Questions about tanning. Personal experience: instant tanning in the salon

1 569 0 Hello! In this article we will talk about instant tanning. We will also tell you about its pros and cons, how long an instant tan lasts, how and where it can be done.

Having a beautiful and even tan all year round is the dream of every woman. But what to do if summer is still far away and there is no opportunity to go to the sea, but you don’t want to abuse the solarium? Fortunately, modern cosmetology does not stand still. Today, beauty salons offer a new service for lovers of an even golden skin tone - instant tanning.

What is a quick tan? Its pros and cons

Instant tanning technology involves tanning without ultraviolet exposure. Using a special sprayer, apply an instant tanning lotion made from cane sugar to your skin in a thin, even layer. The whole procedure takes no more than twenty minutes, and the result will please you for up to two weeks.

The main benefits of reed tanning:

  • speed of the procedure. Applying an instant tan will not take you much time;
  • safety. The composition of the lotion is absolutely natural and is suitable even for sensitive skin;
  • the entire procedure for applying the lotion is completely painless;
  • A wide selection of lotion shades will allow you to choose the color that best suits your type of appearance;
  • durability. On average, a quick tan will last from seven to ten days;
  • Another obvious advantage is that it does not cause burns on the skin and does not provoke the appearance of tumors.

Despite the obvious advantages, quick tanning has its own flaws:

  • the lotion may stain your clothes immediately after the procedure, so it is better to dress in loose clothing;
  • There are restrictions on water procedures. If you often visit the sauna or swimming pool, then a quick tan is not for you, as there is a possibility of uneven color removal from the skin;
  • Careful skin care is required before and after a quick tanning procedure.

Photos before and after the procedure

Instant tanning at home

The quick tanning procedure itself is quite simple, which allows you to do it at home. At first, it would be better to call an instant tanning specialist to your home so that he can show you how to properly perform the tanning technique and help you decide on the shade of bronzing. In the future, you can teach this simple procedure to one of your loved ones.

The procedure for carrying out the procedure in the salon

  1. The day before the instant tanning procedure, do epilation and peeling. Cleanse your skin well using a scrub and a stiff washcloth. This is necessary so that the tan goes on more evenly.
  2. At the salon, the first thing you will be asked to do is take a shower and wash off all your makeup.
  3. Next, you put on a cap and swimsuit.
  4. Then, using a special sprayer, the master applies the bronzer and lets it absorb for several minutes. A good master will take into account all your wishes and so that you are satisfied with the result and the shade of your skin.

The application procedure itself does not last long, so after 15-20 minutes you can safely return to your business. But do not forget that after the procedure it is better not to visit the pool, sauna, bathhouse. For the first ten hours, it is generally advisable to minimize contact with water. Also, do not apply any cosmetics to your body.

Instant tan during menstruation

Experienced specialists do not recommend that women undergo a quick tanning procedure during menstruation or a couple of days before menstruation, since a hormonal surge occurs inside and there is a risk that the tan will become patchy. For the same reason, it is better to refrain from the procedure if you are taking hormonal pills.

Instant tan during pregnancy

Agree, even during pregnancy, every woman wants to look attractive, be well-groomed and have a beautiful golden skin color. The reed tanning procedure is very suitable during this period, since bronzing does not use ultraviolet light and there is no irradiation. The reed lotion that the master sprays comes into contact only with the top layer of skin. In addition, the composition of the product is not capable of causing harm during pregnancy - a quick tan on the skin is formed due to the action of natural substances.

Are there any contraindications

Although quick tanning is suitable even for sensitive skin, in rare cases it can cause an allergic reaction. It is best to do a simple allergy test first. To do this, it will be enough to apply a bronzing agent to a small area of ​​skin and wait for the reaction. If no rashes appear on the skin within half an hour, you can safely begin the procedure itself. If a reaction occurs, the specialist will need to select a bronzing agent with a different composition for you.

Also, the instant tanning procedure is not recommended for people suffering from skin diseases (for example, psoriasis). If you have any inflammation on your skin, it is also not advisable to do the procedure unless you want to get harmed from an instant tan.

How long does instant tan last?

It is impossible to give a definite answer, since everything here is quite individual. On average, the effect of a reed tan lasts up to ten days. The reason is that the bronzing composition that the master applies does not penetrate deeply. Therefore, the reed tan washes off quickly enough.

