A conspiracy for beautiful breasts. Conspiracy on the chest: to be big and beautiful

If you are unhappy with something in your figure, then this can always be corrected with the help of magical conspiracies. And I must say that almost every woman critically evaluates her figure, it always seems to her that there is something to improve. In particular, women are not always happy with the size of their breasts. Many wish that this part of female beauty was bigger. In such cases, you can safely use a conspiracy for breast growth.

The Importance of Visualization in Magick

If you want the breast enlargement spell to work especially well, then you need to master the skill of visualization. This is a skill that will simply be needed.

Visualization is when you imagine what you want to get very clearly before your eyes. If you do this directly during the conspiracy, then the effect of the magical rite will be much higher.

Moreover, it is very important during visualization not only to keep a picture of what you want in front of your eyes, but also to feel the emotions in your body that you will have in the future. Everything here is very closely tied to the emotional sphere. The fact is that if you manage to generate emotions of happiness in this way, then the body will remember them and in the future it will attract the fulfillment of the desired to you. Because it is from the fulfillment of desire that the body will again experience happiness.

So, if you use a plot for breast growth, then be sure to imagine your breasts of the desired size. And imagine that you already have it so that you are very proud of it. Sincerely rejoice in the breast, its increase. It is very important to experience emotions, as if the desired has already happened. It is in this case that the breast will slowly and steadily grow to the desired size.

Rules for pronouncing a conspiracy

There are also general rules that will help make breast augmentation conspiracies even more effective. Be sure to use them:

  • The first such rule is that it is better not to tell anyone that you are doing a conspiracy for breast growth. The fact is that magic loves very much when its affairs are kept secret. She takes it as a kind of respect. Secret plots work much better.
  • For a conspiracy of breast growth, there is a condition that it be reproduced during the growing moon. Conspiracies where they ask to bring something to life should always be done during the growing moon. This is especially true of conspiracies where a woman asks for something. The fact is that the moon is the patroness of female energy, so a woman has a unique opportunity to enlist the support of the moon. This is also a significant factor.
  • If at least one word is not clear to a woman in a magical text for breast growth, then it is imperative to find out its reliable meaning. When a girl reads a conspiracy for breast growth and understands every word in it, this increases her awareness in reading. And the more consciously the text is read, the more soul, feelings are invested in it, which means that the conspiracy will work much better.
  • It makes no sense to engage in a conspiracy for breast growth if you do not believe in it. This is a very important criterion. Magic just won't work if you don't believe in it. So, if you are doing a conspiracy just for show, then don’t even waste your energy on it.
  • Pronounce the magical text with feeling, the more feelings and your desire you bring into the ritual, the better it will work.

A conspiracy for breast growth on a cabbage leaf and honey

The strongest conspiracy for breast growth will turn out if you combine it with a folk remedy to increase this part of the body. There is one folk recipe that involves applying a cabbage leaf with honey to the chest. In the evening, when the moon is very high, take a cabbage leaf, smear it with a thin layer of honey, attach it to your chest, and put on a sports bra on top. Underwear must be necessarily sports, so as not to be shy of movement. Then put both hands on top of the bra and say the following plot:

“I put cabbage with honey on my lush chest, on my chest high and beautiful. It will be as sweet and appetizing as honey. As fresh and lush as cabbage. It was medium, it became large, it was not with me, and now I have such a beautiful one. So that you grow magnificently, so that you grow beautifully. I'm asking for myself, not for anyone else. On the magnificent chest, on the high and beautiful chest I speak.

After that, go to bed immediately. It is desirable to perform such a ritual for twenty-one days. During this time, you will learn the plot by heart. The more feelings you put into the text, the better. It is not worth doing such folk overlays for more than twenty-one days. Within a month, you will notice that the breasts have become much larger.

