Happy New Year of the Rooster everyone. Happy New Year of the Fire Rooster

Congratulations on the Year of the Red Fire Rooster can be in poetry and prose. Saying something from the heart is both very simple and very difficult at the same time. And in the rhythm present life Sometimes there is simply no time for this.

Nowadays, more and more often, we receive and send New Year’s greetings ourselves via telephone and computer. As a rule, hands do not reach personal wishes. Therefore, we offer you short messages.

The Year of the Red Fire Rooster is coming. And this bird, as you know, is distinguished by its sonority, brightness and activity. The rooster wakes up before everyone else and symbolizes the beginning of something new. Let all changes be only for the better. New victories, achievements and conquered heights!

New Year- this is the most magical holiday, when everyone believes that dreams will certainly come true, and the next 365 days will be better than the previous ones. This bright holiday I would like to wish you 2017 reasons for joy and as many happy moments!

I wish you excellent health in the New Year! Let your legs be stronger to cover new kilometers, your arms stronger to hold new prizes, your head more desperate to be covered with a laurel crown. And just let your heart remain the same - hot!

We wish you a round dance of joyful smiles in 2017, pleasant surprises, incredible miracles. Let coming year will bring you friendly support, the favor of others, and successful resolution of all sorts of problems. We wish you to be completely covered with a snowfall of banknotes.

Believe in miracles and they will come into your life. May you find under the New Year tree an inexhaustible source of inspiration, mind-blowing ideas, justified ambitions, financial prosperity, career success and everything that will turn work into a pleasure every day.

New successes in the New Year! We wish that all difficulties melt away like magical fluttering snowflakes, everyday work becomes a joy, as if it were not work, but New Year's gift, let incredible success sparkle like New Year's lights!

We wish that your work is not just completely loved, but that it resembles a memorable movie with a happy ending, where everyone plays not just in the usual crowd, but the most important role, for which you are entitled not just to a fee, but also to a real long-awaited Oscar! So may this wish come true in the coming year! Oscar-winning victories and brilliant awards!

May the coming year of the Rooster be entirely consistent with the mood of this animal that leads active image life and does not sit still. We wish that prosperity and happiness do not leave you even for a minute.

Let the New Year 2017, led by the Rooster, become a symbol of prosperity, hospitality and a generous table that will always be in your home. We wish you the fulfillment of everything you dream about in the depths of your soul. And don’t get upset over trifles and sincerely smile at everyone around you every day to make your life as bright and beautiful as the symbol of the New Year 2017.

The coming Year of the Red Fire Rooster scares some people. After all, this bird is not always calm. We wish that in 2017 all these conventional disadvantages of the rooster turn into advantages. Let all difficulties disappear as if from under spurs, let troubles be torn apart as if by a beak, and the cry of a long-awaited victory in business sounds like the crowing of a rooster and is heard far away and by everyone.

Prose, of course, is good, but sometimes you really want poetry. And not only in life, but also in congratulatory messages. Here are the most current options wishes for New Year 2017: congratulations on the Year of the Red Fire Rooster.

2017 is the Year of the Rooster,
What's wrong with that?
What will he bring with him?
Is this cool?
And good luck and success
The stars promise
So let laughter be everywhere
Will! Away - sorrows.
Let your dreams come true
And love will cover you!
Peace, happiness, kindness,
Joy, peace!

We are seeing off the monkey
She crowned the year for us,
Yes, it was interesting
But that’s not to say it’s without hassle!
Make your dreams again
So that everything is fulfilled at once,
To keep the rooster away from the evil eye,
So that everyone can find themselves!
We are with New Congratulations on the year,
With the one who came Year of the Rooster,
And we wish you the best
At all times in your life!

Let the Rooster be your friend
Will save you from all blizzards.
In your heart again and again
Love will reign!

Happy New Year!
In the house of clear weather for you,
Let the cockerel bring it to you
Only joy for the whole year.

And time does not stand still,
Everything flaps its wings, flies,
And this is confirmed by the symbol,
Who will serve us.
We will spend the whole year, what will happen
Happy New Year of the Rooster,
We can only congratulate
And to be lucky for sure!
And also wish you success,
In business and in life it’s just like that,
Unsolvable problems
So that it would be resolved like a trifle!

Smile more often please
Drive away the melancholy!
May only good things come your way
In the coming New Year!

Among friends with a cheerful song,
We wish you a New Year!
Let life bloom even more wonderfully,
Without knowing grief and worries!

We wish you bright and joyful days.
Health, success, reliable friends.
May the New Year bring you
More luck and less adversity.

