How to bathe a dog to get rid of the smell. How to eliminate the unpleasant smell of a dog in an apartment

Each dog has its own natural smell, which is usually almost unnoticeable.

However, there are times when the pet begins to emit a very unpleasant odor that follows literally everywhere.

Before solving the problem, it is necessary to understand the reasons for its occurrence; a veterinarian or breeder can help with this.

Why does a dog smell?

Rotten meat and rot

There are quite a few reasons why a dog starts to smell unpleasant, but the main ones are:

  1. Stress. During stressful situations of a physical nature, dogs begin to emit an unpleasant odor. This occurs mainly during prolonged pain.
  2. Fear. Often, pets, experiencing a feeling of fear, begin to spontaneously emit a foul odor. The source of fear can be anything; in apartments it is mainly electrical appliances, in particular a vacuum cleaner and a blender.

Many dog ​​owners have noticed that as soon as they start cleaning their apartment or house, the pet hides in some corner and does not come out until the cleaning is completed, but after such cleaning the unpleasant smell is felt even stronger than before. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to use such items only when the animal is not in the house.


Sometimes owners of four-legged pets notice that their dog begins to smell strongly of urine.

In this case, you should under no circumstances hesitate, as this may be a sign of uremia, when the animal’s kidneys begin to fail.


Owners often complain that their pet smells like rotten fish - why this happens and what is the reason:


Most often, the reason why dogs smell like dogs is the most commonplace - poor hygiene. Hygiene procedures play a very important role in the life of a four-legged pet. Often, the smell of a dog appears due to insufficient quality care for the animal.

Usually the sources of unpleasant odor are: mouth, fur, ears and under the tail.

If the dog’s hair is actively growing, an unpleasant odor has appeared (especially after bathing or if the dog’s fur gets wet in the rain outside), but the dog is actively itching – these are signs fungus!

Fact: A healthy dog ​​does not smell.

The natural smell of a dog (subject to hygiene rules) is very gentle and neat, audible only during close contact. If the smell “hits” your nose, this is a sign of illness.

With fungus, the smell has a cloying scent, very similar to the smell of socks or rubber sneakers worn for a week. with shampoo - the effect will last no more than a couple of hours, then the smell appears again. The smell nests: at the base of the tail, on the paws, in the groin.

Dirty socks

Often the source of such an infection is a fungus; usually the veterinarian in this case recommends a course of vitamins to boost immunity: gamavit, hemobalance, baksin, aminovit.

What to do?

There is no definite answer to this question; you need to act comprehensively, step by step, eliminating all possible causes of the unpleasant odor.


The first thing you should pay attention to in preventing unpleasant odors is hygiene. The coat, especially in long-haired breeds, needs regular cleaning and combing, and therefore the dog needs to be bathed periodically, but this must be done no more than once a week or 10 days.

After bathing, the pet must be thoroughly dried, preferably using a hairdryer. However, it is important to remember that the temperature during drying should be as low as possible, otherwise the sebaceous glands will begin to secrete even more sebum, making washing the dog a waste of time.

When brushing your pet, you need to carefully comb out all matted hair, as this can also be a source of bad odor from the dog.

When choosing a shampoo for a dog, you should take into account what type of coat and skin your pet has. It is best to give preference to natural products, that is, those that do not contain fragrances or any additives.

If a dog is afraid of water, then the smell after bathing may intensify, especially if you bathe it without any special shampoo, but simply with laundry soap.

Often the cause of an unpleasant odor is, therefore, owners should regularly clean their pet’s ears. In addition, regular hygiene of your dog’s ears will help prevent the development of diseases that lead to inflammation of the ears.

A large amount of dirt and debris also accumulates on your pet's paws, which can cause odor. Therefore, after each walk, you should wipe your dog’s paws with a damp towel and carefully examine them for injuries to prevent infection and bacteria. If necessary, you need to treat your paws with a disinfectant.

Another important aspect of dog hygiene is its teeth, you need to clean them every other day with specially designed toothpastes or, in extreme cases, children’s toothpaste.

How to wash it so it doesn't stink?

