Marrying an Armenian: the pros and cons of marriage, the procedure and conditions for the official registration of relations. Mixed marriages are viewed with contempt in Armenia Modification of family traditions

A sense of humor, wayward temperament and hospitality are the traditional national features of Armenians. And also - the willingness to give everything without a trace for the sake of relatives and friends. It wins women's hearts. And more and more Russian girls are interested in how to register a marriage with an Armenian citizen in Russia. The guys from the Russian Federation are also seduced by Armenian beauties. Documents, conditions for creating an alliance, responsible bodies where this can be done - these and other issues regarding the Russian-Armenian wedding are considered in this material.

The process of registering a marriage with foreign citizens is not much different from that between Russians:

  • filing an application;
  • waiting for a month;
  • official ceremony.

If a girl decides to marry an Armenian, for example, then the couple may encounter a number of features that are related to the required documentation, registration or the legality of staying on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In any case, you need to remember that marriage is concluded according to the laws of the country where it is registered, requirements, documents, terms depend on this.

And since family legislation in different states is different, it is recommended to sign where the future family plans to live.

What documents to go to the registry office

The main documents for applying to the registry office are passports (originals and copies are needed), they also confirm the achievement of the minimum age for marriage: in both the Russian Federation and Armenia it is 18 years old.

A joint statement is written directly on the spot, which testifies to the mutual desire of the young to start a family.

From the Armenian bridegroom (bride) an additional certificate is required on the absence of already existing marriage ties, as well as national restrictions on entering into a marriage union. Otherwise, the wedding of a Russian girl and an Armenian is impossible. You can get such a document through the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in the Russian Federation.

Do not forget that an Armenian, as a foreign citizen, must stay on the territory of the Russian Federation legally. This means that he must have one of the following types of documents valid on the date of marriage: a migration card, a temporary residence permit or a residence permit.

Since the state language in Armenia is Armenian, and Russian is used as informative, the documents of Armenian citizens must be translated into Russian and notarized.

Marriage registration authorities

You can register a marriage between an Armenian and a Russian bride at any registry office in Russia. This is by law, but in reality, not all organizations accept applications from international couples, register marriages, at least in large cities, certain branches. So, for example, in the capital, family relations with foreign citizens are registered most often in the Wedding Palace No. 4.

If the young people are in Armenia, but they want to register the union according to Russian laws, they can apply to the Russian Embassy in Yerevan. The situation is similar when concluding a marriage in the Armenian diplomatic mission in Russia.

Important: in the case of registration abroad, the marriage union is considered legal if the ceremony took place in the presence of authorized officials and all bureaucratic nuances were observed. Any outdoor ceremonies with the presentation of beautiful informal forms are not legal evidence of marriage. And the couple legally remains a couple, but does not become a family.

Dual Russian-Armenian citizenship

A separate issue in the process of registering relations in the “Russian wife - Armenian husband” format is the citizenship of both participants. The fact is that the Republic of Armenia officially allows its citizens to have a passport of another country, and since 2016 it is not even necessary to notify the national state authorities about this fact. In this case, the Armenian fiance may have two passports. With what to go to the registry office? The law says: with anyone, at your own discretion.

These laws of Armenia are a positive thing for a bride from Russia: you can easily obtain citizenship of this country in the Transcaucasus, and even through a simplified procedure (through your husband).

I wonder what position the Russian side takes regarding dual citizenship. In the Russian Federation, dual citizenship is officially possible only with Tajikistan - within the framework of an international agreement. In all other cases, the term "second citizenship" is used. Multiple citizenship in Russia is not directly encouraged, however, there are also no strict prohibitions on obtaining a passport of another state.

"Fake" family

Continuing the topic of citizenship of spouses, it is worth noting that sometimes it becomes the main purpose of marriage. The question whether an Armenian can marry a Russian girl just for the sake of a Russian passport has a positive answer. And more and more Armenian citizens (by the way, both boys and girls) are taking advantage of this opportunity to enter the citizenship of the Russian Federation under a simplified procedure.

