crystals; fortunately, all this splendor still holds its ground.

Star beau monde with a pear-shaped figure

Well, now is the time to look at photos of celebrities from those whom nature has awarded with a pear body type. Let's see how Mischa Barton, Jennifer Lovehuit, Jennifer Lopez, Shakira, Nicki Minaj, Rihanna and many other beauties dress.

As you can see, both on the red carpet, and at chic presentations, and in everyday life, the famous pear beauties look stunning. If the ideas for creating your own outfit are not yet ripe, let’s take a look at the photos of their examples, and inspiration will not keep you waiting!

It doesn’t matter how old we are, how much we weigh or how tall we are, the main thing is the desire to look chic and stylish. Now you know what to wear for girls with a pear figure type and do it not just by hiding “flaws”, but by turning your features into advantages and an object of envy and admiration!

Be beautiful and fashionable! That's all for me. Click the buttons of your favorite social networks and share this article with your friends.

With love, fashion designer Albina Talipova.

Every woman wants to look impressive in any outfit. But this can be easily accomplished if you know the structural features of your body and know how to choose a “wrapper” for it. Female figures conventionally divided into five types. Each of them is determined by three main elements: chest, waist, hips. Depending on the larger or smaller size of one or two of these body parts, the type is determined.
"X" - hourglass,
"A" - pear,
"V" - inverted triangle,
"N" - rectangle
"O" - apple

Figure "X" - hourglass
This figure is considered ideal. This type refers to women with the same volume of breasts and hips, with a well-defined waistline. Even if the owner of an “X” figure gains excess weight, her figure will still look harmonious. (Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, Monica Bellucci).

Clothing for an hourglass figure can be almost anything, except for those that hide its advantages.

A woman's watch wardrobe may include:

  • straight jeans and trousers with a belt;
  • skirts with a belt and a high waist;
  • sweaters, blouses and dresses with a V-neck that will highlight your graceful collarbones;
  • A-line skirts that highlight the natural beauty of the hips;
  • wrap dresses and sheath dresses;
  • a narrow belt that visually makes the waist even more pronounced and thin;
  • wide belts that add sexiness to the look;
  • strict blouses with the top couple of buttons undone.

Body type “A” - Pear or Triangle
The figure of women of this type resembles a pear (Jennifer Lopez, Halle Berry). Pear-shaped women have a light top and a heavy bottom: thin waist, small breasts, narrow shoulders, wide hips. Fat accumulation occurs in the buttocks and thighs. The advantages of the figure are a slender waist and neat chest, the disadvantages are a heavy butt and, as a rule, full legs. Pear-shaped women are most often dissatisfied with their figure: there is a clear disproportion between the upper and lower parts of the body, and it is difficult for such women to choose clothes of a certain size: blouses have to be bought a size (or even two!) smaller than trousers and skirts, and with dresses are generally insoluble difficulties.
However, it is precisely this female body that was and remains seductive for men (and this is a huge plus). This type of figure is considered very feminine, and if a woman maintains her shape, she remains attractive for many years.
You can try to correct the shortcomings of this type of figure in women with the help of clothing. When choosing clothes, “pears” should give preference to models that visually increase the chest and width of the shoulders, emphasize the waist and hide the heavy lower part of the body.

Wardrobe for body type “A”:

  • V-shaped as well as diagonal deep necklines on sweaters and dresses;
  • blouses and sweaters with wide or transverse stripes that visually enlarge the chest area;
  • a pencil skirt made of thick fabric that will make your shape slimmer and narrow your figure;
  • dark colors at the bottom of clothes, narrow, straight or flared trousers;
  • dresses with a slightly high waist or frill under the bust;
  • top with voluminous sleeves;
  • scarves and brooches in the neck area, ruffles and flounces on the chest, which focus attention on the dignity of the figure;
  • shoes with high, stable heels and slightly pointed toes.

Body type: V or Inverted Triangle or T
A problematic figure for women (Anastasia Volochkova, Angelina Jolie). Ladies with this type of figure are distinguished by an athletic build, have wide shoulders and narrow hips, and a weakly defined waist. The length of the upper body may be slightly shorter than the lower part, which, by the way, is often found among female athletes. Disadvantage: masculine silhouette, advantage: slender legs. If ladies of this type gain weight, fat deposits appear in the upper part of the body - on the arms, waist, shoulders and abdomen.