First aid is Nizoral medicinal shampoo (can be bought at a regular pharmacy), diluted in a 1 to 1 ratio with water. You need to thoroughly soap your dog and leave it on for 5-10 minutes before rinsing it off. In difficult cases, you need to wash the dog 5-6 times every other day.

If you already have bald spots on your fur, then run to the vet! He will scrape the fungus and prescribe an ointment (for example, triderm or malavit).

Do not buy fungal vaccines yourself! Only a doctor can calculate their dose, and the vaccine itself is not at all a magic wand, because there are more than 70 types of fungi!

How to wash an animal so that it doesn’t smell like a dog if store-bought shampoos don’t help? There are 2 tips that work if only Absolutely all health and skin problems are excluded , otherwise with such cleaning you will only make things worse.

  1. You need to mix water, vodka and vinegar in equal parts. Then, using newspaper, remove dirt from the dog’s fur. It is extremely important to dry the animal afterwards. c, otherwise there is a high probability of catching a cold.
  2. Moisten the animal's fur with a solution of baking soda from a spray bottle (1 tablespoon per glass of water), and when the fur dries, comb it thoroughly. Baking soda gets rid of unpleasant odors and makes the coat shiny and pliable to comb.

Do not try to mask the smell with perfumes, deodorants or scented products! You will only strengthen it and make it completely unbearable.. Just imagine: the smell of dog with a slight touch of Chanel No. 5!


If an unpleasant odor appears from your dog, along with hygiene, you should review your pet’s entire diet. You can consult your veterinarian about this. In addition, it is important to remember that the dog needs to receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals in a timely manner.

Visit to the veterinarian

In order to exclude the occurrence of any serious health problems in your dog, it is recommended to regularly visit the veterinarian, carry out vaccinations on time and promptly treat all diseases.

Useful video

Bottom line

In conclusion, it is worth noting that caring for a dog is not an easy task, but with the right approach, the pet will definitely thank its owners with excellent health, a cheerful disposition and, most importantly, a pleasant aroma.

Dog owners often face an unpleasant problem - the smell of dog in the apartment. You can get rid of dog odor using available products at home. Experts recommend first identifying the cause of the smell: poor hygiene, breed characteristics or disease. To get rid of the smell forever, you need to follow a few simple rules when treating the room and your pet.

How to remove the smell of dog urine?

If an animal leaves puddles on the floor or parquet, there are reasons for this. The dog urinates in the apartment due to its age (the pet is either too small or, conversely, too old). The dog may have an inflamed urinary tract. Sometimes a pet urinates in a house or apartment out of spite, in response to the owner’s rudeness or out of fear of punishment. To prevent the smell of fur and urine from appearing, you need to follow the rules of hygiene: you need to wash your dog regularly. To wash your dog, you need to use special products for dogs.

There are several ways to remove the smell of dog urine in a room using available means:

  • Bleaching. The product must be diluted in water. Use the resulting liquid to clean the carpet, sofa or other covering that the dog has marked. This method must be used with extreme caution. Chlorine has a pungent odor and can cause poisoning. Domestic bleach "Belizna" is often used for cleaning floors.
  • Manganese. Crystals of the substance dissolve in water; the concentration should not be strong. This product will get rid of the smell quickly. It is recommended to wipe the stain on parquet or linoleum with the resulting solution. It must be remembered that the solution has a “coloring” effect, so it is recommended to use potassium permanganate on dark surfaces.
  • Iodine. Dilute a small amount of antiseptic (13-15 drops) in a liter of water and wash the floor or other surface (tiles, linoleum) with the resulting solution.
  • Vinegar. Mix vinegar and water in equal parts and pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle. Spray the stain generously and leave until the solution is completely absorbed. Use a cloth soaked in soapy water to treat the dried stain.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. To prepare the cleaner, 2 tablespoons of baking soda are mixed with peroxide and soap solution, taken in equal parts, until a liquid slurry forms. It is recommended to apply it evenly to the stain and leave for 30-40 minutes. Rinse with warm water, thoroughly removing any traces of soda on the parquet.