Of course, you can prolong the effect of reed tanning if you follow all the recommendations, but even under these conditions it is difficult to say that the effect will last longer. The thing is that each skin type has its own characteristics. For example, if you are the happy owner of smooth and even skin, any tan, including reed tan, will last much longer. If you have dry, problematic skin, the tan will go away in just a few days. This is why it is so important to exfoliate and exfoliate your skin well shortly before visiting the salon.

Your hormonal background also affects the duration of a quick tan, because, as you know, the condition of your skin largely depends on this factor. So if you want to see the effect of visiting a quick tanning procedure for as long as possible, try to monitor your health.

Instant tan before a trip to the sea

Recently, many women have begun to sign up for an instant tanning procedure if they know that they will soon have a vacation at sea. What's the point? It's very simple - no one wants to walk around with pale skin, standing out from those who have already acquired a golden shade of tan, basking in the rays of the sun. In addition, a natural tan does not apply evenly and beautifully to all skin. Agree, it often happens that the skin first turns red, and only then acquires a bronze tint. In other words, while you are relaxing at sea, your instant tan will gradually wash away, leaving behind a natural shade.

In conclusion, I would like to note that such a procedure as instant tanning is popular for good reason. A quick tan applies to the skin much smoother than self-tanning and does not harm your skin, unlike a solarium. In any case, the choice is yours.

Video review about the instant tanning procedure.

In the summer you really want to be beautiful, tanned, but sometimes the weather is not sunny and your vacation is still far away. You can, of course, tan in a solarium, but this procedure has contraindications, unlike instant tanning, which in the hands of professionals turns you into a Hollywood beauty with an even skin color of the desired shade from head to toe.

Say a word about instant tanning

Instant tanning, or also called reed tanning, is only a cosmetic procedure, as a result of which a bronzer lotion is applied using special equipment by spraying. This type of tan is called a cane tan because the lotions contain products made from sugar cane. Those. The lotions used are entirely of natural origin, the “tan” appears without exposure to ultraviolet radiation. That is why the procedure has no contraindications, even oncological ones. Women at any stage of pregnancy can safely allow themselves to “tan” in this way.

If after many cosmetology sessions, including hair removal, it is strictly prohibited to stay in the sun for quite a long time, then an instant tan becomes an alternative. This procedure is ideal if sunbathing or a solarium is contraindicated for you.

How does the instant tanning procedure work?

Despite the fact that the procedure itself is safe, short-term and simple, you should first prepare the body for it: depilate the day before, and peel before the session. After it, do not use any cosmetic, care or perfume products so that the quality of the tan does not suffer - you do not want to have an uneven tan.

Instant tan video

In the salon, to provide instant tanning services, special booths are used in which lotion with pigment is sprayed using a compressor or turbine system. You can “sunbathe” with or without a swimsuit. The procedure time is no more than 20 minutes.

Important! After an instant tan, you should not take water treatments for 6-8 hours, or even sweat, or use cosmetics. Only after this period of time can you take a warm shower without a washcloth.

For reference. The skin absorbs no more than 85% of the applied lotion, and the rest is washed off with water, so there is no need to worry about your tan coming off.

Equipment for instant tanning

Manufactured models of instant tanning devices from various manufacturers are divided into two categories based on their mode of action:

  • turbines, which are based on HVLP technology, which means large volume under low pressure;
  • compressor, the operation of which is based on high engine power.

Both equipment is equipped with a special gun for spraying lotion on the body or face. Compressor equipment has a significant mass, so it is used permanently in beauty salons, studios, etc. Turbine devices are mobile and convenient for providing services at home.

Instant tanning lotions

What is the secret of lotions that give such an amazing result of a beautiful and even tan? It turns out to be magical DHA (dihydroxyacetone), a monosaccharide obtained from sugar cane. It is completely harmless to the body, because... acts only on the surface layers of the skin, upon interaction with which (namely with proteins and amino acids) the skin acquires the color of a natural tan. Moreover, its maximum intensity does not appear immediately, but gradually, a day after applying the instant tanning lotion.

In the salon, depending on the phototype of your skin (or your desire), they select the appropriate lotion for application, which guarantees the chosen shade of tan. DHA content can range from 8% for light skin and up to 18% for dark skin. You can choose a lotion for quick coloring or with a gradual development of tanning.

Some instant tanning lotions may also contain another monosaccharide - erythrulose or raspberry sugar. It gives a lighter tan, with a yellow tint, which washes off faster and takes longer to develop.

