World Toilet Day is a holiday for all inhabitants of the Earth! World Toilet Organization Toilet Day in Europe.

November 19 is World Toilet Day. This is another opportunity to step up efforts to address the global sanitation crisis.

The international community has not yet managed to fulfill all the tasks that it envisages. Thus, today there are 4.5 billion people in the world who do not have access to adequate sanitation, and 892 million still practice open defecation.

Sustainable Development Goal 6 requires that by 2030, there will be “universal and equitable access to adequate sanitation and hygiene and an end to open defecation, paying particular attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations.” Accomplishing this task is essential for improving health and enhancing the dignity of the human person.

When nature calls

This year the Day will be held under the slogan “When nature calls, we should listen.” With sanitation systems either non-existent or ineffective for billions of people around the world, faeces end up in wastewater, leading to dangerous diseases, seriously compromising progress in health and child survival.

Nature-oriented solutions

Untreated human waste turns nature into an open sewer system. We need more nature-based solutions to solve the global sanitation crisis. Such solutions must include efforts to protect and manage vegetation, soils, and water bodies, including rivers and lakes.


  • Properly treated human waste can be used as fertilizer in food production.
  • Man-made embankments and wetlands can be used to filter wastewater before being released back into the environment.

Basic information

  • Approximately 60% of the world's population (4.5 billion people) either do not have a toilet at home or their toilet is not equipped to safely dispose of waste.
  • Globally, 892 million people practice open defecation.
  • 1.8 billion people do not use improved drinking water sources that lack protection from fecal contamination.
  • One fifth of schools around the world do not have toilets. This also poses a serious problem for girls during menstruation.
  • 900 million schoolchildren are unable to wash their hands after using the toilet due to lack of proper facilities, leading to the spread of disease.
  • Globally, 80% of wastewater generated by societies ends up back into ecosystems without any treatment or reuse.

For the first time, World Toilet Day, leading among the most amazing holidays, was celebrated on November 19, 2002. An unusual holiday appeared on the calendar in 2001 in Singapore at the World Toilet Summit dedicated to sanitation issues. The idea of ​​creating a holiday did not arise as a joke. According to the UN Deputy Secretary General, about two thousand young children die every day from intestinal infections. The main reason for the sad statistics is the lack of toilets that meet sanitary standards.

Today, the World Toilet Organization is involved in sanitation issues. Among its tasks: the adoption of new toilet standards, encouraging consumers to use comfortable toilets that meet modern sanitary standards, and promoting toilet associations around the world.

I wish you in the toilet
Have a great time
Open chakras wider
And you can go to the astral plane.

On World Toilet Day
I sincerely congratulate you
And enjoy your visits
I want this room.

It’s not easy for all of us without him,
We have no life without him.
Became indispensable for a long time
There is a toilet in our life.

Let all functions be yours
He performs for us
And at the right moments
Cleverly helps.

On this day I wish you
Don't be bored for a minute
Maybe someone doesn't know
We need to celebrate the holiday -

It's toilet day
Very important and big
I love you, my friend, at the same time
Congratulations with all my heart!

Toilet Day is a fun day, it is our universal holiday,
Here we read newspapers and dream about our own,
Whether you are a hundred-year-old sage or a young first-grader,
Without a toilet, you cannot call your house a home.

To avoid infections, maintain hygiene,
Let the toilet be clean and comfortable after all,
Agree, this is a place of very frequent visits,
A ritual space, not a small trifle.

An unusual and extravagant holiday
On this day we celebrate
World toilet day
We've been meeting since 2001!

The purpose of the holiday is simple -
He calls everyone to cleanliness and hygiene,
And the need for latrines
Confirms all over the world!

On this unusual holiday
Toilets different day.
Congratulate you with a smile,
I'm not at all lazy these days.

I wish, pharaohs,
The pyramids are all washed away.
And in a faience box
Just dream about happiness.

Happy World Toilet Day,
And toilets and toilets.
The holiday is very unusual,
Strange, not even typical.

But honestly, no doubt
Nothing is more important than hygiene.
Let her be okay
No problem or lining.

If it is closed or under repair
The white light is not dear to us,
We began to need him like air,
Clean, bright toilet.

On this holiday I wish you
Don't be bored on the toilet
And at the moment, well, the most important,
Super thoughts to give out.

Please accept congratulations on Toilet Day.
Oh, how many problems there would be without him.
Take the holiday calmly,
Do not be surprised. It's just a matter of everyday life.

May everything be fine with you,
I wish you to be friends with hygiene, of course.
Let no one judge this holiday,
I wish there would be toilets forever!

The holiday may seem strange to some,
But, you must admit, we have no life without HIM.
Well, that's where we should all go,
When suddenly you really need the toilet?

That’s why I congratulate you today
Have a nice celebration.
Let hygiene surround us everywhere
Both at night and, of course, during the day.

Congratulations: 24 in verse.

For the first time, World Toilet Day, leading among the most amazing holidays, was celebrated on November 19, 2002. An unusual holiday appeared on the calendar in 2001 in Singapore at the World Toilet Summit dedicated to sanitation issues. The idea of ​​creating a holiday did not arise as a joke. According to the UN Deputy Secretary General, about two thousand young children die every day from intestinal infections. The main reason for the sad statistics is the lack of toilets that meet sanitary standards.

