Choosing the best body scrub recipe at home. Scrubs for facial skin at home - the best recipes

Many women use natural facial scrubs at home. The recipes for their preparation are simple, and the benefits for the skin are obvious.

The scrub is intended, first of all, from the dead layer of the epidermis, so that the skin surface is renewed, even, soft and smooth. In addition, it serves to remove dirt, cosmetic residues, fat that have accumulated in the pores of the skin and do not provide access to oxygen and moisture cells.

Coffee grounds - 2 tablespoons
Sea salt - ½ teaspoon
Sugar - 1 teaspoon
Cinnamon - ¼ teaspoon
Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon

Mix all the ingredients, apply on the face with light massage movements and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then wash off with cool water.

Orange peel - 1 tablespoon
Ground almonds - 1 teaspoon

Grind the citrus zest well in a coffee grinder and mix it with ground almonds. Dilute the mixture with boiled water and stir until smooth. Apply the mixture on the face and neck with light massage movements, leave for 8-10 minutes. Rinse your face with cool water.

This scrub mask is ideal for cleansing normal skin. The components have high nutritional properties, contribute to skin tightening. The composition can be varied depending on availability and your preferences: you can add olive oil, sour cream, pink clay, ground eggshells to the indicated composition.

Fresh strawberries - 10 berries
Curd - 1 tablespoon
Semolina - 1 tablespoon

Mash strawberries in puree and add semolina and cottage cheese to them. After mixing, try to use the composition immediately so that the semolina does not become sour and does not lose its light abrasive properties. Apply the mass and lightly rub with your fingers into the skin for 2-3 minutes, then leave to absorb for another 5-8 minutes. Wash your face with clean water at room temperature or herbal decoction.

This procedure is extremely simple, but it perfectly cleanses the pores, tightens them, polishes the surface of the epidermis, the skin becomes smooth after such cleansing.

Salt - 1 pinch
Baking soda - 1 pinch

You can mix salt and baking soda together or use them separately. Wet a cotton pad with water, dip in salt and soda and massage your face in circular motions, following the massage lines. This should be done on warm skin after a bath or shower.

If you have oily skin and want to get rid of oily sheen, use a yeast-based recipe. After using it for several days, your face will have a matte color.

Yeast - 15 g
Lemon juice - 2 teaspoons
Sea salt - 1 tablespoon

Grind sea salt in a coffee grinder. Dilute fresh yeast with freshly squeezed lemon juice and add salt. Warm the mixture for a few minutes in hot water. Apply the scrub to the skin and massage with a washcloth, paying special attention to oily areas of the skin. Rinse off the residue with warm, clean water and rinse with sage or chamomile infusion.

Oatmeal - 2 tablespoons
Chamomile herb - 1 teaspoon
Lavender essential oil - 6 drops

Make a small amount of chamomile infusion, and while it is warm, pour it over oat flakes, let it swell a little. Then add lavender. Apply the mixture as usual, gently massaging the skin for 2-3 minutes and leave to absorb for another 5. Rinse with lukewarm clean water.

For dry skin, use a sugar scrub that moisturizes and softens the skin well and prevents flaking and irritation. Cream can be replaced with nourishing cream.

Sugar - 30 g
Fatty cream or sour cream - 50 g

Pre-steam your face over a steam bath with medicinal herbs of chamomile or sage. Mix the ingredients and gently apply to the skin, leaving them for 10-15 minutes to absorb. Wash after the procedure with water with the addition of lemon juice or mineral water without gas.

Nuts are excellent for cleansing and nourishing the skin: walnuts, almonds, cedar, nutmeg, hazelnuts and others. Vitamins and important nutrients increase skin elasticity and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

nuts - 1/3 cup
olive oil - 1-2 tablespoons

Grind the nut kernels in a coffee grinder to the desired grain size. Add olive oil to the nuts and mix until a thin slurry is obtained. Instead of butter, you can take natural yogurt. Apply the resulting composition to clean skin with massaging movements and leave for another 5-7 minutes. then rinse with warm water and apply moisturizer.
To enhance the cleansing effect, you can add finely ground nut shells

Honey - 1 tablespoon

Mix all ingredients. Salt, if it is large, grind in a coffee grinder so as not to injure the skin. Apply the scrub, gently rubbing with a sponge or washcloth for 3-5 minutes, leave to soak for another 5 minutes. Then wash with water at room temperature and rinse with herbal infusion.

The composition of this scrub is suitable for both normal and problem skin, as it has not only cleansing, but also antiseptic properties.

Salt - 2 tablespoons
Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
Strawberries - 5-6 berries

Crush the berries to a puree state and mix with salt, add vegetable oil. Pre-steam the skin with a compress and then apply a scrub. Stick to the massage lines as you rub the scrub into your skin. Wash your face with lukewarm water and rinse with a decoction of herbs or wipe with an ice cube.

In hot weather, try a composition with fresh raspberries and essential oils. It will cleanse the skin well, give the face tone and refresh it.

Raspberries - 2 tablespoons
Ylang-ylang oil - 2 drops
Peppermint oil - 1 drop

Crush the berries, add essential oils and rub into the skin of the face and neck. After the procedure, wipe your face with an ice cube.

Choose the home scrub that you like best and suits your skin and use it regularly. As a result, your skin will become clean and well-groomed, you will be able to get rid of problems and will look young and beautiful.

Cooking homemade face and body scrub with strawberries, honey and oatmeal:

Homemade facial scrub is an effective remedy that cleanses the pores. Easily removes dirt, dust, accumulated sebaceous secretions. After the procedure, dead particles are removed from the surface of the epidermis, the skin freshens, restores an even tone.

Regular use of pharmacy and home scrubs prevents the formation of acne. There are no clogged ducts - the risk of inflammation is reduced several times.

