The look of Tatyana Navka without makeup confused the fans. Russian stars who radically changed their appearance without the help of plastic surgeons Navka without makeup

Full name: Egor Nikolaevich Bulatkin

Stage aliases: Egor Creed, KReeD

Age: 24 years

Father: Nikolai Borisovich Bulatkin

Mother: Marina Petrovna Bulatkina

Zodiac sign:♋ Cancer

Place of Birth: Russia, Penza

Nationality: Russian

Growth: 185 cm

Family status: single

Education: higher unfinished (Gnessin Russian Academy of Music)

Annual income:$3.6 million (2018)

Who is Yegor Creed

Russian singer Yegor Creed

The real name of Yegor Creed is Yegor Nikolaevich Bulatkin. He came up with the pseudonym Creed in his youth, at the age of 14. His Instagram is in the top ten, the number of subscribers is approaching 10 million.


Egor was born in the family of Nikolai and Marina Bulatkin. The boy showed love for music from childhood, his parents always supported him and helped him develop his creative abilities.

Family of Yegor Creed

Yegor Creed's birthday is June 25, 1994. The native city of the musician is Penza. The rapper has never been ashamed of his origin, stating that he does not consider himself "to the advanced Moscow majors."

“This boy did not yet know how much was waiting for him”

His parents still live in Penza, Yegor often visits them. In addition, the young man gladly gives concerts in his hometown, communicates with fans. “I have many friends, acquaintances in Penza. Whenever possible, we meet and communicate. No one can say that I am, as they say, conceited.

“Mom, Dad, thank you for everything!”

The artist's father, Nikolai Borisovich Bulatkin, was born in March 1961. Russian by nationality. He is the founder and CEO of Russia's largest nut processing factory. It was from his father that Yegor inherited his musical talent. Nikolai writes songs, leads a local group called "B-studio". The team often gives charity concerts, in which Bulatkin Sr. also takes part. He acts as a vocalist, plays the guitar.

Egor with his father Nikolai Borisovich

The father did not spoil his children. There were a minimum of gadgets at home, and the guy only got a mobile phone in the 10th grade. Creed recalls that pocket money was given to him after he helped with the housework: “To earn money for ice cream, I had to take out the trash, go for bread and wash the dishes.”

Parents and sister of Yegor Creed

The musician's mother, Marina Petrovna, is from Penza, but the year of birth remains "secret".

Marina Petrovna: Yegor's mother

She helps her husband in the family business, holds the post of deputy director of the company. Has two higher educations.

"2001, my mom took me to first grade"

Egor's decision to build a career in Moscow approved. The rapper says that his mother is his main critic: "Mom often attends my concerts, and I always listen to her opinion after them."

"I love you!❤️"

Sister, Polina Nikolaevna Bulatkina, is 6 years older than the famous musician. In her hometown she graduated from a music school, and for many years she studied at a theater studio.

"Love u my sister!"

Graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of MGIMO. Now he lives in the USA, where he is actively pursuing a career as an actress and singer.

Egor with his sister Polina

Works under two aliases - Michaels and Faith.

Egor Creed in childhood

At the age of 6, Yegor began to study English, go to a music club. Until the 5th grade, he studied at school with excellent marks.

“Appreciate this time. It is wonderful!"

At the age of 11, he became seriously interested in writing hip-hop songs. The first composition was written at the same age. It was called "Amnesia". The idol of the artist is the American rap artist 50 Cent.

Schoolboy Egor Creed

In addition to music, Yegor was fond of chess and basketball: “Mom thought that my sister and I also needed to do our own thing. We were taken to various circles, events, exhibitions.”

Egor Bulatkin in his youth

In mid-2015, the artist entered the production department of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music. There is information on the Web that Creed took a sabbatical due to a busy work schedule. Whether he returned to school is unknown.

Yegor Creed's career

The beginning of a serious career was 2011. Egor recorded and posted on his VKontakte page the song "Love on the Web". A few months later, the 17-year-old recorded a cover version of Don't Go Crazy. With this song, Yegor won the contest "The Best Hip-Hop Project".