Carpet and furniture treatment

Urine turns the fabric an unpleasant yellow-brown color. Stains from fluffy carpets and upholstered furniture can be easily removed using:

  • Hydrogen peroxide. The product should be dripped onto the stain and left for an hour. Later wipe it with a sponge dipped in cold water. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to mix peroxide with soda. Apply the mixture to the stain, then rinse off excess with water. Can be used on plain carpets in white or beige.
  • Vinegar. The essence is 70% diluted with water in equal parts. The resulting mixture is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed onto the upholstery or carpet. Leave on for a while, then wash off with cold water.
  • It is recommended to mix vinegar with water, moisten a napkin in the resulting solution and wipe the stain. After the vinegar solution, pour a little soda onto the dried fabric. After turning the soda into a wet slurry, it is recommended to remove the excess with a dry cloth. Small particles of soda are removed using a vacuum cleaner. Not recommended for use on dark upholstery or carpets.
  • Laundry soap. The stain on the furniture and carpet must be wetted. Rub the wet stain with laundry soap and let the soap dry. After complete drying, it is washed off with hot water.
  • Lemon juice. Fresh lemon juice will help remove the stench of dog urine. Lemon juice is mixed with salt to form a paste. Spread the porridge evenly over the surface of the stain and let dry. Remove excess with a damp cloth.
  • Liquids containing alcohol. Vodka and alcohol have an unpleasant odor, but can effectively remove the smell from the carpet. Ethyl alcohol vapors are irritating to the dog; this measure will help scare the animal away from the carpet next time. Pour vodka or another alcohol-containing product into a spray bottle and spray onto the stain. It is recommended to rub the solution into the upholstery or carpet with a dry cloth. Let it dry a little; excess can be removed using napkins or soft rags.

Upholstered furniture must be thoroughly dried after treatment. A wet frame of a sofa or other upholstered furniture can lead to premature damage to the furnishings. We recommend drying wet upholstery thoroughly with a hairdryer.

Dogs don't like the scent of citrus fruits. Experts recommend using orange and lemon juice as a dog repeller from potential places where the dog urinates. Fresh fruit juice is sprayed onto furniture and carpets.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

Many people do not get a dog for only one reason - because of the dog smell that these animals emit. Naturally, ardent lovers of these pets will say a contemptuous “fee”, because, in their opinion, such a small drawback cannot force them to abandon their four-legged friend, now and in the future. And besides, sometimes the smell is almost elusive and almost unnoticeable. So why does a dog smell like a dog, what does the degree of “aromatization” depend on, and is it possible to completely rid a pet of a specific aroma?

When choosing a puppy, future owners take into account many factors: the size of the home and the pet, the breed, what the dog is for, how it treats kids and whether it can get along with other four-legged birds, etc. and so on.

However, many people overlook the fact that some breeds have a very unusual smell. And they learn that their new family member smells quite strongly when the ward grows up.

"Fragrant" breeds

When purchasing a Shar Pei, American or English Cocker Spaniel, Basset Hound, Beagle or Bloodhound puppy, you need to keep in mind that these dogs top the lists of the “stinkiest” breeds. But dog breeders can argue that with proper care, their pets smell no more than other dogs of less fragrant breeds. Although you should not try to completely rid your pet of the aroma - this is a thankless, and most importantly, useless task.

The owner's subtle instincts

In addition, all dogs smell like dogs, but the intensity of the smell varies. People who have had pets for years stop noticing this nuance and get used to it. But beginners will definitely catch it.

Why do pocket dogs have a stronger smell?

Not long ago it was possible to find out why representatives of decorative breeds smell sharper than their larger counterparts. As it turned out, the whole point is in improper care - babies are usually bathed more often than required, using inappropriate products, treated to forbidden food, and cut, even if the breed does not require this. In theory, small dogs should emit a weaker aroma than large dogs.

Puppies don't smell!

Any specialist will confirm that babies under 4 months do not have a specific amber.

If suddenly the aroma began to hover...

Usually, owners stop paying attention to the “smell” emitted by their pet. But sometimes it becomes more intense than usual, and this fact should alert you. This phenomenon may be a symptom of a disease or a signal of poor nutrition.