Deep cleansing of the skin raises many questions. Before first use, find out:

  • How do cleansers work?
  • who is suitable for do-it-yourself compositions;
  • what products are used as abrasives;
  • Are there any contraindications for use?

How to use a face scrub? For you - useful information about simple, inexpensive, effective formulations that care for your skin. Read the advice of cosmetologists, test the effect of wonderful products made from available ingredients.

Benefits of home scrubs:

  • abrasive particles during the application of cleaning compounds, like a vacuum cleaner, take out all unnecessary substances from the depths of the pores;
  • natural ingredients during the procedure moisturize, nourish, preserve youth;
  • massage movements improve blood circulation, increase the tone of the epidermis.

Conclusion: the use of home scrubs simultaneously cleanses, nourishes, rejuvenates the skin.


  • products with abrasive particles are recommended for all skin types. Everyone needs a deep cleansing.


  • outside, the skin is polluted by natural factors plus sebaceous secretions.

Important! The drier the epidermis, the smaller the particles should be.


  • microcracks, wounds, scratches;
  • too sensitive, thinned skin (only soft products with ground oatmeal are suitable);
  • dilated capillaries;
  • allergy to ingredients;
  • foci of inflammation of a large area;
  • manifestations of skin diseases.

Fillers for home scrubs:

  • chopped walnuts, almonds;
  • coffee grounds, ground natural coffee;
  • sugar (preferably brown);
  • table salt, sea salt;
  • grape, peach, apricot pits;
  • baking soda;
  • berries;
  • grain crops (ground buckwheat, oatmeal).

How to carry out the procedure? Your actions:

  • steam out oily skin, wash your face with normal and dry skin;
  • massage your face with massage movements for about three minutes;
  • do not press hard, do not rub the area around the eyes; leave the mass on the face for 1 minute or more, if required by the recipe;
  • for water procedures, use cool water;
  • cover the epidermis with a regular moisturizer.

Homemade scrubs: 30 best recipes

Any girl or woman can easily prepare the composition of interest to her. The components are affordable, they are in the refrigerator, the nearest shopping center or in the garden near the house. Consider the type of skin - and feel free to choose any recipe.

Compositions for oily skin

Lots of components fit. Do not use abrasive cleansers more than twice a week. Do not perform the procedure if abscesses or irritation appear.

Coffee scrub for the face at home

Grind the grains (2 tablespoons) in a coffee grinder, combine with kefir or sour cream. The proportions are 2:1. The mixture perfectly cleanses, refreshes, gives the face a velvety, pleasant color.

coconut scrub

Combine a tablespoon of coconut flakes, the same amount of brown sugar, dilute with sour cream (how much will go in). If you can't find brown sugar, use plain sugar.

Protein honey scrub

Grind small oatmeal (a couple of dessert spoons) with the same amount of honey, add a fluffy mass of whipped protein. Use also as a mask.

The power of grape seeds

Grind the seeds well in a coffee grinder, take a teaspoon of the mass, combine with crushed grapes (1 tablespoon), the pulp of half a banana. Dilute the product with honey and sour cream (one dessert spoon each). The mixture not only draws out fat, dirt, but also moisturizes the epidermis.

Black clay cleanser

Connect 3 des. l. black powder, 2 tbsp. l. low fat sour cream. Add 1 tbsp. l. ground peach pits. Cleansing and hydration guaranteed.

Scrub with yeast

You will need a tablespoon of sea salt, fresh yeast - 15 g, grapefruit juice - a dessert spoon. Combine the juice, yeast, put in a water bath, for a couple of minutes, add salt.

Scrub from soda for the face

Take the ingredients in equal proportions. You will need baking soda, cinnamon powder, ground oatmeal. Mix everything, dilute with water to medium density.

Facial salt scrub

Simple, fast, effective! Mix a teaspoon each of regular salt and baking soda. Add low fat sour cream. Massage your face very gently!

Soap and soda composition for washing

Take liquid or ordinary soap, lather, pour 1 tsp. baking soda, lather your face with the mixture. Excellent cleanser.

Scrub from black dots

Apple cider vinegar cleanser

Combine the same amount of ground coffee, white clay, lemon zest. Pour in apple cider vinegar diluted 1:2 with water.

Add to the mass of hot water as needed. After a light massage, keep the mixture on the skin for 10 minutes.

Proven Acne Treatment or Oatmeal Facial Scrub


  • ground oatmeal - 2 dess. l.;
  • lime or lemon juice - a teaspoon;
  • thin honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • whipped protein.

Grind oatmeal, mix with juice, honey, add protein. After the massage, leave the mixture on your face for 5 minutes.

Scrub for problem skin

Combine ground oatmeal flakes (2 tablespoons) with a dessert spoon of ground rice, a tablespoon of coconut or almond oil.

Lavender Cleansing Paste

Ideal for problem skin. Combine a couple of dessert spoons of ground oatmeal, a teaspoon of powdered dry lavender. Add 4 drops of lavender oil, pour in a little water, rub until smooth.

On our website, you can also find out the best homemade face mask recipes. For example, masks from black dots are described, kefir masks in an article, moisturizing at an address, and whitening on a page.

For the epidermis without problems

Young healthy skin also needs care. Dust, dirt clog pores, cause blackheads to appear.

Use products for deep cleansing of the epidermis once a week. Recipes for every taste.

Avocado and sugar for acne

The product gently cleanses the epidermis, nourishes, gives a radiant look. Grind the pulp of a medium avocado with a blender, pour in 2 tbsp. l. green tea leaves, the same amount of almond oil. Add two-thirds of a cup of brown sugar, mix thoroughly.

Toning berry scrub

Mash a couple of tablespoons of fresh raspberries or strawberries, add a drop of ylang-ylang, mint oils. Use as usual.

