The wedding bouquet fell. Signs associated with the bride's wedding bouquet

There are millions of superstitions and myths around weddings.. Most of them relate to the weather on the wedding day, the bride's dress, the length of the veil, and so on. But there are also signs regarding wedding bouquets.

Bridal bouquet: good omens

  1. A good sign is to decorate the bouquet with rhinestones, stones, metal jewelry and even family jewelry, unless, of course, you are afraid of losing them during celebrations or throwing the bouquet to friends. Any such strong and eternal element in a bouquet is considered a sign of strong love.
  2. The presence of peonies in the bride's bouquet is also considered a good omen. They promise a good and long family life, and a fun wedding.
  3. According to signs, the bride’s bouquet should be in harmony with the groom’s boutonniere, not only for the sake of harmony in the couple’s appearance, but also to strengthen their spiritual connection.
  4. As for the shapes of bouquets, the spherical shape is considered the most suitable for a wedding, but cascading, flowing bouquets also promise stability and prosperity for the family.
  5. The presence of satin or silk ribbons in the decoration of the bride's bouquet is considered a good omen. Smooth fabrics also symbolize smoothness in the relationship between spouses.

There are also a lot of bad omens about the wedding in general and about the bride’s bouquet in particular. But positive thinking, as you know, is the most correct approach to life. Therefore, considering yourself a superstitious person, you better believe in good omens that promise happiness and a long life. After all, by following them, you will get another reason to be a little happier. I don’t consider myself a superstitious person, but, nevertheless, I want to highlight popular myths about a wedding bouquet.

Bride's bouquet - let's dispel the myths

Myth 1. There are signs according to which it is not recommended to use Callas and Carnations in a bouquet. But this is a myth bordering on nonsense. Callas in modern floristry are very popular and self-sufficient flowers. And carnations are by no means considered masculine flowers, and only add harmony in the spirit of Yin and Yang to the bouquet.

Myth 2. It is believed that you should not throw your real bouquet to your girlfriends. He, or rather his dried remains, supposedly should be kept in the family, like the groom’s boutonniere. Therefore, girlfriends need to throw a fake bouquet specially prepared for them. Now this sign has become fashionable. Personally, the topic of storing dried flowers is not close to me; I consider them to be guardians of bad energy. However, the idea with two bouquets is attractive if only because in this case you will not see your girlfriends tearing your precious bouquet during the flight. In general, decide for yourself whether to throw them your bouquet or whether it’s too dear to you and you can throw a fake one.

Myth 3. Artificial flowers are considered a bad omen, as they indicate insincerity of feelings and the fragility of the union. This sign is hard to believe. Floristry made from artificial flowers is no less popular, especially in the capital. Flowers from foamiran will be a worthy replacement for a living bouquet if, for example, you are organizing a wedding in winter and are afraid for the safety of the bouquet.

Myth 4. It is a bad omen to pass the bride’s bouquet from hand to hand during the wedding and generally let it go out of hand. You can let the groom or mother hold the bouquet, or no one else, otherwise you might miss out on happiness. I very often help brides hold their bouquets during the ceremony with a loaf, because... breaking a loaf while holding a bouquet and at the same time turning out to be photogenic in the frame is not an easy task.

Myth 5. It is not recommended to use fern branches and palm leaves for a wedding bouquet. Ferns are often used for all sorts of bad conspiracies, and the pointed leaves of the palm tree are considered harbingers of heated disputes and conflicts. Modern floristry involves so many forms and variations of bouquets, in which there are berries, thorns, and the aforementioned fern. Therefore, the “ingredients” of the bouquet may be different.

Myth 6. It is considered a bad omen to use dark colors in a bouquet: maroon, black, dark blue. The color scheme is the wish of an individual bride. As they say, there are no comrades according to taste. So feel free to choose the colors that you like.

Love each other and don't believe in omens! Believe in yourself!
The fairy of your holiday is Irina Kosheleva.

Photos provided by decorator Daria Tarasova.

You may be interested in: Wedding signs about the bride’s bouquet

In all countries there are different wedding traditions, customs, rituals and signs associated with them, some of them, due to various historical reasons, are similar among many peoples. Although Russia cannot boast of special adherence to and observance of all wedding traditions and rituals, nevertheless, some customs of the matchmaking and marriage ceremony are familiar to many married couples firsthand. But every girl knows that catching the bride’s bouquet at a wedding is considered a very good omen, although, perhaps, she does not fully realize its significance.

From the history of the appearance of signs

Traditionally, the bride must throw her bouquet during the wedding celebration and all the girls present at the celebration strive not to miss this moment and become the happy owner of the bride's bouquet. Nowadays, few people think about how this sign appeared, and yet the history of its occurrence is in no way connected with an imminent marriage.