Why is it beneficial for Armenians

A Russian passport opens up many prospects for Armenian citizens: from unhindered movement and employment on the territory of the Russian Federation to the simplification of all state bureaucratic procedures (registration, pension, insurance, taxes, etc.). In addition, citizenship provides an opportunity to receive education and medical services, bank loans, and elective positions also become available to them. That is why there are so many foreigners, including Armenians, who seek to acquire the status of a Russian citizen.

How else to obtain Russian citizenship for an Armenian

Citizens of Armenia should also remember about other options for becoming a Russian citizen.

The first option involves the fulfillment of general conditions for obtaining this status:

  • residence in the Russian Federation for at least five years;
  • availability of legal sources of income;
  • knowledge of the language and laws;
  • renunciation of previous citizenship.

If there are reasons, you can use a faster method.

Armenians who:

  • have close relatives - Russian citizens;
  • lived in the USSR and the Russian Federation until December 1991;
  • before July 2002 received education in the Russian Federation (Soviet Union);
  • had USSR citizenship and then did not receive any passport;
  • qualify under the conditions of participation in the State program of resettlement of compatriots.

How to divorce an Armenian

In addition to happy Russian-Armenian marriages, there are also options when family life does not develop successfully. According to the testimonies of girls who connected their lives with representatives of this nationality, Armenians, as husbands, are jealous and quick-tempered. In addition, they are distinguished by respect for national traditions and family ways, and if a girl has different views, then divorce is inevitable.

If such a situation has arisen, you need to remember the peculiarities of filing a divorce with foreign citizens. It is issued in the registry office or in the Russian consulate and must be certified in the relevant state bodies in Armenia. Otherwise, there are risks that officially the couple will continue to be considered a family in one of the countries.

The process becomes more complicated if there are children, joint property and mutual claims.

A handsome Armenian with a burning temperament, of course, can win the heart of a girl, but in order to avoid bureaucratic troubles, you should “keep your head up” and formalize family relations legally from the very beginning.

Interethnic marriages: pros and cons: Video

April 2016 – … Lawyer of the migration portal site.

April 2014 – January 2015. Labor migration specialist. Department for Labor Migration of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Moscow Region.

State registration of marriage is carried out only in the presence of both parties. The RA Family Code prohibits marriage by proxy. In the Republic of Armenia, marriage registration is carried out in one of the following bodies: in the territorial body of the registry office, if there is a certificate of residence; marriage and birth registration chamber, which is part of the structure of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia.

Obtaining Russian citizenship for citizens of Armenia

After 3 years from the date of marriage, the spouse of a Russian citizen has the right to also obtain Russian citizenship.

Armenians who have received a diploma of higher education in Russia and those whose parents are already Russian citizens can also get Russian citizenship faster.

If you have a diploma, certificate or other educational document confirming your knowledge of the Russian language, then obtaining citizenship is easier for an Armenian.

› Criminal Lawyer › Family Lawyer › Divorce Lawyer MARRIAGE REGISTRATION IN ARMENIA What is the procedure for state registration of marriage in Armenia? In order to conclude a marriage, the mutual consent of a man and a woman and the achievement of marriageable age by them is obligatory.

TRP for citizens of Armenia

In the presence of parents or children - citizens of the Russian Federation; Others (according to the current legislation).

If a foreign citizen has no grounds, it is necessary to obtain a quota. Please note: the center provides only legal services.

A fictitious marriage may result in a refusal to obtain a temporary residence permit.

The specialists of the Migration Center assist the citizens of Armenia in the preparation and submission of documents to the Migration Service.

Marriage with an Armenian citizen and obtaining Russian citizenship

I am a citizen of the Russian Federation, my young man is a citizen of Armenia, we want to get married, what documents are needed for this?

and give him citizenship of the Russian Federation?

When registering a marriage on the territory of the Russian Federation, the procedure for its conclusion is determined by Russian legislation and does not depend on the citizenship of those entering into marriage.

What documents are needed in the registry office:

Not all registry offices register marriages with foreign citizens, to find out where such registration is possible, call any of the registry offices, where they will provide you with the necessary information.

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Angelina Sergeevna

Left a question, I got a call back the next day ...

Thanks a lot!

They called quickly. All raz…

Thank you for your advice. Anna answered.

