Married mistress of a married man: what does such a relationship promise? Long-term relationship with a married man. Psychologist's advice: what to do, how to break off relations with a married man you love? Relationship of a married woman with a married man

The topic of adultery is already so old that it would seem that it makes no sense to discuss it. However, how many people, so many opinions, and even more questions. After all, even a stamp in the passport is not an obstacle to going to the side. And from both spouses. After all, a married woman as a lover is not a new phenomenon. But why do men increasingly choose for themselves precisely those who are already bound by marriage, and how long can such a tandem exist?

Married lover and married mistress

The relationship between a man and a mistress is different. Some representatives of the strong half of humanity run away “to the left” out of boredom, others thus increase their self-esteem, and the third, which does not happen often, again have a feeling of falling in love with their new passion. And sometimes for this reason they divorce their own wives. However, despite such examples, the ideal lover for a married man is the one who also has a stamp in his passport. Let's try to figure out why this happens.

What does a man expect from his mistress?

At least the difference from his wife, otherwise adultery would not make any sense. Numerous surveys of the stronger sex have shown that only a lover who is married herself can meet all the requirements for psychological and physical comfort. Here is how the men themselves explain it:

  • the married mistress of a married man will not create the problems that can arise with a free woman. Those. at least she will not try to destroy the family;
  • the relationship between a man and a mistress who has a stamp in his passport is much easier and financially. A lady with a spouse cannot accept numerous expensive gifts;
  • a married woman does not have time for frequent meetings, so she will not bother with endless calls, and meetings with her will always be fruitful;
  • men love variety, as well as extreme situations. A lover who has someone else will always remain a mystery with which caution is needed;
  • a married woman is more caring and sensitive, because she daily worries about the well-being and peace of her family;
  • married women are calmer and less selfish than free women. In addition, an experienced lady in relationships is almost always self-sufficient and independent and does not shift responsibility onto the shoulders of a man;
  • parting with such a woman is always much easier. She will not arrange tantrums and scandals, and will be able to calmly find a replacement for a failed boyfriend.
Why does a woman need a married lover?

Based on such male arguments, a woman whose husband has a married mistress can be relatively calm. Such a hobby will not bring any problems, unless of course the lady knows about the betrayal and is calm about it.

On the other hand, there is an opinion that women themselves begin to cheat on their spouses only in response to their betrayal or out of a sense of revenge and offended dignity. In fact, to face the truth, it should be mentioned that there is another reason, no less common. Not only men are capable of “trying on” attractive persons of the opposite sex. There is even a joke: “Spring. I want to find a gentle man, but my husband does not allow. And indeed it is. If the reasons why a man begins to cheat are more or less known to us (boredom, the opportunity to feel desirable again, the desire to find variety in life), then why such thoughts appear in the head of a married woman depends on the circumstances. This may include an unsuccessful marriage, disrespect for her husband, lack of due attention to her person, the notorious betrayal of her husband, which the woman found out about, etc. Then she meets someone attractive who appreciates her, and the scenario of events becomes the same as for men who cheat on spouses.

However, there is one very significant BUT. A married mistress of a married man risks her family very much and can destroy it with her own hands. Such is her nature - a woman concentrates on her secret hobby, becomes absent-minded, can think about her boyfriend for hours, and by her behavior alone can give out the true reason for such behavior.

From this we can conclude that married lovers and mistresses are, in fact, a logical tandem. However, by its nature, it cannot exist for a long time: a man from such a union will have positive emotions and be charged with additional energy, and a woman who, instead of her husband, gives her life force to another man, ultimately destroys her family and her whole life. Is it worth the risk, for the sake of such an outcome of events, everyone chooses for himself. But the convenience of such a connection on the side is obvious, which means that there will be new generations of married and married lovers.

A significant part of the female population completely refutes the possibility of a rendezvous with a married man, considering such relationships to be initially deadly for the soul and their own pride. But there are a considerable number of ladies not only allowing such a development of events, but also purposefully striving for just such a scenario. Throwing hypocrisy and feigned pride, you can understand the very essence of the phenomenon.

