Winter crafts Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Master class with a photo of making bright crafts in the form of Santa Claus for an exhibition in kindergarten

Engage your children in making New Year's crafts in advance, so that later you can celebrate the holiday in a special way. You can cut out snowflakes and shiny stars from foil, cook Greeting Cards, glue multi-colored garlands. But you can't do without the figure of Santa Claus.

There are many various ways how to make the main symbol of the New Year. One of the simplest and most affordable is Santa Claus made of cotton wool.

Decades ago they were very popular. voluminous toys, including Santa Claus, cotton papier-mâché. Try to make a bright original craft from cotton pads.

Master class: Santa Claus on the Christmas tree

In order for the toy to be hung on the Christmas tree, it must be light. Therefore, in addition to cotton pads, take:

  • a plastic empty bottle, for example, a bottle of vitamins;
  • felt-tip pens, paints;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

If you plan to put the craft, and not hang it, then you need to weight the bubble or take a glass one.

The bubble will be the body of the craft, it must be carefully pasted over with cotton pads. For making hands cotton pad divide into two parts. Twist each thin part with a bag and glue the wide part of the resulting bag on the sides of the body.

The head can be made in two ways:

  1. Blind from plasticine, preferably from light, and then paste over with cotton pads. Such a head can be easily attached to the lid - the “neck” of the figure. Also make a hat for Santa Claus from plasticine.
  2. The head is made of cotton wool using the felting method. Roll a ball out of pieces of cotton wool, gradually forming a craft of the desired size soapy hands. After the head of the figurine is dry, coat it with a 1:1 solution of glue and water. Apply the solution with a brush. Glue the dried ball to the bubble cap. A hat can be made from a piece of material or knitted. To keep it better, put it on glue.

The craft is ready, but there is still not enough beard and fur coat for the figure to take on the appearance of Santa Claus.

Prepare paints or gouache. Decorate the fur coat red, leaving a white edge on the clothes. If you want to add expressiveness to the craft, glue a white edging of cotton pads on the sleeves and along the bottom of the fur coat on the dried paint. You can cut a large collar. Do not forget to paint the part of the hands where Santa Claus has "mittens".

Start painting your face. Add blush, carefully highlight the eyes, nose. From cotton pads, cut and glue a mustache and beard. It is enough to use 2-3 layers of cotton pads for a beard so that it is “fluffier”. Start gluing the beard from the bottom layer. Draw a mouth between the mustache and beard.

The real Santa Claus does not come without gifts, so make a bag for the toy - take any color paper napkin, put a dense ball of cotton wool in it and tie it with a bright thin tape. The gift bag is ready.

A craft that will surely become a holiday decoration can be made not only using plastic bottles or glass vials. There are many options: paper, thread, clay, textiles. Be sure to involve children in the process of creating a Santa Claus figurine. Make a craft using cotton wool, colored paper or cardboard - this is one of the most simple ways Even the little ones will love to take part in it.

Before making an application, draw the outlines of Santa Claus on paper. Here you can show all your imagination. Choose material for the cap, decorate the background of the application. Underline the contour of the figure with paints, a felt-tip pen or braid. Yes, and Santa Claus himself can be depicted standing, walking.

Master class: the original figure of Santa Claus

The unusual craft is that the face is not painted, but sculpted. If an artist takes up the work, then new year character will be like a real grandfather.

For this craft you will need various materials:

  • foil;
  • salty dough;
  • wire;
  • beads, buttons;
  • brush, paints;
  • plastic bottle;
  • sintepon.

The frame of the head can be made of foil. In a ball of this shiny material, “pack” a piece of wire. Prepare salt dough for crafts and wrap it around the ball. Insert beads or small buttons in place of the eyes. And start sculpting the grandfather's face. Form cheeks and lips from pliable dough.

Using water, attach pieces of dough - nose, ears. Make small wrinkles on your face. Make sure that the facial expression is good-natured: Santa Claus is a kind character.

Then send the head to the oven to dry.

Now it's time to paint and varnish it.

The head must be attached to the body. To do this, select the appropriate size plastic bottle. Remove the cover from it and make a few holes in it. Insert the wire into the holes and twist.

Screw the cap together with the head to the bottle; you can use pebbles and pebbles for weighting.

