A person who eats bricks. Can you eat stones? What happens if you eat a brick

Pakkirappa Hunagundi used to work as a construction worker, is now 35 years old, and he became interested in eating inedible at the age of 10 years. However, in the case of Hunagandy, it is, of course, not a hobby, but an eating disorder called Pica. According to the dictionary, Pika is an eating disorder characterized by eating substances that lack nutritional value. It is most often manifested in young children, less often manifested in adults, and of both sexes.

Pakkirappa himself claims that he simply cannot help but eat bricks, dirt and stones - in some way unknown to him, his body seems to require them. Because of this, a real struggle is going on with the man in the house - his relatives insist that he stop it.

"I can't stop," says Pacquirappa. “This habit is stronger than me.”

After reports about him appeared in the world media, many people come to gawk at Hunagandi. He himself hopes to earn at least something on his unusual talent for eating bricks, because the income of his family is very small.

It is no secret that there were many who do not believe the Indian who chews bricks - they are sure that he does all this solely to attract attention and subsequent earnings. However, if eating bricks and stones was so easy and simple, then, most likely, it would already become a very popular business in underdeveloped countries.

Surprisingly, Hunagandi, who literally grinds brick, has remarkably healthy teeth - he assures that they do not suffer at all from his strange eating behavior.

So, for the past 20 years, Pakkirappa has been eating bricks, dried mud and pebbles, eating up to three kilograms of them a day. In order to digest all these "dishes", he drinks water.

One of his friends said of him this way: "Yes, now he has become famous, but I still feel sorry for him. I wish there was someone who could help him."

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However, Pakkirappa himself does not look unhappy at all - he happily eats a brick in front of the camera and rejoices in the popularity that has fallen on him.

And the Indian says that he has no desire to eat ordinary food. For many, this does not look convincing, but one can only believe the words of Hunagandi, because in fact only he can know for sure what kind of food his body requires.

Not so long ago, he began to earn a little by eating inedible, and in the future, Pakkirappa Hunagandi hopes to really get rich on his unusual skill.

Craving for unusual food appears not only in pregnant women. If you really want chalk, this can signal the presence of pathologies. Let us consider in more detail the reasons for the emergence of such taste preferences.

General information

Previously, it was believed that chalk is the remains of ancient representatives of the animal world. But about 60 years ago, it was proved that the Cretaceous rock is of plant origin. These are particles of algae that could release lime.

The natural substance contains:

  • calcium carbonate - it makes up most of the rock deposits (98%);
  • oxides of iron and other metals;
  • magnesium carbonate.

Minerals are mined in quarries. The upper sections of the rock are used for the manufacture of building mixtures, school crayons, and the lower ones can be eaten. They do not contain garbage, harmful components that could get from the soil.

If you want to eat chalk, then it is better to buy it in a specialized online store. Construction or school chalk is not recommended, especially for pregnant women. They contain components and dyes that are very harmful to humans.

Why do you want to eat chalk

When a woman or a man really wants chalk, you should first calculate the reason for this irresistible desire. She is not always harmless. You need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination, especially for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The main reasons why a person wants to eat crayon:

  1. Anemia. An insufficient amount of iron in the body leads to this very insidious disease. The level of hemoglobin decreases, the person becomes lethargic, pale, cracks appear on the skin, mucous membranes constantly dry, he does not want to eat. A person with anemia often feels tired and irritable, he does not want to do anything. Even with small loads, a person has an increased heartbeat. To find out why you really want to eat chalk, you need to see a doctor who will prescribe a general or detailed blood test. Anemia is more common in women, especially pregnant women. In severe cases, it can cause miscarriage or the birth of a sick child.
  2. Lack of calcium in the body. It can not be absorbed in the body for two reasons: with severe liver pathologies and with insufficient intake of vitamins C, D, E. Lack of Ca in the human body causes brittle hair, delamination of the nail plates, tooth decay, and frequent convulsions. When a woman or a man wants chalk, it is difficult to determine on their own what is missing in the body. You should not self-medicate without knowing what caused the appearance of certain symptoms.
  3. Diseases of the thyroid gland. Some endocrine disorders provoke a very rapid excretion of calcium from the body, so a person wants to replenish it and begins to eat a natural mineral. This cause is eliminated after treatment of the thyroid gland.
  4. Pregnancy. What to do if a woman in an “interesting” position wants chalk? First you need to consult a doctor. The reason may be a lack of calcium in a woman's body or a simple change in taste preferences. If you really want to, you can eat 1-3 small pieces, the main thing is that the chalk is food, not technical.
  5. Psychological addiction. A person with psychological problems sometimes wants to chew on something. This calms him down. Such a person can eat even one kilogram a day, which causes various diseases. It is recommended to eat pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds instead of chalk, nut mixes, fruits. You can try to relax. If the addiction cannot be overcome, you need to contact a psychologist to eliminate the causes of addiction.