An effective tonic

In a bowl, put a dessert spoon of currants, cranberries, strawberries, rub. Add 1 tsp of heavy cream, ground walnuts, a little wheat flour. Great product for young skin.

Cleansing Orange Blend

Grate the orange peel. Take a tablespoon of the mass, add a dessert spoon of ground almonds, dilute the mixture with water. Treat the epidermis for three minutes, wash your face.

Nutrition, cleansing, pleasant color

For an oatmeal face scrub you need:

  • almond oil - 1 dess. l.;
  • ground oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cranberries or currants - a couple of dessert spoons;
  • orange oil - 4-6 drops.

Prepare the mixture, leave for 10 minutes to swell. Use as usual.

Light cleanser

You will need yogurt without additives - 50 g, grapefruit or lemon or lime juice - 1 tsp, ground oatmeal - a dessert spoon. Gently wipe the epidermis, wait, do not wash off the mass for another 5 minutes.

Recipes for dry and aging skin

Most cleansers are made from ground oatmeal. At the same time, the compositions nourish, moisturize, tone.

Salt oil for acne

Gentle cleansing and moisturizing. The composition has a softening effect. Take coconut, olive or almond oil - 2 tbsp. l., pour in sea salt - 1 tsp. Lightly massage your skin.

Oatmeal Exfoliating Scrub

Grind oatmeal, combine with warm coconut, linseed or almond oil. The proportions are 2:1. Lightly massage the skin. Duration - 4 minutes.

Oatmeal acne scrub

Nasty inflamed comedones annoy not only the owners of oily skin. Test the action of this composition.

Fatty milk - 5 tablespoons, ground oatmeal - 3 tbsp. l. Wait 5 minutes, let the flakes swell slightly. Massage the skin, hold the mixture like a mask for another 15 minutes, wash your face.

Hydrating Cucumber Scrub

Grated medium cucumber, combine a couple of tablespoons of ground oatmeal, let it brew for 5 minutes. In circular motions, treat the face, leave the mass for another 15 minutes.

Cleansing for delicate skin

Rub 2 des. l. ground walnuts, 2 yolks of very healthy quail eggs, a couple of teaspoons of melted butter. Perform a light massage with a nourishing mixture.

coffee extravaganza

The first version of the coffee grounds scrub:

  • mix 3 tbsp. l. squeezed coffee grounds, the same amount of thick fatty sour cream;
  • Gently treat fading skin.

Second option:

  • combine in equal proportions moisturizer, coffee grounds, mix thoroughly;
  • gently massage the composition into the skin, rinse after 2 minutes.

Anti-aging agent


  • oatmeal - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • ground peeled almonds, bran - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • wheat flour - 1 dessert spoon.

Mix the ingredients, put in a bag of gauze, folded in several layers. Before the procedure, wet the mixture, massage your face for 10 minutes.

Fruit scrub

Put in a blender bowl a medium peeled apple, cut into slices, half a banana, a tablespoon of cream, ground oatmeal, a teaspoon of any honey. Apply the resulting puree to the face, gently process. The procedure time is 2 minutes.

Strawberry Miracle

Wash 3-4 large berries, grind, combine with a dessert spoon of high-quality powdered milk, add a couple of drops of mandarin oil, tea tree oil. The mixture perfectly cleanses, nourishes, gives the skin a pleasant color.

Choose the right recipe, remember the rules for using cleansers. After a few procedures, you will be convinced that homemade facial scrubs are no worse than ready-made formulations. Your skin will certainly become soft, fresh, pleasant to look at.

Below is a video from which you can find out another homemade scrub recipe that is suitable for any skin type:

Products made from ordinary products thanks to folk recipes are not only safe for the skin, but also significantly save the budget. And the most pleasant thing is that sometimes they are more effective than expensive "shop" scrubs.

The difference between scrub and peeling and its effect on the skin of the face

Many people think that scrub and peeling are the same procedure. In fact, these are two independent ways to care for the skin. They have the same effect on the skin of the face: they carry out deep cleaning, penetrating into the inner layers of the epidermis. They differ in that the first has a mechanical effect, and the second - a chemical one. If solid particles (apricot kernels, coffee grounds, salt) act as the basis for the scrub, then peeling is prepared on the basis of fruit acids (citric, apple, grape juice). It also contains abrasive particles, but so small that they do not give any exfoliating effect.

The action of peeling is aimed at rejuvenation and reduction of pigmentation on the face. But due to the fact that fruit acids are used in its composition, the product can cause allergies and irritation. Strongly not recommended for use by women with sensitive skin. For the rest, it is enough to use it once a month, and scrub - 2-3 times a week. Both procedures must be carried out regularly to deeply cleanse the skin of blackheads and clean off roughness.

Contraindications for use

Compared to other cleansers, a natural scrub gives amazing results. But abrasive particles can injure the skin. Before preparing a facial scrub at home, study all the contraindications.

  • Thin and sensitive skin. You should give preference to recipes that have a gentle cleansing effect. A simple composition of oatmeal and kefir gently acts without irritating the top layer of the epidermis. The gentle way of scrubbing is always more pleasant for the skin of the face than the hard way.
  • Couperose. If there is a translucent capillary mesh on the face, it is better to refuse cleansing procedures.
  • Inflammation and acne. Unhealed wounds and scars on the face are another reason to refuse to use a scrub. Heal acne and wait until all open wounds on the face have healed before performing cleansing procedures.
  • Skin diseases. With dermatitis, the use of any facial scrubs is contraindicated. These diseases include acne, vitaligo, rosacea, papillomas and others.

To ensure that the use of the scrub does not lead to an undesirable result, test for an allergic reaction. Make it a must. Apply the finished product on the wrist and rinse no later than 20 minutes. Observe the area being tested for the next 24 hours. If during this time irritation appears on it, stop using the product.

