What's not to like about guys? What do guys don't like about girls? Complete agreement with the woman

Girls are ready to go to great lengths to please men. At the same time, while working on yourself, you should not forget about the moments that can be unpleasant or even frightening for most guys.

What guys don't like about a girl's appearance

It can be said with almost 100% certainty that the vast majority of men are disgusted by unkempt women. Some girls think that guys don’t pay attention to such “little things” as undyed hair roots and dirt on their shoes. In fact, they see these shortcomings, and peeling nail polish, and dirty hair with dandruff, and epilation that was not done on time, and hangnails, and lumps of mascara in the eyelashes. A worthy young man wants to see a well-groomed girl next to him and will not waste his time getting dirty.

Guys don't like overweight girls. No matter what anyone says, on a subconscious level a man perceives a plump and overweight woman as an already fertilized female who is unlikely to be desirable to him. Therefore, girls need to watch their diet and exercise. If your figure is still far from ideal, shapewear will help create a beautiful silhouette.

Guys don't like a girl's overly bright makeup. Firstly, it looks simply comical, and secondly, the guy involuntarily begins to think that the young lady, painted like a native, will probably turn out to be simply ugly if she washes her face.

Every girl should know that no matter the circumstances, no matter how exhausted a hard day at work may be, you still can’t forget about hygiene. If a girl's body is a source of unpleasant odor, then guys will treat her with disgust. A daily shower, washing your hair at least once every 3 days and periodic examinations by a dentist and gynecologist are the bare minimum for a self-respecting girl.

What guys don't like about a girl's behavior

Few modern guys are interested in complex girls. A self-confident (not to be confused with swagger!) companion not only increases the self-esteem of her boyfriend, but also quickly establishes friendly relations with his friends and relatives. This is pleasant for him and good for the relationship.

Girls who smoke and drink alcohol in any case lose out to those who lead a healthy lifestyle. Firstly, all bad habits have a negative impact on appearance, and secondly, a serious young man cannot care what the health status of the future mother of his children is.

In addition to everything, the girl should not forget about the richness of her spiritual world. Reading good books, watching quality films, communicating with interesting people is not only a wonderful pastime, but also some investment in your attractiveness for worthy men.


  • What men don't like about girls

Probably, many guys would like to build a harmonious relationship with their soulmate, so they have repeatedly asked themselves the question: what qualities do girls value most in the strong half of humanity? What do you need to know and be able to do to attract the attention of the person you like? And how to win her heart?

The image of an ideal man

Most women want to see a real man next to them. Someone who is able to challenge problems, failures, adversity. A person capable of achieving certain career heights and supporting his family.

Many young ladies, from an early age, have in their heads a certain image of an ideal man, the hero of her novel. If a guy somehow corresponds to this ideal, then he a priori makes her heart beat faster and attracts her to him like a magnet.

Although everyone’s ideals are different, most of the fair sex pay attention to the following characteristics:

Decisiveness (if even the whole evening a man literally devours a girl with his eyes, but never approaches her, his chances of success are incredibly small);
- self-confidence (women like men who know what they want and can achieve in this life);
- masculinity (as it is sung in the ABBA song “winner takes it all” - the winner takes it all);
- activity (girls pay more attention to representatives of the opposite sex with an active life position than to quiet and shy people);
- persistence and assertiveness (if you have already started to do something, then fight to the end. Many young ladies will like this approach).

According to psychologists, even if nature did not reward a man with the appearance of Apollo, but he has all these qualities, he will attract the attention of women. Sometimes he won’t have to do anything at all; they themselves will seek a meeting with him.

additional characteristics

Of course, many representatives of the fair sex like signs of attention, and they should be done not only during the candy-bouquet period, holidays or some memorable dates for the two of you, but just like that. Pamper your loved one with a delicious dinner, give her a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates, invite her to the theater or concert, and so on. Little things like this will add romance to your relationship, yet many girls often lack it.