These are the main reasons why a person really wants to eat chalk. But it can be replaced by products, vitamin complexes.

How to replace chalk

If the cause of eating chalk was liver disease, then foods that impair its functioning should be excluded from the diet. It is spicy, fatty, salty, very sweet food. It is recommended to follow the diet number 5.

In diseases of the thyroid gland, it is very important to undergo a complete examination and eliminate the cause of poor absorption of calcium by the human body. After treatment, the desire to eat crayon will pass on its own.

We found out why you want to eat chalk with anemia - this is a lack of iron in the human body. In severe cases, it is replenished with medications prescribed by a doctor. If anemia is manifested to a slight extent in women and men, then its cause can be eliminated if there is food rich in the Fe element.

The largest amount of iron is found in the following foods:

  • liver;
  • dried fruits;
  • beef brains and kidneys, as well as tongue;
  • fruits: apricots, apples, pears, plums;
  • berries: black currant, gooseberry, strawberry, lingonberry;
  • grenades;
  • citrus fruits: lemons, oranges, tangerines;
  • eggs;
  • lamb, beef, pork meat.

With an insufficient amount of calcium in the human body, it can be replenished with fish of all varieties, cottage cheese, spinach, seaweed, rosehip drink, hard cheese, nuts, herbs. It is also very useful to eat bran, all kinds of cereals, any fermented milk products.

If a pregnant woman really wants chalk, then in most cases this means that she has an acute calcium deficiency in the body, which is actively spent on building the skeleton of the unborn child. The doctor can prescribe special vitamin and mineral complexes that are very useful for a woman. Calcium gluconate is often prescribed, which tastes practically no different from ordinary lump chalk.

There are many pills impossible, so as not to harm the fetus and the woman's body as a whole. To improve the condition of the teeth, you can chew calcium gluconate, but do not swallow it, even if you want to do it. A pharmaceutical preparation can be prescribed not only for a pregnant woman, but also for an ordinary person who really wants to eat chalk for no reason.

Sometimes doctors do not find any abnormalities at all in the body of a person who constantly really wants to eat chalk. This is an individual feature of the body. If desired, you can replace the natural remedy with calcium gluconate tablets. But you can buy natural lump chalk on our website, and eat a little every day.

What vitamin is lacking in the human body if you want chalk? The reason for the desire is not in vitamins, but in calcium deficiency in the body in women or men. They simply help the trace element to be better absorbed in the body. Therefore, you need to eat foods rich in Ca first of all. Many of them also contain the necessary vitamins (C, D, E). Very useful for both women and men, fish oil or vitamin E capsules.

What is the danger of an excess of chalk in the body

If there is chalk in small quantities, then this will not affect human health in any way, but if you eat a lot of it, the following problems are possible:

  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, heartburn, etc.);
  • deposition of calcifications in the organs (lungs, kidneys, liver) of a person, from which hard-to-remove calculi are subsequently formed;
  • the development of diabetes mellitus due to a malfunction of the pancreas;
  • calcification of the placenta in pregnant women, the cause of this phenomenon can also be severe stress;
  • narrowing of the lumen of the vessels due to coating from the inside with limescale.

You need to understand that you should not abuse the natural component very much, even if it is very tasty and you constantly want to eat a piece in order to avoid future health problems. Pregnant women should be especially careful.