It’s not the first year, before the New Year holidays, my child and I have been making Christmas toys from cotton wool. This material for children's crafts is convenient, affordable and safe. This time we made a Santa Claus wizard so that ours would not be bored.

We needed:

  • cotton wool- 250 grams
  • Potato starch- 0.5 tbsp
  • Yogurt bottle- 1 piece
  • Chocolate Santa Claus packaging- 1 piece
  • Plastic straw- 1 piece
  • satin ribbon- 30 cm.
  • Decorations(sequins, sequins)

How to make Santa Claus out of cotton and a plastic bottle

1 . One tablespoon cold water pour into a bowl. We fall asleep 0.5 tablespoon of potato starch.

2 . Stir until dissolved.

3 . Gradually pour 1 cup of boiling water into the resulting mixture, constantly stirring the potato paste. Leave for 15 minutes for the glue to cool to room temperature.

4 . plastic bottle pierce from under yogurt (this is easy to do regular scissors), making holes for a plastic tube at the same level on both sides, which will later be pulled through. Leave segments of the same length on both sides - this is a blank for the hands of Santa Claus.

. In the lid, you need to make two holes and pass a segment through them beautiful ribbon. Tie a knot on the inside of the lid.

. Remove the wrapper from the chocolate Santa Claus. Cut out the face piece. Attach an image to the bottle. Fix upper edge by screwing the foil with a lid.

. Now we begin to “sheath” our Santa Claus with cotton wool. We tear off thin, long cotton rags, moisten them abundantly in starch jelly and put them on the bottle, without touching the area with the image of the face. The ends of the flaps should lie crosswise. When you wrap Father Frost's hands with cotton wool, try to ensure that the ends of the flaps end not on the palms, but on the torso.

. Thus, we gradually make a fur coat, beard, hat, hands. To make the beard lush, just put a few flaps (not one thick one, but several thin ones on top of each other, from different trajectories). Wet cotton wool abundantly!

. While the starch jelly is wet, you can attach various accessories to it, such as sequins, light braid, sparkles. If, after drying, some of the jewelry falls off, it can be fixed with glue gun or threads.

. Ready craft must be left to dry room temperature. Do not put Santa Claus on a window or battery, the cotton wool will turn yellow and the outer holiday look go bad. It will take at least a day to dry completely. Santa Claus will significantly lose weight and the Christmas tree toy will become light, suitable for decorating a festive tree.

Magical grandfather is ready to decorate the Christmas tree

Santa Claus from cotton pads

Are you preparing crafts for kindergarten for the New Year? An excellent solution would be to make a magical grandfather from cotton pads. By the way, in the course of work, you can discreetly and unobtrusively find out what gift is waiting for you. New Year child.

For crafts you will need:
disposable plate;
cotton pads;
red colored paper;
half of a kinder egg case;
shifty eyes;
PVA glue, scissors, a simple pencil.

Start with a Santa hat. Cut out a half circle from red paper. You can use a disposable plate as a stencil. Let the child try to independently cut the part along the contour. Glue the hat to the plate. Decorate the edge of the cap with halves of cotton pads. Make a pom-pom out of the whole disc.
For the nose, take a half of a kinder egg case and carefully wrap it with red paper. Try to make as few folds as possible. Glue the paper and attach the red nose to right place. Glue on the eyes.

Divide the cotton pads into two parts. By the way, this is a great exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the child. Glue the discs so that the fleecy (inner) side is on top. After all, Santa Claus has a fluffy beard. Make sure that the circles are located exactly, along the circumference of the plate. For volume, you can make several layers.
Glue on the hat paper snowflake, Christmas star, brooch or other decoration. Dream up. This will give personality to the craft.
If you glue a loop on the back side, you get Christmas tree toy or simply Christmas decoration. The craft will become an interesting gift, if on the free side write New Year's greetings. From disposable plates and cotton pads you can make a Snow Maiden and others fairy tale characters. Perhaps you will have actors for the real New Year's performance. It's great to create with kids!

Santa Claus: all about your favorite New Year's character

It may seem that the New Year holiday has existed at all times. Moreover, it is in this form as it is now - funny winter holiday with decorated Christmas trees, children's round dances, the beautiful Snow Maiden and, of course, Santa Claus. However, this was not always the case.