Description of the problem

The psychology of a married lover compares favorably with the behavior of an inveterate bachelor or a conscientious family man, therefore it lends itself to a full analysis by a sober-minded lady. Most wives who have experienced the problem of triangular ups and downs from their own experience consider the main reason for their husband's infidelity to be the polygamy inherent in them (popularly referred to as "furious with fat"). In fact, the root of the problem may be hidden behind a screen of psychological disorders.

Problems are the root of betrayal

A common root cause of infidelity is parental problems:

  • A child can constantly be a participant in parental abuse, during which the most unpleasant cases from their private lives are revealed. The result of such a “happy” childhood will be the inability to perceive family conflicts. In his own family, already an adult man, in moments of acute situations, will subconsciously seek refuge, where he is accepted with a whole basket of bad habits and shortcomings. Skillful mistresses build their own behavior precisely on this foundation - the more demanding the spouse, the more loyal the passion from the outside.
  • Parents who are engaged in social and labor activities forget to open their souls to their children. Lack of respect, abrupt changes in the family climate and unexplained actions instill in the fragile children's mind the concept of artificiality. Marital fidelity does not receive clear boundaries, and any difficulties undermine the already unstable world of the family.
  • Bad first sexual experience. Many do not allow the option that the psychology of a married lover directly depends on the behavior of the first woman. In the case when a girl openly expressed dissatisfaction, especially in the form of bullying, the man's subconscious is constantly in a state of searching for confirmation of his own status. Mistresses are often more talkative in bed, having analyzed the possible needs of a married boyfriend, clearly build a line of encouragement and, if successful, sing of his male potential.
  • The child imbibed the example of a weak father. There are frequent cases when a boy was brought up under the strict control of his mother, who clearly laid the line of matriarchy. An adult man is no longer able to move away from oppressive relationships, so the mistress acts more like a sexual psychologist. Having discussed his own troubles and the futility of married life with a beautiful woman, a married lover backs up all the conclusions with rich love pleasures, which allows him to further humiliate himself in the circle of his own family.

Behavior Model

The psychology of a married lover in relation to his mistress draws a model of behavior gradually. The first experience of a forbidden relationship programs a man to constantly monitor the speech, movements and places of possible deployment of his mistress. The city where the married hero lives with his mistress, day after day turns into a map with minefields. A man tries his best not to fall under the arm of his wife in the eyes of his passion and vice versa. For some guys, this kind of situation gives some positive results: the brain calculates moves in advance, attentiveness increases several times.

Behavior model of a "stray" married partner

There is a more common type of unfaithful men at the moment - the "stray" young married lover. His psychology of betrayal is quite simple - the wife confronted the fact of her own pregnancy, and the marriage was already formed around the existing heir or heiress. The strength of such bonds is rather doubtful. A man, backed up to the wall with his tummy, sees in the missus rather an overseer than a faithful soul mate. Therefore, the appearance of a light and cheerful outlet on the side is a completely adequate reaction.

Many girls who have gone sailing on the river "marriage" with precisely such rights often place all responsibility for the appearance of the baby on their spouse. But pressure in the form of barbs or jokes only leads to the desire to gain balance, the girls on the side in this case are a means to gain the missing dominance. The psychology of a married man who has a mistress is distinguished by its stable state. An infringed individual, finally having the opportunity to receive bursts in doses without accompanying moralizing or blackmail, notes an improvement in well-being, a surge of energy and aspirations, as well as an influx of physical strength.

Changes in a married lover

A man strives to match a well-groomed mistress. Wife's favorite pies are swept aside, and baked meat is only welcome. Such is the psychology of a married man, they have a very significant difference from wives - they have their own, they have a separate social circle, unfamiliar affairs and successes. The wife, on the other hand, always tramples under her feet, takes care of her family and children, grumbles about her mother-in-law and colleagues. You can always put pressure on the missus or extort her mistress, but at any moment she can fly away on vital matters. A moment of no influence gives any man a feeling of ardent thirst, attracting more and more.

If both partners are married...