Physiological features

Canines hardly sweat, so you shouldn’t compare a dog’s spirit with sweat. Almost every animal in the wild has individual odors - they act as communicative and protective means. Most often, glands are sources of specific odors (not necessarily dogs).

Located in the skin

Their main function is the production and secretion of lubricant that covers the coat. It depends on how many glands a dog has and how sensitive they are whether the breed will be odorless or odorless.

Most dogs designed to work on ponds or in harsh climatic conditions have more glands. The skin of those with short fur is protected only by a layer of fat, so for the most part they are also very “fragrant”.

In dogs that do not have an undercoat, the secretion of lubricant occurs intensively, so their wet coat begins to smell stronger than usual.


They are located between the animal’s fingers and produce sweat, which has a peculiar odor. According to some owners, their pets' paws stink like a dirty rag, while others' paws smell like the scent of fresh baked goods. It turns out that dogs' sweat smells differently, being an individual trace.

To eliminate unpleasant odor from paws, it is recommended to wash them or wipe them with a damp cloth after each walk. By the way, in winter and summer, dogs’ limbs begin to “smell” more intensely. If the dog receives the necessary care, his paws will not smell much, with the exception of dogs for whom scent is a breed trait.

Unlike humans, the sebaceous glands of dogs do not affect the processes of thermoregulation, but through them toxic substances are removed from the body. This is especially noticeable when the animal becomes ill or undergoes aggressive therapy.

It is also necessary to take into account that through the sebaceous glands in dogs, a special secretory fluid is secreted, containing external secretion products that attract individuals of the opposite sex. After sterilization, this feature of the pet almost does not function.

The owner needs to be wary if his puppy suddenly acquires the smell of a dog or an adult, odorless pet suddenly begins to smell very strongly. In any case, medical attention is required - diagnosis, and possibly treatment.

Pathologies and special periods accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor

It is not always the dog smell that comes from dogs; in some cases, we are talking about other, also unpleasant aromas. For example, bitches before, during, or after heat may smell strongly. This problem can be solved if you regularly wash the intimate area of ​​the animal, washing away dried bloody discharge that exudes a putrid odor.

In addition, the cause of the stench may not be the fur or skin. If an unpleasant aroma begins to emanate from your pet, you can sniff certain parts of the body. Perhaps the following are to blame for this symptom:

  1. Ears. They can smell for various reasons. Most often, the “smell” is a mixture of dirt, plaque and earwax, which can be eliminated by regular ear cleaning. An aroma with “notes of sweetness” can signal an inflammatory process – otitis media. With improper nutrition, the ears also suffer; if the dog eats sweet, smoked, spicy, or baked goods, they literally begin to stink.
  2. Eyelids. Minor inflammation or progressive conjunctivitis is also accompanied by a stench that seems to come from the pet's skin. If there are no external signs of the inflammatory process, you can test your theory by washing the dog’s eyes with warm boiled water, tea leaves or chamomile infusion. If the aroma has become barely perceptible, then the dog’s eyes require treatment.
  3. Oral cavity. Dogs are susceptible to various diseases of teeth and gums; they may develop decay, tartar, and inflammation of soft tissues. In addition, bad breath may be the result of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract or metabolic processes.

Experienced dog breeders know that the source of a bad odor is not difficult to identify. Especially often, the aroma of a dog turns out to be a stench emanating from the animal’s ears.

Inadequate nutrition is another common reason why your dog starts to smell like a dog. Cheap, low-quality food, scraps from the master's table, delicacies in the form of confectionery - such food makes even representatives of odorless breeds smell fragrant.

We must not forget about the individual characteristics of the pet; some animals are lactose intolerant, others are allergic to fish or chicken. If you treat this with disdain, the pet will sooner or later begin to get sick, look bad and smell bad.

Common non-pathological causes

The following phenomena can also lead to unpleasant symptoms:

All of the above are completely understandable phenomena that can be predicted. The intensity of the smell can only be reduced by carefully taking care of the hygiene of your four-legged friend.