Women with this body type need to choose clothes that highlight their perfect legs and hide their massive upper part:

  • blouses with a V-shaped or deep oval neckline (vertical stripes are possible) will visually make the shoulders narrower;
  • If possible, the lower part of clothing should be tight-fitting, but not narrowed at the bottom;
  • the bottom of the clothing is light, the top is dark;
  • accessories with angular shapes, including earrings, bracelets and shoes;
  • Avoid voluminous sleeves and excess volume in the shoulders;
  • jackets slightly gathered at the waist and tops with straps located close to the neck are suitable;
  • flared from the hip, wide trousers with patch pockets and decoration in the hip area with a slightly low waist.

Body type "H" or Rectangle
Not ideal, but quite harmless option (Keira Knightley, Madonna, actress Catherine Zeta-Jones, Nicole Kidman and Sigourney Weaver, Demi Moore). Its distinguishing feature is almost the same width of shoulders, hips and waist, so the figure takes on a rectangular appearance, and It is often called “banana” or “pod”. Advantages – proportionality, disadvantages – lack of waist, masculine silhouette. The main problem with a banana body type is a wide waist and protruding belly. When choosing clothes for this type of figure, you need to be extremely careful.

Banana women are suitable for:

  • coarse, massive fabrics with vague geometric patterns that “outline” the waist;
  • oval or square cutouts on blouses;
  • short or missing sleeve;
  • asymmetry is the best assistant in correcting this type of figure, so you should prefer a slanted edge on dresses, skirts or blouses;
  • different cut sleeves and a combination of different fabrics and colors will help you place the right accents;
  • High-waisted dresses and sheath dresses will highlight beautiful breasts and slender legs.

O or Apple body type
The “O” figure type really resembles an apple or a peach (Liv Tyler, Kate Winslet) and is typical for women who are prone to being overweight. The peculiarity of the figure is the same volume of the waist and chest, which makes the body round. Advantage - slender legs, ample breasts, disadvantage - wide waist and noticeable tummy. But, interestingly, almost any woman can feel like an “apple” during pregnancy. An easily growing belly is the main problem of apple-shaped women, although overweight ladies with such a figure swell in the shoulders and back, grow a double and triple chin, but their arms, legs and hips remain thin.
Therefore, the main task of skillfully selected clothing is to emphasize slender legs and hide a massive top:

  • sheath dresses and high-waisted dresses (under the bust);
  • tunic tops and vests, jackets and blouses with straight sleeves;
  • knee-length flared skirts;
  • high-waisted trousers, slightly cropped or slightly tapered;
  • high heel shoes.


How to determine your body type? Look carefully in the mirror and remember your wardrobe.

  • You Pear If you have wide, rounded hips, your waist is clearly defined, and your shoulders are narrow and fragile. At the same time, the hips are much wider than the shoulders, and the bottom is noticeably heavier than the top.
  • You Apple, if you have slender legs and a small butt, but at the same time a voluminous waist and lush breasts. Hips and shoulders can be the same width.
  • You Rectangle, if you have a small chest, a wide waist, not massive, but broad shoulders. The legs may be shorter than the body.
  • You Inverted Triangle if your hips are noticeably narrower than your shoulders, your waist is expressed but very weakly (or not at all), your legs are long and slender, your chest is small, but your chest is wide.
  • You Hourglass, if you have moderately wide hips and shoulders of the same width. A clearly defined thin waist, plump legs and a fairly massive butt. Women of this type also often have full hands.

An ideal figure is a very rare phenomenon. But this is not a reason for complexes, because the “wrong” figure cannot become an obstacle in your career or a hindrance in love. A balanced diet, sports, massage, correct determination of your body type and well-chosen clothing will help correct all the flaws of your figure and emphasize its advantages (there is no figure without advantages!). The last method is the easiest, so don’t neglect it and you will look your best!

Makeup project, heavy bottom May 8th, 2014

There is a bearded joke: a husband comes home from work, and everything at home is clean and rosined, food is prepared for the week ahead, shirts are ironed, everything is washed, well, in general - extraordinary beauty. My husband is amazed - my dear, how smart you are! and the wife: the Internet just didn’t work.