How to obtain Russian citizenship for citizens of Armenia in a simplified and general manner?

In addition, they are not required to issue a renunciation of citizenship. The rest will have to. Dual citizenship in the Russian Federation is unacceptable.

What are the benefits of a simplified order? The main thing is that you do not need to live in the country for a residence permit for 5 years.

You can get citizenship pretty quickly. In each case, the terms are different, but less than 5 years. To become a citizen of the Russian Federation, following these rules, you will need: After that, you need to stay in Russia for another 5 years, and only then raise the issue of obtaining citizenship.

Registration of citizens of Armenia on the territory of the Russian Federation in 2019

It has long been a tradition that diplomatic relations between two different states bring some mutual preferences to their residents, especially when it comes to crossing borders, staying on mutual territories, recognizing documents and conditions for legalizing status. Armenia's accession to the Eurasian Economic Union in 2015 was a big event, which immediately affected the migration rules.

What documents and by whom they must be signed need to be collected for my fiancé

The joint application must confirm the mutual voluntary consent to the conclusion of the marriage, as well as the absence of circumstances preventing the conclusion of the marriage.

The joint application for marriage must also contain the following information: last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, age on the day of state registration of marriage, citizenship, nationality (indicated at the request of the persons entering into marriage), place of residence of each of persons entering into marriage; surnames that are elected by the persons joining; details of documents proving the identity of those entering into marriage.

Perhaps, if there were no demographic problem in Armenia, then mixed marriages would not be perceived so painfully. But the fact is obvious - the farther, the more married couples of different nationalities as one of the chances to leave the country. Moreover, spouses are often from different religious denominations. But how psychologically complete are such marriages? With this question, I turned to Vladimir Mikayelyan, Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Psychology at YSU and Director of the Anima Psychological Service.

– Mixed marriage is a relationship between two cultures, a relationship of marital patterns and a relationship of parenting patterns. It would seem that the closer peoples stand to each other - both territorially, historically, and spiritually - they should have fewer problems. It is easier for Christians of one nation to find common ground with Christians of another nation, because there is a common religious culture. And if there was a conflict in this mixed marriage, then it happened not so much between a man and a woman, but between their cultures.

Let us take the case when a girl is brought up in a Slavic cultural religious environment and, having married an Armenian, ends up in a different Christian environment. What unites them? Christian worldview. It's not really specified - it's assumed. Therefore, if we are Christians, we must equally look at a number of circumstances surrounding us. It turns out that this is not enough. Different cultures foster different worldviews. That same Russian girl is faced with the fact that Armenians have much more taboo systems than Russians, although both are Christians. She cannot understand why her husband demands that she dress differently, that she behave differently in society, do not look at other men, do not talk to strange men for a long time, prefer different dishes, and so on and so forth. Do not accept her husband's conditions, of course there may be conflicts. And they occur, as a rule, at the level of everyday life. Practice has shown that it takes about seven years for relations between spouses in mixed marriages to normalize, get used to it, so that spouses can combine cultural, religious, and family models. This is how a certain general worldview is formed - a general attitude to life.

– In search of work, many Armenian men leave for neighboring countries, and in particular for Russia. What is changing in their psychology?

– In Russia, an Armenian man tries to quickly adapt territorially, otherwise he will not be able to live there any longer. Over time, a metamorphosis takes place with him - by nationality, he continues to be an Armenian, and in behavior, in worldview, he is more like a Slav. There is a change of cultural identity - forced adaptation in a different cultural environment.

What is it that saves him?

– An Armenian man is saved by his own motivation. Actually, if he married a Russian and lives in Russia, then what could be his most serious motivation? First of all, he wants to have Russian citizenship, and for this he endures all sorts of difficulties, sometimes even leaving his family in Armenia ... Thus, he runs away from problems, knowing that for him in Russia the field of permits is wider. Big Russia - more opportunities. And in Armenia, on the contrary, there are more problems than their solutions.

- Where did his patriarchal upbringing, patriotism, coupled with paternal responsibility go?

