35 weeks pregnant when. Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child

The 35th week of pregnancy means that the baby is formed, but continues to rapidly gain weight. The expectant mother feels that the child in the uterus is getting crowded: he began to spin more often, kick from the inside. Now the baby weighs about 2.5 kilograms. Of course, this parameter is different in each individual case.

baby in berries and fruits Future mother
rest amniotic convenience
ultrasound rest

Fetal development

Consider how the child is developing now.

  1. Starting from the 35th week, the baby adds 200-220 grams weekly.
  2. The baby right now is in the most comfortable position for himself.
  3. All organs are formed and can function.
  4. At the 35th week of pregnancy, he has not yet reached his maximum height and weight, which are characteristic of an already born child.
  5. The baby sleeps almost all the time, sometimes wakes up and starts to move.
  6. He actively moves, turns over. The mother can independently understand by the movements of the baby how he is placed in her stomach.
  7. The child already reacts to sound, light. At 35 weeks, his senses are fully formed.
  8. The baby already has its own immune system, so it is able to independently resist some viral diseases.

Baby development check

The fruit is formed and has almost reached its maximum size. At 35 weeks pregnant, he needs another five weeks to be born and start breathing on his own.

It is advisable for mom not to miss the moment of the appearance of the harbingers of childbirth, because even at this time the baby may already be born, however, at first he will need help with breathing.

What will ultrasound show?

The 35th week of pregnancy is the period when an ultrasound will help a specialist, as well as a pregnant woman, see what is happening in the uterus and compare the results with the norm:

  • the ultrasound specialist will check the location of the child;
  • if the baby has not yet taken the correct birth position (head), then the likelihood of a “caesarean section” operation during childbirth will be discussed with the expectant mother;
  • the size of the fetus, their compliance with the deadline should also be checked;
  • the doctor will pay attention to the nature of the amniotic fluid, and also exclude the entanglement of the baby with the umbilical cord during childbirth.

By the 35th week of the “interesting situation”, a pregnant woman needs to be calm, get ready for an early birth. The mother's excitement can be transmitted to the baby, so she should protect herself from unpleasant thoughts, talk more with the child, say how much she loves him.

The health of the unborn child depends entirely on how the mother will monitor her health. By this time, the baby can already resist negative environmental factors, so his immune system develops according to the schedule.

NutritionIt is worth giving preference to meat, as well as dairy products, fresh vegetables, fruits. They contain most of the nutrients needed right now. You also need to limit yourself to fluid intake (1 liter per day). You should give up chips, canned food, alcohol, carbonated drinks. No matter how strong the appetite is, in no case should you overeat. It is better to eat often, in small portions. Now it will be useful to take multivitamin complexes for pregnant women.
Daily regimeThe expectant mother should think about the imminent maternity leave if she is still working. This will reduce stress and allow the expectant mother to calm down. But this does not mean that you need to switch to sedentary mode. Movement and walking are the key to health.
Health statusThe raised and grown belly squeezes the lungs, increases the load on the legs and spine. The back, feet may hurt at the end of the day, especially before bedtime. Also, a pregnant woman may suffer from constipation. To help your digestive system, you should eat more vegetables and fruits.
What happens in the mother's body

It is not so easy for a future mother to move around. She has put on a lot of weight. The stomach can make it difficult to choose a comfortable sleeping position.

The fetus is almost ready to be born, and the following changes occur in the mother's body.

  1. Mom feels the baby move at 35 weeks. He actively moves, kicks his mother, sometimes delivering unpleasant pain.
  2. The mammary glands noticeably increase, they can hurt.
  3. The expectant mother may be disturbed by stool disorders.
  4. An enlarged uterus strongly presses on the internal organs, especially on the bladder.

By week 35, the appearance of the mother undergoes pronounced changes. A large belly causes a lot of inconvenience. Also, a pregnant woman began to be more likely to be disturbed by the urge to urinate. The uterus can tense up for a few minutes, and then relax again. This is not a dangerous syndrome - this is how she "trains" for the upcoming birth.

Nutrients necessary for mother and baby are found in berries and fruits

At the 35th week of pregnancy, a woman is already accustomed to new sensations in her body. To find out how much it is in months, you need to remember that this is only the beginning of the ninth month. The expectant mother already feels how the baby begins to turn, move his arms and legs.