Conspiracy for water

Water absorbs information very well. Therefore, you can also slander a magical text on her so that her breasts grow. This ritual is very simple and useful. Drink a glass of water every morning on an empty stomach. This, by the way, is a very useful rule in itself. And, if you want to increase your breasts with water, then read the following magic plot on the water before drinking it:

“I want everything, I get everything. My chest is already beautiful, and it will be even more beautiful. I speak to increase her water, to increase the beauty and health in her. Healthy big, beautiful big. As I drink water, so beauty will come to me in my chest.

These words must be pronounced as joyfully as possible, then they will have a very high effect. After that, drink water in small sips. In fact, such a ritual can be carried out until the chest reaches the desired size. But you must start such a ritual during the growing moon.

Conspiracy for milk

There is an effective conspiracy for breast augmentation with milk for breast augmentation. To carry out this ritual, you need to warm a glass of milk to room temperature. The main thing is that it should not be cold. In the evening on the day of the growing moon, start rubbing milk into the chest, but in a certain way. Use your left hand to rub milk into your right hand and vice versa. Three times on each breast you need to read the following conspiracy to increase it:

“In a wide field, in a green field, a beautiful cow walked, walked. She ate green grass, gained strength for beauty. And her udder is beautiful, full. Drops of milk from the udder fell on the grass. That milk dripped onto my chest. It is to increase the beauty of my breasts. For my health, for my beauty, my mammary glands increase with God's help. As milk dripped onto my chest, it became beautiful and magnificent.

Read this text with maximum gratitude, love for your future beautiful mammary gland. It is advisable to repeat this procedure three times. Every time there is a new moon, then with the growth of the moon, your chest will also grow.

Bathing conspiracy

When you take a shower or bath, or bathe in a bath, it is also very good to pronounce a conspiracy to increase the mammary glands. At this moment you are alone with yourself. In addition, water is very cool relaxes the body and mind. And under these circumstances, a conspiracy to increase the mammary glands will work even better. So, during water procedures, pay attention to the mammary glands and read the following plot:

“A whole fruit grows from a small flower. It is sweet, fragrant, it seems to be pomp and beauty for everyone. So from a girl, a child, a beautiful woman grows up with a lush and attractive breast. She needs breasts to feed a small child. And for this, it must be large and elastic. So let her be like that. Strong, tall, beautiful, mine. The flower is loose, the chest is blooming. As it is said, it will be so, but it cannot be otherwise.”

You can do such a ritual whenever you take water procedures. Until you get the desired result. It is very good to do such a ritual while taking a bath. When your body is relaxed, longing is present. At this point, it is very easy to generate feelings that, together with visualization, will help to attract what you want to you.

spell for breast augmentation

Breast augmentation method from Vera Lyon

Full moon conspiracy

The full moon is a particularly magical day. On these days, you can do a variety of conspiracies, including conspiracies for breast augmentation, they will have very great power. A conspiracy to increase the mammary glands can be carried out as follows. You need to go out at midnight as much as possible, you can go right at midnight in a light nightgown. It is important that at this moment you do not have underwear on. Look at the full moon, take a deep breath in and out. Then you need to clearly visualize the effect that you want to get from the plot. That is, imagine yourself with magnificent beautiful breasts and imagine how you rejoice at this circumstance. It is very important to catch this feeling of joy in the body, then the desired will be attracted easily and quickly. When this happens, then read this plot, looking at the full moon:

“The moon is beautiful, the moon is full. Let my chest please me with its fullness and beauty. In gratitude for you, I will remember the moon every time I look at myself in the mirror. Let me shine with your mysterious light. Let everyone look at me, at my milk glands and remember you full beauty. I will enchant everyone, I will enchant. I am beauty, thank you very much to the moon always. That's agreed. As it is said, it will be so, but it cannot be otherwise.”

After that, you can immediately go to bed. It will be better if you don't talk to anyone tonight. On this night, amazing dreams can come from direct contact with the full moon, which also means that the conspiracy to grow your breasts is working.