Many lotions contain both components, which in combination allows you to get a darker tan than with DHA alone. In addition, their combination gives a guaranteed result without streaks or spots, and the tan lasts longer.

In order for the skin to look moisturized after an instant tan, many manufacturers add extracts of various plants that have a beneficial effect on the skin to their lotions.

How long does instant tan last?

Like the sun, an instant tan fades over time and eventually disappears completely. And this does not even depend on lotions or equipment, but on the functioning of the human skin: if the full cycle of its renewal is 28 days, then for the surface layer this process occurs after 7-8 days. Those. instant tan does not last more than 10 days, so to maintain the effect, the procedure must be repeated once a week, as well as for natural tanning.

Instant tan: where is it better?

1. Instant tanning in the salon– a popular procedure all year round. After all, women want to be irresistible regardless of the time of year. Experienced professionals who have mastered the instant tanning technique will create an equally even shade on all parts of the body, which is difficult to achieve naturally. First, the lotion is sprayed on the front, then on the back half of the body, then on the sides, including the inside of the arms and legs, and finally on the face. Disposable clothing and coverings protect against the application of pigment to non-sunburnable parts.

After 5-10 minutes. After the lotion is absorbed and dries, you dress in loose clothes and can be free.

The salons use only proven Premium or Luxury lotions, with the help of which the specialist provides the desired shade of tan specifically for your skin type.

Nowadays, many instant tanning studios have been created, where they also provide this service at a high level.

2. If for some reason If you don’t have the opportunity to visit a salon or studio, then you can call a specialist to your home. By using this service, you will save time on going to the salon and this is convenient because after the procedure you can simply throw on a light robe and go about your business.

In addition, there are specialists who work only on site with their equipment. In this case, you must be sure that instant tanning at home is performed by an experienced technician, and the quality of the lotions used meets the standards.

For reference. High-quality (not expired) lotions have a pleasant smell and do not contain alcohol. Their color should not have a greenish or marshy tint. The texture of the lotion is not sticky, it does not clog pores and goes on smoothly, and the tan fades gradually.

Price for instant tan

The cost of the procedure will vary in different salons and studios. The price of an instant tan depends on the location, the equipment used, the lotions used, and the resulting tan color. For the whole body, the price range is from 600 to 2000 rubles. in different salons. For half the body (to the waist) – half the price. You can do an instant tan on just your face or plus your décolleté and arms. Then the price of the procedure will be from 200 to 600 rubles.

Some studios offer discounts on instant tanning for birthday boys and brides, and also hold various promotions.

Instant tan reviews

Anita, 22 years old

I am naturally fair-skinned and in the sun I get instantly burned, I walk around all red, after which the skin peels off and there is no tan. A friend says: “Try an instant tan.” And I made up my mind. The procedure is pleasant, after only 20 minutes. I didn't recognize myself. I thought it would come off quickly, but for ten whole days everyone admired my chocolate shade. This is just a salvation for snow-white people like me! Now I will always be tanned!

Kira, 25 years old

I’ve never had problems with tanning, but after the birth of my baby there’s no time for the beach. And now we have a trip to a wedding planned. I already bought myself a beautiful dress above the knee. But in the summer, looking like a pale toadstool is something terrible; no dress can save you. I read about instant tanning on the Internet and found a salon close to home.

The girl was very nice and advised me to cover my breasts with a stickkini, because... I am a nursing mother, despite the harmlessness of the procedure. In the booth they sprayed liquid on me like a fog for about ten minutes, then it dried for the same amount of time. When I saw my legs in a beautiful bronze shade, I was delighted. I was skeptical about the master’s warning about not washing or sweating for 8 hours: this is in 30 degree heat... naturally, by the time I got home I sweated more than once. And I took a shower before the specified time. I simply smoothed out the places that appeared brighter with a cotton pad. Everything turned out great!

So, girls, even after the flight in my beautiful dress with high heels, and with tanned legs, I looked 100% at the wedding. By the way, the tan lasted almost 2 weeks on me (I was just lucky).

Now I know what to do in such situations, when you urgently need to be beautiful - an instant tan.