There are several new symptoms that a pregnant woman is now experiencing:

  • during pregnancy at week 35, constipation, loose stools, flatulence, bloating are possible, the stomach may become stony, and nausea may also appear in the morning;
  • about 10 times in 12 hours, a woman can feel the active movement of the child, if for some reason the fetus began to move less often, then this is a very important symptom that requires immediate medical attention;
  • at 35 weeks, it can pull the lower abdomen, as the uterus descends to prepare for labor.

At 35 weeks, the expectant mother can still move actively. This moment can be used to make a family video of the growth and development of the baby in the mother's tummy.

Already by the 35th week of the “interesting position”, a small amount of mucus may be mixed with the female secretions. This is due to the fact that the mucous plug begins to separate. Normally, the discharge should not have an unpleasant odor or differ in color.

  1. A yellowish-white discharge may indicate the onset of amniotic fluid leakage. By a later date, the liquid may begin to seep due to a violation of the integrity of the fruit membranes. This is an alarming symptom, as the shell protects the baby, and infection can seep through the gap. Also, the gradual leakage of this fluid can delay childbirth. With this symptom, you should consult a doctor.
  2. If spotting was noticed, then you should immediately call an ambulance, and not hope to cope on your own. Blood discharge can be triggered by the tone of the uterus. Before the arrival of the ambulance, in order to relieve spasm and relax the muscles, you should drink No-shpu.
Other features of the period

As recent studies have shown, if the mother has no contraindications, then having sex will not harm the well-being of the unborn baby. At the 35th week of pregnancy, it is more difficult for partners to choose comfortable positions, but because of this, you should not give up intimate life.

And yet, the doctor may advise to refrain from intimacy in case of entanglement of the baby with the umbilical cord, improper development of the placenta, or if the mother is at risk of premature onset of labor.

Mom-to-be on maternity leave

At 35 weeks pregnant, women who are pregnant with twins experience the same symptoms as if they had one baby in their belly:

  • babies are also almost fully developed and ready to go out into the world;
  • the tummy of a pregnant woman with twins is somewhat larger, so it is more difficult for her to move around;
  • if labor begins right now, the babies will be able to survive, but they will have to live in the hospital for a couple of weeks under the supervision of doctors.

Childbirth at the 35th week of pregnancy is not dangerous, since all the baby's organ systems have already been formed. A child may ask to be outside for a number of reasons, and it is important for the expectant mother not to miss the onset of labor:

  • abundant watery discharge: this indicates that the amniotic fluid is coming out, and the baby is ready to be born;
  • contractions are regular - their repetition is from 5 to 10 minutes.

Usually at the 35th week of pregnancy, expectant mothers are in anticipation of the speedy birth of their child. It is worth saying that you do not need to go to the hospital at the slightest movement or push of the fetus. Harbingers of labor activity should be pronounced.

The expectant mother may suffer from edema. At her 35th week of pregnancy, this is due to an improper diet or a sedentary lifestyle. To reduce swelling you need:

  • eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • reduce fluid intake, as well as refuse to drink before bedtime;
  • drink decoctions of herbs that stimulate the kidneys;
  • do not eat salty foods.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist

Obstetricians count weeks of pregnancy differently than expectant mothers do. By default, doctors include exactly 4 weeks in a month, so for a period of 35 for them it is 8 months and 3 weeks. And for ordinary people, this is the beginning of the final ninth month of pregnancy. Such differences are caused by different ways in the calculations, as well as the average value of the duration of the female cycle - 28 days (exactly 4 weeks).

The obstetric period begins when the woman had the first day of the last critical days. This is due to the appearance of a new egg, which later turned out to be fertilized. If we add 280 days to this date (exactly 10 "obstetric months"), we get the day of the expected birth. Women, on the other hand, usually adhere to a simple calendar, as a result of which the statement appeared that there are 9 months, although doctors always count exactly 40 weeks.