Women's breasts have attracted the attention of men since time immemorial, inspiring poets and artists to create works of art. She was worshiped, attributing magical properties: she was a symbol not only of the feminine, but also of fertility and abundance. A rare modern man, when he first meets a woman, does not glance at her forms. However, many ladies mistakenly believe that for representatives of the opposite sex, the main thing is the size of the bust. Therefore, they are looking for ways to increase it. One option is plastic surgery. It's expensive and unsafe. A more affordable and not having harmful consequences method is a conspiracy for breast growth.

Features of conspiracies for breast augmentation

Conspiracies for breast augmentation are very diverse. However, there are a few general rules, following which will help to achieve the best result:

  • rituals should be performed taking into account the phases of the moon: usually it is a full moon or a new moon and a growing month;
  • it is better to choose a "female" day of the week: Wednesday, Friday or Saturday;
  • the time of casting the spell is the beginning of a new day: deep night or early morning, when the energy of all living things is activated;
  • the text of the spell cannot be read from the sheet: it is learned by heart and pronounced without errors quietly or to oneself;
  • reading a verbal formula should be accompanied by a certain internal state of a woman, her thoughts and feelings.

More about the last condition. In the 21st century, not only magicians and sorcerers, but also materialistic scientists started talking about the materiality of human thoughts. Treatment, the achievement of life goals are now directly dependent on the ability of a person to visualize the expected result.

The magic of conspiracy will be more effective if a woman is able to imagine in detail how her ideal breasts should look like: size, shape, even tan. When bright pictures take root in the mind, you need to focus on the sensations. Feel the relaxation of the body, the spreading warmth that rushes to the chest and contributes to its increase.

Conspiracies for lush breasts for food and drink

The easiest conspiracy to perform for breast enlargement is spoken over food during cooking or before use. You can cook any dishes, but using natural products. It is recommended to perform the ritual on the new moon and another 8 days after it. In prayer, a woman turns to the Almighty with a request to give her body health, splendor, and roundness.

Rituals are practiced that are associated with specific dishes or foods. A magical rite involving a test is very symbolic. Yeast dough is prepared on the growing moon and a spell is cast:

“Just as this dough grows and swells, turns into sweet buns, so let my chest grow, round and fill with splendor. Amen!".

The text is said after baking and after eating the buns. The procedure is carried out on the new moon at least 3 times.

A strong conspiracy for lush breasts is carried out on milk. Suitable fresh cow, preferably steam. One of the options for the text of the conspiracy:

“In a wide free space, in a clean field, under a bright sun, under a red sun, a cow walked in the wind, shed milk from her udder on the grass. That milk fell on my chest, the servant of God (name). It fell so that I, the servant of God (name), bloomed with a violent color, bright beauty, for my own joy, for others to envy. As I said, so it will come true. Amen".

To increase the size of the bust, you need to correctly pronounce the text, and perform the ritual without errors. Magic words are accompanied by rubbing warm milk on the chest. It is important not to confuse:

  • with your right hand, make circular movements counterclockwise on the left;
  • left hand - clockwise on the right chest.

You need to carry out the procedure at least seven times with each breast. Some magicians recommend drinking the remaining milk. The skin can be lightly wiped, but do not wash until the evening. It is said that with the help of this conspiracy, it is possible to achieve an increase in forms already on the seventh day.

Many conspiracies for breast growth have a long history, for example, on a drink made from hops. The cones of this plant are brewed like tea, saying a spell. In it, they ask the hops to make the forms beautiful, so that the hostess admires, and those around them are surprised. They drink the decoction the next day, and after a week they are waiting for the first signs of an increase in the bust.

Another unusual version of the spell to make the chest grow is performed over walnuts. On the seventh night after the renewal of the moon, they take two nuts in their left hand and speak over them an appeal to an entity named Kayasyra-Aisi. They are asked to give a large and elastic breast after the mice eat these nuts. After the ritual, the nuts are split and scattered where they can become prey for mice. The result will not be slow to tell.

The magic of water for breast growth

Since ancient times, people have used the magical properties of water. Now there is already scientific evidence of its ability to store and transmit information. Therefore, water is considered the strongest attribute of rituals. Many conspiracies for breast enlargement involve its use.