Lucy, 24 years old

My friend and I also decided to try the instant tanning promotion - only 300 rubles each. for the procedure. We arrived at the apartment, where they sprayed us with some kind of tanning liquid from a terribly noisy machine (as soon as the neighbors put up with it). When we arrived home, my boyfriend did not recognize us when he saw such dark-skinned people. Well, we think we’ll be tanned all December, and we’ll do it again for the New Year. No matter how it is! After just 2 days, the tan not only began to peel off, but in some uneven shreds, so much so that it was impossible to leave the house during the day - the horrors of our town. The face of an unnatural orange hue looked especially terrible. Do not under any circumstances be fooled by such “beauty”.

Ekaterina, 30 years old

Girls, if you are unlucky with a specialist, this does not mean that an instant tan is nonsense. You still go to the hairdresser if you once had a terrible haircut. So it is here. Some who take on this business think that there is nothing complicated about it. But no. It is very difficult to choose the same lotion from the thousands offered: so that there is no yellow tint, and so that it goes off evenly. I had it done in two different salons - the result was negative. But I still found a professional in this matter. Girls, you are looking for something, and then an instant tan will not disappoint you.

"Instant tanning from professionals" 12 comments

    07/12/2014 @ 5:06 pm

    Today I did an instant tanning procedure. Somehow I survived 8 hours, walked around the house like a robot, went to wash it off, the hope was that by that time my fingers and palms, which had become very yellow (even though I smeared them with cream during the procedure), would wash off and become even with the skin on my body, but not it was here. Everything on the fingers and palms is brick yellow in color, with spots like vitiligo. I don’t know how to go outside. They will say that the fool has applied self-tanning and is walking around like a freak.

    06/29/2013 @ 8:21 am

    I wonder how it is to “not sweat”, because if you do such a procedure in the summer, then after leaving the salon the person is in the heat? And what happens if a lotion contains a component to which a person is allergic, or, say, if lotions contain silicones and other substances that clog pores? Before the session, does the master perform a test for the possibility of allergic reactions?

    06/28/2013 @ 1:04 pm

    I first learned about instant tanning. The procedure is not harmful and gives a beautiful tan, judging by the models. It would be good to do this during the cold season or before going to a resort to immediately have beautiful skin. My question is this: is it necessary to do depilation and peeling before the procedure or can you do without them?

    06/28/2013 @ 11:47 am

    I didn’t even know about such a procedure as instant tanning before. At home, with the help of special means, I tried to do something similar, but it turned out unevenly and not beautifully. And once I tried to do it in a salon and was pleased with the result. There will be no more home experiments, now only salon instant tanning.

    06/28/2013 @ 9:35 am

    For me, instant tanning has become not just an alternative to natural tanning, but also its best replacement. My skin is very sensitive, downright “impressive”, not only does the tan not stick, but burns, spots and itching just appear, I also have a lot of moles on my body, which is why I simply avoid the sun and tanning beds. I tried using self-tanning at home - well, it didn’t do anything good and can’t even compare with such a procedure. In our city, instant tanning appeared relatively recently, but in the regional one it won the trust of clients, so without hesitation, I did it there.

    06/27/2013 @ 8:35 am

    Instant tanning is a great solution when you need to tan quickly and without problems for some date or event. Another thing is that you don’t need to go to an unverified salon. It is useful to find out in advance where the professionals work, and it is better to even see their work if possible. Instant tanning is also suitable for those who, for some reason, cannot stand the sun or are simply afraid of frying under the scorching rays, but want to have beautiful looking skin

    06/27/2013 @ 1:15 am

    This is the best way out and an alternative to a solarium or the harmful rays of the sun. Professionals will do everything according to your choice. They come in so many shades that you don't have to worry about your tan color. Rather than expose yourself to the scorching sun, it’s better to go for this one-time procedure and surprise everyone with your tanned skin.

    06/27/2013 @ 12:03 pm

    I do an instant tan before almost every celebration - friends’ weddings, birthdays, reunions of former classmates, etc. It's very fast and convenient. There is no need to fry in the sun or in a solarium; you leave the office with a pleasant skin tone. Moreover, the shade is exactly what you want, and not what you get with a natural tan. It is also very good to do this procedure before leaving for the south, so as not to look like snow-white on the beach.

    06/26/2013 @ 6:59 am

    A few days ago I did an instant tanning procedure for graduation. The effect is excellent! It feels like I've been at sea for 2 weeks, considering that I'm pale. There was no time to go to the solarium, so I decided to do it. The master was good and explained how to take care of the skin so that the tan lasts longer. It’s already lasted for 6 days, and I think it’ll last the same amount of time, and then you can lie in the sun. In general, who needs a quick and beautiful tan, then this procedure is for you!