We have analyzed all the reasons why you really want to eat chalk. In some cases, this may be a sign of serious illness or pathological pregnancy in women. To find out exactly the reasons, you need to see a doctor.

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From time to time, information appears on the Internet and on television about unusual people who calmly eat stones and earth, and on a regular basis. It's strange, nobody canceled the laws of physics and chemistry? How do they do it?

Let's take a closer look...

Here is one example:

Pakkirappe Hunagundi is a resident of India. He is only thirty years old. As a child, he became addicted to eating bricks and stones. Over the past twenty years, he has been eating at least three kilograms of this delicacy daily. At the same time, the man feels very well, his teeth are all intact and there are no problems with the digestive system. The Indian plans to earn some extra money, thanks to his non-standard gastronomic addictions

In addition to stones and bricks, the Indian diet also includes mud and sand. He does not manage to get rid of the habit of eating things that are so little appetizing for ordinary people.

For the first time I tried a brick for the taste of Pakkirappe Hunagundi at the age of ten.

The man now does not complain about his health at all.

His teeth are strong and white, despite such a strange diet.

Pakirappa's mother absolutely does not like her son's taste preferences. She had repeatedly persuaded him to stop eating sand and stones.

But no persuasion works. According to Pakirappa himself, bricks, stones and mud are the tastiest thing in the world for him. And even if he has to choose between them and the divine nectar, he will still be more attracted to the “heavy”, but so beloved by him food.

Doctors say that the man suffers from Pick's disease. Its main symptom is craving for inedible things. This eating disorder is very rare.

The Indian is already quite famous not only in his native village, but also beyond its borders.

In his plans, he will go on a trip around the country in order to demonstrate his skills to everyone and earn some money in this way.

And here's another example:

The 45-year-old American kindergarten teacher for children with special needs makes no secret of her shocking love of eating rocks – she doesn’t even wash them before eating, but sucks on the dirt, rolling the rocks in her mouth like candy.

The woman skillfully manages with a large hammer, with which she crushes large stones, as she cracks nuts.

“I like earthy stones the most,” she shares her “gourmet” secrets.

In fact, Teresa Widener has a fairly serious behavioral disorder called geophagy, or in her case, the term lithophagy, that is, the desire to eat rocks, will be more accurate.

Teresa has been doing this for over 20 years - according to her, she allegedly suffers from anemia, the level of hemoglobin in her body is low, and gravel and stones rich in iron improve her condition.

In fact, her explanation does not stand up to scrutiny, because a full-blooded woman of a dense physique does not in any way resemble a thin victim of anemia, and there is no more iron in rubble than, say, in lunar soil.

Teresa Widener became a guest of a talk show on one of the American TV channels, where she ate several small stones with pleasure right in front of the camera lenses, and skillfully crushed a large stone right there in the studio into several small ones, which she also swallowed in front of the viewers.

And here's another example:

In the Indonesian village of Taban, the soil underfoot serves not only as a raw material for bricks and pottery, but also for making snacks. This village is the only one in the world that produces Ampo, a food that is created from de-graveled black soil from the nearby rice fields. Although there is no medical evidence, residents believe that the soil is an effective pain reliever and even pregnant women are encouraged to eat it, as it is believed to be very beneficial for the skin of the fetus.

There are no official recipes for preparing the earth for food, but in general it looks like this: the solid mass is first beaten with sticks, then rolls are scraped off with a bamboo knife, which are baked and smoked in clay pots for half an hour. After such simple procedures, the soil can be ingested.

As they say, good for one, death for another!

Tana-ampo: flatbread eaten on the island. Java, whose chemical composition is clay lying on a tertiary layer of lime filled with microscopic animals.

(Source: "Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language." Chudinov A.N., 1910)

Rasima, who like many Indonesians has only one name, makes Ampo every day and sells it at the local market. She can earn up to $2 a day in addition to her family's total agricultural income.

Rasima says: I don't know when Ampo production became our family business. All I know is that my great-grandmother did it, my grandmother continued, then my mother, and now I continue the tradition. I work in the rice fields looking for banana and teak leaves so I am constantly in touch with nature.».