Egor at the beginning of his creative career

Then he was noticed by representatives of the Black Star music corporation. In April 2012, he signed with the label. Egor moved to Moscow and became a sought-after person in Russian show business.

Timati and Yegor Creed

Pavel Kuryanov, Timati's right hand and director of the Black Star label, helped him achieve fame. In the musical field, he is known as Pasha. Many urged Kuryanov to "merge Bulatkin", but he saw that a guy could be made "an expensive artist in demand." As it turns out, Paul was right.

Pavel Kuryanov and Yegor Creed

Egor recorded two studio albums, dozens of videos and songs. He is the winner of many prestigious music nominations, among which the Oops! Choice Awards 2015 in the category "Performer of the Year" and OK! - "New Faces - Music" (2016).

Yegor Creed is one of the enviable bachelors among the stars of Russian show business. The musician had, but a serious relationship did not work out. Fans hoped that something would change in his personal life. But, the winners of the show, raise serious doubts.

Fans are used to the fact that Tatyana Navka always appears to the public with perfect makeup and hair - status and position oblige.

What was the surprise of the figure skater's followers on Instagram when she posted a fresh picture without a gram of makeup on her face.

Many simply did not recognize the star.

Tatyana took a selfie right in the cabin. Her beauty is natural, no makeup! In addition, even the most attentive subscribers of the beauty and the athlete did not notice the photoshop and the use of other photo editors in the picture.

“And again I’m flying to you, my Carmen,” Navka signed the photo.

“I was at Carmen in Sochi! Absolutely delighted! Thanks to our great athletes and coaches for this masterpiece. Very cool and professional”, “

Unpainted - young and beautiful”, “Clever, hard worker, I love you”, “You are incredible”, “Real and a little tired, but beautiful”,

Her subscribers commented on Tatyana's selfie.

“Makeup works wonders”, “Who is this in the photo?” - fans yell, commenting on the picture. However, on the plane - and the picture was taken in the business class of the Moscow-Sochi plane - cosmetologists do not recommend overloading the face with makeup, as the skin is stressed and dehydrated. Therefore, fans not only did not condemn Navka, but also appreciated her youth, freshness and beautiful color of healthy skin.

It is possible that the secret of Tatyana's beautiful appearance is that she tries to live life to the fullest.

Navka goes to bed late, but does not get up at dawn. In the mornings, she drinks tea in a quiet environment and reflects on her plans for the day.

In addition, the skater often visits the Russian bath, where she takes a good steam bath. In the evenings, she likes to spend time with her family or friends.

As for corporate parties, Navka rarely agrees to them, although there are many offers. She focuses on which company invites, and not on the size of the fee. Basically, Tatyana prefers sports or children's events.

“I love, when I have free time, to wander alone along the embankments of Moscow or take a walk in the forest - listen to its sounds, breathe in the aromas ...

Sometimes, somewhere in the field, I raise my eyes and thank the Lord for this clear sky, for every moment of my life - for everything that I have ...

Of course, I also meet friends. We go out to restaurants - I especially like those on the embankments - with a beautiful view of the river ... I like to eat delicious food! Treat yourself to Italian, Georgian, Japanese and, of course, Russian cuisine. But more often on the weekend, I just want to just settle down at home on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, and read, watch, like everyone else, TV, ”the StarHit star admits.

We have already written about stars who are forced to make excuses for their beauty, as they are suspected of plastic surgery. But there are among our celebrities and those who are beyond suspicion. They change their appearance and are radically transformed thanks to the right hairstyles, clothes and makeup, as well as sports. The most striking examples are in our review.

Polina Gagarina, 30 years old

As Polina Gagarina admitted in the show "Honestly", by nature she is "dark". And if the fans of the "Star Factory" still remember the brown-haired singer, then those who began to follow her after Eurovision can hardly imagine this star blonde with a different hair color. It is worth noting that Polina Gagarina was a brunette for quite a long time. It was with dark hair that she went through the entire "Star Factory", entered the Moscow Art Theater School, got married, gave birth to her first child and starred in the video for one of her most striking songs - "Lullaby". Only in 2009, Gagarina decided to dye her hair blonde. At first, even acquaintances did not recognize the singer. However, this was due not only to a change in hair color, but also to the fact that she lost a lot of weight. “It's me, Polina, I just dyed my hair and threw off a few tens of extra pounds,” the singer said then to her friends.