A bit of history

In Rus', the arrival of the new year was celebrated either in spring or in autumn, and no one ever decorated a Christmas tree. Peter the Great tried to get people to celebrate the arrival of the next year on the first day of January just over three hundred years ago. True, the glorious tradition was not immediately entrenched. And if in Germany Christmas trees appeared a long time ago, then in Russian cities - only by the middle of the nineteenth century. In village houses new custom lived on for decades.
The character, without which the modern New Year is unthinkable, did not exist at all. The image of Santa Claus was outlined somewhere at the beginning of the twentieth century. By this time, Zimnik with its cold and snowfalls, and the harsh Frost-voivode, and the perky Morozko, and foreign Santa Claus were known, but our favorite hero was not.
Some researchers are inclined to believe that the Russian Father Frost was borrowed from European culture, and St. Nicholas is his prototype. Others are sure that this New Year's hero was invented precisely by the Russian people. In any case, by the beginning of the last century, the purpose and image this character finally formed. His character was also determined: a handsome and kind grandfather, at the same time strict and fair, inspiring confidence and able to fulfill innermost desires.

AT pre-revolutionary Russia both Santa Claus and the decorated Christmas tree symbolized well-known biblical events. The tree was dressed up for Christmas, the golden star of Bethlehem served as the main decoration, and kind grandfather Frost gave gifts to children for the holiday. In those days, our character was not particularly popular.
The revolution and wars postponed all kinds of celebrations “for later”, and the anti-religious campaign launched in 1927 completely canceled everything related to Christmas. In 1935, with the personal permission of Comrade Stalin, the government returned everything to Soviet citizens at once: the holiday, the Christmas tree, and Santa Claus. True, new winter holiday symbolized only the arrival calendar year, and its original meaning has been lost.
Santa Claus has become one of the main symbols of the New Year celebrations. Now he has got faithful helpers: cheerful and beautiful granddaughter Snow Maiden, as well as a snowman, always ready to help out in difficult situations. Over time, our character also acquired personal transport: a traditional Russian troika harnessed to a painted wagon or wide sleigh.
The order of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden at home was already possible in those years. Thousands of Soviet children carefully prepared for an exciting meeting, learning songs and poems.

Our days

The nationwide recognition and respect won by our hero in the Soviet country survived even after the collapse of the state. In Russia, the New Year (including the old one) and Christmas are loved and expected, big country begins to prepare for the celebrations almost from mid-November. Not a single one can do without a kind, fair and generous wizard. new year event, be it Kremlin Christmas trees or office corporate parties.
The New Year's character is also used for pedagogical purposes: every child knows that a gift from an attentive and fair Santa Claus can only be received in case of good study and decent behavior during the year. However, in wonderful holidays gifts from good grandfather all children receive - both obedient and not very.
The main residence of our hero is located in Veliky Ustyug, in the Vologda region. There, Santa Claus rests, receives guests, answers letters, and on November 18 celebrates his birthday.
For many Russians, the annual meeting with loved ones New Year's heroes- this is another opportunity to return to a serene childhood and believe in all the good things.

Video "How to make Santa Claus from cotton wool master class"

The New Year is already on the doorstep! Do you feel the spirit of magic and emerging miracles in the air?

And by the way, you yourself can participate in the creation of a miracle - to sew your own Santa Claus under the Christmas tree!

After all, every child and even adults secretly expect that, under the chiming clock, a good wizard will bring a bag of gifts and a whole armful of happiness.

So, for work we need the following materials and tools:

  • Cotton white or beige fabric for the base of the torso
  • Cotton multi-colored fabric for panties, caps and mittens
  • Fleece in two colors (white and red)
  • Felt for appliqué
  • Holofiber for stuffing and a piece of lining synthetic winterizer
  • Felting wool (combed tape)
  • Boot foam
  • Mouline threads, buttons, beads, beads for decoration
  • The wire is thick, well-kept shape, and thin copper
  • Thick cardboard
  • Acrylic paints, brushes
  • felting needle
  • Pliers, wire cutters, utility knife
  • Glue gun, Moment-Crystal glue

1. We are preparing a pattern. First, we determine the diameter of the bottom of the cone and its desired height, and, based on this, any convenient way we build a sweep. Calculation formulas and construction methods are easy to find on the Internet. We draw a pattern of hands arbitrarily.