One of the simple yet effective rituals. Holy church or spring water is collected in a jar. Above it read the text:

“I will speak, I will conjure pure key water! So that after drinking it, my strength wakes up in me! So my chest, so that it fills with beauty, grows, becomes larger! To others to love, and to them - to envy! Amen!".

The words must be pronounced at dawn three times. The charmed water is drunk daily for a month, half a glass every morning.

Another option offers to combine the magical and therapeutic and cosmetic properties of water. The therapeutic effect of a contrast shower on a person is widely known: pressure stabilizes, skin becomes elastic, and the overall tone of the body increases. Magicians and healers advise when taking a contrast shower, when you wash the upper body, turn to water to help enlarge the chest, make it elastic, lush and healthy. The procedure should be carried out for at least 10 days in a row.

Conspiracies for breast growth are practiced, which can be carried out during any bathing, regardless of the method. For example, they say a magic spell or a prayer so that the chest grows, combined with massage movements and visualization of its growth and filling. It is also recommended to cast spells during a massage using special oils (for example, olive, orange).

In the moonlight, but on a full moon, on a clear starry night, another ritual-conspiracy is performed for the growth of magnificent breasts. They take off their outer clothing (blouse, bra), stand on it with their feet and utter a spell in which rounded and magnificent forms are compared with the full moon. Higher powers are calling to endow the chest with these qualities of the night luminary. The removed clothes, which become the "key" to the execution of the plot, are hidden in a place inaccessible to prying eyes. Another variant of the rite suggests saying a similar spell, but instead of clothes, use a real key and put it under the right heel.

If your breast size is far from ideal, there are different ways to correct this mistake of nature. With the help of modern magic, you can get results without large financial investments and risks. All you need is desire and patience. However, women should keep in mind that every man has his own idea of ​​ideal female forms. There is a connoisseur of both breasts of the first and breasts of the fifth size. Love yourself and take care of your health first.

Truly female magic is called a conspiracy for breast growth. It is difficult to refute the assertion that this part of the body is recognized as the most attractive in the fairer sex. Even in those days when the image of a teenage woman was actively promoted in Western fashion, portly ladies were loved in Russia. This is understandable, because subconsciously a man is looking for a mother for his offspring. A woman with a large bust is strong and healthy. She has the potential to feed many children.

The age of those who strive for the perfect bust does not matter

How Small Breasts Become a Big Problem

Small or insufficiently elastic breasts give rise to a lot of complexes in a modern woman. The bodily perfection of the weaker sex is being advertised more and more aggressively. In movies, music videos, on the pages of social networks, a beautiful bust is shown. In the comments, the girls admire and express dreams that someday they will also boast of such.

If it is impossible to increase the breast to the desired size, some women experience a sharp drop in self-esteem. They attribute failures in contacts with men to the insufficient size of their mammary glands. Against the background of repeated disappointments, a neuropsychiatric disorder may even form, suicidal thoughts appear.

The age of those who strive for the perfect bust does not matter. Both young and mature women are concerned about the size or lack of firmness of their breasts. This is the reason for the inexhaustible appeals to plastic surgeons and various medicines. Radical measures can be hazardous to health are fraught with complications. Try first to turn to the wisdom of our ancestors, who took care of their beauty with the help of magical rites and conspiracies.

Preparation for the ritual

In magical actions, all elements and their sequence are important. It is not enough just to pronounce the special words of the conspiracy - this will not bring results. For the ritual to be effective, it must be carried out carefully. Follow all of the above conditions.

A conspiracy for a growing month increases its effectiveness

  • For the ritual, choose a day with a growing month. This helps to increase the effectiveness of the conspiracy.
  • You need to be clear about the desired result. Visualization always adds to the chances of success.
  • Decide on your chest size. Dreaming of breast augmentation by three or five sizes at once is unreasonable. Unrealistic wishes will not come true, and the ritual will be wasted.
  • One must strongly and sincerely believe in the success of the ritual. With a skeptical approach, the conspiracy is unlikely to work.