According to Gagarina, she gained a lot of weight during her first pregnancy. Then Polina could eat two or three plates of spaghetti carbonara and still remain hungry. But after the birth of her eldest son Andrei, the singer thoroughly took up her figure. " First, I went on a strict diet. I alternated: a day I eat only rice, another day - chicken, the third - only vegetables or a light vegetable soup. And strictly until six o'clock in the evening! At first it was hard, all the time I was tormented by hunger, and then I got involved. I even began to like to monitor nutrition, select products for my diet. But most importantly, I had very heavy workloads at the Moscow Art Theater School, where I studied then. Every day for three hours - stage movement, fencing, then - a dramatic dance class with Alla Sigalova, after which we all literally crawled out of the studio completely exhausted. It was because of these loads that I lost breast milk. I fed Andrei for only a month, and then transferred to artificial feeding. In general, in six months I lost 30 kilograms. And then 10 more abruptly left. I literally freaked out! And since it coincided with the fact that I dyed my hair blonde, there was a feeling that the paint had penetrated into my body and dissolved the extra pounds. So my weight dropped to the mark of “47” and is no longer growing, ”the star admitted in an interview. Now, looking at photographs of Gagarina ten years ago, it is almost impossible to recognize in this plump dark-haired woman the fragile blonde Polina, who in 2015 conquered the whole world with the song A million voices.

Polina Gagarina

Timati, 32 years old

It is difficult to recognize at the "Star Factory" not only Polina Gagarina, but also Timati. Today, the rapper is buff, brutal, and completely covered in tattoos. But the once stern Timati looked much less respectable. Back in 2004, the musician was a thin and frail guy who was just starting to take his first steps in show business. The secret of the rapper's chic figure is simple - daily sports and a complete rejection of alcohol and tobacco.

“There is no alcohol in my life, I don’t even drink wine with dinner. There is no alcohol, drugs, I do not smoke cigarettes, hookahs, that is, I have practically no bad habits. I also eat very well, separately, do not eat salty fried, fatty. All the guys in my team go in for sports, together we go to the same gym with a team of 10-15 people, ”Timati said in an interview. In addition, the rapper realized in time that if you cover the relief muscles with fashionable tattoos, grow a thick beard, insert veneers, and wear items from the capsule collections of the world's leading designers, then brutality will increase significantly. Thanks to all of the above, today you can’t take your eyes off Timati.

Timati early career (left) and now (right)

Anna Sedokova, 34 years old

Which of our stars is definitely not afraid to experiment with their own appearance, so this is Anna Sedokova. At different periods of her life, the ex-soloist of the VIA Gra group was blonde, and brunette, and brown-haired, and red, and even with red hair. It is worth noting that the image of a star, as in the case of Polina Gagarina, is significantly affected by her weight. While working at VIA Gre, Sedokova was thin, which is why the image of the “fatal girl” was very close to her. However, over the years she began to get better. Along with the volume of the hips, the volume of the bust of the artist also increased, which she skillfully turned into dignity, traditionally wearing dresses with a deep neckline for going out.

After the birth of her third child, Anna Sedokova significantly gained weight. However, according to the star herself, this does not bother her at all. According to the singer, it is at this weight that she feels truly beautiful. “I love my plus ten kg. I love my body after Hector and don't want to diet anymore and suffer because of my fullness. Well, I can’t be thin and languid with a sad, meaningful face. It's someone else, it's not me. And I love my forms, I love my body. It's comfortable for me to sleep on. I don't want to hide my sexuality. I don't want to not wear a plunging neckline because it's not stylish or whatever. Being feminine and sexy is my nature. Everyone has their own, ”Anna admitted in her microblog on Instagram (the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved. - Note. ed.).