2. Cut out from thick cardboard circle, draw a line through its center, which we divide into three equal segments. At their joints we cut holes for the wire. We impose a synthetic winterizer circle and a circle of colored fabric of a slightly larger diameter. We tighten the fabric around the cardboard.

3. We bend the thick wire in a U-shape, pierce it through the holes in the cardboard, synthetic winterizer and fabric. We bend the ends of the wire at the "ankles" and make "feet". We fasten a thin one to the jumper copper wire longer than the height of the cone, about 10 centimeters.

4. Important! We carefully glue the wire with hot glue to the cardboard and glue the wire joint. On the this stage the construction must be well balanced and stable, the cardboard must not fall down the wire!

5. From colored fabric, we cut out two rectangles about one and a half times the length of the legs and a width of about 4 centimeters. Fold in half lengthwise, stitch, turn inside out. We pull on the legs and sew to the bottom with a hidden seam.

6. From cotton fabric for the body we cut out a cone sweep. Fold in half and stitch along the edge, leaving the last couple of millimeters unsewn at the top. We bend the edge around the circumference, we outline. We turn the resulting cone out of the fabric.

7. We put the cone on a thin wire, leading its free end through the hole at the top. We stuff the body with holofiber. We make sure that during stuffing the wire remains approximately in the center of the cone. We sew the folded edge of the body along the circumference to the bottom with a hidden seam.

8. Cut out soles from cardboard. You draw them arbitrarily, the main thing is that they are slightly longer in the back and front than the wire loops. We glue the soles to the wire with hot glue, watching their stability.

9. Cut out with scissors and stationery knife"boots" made of foam rubber. We cut a recess for the wire from below and cut a slot in the back in order to insert the “ankles” into it. It is more important not accuracy, but the symmetry of the "boots". We glue the foam rubber with hot glue.

10. We cut out two ovals from the red fleece of such a size that it is enough to fit the foam rubber “boots” with a small margin. At one of the elongated vertices of the oval, we cut out a sector in the form of a triangle, put the fleece on the foam rubber, sew up the heel with a blind seam and tighten the fleece around the cardboard sole.

11. From felt suitable color we also cut out two ovals a little larger than the cardboard sole. We glue the felt to the sole with hot glue, cut off the excess, hem the felt to the fleece with a blind seam.

12. We outline on the body the approximate lines of the top of the jacket and the bottom of the cap. There will be a face between them. Cut out a small circle from the fabric, put a padding polyester ball inside, tighten along the edge. It turns out a spout that needs to be sewn onto the face with a hidden seam.

13. We prime the face with white acrylic paint. We try not to go too far into the territory of the future beard and hair, so that in the future there will be no difficulties with their adhesion. Which face to draw is a matter of your taste and imagination.

14. We cut out a jacket in the form of a truncated cone from red fleece, fold it in half, sew along the edge, turn it inside out. We sew handles in mittens from fleece and colored fabric, leaving holes for stuffing, turn it inside out, stuff it, sew up the holes with a blind seam.

15. We pull the jacket on the body, sew on the bottom and along the neck with a hidden seam. Temporarily pin the handles in order to evenly distribute the application. We cut out the details from the felt, pin it to the body, finally think over the location of the composition.

16. We first fix the details of the application on the fleece with a drop of Moment glue so that they do not move, and only then we sew. Optionally use buttons, beads, beads, decorative elements. We sew with hidden seams ribbons of "snowdrifts" from white fleece.

17. From white fleece we cut out the lapels of the boots and cuffs, fold in half, sew along the edge. We pull on the arms and legs, sew by hand.

18. By the same principle, we cut out the collar. To maintain the "drift" style, the edge of the collar, cuffs, boot lapels and cap can be made wavy.

19. We sew the handles to the body with a strong thread using a button mount. We tighten the thread a little, tie a knot and glue it for strength with Moment glue.

20. We tear off about 10 centimeters of wool from the combed tape, collect it in a bundle of the required thickness and carefully attach it with a felting needle, like a beard. Then we tear off a bundle of wool 2 times thinner and about 20 centimeters long, roll it in the middle under the nose, like a mustache.

21. We tear off two more bundles of wool, equal in length and density to a beard, roll them on both sides of the face. reverse side We carefully comb the needles for felting and lay the wool in a full beard.