Carry out cleansing procedures using a scrub no more than three times a week. Daily care with a scrub is very harmful. If you have dry facial skin, reduce the frequency of use of the product to one. According to cosmetologists, the abuse of scrub can lead to thinning of the skin and premature aging. Apply with gentle movements so as not to harm the skin.

Cooking Ingredients

The main component of the product is solid particles that have an exfoliating effect.

  • Coffee. For scrub it is used in ground form. It can be replaced with coffee grounds remaining after the preparation of the drink. The product has a beneficial effect on withered skin: it evens out the complexion and restores a healthy glow to it.
  • Eggshell. A natural source of calcium and hyaluronic acid, necessary to maintain youthful skin. An effective scrub can be prepared from eggshells, which helps to eliminate fine wrinkles and age spots.
  • Pine and walnuts. They have a strong nourishing effect, therefore they are part of scrubs for dry skin. The tool evens out the complexion, eliminating redness. Ground walnut shells have a gentle cleansing effect.
  • Cereals. Scrub with oatmeal is especially recommended for oily skin: it regulates the secretion of subcutaneous fat and gives the face a matte finish. The product also has a beneficial effect on aging facial skin: it helps restore elasticity and smooth wrinkles.
  • Edible and sea salt. Food - removes impurities that accumulate in the pores, prevents the appearance of black spots on the face. And the sea - helps to smooth the structure of the skin of the face. Scrub salt should not be coarse: it will damage the skin and cause redness. For combination skin, it is recommended to use the product every week.
  • Sugar. Acts as an ingredient in an exfoliating facial scrub at home. It restores softness and velvety to the skin by removing dead cells. With constant use of the product, the complexion becomes uniform, and the skin becomes smooth. Brown and white sugar are suitable for homemade scrub, the main thing is that it should be fine. Compliance with this condition is especially important for those who have delicate skin.
  • Soda. Widely used in home cosmetics for oily skin. Greasy shine, enlarged and polluted pores - all this is eliminated by regular use of a soda scrub. With its cleansing effect, the product is not inferior to expensive cosmetics.
  • Seeds of grapes. They are used in ground form and have a beneficial effect on aging skin. Grape seeds contain oil that has a smoothing effect on the upper layer of the epidermis.

In addition to abrasive particles, the homemade facial scrub includes gel and cream products. They prevent injury to the skin. Scrubbing with this tool is a pleasure.

  • Sour cream and yogurt. They make the scrub less aggressive and leave a feeling of softness on the face after the procedure. Due to the moisturizing properties of the products, the product can be used more often than usual.
  • Fruit puree. Contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that favorably affect the skin of the face. The most commonly used banana or apple puree.
  • Shower gel. Makes the cleaning agent too soapy, which reduces the effect of its application to a minimum. A scrub based on a washing gel is similar to a “purchased one”, but this is where its pluses end.
  • Olive oil . Normalizes the level of moisture and gives softness. An oil-based scrub will appeal to women with delicate facial skin.

Easy and effective homemade scrub recipes

It doesn't take much effort to make a homemade cleanser. Consider the most popular recipes for facial scrubs at home. Recipes can be seen in the photo and in the video, where everything can be considered in detail.

Salt for blackheads and acne

The tool effectively fights all manifestations of problematic facial skin: blackheads, acne and greasy shine. It contains crushed sea salt and egg white. Salt provides deep cleansing and frees pores from impurities. Protein removes excess subcutaneous fat and has a tightening and drying effect. For dry skin, this remedy is contraindicated: it will cause peeling and lead to irritation.

  1. Grind sea salt.
  2. Separate the protein from the yolk.
  3. Add a teaspoon of ground salt and stir.

Coffee with yogurt

Scrub for oily skin is prepared using natural yogurt, which has a nourishing property and eliminates greasy shine. For dry skin, sour cream (15-20% fat) is used. Coffee scrub with sour cream has a rejuvenating effect: it gives the skin elasticity and reduces the number of wrinkles on the face to zero. Such a facial scrub mask at home is able to eliminate peeling and itching in a short time, restore a fresh look to the face. If you are lactose intolerant, mix your coffee with your regular facial cleanser or milk.

  1. Mix a tablespoon of sour cream or yogurt with coffee in the amount of one teaspoon.
  2. Apply the mixture on your face and leave it on for 15 minutes.

The prepared product can be used as a scrub mask. As a result, the face will acquire a healthy color and a slight radiance.

Fruity with oatmeal

To prepare such a facial scrub at home, use any available fruits.

Iron, potassium and a rich set of vitamins A, C, K are found in an apple. They supply the skin with oxygen and improve its protective function. Banana pulp fights impurities that accumulate in the pores. It is used in nourishing scrubs that are recommended for the dry type. Honey actively restores withered skin, restoring its healthy color, elasticity and gives it a slight glow. Choline, potassium and calcium contained in the cream nourish and replenish the level of collagen and elastin in the epidermis. Vitamins A and B normalize skin metabolism and prevent acne.

  1. Grate a quarter of a peeled apple.
  2. Mash a third of a small banana with a fork to make a puree.
  3. In fruit porridge, add a teaspoon of liquid honey, a tablespoon of low-fat and the same amount of oatmeal.
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

Soda with salt and lemon juice

Baking soda and sea salt exfoliate. Honey smoothes and saturates the skin with useful microelements, increases its elasticity. Lemon juice gives her freshness and has a matting property. A high content of vitamin C can cause irritation, be sure to check the composition for an allergic reaction. Soda facial scrub at home is recommended for problem skin.

  1. Mix a teaspoon of sea salt with half a teaspoon of baking soda.
  2. Pour one tablespoon of lemon juice and the same amount of honey into the mixture. Stir.
  3. Gently apply a soda-salt scrub. With strong rubbing of the mixture into the skin, irritation and redness may occur.