Today, the World Toilet Organization is involved in sanitation issues. Among its tasks: the adoption of new toilet standards, encouraging consumers to use comfortable toilets that meet modern sanitary standards, and promoting toilet associations around the world.

Show congratulations

On this day I wish you
Don't be bored for a minute
Maybe someone doesn't know
We need to celebrate the holiday -

It's toilet day
Very important and big
I love you, my friend, at the same time
Congratulations with all my heart!


Toilet Day is a fun day, it is our universal holiday,
Here we read newspapers and dream about our own,
Whether you are a hundred-year-old sage or a young first-grader,
Without a toilet, you cannot call your house a home.

To avoid infections, maintain hygiene,
Let the toilet be clean and comfortable after all,
Agree, this is a place of very frequent visits,
A ritual space, not a small trifle.


Maybe, friend, you heard somewhere,
What a day has come now,
In general, a celebration of the toilet
Let's celebrate together
This holiday, so cheerful,
Born in Singapore
And now the villages
And big cities
This day is greeted with a clear day
A bright, sweet celebration,
You need a toilet, that's clear
Don't go around the corner!
(We sing glory to him!)


How often in life is there not enough
Something important, sometimes.
And even a little thing, everyone knows
It can bring us peace.

Latrine places save
On a difficult day and difficult time.
Friends, congratulations today
Happy holiday - Toilet Day to you!


Whether it's winter or summer,
Who invented this nonsense:
What do you need for a toilet holiday...
My mascara ran from laughing.

Of course we are living people
And there is no point in arguing at all.
We will always meet the need
And we all need a toilet.

Well, people, happy toilet day,
This holiday will always live.
Let the cutlet be fresh,
And nonsense flourishes!


You go there at night, during the day,
And you have been there many times,
Who reads there, who sings,
But everyone goes there all year.
Your toilet, your toilet,
And you cleaned it more than once,
Today is his holiday
But there is no time to rest!


This is a very important day -
Toilet Festival,
After all, sometimes it’s interesting -
The problem about closets.

When you have an urge and you run,
When you can no longer bear it,
You're sweating and you're shaking
What can help here?

Run into the bushes? What if they see it?
After all, they will laugh, and maybe they will offend you.
But the problem is solved -
There is a closet here,
And your life is made easier
Run to the toilet!


Don't pick up the pipes
Throw the castanets:
Here other sounds rule
It's still Toilet Day!

Together we took a brush, gels,
Powders and products.
We don't want and didn't want
With the neighborhood bullshit!

Be gone, vile bacilli,
From under the rim!
Let it blow from the toilet
The smell of a flower.


If you want to go to the toilet -
Keep this secret to yourself.
It is customary to remain silent about this,
So as not to scare people.

Usually ladies say
Why do you want to powder your nose?
Well, what remains for men
Stealthily backing into the closet.


We are celebrating World Toilet Day.
Let's stir up a current topic,
That our big planet is polluted,
Year by year the problem becomes deeper.

Everyone is responsible for cleanliness and order
Hygiene is our responsibility.
The toilet must be kept clean,
And then our whole world will become more beautiful.

There are holidays that bring a smile to the majority of the world's population due to their name or focus. This can be confidently attributed to such events. Not so long ago, in 2002, the entire progressive community of the world enthusiastically celebrated World Toilet Day for the first time. An original and truly fun, but also with deep overtones, holiday for everyone.

When do we celebrate? What date is World Toilet Day? Its celebration date falls on November 19th. World Toilet Day was established in Singapore. At the 2001 International Conference, more than two hundred delegates from various countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and America approved the establishment of a holiday dedicated to toilets. By the way, the location of the conference was not chosen by chance: the state of Singapore today is famous for the cleanliness of latrines and the impeccability of public toilets.

World Toilet Day. Story

The participants who gathered to discuss the problems of public latrines represented about seventeen national associations dedicated to the toilet industry. They considered the concept of developing a latrine business. And the result of the conference was the approval of the World Toilet Organization and the creation of such an extraordinary holiday.

Reminder to humanity

World Toilet Day is a reminder to people that not everyone living on planet Earth can use public toilets and relieve themselves in special places designated for this purpose. According to the World Organization, approximately 40 percent of all residents of countries and continents do not have this opportunity more or less regularly, since public toilets are simply not available. And more than two and a half billion people do not have access to sanitation at all, including latrines (even with pit cesspools, which are the most primitive of all).

Catastrophic consequences

At its core, World Toilet Day is not a joke holiday. It has motivation and deep meaning. The inability to use toilets, public and private, has catastrophic consequences. They are very harmful to human health and cause diseases such as, for example, dysentery or disorders of the digestive system.

UN Assembly

In its resolution entitled “Sanitation for All,” the UN approves the celebration of November 19 as a world day in 2013. The General Assembly calls for measures to improve toilet sanitation in all third world countries as the most vulnerable in this context. Gaps in global sanitation missions are recognized and identified. And the existing UN Water network is now collaborating with the governments of countries and those participants who are interested in hosting the celebrations. Today, as part of this event, activities are being carried out that are aimed at drawing attention to sanitation and public toilets, designed to improve their condition and increase their number in some countries. Particular attention is also paid to raising the standards of toilets in terms of hygiene and technological improvements.