A tan makes your body look well-groomed and attractive. Fans of tanned skin know: today you don’t have to wait for a summer vacation to get a seductive skin color, because modern cosmetology allows you to “tan” at any time of the year - with the help of a solarium, self-tanning and other types of artificial tanning. In this article we will tell you about the safest way to quickly and effectively tan for a while - instant tanning.

Instant tan

Instant tanning (glaming) is a cosmetic procedure for bronzing the skin, which allows you to get a natural, even tan in one session.

This type of artificial tanning is achieved using a special lotion sprayed on the surface of the skin. The product contains sugar cane extract, water, oils, seaweed extracts, tea, aloe juice, citric acid and other natural ingredients. Sugar cane contains the monosaccharide dehydroacetone (dha), which, when it comes into contact with the epidermis, interacts with skin cells, resulting in its characteristic color.

Reed spray allows you to tan without a solarium in one procedure, and you do not need to worry about side effects such as uneven tanning, burns, hyperpigmentation, etc.

Instant tanning without ultraviolet radiation is considered the safest type of tanning and has a purely cosmetic effect. It can be used as an alternative to self-tanning, solarium, and tanning in the open sun.

This tan does not provide long-lasting color, however, a beautiful, tanned body will delight you for at least a week.

What problems does instant tanning solve?

Today, the instant tanning service is very popular in Russia, as the technology provides a quick effect, as a result of which you get a real Hollywood tan without a solarium.

Who is suitable for instant tanning?

  • Reed tanning evens out skin color, which means it is ideal for those who have the problem of vitiligo.
  • This tan is the best way to quickly tan before a corporate event, date, party or wedding, when there is absolutely no time to go to the solarium. It will be a real find for the bride who wants a snow-white dress to seductively highlight her slender, tanned body.
  • An instant tan is indispensable for dancers who often perform in competitions.
  • The service will be useful for those who have a busy work schedule all year round, but at the same time want to look stylish and attractive in the summer.
  • Instant tanning is absolutely harmless, so it can be safely used by children before performances.

Which artificial tan is better: in a solarium, self-tanning or glamping - everyone decides for himself; in any case, it is worth considering that reed tanning is considered the safest and can be applied to both the body and face.

How to choose the right color?

Instant tan evenly colors even the lightest and palest skin. To make your tan look as natural as possible, the specialist will offer a choice of several shades that suit your skin type.

The spray provides different shades due to the concentration of active ingredients. For example, a product with 8% dehydroacetone content is recommended for use for light skin, and 18% for dark skin.

In addition, lotions may also contain erythrulose, a monosaccharide that provides a gentle tan with a slight “sunny” tint.

Procedure: preparation, execution

Instant tanning is a short-term and simple procedure, however, you need to do some preliminary preparation before it. It is necessary so that the tan “lays” evenly on the skin and lasts as long as possible.

  • a day before tanning you need to wash your hands and other open areas of the body where there is vegetation;
  • Before a tanning session, you should exfoliate your body. After peeling, you should not use cosmetics or care products so that the quality of your tan does not suffer;
  • If you do not want your palms and feet to become stained, you need to cover them with cream before directly spraying the spray.

How is the procedure done?

Let's look at how a professional instant tan is done in.

The procedure is carried out by specialists in a closed cabin, where cane lotion is directly sprayed onto the skin. The product is applied to the body using special equipment equipped with a turbine or compressor system.

People “sunbathe”, as a rule, in a swimsuit or disposable underwear, but if you want to cover your body with a full tan, you don’t have to wear it. A protective cap must be worn on the head.

Instant tanning also allows you to decorate your body with temporary tattoos. The technique of applying a sketch is simple: before entering the cabin, the master will attach a stencil of a pre-selected design to the body, after which he will carry out the spraying procedure.

The product is sprayed first from the front, then from the back, and then on the sides. The spray is applied to the face last.

The total time for applying an instant tan is 15-20 minutes.

By the way, if you don’t have time to go to the salon, the master can carry out the procedure at home. Portable turbine equipment, with the help of which an experienced specialist will perform the procedure, allows you to get a tan that will be in no way inferior to the result obtained in the studio.

This video shows how the procedure is carried out in a salon setting.