Oatmeal with olive oil

Sugar and oatmeal take on the exfoliating function: they remove the dead skin layer, even out the structure and complexion. And olive oil saturates the skin with vitamins A and E, which are responsible for hydration and elasticity. This cleanser is recommended for all skin types.

  1. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder to learn a tablespoon of flour.
  2. Add a teaspoon of sugar.
  3. Heat up half a teaspoon of olive oil.
  4. Pour the warm oil into the mixture.

Before applying any scrub on the face, steam the skin. Spread the product all over the face with light massaging movements. Avoid contact with the area around the eyes and lips. After rinsing, apply a nourishing cream to your face.

Perform cleansing procedures with a homemade facial scrub regularly, and the result will not be long in coming. You can experiment by creating unique recipes and adding any products to the composition. Choose wisely the ingredients that have a beneficial effect on your skin type.

Deep cleansing procedure is necessary for our skin, like air. Dirt and dust accumulate on the body every day. In addition to external sources of pollution, there are also internal ones: dead cells, sebum, toxins released by the body. Bathing and showering regularly is not enough to clear clogged pores. Peeling will help solve the problem of skin pollution.

Useful properties of the scrub are as follows:

  • Cleansing. Solid particles perfectly exfoliate dead cells. They also cleanse the pores from external contaminants.
  • Healing. After the scrub has coped with all the pollution, skin cells can freely receive the oxygen necessary for life.
  • Nutritious. Moisturizing scrub base softens the skin and soothes after active mechanical cleansing. The more nutrients and vitamins are contained in the base, the more useful the body scrub is.
  • Tonic. Peeling improves blood circulation throughout the body, thus providing a tonic effect on the body.
  • Lifting. Body scrub helps to achieve a lifting effect and make the skin younger and more attractive.
  • soothing. Essential oils added to the base of the scrub will help to relax and calm the nervous system.
A body scrub is also an excellent way to prepare the skin for the application of various therapeutic creams, such as anti-cellulite. After peeling, the skin absorbs cosmetics much faster, allowing them to penetrate as deeply as possible for maximum results.

Body scrub contraindications

Scrub is a universal body care product, but it has its drawbacks. You should take into account the characteristics of your skin type when choosing a peel.

Body scrub contraindications are as follows:

  1. It is better not to use this cleanser for people with sensitive skin. The solid particles that make up the composition can scratch the skin. After use, scratches and other traces of mechanical cleaning will remain.
  2. It is not recommended to use the scrub in the presence of damage or irritation on the body. Peeling can only exacerbate existing dermatological problems.
  3. Pregnant and lactating mothers should temporarily exclude deep cleaning of the skin.
  4. Allergy sufferers should carefully select scrub products to avoid an adverse reaction.
  5. Sun-burned skin is also afraid of peeling.

Body scrub recipes at home

To get perfect and beautiful skin, it is not necessary to visit beauty parlors and lay out a lot of money. It is quite possible to create a body scrub with your own hands at home using ordinary products.

Homemade coffee body scrub

Coffee is the most common exfoliating ingredient in store-bought cosmetics. Many manufacturers give their preference to him.

Coffee gives the skin smoothness, freshness, perfectly tones. In addition, coffee homemade body scrub is a proven remedy for dealing with orange peel on the thighs and abdomen. This indispensable component is able to give the skin a bronze tint, thereby fulfilling the role of self-tanning.

Consider the recipes for coffee scrubs for cooking at home:

  • Based on applesauce and coffee. Brew three tablespoons of ground coffee. Take an apple, peel it and grate it finely. Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil to the apple puree. After straining coffee, combine with puree. You can also use peach instead of apple.
  • Coffee with cream. Take two tablespoons of grounds left over from brewing coffee. Add two tablespoons of cream.
  • Honey peeling. It is necessary to use coffee grounds, cream and candied honey in equal proportions, for example, two tablespoons each.
  • Gel scrub. Prepare two tablespoons of ground coffee and go to the bath. Apply a regular shower gel on the body, pour coffee grounds into the palm of your hand and rub it well into the skin. Rinse everything off with water afterwards.
  • Pull-up. Take 100 grams of ground coffee and one tablespoon of grape seeds. To these components, add 10 drops of any anti-cellulite essential oil, such as grapefruit, rosemary, orange.
  • Burning scrub. For cooking, use coffee grounds, sea buckthorn oil and black pepper in equal proportions.
Homemade coffee scrubs should not be applied to sensitive skin and face, they are most suitable for the body. Coffee grounds are best used while still damp.

Homemade body scrub with salt

Sea salt is useful not only as an additive to dishes, but also for cosmetic purposes. It contains minerals that enrich and nourish the skin. Sea salt scrubs gently cleanse and revitalize the skin.

Salt peeling recipes:

  1. Oil based. Take? cups of sea salt, two tablespoons of almond oil, a spoonful of jojoba oil, 20 drops of citrus oil. Mix the salt with the almond oil first, then add the rest of the ingredients.
  2. sour cream. For the scrub, you will need two tablespoons of sour cream and one tablespoon of fine salt. You can use both sea salt and regular table salt.
  3. Citrus. Grind grapefruit in a blender, add a teaspoon of olive oil and five tablespoons of salt.
  4. Relaxing peeling. Take a container and put in half a cup of sea salt, a teaspoon of apricot kernel oil, a tablespoon of baking soda and a couple of drops of lime essential oil. Mix all the ingredients well and pour one bag of green tea into it. The consistency should be very thick.
  5. Exfoliating. Brew half a cup of ground coffee, add two tablespoons of sea salt and a tablespoon of olive oil.
  6. Scrub with turmeric. For this recipe, you will need half a cup of blender-ground sea salt, 1 tablespoon of turmeric, two tablespoons of sandalwood oil, and one teaspoon of powdered milk. Such a scrub must be left on the skin until completely dry, then rinse with water.
For peeling, you can use both sea and table salt. Larger particles will work harder and help clear heavily clogged pores. But such a homemade body scrub can damage delicate skin. Fine salt will help to achieve a milder cleansing.

