The second is negative, the third is positive. What can happen in case of unfavorable developments

There are four blood groups according to the ABO system. This is due to the presence or absence of antigens in it. Antigens found in red blood cells (red cells) are called agglutinogens.

Reference! An agglutinogen is a protein compound that identifies foreign substances (for a particular organism) and interacts with antibodies. Plasma antigens (liquid part of blood) are agglutinins.

Agglutinin is a protein substance that performs the agglutination reaction of blood cells, bacteria and other antigens, and is involved in the immune response. Agglutinogens come in two types and are labeled with capital letters A and B.

  • I Group does not contain agglutinogens. Indicated by 0 or “zero”;
  • II Group designated A because it contains this type of agglutinogen;
  • III Group includes agglutinogen B, and has the same name;
  • IV Group contains both agglutinogens and is signed as AB.

Agglutinins also come in two types. They are designated by small letters alpha (a) and beta (b).

  • I Group includes both agglutinins – a and b;
  • II Group contains agglutinin b;
  • III Group carries agglutinin a;
  • IV Group does not contain agglutinins.

The combination of erythrocyte and plasma antigens distinguishes different blood groups, and we will consider their effect on conception further.

Do their combinations affect conception and pregnancy?

Representatives of the fair half of humanity often ask questions: “Which blood groups are compatible and suitable for each other, with which type the likelihood of conceiving a child is higher, is it possible to get pregnant if she and her husband have the same blood, is this possible when one spouse has the first or third positive , and the second has a second or fourth negative, is there a group with which it is difficult to get pregnant, when a woman cannot terminate her pregnancy?

You can get pregnant and have children with any blood type. Different combinations of parents' blood groups do not in any way affect their reproductive system, partner compatibility, conception and pregnancy.

The likelihood of conception is determined by many factors, here are some of them:

  1. The health status of the spouses.
  2. Fertility of partners.
  3. The phase of a woman's menstrual cycle when unprotected intercourse took place.

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), some systemic diseases, as well as bad habits negatively affect the reproductive system of both partners. Fertility in a man determines his ability to fertilize an egg. Occurs from the moment the production of motile and living sperm begins.

Female fertility (the ability to conceive and bear a child) begins from the moment menstruation begins. However optimal reproductive age – 22-35 years, when a girl is psychologically ready for motherhood and is able to endure the hormonal changes in the body associated with pregnancy.

Reference! Ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary) occurs only once a month. Its viability is 12-24 hours. The viability of sperm in a woman’s body is 3-5 days, rarely up to a week. This time will be the most successful for conceiving a child.

Is there incompatibility between parents?

There is a myth that the development of incompatibility during conception is possible in cases where one parent has aglutinogens in the blood, and the other has corresponding aglutinins, for example, A and a or B and b.

These indicators are important to consider when transfusing blood to avoid intravascular coagulation. These factors have no effect on the likelihood of conceiving a child, intrauterine development of the fetus, as well as on the course of pregnancy for any blood group.

Termination of pregnancy and Rh factor

When terminating a pregnancy, it is important to take into account not the group, but the Rh factor.

The Rh factor is a protein antigen. If it is present, this indicates a positive Rh factor; a negative Rh factor indicates its absence. Abortion always poses a certain risk to the female body. Especially if a woman is Rh negative, she may subsequently remain infertile, and the likelihood of Rh conflict or stillbirth increases.

If a pregnant woman is Rh negative and the child is Rh positive, then the woman’s body can begin to secrete anti-Rh antibodies to foreign antigens. During the first pregnancy, very few of them are produced, and the girl carries and gives birth to an absolutely healthy child.

With an abortion, sensitization of the body occurs (increased sensitivity and accumulation of antibodies). In the next pregnancy (if the child’s Rh is also positive), repeated contact with foreign proteins occurs, which is almost always accompanied by an active release of specific anti-Rh antibodies.

What is hemolytic disease of the newborn?

A disease characterized by pathology of red blood cells, with their accelerated destruction and release of indirect bilirubin. This condition is associated with an immunological (antigen-antibody) reaction in the blood of the child and mother. Most often, hemolytic disease of the fetus develops with Rh conflict (usually manifests itself during the second or third pregnancy).

Important! It happens that a woman is Rh positive, but an immunological reaction develops - this means that there is a conflict in other antigenic systems. In any case, the conflict between mother and fetus develops after previous sensitization of the woman’s body.