Dog smell is a symptom of illness

A sudden, persistent odor that hits the nose is, in fact, most often a sign of illness. Moreover, the owner most likely missed the initial stage of the disease, and the pathological process is in full swing. The following symptoms should alert every owner:

  • change in the quality of wool: dullness, disheveledness, thinning, appearance of bald spots;
  • skin problems - rash, inflammation, scratched areas, wounds, sebum stains;
  • excessive lubrication is a sure sign of metabolic processes failure.

Skin and fur are among the first indicators - their condition worsens with various disorders in the body. The most common causes are helminthiasis and allergic reactions. With non-advanced forms of pathologies, the dog can be quickly cured and body functions restored. But diagnostics can reveal more serious health problems.

If the quality of the coat and skin has not changed, it is recommended to bathe the dog. And if after the event a sweetish smell begins to emanate from it, you need to take a biochemical blood test at the clinic. Often this symptom, along with indigestion and a strong smell of feces, is a sign of liver dysfunction. Liver tests will reveal pathology.

If the stench comes from the mouth, you should examine it for the presence of affected areas, blisters, wounds, rashes, and ulcerations. Rotten teeth can also be detected during the examination. But if everything is fine with the dog’s oral cavity, the cause should be looked for elsewhere - undergo an examination of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fighting dog odor

If in the case of pathological conditions everything is more or less clear, then what to do if the pet is healthy, but has a very rich aroma? You can resort to the following procedures:

  1. Bathe your pet without using shampoo or with laundry soap. It is worth noting that if he does not like water and reacts sharply to the process, after washing the amber can only intensify. It will be possible to fully evaluate the changes only after the dog’s fur has dried.
  2. Wash the fragrant dog with a special shampoo designed to remove dog odor. It is not recommended to use a hairdryer for drying, at least on the hot drying setting, as when the skin heats up, it begins to release more grease.
  3. It is worth assessing the condition of your pet's bed; perhaps it needs cleaning, washing or complete replacement.
  4. If your pet has its own wardrobe, it is worth washing the clothes and hanging them to dry in fresh air for ventilation.
  5. The dog should be taught to wash or wipe its paws after every walk. This procedure should become daily, regardless of the weather and time of year.
  6. Hygiene comes first - dogs with long hair should trim the hairs growing on their paws between the toes and pads, as they get very dirty, soaked in sweat and smell strongly. The same should be done in the anus and genital area. Ear cleaning should be carried out according to a schedule - for dogs with long ears it is recommended to do this once a week, for dogs with erect ears - a couple of times a month. Teeth brushing is another necessary preventive procedure that almost all dogs need. The owner needs to purchase a special brush and paste, and also periodically pamper the pet with dental treats and toys.
  7. You should take care of your pet's fur. Dogs with long coats are brushed 2-3 times a week, and during seasonal shedding - every day. It is advisable to use brushes with natural bristles. Short-haired animals are treated with a massage brush or glove that removes dead hair and massages the skin. Those with coarse fur require regular trimming - plucking out old hairs. It is done in a salon or the owners master this technique on their own.

Future dog owners should understand that dog smell is a natural phenomenon, and it will not be possible to completely rid your pet of it. But proper care, care and time will make it less noticeable. And if a person does not agree to put up with him, then he should give up the idea of ​​having a four-legged barking friend.

It will take some time and patience to train your dog to relieve himself in a specially designated place. Until the process gets better, the pet can urinate wherever it pleases, which will very soon lead to the appearance of a corresponding smell. The recommendations given in this article will help you get rid of the smell of dog urine.

To combat the unpleasant consequences of dog feces, there are a number of remedies, many of which can be found in every kitchen or home medicine cabinet.

How to remove dog urine smell

It is much easier to neutralize any contaminants, including strong-smelling ones, by paying attention to this immediately after the fact of their detection. Therefore, if you notice that the dog is doing something indecent, let it finish it calmly (otherwise a somewhat larger area will be marked), and then immediately begin cleaning.