Pockets full of luck
We wish you a Happy New Year,
Solve various problems,
Let the Cockerel bring you
Good luck, and inspiration,
Crazy days are a cycle,
And endless luck
May you always be lucky in everything!

Spurring the time that is running out,
He drives everything that was away
He puts something new on the throne,
To reach, overcome!
He is a proud bird, we know
And he is always handsome
This is how we glorify the rooster,
At all times!
But there is a reason, and it is global,
After all, his year is coming to us all,
So let him be without sorrow,
Let them know this in advance!

Sources: stihovik.com, korporativus.com, vse-pozdravleniya.ru, pozdravik.ru

Fluffy snow flies from the sky
The clock is striking twelve.
The threshold of miracles is in the houses
And festive comfort.

Let the coming cockerel
Will cheer up the tired year,
And his red comb
It will bring you happiness.

To our house on New Year's Eve
The Fire Rooster is coming.
He brings courage, boldness,
Let what you want happen.

There will be money and luck,
But there will be no quarrels and crying.
Warmth and joy will come to the house
So much so that everyone gets it.

Fluffy snowflakes
Descending from heaven
And the forest is like in the picture,
Full of miracles.

On the silver snow,
Creaking around
Hastens with quick steps
The Fire Rooster is coming to us.

The rooster is perky, mischievous
Brings good luck
He is happy to congratulate you on the holiday
Always both adults and children.

Wishes you joy, goodness,
So that life is always cheerful,
Good health so as not to let you down
And happiness came to every home!

Light snow flows under the sky,
And the Christmas trees are lit with garlands.
Happy New Year on a night like this
Everyone will be happy with each other.

Let sorrows, problems and sorrows
Everything will melt like snow on thin ice
So that you become joyful and happy
In 2017!

A bright red cockerel knocked on the house,
So, the New Year has come, set the table.
Tangerines, Olivier, pine aroma -
The same thing was on the table many years ago.

A holiday of childhood, magic, fabulous wonders...
We will go to the New Year's forest to get the Christmas tree.
Together we will bring joy and goodness
Let's sit warmly at the table with our family.

The New Year is barely audibly approaching us,
He fairy tale will give
He will bring us a year
Without worries and hassle
And he will become happy and joyful.

New Year is on the threshold,
Coming closer and closer to us.
It's burning with lights
And it's snowing,
It’s like he’s writing a happy fairy tale.

To the sound of the chimes and the clink of glasses
Congratulations on the New Year!
So that life becomes more successful and happier,
So that everyday life passes without hassle!

So that happiness and luck keep up
Behind you on the difficult journey of life,
And so that you don’t know grief and worries.
Health, money, joy, love!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! -
Congratulations are heard.
Round dance around the Christmas tree
Let's meet winter holiday We.

All dreams and all desires
Let them come true on this day.
New Year's messages
They will scatter like a blizzard.

When the clock strikes twelve,
January is knocking on the door,
Everyone gathers in a circle
At the festive table.

The knock of the glasses, the garlands of light,
Snowflake round dance -
There is no more beautiful event
Than New Year's Eve.

Vladimir Putin wishes you a Happy New Year

Magic congratulation song: may the New Year bring happiness!

The New Year will be much, much better!

Happy New Year,
Let your spirit be cheerful,
Let him help you in everything
Strong Fire Rooster.

Let this bird bring
Prosperity and goodness to you,
And let the fire give it
You are blissfully warm.

Let your ideas succeed,
Your strength will not leave you
Let it come without fail
Your great one, finest hour. ©

Someone is knocking on the door with their beak
And he nods with his comb.
Happy New Year,
Happy Fire Cockerel to you.

Let Petya be obedient,
Your plans will come true
Let the bird be friends with the dollar
And he will be attracted to you. ©

A year of success is coming
A year of success, victories, “luck”,
After all, he takes the reins
Into its beak the Fire Rooster.

I wish you to become friends
This bird is not easy,
Let the owner give you
Rain of good luck is golden.

May you be lucky in your endeavors,
May your body be strong
Last year you leave
I wish for pain and sadness. ©

Beautiful congratulations

I wish you a bright meeting
Fire Rooster.
Let him bring you gifts
He has three huge bags.

Let health lie in the first place,
So that illness does not touch you,
So that the body forgets
What is the word "pain"

In the second, let there be happiness,
What turns the globe,
Well, in the third there will be sweetness,
Passion and ardent love. ©

Fire Rooster today
The victorious move will begin.
Let the new master of the year
It will bring you good luck.