There is also an option when married lovers and mistresses meet. The psychology of these relationships goes beyond a simple craving for novelty. A married lady does not just go down to adultery, she gives a particle of her own soul to her lover, taking it away from her family.

Why does a married lady have a married partner?

For women, the bonds of marriage are not empty words, even in the case of a fictitious union (by calculation or contract). Several factors can make a girl decide on a forbidden relationship:

  • Dissatisfaction with one's own libido. Often, apparently well-off married couples hide a deep conflict of sexual temperaments. If a woman has a more active position and aspirations for a regular sexual life and does not receive a response from her husband, thoughts about an additional place of intimate unloading gradually mature in her psyche.
  • The husband's sexual coercion also leads to a search for a more suitable partner. In a situation where the spouse pushes forward his own hidden fantasies with an onslaught, not caring about the emotional calmness of his missus, he runs into a wall not only of misunderstanding, but already of hysterical jitters. The best solution for most women is the presence of a married lover. After all, the existence of a spouse completely frees from any obligations to the boyfriend.
  • Lack of quality attention from the faithful. Without having an emotional dialogue with a spouse, women most often become isolated in their own complexes and resentments, attention from a strange man feeds their ego.

What are relationships based on?

The psychology of a married lover in relation to a married mistress is built on quite tangible supports. The main one is the complete adaptation of the new passion to his own fate. A married lady, in fact, is a universal cocktail that gives pleasure and confidence in male capabilities, and at the same time does not show a destructive passion for ringing. The most pleasant bonus is the complete harmony in terms of matching in time. A free passion over time will demand more attention to itself, and a married one approaches the issue more deliberately, calculating all possible options.

The complete absence of trivial promises and vows qualitatively saturates the relationship of married lovers. The psychology of both parties is such that wild delight and the desire to suppress a partner are absent.

Why choose a married woman as a mistress?

Thanks to favorable harmony, the relationship with a married woman is complemented by purely external factors. Such a lady completely rejects exits to crowded places, does not require pretentious parties, frisky races or spa resorts. The list of expenses of a married man is qualitatively reduced and easily fits in, especially if the legal spouse scrupulously controls him. Also, men are disposed by the looseness of married mistresses.

An animal interest in the forbidden ripens on both sides, giving an intimate connection a "delicious" spiciness. The psychology of a married lover is built on all the same classical laws - when your own missus constantly talks about age (both in public matters and in bed), the ego requires the satisfaction of the most ambiguous desires.

Ideal for both partners

In some situations, for single mothers, a married lover becomes a lifeline. years of loneliness puts forward a whole list of positive aspects of this phenomenon. Lawful husbands often disappoint with their tyranny in relation to their spouse or child, so a married lover will not take educational initiatives towards the child, and will not toughen the atmosphere in the house. Rare visits also look tempting - a single mother does not often manage to set aside an hour or two for herself, so such a partner will not issue ultimatums.

To help in material terms, women believe, it is a married lover who can help. The psychology of a man who has known the complexities of everyday life is such that he is easier to compromise, he has to ask less often, a casually thrown phrase or a sigh causes such a partner a reflex developed in living together with his wife.

Married lover: psychology, divorce

Over the past three decades, a different trend of such relations has been widespread. Many girls dream of finding a well-equipped man; most often a married lover suits them as an admirer. They plan to conquer such a partner, to conquer him. As a result, he will file for divorce from his missus. Thus, young and excessively ambitious ladies want to get not just a win, but a universal jackpot.

The appearance of a young or more experienced woman in the life of a spouse in most cases indicates stagnation in relation to the couple. Psychologists advise to understand the core of the problem before embarking on drastic measures and sanctions. Family life is not just a laborious and painstaking business, but also an ubiquitous one. Any man needs frequent bursts of seething passions that would allow him to balance the emotional world with the outside.

Love relationships with a married man are complex and unpredictable. An inexperienced young girl and a married lady who has a husband and children can fall in love with a married man, no one is immune from this.

What will such relationships bring, do they have a happy ending or do they bring destruction, pain and tears? How to build relationships if you decide to have an affair with an unfree man?