Somehow, maybe everything was different, that’s the point.
I didn't have internet for two days. I’m like that wife, at the dacha. At the same time, as luck would have it, it was very cold all the time, even digging with my favorite flowers was difficult. You can’t even ferment it, kids. All that remained was to work around the clock with the children, although they also really did not like to sit at home, they were drawn to the street. Well, transfer a lot of things on the computer)

among other things, for example, it turned out that I have photos, but the address of the girl with the poetic nickname Marta Apreleva was not saved. Dear Martha, please write me your address in PM.

Well, at the same time I collected a bunch of thoughts and photos, I’ll tell you about them.

On the agenda is a continuation of the makeup project and a pretty young lady

In general, there is not much to do with makeup here. Classically, the eyes, berry lips, nose are a sight to behold, God didn’t hurt the eyebrows and the yet-to-be-considered oval of the face.

I won’t pour from empty to empty; where it’s classic, I’ll skip it. I'll focus on the interesting

Remember how it was in the makeup puzzle - we start with the eyebrows and check for symmetry

a check for symmetry and a general assessment showed that you need to “stock up on reading glasses, a marking pencil, and tweezers” and stay here longer

the shape of the face in this case, the bones are a soft rectangle (an elongated square) - twisted corners, but if you look at some of my other series of the project, then almost nowhere the corners of these types of faces did not interfere and were left to the heroines. In this particular case, all this can also be left to the farmer, but here I would still suggest visually lightening the lower part. And in general, if you turn off the formal measurements of the type of face, which are based on a ruler, and evaluate the face as a whole, then I would say that the lower part is heavy and would suggest adjusting it according to the principle of a trapezoidal (pear-shaped face). Although! formally and according to the bones, this is a rounded rectangle, but the lower part is precisely heavy, so that’s what we’ll be doing.

Let's take a closer look

If we talk about relief, we mean structure. Here is a granite column - it's an array! this is power! and if the column was covered with stucco or painted, then the mass and power can no longer be seen.
a face is not a column. And certainly not granite. The face is all about lines and color. And if we are talking about the designation of the structure in the lower part, this means the lines and color of blush and all sorts of sculpture-making products.

The first friend and assistant on any face, so that it does not look like an even pancake, is blush.
We have designated an approximate application area for ourselves (I have only limited this area on both sides) and apply it. Our face is wide below, which means we are interested in narrowing it, which means using a steep angle of inclination.

We can complicate the process and take two-color blush - dark and light: then we will take into account not only the possible area of ​​application of the blush, but also the necessary area of ​​correction

those. We understand (do we understand?) that blush is no longer just a spot of color on the face, but is also used as a corrective means. This is one of the features of blush, and partly for this reason, too, it is advisable to have two colors of blush in the same tone in your cosmetic bag - dark and light.

We can also use two colors of blush (either blush and bronzer, or blush and sculpting powder) as a contour corrector. one color of blush is used as blush (the area of ​​application and the steep slope of the line of application are maintained), and the second color of blush is brought closer to the contour and corrected.

The bottom line is very conditional, to show it more clearly, you need to look at the photo from the side so that the cheek is completely visible

More. Let's not get attached to the cheeks at all, the blush is like a blush, the contour is separate.

And finally

Well, we don’t have either the time or the desire to look for all sorts of bronzers, sculpting powders, or fool around with blushes of different colors. Then we can take dark blush or bronzer and correct not so much the cheeks as the cheekbone-contour area. Also very conditional. Those. We are not very attached here to the area of ​​​​applying blush (although not without it), but we vary, we create. I drew a thick arrow here. I thought about it when I was drawing. Now I look, I understand that it would be possible to move it further, and make a different slope, and generally play a lot with this arrow. Makeup is always creativity!

What you need to highlight for yourself is the main thing - if the bottom is visually heavy, lighten it by adding structure.
at least it's one blush color and a steep angle. This is the simplest and, in my opinion, the most understandable.
Then there is room for creativity: using two colors of blush to highlight the apple-cheekbone and create under-cheekbone shading. Or use two colors of blush to adjust the contour. Either play with the color of the blush and use dark ones in different places, or light ones in different places.