Conspiracy for bread and oats

This breast augmentation plot is suitable for women of any age. The rite was often used by healers not only to increase the volume of the chest, but also as a good remedy for mastopathy.

  1. For this ceremony, you need to get up early in the morning, without turning on the light, boil two or three tablespoons of oats with boiling water, add a few pieces of rye bread.
  2. While the resulting mass is infused, you need to wash your chest.
  3. After washing, the bread and oat mass should be laid out on both breasts and tied with a clean towel made of natural material (linen or cotton).
  4. In the process of tying a towel, you need to say:

    “Bread is born in the field, from a grain that is poured by the sun. In the clouds, the moon grows, opens. So the breast of my servant of God (say the name) is poured, grows and grows stronger, and let no ailment ever stick to me. Amen!"

  5. After that, hold the compress on the chest for another ten minutes, then rinse with running water.

Conspiracy with a golden key

The ceremony is suitable for mothers who have recently given birth and have finished feeding who want to improve the shape of their breasts. To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • Key that looks like gold (can be painted with gold paint).
  • Favorite piece of clothing that you will have to part with.
  • Holy water.

A conspiracy with a golden key is suitable for recently given birth and finished feeding mothers

  1. Exactly at midnight, you need to stand with the bare heel of your right foot on the key, covered with your clothes.
  2. Then say:

    “Under my foot is a magical, golden key. As the moon is full, so my chest is magnificent. I will wash myself with holy water and close it with a golden key from above. Amen!".

  3. Standing on the key, sprinkle your chest with holy water, wipe yourself with an item of your wardrobe, wrap the key in clothes and hide it in a secluded place. You can no longer wear this item.

apple conspiracy

  1. The apple plot is suitable for mature women who may experience age-related changes. This rite can be performed often, even every day, in addition to breast augmentation, it also has a love spell. For the ritual, you need to buy, always by yourself, twelve red apples. At dawn, cut the apples in half and remove all the seeds.
  2. Take a cambric handkerchief and place the seeds there.
  3. Say the following spell three times:

    “Dust swirls on the road, at sunset the river turns silver. On the shore, an apple tree leans from the fruits. Apples are plump and strong. The boulders in the river are large and hard. The leaves from the apple tree will fall, but the boulders will remain, the road will overgrow with grass, and the river will flow forever. Until the end of my days, I, the servant of God, do not know the black disease, but admire everything around me, admire my chest.

  4. In a circular motion, rub both breasts with a knot with grains, it is advisable to do this in the morning and evening.
  5. After the ceremony, all twelve apples must be eaten by yourself, otherwise the conspiracy will not work. You need to store a bundle with seeds under your pillow.

The more often you do the ritual, the more effective it will be.

An apple plot is suitable for mature women

Conspiracy for milk

This conspiracy to increase the bust is used by women who want to improve its shape. The ritual must be used with caution so as not to cause the growth of neoplasms, which will certainly increase the size of the breast, but will bring you pain and suffering. The ceremony should be performed on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday.

  1. Buy fresh milk from the market in the morning. Store milk cannot be used.
  2. When you get home, undress and wipe each breast with milk seven times.
  3. At the same time, you need to read the plot:

    “Cows graze in an open field in expanse. As one of them walked, she dropped milk from the udder. One drop of that milk, a servant of God, fell on my chest and blossomed in a magnificent color. My chest is magnificent and strong from fresh milk, my joy is great. Let it be so!".

Easy conspiracy using products

This method is not only effective, but also very simple. You need to read it every day, more than twice a day.

  1. Before you start eating, you need to pray.
  2. The right hand should be placed on the chest so that it touches both breasts.
  3. Then the words are spoken:

    “Eat and eat. All the same, everything will be in the titenkoe. The Lord God will help me. I will thank him. Amen".

Say the plot either out loud or mentally. This ritual usually begins to act quickly, not even a week will pass.