How to build a relationship with a married man

If you fell in love with a married man and are trying to build a long-term relationship with him, you must understand that sooner or later your relationship must end.

In very rare cases, a man leaves the family, as a rule, he only promises to do this in the near future, trying to keep and extend his love relationship with you longer.

Such is the male psychology - to have a family, children and a mistress at the same time on the side that suits it. How to build relationships with a married man, and not make mistakes, so that they bring only joy and happiness, and not disappointment?

Psychologist's advice to women having an affair with a married man

The psychology of relations with a married man is such that a woman initially believes that this romance will have a happy ending with her.

Psychologists have identified three types of women who decide to invade someone else's family:

1.lonely young ladies who failed to meet the only one who would make her happy and give her love. They are sure that it is this, albeit someone else's husband, the same prince who will leave everything and be with her.

2. Independent, free-spirited fairies who meet "married men" for pleasure and pastime without trying to destroy his family.

3. married ladies who are married did not find emotional support.

In order for the relationship to be long and you do not pretend to be a wife, but only spend time together and want to continue an easy, romantic relationship with a "married man", listen to psychologist's advice:

  • the main advice is not to become attached to a lover, not to make joint plans, to understand that this is only a temporary hobby for both you and him;
  • do not dictate your requirements to your lover, let him decide when and where your dates will take place, do not impose;
  • do not strain a man, do not ask unnecessary questions, do not discuss his wife, their relationship and feelings with him;
  • do not try to destroy the family;
  • do not let him into your personal life, do not introduce him to family and friends.

Psychology of a married man - should a woman start a relationship with a married man?

First of all, answer yourself, why would you build a relationship with a man who is married to another woman?

Think about whether it is worth spending your life, your precious time and starting a love affair with someone who will soon leave you. It may sound cruel, but it is the truth of life.

In very rare cases, a man leaves his wife, children, destroys his marriage. It's easier for him to leave his mistress.

He is afraid that his wife will find out his secret and carefully hides your relationship from her. The time that you spend on him, you could spend and date a free man.

How to survive a breakup with a married man and move on

As a rule, women sooner or later begin to understand that relationships are reaching a dead end and they themselves want to end them and think about breaking up.

It is very difficult to painlessly break the connection and survive the breakup, especially with a long romance, the advice of a psychologist will help to cope with this difficult situation.

Tips on how to end a relationship with a married man

In order to break off and stop love dates with a “married man”, you need to tune in to the breakup and make the final decision to put an end to them.

Psychologist's advice about how to take a decisive step and tell your lover about your decision:

1. Put the lover before the fact and tell him that you want to leave him, ask him not to bother you. Delete his number or change yours so that there is no temptation to renew the relationship. Do it today. In some cases, if the lover does not want to destroy the relationship, you will have to leave for a while and take a vacation.

2. Don't fall for the farewell party tricks of the male sex, this is an attempt to keep you.

3. Remove from view all photos, videos, gifts, surprises associated with it.

4. Pay attention to yourself, become selfish. Change your image, get distracted, don't be alone, crying into your pillow, look at life with new eyes, now you are free and ready for a new relationship.

How to End a Long Relationship with a Married Man You Love

Particular pain and suffering is experienced by women who decide to break off a love relationship that lasted for years, while still continuing to love. The woman understands that she has no chance of becoming his wife.

The conversation that it’s time to stop meeting she constantly starts, but the matter does not go beyond words. You must finally, firmly take this important decision and express it to your lover.

This conversation will be emotionally difficult, there will be arguments, questions, promises to wait, do not believe them. This pain must be experienced for your happy future. After the break, do not dwell on the problem, take a break, pay attention to yourself.

Remember, time heals all wounds. Suffering and torment will not lead to anything good. Let him go - he's a stranger.

The relationship of a married man and a married woman psychology

Relationships in which both lovers are not free are not uncommon. Such a relationship does not oblige to anything and suits both partners, each of them has its own advantages.

A woman is attracted by new emotions, avoiding everyday problems, a man is attracted by diversity, new vivid sensations.