Where did the information about partners’ problems with conception come from?

There is a lot of information on the Internet about the incompatibility of partners during conception based on various criteria: blood group according to the ABO system and the Rh factor. And if everything is clear with the last blood indicator from the explanations described above, then even gynecologists have not heard about the problems of conceiving a child and pregnancy due to different groups, be it 1 or 2 positive in men, 3 or 4 negative in women.

This information is likely a distorted version of various physiological processes in the human body. Therefore, if you have doubts when planning because of ABO, or there are real difficulties with conceiving a baby, then it is better to consult an obstetrician on this issue and dispel your doubts once and for all.

When are couples incompatible?

If a married couple who have had regular sex life for a long time fails to conceive a child, they should think about immunological incompatibility. This type of incompatibility can be characterized as a negative reaction of the female body to the partner’s sperm. That is, with immunological incompatibility, the woman’s immune system perceives sperm as foreign antigens and produces antisperm antibodies that prevent fertilization.

Antibodies can appear not only in the female body. They are also found in sperm. In large quantities, they are capable of destroying sperm, making fertilization of a woman impossible. If sperm manage to survive and reach the egg, there is a risk of developing fetal pathology or miscarriage. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, both partners need to undergo examination.

Aristotle believed that the genes and external characteristics inherited by a child at conception come not only from mom and dad, but also from all the men with whom a woman had sexual relations before pregnancy, especially the first sexual partner. This the theory of inheritance of characteristics from all sexual partners is called “Telegony”.

Supporters of this idea note that there have been cases when a woman and a man of the Caucasian race gave birth to a child with dark skin color. The girl had previously dated a black man, but had no pregnancies from him. Science explains this as a manifestation of a recessive gene from distant ancestors.

Inherited indicator tables

Some parents are surprised by their child's blood type. Sometimes she is different from the group of both her father and mother, which gives rise to conflict situations in a young family that is not familiar with Mendel’s laws of inheritance.

Australian scientist Gregor Mendel found that The baby receives one gene from each parent. So, he will have one gene from the pair from his mother, and the second from his father. Genes are dominant and recessive. Dominant genes always appear, while recessive genes are stored in the genotype, but appear only when two recessive genes are combined in one pair.

According to the AB0 system, the dominant genes are A and B, recessive 0. That is, if one parent has group I (0), and the other II (A) or III (B), the child at conception will inherit the genotype A0 or B0 and the second or third groups. In the table we consider all possible options from the first negative to the fourth positive blood groups for conceiving a child and the likelihood of conflict:

Dad mom First Second Third Fourth
First I (100%) I (50%)
II (50%)
I (50%)
III (50%)
II (50%)
III (50%)
Second I (50%)
II (50%)
I (25%)
II (75%)
I (25%)
III (25%)
IV (25%)
II (50%)
III (25%)
IV (25%)
Third I (50%)
III (50%)
I (25%)
III (25%)
IV (25%)
I (25%)
III (75%)
II (25%)
III (50%)
IV (25%)
Fourth II (50%)
III (50%)
II (50%)
III (25%)
IV (25%)
II (25%)
III (50%)
IV (25%)
II (25%)
III (25%)
IV (50%)

From this table it is clear that the child’s blood type does not necessarily have to match the group of one or both parents.

You can also determine the likelihood of a child inheriting the Rh factor. Positive Rh is dominant over negative. There are three types of Rh genotype: DD, Dd, dd. If at least one parent has the DD genotype, the child will inherit Rh positive. If a Rh-positive parent has the Dd genotype, the child can have either a positive or a negative Rh factor.

Pregnancy and parents' blood types are an important issue that a young family should consider. When visiting the antenatal clinic for the first time, a pregnant woman donates blood to determine her Rh group and affiliation.

In the case of different Rh factors of the spouses, pregnancy will take place under increased attention from the antenatal clinic. This increased attention will help to identify the likelihood of risk of conflicts based on the Rh factor and will be the key to a successful pregnancy.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video about the Rh factor when planning pregnancy:

The materials are published for informational purposes only and are not a prescription for treatment! We recommend that you consult a hematologist at your medical institution!

A planned pregnancy is a serious step. In preparation for procreation, spouses must undergo a short examination, as a result of which serious chromosomal abnormalities can be identified.

