Questionnaire for parents on labor education in the family. Questionnaire for parents on labor education in the family material (senior group) on the topic Questionnaire for parents “Cultivating hard work in the family”

Tatyana Shiryaeva
Questionnaire for parents on labor education of children of senior preschool age

Questionnaire for parents

Dear parents!

In kindergarten, family experience is studied in labor education of children. We ask you to answer the proposed questions. The results obtained will help us generalize our experience labor education in the family and improve methods and forms cooperation with family.

When answering questions, write your opinion on the blank lines left, underline the answer options that correspond to your opinion.

1. Should modern children develop a need work?

2. What does it include? labor your child's activities?

a) self-service,

b) puts away toys,

c) helps with washing dishes,

d) does nothing

d) other (write what exactly)

3. Does your child clean the table and toys at home after playing?

A) yes, but only after a reminder,

B) cleans, but only with my help,

C) cleans himself, without reminders,

D) does not clean at all.

4. What methods are in education of hard work are you using at home?

a) own example,

b) encouragement

c) training,

d) I don’t do that education,

d) other (write what exactly)

5. Where do you see the greatest difficulties?

a) the child does not want to perform work assignments;

b) forgets the adult’s tasks;

c) does not finish what he started; does not show itself when performing work;

d) ready to quit when difficulty; doubts

d) no problem

6. What self-care skills does your child have?

7. Do you involve your child in household chores? family work?

8. Does your child study? working in the fresh air(cleaning up the area around the house or dacha, does anyone take part in the work as much as possible? parent cleanup days, help in the garden, garden and more? ___

9. How often do you do joint manual labor? labor(designing, sewing, knitting, applique?

a) Once a week,

b) once a month,

c) once every six months,

d) never or very rarely

10. Do you think it is possible for your child to carry out feasible tasks? kindergarten teacher? What kind of instructions do you think there might be? ___

11. Who, in your opinion, has the leading role in raising children, including in labor:

b) kindergarten;

c) family and kindergarten?

12How do you assess the degree of your participation in cooperation with kindergarten which child attends?

a) high;

c) satisfactory;

d) didn’t think about it;

d) I find it difficult to answer?

13. What forms cooperation in matters of labor education Are you more interested?

A) parent meetings,

b) round tables,

c) subbotniks.

G) work together with the children in the vegetable garden and flower garden,

e) master classes on manual labor,

e) leisure,

g) other (write what exactly)

14. What forms You are not satisfied with cooperation in labor education?

A) parent meetings,

b) consultations.

V) labor subbotniks.

d) instructions.

d) everything suits you,

e) other (write what exactly)

15What forms of interaction would you like to introduce into practice?

Thank you for your participation and help!

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Questionnaire for parents on labor education in the family

Dear parents!

Each of you would like your child to grow up hardworking. To effectively organize labor education in a preschool educational institution, we ask you to inform us about your child’s labor skills, his attitude to work, as well as labor education in the family, by answering the questions in this questionnaire.

  1. Does the child show interest in the labor activities of caring for plants? _____________________________________________________________________________
  2. Does he like to carry out work assignments, which ones are he more willing to do? ______________________________________________________________________________
  3. Do you have the opportunity to involve your child in working in the garden or flower garden? ______________________________________________________________________________
  4. Does your child help you work in the garden? How?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1. How does the child feel about work assignments?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  2. Do you like working with your child? __________________________________________________________________________
  3. What housework and gardening skills does your child have (using the necessary children's tools) to care for plants? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. Does the child plan his work independently? ______________________________________________________________________________
  5. What objects of labor does he own? Does he follow the rules for safe handling?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  6. Are you happy with the results of your work? ______________________________________________________________________________
  7. Do you consider it necessary to organize in preschool educational institutions work on labor education of children in caring for plants in the flower garden and vegetable garden? _____________________________________________________________________________
  8. Do you think it is possible for your child to carry out feasible instructions from the teacher in kindergarten? What, in your opinion, may be the tasks for caring for plants in the flower garden and vegetable garden? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  9. How do you create a situation of success, joy from the results of a child’s work? How do you encourage? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thanks for your cooperation!