At this time, during the normal course of pregnancy, the height of the uterus above the navel is 15 cm. At the same time, the distance from the uterus to the pubic symphysis is about 35 cm. The stomach this week seems to be as large as possible, even relative to the last month of the term. The navel usually sticks out, and the strip of skin under it towards the pubis becomes much darker than before. The chest may also begin to hurt, and small whitish discharge will appear from the nipples.

From the beginning of conception, the woman had to recover by 12-13 kg, and the child had already acquired a little adipose tissue. Mom's health is deteriorating, she wants to have more time to rest. The lower abdomen can pull a little, slight discharge is also considered normal. Your stomach may itch, which a good moisturizer should help with. Also, the stomach can become stony, become hard. If there is no discharge or severe pain in the lower back, then everything is in order. Otherwise, it may indicate an approaching birth.

During this period, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, back pain, a state of constant fatigue and very frequent trips to the toilet (every 40-60 minutes) are characteristic. Hormones have long since returned to normal and do not affect mood, but a woman this week is prone to irritation and bouts of sadness. It is caused by both emotional and physical fatigue from pregnancy.

At the same time, the baby on ultrasound looks like a normal healthy child. But the fluff that covered his body for all previous months should have completely disappeared over the past week. Hair appears on the head, and rather long nails have already grown on the fingers. Remnants of bile, amniotic fluid and skin particles have accumulated in the intestines of the fetus, which, after the birth of the baby, will come out with feces.

Due to the large size of the baby, this week the uterus begins to descend slightly. For this reason, a woman may feel contractions of the uterus, and the obstetrician will observe a slight false opening of the cervix. Such false contractions last up to 2 minutes and are quite noticeable, although not as painful as in real childbirth. Also during this period, insomnia may return.

Description of the 35th week: the development of the fetus and the mother's body

In case of premature birth this week, the child will be able to exist without special devices. His respiratory system is already fully formed, the lungs can consume oxygen themselves. With a normal pregnancy, the height of the baby is about 45 cm, and the weight is 2.5 kg. Starting from this time, he will acquire adipose tissue and recover by 200-220 g per week.

The skeleton is formed, but the bones of the skull are still a little soft and can be deformed. So it is necessary that during childbirth the child can safely go outside. With enough calcium in the mother's body, the baby has already grown nails with which he can accidentally scratch himself while in the uterus.

At week 35, the fetus takes the “correct” position for the future process of childbirth: it turns over head down and face towards the mother's back. In this position, he will stay until the very birth, so in case of an incorrect position after the ultrasound, the obstetrician will already know about the features of the position of the child and will be ready for this during childbirth. The risk of complications due to the incorrect position of the fetus is now practically reduced to zero.

The baby is already quite crowded inside, so his legs are strongly bent at the knees. It is almost motionless, but sometimes it still shows signs of life and can hit the walls of the uterus with a pen or leg, and the mother can not only feel it, but also see it. But in general, there are fewer movements than before.

The adrenal glands of the child already produce hormones themselves, thanks to which the water-salt and mineral balance is maintained in the baby's body. The child is already different from others of his own kind: his face can already resemble one of the parents. The skin of the baby is smoothed, acquires a light pink shade.

It becomes crowded not only for the baby, but also for the internal organs of the mother. Under the weight of the child, the uterus squeezed the stomach, bladder, diaphragm and lungs. By the end of the week, the uterus will begin to sink down, and it will become easier for the woman to breathe again, but you will have to endure a few days. If at some point it will be too uncomfortable, you need to get into the “cat pose” on all fours and stand like that for a couple of minutes - it will be much easier to breathe.

At 35 weeks, the breast of the expectant mother is enlarged, the mammary glands are activated. Because of this, unpleasant sensations arise. As part of the norm, there will be a slight appearance of white discharge and a milky smell from the nipples. The mother's body is almost ready for the birth of the child.

If, under the weight of the baby, the uterus sank down, and the false contractions at some point do not weaken, but intensify, you should urgently go to the hospital - this week childbirth may begin. So at the beginning of the week it will not be superfluous to collect a bag and instruct the future father. If the training contractions faded, then everything is in order. During the 35th week, they can go for several days in a row until the stomach finally drops.