Before pregnancy, doctors advise taking a genetic test to determine. This will affect the process of intrauterine development of the baby and its subsequent viability.

Influence of the Rh factor

After blood sampling, the presence of protein on the surface of red blood cells is determined. Its presence indicates a (+) Rh factor, and its absence indicates a (-) Rh factor. The pregnancy outcome will be favorable for parents with the same Rh factor. If a child is conceived by a couple with opposite Rh blood factors, then the pregnancy is accompanied by major pathologies. But this only happens when the woman has (-) and the man (+).

For example, the father is Rh negative, and the mother is positive. In this case, the child gets the mother’s blood type and the father’s Rh. This means that there is protein in the mother’s blood, but not in the fetus’ blood. Such a pregnancy poses no threat to either the mother or the fetus.

If, on the contrary, the mother’s Rh is negative and the father’s is positive, a conflict arises between the immunity of the mother and the fetus. Such a pregnancy ends, as a rule, either in a miscarriage, or a frozen pregnancy, or a stillbirth, or a child is born with abnormal development (mainly with brain diseases). In obstetrics this is called Rhesus - conflict. This is due to the high protein content in the blood.

Important: Genetics have proven that the blood type is passed on from the mother to the child, and the Rh blood type from the father. In order to eliminate conflict, partners need to undergo the necessary examination.

By diagnosing incompatibility at an early stage, there remains hope for the birth of a healthy baby. If, according to indications, there is still a danger that the maternal immune system will begin to reject the fetus, then special therapy will be carried out that increases the chance of a favorable pregnancy outcome and does not threaten the health of the embryo.

What is Rh conflict?

There are very frequent cases when the incompatibility of partners is revealed already at a certain stage of a normal pregnancy. There is an explanation for this. The response of the maternal immune system to incompatibility with the child’s Rhesus will not necessarily manifest itself in the first pregnancy. There is a chance that the first child will be healthy.

Rhesus conflict probability table

But at the next conception, the mother’s body with negative Rh will begin to produce large quantities of antibodies, mistaking the fetus for a foreign organ. Penetrating through the placenta, they begin to conflict with the baby’s blood, causing disturbances in its development. If the fetus wins this struggle for life, the health of the mother is threatened. In order to eliminate such consequences, the doctor prescribes drug immunoglobulin therapy from the fourth month of pregnancy. If the partners are incompatible, the woman should undergo the same therapy if there was an ectopic pregnancy, after an abortion or premature birth. This is done to remove excess protein from the blood.

Many couples wonder: Does blood type affect the conception of a child? Blood type does not have any significant influence when planning pregnancy!!! The same can be answered to the question, which blood groups are incompatible with each other? Blood groups must be compatible only in the area of ​​donation. For conception, only the Rh factor plays a fundamental function. Planning to conceive a child if your partners have different Rh factors must be done in advance and under the supervision of a specialist doctor.

Below is a table of conception by blood type:

Important: Do not forget that if you contact the antenatal clinic in a timely manner, you can avoid unpleasant consequences. And timely contact with specialists leaves a chance for the birth of an absolutely healthy child.

Planning a pregnancy becomes a special event for many expectant parents. Most of them wonder, how important is blood group compatibility for conception? This question has worried people, probably since the discovery of blood groups, which is why quite a lot of attention has been paid to its study. During the process of conception, the blood of both parents is mixed, which is how it is formed in the fetus. At the same time, the baby has a chance to get any group, because at the moment of conception all four blood groups are formed, but their percentages are different. Naturally, the largest percentage is given to parental blood. Therefore, most often the child receives the blood type of one of them. If both parents have the same group, then the baby’s chance of forming the same group is about ninety-eight percent.

The Rh factor is a specific protein found in red blood cells, regardless of group. If this protein is detected during analysis, then, and if it is absent, it is negative.

When it is determined that the mother has the Rh factor, that is, positive blood, and the father has negative blood, then the child has a high chance of receiving positive blood.

Even if the baby survives and his body repels all these attacks, the course of pregnancy will most likely occur with numerous complications. The expectant mother will probably experience a number of difficulties; at a minimum, she will experience strong manifestations of toxicosis and a noticeable weakening of the body.