Rules of behavior after the procedure

Over the next 5-10 minutes after spraying, the composition will be absorbed into the skin, so you need to stay in the cabin during this time. After the liquid has dried, you can safely put on clothes and go about your business. The pigment is finally absorbed into the skin within half an hour, so on the day of the procedure you should wear loose clothing to allow the lotion to stick to the body as much as possible.

Color Development

The final tan color appears on the body 6-10 hours after applying the spray.

In these before and after photos you can see the effect of an instant tanning salon procedure.

Post-procedure care

So, within 6-8 hours after cane tanning:

  • you cannot wash or use cosmetics;
  • you cannot play sports, as sweat will not allow the lotion to be evenly distributed on the skin, and the body will become covered with light spots;
  • 2 hours after the procedure, the skin should be moisturized with lotion, then twice a day.

After 10 hours, you can take a warm shower, but only without a sponge.

Important to know! After applying an instant tan, you should not use a body scrub, go to the sauna, swimming pool, or swim in salt water, as this will shorten the duration of the effect!

Instant tan durability

An instant tan lasts on the skin from 7 to 14 days, in rare cases it lasts for three weeks.

It is worth knowing that the maximum amount of sprayed lotion that the skin can absorb is no more than 85%. The remaining 15% can be easily washed off when taking the first shower after the procedure.

The instant tan fades gradually. As a rule, the pigment is evenly washed out from the skin during water procedures.

How to extend the durability of an instant tan?

In order to maximize the tanning effect, in addition to the recommended care after the procedure (see point 3), experts advise against using whitening, regenerating cosmetics and creams with fruit acids. It is advisable to apply perfumes and eau de parfum only to hair or clothes.


Like any cosmetic procedure, instant tanning also has its pros and cons. Its main advantages are safety and quick results. If your body is healthy and your skin is well-groomed, the procedure will not harm you, and the tan itself will look absolutely natural. Contraindications to instant tanning are minimal.


  • fresh wounds;
  • allergy to the components of the drug.

Compatible with other types of tanning

With an instant tan, you can freely sunbathe in a solarium, and you don’t need to be afraid that stains may appear on your body. The fact is that during sessions, the reed tan gradually brightens and is evenly replaced by a persistent color.

Pros and cons of the procedure


  • harmlessness;
  • instant results in one session;
  • natural tanning effect;
  • suitable for any skin type;
  • can be used at any age.

People often ask on beauty forums whether the procedure can be done for pregnant women, while breastfeeding (breastfeeding) and during menstruation? You can, since the tanning spray contains only natural ingredients. However, before the procedure, it is necessary to conduct a test for possible allergies.

Among the advantages of reed tanning is the fact that it makes aesthetic skin imperfections such as post-acne, scars, and vitiligo spots less noticeable. This, in any case, is evidenced by the reviews left by fans of artificial tanning on beauty forums.


  • short-term effect;
  • uneven pigmentation in case of excessive physical activity, frequent water procedures;
  • dyeing clothes and linen in the first few hours after the procedure.

Instant tanning is a worthy alternative to going to a solarium and self-tanning. You can get a luxurious Hollywood tan at any time of the year, and you will have to spend a maximum of 30 minutes in the salon.

The procedure is safe, has no significant contraindications, and can be used even by pregnant and breastfeeding women. The disadvantage of reed tanning is that it provides a short-term effect.

Everyone knows that sun rays and ultraviolet radiation have a detrimental effect on the epidermis. But beautiful and glowing skin makes you look more well-groomed. You can get a beautiful color without compromising your health with an instant tan. This procedure involves applying sugar cane extract to the skin. After interacting with the dermis of the lotion, a beautiful shade is obtained.

Read in this article

Benefits of instant tanning

This procedure has many names. Instant tan is called “Hollywood”, “sunless”, “aero”, “reed”, etc. All this is due to the action of a substance such as dihydroxyacetone, or DHA. It is an extract from sugar cane. The spray also contains water, various oils, tea and aloe extracts, seaweed and others. Thus, the product sprayed on the body has a completely natural composition and does not harm health.

One of the main advantages is the speed of receipt. Unlike natural, where you have to sit in the sun for hours and risk getting burned or stung, here it only takes a few minutes to get an even glow. It helps hide some skin defects, such as stretch marks and small scars. The instant tan lasts up to two weeks. And he gradually fades away and turns pale.

It is also important to note that this type of tanning is suitable even for pregnant women, unlike the sun and solarium.

It is usually applied by a specialist who sprays the product onto the skin using a cosmetic device.