Cleaning up after the dog - video:

Remove with water, baking soda, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

First you need to remove the puddle, if there is one. To do this, we use any rags, cloth napkins or toilet paper. Next we perform the following steps:

  1. Prepare a mixture of water and vinegar: take 100 g of vinegar for 300 g of water.
  2. Generously coat the smelly area with the solution; it is convenient to use a spray bottle for this.
  3. Wait 5 minutes and wipe the vinegar solution dry.
  4. Sprinkle the area to be cleaned with an even layer of baking soda.
  5. Grind the laundry soap to make a tablespoon.
  6. We make a liquid paste by adding hydrogen peroxide to the soap and treat the places where there was urine with it.
  7. We wait a couple of hours, after which the dried residues can be removed with a vacuum cleaner.

The described method will help to completely remove traces of dog urine from the carpet and upholstery of upholstered furniture, for example, from a sofa.

Cleaning a dark surface

This method involves the use of manganese, which has certain coloring properties. Therefore, in order to remove traces of urine and its unpleasant odor on light-colored objects, it is better to resort to other means.

The actions described below will be appropriate if a pet has urinated on a dark laminate or linoleum or you need to remove marks from dark-colored tiles:

  1. Dissolve manganese crystals in warm water to obtain a pink liquid.
  2. We soak a rag in the prepared mixture and wipe the area where the urine was.
  3. We wait until it dries completely, repeat the procedure if necessary.
  4. Finally, rinse off with clean water.

If traces of urine are fresh, they can be removed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. In the case of old stains, it is better to make the mixture stronger.

Eliminating the smell of old urine

Getting rid of the smell of old dog urine is a little more difficult than getting rid of fresh dog litter. The procedure will take more time, and you will also have to use more aggressive detergents.

If the smell in the apartment is widespread, you need to inspect all objects and suspicious areas to identify strong-smelling places and objects. Wash all items that can be washed in a washing machine using the cycle appropriate for the material.

Review of a special product for eliminating dog odor - video:

It is quite difficult to detect old stains visually, and walking around and smelling everything is ineffective. To identify pockets of contamination, you can use a special ultraviolet flashlight. The light of a flashlight must be visible, so it must be used in the dark.

To remove the smell of urine coming from furniture, you may need to buy a special cleaner. You can also use mixtures for the care of plumbing fixtures (for example, Domestos) or other products containing chlorine, for example, bleach.


Before starting measures to remove urine odor, make sure that the surface being treated will safely survive the procedure. To avoid chemical burns to your hands, use rubber gloves.

  1. Add 100 g of white to 1 liter of warm water and stir thoroughly.
  2. Soak a soft cloth and wipe the area that smells of urine.
  3. We wait 20-30 minutes and then wash off the remaining mixture with clean water.
  4. If a satisfactory result is not obtained, repeat the procedure.


If you have a persistent smell of dog urine in your home, you can get rid of it with iodine. To do this we do the following:

  1. Prepare an aqueous solution by adding 20 drops of iodine to 1 liter of water.
  2. After thorough mixing, wipe the problem area with the prepared product.

Alcohol-containing products

You can remove the smell by using any alcohol-containing product, for example, medical alcohol or vodka. After treating the problem area with these substances, it will smell like alcohol, which dogs don’t like, and the animal will no longer urinate there.

  1. Apply vodka or diluted alcohol to the smelly area and use a spray bottle for this.
  2. Wait 20 minutes and wipe with a clean cloth.
  3. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Laundry soap

A trouble-free product that is found in almost every home. To remove the effects of dog feces using it, do the following:

  1. Grind a quarter of the soap bar using a grater or a crumbling knife.
  2. Prepare a rare paste-like composition by dissolving the soap in warm water.
  3. Apply the prepared product to the smelly area and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. Wash off the soap solution with water until traces of soap are completely removed.


The products and methods of their use described above will help remove both fresh and old dog urine stains. If a satisfactory result is not achieved or you want to quickly solve the problem, you should pay attention to special detergent compositions that are sold in pet stores.

The appearance of dog odor in the apartment can be eliminated with proper care of the pet and regular cleaning of the premises. Only timely and competent cleaning of furniture, carpets and floors will help eliminate the persistence of an unpleasant dog smell in the rooms.