Conspiracies and rituals that allow a woman to improve the shape of her breasts increase self-esteem. They are less dangerous than surgery or ingestion of drugs that can cause irreversible changes in the body. However, remember that any magical ritual requires a large amount of your life energy. It can lead to unpleasant consequences, so prayer may be the best way to fulfill your desire. Prayer is not contrary to God's providence and will never harm you.

To believe or not in magic is a personal matter for everyone. One way or another, even the most inveterate skeptic at heart believes in the existence of inexplicable forces and in certain situations can hope for their help.

What today we call magic was the norm for our ancestors. So, maybe the wisdom of an ancient person still has a place to be in modern life?

Should I believe in conspiracies?

Our ancestors were literally children of nature: weather, climate, natural phenomena and soil fertility depended on whether they would have bread and shelter over their heads. They called upon the forces of nature before any new undertaking. With the help of these forces, they coped with illnesses and sought to get a good fate for themselves. Even about female beauty and male strength, people asked higher powers.

The most effective and popular ways to get the desired attractiveness for yourself were conspiracies and rituals. There is a somewhat scientific explanation for this:

  1. Firstly, no one has canceled the magical power of self-hypnosis: a person's reality consists of things in which he believes. This works according to the well-known principle “If a person is called a pig 100 times, he will grunt on the 101st”
  2. Secondly, thoughts are thoughts, but words spoken aloud create very real physical vibrations and always have very powerful energy. This principle is actively used in psychotherapy. It allows you to get rid of not only emotional problems, but also various diseases with the help of pronunciation of painful things.

As we have already said, conspiracies were used by women not only for healing, but also to increase their attractiveness. Even in ancient times, one of the parameters of female attractiveness was an impressive breast size.

A woman with a large bust was perceived as a good nurse, able to raise and feed numerous healthy offspring. Every beauty knew a conspiracy for breast augmentation. However, before proceeding to the ritual itself, it is worth preparing and getting acquainted with some rules.

How to use a conspiracy for breast growth?

Before embarking on breast augmentation through a conspiracy, you should get acquainted with some rules and prepare. Otherwise, folk magic for breast enlargement may not work or give the desired result at the cost of the health of the lady herself.

  • Applying a conspiracy in order to increase the volume in the chest is worth it only when this method is beyond doubt. Reading a conspiracy "just in case" without much faith in its power can be not only useless, but also dangerous.
  • Before proceeding with the ceremony, it is necessary to evaluate the feasibility of the entire event: if a woman already has breasts of 3 or 4 sizes, is it worth increasing it
  • Before the procedure, it is necessary to present the final result as accurately as possible, and it must be realistic and achievable. Of course, it is not forbidden to visualize and dream about a colossal breast enlargement from size 1 to size 5. But you need to understand that the resources of the body for such growth is simply not enough. As a result, the desired can be fulfilled, but due to some pathological processes

  • A woman can use a conspiracy for breast growth not only in relation to herself, but also in relation to her daughter
  • Conspiracies for the growth of something are always read on the waxing moon. Friday is considered the most successful day of the week for rituals for the beauty of the body, since the planet Venus favors this day. An additional plus will be the time of year: for breast augmentation, it is most effective to pronounce a conspiracy in spring or summer, when there is an increase in natural energy
  • You can strengthen the power of words with the help of a stone or a female rune, which must be held in your hand during the rite
  • It is impossible to talk about breast growth during breastfeeding or with any diseases of the mammary glands

The most effective conspiracies for breast enlargement

If the goal is set, and nothing prevents the use of a conspiracy to increase breast size, it remains only to choose the appropriate option for the ceremony. There are many variants of such conspiracies, each of which has its own strength. It is best to focus on your own feelings and preferences: if the rite and words inspire confidence, then they will help you the best.