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Topic: Scenario of a meeting with parents on the topic “Labor education” as part of the work of the “Nadezhda” club

2012, Perm

Presenter's opening remarks:

Family and preschool are two important institutions for the socialization of children with special educational needs. Their educational functions are different, but their interaction is necessary for the development of the child. An analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of combining the efforts of a preschool institution and a family shows that recently new, promising forms of cooperation have emerged that involve involving parents in an active partnership in the pedagogical process. In our preschool educational institution, the “Nadezhda” club has been operating for parents for several years; work is being carried out in several directions; I am the coordinator of the club’s work and the author of the scripts.

Meeting of the "Nadezhda" club

Topic: “Labor education? Yes!"

Purpose: To show the importance of aspects of labor education in order to develop the child’s personal qualities. Exchange of views on moral education in the family.

Preparatory work:

1.Drawing up notes of the meeting.

2.Preparing tables, videotaping children.

3. Printout of proverbs and sayings about work.

4.Parent survey.

6.Preparation of circles - 2 colors.

Progress of the meeting.


Parents sit in a circle and say greetings, saying their name and favorite activity. In order to predispose parents to each other: “Good afternoon, my name is ..., I like to communicate with people” “Good afternoon, my name is ……….., I really like growing indoor plants” “Good afternoon, my name is ......, I I like traveling with my family"

2. Statement of the topic of the meeting, introductory remarks about labor education.

2.1. Dear parents!!!

Today our meeting is devoted to the topic of labor education in kindergarten and family. What is labor education and why is it needed in preschool age? This is what we are talking about today. In our kindergarten for children with intellectual underdevelopment, labor education is aimed at achieving a sense of social comfort and equality in society, helps to improve their moral and psychological state, thus providing an opportunity, along with all members of society, to live a full life. E.A. Strebeleva notes that pedagogically correctly organized labor training and education for children with intellectual disabilities is an effective means of correcting deficiencies in the mental activity of older preschoolers, and is a preparation for studying at school and participating in feasible work.

Popular wisdom says:

1. Skill and labor will grind everything down.

2. They plow the arable land, not wave their hands.

3. The master’s work is afraid.

4. Handle every task skillfully.

5. There is time for business, but an hour for fun.

Labor is a powerful educator in the pedagogical education system.

A.S. Makarenko: “ Tore - This at all Not what child's hands are busy , teenager . Labor is what develops a little person , supports it , helps him to assert himself »

“Industriousness and the ability to work are not given by nature, but are cultivated from early childhood. Work on labor education is based on the formation of children’s objective activities and is associated with their play activities. It is in the process of story games that the motivational-need side of children’s activities is formed, associated with mastering service skills (in the case of actions with toys) and self-service. Mastering the operational side of activity allows the child to become independent and skillful in meeting his immediate needs. Thus, the child’s personal development is stimulated. Only on this basis are the child’s self-position and confidence in his own strengths and capabilities formed, responsibility and elements of self-esteem develop,” E.A. gives such an assessment of the labor process. Strebeleva. [Strebeleva. 2010.S. 166]

Labor education in a specialized institution of a compensatory type is carried out in two main directions:

1. Fostering respect for the work of adults and children;

2. Formation of practical work skills in children during the following activities:

a) education of cultural and hygienic skills (CHS) and self-service skills (first and second years of study);

b) manual labor (third and fourth years of study);

c) household work and work in nature (third and fourth years of study).

All of these activities are closely interrelated. The skills acquired by children are consolidated and improved in the process of performing routine tasks during subsequent years of education.

How to organize children? These could be:




How to introduce a child to work? In a family, children constantly see what their parents are doing, preparing food, doing wet cleaning, doing laundry, etc.

Observing the work of adults helps the child understand the importance of work and the attitude of parents towards work.

What do children know about the work of adults? (Video recording of children talking about work)

What techniques are used in kindergarten?



    Reading x\l

If the work is done correctly, children acquire new developments: new thinking, development of memory, attention, perseverance, concentration.

3. Presenter: Dear parents, now together we will try to solve the following problem situations:

* The teacher asked Sasha what his parents did. The boy said that his mother does not work, does nothing, but sits at home with her little brother.

* Dad asked 4-year-old Seryozha: “Tell me, what does the teacher in your group do?” Seryozha replies: “She doesn’t do anything, she plays with us.”

What can we talk about in these situations? Why do children think this? ((The concept of “Labor” has not been formed)

Presenter: Report on the program objectives of labor education - self-service, work in nature, cotton labor, manual labor.

3. The game “Kind Word” is a compliment.

“We are all mothers, we all want to hear a kind word addressed to us, a warm word, this is what we teach our children. Now say a kind word to the people sitting next to you.”