Anna Sedokova early career (left) and now (right)

Dima Bilan, 35 years old

Who Dima Bilan was, the whole world learned in 2006, when the singer represented Russia for the first time at the international Eurovision Song Contest. Despite the fact that our artist took second place in the competition, it was his performance that the audience remembered the most. At that time, Bilan wore exclusively white T-shirts and lowered jeans, long hair and always galloped around the stage. But the years passed, Dima changed. Today, Bilan is already a super-successful solid artist, in whom it is difficult to recognize a “night hooligan”. In the wardrobe of a musician you will no longer find tight T-shirts with a flirty neckline. But there are more than enough formal suits from eminent designers in the closet of a star. In order to add even more gloss to his new image, a few months ago, Bilan decided to shave his head. In addition, the singer explained such a sharp change in hairstyle by the need for an update. Last December, the musician turned 35 years old, that he regarded as a new life stage. It is worth admitting that the bald Bilan in a three-piece suit looks extremely attractive.

Dima Bilan at Eurovision 2006 (left) and now (right)

Tatyana Navka, 42 years old

Until the age of 35, Tatyana Navka was absolutely convinced that she would never dye her hair dark. “I have been a blonde all my life and could not imagine that I would ever radically change my hair color. Even for the performance as Carmen on the Olympic ice in Turin in 2006, I did not dare to do this, despite the fact that the passionate image of the Spaniard suggested dark hair. At the last moment, I doubted and changed my mind, ”Tatyana admitted then in an interview.

However, in 2010, the athlete nevertheless dared to radically change her image. True, changes in appearance were primarily associated with the work contract of the skater. As you know, in 2009 Navka became the face of one of the companies producing hair dye. And after a year of cooperation, the colorist of the stylist team suggested that she try to dye her hair chocolate. Unexpectedly for friends and herself, Tatyana decided to change the blond to dark curls. At first, friends and relatives of the star really liked her new hair color. The change in the image of Navka was appreciated even by the mother of Marat Basharova, with whom Tatyana was in a relationship at that time. "And you've gotten better! Tanya, this hair color suits you so well! Just a beauty. But she’s losing weight a little, ”the actor’s mother said then to her beloved son.

True, soon the enthusiasm for the new image of the athlete subsided, and the fans began to persuade her to return the old hair color. “The dark one is very old, Tanya, it doesn’t suit you!”, “I liked you blonde much more, with dark hair you look 10 years older”, “Tanya, please dye your hair back into a blonde!” - wrote dissatisfied fans of the athlete in social networks. As a result, soon enough Tatyana returned her previous hair color. “With dark hair, I felt uncomfortable - as it turned out, blond is much closer to me,” Navka admitted. Comparing photos of the figure skater with dark and light hair color, it can be unequivocally stated that the blonde Tatyana really looks much younger and brighter.

Tatiana Navka

Yana Rudkovskaya, 42 years old

Today, Yana Rudkovskaya is rightfully considered an icon of style. The producer carefully thinks over each of his releases. The socialite managed to develop an excellent taste thanks to constant visits to fashion shows, which she loves very much. True, Yana did not always look like a million dollars. In the archives of the star there are terrible photographs from the zero, in which it is almost impossible to recognize today's diva Rudkovskaya. In 2008, the producer could appear in public with huge arrows to the eyebrows, bouffant a la Baba Yaga, a sequined rim and a deep neckline. At that time, 30-year-old Yana looked at best 50.

But, fortunately, the fashion for bright makeup and extravagant costumes has passed, and following the new trends, the appearance of the star began to change. Then the socialite began to be accused of the fact that she owes her beautiful face not to a professional makeup artist, but to a plastic surgeon. However, comparing the photos of Yana "before" and "after", we can safely say that the star definitely did not resort to plastic surgery. The secret of Rudkovskaya lies only in the right outfit, excellent hairstyle and light makeup.