The influence of blood characteristics on pregnancy

The entire pregnancy period will pass without problems if the fetus of the child is not perceived by the antibodies produced by the mother's body as a foreign object. It should be noted that if the mother has the first group, then usually the pregnancy and birth of the child occur without any complications. Moreover, no difficulties arise even if the groups and Rh factors of the father and mother do not match.

The most optimal combinations of blood groups of the father and mother are shown in the table below:

A (II gr.) B (III gr.) AB (IV gr.) 0 (I gr)
A + +
IN + +
AB + + + +
0 +

However, if the expectant parents have mismatched groups, then there is no need to worry too much, because in this case, conflict does not always arise and, as a rule, the course of pregnancy occurs quite normally.

But a mismatch of Rhesus numbers can have much more dire consequences. At the same time, you need to know that the presence of positive blood in the mother almost always allows you to survive conception and the pregnancy period without trouble. Even if the father has negative blood, there is no Rh conflict between the child and mother; they are completely compatible. In this situation, the child will be born with protein inside the red blood cells.

If the mother’s blood is negative, then we can speak with complete confidence about the successful course of the pregnancy only if the father has the same blood. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the child will receive negative blood, which will also not cause trouble, but another option is also possible. Problems can only arise if the child and the mother have, however, this does not always happen.

Conflict pregnancy

A conflict pregnancy occurs almost inevitably if the mother’s Rh factor is negative and the fetus in the womb is positive. The tragedy of this situation lies in the fact that the mother’s body perceives the fetus as a foreign object, and this forces it to make every effort to reject it. This is precisely the reaction of the body, which defends itself and tries by any means to eliminate the foreignness found in itself. The mother's body begins to intensify the production of antibodies, which, after penetrating the placenta, immediately attack the fetus, trying to destroy its red blood cells.

According to the experience of doctors, a conflict pregnancy can end like this:

  • miscarriage (loss of the fetus);
  • excessively increased work (almost wear and tear) of the spleen and liver of the fetus;
  • the development of anemia in a child, which is the result of an abnormal enlargement of the liver, which is overloaded during pregnancy.

It is precisely in connection with the danger of conflict pregnancy that all expectant mothers are required to undergo special testing to determine blood compatibility during conception. Ignoring this study greatly increases the likelihood of a newborn developing such pathologies as anemia, jaundice, dropsy and mental retardation.

How to avoid the consequences of rhesus conflict

Conceiving a child can also occur quite successfully among parents with Rhesus conflict. However, in this case, the expectant mother will have to be regularly observed by a gynecologist throughout the entire pregnancy period. Only an experienced doctor will be able to determine the necessary measures for the proper development of the fetus, and all recommendations must be followed unquestioningly.

What actions will the expectant mother have to take:

  • As soon as it is diagnosed, you will have to immediately undergo a chorionic villus biopsy. Using this procedure baby.
  • The expectant mother may need regular administration of immunoglobulin.
  • In some cases, when there is a danger to the life of the fetus or mother, artificial induction of labor may be offered.
  • As a last resort, if the fetus still in the mother’s womb is under immediate threat, a gynecologist may suggest performing a cordocentesis.

Of course, these are only the most common recommendations; there are often more. But even with these recommendations, which can significantly facilitate the course of gestation during Rh conflict, it becomes clear how important it is for future parents to check the Rh factor in a timely manner.

Specifics of blood groups

Today it is generally accepted that the first or zero group is the most powerful and aggressive. People with this group should prefer meat in food and are ideal donors. This group can be combined with any others, the main thing is that the Rh factor matches. The second group (A) consists of people who are vegetarians and berry lovers. Holders of the third group (B) usually prefer cereals and bread.

The fourth group (AB) is considered the most substandard, but at the same time the most adaptive. Doctors call its owners “universal vampires,” which should not be surprising, because if they match their Rhesus, they can accept any other group.

Of course, the ideal option for conception would be a complete match of the parents' blood type and Rh factor; alas, this happens quite rarely. However, loving spouses who want to raise a child will be able to overcome all difficulties and become parents even if their Rhesus values ​​are incompatible. The main thing is to see good specialists and strictly follow all their recommendations.

There is a table that allows you to predict with a certain probability:

Of course, an accurate determination of the blood type of a future child is possible only in one case, but even such an approximate prediction is sometimes very valuable.