22. We also roll and form a hairstyle on the sides and on the back of the head. If necessary, you can trim a little with scissors and sprinkle ordinary varnish for hair, so that the wool does not fluff.

23. On the basis of half of the cone, we cut out a cap that is strongly elongated and narrowed towards the top from colored fabric. The height of the cap must match the length free end wire plus 1-2 centimeters for freedom of bends. We sew the details, leaving the top open.

24. We unscrew the cap, put it on the head, leading the wire through the upper hole, sew along the edge to the head. Bend the end of the wire into a loop. We sew a lapel of white fleece and a pompom, hiding the end of the wire in it.

25. Santa Claus is almost ready. If necessary, then add decor, completing the image. If you want, you can additionally sew a bag with gifts, a Christmas tree or, for example, a symbol of the year in a pair.

Santa Claus is ready! More real miracles for you!

Santa Claus: DIY crafts This is a great decoration for any interior. You can make it from fabric, thread, paper, beads, pompoms, etc. Let's look at several manufacturing options.

Handsome Santa Claus: DIY craft

Necessary materials:

Nylon tights
- scissors
- fleece
- threads
- 2 small beads
- piece of red cloth
- glue
- cotton wool
- bell

Manufacturing process:

1. C nylon tights cut out 6 squares: legs, arms, body, head.
2. Stuff the squares with cotton wool, twist into a ball. Form a nose on the head with the help of constrictions. In the area of ​​​​the wings, make 2 puffs and 2 more puffs along the bridge of the nose.
3. Sew the blanks into one piece.
4. Sew on 2 beads that will become eyes.
5. Cut out a rectangle from the red fabric, form the edges of the caftan and collar, wrap the baby's body. Make 2 small incisions in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arms. Sew the caftan on the back with a hidden seam.
6. Sew a cap from a triangle of red fabric, sew a bell on the tip. Sew a white border, attach a hat to the head.
7. Create a beard: apply glue to the selected area, form a beard from the fleece, attach it to the grandfather's body, press it a little. As a decor, you can use glitter from the rain.

Santa Claus: do-it-yourself fabric craft

You will need:

Scissors and glue
- cotton pads
- empty bottle
- red gouache
- powder
- brush
- black marker or pencil

Manufacturing process:

1. Pour over the walls of the bubble with cotton pads, after dividing them into 2 parts. Be sure to grease each part with glue. During operation, your hands must be clean and dry.
2. Make a head from plasticine, also paste over it with cotton pads. You can also roll up the ball and attach it to the cap. Form a hat on top, glue it on your head.
3. Divide the cotton pad in half, twist each half into a ring. With the wide side, glue it to the bubble on both sides.
4. Dilute the gouache, start painting the fur coat, hat and nose. Keep in mind that cotton wool is a hydroscopic material, so you should be careful not to touch it.
5. Now add a white edge. Dry it thoroughly before doing this.
6. Cut out a beard and mustache from cotton pads. Make a beard from two or three layers. Cut teeth on the beard.
7. Draw the mouth with a red pencil, and the eyes with black. Draw cheeks with pink powder or gouache.
8. Form a collar from white cotton wool, glue it to a fur coat. Form an edge by gluing strips of cotton wool.
9. Glue on the beard and mustache.
10. The final touch is a staff and a bag of gifts. Staff do so - take wooden stick and wrap in foil. To create a bag - put a ball of cotton in colored napkin, tie with braid or ribbon.

Children's Santa Claus: DIY craft.

Necessary materials:

- plastic bottle
- fabric (bag or paper)
- cotton wool
- scissors

Manufacturing process:

1. Cover the bottle with white paper.
2. Paste the body of the bottle with a piece of cloth. Make a hat from the circles.
3. Apply PVA glue along the edge of the hat and the bottom of the caftan, attach cotton flagella.
4. Draw a face on cardboard, paint it.
5. From the rectangles of the fabric, make hands and create a cuff with cotton wool.
6. Stick on the face, decorate it with cotton.
7. Attach hands with glue.
8. If you wish, create a gift bag.

Your kids will love and

Santa Claus: do-it-yourself paper craft.