– Here, most likely, a protective mechanism is triggered: yes, he does not stop thinking about his children, about his family, but at the same time he hopes that if we, Armenians, have group thinking, then relatives will help, they will not leave the family to disappear. The fear of coming back is much stronger. And by the way, such problems most often arise in villages. In fact, it is rightly said that the less intelligence, the lower the responsibility, and vice versa.

- What drives a Russian woman who agrees to marry an Armenian, knowing in advance that she ends up, say, in a family with established traditions and rituals?

– She is not running away from Russia, she is running to her personal happiness. A Slav woman in Armenia forms a family, trying to smooth out all the corners of misunderstanding and rejection. On the other hand, in the Armenian environment, she gains security, which she cannot receive in her homeland. And most importantly, she knows that she will not face the problem of alcoholism, she is sure that her husband will take the main care of the family ...

– And Armenian women are well aware of this feature of Armenian men, who take this fact for granted...

– Armenian women have a need to sit in a “golden cage”. So that her husband would look after her, buy everything for her and help raise children. It is much more important for Armenian women to establish themselves in their social status; social order for them is above all. And note that the social scenario of life in our country and the scenario of life among Russians are completely different. What is important to us? Graduated from school, received a diploma, now you can get married. Some link is missing - already a problem. Or she got married, but there are no children - again the social scenario did not work, and problems cannot be avoided. If the script works completely, then the woman considers herself happy. She believes, but does not feel, because she fit into the social scenario of society.

- And when they leave the family and go to another marriage - does this mean an exit from the scenario of social life?

- Undoubtedly. By the way, Armenian men easily establish relationships with Russian women, because the latter do not build difficult obstacles, they are direct and easy. And we must admit that among the Slavs this is a very good component of nature and soul - they establish relationships very easily, they do not have all these historically established and almost genetic barriers. And in this sense, this is a great achievement of culture, ethnos. It is our inherent difficulties in this matter, we put up barriers. We have this fear, protection, the desire to establish guaranteed relationships, not to be deceived, not to burn out on something. It is the fear of learning from your own mistakes. We love to learn from the mistakes of others. But learning from the mistakes of others means learning from the mistakes of others.

- In society today, much is done with an eye on the church. So the Armenian Church is against mixed marriages and does not bless marriages with foreigners...

– The Armenian Church is against marriages when it comes to another religion. In today's Armenia, populated by Iranians and Syrians, this is indeed a serious problem. I conducted surveys among students on this topic: 90% of female students are against marriage with Muslims, but 10% admit this fact. That is, for 10% the person himself is important, and not his nationality, and 90% are obsessed with nationality. This is already a phylogenetic, Christian heritage, and nothing can be done about it. True, here one must also take into account the fact that one can have an attitude, but act differently in real behavior. Installation should never be prioritized. But if this nevertheless happened and a Christian woman married a Muslim, then she should know what she is getting into. From the point of view of Islam, a woman is obliged to listen to her husband and render him complete obedience, except in cases where he requires what is forbidden by Islam. At the same time, the holy book of Muslims, the Quran, calls on husbands to punish their wives in case of their disobedience, disagreement, or simply in order to improve their character. The Koran says that one should intimidate, scold and beat one’s wives when they do not obey… As a rule, quarrels begin between the mother-in-law and the freedom-loving or stubborn daughter-in-law in Armenian. Therefore, many marriages break up at the very beginning of their life together. Most wives in such cases leave back. But it also happens that women gradually come to terms with their role as a daughter-in-law in a patriarchal family, learn the norms of behavior adopted by local residents, learn the language and, ultimately, become completely Muslim. In order to save the marriage in this way, she needs great patience. In fact, if a woman marries a representative of another nation, a bearer of a different culture, she moves away from the ethnic, national environment. Then they begin to consider her theirs and treat her well - however, only on the condition that she converts to Islam and observes customs.

In mixed marriages, the willingness of spouses to adapt to each other is very important. It is very important that spouses understand that marriage is not a confrontation, it is an attempt to merge. It is very rightly said that marriages are made in heaven, there are no accidental marriages. Even if it breaks up, it is also not accidental. After all, this marriage should teach a person something. The question is different - what everyone expects in this marriage. I believe that if a person is not adapted to his environment, he will not adapt to a foreign environment either.