When planning a child, a woman should consult a gynecologist, undergo a full examination of the body and preventive vaccination to avoid problems during pregnancy. If the third negative and third positive blood groups predominate among sexual partners and future parents, a Rh conflict, which is dangerous for the mother and the intrauterine development of the fetus, cannot be ruled out.

3 positive and 3 negative blood groups in parents mean a high risk of developing Rh conflict, which in most cases leads to unwanted termination of pregnancy. In addition, doctors suspect extensive pathologies at the intrauterine level, fetal stillbirth or premature birth. However, with a competent approach to the problem, such consequences for children's health can be avoided; the main thing is to regularly see a specialist and undergo scheduled and unscheduled screenings in a timely manner.

The appearance of a child with the third blood group

3 predominates among future parents
negative and 3 positive, this does not mean at all that the baby
will also be born with a third blood group. To get this result,
The following combinations are required:

and third blood group;

(fourth) and first blood group;

(fourth) and second blood group.

The “blood affiliation” of a child can be determined based on the results of laboratory tests of both
parents, however, the composition of the blood, as is known, is updated several more times in
human life.

When planning a pregnancy, women ask their personal gynecologist the same question:
"If I have 3 negative,
My husband has 3 positive, is there any reason for concern?" Actually
In fact, there are significant concerns, since when carrying a fetus in such a combination in
dangerous antibodies can form in a woman’s blood; however, this only happens if the fetus is from
the father will inherit a positive Rh factor. The situation is uncommon, but also
present in extensive obstetric practice.

such a medical verdict does not mean at all that a progressing pregnancy
is doomed to be interrupted, since modern medicine knows highly effective methods such as
help a pregnant woman carry and give birth to a completely healthy child.
Of course, you will have to remain under close supervision of a specialist for the entire 9 months, but, as shows
practice, the results are really worth it.

If the expectant mother has a positive Rh factor, and the father is negative, then
there is no problem as such, but a Rh conflict during pregnancy
you don't have to worry about it. When such a pathological process does occur,
the expectant mother must understand that in her case there is no question of abortion
Maybe; Otherwise, getting pregnant again will be very difficult.

in a mother who was positive for the Rh factor, a fetus was formed in the womb with
negative Rh factor, then the newly appearing antibodies in the blood will appeal to it
rejection. In the vast majority of cases, pregnancy is terminated
early pregnancy, miscarriage and pathological birth occur. When
the child chooses for himself a positive Rh factor, like his mother’s, then his
There is no threat to health or the intrauterine period. This is the most valuable
information that all women of reproductive age should know when
having a partner with a negative blood group.

blood group affiliation does not matter at all,
Doctors place the main emphasis on the Rh factor.

Useful information about donation

Today, the third blood group is considered rare, and its owners are donors who are very valuable for medicine. They can assist patients with blood groups 3 and 4 in accordance with the predominant Rh factor. If they themselves need blood, donors with group 1 or 3 of the corresponding Rh factor will come to the rescue.

Before donating blood as a donor, the doctor studies the clinical picture in detail and asks about the presence of diseases such as a form of hepatitis, HIV and others. If there are no such diagnoses and have not been, then the blood provided is suitable for people in need. Afterwards, the existing blood type is determined using special tests, and the diagnosis takes only a couple of minutes.

Pregnancy with negative Rh factor

If a woman with a third blood group with a negative Rh factor carries her first pregnancy, then complications are possible throughout the entire period. The fact is that the formed antibodies gradually accumulate, and in the third trimester they remind themselves of themselves through pathological childbirth and intrauterine pathologies.

It is very important that the first pregnancy is not terminated, since the fetus is surgically removed from the womb, but the formed antibodies in the blood retain their previous concentration. This means that a subsequent pregnancy may not occur, because dangerous enzymes suppress ovulation or contribute to the rejection of a fertilized egg.

There always comes a time in the life of every couple when they decide to have a child. For some, everything goes well, while for other parents it is not possible to get pregnant for quite a long time. There are many reasons for this, and one of them is the compatibility of blood groups for conception.

Does the blood type of parents affect the conception of a baby?

During pregnancy planning, many couples are interested in the question of what blood type their unborn child will have. During an appointment with a consulting gynecologist, the future father and mother are usually given a special table, which provides all possible combinations of the child’s blood type, depending on what the parents have.

The question often arises: can blood type interfere with conception?