How to get rid of dog smell: protecting the house

Not all dog owners think about the difficulties of caring for a pet when choosing a pet. And so that any dog ​​does not smell sour, rotten and is healthy, it needs careful care. If the breed has a bad smell (relatively “smelly”: Sheltie, German Shepherd), then it needs to be washed frequently from nose to tail. Otherwise she will stink like a ferret. You should not allow your dog to mindlessly eat everything. For example, dogs that eat rotten meat while walking on the street often smell of rot and dead fish.

After walking outside, the animal should be given a full bath (use shampoos containing sulfur). And if the breed has long hair, then it is especially good to clean the coat on the paws, behind the ears, near the anus. The reason for the appearance of unpleasant odors in the room may be the remains of dog feces, which cannot be removed from the carpet using folk remedies.

Another difficulty of care is the sour smell in the rooms. If he arrived with a new dog, then the puppy is most likely stealing and hiding food. The stench of rotten chicken or fish can be removed from the carpet after removing food debris from the fibers. Vinegar, which should be used to wipe the stain, will help to kill it completely. For a person accustomed to order, a dog stealing from the table should be a cause of serious concern. Training will help break the habit, otherwise the “smell” of homeless people will remain in the home for a long time.

Ways to remove unpleasant dog odor from carpets

If your carpet smells like dog, you need to clean it. Dry cleaning or washing with a powder that has a strong smell will help remove the unpleasant odor of the dog. The following will also help remove dog odors from the carpet:

  • daily struggle with wool getting stuck in the carpet;
  • cleaning with washing powder slurry;
  • washing with dishwashing detergent.

Aromatic oil, which needs to be dripped all over the carpet, will mask the dog smell for a short time. It is also recommended to install an automatic air freshener for living rooms.

How to Get Rid of Strong Dog Smell on a Sofa or Chair

There is no need to buy new furniture to eliminate dog odor. Textile deodorant will help get rid of it quickly. Suitable for beds and sofas. You also need to regularly clean wool from the surface of the furniture (using a soft brush or vacuum cleaner). Frequent washing of removable covers will also help protect the fillings from stench.

It is imperative to determine the dog’s place and not allow it to rest at home on beds or chairs. To do this, you can wrap an old down jacket in a piece of fabric (it can be easily removed and washed in a machine) and make a bed for the animal. The pet will definitely “appreciate” what efforts the owners made for its comfort.

How to properly clean wood floors from dog urine

While the most unpleasant formations can be removed from the carpet quite quickly, the pungent dog “aroma” from a wooden floor is a dangerous problem. The appearance of dampness (if the dog peed in the same place several times) can lead to damage to the varnish and swelling of the laminate or parquet. Initially, dog urine is removed using a napkin or towel. You need to blot the puddle, wash the floor with clean water, and wipe dry. Next you can do the following:

  • rub the laminate with lemon peel;
  • make a paste of soda and water (change when dry);
  • neutralize the stench by washing the flooring with a floor cleaner that smells of lavender and mint.

The use of ordinary bleach or powder is unacceptable: they will not help remove dog urine from the floor and will damage the coating (suitable only for light-colored linoleum). To prevent your dog from peeing on the floor again and the room smelling like urine, you can try a weaning spray. True, it rarely helps. If the dog begins to go to the toilet in the room due to old age, you will have to lay oilcloths or a medical diaper on the floor. Difficulties are also possible when an adult dog marks the territory due to the appearance of a cat.

Unpleasant odor from a dog: special cases

In a situation where an animal suddenly begins to smell terrible, you need to pay attention to the pet itself. For example, the Spitz, Yorkie, Labrador or Siberian Husky are dog breeds without a particularly unpleasant odor. But when diseases appear, they can change it greatly. Owners need to check:

  • condition of the ears (is there any suppuration in the ears);
  • integrity of teeth, mustache (including mouth odor);
  • appearance of the coat (whether it has started to bunch up);
  • Has the estrus time shifted?