You will need:

- pencil
- scissors
- glue
- paper: pink, white and red

Manufacturing process:

1. Prepare a light pink leaf. Glue a red stripe on the bottom. This will be Santa's shirt.
2. Cut out mustaches, eyebrows, eyes, nose from paper.
3. Schematically draw the outline of the beard. It will be big for you.
4. Prepare white paper: cut it into strips various lengths. The width of the strips is 1 cm. Twist them with a pen or pencil, glue them.
5. Create a hat: cut red paper into 4 strips.
6. Glue the hat to the top. To do this, use a stapler or glue.
7. Fold the side strips inward, glue the back and front together. Make the ends sharp. ready!

Santa Claus: do-it-yourself crafts in kindergarten .

You will need:

eye beads
- empty clean bottle
- wire
- piece of foil
- salty dough

How to do:

1. Make a ball out of foil, wrap it in a wire frame. Paste the frame salt dough. In place for the eye - insert black beads. Create a hollow for the mouth and nose, outline the relief for the face. Fasten all this with water, dry until completely hardened in the oven. Attach the cap to the wire. The head is ready! You will have to paint it with paint and varnish.
2. Make a torso: take a small bottle, fill it with pebbles, paste over with padding polyester, insert in places for hands wire frames, fasten them so that they do not dangle.
3. Sheathe the head and body with a fur coat and a hat. Make a bottom from the disk, sheathe it with a cloth.
4. Final design: dampen a cotton mustache and beard in a paste, stick it on your face. Make mittens the same way. Make a beard from pieces of cotton wool, glue it to your face.

Santa Claus: do-it-yourself crafts at school:

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Let's try to make Santa Claus out of cardboard with a child, this is the easiest of all the options offered. Also liked crochet Santa Claus, it’s a pity there is no knitting pattern, but it will be more thick to knit a snowman, it will not be difficult to knit two balls, they can still be used as Christmas toys.

Before new year holidays there is very little time left. In all kindergartens and schools begin to make all kinds of crafts concerning New Year theme. Moms and dads are engaged in creativity with their children at home. Very often, children are given a homework assignment to make an original New Year's toy or decoration. Often parents do not have special skills, but you should not be upset. This article will become great helper. Check out the master classes on creating Santa Claus below, and you will be able to make a rather original and unusual New Year's crafts with your own hands, while the money will remain intact, and your child will be happy.

Santa Claus from paper. Applications for the little ones

Waiting for the New Year holidays is a great opportunity to get creative and involve our children in this activity. The first workshop is devoted to making crafts that our kids can do with the help of their parents. This exciting process will help your child develop their perseverance, fine motor skills hands, imagination and spend time exciting and interesting.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, you can make a lot of bright and interesting applications. Invite your child to make an application in the form of Santa Claus with you.

The model of Santa Claus shown below is designed to decorate walls, windows, doors, you can stick it on thick paper or cardboard, and it will become a wonderful postcard.

Snow lawn decoration

First of all, you need to glue all the ice puddles on the snowy lawn, then cut out the figurines of Christmas trees and glue them on paper, then start decorating Santa Claus. After it, glue a bear with a Christmas tree, a sled with gifts, and lastly glue the rope from the sled.

Attaching Santa Claus

Separately cut out all the parts of Santa Claus in advance and stick them on the diagram printed on paper. First of all, glue the red fur coat, then all the white details (collar, beard, fur coat edge) are glued. A face, mouth, nose, white parts of the eyes, as well as eyebrows are glued over the beard. Draw the iris and pupil with a felt-tip pen.

Using a blue felt-tip pen, draw shadows on the eyebrows, beard and hat. Next glue on the gloves. The mitten that holds the sled must be glued under the edge of the sleeve, and the other - over the white edge, as in the image.

Felt boots are also glued under the bottom edge of the fur coat. Additionally, using dark red paper, you can draw a shadow between the left sleeve and the right side of the fur coat.

Gift bags on a sled

First, glue an orange bag, red on top of it, cut out a patch and two strings from green paper, glue them. Use a felt-tip pen to finish the threads on the patch. At the end on lower part bags need to glue the cut out sleigh.

We glue the bear cub

Now, on top of the gift bags, you need to stick the body of the teddy bear. Glue a hat, scarf, mittens, felt boots, nose and ear on top of it. Additionally, with a felt-tip pen, draw eyes, a mouth, and also the lower part of the paw. Draw the cheeks with a pink pencil. As for the Christmas tree, it must first be glued on the back of the bear's body in the shoulder area. With a blue felt-tip pen, draw shadows on the scarf and hat.