Conspiracy while bathing daughter

The magic words are pronounced 9 times: “Voditsa-Ulyana, embellish my daughter (daughter's name), give her lush, beautiful breasts, for everyone to admire, and a slender-folding figure. Amen". You can repeat the mysterious words with a certain frequency, on days suitable for this. The ideal option for such a conspiracy is bathing in a bath. Moreover, since ancient times, the bath has been considered a place with a special energy.

Conspiracy for cabbage

Any cabbage dish can be endowed with special power to increase the bust, if you read a special conspiracy on it before use: “Cabbage-cabbage, you are round, and big, and so hard. Let me, (my name), breasts be rounded, large and elastic. Amen". To give the dish the necessary strength, this plot must be read 8 times.

Enchanted cow's milk

The text of this conspiracy is quite common, but the ritual itself can be different:

  • In the first case, milk must be rubbed into the mammary glands in a special way: rub into the left breast with the right hand and against the movement of the clock, and into the right - exactly the opposite, saying the words 7 times for each breast
  • In the second option, the method of applying milk can be any, but the procedure will have to be repeated 7 days in a row

For a conspiracy and ritual, morning village milk is best suited, but in the absence of it, store-bought milk with a short shelf life is also suitable. Before applying to the breast, milk should be warmed to body temperature.

The text of the conspiracy is best not to read from a piece of paper, but to learn by heart: “In a large field, in a clean field, under a clear sun, and in a free wind, a cow was walking. She trampled, walked, did not know grief, lost drops from the udder. On my chest, (my name), those drops fell so that I blossomed, became prettier, and my chest was filled with health. Yes, she grew up and got better! My thoughts are heard, my wish is fulfilled! Amen. Amen. Amen".

Milk from the bust can not be washed, it is enough to remove its excess with a dry towel.

Conspiracy before the moon

This conspiracy also has two options:

  • In the first case, the ceremony can be performed at home, standing in front of the window, and any item of clothing from the upper body (T-shirt, blouse or shirt) can be used as a charmed item, in the second case, you need to read the plot for breast augmentation on the street, and you need to speak a real key
  • It is believed that the second option is more effective, because it activates natural forces more strongly. The ritual is carried out as follows: depending on the option chosen, you need to undress at night either at home in front of the window, or on the street in the field, and put either a piece of clothing or a key under your feet

After that, the text itself is read, addressed to higher powers: “Under my foot I have a golden key. As the moon grows high in the sky, so let my chest grow. As the moon is round in the sky, so let my chest be round. To be lush and big. Amen".

After pronouncing the text, the item of clothing must be hidden at home, and if the “street” option was used, the key must be buried in the field.

Enchanted water to increase breast volume

The charmed water for the growth of the bust must be drunk. For these purposes, you can use holy or well water. In the most unfortunate case, you can take water from the water supply, but before speaking, it must be defended for at least a week in a dark place. Then you need to wait for the growing moon and read the conspiracy on the water early in the morning: “I speak pure and key water, so that as I drink it, my chest grows, fills up, fills with beauty for everyone to admire. Amen".

The finished drug should be drunk about half a glass every morning for a month, while not forgetting to visualize the desired result as clearly as possible.

Women are constantly dissatisfied with their weight, complexion, hair and breast size. These imaginary shortcomings make girls of different ages complex and do not allow them to spread their wings. The situation can be corrected by a psychological attitude, sports activities or special cosmetics. But using a conspiracy for breast growth is for girls with a small bust size, since disproportionate body sizes can turn out to be ugly.

Using an effective ritual can only bring benefits. White magic will not have a negative effect if used correctly. It is worth recalling that an independent uncontrolled ritual can only harm if you do not believe in a positive result. The slightest doubt should be the reason for a visit to a professional who has been engaged in such rituals for more than one year.

The use of most folk conspiracies for breast augmentation requires reading on the growing moon in order for the rite to work correctly. It is believed that the waxing moon will promote desires and aspirations. It is permissible to read the plot either on your own, or entrust it to a person who wants only good deeds for the girl.