Cinnamon Body Scrub

Cinnamon is loved to be used in homemade scrubs to combat cellulite and body fat. This oriental spice improves blood circulation and prepares the skin for further fat burning treatments.

We bring to your attention recipes for homemade cinnamon scrubs:

  • Softening scrub. Pour four tablespoons of warm milk into a bowl and add three tablespoons of oatmeal. Leave this mixture for ten minutes. Then add two teaspoons of cinnamon and one teaspoon of almond oil.
  • Pumpkin peeling. Take half a teaspoon of pumpkin pulp and add half a spoon of ground cinnamon. Next, drop five drops of vitamin E into the mixture and mix with? cups of coconut oil and a cup of brown sugar.
  • Cinnamon with honey. The recipe for this scrub is very simple: take cinnamon and honey in a ratio of one to two and mix.
  • Scrub for weight loss. Use half a teaspoon of cinnamon, two tablespoons of salt, half a teaspoon of coarse pepper, and one teaspoon of olive oil to prepare.
  • rice scrub. Grind three tablespoons of raw rice, add a tablespoon of cinnamon. After that, heat two tablespoons of vegetable oil in a water bath and pour into the mixture.
  • clay based. Take 80 grams of clay and bring it with warm water to a creamy consistency. Add one tablespoon of cinnamon powder and sea salt to it.

Homemade sugar body scrub

Sugar is well suited for dry and flaky skin, as it is perfectly absorbed, moisturizing it. Unlike coffee, a sweet scrub brightens the skin and removes tan residue.

Homemade sugar scrub recipes:

  1. orange scrub. Take an orange and grate it, add one tablespoon of cane sugar, five tablespoons of yogurt.
  2. Creamy peeling. The recipe is very simple, mix 4 tablespoons of sugar and 5 tablespoons of cream.
  3. Chocolate cleanse. For the scrub, use one cup of cocoa butter and half a cup of sugar.
  4. Almond scrub. Take one glass of sugar and add ten drops of any essential oil, stir. Next, stir in half a cup of sweet almonds into the resulting mixture, at the end add six to seven drops of vitamin E.
  5. Banana. Mix one cup of sugar and one ripe banana in a blender. Add also? cups of shea butter and cups of coconut oil. You should get a foamy mass.
  6. mango. Grind mango and take for scrub? the resulting pulp. Add half a cup of brown sugar and 2 tablespoons of coconut oil. At the end, you can add three drops of orange oil to the puree mass.
  7. Lavender Vanilla Peeling. Place one and a half cups of sugar, one cup of grape seed oil, a couple of drops of lavender essential oil, and one teaspoon of vanilla extract in a bowl. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Lavender and vanilla will help soothe the skin and relax all the muscles.
  8. Floral scrub. Take 1 cup of sugar, a tablespoon of honey, half a cup of dried rose petals, 1 tablespoon of jojoba. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and add a couple of drops of rose essential oil.
  9. exotic coconut. Use two tablespoons of brown sugar, one tablespoon of grated coconut meat, and three tablespoons of sour cream to prepare. The scrub is suitable for girls with delicate skin.

To prepare a body scrub at home, brown sugar is well suited, as it has a healing and relaxing effect.

How to make a body scrub at home

For a home scrub to be effective, it must be prepared before starting the procedure. Perfect for the base: sour cream, cream, milk, yogurt, honey, vegetable oils. As solid particles, you can take: salt, chopped nuts, sugar, coffee, bran, fruit seeds, cinnamon. To give a special mood, to plunge into the magical world of aromatherapy, just add a drop of essential oil or your favorite perfume.

Since the skin becomes very susceptible during peeling, it is important not to infect the skin. Use only clean dishes for mixing ingredients, it is better to rinse it with boiling water beforehand. The process of making a homemade scrub is greatly facilitated by a blender. Thanks to this kitchen technique, the consistency is more uniform.

If you use coffee to make a scrub, then it is better to use a natural fine or medium grind so as not to scratch the skin. Do not use instant coffee, it is ineffective.

Any scrub must be checked for individual intolerance, especially if you have added essential oils to it. Apply a little mass on your hand and check the reaction of the skin.

How to apply body scrub

To achieve the maximum effect, you need to know the basic rules for applying a body scrub. Before starting a cosmetic procedure, make sure that the skin is ready for it. It is important to thoroughly steam the body by taking a hot shower or visiting the sauna. These actions will help open the pores. Before applying the scrub to the body, you can do a massage to improve blood circulation.

Any scrub is applied to the skin with gloves in a circular motion. This method of application helps in the fight against cellulite. The cleanser is left on the body for six to twelve minutes. After you need to take a shower and wash off the scrub. Don't forget to apply any moisturizer. After peeling, the skin is more receptive than ever to therapeutic lotions.

How often you use a scrub depends on your skin type. Peeling is performed once a week for normal skin types. Dry is better to clean every 13 days, oily - every 5 days. Using the scrub regularly, you will achieve the following results: the skin will become smooth and silky, the color will improve, the skin will begin to "breathe", cellulite will disappear, the skin will soften and rejuvenate, a pleasant aroma of essential oils will come from the body.

The result can be seen immediately after the first procedure, but it will take longer to deal with excess deposits in problem areas, about two to three months. Taking care of your body not only helps to cope with skin imperfections, but also creates a great mood for the whole day.