Those who have tried Rasima's products are delighted with them. They say that the taste of the earth is just super, it has an amazing creamy structure and a wonderful bouquet.

“Cooking “ampo” is a family tradition that was passed down to me from my mother, and to her from her mother, and so on,” says the only seller of pancakes with unusual fillings, 53-year-old Rasima.

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Thousands of African women eat STONES every day. The reason for this unusual phenomenon lies in the ever-increasing need of the African female body for iron, calcium and other minerals. Young girls eat stones mainly before and during pregnancy. Some girls just get addicted to this exciting action, like drugs, constantly chewing stones in their mouths. Doctors even have a name for this unusual African disease - Pica - women use stones.
Soft stones, rich in minerals and iron, can be bought at any shop on the streets of bustling Africa. Between spices and packages of mineral water, on the shelves of mini-markets, and even large African stores, you can find stones. In plastic packages, among traditional foodstuffs, there are stones of various sizes, colors and tastes. Packaging is different - from 100 grams to half a kilo. These pebbles, which are eaten only by women, contain an increased concentration of salt, iron, which is necessary for the life of the body, the lack of which is felt in Africa and, what is most interesting, the stones are also consumed by vegetarians.

My African friend, Zhanna, on one of the beautiful African sunny days, invited me to an exciting event - there are stones.

Here's how it was:

1. Beauty and fashionista Zhanna

2. Like all African girls, Jeanne takes care of her health and, in addition to fitness and spa, eats stones

3. We drive up to the first roadside shop that comes across

4. Zhanna knows a lot about stones!

5. On the counter we see - onions, tomatoes, lemons and STONES ... What are the stones doing here?

6. Stones must be chosen correctly. According to Jeanne, the stones in this shop are fresh. I'm interested in chestnuts.

7. The stone costs about 15 Russian rubles. This is an expensive stone. There are cheaper ones.

8. - Throw, Monsieur Novikovsky, - says Jeanne, - all sorts of spices. I bought a very tasty stone! Now he will eat it.

9. Large stones cost about 50 rubles, small ones - 10. In principle, for Africa this is an inexpensive price and every girl can afford to buy a kind of pebble to eat it.

10. - Here, try our African stone! You can't buy this in Russia even from a drug dealer.

11. These are such beautiful African girls. And each of them takes care of their health and eats STONES.

Is it possible to eat stones and earth? Of course, there are stones suitable for food - these are table or rock salt, saltpeter, magnesian to Glauber's salt and others. We take many salts with food or use them in the form of various medicines. Currently, there is a whole science that studies minerals of natural origin (salts and their aqueous solutions, rocks, including varieties of clay and sand), which a person consumes for food.

During the famine in the Volga region in 1920-1921. farming was widespread in many areas, and clay was even sold in the markets as an edible product. The Russian geologist P. L. Dravert wrote that the clay, which the inhabitants of the Samara province ate, used a large amount of decomposition products of organic substances. As it turned out, these were sapropels that have been used for food since ancient times.

Dravert mentioned the Indians of Venezuela, who lived in the Orinoco River basin, who for two or three months, when the river flooded, were cut off from the mainland and were forced to eat only silty clay, which they roasted on fire. On average, one person ate about two glasses of sludge daily.

Edible clay was also known in India under the name "Mughal clay". In New Zealand, clays served as a seasoning for meat. The Maori peoples ate a greyish-yellow earth of volcanic origin, the so-called native oatmeal. In the south of the United States, at the mouth of the Mississippi River, clay was also used as food, in the countryside it was called "Franuli's mud".

In Java, it is believed that clay facilitates the flow of childbirth and reduces the number of complications, therefore, in its absence, women eat shards of pottery. Pregnant women from a tribe living on the slopes of Mount Kenya in Africa eat "white soil" from ant mounds, or "black soil" and termite mounds.

Earth-eating has proved to be commonplace in Iran, where even during normal harvest times, edible rocks are also sold in the bazaars along with all kinds of foodstuffs; clay from Magallat and Giveh. Clay from Magallat is a white, greasy to the touch mass that sticks to the tongue, which the inhabitants of those places eat with special pleasure.