Since the baby is already quite large, both mother and child need a sufficient amount of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. At this stage of pregnancy, you can take a blood test and ask the doctor to prescribe a vitamin complex. The expectant mother still lacks iron and calcium, and needs protein and healthy fats.

Every day menu must include:

  • Dairy products (preferably cottage cheese and hard cheese);
  • Wholemeal rye bread (high in iron and fiber);
  • Offal rich in iron: liver and heart (preferably beef or chicken);
  • Healthy fats (red fish, vegetable oils);
  • Spinach and other greens (they are also rich in iron);
  • At least 2 servings of fresh vegetables per day (in winter it is better to give preference to frozen ones - they have more vitamins).

Due to the high risk of swelling at this stage, it is better not to drink too much water (optimally about 1 liter per day). Do not eat a lot of salty and sweet. Salty includes both the excessive use of salt itself in cooking, and the use of salted or pickled vegetables. This also includes all "purchased" snacks in the form of chips, crackers and nuts. As a sweet, you can eat natural sugars (fruits, dried fruits, berries), but it is better to refrain from pastries and cakes, as well as milk chocolate and bars. If there is no tendency to edema, then in small quantities these products can still be eaten.

Also at week 35, it is undesirable to use all types of cabbage and legumes, because in the last trimester, pregnant women are prone to bloating. Due to the fact that the fetus strongly presses on the internal organs, it can be difficult for a woman to eat. There should be 6-7 times a day in very small portions. In addition, by developing such a habit this week, it may be easier for a woman to regain weight after childbirth.

If, due to discomfort, you don’t feel like eating, a woman should still overpower herself. The child needs building material more than ever, so its further development almost completely depends on the mother's menu. At the same time, a woman is prone to heartburn, so it is better to choose products that will not provoke this phenomenon.

It's important to move more. You should not bother yourself with serious physical activities, but sitting in one position can exacerbate a woman's feelings. Once every half an hour, you should walk for at least 7-10 minutes. In the evenings, it is worth walking in the fresh air. This week, it is important to keep in touch with the father of the child and prepare him for the arrival of a new family member. For a man, this can be a lot of stress, so now is the time to prepare the future father.

You can’t get too tired, so before walking in the park or walking long distances (for example, buying food for a week in a hypermarket), you should make sure that there is somewhere to sit. To relieve back pain, you can rotate your pelvis several times a day. Acupuncture foot mats also have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Also, to alleviate the physical condition of a woman, you should not walk without a good bandage, and even at home. And to relieve the discomfort caused by breast enlargement, you can already start wearing a nursing bra.

This week is the time to go to preparatory courses, especially if the expectant mother has not done so before. Ideally, this should be in pairs. There they will definitely tell and show how to use the fitball - doctors in every possible way praise its use for pregnant women. Fitball helps to get rid of back pain and is an excellent breathing simulator during childbirth. It is recommended to practice it daily.

To cope with insomnia, in addition to regular walks, it is important to take the correct position on the bed. At week 35, a special pillow for pregnant women or several rollers will be very useful. Sleeping on your back now and until the end of pregnancy is not recommended, so a woman should sleep on her side, as much as possible overlaying herself with pillows for general comfort. You can use sleeping pills or drink herbal infusions only after the recommendation of a doctor and in no case self-medicate.

At this stage, a woman is prone to all sorts of worries, so it is important to isolate yourself from stress as much as possible. You should watch only good kind films, read books on parenting or fairy tales, go shopping in search of children's things. The support of loved ones is very important, so in no case should a woman be silent if something worries her. The company of a mother or a close friend can cheer you up and make you let go of all your worries.

After 35 weeks there is a risk of preterm birth. A woman must pack a bag, decide on a maternity hospital and leave instructions to relatives. It will not be superfluous to make an approximate list of products for the week, so that after the maternity hospital, the husband himself can go to the store.

As for sex, this question should be left before going to the doctor. For half of the women, it is contraindicated at this stage, and for the other half there are no restrictions in this regard. In any case, only an obstetrician-gynecologist, based on all the features of the course of pregnancy, can make an unambiguous decision.

ultrasound of fetal development

Ultrasound at 35 weeks is done mainly in order to determine the types of childbirth: by caesarean section or naturally. In addition to the parameters of the woman in labor, this is mainly influenced by the position of the fetus. The doctor looks to see if he is lying correctly and if there is an entanglement with the umbilical cord.