In the old days in Rus', girls getting married spent years hand-sewing their wedding dresses, decorating them with intricate embroidery. There was a belief that touching a newlywed’s dress promised great luck, and tearing a piece from it meant good luck. Protecting her dress from danger, the bride tried to divert attention from herself by throwing a wedding bouquet into the crowd.

The sign, which promised great luck to the one who managed to catch the bride’s wedding bouquet, did not always exist in this form. At first, the bride did not throw the bouquet, but handed it to one of her girlfriends, being in the center of the round dance that the girls led. Moreover, her eyes had to be closed, and she handed over the bouquet at random. This action meant that the newlywed, along with the bouquet, was giving the lucky girl a piece of the magic of the wedding, and the girl would soon find her happiness and get married.

Sign of a wedding bouquet in modern times

The current tradition is somewhat different from the old Russian custom, since it came to us from Europe, but retains its meaning. The bride should turn her back to the unmarried bridesmaids lined up in a row and, without looking, throw her wedding bouquet over her head. The sign has different interpretations, which all agree on one thing: the girl who caught the bouquet will certainly soon arrange her family happiness. The difference in interpretation lies in the definition of the concept “soon”: some experts believe that in a year, others in three, and according to one version, the girl who caught the flowers should be next after the current bride.

What to do with a caught bouquet

Despite the fact that modern youth do not really trust omens, at some weddings there is simply no end to those who want to receive the coveted flowers at any cost. This is partly due to the excitement that appears in the midst of a wedding celebration, and to some extent due to the fact that girls are very romantic and impressionable natures and they just want to believe in a miracle. And yet, you shouldn’t create a fuss about this ritual, otherwise the beautiful event may be overshadowed by squabbles and brawls among the beauties present, which, unfortunately, sometimes happens.

When the cherished goal is achieved, the question often arises: what to do with these flowers after the wedding? If you follow the tradition to the end, it is recommended to keep the bouquet at home, drying it and placing it in the most beautiful vase. It is believed that it will definitely bring love and happiness to its owner.

Other traditions associated with the bride's bouquet

The sign of throwing a bouquet is by no means the only one associated with this wedding attribute; there are others, perhaps somewhat forgotten, but still very beautiful and touching:

  • Traditionally, the groom should worry about flowers for the bride; there are many signs about how the bouquet should be composed and decorated. But we live in such a fast pace, which has left its mark on literally everything, including the organization of a wedding celebration. Nowadays, not only newlyweds and their parents are involved in preparing for the holiday; many people are involved in these pleasant chores: relatives, friends and just good acquaintances. Therefore, it is not uncommon when someone is entrusted with buying a bouquet for the bride, and sometimes the girl chooses the flowers herself, which in principle is not correct. Even if she wants to take part in the choice herself, the future husband should still do the purchasing.
  • Another sign strongly recommends that the bride protect her bouquet and not let it out of her hands; for a time, she can only entrust it to her mother or groom. Even during the feast, flowers should be near the newlywed and not left unattended. Previously, a wedding bouquet was considered a special attribute, and its loss could have an impact on the future life of the newlyweds.
  • An accidentally dropped bouquet was considered a possibility of loss of family happiness and future family troubles.
  • As for the sign of throwing a bouquet to girlfriends, now this is more often done with a duplicate - an artificial elegant bouquet - and the flowers given by the groom are placed in the young couple's bedroom after the celebration. After the flowers have dried, you can make a composition out of them and save them as a memory of your happiest day.
  • You can stuff an elegant pillow with dried flower petals and place it among your linen; the delicate aroma will remind you of the amazing holiday atmosphere for a long time.
  • According to one of the signs, the remains of a wedding bouquet should be stored for a year, and on the day of the first anniversary it is recommended to burn it.
  • There is another sign associated with the first anniversary of marriage - the wife must throw flowers from the bridge, while opening a bottle of sparkling champagne. If the young couple decided to celebrate this date in this way, it means there is a lot of romance in their relationship.

There are actually quite a lot of signs associated with the bride’s bouquet, and sometimes they contradict each other. Some people believe in omens, others don’t, and yet life without them would be much more boring, because sometimes you really want to believe in a miracle.

Towards the end of the wedding celebration, some girls begin to glance at their watches and prepare to catch the bride's traditional accessory. After all, you want to get married as soon as possible, but your betrothed is not even on the horizon, or he is in no hurry to propose marriage. In this case, a popular sign says: if you catch the bride’s bouquet, you will soon become a wife. And so, the unmarried guests, encouraged by such a prospect, gather in a group behind the newlywed so as not to miss such a chance under any circumstances. A throw, a flight, and flowers in the hands of an elegant lucky girl. What to do now with the beautiful bridal bouquet that the girl caught at the wedding?