The consumption of certain types of minerals is associated with religious rites. For example, in China, diatomaceous earth was very popular, it was called "black food", or "ground rice". Diatomites are rocks composed primarily of the siliceous remains of diatoms that are used as medicines and food. In ancient times, diatomaceous earth was believed to have a supernatural origin and was the food of immortal dragons, so its use should have a beneficial effect on the health and well-being of believers.

Ancient sources also mention other rocks that helped satisfy not only hunger, but also thirst, had a beneficial effect on breathing, regulated the functioning of internal organs, and were used to neutralize poisons, treat dropsy, jaundice, and eye diseases. In Africa, clay is still used to treat gastrointestinal diseases. Arabs and ancient Greeks stopped vomiting with clay.

Over time, people began to appear who successfully made money by adding minerals to ordinary foods. There is such a mineral - barite, or heavy spar, which is very easily ground into flour. It is cheap and heavy, and therefore it is often mixed with various goods that are sold by weight - especially wheat flour. At one time in Germany, the falsification of flour reached such proportions that barite mining was even banned in this country. Counterfeiting various food products with minerals appears to be extremely common throughout the world. Back in the Middle Ages, minerals were mixed with flour, mainly to increase its weight and sell it at a higher profit. Various white minerals were added to the flour, after grinding them into powder: barite, chalk, gypsum, sand, etc.

About "lithophagy" - stone eating - was reported by various researchers, describing the life of different tribes and peoples who eat clay. Civilized people do not eat the earth, but sometimes it happens to some women during pregnancy and children. What for? They themselves can’t even explain it - instinct makes it necessary to compensate for the missing chemicals in the body.

Scientists have described numerous facts of the consumption of minerals of clay origin by the native population as medicines, some of which are in the reference books of traditional medicine. For example, it is noted that after oxygen, the most common element on Earth is silicon. Silicon deficiency in the human body causes a decrease in the body's resistance to various diseases.

The lack of silicon leads to hair loss, softening, brittle bones, the appearance of kidney and liver stones. It affects the flexibility of the periosteum, tendons, cartilage, blood vessels. In diseases of the joints, bone fractures, you need to take care of a sufficient amount of silicon in food. And for better bone fusion, it is recommended to eat bread with bran and other foods that contain a high content of silicon.

Previously, silicon entered the human body naturally, when a person walked without shoes and directly contacted the soil and minerals containing silicon. With the improvement of the social conditions of human life, such contacts with nature are becoming less and less.
Another reason for the consumption of clay by the indigenous population is that clay soils often contain minerals such as zeolites, which are able to remove harmful substances from the body.

Minerals are not only used as food by humans. Stones are known to be swallowed by many birds, fish, and animals. It has been established that on salt licks, animals consume not only the salt in the ground, but also the soil itself. Many hunters, for example, noticed that during the rut, the meat of a deer or other “animal” is tasteless. During this period, the male does not eat anything, although he spends a lot of energy due to his fat reserves.

During the breakdown of fat, harmful nitrogenous substances are released, which poison the body of the animal, and by eating the earth, it removes these harmful substances from its body. The liver takes an active part in fat metabolism, where fats are oxidized with the formation of energy necessary for the life of the body.

In Russia, the northern part of Siberia is poorly suited for human life. For example, Yakutia or Chukotka, whose territory is located beyond the Arctic Circle. The land here is bound by permafrost, and the Chukchi and Eskimos living here have traditionally been engaged exclusively in hunting sea animals. At sea, they went out on canoes - boats covered with walrus skin, and found whales in the fountains of water, which the whales spew out noisily, surfacing to breathe.

Having found it, the hunters pursue the whale, and when it comes up to the surface again, they try to pierce it with a harpoon with a buoy tied to it, indicating the location of the victim and preventing it from plunging into the depths. Then the whale is finished off and the multi-ton carcass is transported to the shore, where the entire village is pulled ashore, where the butchering of the sea giant takes place.