So that wealth and strength grow,
So that you don’t know about illnesses,
Under the wing of the ruler
Live and just hum along. ©

I wish you New Year's
Do not know troubles and sorrows,
With joy and adoration
Meet the Fire Rooster.

Let love hold you captive,
Let the laughter of children make you happy,
Let old people not get sick
There will be strength for undertakings. ©

Fire Rooster today
You are looking forward to
Let the bird not let you down
And will fulfill all your dreams.

Let the New Year be bright,
Full of joyful moments,
May fate give gifts,
Let the money go into your hands. ©

A joyful year is coming
The fiery Rooster is coming,
Let healthy body will,
Tempered, vigorous - spirit.

May the New Year make you happy,
Let him reward you with love,
Let him add some money to you,
All sorrows will be destroyed. ©

Voice greetings for the New Year 2019

Putin congratulates you on the New Year

Cool poems: I wish you to have a blast, hum from the heart and cheer up!

Happy New Year to you - congratulation song

There is less and less time left until the New Year, the weather begins to deteriorate, and it becomes colder and colder outside. We are more at home, wrapped in warm blankets, and now is the time to prepare for the upcoming New Year and choose congratulations for your loved ones, because the holiday is closer than you think!

The coming year of the rooster will be different from all others; the owner of the year loves order and is also famous for his thriftiness and ardent disposition. Therefore, congratulations should also contain wishes home comfort, strengthening the family nest, adding to the family.

Cool greetings for the New Year 2017

You can address funny New Year greetings to close friends or classmates, your peers. Older people may not understand you or even be a little offended!

So that shovels into bags,

All your money was wasted!

AND more holiday in the soul,

After all, the New Year is already around!

Happy New Year 2017 greetings in verse

Congratulations in verse great option, both for postcards and messages in New Year's Eve. The cheerful and lively rhythm perfectly matches the spirit of the holiday. Choose short and succinct poems!

The Rooster has come to replace the Monkey

He promised that now we will live well!

Family and comfort are the most important for him,

Hug your beloved children quickly!

Christmas trees and dresses, smiles and snowballs,

Cheerful noise, gifts and ringing laughs!

May the holiday be bright, happy New Year,

It will bring you happiness and no worries!

Happy New Year!

May the Rooster be kind

We wish you a lot of happiness,

May he protect you from all troubles!

Happy New Year greetings in prose

In prose, you can easily express all your feelings and describe what has accumulated in your soul over the past whole year. Depending on the recipient you can use various options congratulations:


My dear colleagues! The past year has been difficult for all of us, but we should be grateful for it for showing us how strong and united we can truly be. Employees who do not believe in our business have left the company, and we wish them happiness and successful work in the new year, and those who remained were able to hold on to the company and put it on its feet, to overcome the crisis. I want to wish you all to remain confident, understanding and responsive in the New Year. Having gone through difficult times, I believe in the bright future that lies ahead of us. Hooray!

To the boss

Dear Ivan Ivanovich, I want to sincerely congratulate you on the New Year! For last year Anything happened, there were misunderstandings and quarrels between us, but this in no way changes my respect for you and my confidence in the correctness of the course you have chosen. In the New Year, I want to wish you successful and profitable transactions, competent employees and competent customers, then any work will only be a pleasure! Good luck in the New Year 2017!


In the New Year I want to wish you more possibilities and chances for everything you desire. Relax, enjoy the moment, be alone with yourself, because in the endless race “work-home” it is so difficult to stop for a moment and simply feel the joy of life. May your family grow stronger and more complete in the New Year, and may your family nest become more and more comfortable!


Congratulating you on the upcoming holiday, I want to wish you first of all good health, as well as harmony in the family. Sometimes we forget to tell our family and friends about our feelings, leaving them for later, although in fact these words are the most important. This New Year's Eve Hug all your family and tell them how much you love them and are grateful to them for being near you!

To husband, wife

My beloved and dear person. Every New Year spent together is happiness for me. No matter where we meet him, I am always sure that we will have a great time because you will be nearby. I want to wish you to be more confident in yourself in the new year, because you have no reason to doubt, and I also hope that insignificant worries will not bother you in vain. I love you very much, Happy New Year 2017!


Happy New Year my loves! Main family holiday It is impossible to imagine without traditional family feasts. As I get older, I want to thank you for all those magical holidays, which you arranged for me. They enveloped me in a feeling of celebration and magic, which I hope I can give to my children. Take care of yourself, may the New Year be happy and carefree for you!

For children

My baby, may all the wishes you make come true in the New Year. We hope that you will be obedient and smart, and we are always ready to help you in everything. We believe in you and love you very much!