Now get busy general design Pictures. To do this, use colored pencils to mark the shadow and light areas, giving the picture additional volume. Leave the application to dry, and after that you can stick it to the window or door using little piece adhesive tape.

Santa Claus from fabric

This Santa Claus can be made in the form of a toy, it can also be used as a thermal cover. To make a similar Santa Claus from fabric, you will need patches of a red hue, prepare coarse calico for the base and lining, a small piece of flax for decorating the face, a synthetic winterizer is suitable for stuffing, and trimmings of white faux fur are additionally needed for decoration.

To begin, cut out two body pieces and four hand pieces on the fabric you prepared for the base. Additionally, it will take 2 cm for allowances. Next, with a pen, you need to indicate the location of the face.

Now assemble a red fur coat from the patches, it is made using the “crazy” technique. One triangle should be pinned to the bottom of the base with an obtuse angle upwards. After that, select a strip of another fabric, but also red, and sew it to one of the sides of the triangle. Place the patches facing each other, sew, fold and smooth them. The third strip should cover the second side of the triangle and the cut of the strip sewn to it. You also need to position the strip front side down, stitch, unscrew and smooth it. Thus close the entire surface, giving it the appearance of a red coat. This will be the back.

As for the front of the product, there will be a linen flap that will serve as a face. It can be turned on immediately general product even during assembly, or you can sew at the end, when Santa Claus is completely ready.

Start assembling your hands. You should learn a kind of “sandwich” from the lining, synthetic winterizer and patchwork top, which are assembled on the main fabric. First, cut off all the details, and then quilt them.

Next, you need to trim all the details, leaving allowances for the seams of about 1 cm. After that, fold the two parts of the body face to face, sew them, work the edges with a zigzag and turn them out front side. If this is a toy, then you need to make additional detail which will serve as the bottom. The torso should be stuffed with padding polyester and sew the bottom to it using blind seam. If you plan to make a cover, then these steps do not need to be performed.

Do the same with the details of the hands, leaving the holes not stitched, through them you need to turn the details out and fill with padding polyester. After that, you can sew them with a hidden seam.

Next, you need to sew an application in the form of a nose and cheeks to the face. Performing this procedure, put a little synthetic winterizer under the bottom to give the details a larger volume. A beard, mustache, and eyebrows can be made in two ways: felt parts from wool using the dry felting method, or you can make them from the remains of fur. You have to carve fur collar(the fur should be different from the one from which the beard is made), a fur strip for the hat and the bottom of the fur coat. Fasten your arms, embroider your eyes.

Sweet Santa Claus do it yourself

We must always remember that we create our mood ourselves. Therefore, to make the atmosphere more festive, make sweet Santa Clauses that can decorate any table and festive dishes.

This recipe is quite easy to prepare and does not require any dyes. All you need is strawberries, whipped cream, and chocolate or chocolate powder, which is used for baking.

To begin with, cut off the part of the berry where the leaves were located, this must be done so that the figure can stand in vertical position. Then cut off the top, which will be used as a hat in the future.

Next, using a spoon or a pastry bag, put a little whipped cream on the main part of the strawberry, cover with a hat (cut off the tip of the strawberry). On top of it you also need to put a small drop of cream - it will serve as a pompom.

Make eyes from chocolate powder, and also make two buttons, using a toothpick for convenience.

You can make it harder for yourself by adding an additional ingredient in the form of pineapple.

To perform such Santa Claus, repeat the same steps with strawberries, but in this embodiment, you need to insert a piece of pineapple between them and secure everything with skewers or toothpicks. Decorate your head with a pineapple lush hair made from cream.

To place the chocolate eyes, cut small holes in the pineapple and insert the eyes with tweezers.

Christmas candlestick with Santa Claus

You can easily make a fabulous winter candlestick with your own hands. At the same time, in addition to Santa Claus, you can place any image with a New Year theme on it.

Take a half-liter jar and stick on it all kinds of applications of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, bunnies, Christmas trees, etc., use PVA glue for this work. AT this case be sure to glue the application of the fire, in which all the characters are heated.

Leave the jar to dry, then apply silver spray paint to it. Let her dry. Next, you need to peel off all the applications, it is best to do this by wetting the jar with water. After that, let it dry again, then paint all the figures using acrylic paints.