Also, this procedure should alert the doctor if the woman has placenta previa. This phenomenon is prone to women after 30 years, as well as those who have this is not the first pregnancy. In the early stages of pregnancy, presentation is a common thing, but if in the last stages she did not rise and did not take the correct position, then this can cause complications during childbirth. As a result, the placenta lies in the birth canal, and bleeding may occur during childbirth. If the doctor identifies such a problem during an ultrasound, then this may be an indication for a caesarean section.

The doctor also examines the child's heart rate, evaluates his physical activity. One of the important indicators is the maturity of the placenta: at 35 weeks it has a second degree. This indicator affects the natural process of childbirth, because with the normal development of the placenta, childbirth will begin on time. Over time, its resources decrease, which is a signal for the body to give birth.

Someone asks for an ultrasound to finally determine the sex of the baby. If at the earlier stages it was not possible to determine this, then now it is unlikely to succeed. Due to the low mobility of the fetus, it is in a static position and can close its genitals from the ultrasound machine. But modern technologies offer the option of 3D ultrasound, when future parents see not a black and white screen, but an almost color image. This procedure allows you to see the real face of the baby. And due to the fact that by this week individual characteristics have already been formed, you can see which parent the child looks like.

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Pregnancy time the best thing in a woman's life. However, with the onset of 35 weeks, it gives the expectant mother more trouble than joy. And this is not surprising. The baby is almost formed and ready to enter into life. Each of his movements and movements affect the state of the expectant mother. . Features This obstetric period means the middle of the third trimester. The pregnancy has been going on for over 8 months. At this stage, a working woman is recommended to go on maternity leave for a good rest. Although the baby is almost ready for birth, it takes another 5 obstetric weeks to wait for his birth.

Fetal development When the time comes - 35 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus can reach two and a half kilograms. A feature of the development of the child during this period is the formation of muscle tissue and an increase in body fat. During this week, the fetus can gain up to 250 g of weight. During this period, the fetus is already fully developed. The 35th week of pregnancy is characterized by the final stage of the formation of its internal organs. The growth of the baby can reach 45 cm. It becomes crowded in the womb, so every movement causes discomfort to the woman. All organs of the baby are fully formed. During this period, the development of the genitourinary and central nervous systems is completed. The child's body actively secretes hormones that help to fully form the exchange of nutrients and minerals in his body. Appearance of the child The fetus at the 35th week of pregnancy already looks like a fully formed person, because during this period there is an active accumulation of body fat, the baby's skin becomes soft and even. Its color takes on a pink hue.

Appearance of the child The fetus at 35 weeks of pregnancy already looks like a fully formed person, because during this period there is an active accumulation of body fat, the baby's skin becomes soft and even. Its color acquires a pink tint. The figure of the child is actively rounded. Eliminates angularity. Infantile swelling appears. In a baby, weight at 35 weeks of gestation can reach 3 kg. You can note the appearance of folds on the joints of the arms and legs. There is an active formation of feet. In the neck area, infantile folds can also be seen. Each child develops individually during this period. Some babies already have hairline, while others do not. Often the child's nails are already formed at this time. They can reach great lengths. Therefore, small scratches may occur on the baby's cheeks.

Characteristic parameters The 35th week of pregnancy is characterized by the readiness of the baby for birth. Its height can vary from 45 to 50 cm. The fetal head is almost completely formed and is about 9 cm in circumference. The diameter of the chest can be from 8 to 8.5 cm. The circumference of the tummy is just over 9 cm. At 35 weeks of pregnancy the weight of the fetus can be from 2 to 3 kg. The main function of the child's body during this period is to actively gain fat for further development. In the middle of the third trimester, the development of the baby is almost completed. Therefore, childbirth at 35 weeks of gestation is not dangerous and usually takes place without risks to the life of the mother and child.