To a friend

My dear! May everything you dream of finally come true this year! Prince, castle, white horse, rest, children - let it all happen, at once or in turn! You deserve happiness, huge and all-consuming. It’s just so big that it takes a long time to get to you, and in 2017 it will definitely meet you! Have a good time celebrating and spending this New Year!

Short congratulations on the New Year 2017 of the rooster

New Year's greetings 2017, like congratulations from other years, should charge you and the person to whom you are addressing them with the spirit of the holiday, energy, and faith in all good things. Short congratulations perfect for SMS messages that you can send immediately after the chimes strike.

May there always be a holiday in your soul,

And it will never end!

Happy New Year! Keep your nose in the wind and your tail like a pistol!

Funny Happy New Year greetings

You can address funny congratulations to people with good feeling humor that will appreciate your wishes and efforts.

When preparing your congratulations, try to choose the options that you like. Standard and banal congratulations for show will go unnoticed, while sincere wishes will be remembered for a long time. Any parting words that you list in your congratulations program a person for success and good luck, which means he will behave accordingly. Take care of your family and friends, create for them an atmosphere of unity, warmth and comfort. New Year's table. With coming!

Video: Happy New Year greetings

The Year of the Rooster is knocking on your door -
A beautiful, bright, important bird.
May the whole year be fabulously lucky,
And the Rooster will eat all the troubles.

Let happiness crow
Love, health overnight.
And with a slight flap of bright wings
Fill your life with goodness and peace.

Even though he doesn't fly high,
But let it still inspire you.
We will meet him with all the people
And let’s say together: “Happy New Year!”

Here is the Rooster, the owner of the year
He has already come into his own.
I wish that the feeder
I was full for a whole year.

Let your money be stable
The chickens just don't peck
And successes and victories
They don't let you relax.

Let the elegant and beautiful fiery Rooster bring you energy to achieve the highest goals and color your life bright colors and will warm your heart with the fire of love! May your family and friends be healthy and happy, and may you drown in a sea of ​​wealth and pleasure! I wish you peace and joy of soul, strength of body and clarity of mind! I wish you beauty and adoration, warmth and understanding, happiness for the whole year and for the rest of your life!

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish,
So that the cockerel doesn't peck,
And he accompanied me in business,
He brought joy to your home,
He fenced me off from adversity,
I filled my pockets with happiness,
I would drive away all bad weather,
Gave love, wealth, passion!

I wish in the year of the Rooster,
So that your life is easy,
So that he brings a bag of money,
May your wallet burst!
Let the car be healthy,
There are a million bright moments,
Have a wonderful day, great luck,
Tender hugs, hot feelings,
Lots of smiles, laughter, jokes,
You are welcome any time of the day,
Sea of ​​love and strong friendship -
Let him give you everything you need!

Handsome Rooster symbol of this year,
Prosperity, luck and income to you!
Let there be golden grain in the house,
And happiness and goodness will come to you in addition!
May the Year of the Rooster be a year of joy,
Let's leave problems in the outgoing year!
Let the rooster bring good news,
He will support you and save you at any moment!
May joy always warm your heart,
And the coming year will fulfill your dreams!

The rooster coming from the east is not simple,
And fiery, successful and beautiful.
So let the year turn out like this -
Cheerful, and successful, and happy!

Successful everyday life, wisdom and strength
Let the Rooster give not to the lazy,
And for those who have taken a lot on themselves,
Knows how to always be hardworking!

Let bright colors splash on love,
Colors everything around, and the heart too,
And life, like a new holiday, will blossom
And it will be so good for a whole year!

I wish that Cockerel
Filled your wallet
Warmed your home with warmth,
So that things go up,
So that you don’t encounter any difficulties,
We lived and feasted all year,
We didn’t get sick, we didn’t grow old,
And they were successful in everything!

Hello, hello
New Year!
It was the Rooster's turn.
Let your “Ku-ka-re-ku!”
It will disperse sadness and melancholy.
Let him give you wings to fly,
Countless golden eggs.
Fighting will lift your spirit
Let us have a Fire Rooster.

Hello, Fire Rooster,
You are now our best friend
May your year be happy
May luck love us
Let laughter flow like millet,
Joy comes into our home.

The rooster is already jumping in a hurry!
He, taking the Monkey under his arm,
Brings health and happiness to everyone.
He will give us money and save us from troubles.
Joy and peace, success, luck,
Excitement, victories, mood,
Fun brings patience!
He will sing us a song about love,
Everyone will find success with him.