What to do if you catch the bride's bouquet?

Once you become the owner of a beautiful bouquet, you can do the following:

  • dry and keep as a keepsake in a beautiful vase or make a composition,
  • fill a decorative pillow with dry fragrant petals from plants,
  • throw away after waiting for it to wilt.

The question of what to do with a caught bridal bouquet requires an answer almost the next day after the celebration. If you decide to keep your “catch,” then the easiest way is to store the bride’s bouquet without fresh flowers. Therefore, modern newlyweds are increasingly ordering two compositions: the main one and the backup. And when the second option, which is being prepared for flight, is artificial, it will not fall apart on the way into the hands of the catchers, and it will be easier to store it, because it will not wither. Find a suitable place in your apartment for him to make you happy. For example, a bouquet of satin ribbons will look perfect on a dressing or cosmetic table among other small feminine charms.

How to dry a bouquet

But if you catch a bride’s bouquet of fresh flowers, you need to properly dry it so that it remains beautiful for a long time.

  1. Carefully remove the tapes holding the plants together and disassemble the composition: flowers separately, greens separately. Set aside the branches for now. Clean the stems from broken, ugly leaves.
  2. Flowers must be tied with wire as follows: divide them into 3 parts and collect them one by one, tying them with wire. This way they won't fall out as they dry.
  3. Hang the bunch in a warm, dry place out of direct sunlight for several weeks with the buds facing down. However, you need to check its condition periodically.
  4. Branches of greenery are dried horizontally between the pages of the book. It will prevent plant leaves from curling during the drying process.
  5. After all the elements have dried, reassemble the composition by attaching the greenery to the flowers using wire. Spray it with hairspray or a special composition for dried flowers, which can be bought at a florist's salon.

Other options for storing and using bouquets

If the dream of catching a bride’s bouquet at a wedding has come true, but there is neither the opportunity nor the desire to store it entirely, you can make a fragrant pillow of flowers. To do this, separate the petals from the buds and soak them in aromatic water or oil. The smell should not be cloying or intrusive. Then place them on paper and dry in a warm, dry place for two weeks. Prepare 2 pillowcases of a suitable size in advance: pour dried plants into one, and put the other decorative one on top.

Thus, we figured out what to do with the bride’s bouquet that the guest caught, all that remains is to find out about the signs associated with it.

Catching the bride's bouquet at a wedding: what does the sign mean?

Of course, everyone knows: if a girl catches the bride’s bouquet, then this sign will lead her to a quick marriage. But this custom came to us from Europe quite recently. And the sign about marriage takes its roots from the story of how, at an ancient Russian wedding, a young woman tried to distract the attention of guests who were tearing her outfit to shreds, and threw her delicate bridal bouquet into the crowd. In those days, it was believed that a piece of the newlyweds’ outfit would bring incredible luck. Over time, this superstition underwent a metamorphosis in favor of the weaker sex, excluding men from competition. The sign has survived to this day in the following form: if you catch the bride’s bouquet at a wedding, you will get married within a year. Unfortunately, no one has conducted official statistics, and we cannot reliably know whether this is true. On women's forums you can read the same number of comments about the meaninglessness of this sign and about the fact that it works.

Whichever girl catches the bride's wedding bouquet will be the next to marry - who doesn't know this sign? It turns out she's not the only one. Get acquainted with other folk beliefs associated with the bride's bouquet.

The sign comes from the belief that a wedding bouquet is a symbol of a future family, as well as a kind of “deal” - marriage between a man and a woman.

Today this tradition is forgotten, but in Rus' the young woman threw her unmarried girlfriends not her bouquet, but its duplicate. And the real one was carefully dried and stored next to the marital bed. It was believed that this would preserve the love between husband and wife for many years.

There was another variation of the well-known bouquet toss - a round dance. Unmarried girls stood around the bride and danced in a circle, while singing ritual songs. The young woman, blindfolded, handed one of the girls a bouquet, and this determined the next newlywed.

In general, the bride was strictly forbidden to give flowers to anyone during the wedding ceremony and wedding feast. She should not let it out of her hands; in extreme cases, she was allowed to put it next to her on the table. Giving away a wedding bouquet means giving away your family happiness and prophesying your husband’s infidelity. Exceptions: put in a vase, give to your mother (yours! Not your mother-in-law!) or groom.

Modern girls have come up with a resourceful trick so as not to part with a bouquet - a special loop at the waist where flowers are attached, for example, during dances or competitions.