Woman's condition At this time, the baby can finally roll over in the stomach. He begins his preparation for the birth. Some babies begin to descend in the womb. If the child has already changed his position, the breathing of the expectant mother is greatly facilitated. However, some babies are in no hurry to change their location until the very beginning of labor. The size of the belly of the expectant mother reaches its peak. Sometimes it seems that the stomach at the 35th week of pregnancy is simply huge. Indeed, over the entire period, the woman's uterus has grown more than 1000 times. For 8 months, the woman's body has completely changed. Now all organs are working in an enhanced mode to ensure normal delivery. Despite the sufficient weight of the child, the 35th week of pregnancy is not final for the birth process. The baby should gain strength in the mother's womb for another 1 month. However, if premature birth occurs during this period, they will not become a threat to his life. Every day it becomes more and more difficult for a future mother to move around. Every movement is difficult. By this time, a woman can gain from 10 to 15 kg of weight.

Condition of the uterus The 35th week of pregnancy is characterized by the highest state of the uterine muscle. It reaches a significant size and puts pressure on the bladder and stomach of a woman. Frequent urge to urinate. Therefore, the expectant mother is not recommended for walks that take a long time. Also, don't travel. The uterus also compresses the diaphragm. The woman's breathing becomes difficult. This causes some discomfort during the night rest. To alleviate her condition, a woman is advised to lie on her side. At this time, the uterus begins to intensively prepare for childbirth. She acquires a special sensitivity. Her tone is at its peak. Now every movement of a woman responds with pain in her. Also at week 35, the cervix begins to actively develop. The birth canal is formed.

The appearance of contractions If a woman has a stomachache at 35 weeks of pregnancy, this indicates the beginning of the body's readiness for childbirth. The first training bouts. Usually pain from them is quite minor.

Contractions can occur at any time. They have not yet become permanent. In the normal course of pregnancy, pain should pass in a short period of time. If the contractions are prolonged and the pain from them is significant, it is recommended that the expectant mother seek the advice of a specialist.

Night rest period Often expectant mothers complain that at the 35th week of pregnancy they have sleep disturbances. Insomnia takes away the last strength of expectant mothers. It is difficult for a pregnant woman to find a comfortable position for sleeping. The large size of the abdomen does not allow you to relax. Special pillows for pregnant women help to partially solve the problem. Frequent urge to urinate also contributes to insomnia. To alleviate the condition of a woman, it is not recommended to drink liquid before bedtime. You can also take a valerian tablet. It will help the expectant mother to relax and get some rest. It is good to do some light exercise before bed. They consist of circular movements of the hips. This will slightly reduce the tone of the uterus and relax its muscles.

The appearance of heartburn Heartburn is a frequent companion of all pregnant women. This is due to the fact that the fetus, which has increased in size, exerts active pressure on the digestive system. Therefore, many pregnant women experience heartburn. There may also be a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. This is due to the active development of the baby. To alleviate the condition, a woman is recommended to eat light foods, food should be fractional. The diet of the expectant mother is rich in useful minerals and vitamins.

The appearance of secretions. Is it dangerous? The 35th week of pregnancy is coming to an end. The stomach pulls, contractions appear, the child falls lower and lower. The woman is almost ready for childbirth. However, during this period, mucous discharge may occur. Are they dangerous for the expectant mother? To understand this, it is necessary to characterize the selections. If they look like mucus, milky or transparent, there is no cause for concern. So the woman's body begins its preparation for the birth process. It is worth paying attention if there is blood in the composition of the mucus. Most likely, there was a detachment of the placenta of the child. In order to avoid the threat of termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to seek help as soon as possible. Also at this time, a cork may come out. It can be mistaken for mucous secretions. The discharge of the cork is a sure sign of the onset of labor. You also need to take care of hospitalization.