The most valuable thing in a whale carcass is the meat and skin, which is eaten raw with a thin layer of fat. Whale meat has a specific and stronger smell than the meat of other animals, but despite the strong smell, whale meat is eaten. The reason for the intensity of this smell and the special taste of whale meat, the researchers explain the decay of the organic base, the rebirth of fat, which has the same nature as the fat of most animals.

Fats are indispensable food products for northern peoples. They improve the taste of food and cause a long-lasting feeling of fullness, as they are digested and absorbed more slowly than other nutrients. The amount of fat in the northerner's diet is determined by the intensity of labor, climatic features, and the person's age. A person engaged in intense physical labor needs more high-calorie food, and more fat.

Travelers noted that "Yakut food made from spoiled products is simply impossible to eat, and the stomach, not accustomed to such food, is not able to digest." One of the most important tasks that modern man faces is how to cleanse his body of toxins and poisons that have accumulated “thanks to” poor-quality daily nutrition.

The climatic conditions of the north, requiring a large expenditure of thermal energy, cause an increase in the need for fats. And the more energy the body expends, the more fat is needed to replenish it. Accordingly, to compensate for the harmful effects of a large amount of fat on the human body, a certain amount of clay is needed.

Geophagy, eating by a person the earth, ash, dirt, etc., is a phenomenon that has long occupied the minds of scientists. "People eating the earth" was first noted by Hippocrates, that is, 2,000 years ago. Since then, cases of geophagy have been noticed more and more often, and now, according to reputable sources, there is not a single continent and not a single country where this strange phenomenon has never been noted. Despite the relative prevalence of the phenomenon, scientists have not yet been able to agree on the reasons why people eat the earth. However, among the many versions there are three most trustworthy. The first says that eating inedible land helps to cope with an acute feeling of hunger: although the body does not receive any nutrients, it is possible to get rid of acute hunger cramps for a while. The second hypothesis, on the contrary, talks about nutrients that can only be extracted from the earth; they are microelements like iron, zinc or calcium. Finally, the third hypothesis presents the eating of the earth as a kind of protection that protects us from the action of pathogenic microorganisms and plant toxins.

Researchers from Cornell University (USA) decided to find out which of the three hypotheses is more like the truth. They undertook an analysis of more than 480 cases of geophagia described from missionary times. A forthcoming article in the Quarterly Review of Biology presents the results of this study. In short, the first hypothesis turned out to be untenable, because cases of eating the earth were noted even when there was plenty of food. In addition, people ate small amounts of earth that could not fill the stomach and quench hunger. The theory of obtaining nutrients from the earth is also not justified - the data suggest that the most preferred substrate for geophagy is clay, which is poor in trace elements. By the way, if this were a way to replenish calcium reserves, geophagy would flourish among children and the elderly when calcium requirements are high, but statistics do not confirm this. Some have found a relationship between geophagy and anemia, but studies have shown that people continue to eat the earth even if the lack of iron is replenished. Moreover, clay tends to more likely bind nutrients from food, making them unavailable for absorption.








Let me remind you something else interesting about food: for example , but . Let's also remember The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy is made -

Incredible Facts

Indian villager addicted to eating bricks, gravel and dirt, digesting at least 3 kilograms of these substances per day.

Since the news of the man's unusual addiction has spread, many people have come to him who want to see with their own eyes how he feasts on inedible materials.

Hunagundi works as a laborer in the countryside and struggles to make ends meet. His father died 4 years ago and he takes care of his mother. Now he plans to use his popularity to earn some money.

Picacism - an eating disorder

Picacism is perverted appetite to eat inedible things such as dirt or paint.

It is believed that about 4-26 percent of the population suffers from pica.

Picacism can lead to such complications how:


Some substances, such as paints, contain toxic substances, and this can lead to lead poisoning and brain damage.

Nutrient deficiency

Eating non-edible items interferes with a healthy diet and can lead to nutritional deficiencies.


Eating stones can lead to constipation or a blockage in the digestive tract. Sharp and hard objects can also lead to ruptures in the intestines.


There is no specific treatment for picacism. Monitoring eating habits and making adjustments can help avoid complications.