Psychology of a married man in a relationship with a woman male secrets:

  • a man is satisfied with a married mistress from all sides, she is interested in the confidentiality of meetings, does not arrange jealousy scenes, tantrums do not require gifts and signs of attention.
  • a married lady is relaxed in sex, she is experienced and knows what she wants;
  • breaking off relations with a married woman is easy, she will take it for granted, because her life continues with her husband.

This is only a male opinion on this kind of relationship, for a woman this is a serious risk that can have irreversible consequences.

Women's adultery is rarely forgiven and leads to divorce, loss of family, disrespect for children, friends and relatives.

The best advice for married women who are having an affair with a married man is to immediately stop them and show attention to her husband, try to return love.

Mankind has long and unsuccessfully struggled with treason in relations between two people. It's all about the generally accepted morality of the society where we live. Society values ​​monogamy, and loyalty to one partner throughout life or long-term relationships between people is considered worthy of emulation. But for some reason, people now and then have novels on the side, and this happens not only when the young and inexperienced suddenly find themselves. A married man and a married woman can also be in a love relationship. In some cases, such relationships arise quite unexpectedly, while in others they fall like snow on their heads. And then a married man and a married woman, realizing that an affair has arisen between them, do not really understand what to do with all this.

In the layman's mind, most married men (especially if they are successful, don't need money, and still have very little to themselves) have, or at least should have, a mistress. The mistress should be young, free. For a man, this is such an expensive toy, like a luxury car. Only alive. Only for some reason no one seriously considers the option when a married man fell in love with a married woman.

A man makes gifts to his luxurious young mistress: he pays for housing or buys an apartment, a car, clothes, jewelry. The mistress in return gives him warmth and affection. He relaxes in her company, resting from his disgusted wife.

A similar image of the lover-lover relationship is replicated in tabloid literature and in the media. You will always see such a model of relationships in soap operas or trash serials about businessmen, policemen, women of difficult fate on our TV channels.

How the relationship between a married man and a married woman develops in life

But life is a more complex substance, and it is much richer in it. Including in relationships between lovers. Very often, a man does not need an expensive live toy at all. A man needs a woman next to whom you can really relax and unwind, get support from such a woman in those endeavors that the man’s family is skeptical about. In the end, a married man simply feels like a person, and not a breadwinner or the head of a social cell. At first, a friendship between a married man and a married woman may arise, and then these relationships will begin to develop incrementally.

In this case, the man will look not so much towards young girls, but towards almost the same age or women who already have some life experience. As a rule, most of these women are already married. And it is unlikely that such women are ready to divorce in order for a new man to enter their lives. There remains only an option that is officially condemned by our society, but in fact it occurs all the time: first sex, and then love between a married man and a married woman.

Why the relationship between a married woman and a married man can be comfortable

Why is a married man comfortable in a relationship with a married woman

Almost any woman who has agreed to the role of a mistress subconsciously tries on her current lover for the role of her future husband.

With a married woman, a married man is a little easier: she has such a desire too deeply disguised. Usually, from the outside, she has a completely ordinary life: a husband, children, work, friends and ... a lover. A married woman will think ten times before making any attempt to change one man for another.

A married woman will also think three times that her lover is also married, and therefore the changes will obviously affect the lives of more than two people who suddenly decided that they would now live together. That is why a married man is comfortable in a love relationship with a married woman.

First of all, from the point of view of security for one's own family, and because the current situation - a lover and a mistress, each of whom has their own families - can exist for a long time in time.

Additional outputs of the relationship of a married man with a married woman

For a married man in a relationship with a married woman, there are other positive aspects.

  • sex life

The sympathy of a married man for a married woman arises from sexual interest. A married man and a married woman can have a new sexual experience in their relationship, unlike "family sex". At the same time, each of the lovers from the couple "married man and married woman" has a certain insurance in terms of getting STDs. No matter how hot the relationship between lovers is, each of them has a family behind their backs, and therefore venereal diseases are clearly not what they want to bring home.