Don't forget to care. Help your girlfriend carry heavy bags from the supermarket, cover her with a blanket if she suddenly falls asleep on the sofa, advise her to tie a warm terry scarf around her neck if it’s cold outside. Your soulmate will clearly appreciate this and will know that next to you it’s like behind a stone wall.

A woman who puts herself above everyone else, is arrogant and inaccessible, only annoys a man. Communicating with an arrogant person whose presence seems to be doing the guy a favor does not bring him any pleasure.


“Gray mice”, quiet and inconspicuous, can hardly count on attention. The lack of feminine outfits and the inability to carry on a conversation make such girls uninteresting. The ideal girl is concerned with external characteristics. There are no specific standards here, because men have different tastes, but neatness, grooming and neatness are the main components of your image.

In third place are the kindness, care and loyalty of the fair sex. If everything is clear with loyalty and care, there are some disagreements with kindness. Men define the meaning of this word differently. Some people want to see kindness as tolerance, compassion and ordinary responsiveness, while others regard kindness as altruistic self-sacrifice and humility.

Femininity is another trait of an ideal girl. It includes meekness, tenderness, grace, feminine weakness and many other qualities. Guys want to see a well-mannered and calm girl next to them. This means that under no circumstances should you allow yourself harsh expressions or obscene language. In any dispute, you can defend your point of view, but a man’s opinion should not remain an empty place for you.

A few more qualities that men value in women

In fifth place in the ranking of traits of an ideal woman, men place sexuality and the ability to be desired. However, we are not talking about vulgarity and promiscuity caused by bright makeup and clothing, but about natural sexuality. You should excite a man even with your gaze, body language and facial expressions.

In addition, the ideal girl should be friendly. There should be a strong bond between you and your significant other, based on friendship and unconditional trust. It is unlikely that you can be happy if in your relationship there are constantly misunderstandings, quarrels, hysterics and scandals due to jealousy.

It is interesting that thriftiness as an important quality in a woman is highlighted only by a relatively small number of representatives of the stronger sex. They consider this ability only a nice addition to the main set of traits.

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Relationships are a delicate thing, and, as you know, for every product there is a buyer. Some guys like tall girls, others small, some active, some calm, some are crazy about noisy young ladies, and still others are looking for a quiet, peaceful girlfriend. And yet, the question of what guys don’t like in girls can be answered. There are things that are not to the liking of all representatives of the stronger half of humanity without exception. Take them into account when meeting and if you want to build a long-term relationship.

We asked different guys and they all said they hate it when:

  • The young lady talks about her exes - either nasty or pleasant. It is unpleasant for a new gentleman to listen to this - in the first case, he immediately imagines what nasty things they will say about him later, and in the second he does not understand why he needs such information at all.
  • The girl comes with her friends all the time, including on dates. The guy wants one-on-one communication, but here Masha, Valya, Ira, and anyone - the fact is that he doesn’t need them at all.
  • The chosen one is too self-critical - if she constantly talks about herself, like, “How stupid I am!” or “Here, again, I can’t do anything normally,” the guy wonders where this attitude towards himself comes from. Healthy self-esteem is a distinctive feature of an intelligent, modern, beautiful girl.

  • The potential lover agrees with everything - some young ladies think that this is how they bribe their partner, but this is not so. Most guys are looking for a friend, a companion, not a doll that nods and smiles. You can’t lose yourself for the sake of a relationship, especially if it hasn’t really started yet.
  • People complain to them and complain about them - about their boss, girlfriends, work colleagues, relatives. Do you like listening to whining? It’s unlikely – and no one likes it.
  • The girl sits on her phone all the time. Are you here for a date or a friendly meeting? Spend time with friends, not with your smartphone (even if there are friends there too).
  • The lady is bored or gossiping - in the first case, the guy thinks what he is doing to her, since she feels so bad, and in the second he begins to feel like he is on a bench at the entrance in the company of old grandmothers who have nothing else to do except watch others and build fantastic speculation.