Yana Rudkovskaya in 2007 (left) and now (right)

Valeria, 49 years old

Everyone makes mistakes when they are young. Perhaps one of Valeria's biggest mistakes in her 20s was the decision to dye her hair dark. It was in the image of a fatal brunette that the artist was captured for the cover of her album "Anna". But in the 90s, fashion spared no one, so let's forgive Valeria for this little oversight. The main thing is that soon after the release of the album, the singer realized that the dark color does not suit her. And she went blonde again. Over the years, the image of the star has changed: at one time the singer wore a haircut “like a boy”, then went with a bob. In recent years, the star has been wearing long hair below her shoulders and thick bangs, which suits her very well. By the way, a week ago, on her microblog on Instagram, Valeria published a picture in which her part of the face is shown on the left at the age of 7, and on the right - at the age of 49. Looking at this picture, we can safely say that the star definitely did not resort to the help of a plastic surgeon. She has her own nose, lips and cheekbones.

Valeria at the beginning of her career (left) and now (right)

In honor of her birthday, one of the most famous athletes in our country, Olympic figure skating champion Tatyana Navka shared her beauty secrets with ELLE, talked about her favorite beauty products and places to relax.

About the right flavor and good genes

I always have lipstick, powder and perfume in my makeup bag. I am not one of those people who use only one perfume until they run out, and only then move on to another. Fragrance is very important to me - I try to be different every day and sometimes I even mix different perfumes from my extensive collection to create a new composition.

In the rules of care for any girl, the most important landmark is her mother. Since childhood, I had her example before my eyes: my mother always took care of herself, but the genes inherited from my parents also play a big role in my appearance. Like any woman, I strive to preserve beauty and youth for as long as possible by taking care of myself.

About beauty disasters

One day, when I still couldn't afford to spend a lot of money on beauty salons, my mother found out how much I pay for hair coloring, and immediately offered to help me with home coloring. We needed some highlights, so we took a shower cap, punched holes in it, and pulled out the strands. Mom applied a brightening composition, and after the allotted time, I tried to wash it off. It turned out that the cap was literally corroded with paint, and the resulting hair color resembled the color of a wild leopard. I ended up spending three times as much money to get my hair back to its normal color.

About self care

The most important daily ritual for me is the cleansing of the skin, which should be clean and glowing. In my life I use products of various brands. A real discovery for me was the new series "Ecollagen" from Oriflame - a pleasant texture, delicate aroma and, most importantly, an effective formula. The brand's specialists did my make-up on set more than once, and I was impressed with how they work.

About inspiration and beauty

Everything new inspires me, and the best way to learn new things is to travel. Last summer I visited London for the first time, and now I get great pleasure every time I return there. This city blew me away with its architecture, culture, museums, parks, food, shopping, metro and brilliant theatrical performances. But my favorite country is Italy. I like everything about it: the cuisine, the climate, shopping, and the Italians themselves, who, in terms of mentality, are very similar to Russians.

About sports, cosmetology and plastic surgery

I visit the Vostochny Express SPA-salon in Bolshoi Kislovsky Lane, there is a wonderful atmosphere and qualified masters. I like to do massage and go to the bath, I use the services of a beautician. When I have time, I enjoy doing fitness at the Terrasport Copernicus Center.

Sport is my way of life, but doing it professionally is hard labor, which requires great strength and endurance. There were times when I missed exhausting workouts, but now that's in the past. Previously, I could not imagine how much pleasure I would get from just skating with friends. We ride in parks or on Red Square - it's nice, useful and romantic. I also love mountain and water skiing, tennis. In general, now I enjoy life and am happy that my sports career is behind me.

It is not in my habit to judge people who resort to plastic surgery and various injections, but I do not consider this the best way to preserve youth. I hope that by the time I think about it, cosmetic technology has reached such a level of development that I will not have to go to surgeons.

5 beauty secrets from Tatyana Navka

One of the most dangerous enemies of beauty and health is smoking. I urge everyone who smokes to quit this bad habit as soon as possible.

I try to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right - eat more vegetables and green salads, because they are healthy and rich in vitamins. In my daily diet, yogurt is always present, as well as meat or fish. But I do not deny myself the pleasure of eating delicious food (I really like a juicy steak with blood!) And then I prefer to work out my little weaknesses in the gym.

My main beauty secret is a healthy long sleep! Iron rule: if you want to look good, try to get enough sleep.

Regular exercise and exercise help me to keep fit.

At least once a week I go to the bath. I love the feeling of lightness and energy after visiting it. The best way to relax and relieve tension is massage.