The beauty of romance between a married man and a married woman
  • Connection of a married woman with reality

A lover can give gifts to his mistress. But in the case of a married man and a married woman, such gifts will clearly not be cars, diamond necklaces or other expensive items. For a married woman, her lawful husband may well require an explanation if such gifts suddenly arise. And after such explanations, it’s not far to the revelations, and then - a divorce, courts, lawyers, alimony, and so on. It is unlikely that any of the lovers, burdened with families, wants such an ending for their relationship.

A married man can save a little on gifts for his married mistress.

  • Confidentiality

As folk wisdom says, everything secret sooner or later becomes clear. With a young mistress, the secrets of a married man can cease to be secrets much sooner than with a married woman.

A married woman has no less reason than a married man to keep relations with him secret from her family and, above all, from her husband.

In this sense, a married man and a married woman play on the same team.

How can a married woman have a married lover

It is generally accepted that men are hunters and adventurers. In a world where adventure is a problem, and all hunting becomes a hunt for position and career, it is relationships with women that can give men a sense of their own importance.

How a married woman can have an affair with a married man

With women, things are much more complicated. Among them, of course, there are also adventurers and those who collect various men, but in most cases, for a married woman, an affair with a married man is a very bold step, which can be taken by really serious reasons.

One of these serious reasons is a strained relationship with her own husband. This may be due to the fact that people have been married for a long time, and the husband has lost interest in his own wife. Hence - rare (or none at all) signs of attention and the same rare sex. Sooner or later, such a woman is pushed to meet other men by sexual dissatisfaction and self-esteem falling below the plinth.

A woman’s relationship with her husband may also not work out because people who have married are at different levels of the social ladder or there has been a huge gap in their intellectual development.

This happens when a woman marries too early, having no life experience at all, but with his appearance, she begins to look at many things, including relationships with her own husband, with a great deal of objectivity.

In order for another man to appear in the life of a married woman who can be married, it is enough for such a reason as the betrayal of her own husband, which she found out about. In this case, at the initial stage of relations with a married man, a married woman can only be guided by revenge. Another thing is that a fleeting romance between a married woman and a married man can develop into a relationship in which love is born and which each of the couple begins to value no less than having their own family. Here, each of the couple - a married man and a married woman - can fall into a real psychological trap.

The risks of an affair between a married lover and a married mistress

There are perhaps two of the biggest risks in such a relationship. The first was mentioned a little higher: a married man and a married woman fall into a psychological trap from which there is practically no way out. A painful search begins for the answer to the question of what is more expensive: family, husband (wife), children, established ties and everything that is called “life” or relationships on the side.

It seems to a person that it is with this woman (man) that a completely different life is possible, which is written about in novels, trying to answer the question of what true love is. Sometimes this really happens, people give up what they have for the sake of new relationships in which they hope to find what they do not have. True, even according to statistics, the percentage of such new marriages, born from the relationship of a married woman and a married man, is negligible. But how do romances between unfree lovers end in most cases?

How do the novels of not free people end?

Prospects for romance between not free people

A romance between a married man and a married woman can last forever, but the statistics again show that this is not the case. On average, a relationship where the lover is married and the mistress is married lasts about three years. People can experience bouts of love and passion, and then cooling follows.

After about three years, in most cases, a married man and a married woman end their relationship. People understand that they value their own families more, they begin to think about relationships with their legitimate partners, they try to somehow improve them and take them to a new level. Very often, the experience gained in the novel on the side helps them in this, where each of the partners is also not free.

If you already have an affair with a married man, when you are married, try to enjoy such a relationship while they bring joy, but never think that you can become the wife of this person, try not to try on this role for yourself, so that later you will not feel bitter disappointment. If possible, try to avoid romance with married men (especially if you are married yourself), because there are no global prospects in such relationships. You can participate in such relationships exactly until the moment you feel love for this married man.

Devotion to each other is worthy of emulation, but what happens when people who loved each other suddenly find themselves another partner on the side?

No one is safe from a love triangle, because cupid's arrows can hit both a married woman and a married man.