We think we didn’t surprise you with the fact that no one likes whining girls, those who suffer from excessive frankness, gossips, boring young ladies, those who live on the phone or online, and don’t go for walks without friends. Also included in the rating: constant severe lateness, smoking, alcohol abuse, irresponsibility, unnecessaryness, lies, unkempt appearance or excess makeup, inappropriate clothing (for example, incredible minis and 15 cm stilettos every day). Whether to change something about herself or not, each girl decides for herself.

A woman is essentially a very sensitive creature, in other words, she pays great attention to the character of her companion or interlocutor. Especially, much attention is paid to the character of the other half, because it is necessary that life together be moderate, without unnecessary conflicts and quarrels. So what qualities of men turn women off?

1. Weakness, lack of initiative, slowness

Few women are attracted to the fact that her boyfriend cannot show himself to be a strong man and defend his words. After all, you will agree that it becomes calmer when you are behind a stone wall. It is at such a moment that peace and tranquility occurs on the part of the woman. A man must support, show that everything will be fine. In other words, a man must lend his strong shoulder at the right moment; this charms women.

2. Complete agreement with the woman

At first, complete agreement looks nice and shows the woman that her man trusts her. But over time it begins to get boring and causes boredom. A woman gradually becomes disappointed in a man’s choice, because he does not have his own opinion.

3. Lack of interests

Not every woman will like a young man whose interests are limited to a computer and consoles with games, or are limited only to sports. The wider the range of interests, the more attractive the person. This also applies to men. Most women prefer a man who has different interests, because then he can, say, surprise.

4. Seriousness of the highest degree

Excessive seriousness is not only boring, but also quite annoying. Some men take any joke or any extra word as an insult to them. Because of this, women have to think about their words in advance so as not to offend or offend a man. This kind of thinking over words is very burdensome, and the woman gets tired.

5. Inability to relax

Over time, views regarding life change. Sometimes the desire to enjoy life and enjoy what is happening completely disappears. But if a man stops or does not know how to enjoy life, then a woman’s life is literally doomed to boredom. Despite various problems and things to do, sometimes you need to relax, take a short break and rest. Do not forget that life consists not only of troubles, but also of pleasant moments.

6. Lack of self-confidence

Being insecure can lead to things like jealousy or envy. And this leads to various conflicts between the parties, the man begins to doubt his soul mate and arrange various kinds of interrogations, suspecting her. And this clearly does not attract a woman.

7. Love of controversy

Argument is not always good. It's worth remembering this. Few women can tolerate arguments over trifles for a long time. In other words, she will endure for some time, but a little later it will all come together and “break out.” And then there will be a huge quarrel that cannot always be forgotten. Avoid resentment.

8. Arrogance

The inability to enjoy other people's achievements is one of the worst qualities. If a man has such a quality, a woman may simply be afraid that her boyfriend will consider this a case of luck, and not entirely her merit. And this is already insulting. Then she begins to keep silent about her achievements and not receive complete joy, and there is nothing good in this.

9. Excessive romanticism

Of course, every girl wants a lot of romance, attention and everything that goes with it. But at the same time, if a girl is offered a choice between a weak, tearful romantic or a strong man who is not very romantic, the girl will choose the second. Our modern life has its difficulties, and romance will not help here. And a man who can support you will be a support - better than one who will become depressed because of the problem that has arisen.

A real man always strives for self-development, to become stronger and more confident, to always help and support loved ones. He strives to protect loved ones, protect them from troubles, or help them cope with them instantly. If you constantly change, strive to become a real man, then your companion will be a smart, beautiful, beloved woman.

Every girl would like to be ideal in the eyes of most young people, but in reality this is not so easy to achieve. However, if you set out to acquire an army of fans, then you may be quite capable of this if you follow some general rules.

The ideal girl through the eyes of a guy

It is worth considering that absolutely all young people cannot like the same girl, therefore, no matter how hard you try to be attractive to everyone, this is impossible. However, you can try to get closer to the ideal in the eyes of most guys.