Kari Amirkhanyan

I am a citizen of the Russian Federation, my young man is a citizen of Armenia, we want to get married, what documents are needed for this? and give him citizenship of the Russian Federation?


Hello Maria.

When registering a marriage on the territory of the Russian Federation, the procedure for its conclusion is determined by Russian legislation and does not depend on the citizenship of those entering into marriage. What documents are needed in the registry office:

  • Application for marriage;
  • Passport and its copy with translation into Russian. The translation can be certified by a notary or consul (ambassador) of Armenia;
  • A document confirming that your young man is not married and has no obstacles to marriage. The document must be in Russian or with a certified translation attached. It is valid for three months. You can get it at the consulate (embassy) of Armenia;
  • If your young man was previously married, then he also needs to provide a document confirming the termination of the previously concluded marriage, with a translation into Russian;
  • A document confirming the payment of the state fee.

Not all registry offices register marriages with foreign citizens, to find out where such registration is possible, call any of the registry offices, where they will provide you with the necessary information.

As for obtaining the citizenship of the Russian Federation by your young man, this does not automatically happen with marriage. After the conclusion of the marriage, paragraph 2 of Article 14 of the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” dated May 31, 2002 N 62-FZ will apply. This means that your spouse will be able to apply for citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner without complying with the condition of a five-year period of residence, after three years of marriage with you. Thus, your future husband first needs to obtain a temporary residence permit, if you are already married, he will receive this permit without taking into account the quota. Then he needs to get a residence permit, and after receiving it, after three years of marriage, he can apply for citizenship. You should also know that once you get married, your husband will be registered for three years, not three months.

Armenia is the first country in the world, back in 301, to adopt Christianity as a state religion. Since then, Armenian folk traditions and customs, many of which were pagan and evolved over thousands of years, have been enriched with church Christian rites and rituals. And many of them intertwined with each other, acquiring a new color. The Church accepted and corrected some of the pagan traditions. Today, the inhabitants of modern Armenia continue to sacredly honor most of the customs of their people, considering them an integral part of their culture and history.

Armenia - a country of traditions

This country of Transcaucasia is located at the crossroads between West and East, Europe and Asia. It often found itself in the path of clashes between the most ancient powerful powers, great empires. The Armenian land has repeatedly turned into an arena of hostilities. Remaining true to their traditions, language and culture, the Armenians were able to preserve their identity. In a word, it is the traditions and customs of the Armenian people that are the secret of its longevity. Sometimes they take on a certain artificial, demonstrative character, however, returning to them again and again, the inhabitants of the country respect their roots and preserve their identity.

Traditions are the main wealth of ancient peoples

Anthropologists, studying ancient nations, came to the conclusion that if representatives of a particular ethnic group deeply feel their roots, realize their involvement in this people, then they do not lose their customs over time and sacredly honor the traditions of their ancestors. So are the Armenians: they live, develop, adapt to new realities, but the Armenian traditions and customs, which were formed over many centuries and even millennia by their ancestors, remain unshakable. Moreover, representatives of this ancient nation consider them their national treasure and main wealth, and it doesn’t matter to them whether these rituals are accompanied by joyful or sad events.

Main Armenian traditions and customs

For this ancient Christian people, marriage and the family are considered the main national values, in which the husband remains the head, and the word of the eldest man in the family is the law for all its members. Respect for the elderly is also one of the fundamental traditions of the Armenian people. Family relations are also being cultivated in the country, and neighbors will soon become closer to some relatives: they always help and support each other. Well, the biggest tradition in Armenia is hospitality. A person who has crossed the threshold of your house cannot be an unwanted guest. In Armenia, no one will understand the expression “an uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar”. For every family, it is a matter of honor to receive with dignity people who come to their house, "respecting their hearth." The best place at the table belongs to the guest. And that is passed down from generation to generation.

Modification of family traditions

Further in the article we will tell you in more detail about the relationship between members of the same genus. In this small Transcaucasian mono-ethnic country, Armenian traditions and customs in the family continue to remain unchanged, despite the fact that the Armenians themselves believe that much has changed in their way of life, having received a Western “color”. So, for example, today most young families tend to live separately from their parents, women also take an active part in public life, have become more independent, which means that they are not able to devote themselves entirely to the family. In addition, today Armenian women do not want to get married early, they are engaged in career issues, and even in adulthood they can give birth to a child out of wedlock.