4. Exchange of views “How do I teach a child to work and why?”

5 Presenter: And now, dear parents, find colored circles on the chairs, and according to the color of the circle, unite into 2 groups. We will create a sequence for teaching a child certain work actions, otherwise, we will create an algorithm. Look carefully, here is an algorithm for how to teach a child self-care, namely hand washing. (Provide a sample) Look at the algorithm and try to create your own action plan on a given topic.”


Draw up a schematic algorithm of actions for raising a child’s work skills:


* Washing dishes.


* Preparing vinaigrette.


* Washing clothes for the doll.


* Caring for indoor plants.

* Washing dishes.

* Preparing vinaigrette.

* Washing clothes for the doll.

* Carrying out wet cleaning.

* Making a homemade toy.

7. Presenter: You tried very hard to create an algorithm of actions, you drew up the diagrams well, and now we will exchange opinions on the topic: “What profession can you introduce a child to when caring for indoor plants?, when washing dishes, when preparing vinaigrette?”

8. Presenter: playing with a ball “What personal qualities of a child do we form by cultivating hard work?”

(Attention, ability to finish a job, responsiveness, mutual assistance, activity)

9.And now let us once again remember folk wisdom, proverbs and sayings about work.

10. Summing up.


1. Bezrukikh M.N., Filippova T.A. Professions. A small encyclopedia for preschoolers. M.: Yuventa. 2001.p.67.

2.Ekzhanova E.A., Strebeleva E.A. Program of preschool educational institutions of a compensatory type for children with intellectual disabilities: Correctional and developmental education and upbringing.-3rd edition. - M.: Education, 2010.

3. Komarova T.S. Labor education in kindergarten. M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2005.

4.Kutsakova L.V. Moral and labor education in kindergarten. For working with children 3-7 years old. M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2007.

5.Program of education and training in kindergarten /ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova., M. Mozaika – Synthesis, 2005.

Appendix No. 1

1.Questionnaire for parents “Labor and labor education”

1. What kind of work does your child participate in with adults?

From case to case ___

2. What does the child know about your profession. Have you told him about where and who you work for?

A) yes. B) no. C) I read that it’s too early. D) the child often visits me at work and sees what my work is.

3. What self-care skills does your child have?

4. What methods do you use at home to cultivate hard work?

A) own example. B) encouragement. B) training. D) I don’t do this kind of upbringing.

5. How do you feel about the opinion that there should be a division of labor in a family and that a man is not obliged to do women’s work, and a woman does not have to do men’s work?

A) I completely agree with this opinion. B) agree (agree) partially. B) against this opinion. D) a child must be able to do everything, regardless of whether it is a man’s job or a woman’s, everything will be useful in life. D) I find it difficult to answer.

6. Does your child clean the table and toys at home after playing?

A) yes, but only after a reminder. B) cleans, but only with my help. C) cleans himself, without reminders. D) does not clean at all.

7. What do you see as the greatest difficulties: the child does not want to carry out work assignments; forgets adult assignments; does not finish what he starts; does not show itself when performing work; ready to quit if difficult; doubts (underline, fill in what is missing)

8. Do you think the following is work for a child (underline as necessary)

    Wash the dishes

    Making paper crafts

    Water the plants

    Wash socks

    Put away toys


    Table setting.

9. Your questions and suggestions to teachers and kindergarten administration on issues of labor education.

Appendix No. 2

Memo for parents

    Give your children tasks that are part of the family's daily routine.

    Present uniform and constant requirements for the child’s work.

    Explain to children the meaning of work and its importance for family members.

    Help your child only if he really needs help.

    Work together with children, organize joint work of children.

    treat child labor as a serious matter, do not turn it into a game. At the same time, use playful forms of organizing work to maintain the child’s interest in it.

    Never use labor as a means of punishment.

Appendix No. 3 Objectives of labor education according to the program (given to parents along with a memo)

Ekzhanova E.A., Strebeleva E.A. Program of compensatory preschool educational institutions for children with intellectual disabilities: Correctional and developmental training and education.


Objectives of training and education

* Teach children to turn to teachers for help.

* Develop neatness in children.

* Teach children to use the toilet, leave the toilet clean and dressed.

* Teach children to wash their hands after using the toilet and before eating.

* Develop in children the skill of careful eating - using a cup, plate, spoon, napkin, and proper behavior at the table.