There is an opinion in society that a mistress is a young unmarried girl with an attractive appearance. Only a wealthy man can afford to have such a passion. Such a doll, but alive, so you definitely need to take care of it. A respectable boyfriend gives his young sweetheart various expensive gifts. In response, he receives female affection and warmth, he feels good with her. Next to her, a man rests and relaxes from the routine of family life. This pattern of behavior is shown to us in films, books and other media.

And why is no one considering options with a family lady? In life, everything is much more complicated and the connections between the sexes are more diverse. In most cases, a ringed guy does not need a live toy, he wants a girl next to him who caresses, supports, and helps to relax. Next to her, the lover feels like a full-fledged person, and not the father of a family, from whom something is constantly required.

Extramarital relations are tied with a simple friendship of the sexes, then slowly everything develops into something more.

Guys, in search of support and understanding, pay attention not only to girls, but also to peers or those who already have some life experience behind them. This category of female representatives is already married. A family lady will not rush to divorce her missus because she met a "prince", therefore, at the beginning of secret meetings, there is often intimacy and only then a deeper relationship develops between a married man and a married woman.


A woman who has agreed to the role of a mistress unconsciously tries on a boyfriend in the role of a future spouse. Lovelace with a married mistress is easier, because she already has a husband, and she hides this desire very deeply, living an ordinary life: home, work, friends and a secret relationship. Before changing something, she will think it over very well and only then make a decision, since changes in life in this case will affect every member of the family.

Thus, people who are in official relations are comfortable meeting secretly, since no one demands anything from each other. Lovers think not only about themselves, but also about their families, and therefore relationships between married people can last for a long time.

Additional benefits

Love between a married gentleman and an unfree lady has its advantages:

  • Diversity in sex life. It is new sexual sensations that cause strong sympathy. During intimacy, both partners experience sexual experiences. Everyone is calm about venereal diseases. Whatever the relationship, both remember their families, and STDs are not at all what both need.
  • An intrigue with a married lady does not hit the wallet hard for an unfree gentleman, because in this case it is difficult to present expensive things as a gift. The legal spouse may demand an explanation from her, and the wife of the traitor husband will also be interested in where the tidy sum has gone. You can’t think of explanations on the go, so there is a high chance of exposure, which will lead to litigation, divorce, division of property, and others. Thus, a secret relationship with a married woman is extremely beneficial.
  • The secrecy of what is happening with a married woman will last much longer than with a young free person. A mistress who has a family is most interested in secrecy, like her boyfriend.

A married man will be able to save on gifts for his passion. He likes to keep everything a secret and partners get a new experience in bed.

Why do women get involved with other people's spouses

In society, it is generally accepted that it is the male representatives who are lovers of adventure. In most cases, getting carried away with something new is problematic, and the search for adventure is transformed into climbing the ladder career or getting the next job. Intrigues with a new passion can give a guy a sense of self-worth.

For women, this process is much more complicated. There are adventurous ones, but for the most part, intrigue with someone else's spouse is a bold move that few people can make. And, most likely, there were very good reasons for this. The reason may be:

  • Strained relationship with her husband. Often spouses who live together for a long time lose interest in each other. As a result, the spouse does not show any signs of attention and closeness happens only on holidays. To commit adultery is pushed by female dissatisfaction and low self-esteem.
  • Spouses may have different views on life, which are at different levels of the social ladder. The reason is the difference in intellectual development.
  • If a girl got married early and she has no life experience at all. Over time, the view of some things changes, she gains experience and looks at her marriage in a completely different way.
  • Revenge for the betrayal of his own spouse. Quite often, this is one of the main factors in creating a love affair with someone else's husband.

What is the danger

There are great dangers in an affair between lovers. The main thing is the psychological trap that a married woman and a married man fall into. This happens as a result of the betrayal of one of the couple, when the other half wants to take revenge. A fleeting infatuation develops into great love and people begin to value each other no less than their own family.

They are looking for a way out of this difficult situation, since an unfree lover is no less valuable than a family. One gets the feeling that it is with this person that another pure and true love is possible, the one that they dream about all their lives and write about in books. But in most cases, these high feelings that arise between unfree people disappear with time. What is going on?