What attracts guys to a girl's appearance?

Most often, guys still like well-groomed girls. What can be included in this concept? We are not talking about false eyelashes, bright makeup and the like (although there are many who like this), but about the image in general. It is desirable that your hair is healthy and shiny, of a natural color. Also pay attention to the health of your skin and teeth, careful manicure and pedicure, and timely depilation. All this in general gives a general impression of how well-groomed the girl is.

What do guys like about girls' personalities?

Most guys don't like hysterical and scandalous people. They like girls who are able to control themselves in peak situations and do not have a tendency to make hasty conclusions. Also, young people will appreciate the lightness of character of a potential chosen one - few people like capricious and touchy girls. If you are a caring, understanding, kind and balanced person with a sense of humor, then you will probably be interesting to members of the opposite sex.

What can a girl like?

For each guy, a certain factor may become decisive, which will not be easy to predict in advance. Some girls are popular because of their bright appearance, others are attracted by their kind and cheerful disposition, others have incredible charisma, and so on. If you have some clear advantage in your appearance or character, then most likely it will attract guys.

What do guys like about sex?

Most guys appreciate girls who do not have extensive sexual experience, but at the same time they want to see in their partner a willingness to experiment. Also, the overwhelming number of young people want their chosen ones to desire intimacy with them and periodically demonstrate this desire - few people like to almost force their girlfriend to have sex every time. Simply put, in a relationship, many guys appreciate the girl's initiative and they like the feeling of being desired by their lovers.

The most important thing in a girl according to men

Most men sooner or later come to the realization that the main thing for them is how a girl treats them. That is, from the total number of beautiful, economical and sexy people, the guy will most likely choose the one who really treats him well and willingly demonstrates it. If a girl is more passionate about herself than about her lover, then over time the guy may get tired of it. Almost every young man wants to feel like an object of adoration, to feel that his chosen one values ​​and respects him, and if he meets such a partner, then, most likely, his search will stop there.

What a man likes most in a woman - psychology

Femininity Many men appreciate the manifestation of femininity in the opposite sex. This concept applies more to behavior than to appearance. Rare guys like it when their chosen ones swear, speak loudly and rudely, and have some masculine habits. Even if the girl is very beautiful, such behavior can alienate her chosen one. That is why we recommend carefully monitoring your own facial expressions, gestures, gait, timbre of voice, and so on. Thrift It is in the subconscious of most men that a woman should be the keeper of the home, and, therefore, she needs to be a housewife. Comfort and cleanliness must certainly reign in her monastery, and all this must happen as if by chance, as if by itself. In addition, many guys love to eat, so if you have exceptional culinary skills, this will be a definite plus for you. Neatness Probably, any man would like his life partner to be neat. This means that if you are accustomed to walking around with an unwashed hair and peeling nail polish, wearing stale clothes, and not paying due attention to intimate hygiene and skin and dental care, then you are unlikely to be wildly popular with members of the opposite sex. Good manners As a rule, men like women who have good manners. However, the absence of such is also most often striking to them. Most guys are pleased if their chosen one knows how to behave with dignity in society, without putting them in an awkward position with her tactless statements, loud laughter, obscene expressions and the like. Self-esteem Men try to avoid obsessive ladies, and such women cannot be found among those who have self-respect. However, this concept includes not only the absence of intrusiveness. A self-respecting woman will not compare herself with someone, denigrate other girls, show envy, humiliate others, and so on, and she will not silently swallow resentment if she is disrespected. Coquetry Of course, we are not talking about excessive coquetry towards all men. Your chosen one should think that you only allow yourself to flirt with him. Please note that coquetry, in fact, is not defiant behavior or imposing oneself. You should show the man your sympathy with gestures, facial expressions, and glances, but this should not be too obvious. Pleasant character Some men like bitchy women, but often they deal with such women for the thrill. They still choose a lady with a pleasant character as a life partner, who gives off kind and positive energy, next to whom a man feels calm and at ease.