In addition, the cost of such instant tanning is low. Every person can afford to do it both at home and in the salon.

Disadvantages of the method

However, there are many disadvantages to this method of tanning. Many customers leave negative reviews. The disadvantages are:

  • Short duration of effect. A beautiful tan lasts a couple of days, but after the first use the soul begins to turn pale.
  • Comes off in spots. For many, a week later, the skin has a very uneven color - somewhere darker, somewhere lighter. Even preliminary scrubbing does not solve the problem.
  • Unpleasant smell. Often the aroma after the spray leaves much to be desired; some of them smell of smoke. They also note that the smell is very persistent and lasts on the skin for a long time, even after a shower.
  • Clogs pores. Despite the fact that the procedure must be carried out on prepared skin, after a couple of sessions black spots become noticeable, especially in the décolleté and back area. It is very difficult to get rid of them.
  • It takes time to absorb. If the product does not have time to dry, then after the salon at home you may find spots on the skin and stains. The same applies to places of bends.
  • Stains clothes, especially immediately after the procedure.
  • It may appear yellowish and an unsuitable tint to the skin.
  • You cannot visit baths, saunas or take a hot bath with it.
  • Salt water also affects the duration of the effect.

Before and after the instant tanning procedure

Equipment and installations in the salon

Most often, instant tanning is carried out in a specialized institution. To carry out the procedure, the following is required:

  • Spray with pigment from sugar cane extract.
  • Nut oils to moisturize the skin.
  • A special screen or tent so that the spray does not stain everything around.
  • Lighting so that the specialist can accurately assess the skin phototype and uniformity of application.
  • Installation-sprayer for spraying the product on the body.

In some salons, it is possible for a technician to come to your home, but often there is no such service, since the equipment is heavy and inconvenient for transportation.

How does the application procedure work with the device?

Before tanning, the specialist conducts a consultation with the client so that the result is free of spots and undesirable shades. He must warn the person about the following points:

  • Before application, the skin must be softened and cleansed. You need to wash with an oil-free gel. It is also advisable to scrub the skin, paying special attention to dry areas on the joints of the fingers, shins, heels, elbows, and knees. You need to do this procedure a couple of days before instant tanning. Cleansed and moisturized skin will be an excellent “canvas” for the spray, which will lie smoothly.
  • The waxing procedure should be carried out several days before tanning. Unclosed pores and damaged skin will contribute to the appearance of blemishes afterwards. The same goes for shaving. Needs to be done at least a day in advance.
  • Perfumes and deodorants should not be used before or for some time after instant tanning, as the chemicals in the composition react and cause uneven coloring.
  • You should not use makeup for the first time, as it also reduces the duration of the effect.
  • Apply balm to your lips and hands.

To ensure that the tan goes on evenly and spots of a different color do not appear in some places, the technician additionally performs liquid peeling immediately before the instant tanning procedure. Then a thin layer of the substance is sprayed onto the skin. Often a person is asked to wear a swimsuit or underwear that covers certain areas of the body.

Watch the video about how the instant tanning procedure works:

After this, you need to let the composition absorb and dry on the skin. It is important not to wear tight, light-colored clothing that restricts movement. The entire procedure, as a rule, does not take more than half an hour.

Lotion for a beautiful body at home

You can also instantly tan using this method at home. Everything goes according to the same principle and algorithm as in the salon. Don’t think that a technician who comes to your home is less qualified than one in the studio. You need to choose a specialist based on reviews and recommendations from people you know who you can trust.

The advantage of instant tanning at home is that after the procedure you don’t have to wear clothes for much longer. This reduces the risk of streaking and uneven coloring.

It is important that the master must have with him a special rug on which the client will stand, and a screen that protects the furniture and furnishings from splashes.

Instant tanning lotions

Do not confuse instant tanning with regular self-tanning sprays from the store.. High-quality products are quite expensive, but this procedure is much cheaper in price. In addition, if you follow the rules, the effect will be more natural and lasting.

All products contain the substance dihydroxyacetone. They differ in the percentage of this product by 5 - 15%. They can also be made with erythrulose. It is also sugar, but this substance allows the tan to remain on the body longer, in addition, it helps to moisturize and care for the body.