The selection of conspiracies for breast augmentation must be carried out with great care so that every word in it reflects the true wishes of the girl and does not contradict her comfortable feelings. Of the many available love spells, not all have a truly effective effect and may even be unsafe for human energy.

Reading a conspiracy for breast augmentation should call on higher powers only to increase healthy and living tissue. The text should not contain any hints of the possible formation of a foreign body, so as not to provoke the development of tumors. This is also possible with an incorrect interpretation of the words of the rite.

Proper rituals can not only increase the size of the bust, but also rejuvenate it and add health. Many women use such rituals after childbirth, when the bust loses its shape from feeding or mutates from the bites of the baby.

Healers are advised to use gymnastics for the bust in parallel. You should not consider them charlatans and those who want to get rich at the expense of the client. They do this to enhance and accelerate the effect.

Ritual on the full moon

A separate type of conspiracies for breast augmentation is made precisely on the full moon. A special condition for the ceremony is:

  • clear sky;
  • clear visibility of the moon and stars;
  • complete darkness in the room;
  • an open window to let the moon in.

Having removed the T-shirt or jacket that was worn, the rite is read on it. The words of the ritual are:

“I have a magic key under my heel, a golden key. And the moon is in the night sky, and it is round in the starry sky, so be my chest round, thick and extensive. As I said, so be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Having spoken all the words, the clothes with which the ritual was performed must be hidden in a secluded place so that no one sees it.

Bathing to help

The daily ritual of taking a shower or bath can be the subject of a conspiracy for breast enlargement. To turn an ordinary procedure into a ritual, you need to pronounce the words every time:

“From a small flower grows a large apple, round, red, ripe and juicy. A small seed grows into a huge sunflower, a small heifer grows into a big dick, and a little girl grows into a beautiful lady. The Almighty ordered that a woman give birth to a child, feed him with her milk, and for this she cannot do without a large and magnificent breast. So I, the servants of God (the name of the girl), the chest will grow large, lush and strong, and elastic. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The words of such conspiracies for breast augmentation should be read with particular confidence in success. In this case, you need to stroke the bust and at the same time imagine what it becomes. The more realistic you can imagine, the faster and more effectively the result will come.

Rituals for healing and improving forms

It is no secret that a sick person uses every opportunity to heal. There will be no exception to the use of certain conspiracies for breast enlargement. They are able not only to increase the size, but also to heal from mastopathy, and increase the shape. Such rituals consist of several parts:

  1. The first time you need to read on Friday late at night in the dark (with a waning moon 3-5 days before the new moon).
  2. The second night must be clear, without clouds and clouds, so that the stars and the moon are clearly visible (with the growing moon 3-5 days after the full moon).

For the ceremony, you will need a new skein of thread or yarn made from natural material. The day before the ceremony in the evening, you need to cook a decoction of St. John's wort, mint and chamomile (equal proportions) in an enameled pan. On the night of the ritual, you need to strip naked and wipe the bust with infusion, while saying special words:

“Paraskeva-Friday, needlewoman-craftswoman! Vyshey yes vytki from my ripe breasts (the name of the petitioner) all the black ailment! Let my well-groomed breasts bloom and become prettier, please me modest (the name of the petitioner) and a good and good husband!

Then you need to soak a skein of thread in the infusion and bury it in an open field or at least on a large lawn, saying:

“Paraskeva-Friday, accept a gift from the petitioner of peace (the name of the petitioner), full of gratitude! I will not weave, nor spin, nor sew on this Friday!

After the procedure, you need to return home, go to bed and do not get up until the morning.

The second part of the rite is a procedure similar to the previous one. You just need to open the window, pronounce special words and make catching movements. Then you need to use rubbing movements to imitate the smearing of what is caught on the chest. Required words:

“Moon, beautiful clear-faced girl, give me your mind (the name of the petitioner)!”, “And I caught it, great and deep gratitude to you!”.

The use of rituals helps not only to feel more attractive, but also to heal from diseases. The main condition is their correct application, since it is very easy to cause a negative effect, and it is almost impossible to correct it.