* Teach children to use a handkerchief.

* To develop in children the skills of undressing and dressing, and caring for clothes.

* Teach children to evaluate their appearance with and without a mirror.


Objectives of training and education

* Continue to develop cultural and hygienic skills in children.

* To instill neatness in children, to develop the ability to use the toilet correctly, to independently use the toilet and toilet paper.

* Continue to strengthen children's washing skills.

* Teach children to wash their feet before going to bed.

* Strengthen children's skills of proper behavior at the table, teach them to eat independently, and correctly use a cup, spoon, fork, and napkin.

* Teach children to eat gracefully and slowly, to bite off food in small pieces, to chew food thoroughly, to swallow slowly, and not to talk while eating.

* Teach children to follow a certain sequence in the process of dressing and undressing; Put on some of the clothes yourself; in case of difficulties, seek help from adults.


Objectives of training and education

* Develop children's interest in work activities in general, in their own products and crafts.

* Introduce children to different materials (paper, cardboard, natural materials) and their properties.

Tasks of training and education-x/domestic labor

* Instill in children a desire to work and receive satisfaction from the results of their work.

* Teach children to notice disorder in clothing, in a familiar room, on familiar territory and eliminate it.

* To form in children the practical actions that they need to put things in order, the room, the play corner, the garden, as well as caring for plants and animals.

* Teach children practical actions with objects-tools and auxiliary means in order to restore order in a familiar room and in a familiar territory.

* Teach children to plan their practical actions when carrying out work assignments, to distribute their time in accordance with the necessary labor costs.

* Teach children to interact with peers while performing household tasks.

* Instill in children respect for the results of the work of adults and peers.

* Cultivate a sense of pride in the results of your work.


Objectives of training and education

* Strengthen children's interest in work.

* Introduce children to materials (fabric, leather, thread, straw) and their properties.

* To strengthen children's skills in working with paper, cardboard, natural and waste materials (reel, eggshells, nut shells, plastic shells, plastic lids, etc., depending on local conditions).

* Continue to teach children to work according to the model and verbal instructions.

* Strengthen in children the ability to use scissors, napkins, a rag, a glue brush, oilcloth, plasticine when connecting parts and pieces made from natural materials.

* Introduce children to needle and thread; learn to sew paper objects.

* Introduce the straight seam “forward needle”, learn how to sew buttons with two holes.

* Introduce children to the techniques of working with fabric and threads - trying on, cutting, sewing with a straight seam.

* Teach children to select beautiful color combinations of materials, select the color of threads according to the shade of fabric or leather.

FOURTH YEAR OF STUDY-X/household work.

Objectives of training and education

* Strengthen in children the desire to work, the ability to receive satisfaction from the results of their work.

* Continue to develop the ability to put clothes in order, in a familiar room, on familiar territory.

* To form in children practical actions that are necessary for caring for plants on the site and animals from the living area.

* Continue to teach children practical actions with objects - tools and auxiliary means in order to use them correctly when putting things in order in a familiar room and on familiar territory.

* Teach children to perform their practical actions in accordance with the lesson plan and taking into account the regime moments.

* Expand the ways in which children cooperate in the process of carrying out work assignments.

* Teach children to work in a microgroup when performing certain tasks.

* Strengthen the ability of preschoolers to give a verbal report on the work performed.

* Teach children to be careful with tools.

* To foster independence and activity of children in the process of work.


Dear parents, in order to improve the educational process, we need to know your opinion. Please answer the following questions.

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“Questionnaire for parents on labor education of children.”

Questionnaire for parents on the labor education of children.

Fostering hard work in the family.

Dear parents, in order to improve the educational process, we

We need to know your opinion. Please answer the following questions:

1. Should the need to work be developed in modern children?


2. What does your child’s work activity include?__________________________________________________________

3. What self-care skills does your child have?_________________________________________________

4. Do you involve your child in household work in the family?



5. What household chores does the child do?___

6. Does your child work in the fresh air, cleaning the area around the house?

and more?________________

7. Do you often do joint manual labor (designing, sewing, knitting, applique?

Once a week___________

once a month___

once every six months______________

never or very rarely_______________

8. Do you think it is possible for your child to carry out feasible tasks?

kindergarten teacher? What kind of instructions do you think there might be?__________________________________________________________

9. What labor skills should be developed in children, first of all, in kindergarten?


10. What labor skills should be developed in children first of all?