This question often arises among parents whose long-awaited pregnancy does not occur. Young people are starting to turn to doctors with this issue. And they almost always get the same answer: “the blood type itself does not affect possible conception, however, the Rh factor and its incompatibility among partners can prevent this.”

Let's take a closer look at how the Rh factor can interfere with conceiving a child.

Does the Rh factor of parents' blood affect the conception of a child?

First, let's figure out what the Rh factor is. This term refers to a group of specific antigens located on the surface of red blood cell membranes (there are about 50 antigens that cause rhesus inheritance, the variation table allows you to understand them).

A special role among them is played by the D antigen, the presence or absence of which determines the blood type. If this molecule is present on the surface of the red blood cell, then the blood is considered positive for this antigen. If it is not there, then, accordingly, the particular person is Rhesus negative.

During the formation of a zygote, a combination (or fusion) of two reproductive cells of the parents occurs - an egg and a sperm. Each of them carries certain genetic information, in this case about the Rh factor. If both gametes carry the D gene, a child is also born with a positive factor. If one of the parents' gametes does not have the D antigen (for example, the presence of the D gene in a man and its absence in a woman), as a result of fertilization, the baby can have both positive and negative Rhesus. Problems during pregnancy can arise if the mother does not have the D antigen, but the child has it (i.e., an Rh conflict develops).

Summarizing what has been said, we can understand that the Rh antigen itself does not affect the process of conception. Problems develop already in the process of maturation of the zygote, when the fetus and a new circle of blood circulation between the baby and the woman’s body are formed.

It is because of this antigenic conflict that various complications can develop during pregnancy, which can cause significant damage to a woman’s health and lead to miscarriage. To prevent its development, it is necessary to take some measures to allow the mother to carry the child to term until it is born.

How to reduce the risk during pregnancy with Rh conflict to a minimum?

A characteristic feature of Rh conflict is that it does not develop during the first pregnancy. The first pregnancy of an Rh-negative mother proceeds favorably, however, during gestation, antibodies to the D-factor are formed. The next pregnancy with an Rh-positive fetus will result in maternal antibodies attacking the baby's red blood cells, causing intrauterine hemolysis. All subsequent pregnancies will be even more aggressive and may harm the mother's health.

In order to prevent such immune incompatibility, it is necessary to take certain measures to protect mother and child.

First of all, it is necessary to promptly determine the possibility of Rh conflict. Immediately before conception, it is recommended that each spouse (especially the mother) undergo a preliminary assessment of the risk of immune mismatch. As already mentioned, if both partners have the D antigen, then there is no need to worry. If one of the parents has Rh-negative blood, then after conception (after about 8-10 weeks) it is recommended to conduct a test of the mother’s blood to determine circulating antibodies to antigen D. Before giving birth, this test should be repeated.

It is important to remember: for the current pregnancy, the administration of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is harmless - it is administered to enable a normal second and subsequent pregnancies

To prevent further Rh conflicts in a D-negative mother, immediately after the first birth, during the first two days, the woman should be given a special serum that suppresses the activity of anti-Rh antibodies. This serum allows the mother to become pregnant calmly in the future, without fear of immune incompatibility between her body and the developing fetus.

It is extremely rare (less than 0.1% of cases), but it is still possible for the development of a repeated conflict between the antibodies and antigens of the mother and baby.

But what to do if anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin was not administered to the mother in a timely manner and a subsequent pregnancy developed with an antibody conflict? In this case, the doctors’ tactics should be as follows: the baby is given a transfusion of special concentrated blood, which will help maintain normal gas exchange in the growing body and prevent the developed antibodies from acting. This procedure is purely symptomatic and is aimed at maintaining the viability of the child until the moment of birth. In the case of transfusion, pregnancy is extended until 35-36 weeks, after which labor is induced.

Additional Research

In some cases, even if both partners have Rh+, a genetic paradox may arise when they have a child with negative Rh. In this case, the presence of hereditary or acquired mutations should be suspected and a DNA study of both partners should be performed. Some viruses that have the ability to integrate into DNA or RNA strands can affect genetic material. It is especially important to check each partner for hereditary diseases of the blood and hematopoietic apparatus.

Timely laboratory diagnosis of immune mismatch and measures taken against it make it possible to effectively become pregnant and give birth to a healthy child, even with a complete mismatch of blood antigens.