Family Traditions in Modern Armenian Society

Life changes and nothing can stay the same. Nevertheless, there are Armenian customs and traditions that are relevant even in the modern Republic of Armenia. The husband is still the head of the family, but if the family consists of several generations, then the eldest woman has broad rights, and she is accountable only to her husband, and her sons and their wives must unquestioningly obey her. Ideally, all this is done with love and respect, but there are many cases when young brides stand up for their rights in the family and, in order to avoid a serious conflict, their husbands are forced to separate from their parental home.

The place of a son-in-law in an Armenian house

Armenian family traditions and customs, as a rule, deny the possibility of a young family living with the wife's parents, that is, with the mother-in-law and father-in-law. There is even a disparaging nickname - “home son-in-law”, which is given to young men who, after marriage, move to their wife's father's house. However, even today it is often violated, because sometimes city girls marry provincials who come from the regions, who, as a rule, do not have their own housing. Naturally, the young wife does not want to go far away to the house of her husband's parents, and the newlyweds remain to live in the wife's house.

Funeral customs

Almost all peoples of the world have special rituals that give solemnity to the process of human burial. It is difficult to briefly describe all the customs and traditions of the Armenian people, especially when it comes to the saddest moments of our lives - farewell to a loved one. At the same time, being Christians, Armenians observe all church rites. That is, the deceased is buried either in the church or in his house in the presence of all relatives and friends. At the same time, not only people who personally knew the deceased come to the memorial service, but also friends, acquaintances and colleagues of his family members.

funeral ceremony

On the day of the funeral, a priest is invited, who again buries the deceased and, together with the funeral procession, goes to the cemetery. There are areas in Armenia where women are not allowed to go to the churchyard on the day of the funeral. Upon returning home, the participants of the funeral are waiting for a plentiful table. People eat and, without clinking glasses, drink for the repose of the soul of the deceased. The next day, a group of close people gathers in the house and again goes to the cemetery, and then gathers at the laid table, again commemorating the deceased. Memorial rites are also held on the seventh and fortieth days and on the anniversary of the sad event, as well as on church holidays: Christmas, Easter, the Feast of the Holy Cross, etc. For 40 days, men (the closest relatives of the deceased) do not shave their beards, and women wear mourning.

Armenian wedding: traditions and customs

Before talking about how the traditional wedding ceremony takes place in Armenia, I would like to describe the details of the matchmaking process. Well, firstly, let's start with the fact that half a century ago, Armenia was more traditional in this matter. There were times when brides and grooms saw each other only on the day of matchmaking or even engagement. That is, they got married and married "blindly". Today it is a rarity even in the most remote village. Today, girls and boys first get to know each other, fall in love, meet, then get to know each other's parents, then traditional matchmaking, betrothal and, finally, wedding. And all this is a tribute to the national, although today only one name remains from these traditions. And all these events are so modified that it is difficult to see even echoes of the past in them.

Woman and her place in Armenian society

In modern Armenia, despite all the changes, Armenian customs and traditions for girls are much stricter than for men. So, for example, it is not appropriate for the fair sex to meet guys on the street. This is what mothers teach their daughters almost from childhood. However, today young people manage to get acquainted through social networks, communicate online, and after a while, the guys ask their passion for a meeting.

According to the modern Armenian tradition, it is not proper for a girl to immediately agree to the persuasion of a gentleman, she must “check” his feelings, delaying the meeting. If a girl has a brother, especially an older one, then the guy who has plans for his sister must definitely meet him and ask his permission. In a word, secret meetings are not approved in Armenia. After several dates, if the young people decide to start a serious relationship, the parents agree on a matchmaking or an engagement right away: sometimes one smoothly develops into another.