The composition of the bouquet is important

There were also signs about the flowers themselves and their color.

It was forbidden to weave roses into a wedding bouquet. These prickly flowers are a symbol of envy, scandals, resentments, and family troubles. Bouquets of chrysanthemums, carnations, lupins, jasmine, gladioli and daffodils are also not recommended, as these are mourning symbols in different cultures.

But tulips, hyacinths, and orchids are an excellent choice for any ceremony: touching and romantic or pompous.

The ideal color of the bouquet is white or cream. Blue or pink are also considered good choices.

Don't forget, the number of flowers in the bouquet should be odd.

The tradition of decorating flowers with satin ribbons and thin lace is associated with a certain symbolism. Lace is the fragility and purity of marriage, and satin is its strength and flexibility. The decorations in the bouquet, like the flowers themselves, should only be real, not artificial. There should also be no sharp objects or thorny flowers there.

Award ceremony

In folk memory, the ritual with which the bride receives the wedding bouquet is also important. At the end of the redemption ceremony, on the morning before the wedding, the groom hands the young woman her bouquet, kissing her at the same time. In ancient times, this was already considered a marriage ceremony, since the offer of a bouquet symbolized a marriage proposal, and the agreement was sealed with a kiss.

Even now, when ceremonies are increasingly becoming just social registrations, the tradition of presenting flowers in the morning remains. Moreover, before the bride did not even see the bouquet before the wedding, it was chosen by the future husband. Now this is usually neglected, because the choice is influenced by the general color concept of the celebration (outfits of the newlyweds, registration, decoration of the banquet hall), and the groom is rarely knowledgeable about such things.

Choose for yourself whether to believe in wedding omens or trust only the voice of reason. In fact, different cultures around the world have many customs surrounding the bridal bouquet. That is why the question of trust in folk traditions is just a matter of choice of a young couple.

By the way, if no one catches the wedding bouquet, then the next bride will be a young relative.

A wedding in the life of young people is not just a solemn event, it is also an opportunity to learn more about this union. Most often, a wide variety of signs about the bride, groom or wedding events can tell a lot about the family they have created and what kind of life awaits them in the future. Of all the signs, people most often pay attention to the bride and her attributes.

Quite a lot of signs are associated with the bride’s bouquet, which is given special importance not only by newlyweds, but also by young unmarried girls, because it is with this wedding attribute that they associate their future life. There are a wide variety of signs about the bride’s bouquet.

What should the bride's bouquet be like?

What should the bouquet be like?

In order for the bride’s image to be harmonious, it is very important that all the elements in the girl are combined with each other. This also applies to the wedding bouquet. Recently, weddings have been organized in a certain style or color scheme, so the bouquet is ordered in accordance with this decision.

Bouquets that match the wedding dress look especially beautiful, for example with a combination of blue or purple flowers, bright scarlet or yellow shades. When choosing the color of flowers in a bouquet, you should also pay attention to the meaning of the color, because some of them are simply unacceptable in the image of a bride.

The most important signs about the bride's bouquet

Common signs

The first thing the bride needs to remember is that her bouquet should be with her at all times from the moment it is presented by the groom before the wedding procedure and before the start of the banquet, after which it can be placed in the center of the table in front of the newlyweds. By the way, the presentation of a bouquet by the groom to the bride symbolizes a kind of proposal on the wedding day.

By giving a bouquet to the bride, the groom thereby confirms his desire to take her as his wife, and if the bride picks up the bouquet, she agrees. If during the ransom the groom offers the bride to take a bouquet as a gift and she takes it, then the ransom can be considered completed, because the bride has simply agreed to marry him.

In the process of a wide variety of customs and rituals, when the bride needs to free her hands, the wedding bouquet is allowed to be given only to the groom or her mother. Some girls believe that if you pass a bouquet to someone or if it suddenly falls out of your hands, this can be a warning that happiness can easily slip through your fingers.

There is an opinion that the bride should take her wedding bouquet home with her, and it is recommended to throw a completely different one to her bridesmaids, the preparation of which must be taken care of in advance. There is no need to store a wedding bouquet for too long and under no circumstances should it be kept dried in the house for a long time. It is best to burn the wedding bouquet, although some signs say the opposite, in particular, that flowers sewn from a wedding bouquet into a pillow will become a talisman of fidelity in marriage.

At the end of the wedding, the bride must throw the prepared bouquet to her bridesmaids, whoever catches it will be the next one to get married. The bride throws the bouquet with her back to her bridesmaids.
You can come up with an incredible number of signs associated with a wedding bouquet, but whether to believe in them or not is the choice of each person, but you should definitely remember that what we believe in usually happens to us.