How to make a skin scrub at home - watch the video:

Skin peeling is one of the most useful and affordable procedures at any time of the year. Epidermal cells die off every four weeks, which is why it is so important to remove them and renew the skin in time.

The composition of the cleanser is a creamy structure containing solid small elements. The main purpose of the scrub is to remove cells that are no longer functioning and prevent the newly formed ones from carrying out oxygen breakdown and metabolic processes.

Skin scrub benefits

The best scrub recipes:

In a full face and body skin care, an indispensable element is cleansing not only from dust and decorative cosmetics, but also from the dead layer of the epidermis.

In cosmetology, regularly doing a scrub, you can solve the following aesthetic problems:

  1. deep cleansing;
  2. As one of the procedures of the rejuvenation complex;
  3. Restoration of the sebaceous glands;
  4. Skin relief improvements;
  5. Smoothing scars and scars.

Scrubs contain:

  • hard, very small particles;
  • soft, powdery sorbents;
  • nourishing, moisturizing ingredients.

The main difference between scrub and peeling is in the granular structure, which also performs massage tasks. Facial peeling is also used much less frequently, up to once a month.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Rules for the use of facial scrubs

The intensive action of scrubs is aimed at cleansing and toning the skin, improving blood flow and synthesis in cells. By following the application rules, you can forever forget about hardware cleanings and professional intervention by a cosmetologist.

  1. For each type of dermis, the use of a scrub has its own regularity. Normal and combined - once a week is enough, oily, problematic - 2-3 times in seven days, for dry and dehydrated - twice a month. When deciding how often to use a deep cleanser, it is necessary to diagnose the current condition of the skin. With excessive dryness and irritation, the procedure should be postponed.
  2. Having made a facial scrub at home, apply it along the lines of a classic massage with light rubbing movements. The cleansing composition should not be used on the areas around the lips and eyes. Also, the skin is pre-moistened with water or herbal decoction, so as not to injure or scratch the epidermis.
  3. The face must be cleaned, pre-steamed with herbal compresses, and only after that you can use the scrub.
  4. If discomfort occurs during the scrubbing process - burning, itching, you must immediately complete the procedure. A possible reaction is caused by an allergy to the components, or too large particles have damaged the integrity of the integument.
  5. After the procedure, moisturizing is mandatory, the pores of problematic and oily skin are wiped with citrus juice, and only then the cream is used.

The best recipes for homemade facial scrubs

Coffee scrub

Result: coffee facial scrub removes the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Renewal processes are accelerated, skin rejuvenation occurs.


  • 7 gr. coffee grounds;
  • 5 ml olive oil;
  • melissa essential oil.

Preparation: it is important to use finely ground coffee so that the particles do not violate the integrity of the dermis. Having combined all the components, steam the dermis with a decoction of plantain, apply in a circular motion strictly along the lines of blood flow. Leave for three minutes, then remove with warm infusion of calendula.

Video recipe from coffee grounds at home

Oatmeal scrub

Result: helps to get rid of wrinkles, scars and pigmented formations as soon as possible. recipe from oatmeal. Ideal soft scrub for skin prone to irritation and allergic manifestations.


  • 8 gr. oatmeal;
  • 4 gr. buckwheat bran;
  • 6 ml hazelnut oil.

Preparation: take ready-made flour or cook, add bran and nutritious oil. Steam the face with a hot compress (with manifestations of rosacea, the temperature should not exceed 40 degrees). Apply oatmeal scrub with lightly rubbing movements, bypassing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids and lips, for five minutes. Wash off with freshly brewed green tea.

Salt scrub

Result: Sea Salt Deep Facial Scrub is the best exfoliating treatment with a peeling effect. Such recipes for the skin are recommended to be carried out no more than twice a month, so as not to deplete the lipid layer of the dermis, and not to reduce its protective properties.


  • 8 gr. sea/iodized salt;
  • 5 gr. mink fat;
  • essential oil of bergamot.

Preparation: after combining all the ingredients, mix well with a plastic spoon. First, remove makeup with a micellar liquid, spread the salt scrub with a sponge, leave for literally four minutes. Rinse off with a warm decoction of plantain, then be sure to apply a moisturizer.

Scrub with soda

Result: regular facial cleansing at home contributes to the rapid process of renewal of the upper layer of the epidermis. To improve skin tone, dry facial scrubs are indispensable, the regularity of their use depends on the condition of the dermis, after 30 years - at least three times a month.


  • 8 gr. soda;
  • 6 gr. lime zest.

Preparation: grind lime or grapefruit zest, mix thoroughly with a dry plastic spoon with soda. Steam the dermis with a hot herbal compress, blot the leaked liquid with cotton pads, apply to the face with smooth movements, paying special attention to the T-zone. Wash off after 3-5 minutes with mineral water.

Scrub with aspirin

Result: deep cleansing, whitening and elimination of pigment uneven distribution provides a scrub recipe. This procedure is recommended for problematic and oily dermis, for aging skin it is mandatory to use in combination with a moisturizing mask.


  • 12 gr. acetylsalicylic acid;
  • 7 ml grape oil;
  • 14 ml plantain infusion.

Preparation: prepare a concentrated infusion, heat it to 45 degrees, add crushed aspirin and base oil. After removing makeup, spread the natural scrub, avoiding contact with the eyelids and the area around the lips. Two or three minutes is enough, then rinse with a warm decoction of thyme.

Scrub with honey

Result: a daily gentle scrub that renews the skin is necessary as a tonic after using decorative professional cosmetics or make-up.


  • 14 gr. honey;
  • 4 ml of St. John's wort oil.

Preparation: in the evening, half an hour before bedtime, remove a layer of cosmetics with a micellar liquid, mix the components of a gentle scrub and distribute with light movements on the surface of the epidermis. Finish after four minutes by removing the composition with a damp sponge. After that, you can use a standard night cream or a lifting agent with hyaluronic acid.