Everything is allowed. no one will scold you. But before you do, think - what effect do you want to achieve? what physical meaning will this or that line carry. And with this in mind, evaluate the result.


Another interesting point is the general roundness of the lines on the face.
I once already mentioned, they say, “this face and these eyes can only be ruined by vulgar arrows.” I can repeat the same thing here.
I can’t yet come up with a general rule for everyone. And I can't even describe it. But I see overall very soft lines of appearance. Soft colors and arrows seem pretentious to me, not native.

Well, for example

You say - well, it's black! there is a different color rendition and sharpness! You drew it crookedly, you will say. Well maybe so

but for example, compare with the heroine from the previous post

Well, a different look!
Here the face is sharp, and the arrows are appropriate here.

and now our face is soft, sweet, here the arrows are foreign.

Foundations with reflectors are also contraindicated for such soft faces. With these reflectors, such faces look like balls!


The third aspect I want to focus on again is accents.

The more we work on certain details, the more attention we attract to them. Therefore, with any correction, the main rule is that everything should be worked out evenly! You can’t wax the circles under your eyes and do nothing else, these circles will be the most prominent spot on your face. You cannot correct lip asymmetry and do nothing else; lips are the first thing your eyes see in the mirror, as well as the eyes of everyone who looks at you. Full makeup only! only full borscht)

here we see the heavy lower part. In fact, no matter how clever we are with the correction, it will always remain difficult. Well, nature intended it that way. We do a full make-up and, in addition to correcting the lower part, we try to draw the eye to the upper part.
those. lipstick in the most natural shades, and the eyes could be brighter. And also eyebrows! clear and beautiful

your eyes are lazy, let only your eyebrows remain. But at the same time, paint your lips with red lipstick, all your correction of the oval and cheeks will be an eyesore.

Here I have photos of my heroine in the version in which we met her

I asked to show the skills for now, that is, ordinary everyday makeup.

The lips are gorgeous, but they weigh down the bottom a lot. Eyebrows do not draw attention to themselves. The eyes look like an additional accent (i.e. in the format - both lips and eyes) - or a photo like that. Plus hair. There is no volume, everything again rests with the gaze on the lower part of the face.

if you have a heavy bottom, try to draw your gaze to the top as much as possible. Asymmetry at the level of the forehead and eyes, an interesting haircut, root volume - all this is a plus. Tails, tights, squares at the cheeks - all this is a minus.

It is clear that the owner is a gentleman, anything is possible. I'm only talking about how it looks from the outside to my far from ideal opinion and taste.
when you work with a face, it’s always easy to say what needs to be corrected, but in fact, all possible corrections are only in the head (mine in particular, the third eye and all that). It’s great when you can cut your hair and do your makeup yourself, but that doesn’t happen with photos. And this is such a chatterbox. I am immensely grateful. that they trust me in the process, go buy other lipsticks, experiment with application lines, and then show me the result.

With my heroine we got it like this

And we're not done yet. We select a softer lipstick, in the process of working out the structure, we are wise with blush. But pay attention not to the eyebrows! arrow, poetry, not eyebrows!

who asked to show what everyday eye makeup looks like in gray and black tones? Here. If there had been brown, it would have looked softer, of course, but as for me, even in this design it is acceptable.
that is, we again return to the fact that rules are a kind of convention. Of course, you can and should move away from them, focus on your personal view and create. although there are rules and they greatly simplify our life, at least at first, when we take our first steps in mastering this or that, they give us guidelines. But! this is not a panacea)

but I’ll still show you the result like this

It seems to me that the perception of the face has completely, completely changed.

Finally, I have one small announcement
To my considerable surprise, the project turned out to be just a project and letters come to me with enviable regularity. There’s even a line of “Mother, don’t worry,” but that doesn’t mean faces aren’t needed. Faces are always needed. But I ask you to understand that if you have classic facial features, if your features have already been worked out in the project, I will not be able to take you. This has nothing to do with my individual consultations. This is completely different. The project is socially useful demonstration posts where you can show something interesting.

If you are ready to bare your face, but you doubt whether it will suit you or not, send a photo, tell me, I will tell you on the spot. I answer all emails within 1-3 days. If you sent it and after three days you have not received a response, then the letter did not reach me. Try sending again, or ask through zhezho channels.