Surely many are interested in how the Armenian wedding goes. Traditions and customs in modern society have largely lost their relevance, although there are families who advocate the revival of the national and in every possible way strive to adhere to the rules and canons that were created millennia ago. So, the first step in this process is matchmaking. In the old days, when people lived in small towns and villages, and everyone knew each other, this process was entrusted to an intermediary - a common friend of two families. However, today this stage has completely dropped out of the series of pre-wedding events. It is not customary to go to matchmaking with a large company. The group of matchmakers includes the mother, father, grandparents, elder brother or sister of the groom. They take sweets, Armenian cognac, a bouquet of flowers and a gold ring for the bride (but not an engagement ring) with them. The girl's parents greet them with restraint. There should not be any treats on the table. Negotiations are underway for some time, the parties get to know each other. The outcome of this conversation may be the most unexpected: either the father of the bride will agree to give his daughter for this guy, or not. In the first case, a girl is invited to the “negotiation” room, and her father asks her if she agrees to marry this young man. The girl, as a rule, answers with a slight nod - either in denial or in agreement. In the first case, the groom approaches her and puts a ring on the ring finger of her left hand, then glasses are brought to the table and two bottles of cognac are uncorked. A little from each bottle is poured into each of the glasses. First, the fathers clink glasses, and then everyone else. Then comes the meal. In case of refusal, the matchmakers leave without even seeing the girl and without asking her consent.


Armenian wedding traditions and customs are very interesting. After the wedding, the ceremony of betrothal follows. The main organizer of this event is the side of the bride. The girl's family sets the tables (today this is done in a restaurant), relatives are invited. The groom's side prepares baskets with gifts. Each of the invited women comes with their own gift, placed in a basket of fruits, sweets and drinks. Naturally, they prepare for the bride and, of course, a ring, already an engagement ring.

This time, the cortege is greeted with open arms and smiles, because the groom's relatives are welcome guests, future relatives. Then the wedding ceremony itself takes place. Ideally, everything should happen in the church, but this is rarely followed today. Young people simply put rings on each other, and parents uncork cognacs. Then comes the real feast and


If you want to see what the real Armenian traditions and customs are like (photos from some events are in the article), then it’s better to go somewhere in the provinces. In the city, especially in the capital, young people gravitate toward everything foreign, and an Armenian wedding turns into a real mix of traditional Armenian, European, and sometimes, no matter how absurd it may sound, Arabic.

Who is kavor?

At the Armenian wedding, the main person is the kavor (planted father). In the morning, before the bridegroom is poisoned for the bride, his father and several of their close relatives and friends follow the kavor and his wife - “kavorkin” - to his house, of course, not empty-handed. After a small feast, the wedding procession goes to the bride's house. By the way, the mother of the groom stays at home to properly meet the young.

At the bride's house: the rite of the wedding dress

Gifts for the bride (sometimes a dress) and several attributes are placed in the basket: shoes (required), veil, perfume, cosmetics, handbag, bouquet, etc. According to ancient custom, after the arrival of matchmakers, all women gathered in the girl's room and dressed up the bride, singing ritual songs. The young woman had to dress up in everything new, bought by the groom. In the process, one of her shoes disappeared somewhere, and one of the bride's relatives had to “steal” it. Kavorkin must pay a ransom for the return of the shoe. The veil is put on by twisting it around the bride's head three times. Then the groom is invited into the room, and he, lifting the veil from the face of the bride, kisses her and leads her out to the guests. However, there is another hurdle waiting for them. The brother of the bride with a sword in his hands blocks their way and also demands a ransom. This time the groom has to fork out.


After a small feast in the bride's house, the young people and the wedding cortege go to the church, where the wedding ceremony is performed. After that, the newlyweds go to the groom's house, where the groom's mother meets them with pita bread and honey. She throws lavash on the shoulders of the bride and groom and gives them each a spoonful of honey.

This is a sign that they live in peace and harmony. Then the bride must break the plate with her heel before entering the house of her newly-made husband. After this, a long feast begins, during which the bride is showered with golden gifts. The last stage is the bride's dance, after which the young people leave the hall, but the wedding continues.

As a conclusion

Armenian wedding traditions and customs are very rich, original and extremely interesting, and each area has its own characteristics, but they cannot be described in a nutshell. We will tell you more about them next time.