Scrub with sugar

Result: a sweet face scrub with olive oil and mustard, accelerates blood flow, improves complexion and perfectly tones tired dermis.


  • 8 gr. granulated sugar;
  • 5 gr. mustard;
  • 8 ml olive oil.

Preparation: combine dry powder with granulated sugar, mix with a plastic spoon until smooth, only then add nourishing oil. After cleansing the face of makeup with a warm decoction of calendula, distribute the beneficial composition in circular motions for three minutes. Then immediately (so that no burns remain), rinse off the scrub and apply a moisturizer.

Scrub for dry skin

Result: a complete face care, prone to dryness and flaking, is possible thanks to simple recipes. This type of epidermis needs to be scrubbed no more than once a month, the components should gently cleanse without disturbing the lipid cellular balance.


  • 9 gr. cocoa powder;
  • 5 gr. buckwheat flour;
  • 12 drops of calendula oil.

Preparation: combine flour with fragrant powder, add base oil and a little green tea until a viscous structure is formed. Steam the surface of the face with a herbal compress, distribute the composition of the scrub and leave it for another six minutes. Remove residue with a damp towel.


Scrub for oily skin

Result: for oily and problematic skin, the facial scrub is the best cleansing procedure, normalizing the secretion of external glands, stopping inflammation, reducing the number of clogged comedones.


  • 2 gr. plantain herbs;
  • 2 gr. chamomile;
  • 2 gr. thyme;
  • 5 gr. pink clay.

Preparation: grind dry high-quality raw materials in a coffee grinder in several approaches, to a powdery state, add clay, mix well. Remove the make-up with a thermal agent, spread the mass on wet skin, leave for seven minutes. After washing off with warm green tea, you can apply a light moisturizing gel or peach oil in its pure form at night.

Scrub for combination skin

Result: the best scrubs for the combined dermis are easily created, removing inflammation, normalizing intracellular mechanisms. When used once or twice a week, the appearance of the skin improves, clogged pustules disappear.


  • 1 tablet of white coal;
  • 5 gr. lemon balm seeds;
  • essential oil of mandarin.

Preparation: crush the tableted sorbent together with lemon balm seeds, introduce aroma oil. Steam the dermis over the decoction of calendula, distribute the composition exclusively on the T-zone (forehead, nose, chin). Leave for three to four minutes, remove with a sponge and grapefruit juice.

Scrub from black dots

Result: you can carry out facial cleansing without resorting to the services of a professional cosmetologist. Remove comedones, narrow pores, make the skin matte, velvety easily with the help of natural ingredients.


  • 12 gr. honey;
  • 5 gr. oat bran;
  • 2 gr. ginger.

Preparation: combine candied sunflower honey with bran, add spice. Wipe the skin with thermal fluid, with two sponges, distribute the composition in parallel on problem areas, rubbing into the dermis. Leave for ten minutes, then rinse with herbal decoction, close the pores with grapefruit juice.

Acne Scrub

Result: the natural composition actively acts against points, pustules, acne. Its healing formula can be used daily after evening make-up removal.


  • 7 gr. applesauce;
  • 9 gr. black clay;
  • essential oil of lemongrass.

Preparation: bake a medium-sized fruit in the oven, remove the pulp, add cleansing clay and aromatic oil. After removing decorative cosmetics with micellar liquid, apply the scrubbing mass in a circular motion on the surface of the epidermis, bypassing the area of ​​​​the eyelids and lips. Rinse off after seven minutes, be sure to moisturize with a gel or emulsion with an antibacterial effect.

Cleansing scrub

Result: home scrub gel gently cleanses and tones the dermis, accelerates blood circulation and intracellular synthesis. Promotes hydration and mineral saturation.


  • 15 gr. aloe juice;
  • 6 gr. semolina;
  • 7 gr. bitter chocolate.

Preparation: combine freshly squeezed aloe juice with semolina and melted chocolate in a water bath. Cleanse the face with micellar liquid, apply the composition with two sponges along the lines of the lymph flow. Finish the manipulation after about eight minutes, washing off with infusion of hibiscus.

Video recipe: Activated charcoal scrub for cleansing the face at home

Exfoliating scrub

Result: home scrubs remove flaking and dead skin cells without disturbing the membrane structures. The universal procedure is suitable for all types of dermis, regularity - no more than twice a month.


  • 8 gr. ground coffee;
  • 3 gr. rice flour;
  • 4 gr. parsley seeds.

Preparation: grind all the ingredients in a coffee grinder to the consistency of flour, moisten the skin with linden infusion, apply to the surface of the face with soft massaging movements, pre-treat the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids and lips with a nourishing agent. After three minutes, remove with wet wipes.

Moisturizing scrub

Result: gently removes the dead layer of the epidermis, freeing and nourishing the newly created cells homemade facial scrub. Natural ingredients can be used for sensitive and dehydrated dermis.


  • 7 gr. coconut oil;
  • 7 gr. grape seeds.

Preparation: Grind grape kernels in a coffee grinder or mortar, add melted butter. Steam the surface of the epidermis, distribute the coconut scrub with gentle movements. Then remove the residue with a paper towel.

Rejuvenating scrub

Result: scrub cream for dry face is the optimal remedy that performs rejuvenating and cleansing action at the same time.


  • 3 walnut kernels;
  • 2 quail eggs;
  • 1 tablet of ascorutin.

Preparation: extract the kernels of nuts, crush in a mortar with vitamin C, add raw quail eggs. Spread the scrub mask on the surface of the face, including the area around the lips. Leave the effective composition for 6 minutes, then remove the remnants with a moistened sponge.

Video Recipes: Natural Homemade Facial Scrubs