35 weeks pregnant. Fetal movements Often women feel anxiety during this period. The child is actively gaining weight. It becomes crowded in the uterine cavity. Therefore, when the 35th week of pregnancy comes, fetal movements may become slower and less noticeable. The mother-to-be has nothing to worry about. The kid did not become lazy, did not begin to feel discomfort. He just grew up. There was little room for him in his mother's womb. His movements are now not so active. They are more like sluggish rolling. However, do not forget about the control of his movements. A woman must definitely monitor them and count their number every hour. If problems arise, contact a specialist. Also, the expectant mother may feel trembling and vibration in the abdomen. There is no cause for concern here. Usually, this means that the baby is just hiccuping. What should a future mother do What should a pregnant woman do at such a time? The middle of the third trimester is the best time to rest. A woman must gain strength before the upcoming birth. By this time, the expectant mother should already know exactly how and in what institution the baby will be born. It is worth consulting with your doctor. If a planned caesarean section is scheduled for delivery, the expectant mother needs to prepare for going to the hospital and prepare all the necessary things. It is worth noting that premature birth may occur this week. Therefore, the expectant mother should have things ready for visiting the maternity hospital. At this time, it is worth giving up long walks and travel. Doctors do not recommend flying on an airplane and a long trip by car.

Physical exercise To prepare your body for childbirth, the expectant mother should not forget about sports. Loads should not be strong. Keep track of their numbers. At the first occurrence of pain, classes must be stopped. As exercises, yoga, swimming are suitable. Don't forget about breathing exercises. Such gymnastics will help in the upcoming birth. It is useful for the condition of a woman to exercise on a gymnastic ball. Proper breathing training will help to significantly shorten the process of childbirth and reduce pain during labor.

The intimate side of life Toward the end of pregnancy, all the thoughts of the expectant mother are occupied with the upcoming meeting with the baby. However, do not forget during this period about your spouse and his needs. During this time, women are allowed to have sex. Only in some cases there are contraindications. The attending physician will definitely warn about them. During this period, you can not use protection. Sperm that enters the female body has a beneficial effect on the condition of the walls of the uterus and contributes to its preparation for childbirth. A certain discomfort during this period can be delivered by the large size of the belly of the expectant mother. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the postures from the state on the side or behind. In what cases it is worth abandoning intimate relationships: In the event of a pain syndrome.

- With the threat of miscarriage.

With the departure of amniotic fluid and cork.

With multiple pregnancy.

With abnormal locations of the placenta.

Fetal monitoring The 35th week of pregnancy has come. How many months are left before the long-awaited meeting? If you count according to the usual calendar, then less than a month. Obstetric - 5 weeks. At this time, it is very important to monitor the state of development of the baby. Therefore, many experts prescribe the final study at 35 weeks. Usually this is an ultrasound. It is necessary to control the weight and growth of the child. The attending physician diagnoses its level of development, excludes or confirms possible complications. Ultrasound is also recommended to monitor the state of the presentation of the fetus and its entanglement with the umbilical cord. Depending on the condition of the child, the level of amniotic fluid, the doctor chooses the method of delivery. Also, at 35 weeks of pregnancy, the health status of the expectant mother, her blood pressure, and heart rate are monitored. Blood and urine tests are also scheduled. The birth of a baby is it dangerous to give birth at 35 weeks of gestation? If the baby decided to be born right now, do not worry. He is considered almost full-term and ready to be born. The expectant mother should be ready for the appearance of the baby. Signs of preterm labor: Cramping pains. Discharge of water. Cork peeling. When these symptoms appear, a pregnant woman should definitely seek medical help. A baby born at 35 weeks is quite adapted to life. If his condition poses a threat to life, he will be placed in the department of pathology of premature babies. However, usually children born during this period practically do not differ in their development and condition from full-term children. 35 weeks pregnant is a great time to relax before giving birth. The expectant mother is gaining strength for the long-awaited meeting with the baby. It should be remembered that by this time the woman should have the necessary things and documents ready for a trip to the hospital.-

What happens at 35 weeks with the baby and mom

By the 35th week of bearing a child, a pregnant woman begins to experience many not very pleasant sensations. Since most of the stages of fetal development have already been completed, the woman's feelings are influenced by the ever-increasing weight of the baby.

Constantly something pricks, hurts or presses, fatigue torments. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to work during this period. It is necessary to arrange maternity leave and more time to relax and prepare for childbirth, collect the necessary things for the hospital, equip a place for the baby in the house, study the technique.

  1. 35 weeks pregnant: how many months
  2. Baby height and weight
  3. 35 weeks pregnant with twins
  4. Breech presentation of the fetus
  5. Uterine tone
  6. Childbirth at thirty-fifth week of pregnancy
  7. Allocations
  8. What happens to mom during this period

35 weeks pregnant: how many months?