Skin care after

Despite the high qualifications of the master, half of the success depends on the client himself. Namely, skin care after the procedure is important. The following recommendations should be followed:

  • Do not shower or bathe for 8 to 10 hours after sunbathing. You should also avoid doing any activities that cause you to sweat, as this will prevent the formula from being absorbed evenly into your skin.
  • While taking a shower, you should not rub yourself with a washcloth, and the soap should be mild. The rinsed water will have a slight tint - a color guide. It is applied specifically to see missed areas. The composition itself is absorbed into the top layer of the skin. If you rub vigorously with a washcloth or pumice stone, the cells will peel off and the tan will go away. You should wipe off with light wetting movements.
  • After a shower or bath, you need to apply a moisturizer twice a day. But it is important to ensure that there is no oil in the composition.
  • You cannot go to the pool, as chlorine washes off your tan.
  • During the day, shaving and depilation are prohibited.
  • If after the procedure you do not shower and go to bed, the bed linen may become dirty. So you need to use one that you don’t mind.

Also, the following factors can affect the quality of the result:

  • Folds on the body due to excess weight, due to which the lotion is absorbed unevenly.
  • If you wear tight clothing less than 10 hours after the procedure, you may have streaks on your legs and arms, under your chest and back.
  • If the lotion is not completely washed off in the shower, a second reaction begins.
  • Too dry or oily facial skin.
  • Use of makeup on the first day of the procedure.
  • Applying cream on the face.
  • Critical days for women. The increased level of hormones prevents the substance from being absorbed and reacting.

Instant tan shades

Cost of the procedure and special means

Prices for instant tanning vary from salon to salon. It all depends on the pricing policy of the establishment, the qualifications of the specialist, as well as the products and quality of equipment used for the procedure. On average, the cost can range from 600 rubles to 4,000 thousand. But again, a high price is not an indicator of a good quality result. It is better to contact a specialist with a good reputation and positive reviews.

The instant tanning products themselves cost from 3 to 6 - 7 thousand rubles. Also, the installation itself has an average cost of 30 to 70 thousand. The most popular products are:

  • Tan Solutions, UK;
  • Salamander, Italy;
  • Dim Academy, France;
  • Private Label, Switzerland.

So it is worth concluding that too low a price for a service may indicate poor quality of products and equipment.

Instant tanning can be a good alternative to a procedure in a solarium or on the beach. It will help those who have contraindications for other methods to look good. But at the same time, it has many significant shortcomings. The quality of the result depends both on the qualifications of the specialist and on strict adherence to the instructions before and after the procedure.

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Instant tan is a unique system that allows you to achieve an even tan: it consists of a uniform applying lotion to the surface of the skin, which then absorbed in the upper layers - the epidermis, therefore goes on evenly and appears as a tan. This is the most complete definition of the question

Lotion is a pigment that has natural plant origin. The pigment is made from sugar cane extract and the lotion contains vitamin WITH, live aloe extract, white tea extract, as well as seaweed preparations.

An enzyme bioactivator, which is also part of the bronzer spray, and also a complex of amino acids called tyrosine also take part in this process of tanning your skin. Interacting with each other, these substances form the necessary melanin, which causes changes in skin color.

This lotion does not clog skin pores and does not show when pores become enlarged. Natural pigment produces a lifting effect, as a result of which it narrows pores. In addition, the instant tanning procedure does not have a harmful effect on age spots and moles, if any.

How long does an instant tan last? The tanning effect lasts on the skin for 7 to 14 days (this may depend on your skin), after which it gradually becomes lighter.

Due to the absence of ultraviolet rays in this process, and in addition to the 100% naturalness of the pigments used during spraying, you can completely forget about premature skin aging and possible skin diseases. This is a tangible advantage of this technology.

People who tried the instant tanning service in a salon for the first time are never disappointed and use this method again and again. This is the fastest way to improve your appearance before a first romantic date, birthdays, weddings and other important events, as well as before going on vacation, so that you do not stand out on the beach in a crowd of tanned people.

An instant tan will give your skin a shiny, healthy, refreshed look, it will look soft and velvety. Come and see that the effect of instant tanning is not a fairy tale, it is an ordinary reality! This procedure should definitely be present in your beauty arsenal.

The main thing you should pay attention to is that all the substances included in this bronzer spray are completely harmless and at the same time not causing an allergic reaction.

Pay attention to the proteins contained in the composition, as well as a large number of vitamins of groups A, B, C, E and D, which strengthen your skin, produce collagen and elastin, protect the skin from various free radicals, and this helps maintain its youth.