If animals suffer from vitamin deficiency or the sebaceous glands have stopped working normally, then problems with stench in the apartment will be guaranteed. In this case, the pet will constantly itch. To treat a puppy (problems usually affect young animals from 1 to 5 years old), you need to buy a special shampoo with sulfur, which eliminates both odors and scabies. You need to wash the dog well and take it to the vet. When transporting an animal in a car, it is better to lay down an old sweater or towel: this will help avoid the appearance of stench in the car. The veterinarian will point out the problems, tell you what the cause of the smell is and what the owners should do to help the pet.


09/30/2018 07:38:04, Igor

Usually this kind of trouble happens with small puppies until the owners start taking the puppies outside until they grow up. Adult, trained dogs do not allow themselves such “liberties” in an apartment. But if, for some reason, such a nuisance happened. There is a wonderful remedy that copes with this problem perfectly, even if the dog made a puddle on the upholstered furniture, do not change the furniture, and do not call the craftsmen to reupholster the furniture. Remember the name of the product: "ODORGONE FOR PUPPIES" Don't let the word puppies confuse you, the product works perfectly no matter the breed of the dog or the age of the dog. The funds will last for a long time.

08/26/2018 06:40:10, Igor

If the dog in the apartment is of a large breed, then the characteristic dog smell will still be present, no matter how much you wash the dog with shampoos and use deodorants for dogs. In your home, a dog can have a special place outside the house, then the smell of the dog in your home will not be felt. Unfortunately, there are such cases, for some reason the dog made a puddle on the carpet or upholstered furniture, then it is not easy to get rid of such a smell with simple available means. The excellent product “ODORGONE FOR PUPPIES” is best suited. Don’t be confused by the word “puppies”, the drug perfectly eliminates odors from any breed of dog. Proceed as written in the instructions and you will be satisfied with the drug.

08/17/2018 07:00:59, Jordens

Usually this kind of trouble happens with small puppies until the owners start taking the puppies outside until they grow up. Adult, trained dogs do not allow themselves such “liberties” in an apartment. But if, for some reason, such a nuisance happened. There is a wonderful remedy that copes with this problem perfectly, even if the dog made a puddle on the upholstered furniture, do not change the furniture, and do not call the craftsmen to reupholster the furniture. Remember the name of the product: "ODORGONE FOR PUPPIES" Don't let the word puppies confuse you, the product works perfectly no matter the breed of the dog or the age of the dog. The funds will last for a long time.

07/25/2018 06:05:08, Igor

Based on personal experience, I can recommend this thing [link-1], but I warn you, it removed the smell from the car. There is a closed space and it will remove the smell of cat urine with a bang. In an apartment or house, you will need to close all the doors and windows. There is also a special product called Petsteinof, which is used directly on the surface of sofas and chairs.

Comment on the article "How to eliminate the unpleasant smell of a dog in an apartment"

I don't have a dog, but there are a lot of walks in the area. Only once did I see a man with a bag who cleaned up after his dog. I just didn’t pay attention to where the bag went then...

How to remove cat urine smell from a sofa. You can select a product to remove the smell of cat urine immediately after it appears. In this case, the cat urine will penetrate deeply...


It would be funny if... The same thing happened to me yesterday! The neighbors left their cat for us to foster (they left for a week to warm up), and the cat, either out of fright or a new place for him, marked our sofa: (Remembering this topic, I first grabbed the baking soda and vinegar, but my husband apparently , the head works better, more sober)) We have a Karcher steam cleaner, the most common one [link-1]
Several times, giving a 3-5 minute break, he walked around the place where the cat had done something wrong. The first couple of times the smell was terrible ((I just ran to wash the cover from the nozzle! Then it got smaller... And for some reason I didn’t even think at that moment that in general it’s not recommended to “drive” a steam cleaner on upholstered furniture. But Nothing happened to our sofa, thank God! We cleaned it a little more today just to be sure... Phew, there’s no more smell :) If it’s still relevant to you, I’ll be glad!

Smell from the mouth. Dogs. Pets. Keeping pets - food The dog's mouth stinks. What to do about the smell? I'll explain why I ask - very often...

Remove dog smell. I'm sharing. The dog smelled horribly. You come home and run to open the window. - teeth were repaired - glands were cleaned - worms were treated - tests were done...