35 obstetric week of pregnancy and corresponds to the 8th month.

If we follow the calculations made by obstetricians-gynecologists, then the pregnancy lasts not 9, but 10 months, because the countdown does not start from the moment, but from the beginning of the next monthly cycle. If you use the "household" calendar, the pregnancy lasts a little more than 9 months.

35 weeks pregnant: baby's height and weight

Delivery at 35 weeks pregnant

Is it possible to give birth at 35 weeks of pregnancy? Actually, it is useless for nature to ask this question. If the baby decided that it was time to be born, you need to help him and his mother go through this process as sparingly as possible.

The expectant mother should be extremely attentive to her feelings. If on 35 weeks lower abdomen hurts, and the so-called "omission" of the abdomen is also observed, it's time to cook.

Other signs:

  • the stomach stiffens at the 35th week of pregnancy;
  • diarrhea at 35 weeks pregnant.

Trips to the toilet become suspiciously frequent. Not that there is real diarrhea - just a noticeable loosening of the stool. So the mother's body is "cleansed", preparing for childbirth. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent as the fetus presses on the bladder.

Dropped belly? This means that there is not much left before the birth. Moreover, if during the first pregnancy this harbinger of childbirth appears in a week or more, then in the case of the second, 4-5 days can pass from the prolapse of the abdomen to the moment of childbirth.

This sign of premature birth is noticeable not only to doctors, but also to the woman herself and to those around her. The pregnant woman notes that she suddenly became easier to breathe, and at the same time, frequent urinary incontinence appeared. Relatives say that visually the stomach is lower than a day or two before.

The woman's gait changes: due to the shift in the center of gravity, she becomes a "duck". Increased chance of falls. Everything that happens indicates the approach of childbirth. In addition, a pregnant woman may notice weight loss: up to 1.5 kg. This is due to the release of excess fluid.

A woman at this time should be ready for a possible birth.

Sex at 35 weeks pregnant

At 35 weeks, doctors do not prohibit sex. Moreover, they even recommend it if the woman is doing well. Orgasm helps to normalize hormonal levels and improve mood, and also has a positive effect on the state of all systems and functions of the body.

True, if at 35 weeks of pregnancy the lower abdomen is pulled and there are other unpleasant sensations or discharge, you need to wait with sex and see a doctor as soon as possible.

Discharge at 35 weeks pregnant

Light, fairly abundant discharge is the norm. The appearance of yellowish discharge in combination with a runny nose, sore throat may indicate a cold at 35 weeks of gestation. Distinctly yellow or greenish discharge indicates the development of an infectious disease of the urinary tract.

Brown discharge, mucous discharge, and even more so, the appearance of blood should alert. They indicate the need for urgent medical attention. Any discharge with an admixture of blood is a danger to the life of the baby, and mucous discharge in large quantities may turn out to be a cork that has come out. Look at the photo of what the cork looks like.

White discharge is a well-known symptom of thrush. Treatment of thrush must be carried out necessarily in order to exclude infection of the child during the passage of the birth canal.

What can bother a woman at 35 weeks

A perfectly smooth pregnancy is rare. Usually, by the end of the gestation period, various unpleasant symptoms appear:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium.

May experience high blood pressure from time to time. How to be in such cases? If you often notice that your legs are swollen, you need to take a urine test. . Then the doctor may prescribe canephron or other drugs to alleviate the condition, as well as weak diuretics.

Often lead to hemorrhoids. It is necessary to choose suitable candles for its treatment. With pain in the right hypochondrium (often combined with heartburn), it is necessary to establish a diet: eat a little 6-7 times a day. Such a diet will help eliminate an unpleasant symptom.

Nausea and vomiting, as well as a sharp increase in pressure, require immediate consultation with a doctor. The cause of this condition may be the development of preeclampsia, which is very dangerous. Supervision of experts and, most likely, a bed rest is necessary.

By week 35, a woman is already looking forward to the end of her childbearing period. She was tired, because it is not easy to constantly experience colossal overloads. A little more than a month is left - and your little blood will be born. Or maybe everything will happen earlier - and you need to be ready for this.