Development of intrigue

An extramarital love affair, according to statistics, lasts about three years on average. At first, passion, then cooling sets in, and three years later, the union breaks. The understanding comes that the most valuable thing in life is your own family unit. They are reviewing life with legal spouses, trying to improve it. The experience gained on the side helps to cement the marriage.

If it so happened that an affair with someone else's husband began, try to enjoy it. No need to try on the role of a wife, because this will only end in disappointment.

It is better to avoid intrigues with not free people. This romance has no prospects and will continue as long as passion and love are smoldering in your chest, but as soon as you cool off towards the object of your sympathy, everything will be a thing of the past.


The intrigue that ensued between people in marriage is different in that no one owes anything to anyone. Secret meetings cannot be called romantic; most likely, they are similar to spy games. Conspiracy is the main link that attracts lovers.

Often, the so-called first love leads to the termination of family ties. A young couple marries, but from time to time memories of a past love surface. And when fate again brings together with someone, feelings appear. The result is a new relationship that develops into a secret intrigue.

Thrills can lead to romance. People who are married are looking for something unforgettable and unusual. At the same time, just closeness often develops into a long-term union.

An office romance is a type of extramarital affair. Flirting at work between colleagues develops into intimacy. This is mainly due to the fact that future lovers spend a lot of time together at the workplace, which is why the sympathy of employees for each other appears.

Rarely, but it happens that such intrigues end successfully, a new strong family unit is created, and at the same time, a divorce from the former goes painlessly, since the union with the husband or wife has exhausted itself. Husband and wife separate by mutual consent. But this is an exception to the rule. Most likely, everything will end prosaically.

In a captive lover and a married mistress, the psychology of relationships is complex and contradictory. In some cases, an extramarital union restores the fading feelings of a married couple, but often leads to the fact that it is easier for spouses to part than to revive the past. It is especially difficult to resolve such a situation if there are children who are especially acutely aware of the imbalance in the lives of their parents.

Symptoms of falling in love with a busy gentleman

Female representatives know exactly how to fall in love with a male. The characteristic features of the beginning of the emergence of tender feelings will be light touches, unexpected meetings, long night conversations or correspondence, and so on. You can often hear: “I like a married man and I don’t know if it’s mutual. I want to understand."

An unringed guy will feel free and relaxed, but with gentlemen in marriage, everything is different. Behavior largely depends on moral qualities and how much a person respects his family. A spouse who wants to save his family will only look languidly, try to touch with his hand or sigh sadly at a meeting. It will not be easy for a decent family man to show his feelings. He will fight within himself, as he is ashamed in front of his lawful spouse, but at the same time he wants to be close to the object of his sympathy.

First signs

It is difficult for a married man to seriously fall in love with someone, since he is not ready to leave his family, but he cannot show love for the lady of his heart either. You should pay attention to hidden signs that a married man will show sympathy for a married woman.

He usually:

  • Writes for any reason.
  • Being near to become cheerful or thoughtful.
  • Always trying to be the first to help.
  • The body of the body is turned towards the object of sympathy, even if talking to another person.
  • Makes an attempt to catch the eye.
  • Smiling for no reason.

The Cavalier tries to keep the distance, but at the same time there is a desire to get closer.

A sign of sympathy for a girl is the behavior of a schoolboy who first fell in love. These are ridiculous phrases, redness of the cheeks, embarrassment. This is how a man who is already married shows love.

If you have already known a ringed guy for a long time, it is easy to find out if there is sympathy for your person. A man in love tries to curry favor with the person he likes, this awakens the gentleman to be better than he really is.

There are many reasons why a married man thinks about cheating. Sometimes it's a coldness to the wife or just a desire to taste the thrill. Guys are owners by nature and when they find out about the infidelity of the second half, they will not change in response, they will simply part, because they cannot allow the woman to belong to someone else. But at that time he can easily get himself a mistress on the side.

To have a mistress for a male most often means to have fun. Perhaps this is bad, from the point of view of morality, but extramarital affairs have existed since ancient times and will not disappear anywhere as long as a person is alive on earth.