Let the jar dry, varnish the product, dry it again and make additional decor candlestick. You can make snowdrifts from gypsum and place them on top, also make a candle holder from gypsum. Let your candlestick dry completely.

Now you just have to place a pill-candle inside and Christmas story as if alive. The light will burn, and Santa Claus will sparkle with new colors.

Sweet New Year's gift. Santa Claus with candy

This master class provides a description of the manufacture unusual crafts in the form of Santa Claus with candy. It can be made for souvenirs in kindergarten, or used in cases where you meet guests with children at home. Such skewers can become bright and original decoration holiday table. So read the instructions and get to work. Do not forget to invite your children, they will also be very interested in participating in the process.

Prepare cardboard for work, wrapping paper(can be replaced with an ordinary one), a cotton pad, decorative elements in the form of ribbons, felt, etc., wooden skewers, glue and sweets. First of all, you need to cut a triangle out of thick cardboard. Also cut out from wrapping paper such a detail as shown in the photo. You will need it in order to wrap the cardboard triangle.

Now get on with making the face. To do this, cut out a circle, gently bend it and make the nose in the shape of a semicircle by cutting it out with scissors. Toned the face around the edges and draw cheeks using a cotton swab and blush.

Glue wrapping paper to one side of the triangle. In this work, double-sided tape was used for this purpose. Glue the face on top.

Cut out mittens from felt, glue them and decorate the place where the candy will be located.

Glue a wooden skewer on the back of the triangle and seal it with paper on top. In this procedure, a glue moment crystal was used.

Additionally, on a stick at the base of the triangle, you can tie a bow from satin ribbon. Fix it with glue, making a small drop, so the bow will not move out.

And as a result of the work, give Santa Claus a candy in his hands, attaching it with double-sided tape. Now your souvenir is ready.

Santa Claus from a plastic bottle

Such Santa Claus can be made in just a few hours, while not spending significant Money. You will need one plastic bottle, a piece of synthetic winterizer (70 X 50 cm will be enough), the same piece of red fabric, a small piece of fabric white color, as well as all kinds of materials and tools that are always needed when hand sewing.

To get started, take a bottle, place it on a synthetic winterizer and wrap a plastic container around it. In order not to spend extra money, you can look for a synthetic winterizer at home, in any case, you will find an old, unnecessary baby coat. If it is still not there, do not despair, you do not have to buy it. Wrap the bottle with a few scraps of fabric - the product will not deteriorate from this. The bottle will serve as the body of the toy, and the synthetic winterizer needs to be cut off a little above the neck - the head will be made from it.

Wrap the bottle around and sew the edges together. You can not pay too much attention to the quality of the seams, no one will see them anyway. The top of the synthetic winterizer will become the head of Santa Claus, so sew up the top, and carefully drag the place of the neck with a rope.

To prevent the head of the toy from being sintepon, cover it with a white cloth. Do not worry if you have wrinkles, the main thing is that they do not fall on the face. Distribute them at the back. In the future they will be disguised.

Now start making clothes. Cut out two triangles from red fabric, sew them, sew a pompom from a white padding polyester at the top, and make the edge of the hat from it.

Next, you need to make a fur coat. Pick a fabric in red or of blue color and wrap it around the workpiece. Sew the edges together, it is best to sew the seam in the center, because. then it will still not be visible - we will close it with a padding polyester. Make fur for a fur coat by cutting the synthetic winterizer into strips. Sew a collar, bottom of a fur coat from it, and also sew a strip in front.

Make hands from fabric strips, fill them with any material to add volume. Do not forget to wear gloves, the sleeves should also be with a white edge. Sew your arms under the collar, this way you will avoid unnecessary visible seams.

Now, using the same padding polyester, make a beard and mustache out of it. Eyes can be made from buttons, beads, or you can just draw them. Give your cheeks a blush, blush is best for this. Additionally draw the mouth and nose. Santa Claus from plastic bottle ready.

Toys and crafts in the form of Santa Claus are a great decoration for any interior. As you can see, it can be made from anything. So get everything ready the right materials, call your child to help and start making real New Year's masterpieces. You will see, your Santa Claus, made by yourself, will look unique, bright and beautiful, besides, the flight of your imagination is not at all limited. Good luck in your work and happy New Year holidays!