I want to start liking all the guys, what should I change about myself?

As already mentioned, it is impossible to please absolutely all guys, if only because each of them has their own preferences. Some people like tall and bright brunettes, some are crazy about petite and modest brunettes, others cannot pass by a cheerful and long-haired red-haired girl, and so on. Simply put, most young people fantasize about what kind of partner they want next to them, and, of course, everyone has their own image. However, if you want to arouse the interest of most young people, then just pay attention to the general recommendations in the article - follow carefully behind your appearance, habits, behavior and so on. Become the best version of yourself - work on possible shortcomings and emphasize your strengths.

What guys don't like about girls

If you want to be popular with guys, then pay extra close attention to the qualities that most of them don't like. Vulgarity Most young people do not like girls who are too vulgar, and it does not matter where this trait manifests itself - in appearance or in behavior. Yes, such people can be attracted for a fleeting connection, but not for a long and serious relationship. Hysteria Many girls, unfortunately, are characterized by hysteria, which they consider to be mild whims, without seeing anything terrible in it. Most guys have a different opinion on this matter. It does not give them any pleasure to constantly watch tears on the face of their chosen one, which can often be caused by a mere trifle. If you have a habit of being hysterical about one thing or another, and you even think it’s cute, we still advise you to work on eliminating this quality. Bad habits Even if a guy himself smokes and drinks occasionally, similar bad habits of a potential girlfriend can push him away from her. Often, when starting a relationship with a girl, any young man at least subconsciously imagines her as the mother of his children, and, in the opinion of most men, bad habits are inappropriate for women who are mothers. Many of them will not even be able to really explain why this repels them, but the fact remains. Selfishness If a man suspects that his financial situation worries his potential lover more than he does, then most likely he will lose interest in her, no matter how much he initially liked her. If a girl begins to be interested in the amount of wages, property and other material aspects of a young man’s life, this begins to alarm him. Arrogance Arrogant girls turn off most guys. As a rule, such persons are very disrespectful towards others, and in the eyes of potential chosen ones this does not make them look good at all. Obsessiveness Of course, many guys really like it when a girl takes the initiative in communicating with them, but everything should be in moderation. Some girls do not feel this measure, and they want to be invisibly constantly present in the life of their lover - they attack the chosen one on social networks, call regularly, ask a lot of questions and want to be informed about everything that happens with the guy. Over time, obsession forces most young people to avoid such persons, because, as is known, men themselves often want to be in the role of “hunters,” and with such girls they often feel like only “victims” who have fallen into someone’s trap.

Want to know what we women dislike most about you men? Here's the naked truth.

I have selected the 7 most common complaints from women about male behavior or character traits.

I advise you to carefully read this article and use the advice contained in it as a guide to action. It’s interesting that when I interviewed women, almost everyone named unpleasant personality traits and only a few spoke negatively about any physical defects. We love your bodies the way nature created them, but we are not ready to put up with some character flaws and habits.

What kind of man repels a woman with his behavior?

This story happened to one of my very close friends. A couple of years after the wedding, my husband began to earn good money. Well, this is great, you say. Yes, but not so.His behavior changed and he became rude, which did not exist before.

Insults towards his wife became constant. It hurt especially when the bullying happened in front of strangers and friends. Such self-affirmation at the expense of the weaker seemed quite normal to him, because he became a businessman, a big man. My friend gradually stopped taking care of herself and dressing fashionably, because all her attempts to appear beautiful and desirable were perceived with insulting ridicule: “You're fat, you're ugly, you don't know how to cook, you constantly nag and insult me. ”.

Unfortunately, my friend couldn’t stand it and filed for divorce. Fortunately, the family was saved. How? I'll tell you a little later. In the meantime...

Which men do women dislike the most?

These 7 points are not an axiom, and someone may disagree with them. But the fact remains: these traits scare women away more than unsuccessful courtships. Men, maybe you recognize yourself among these examples?

  1. Broken promises, lies

Lie from the very beginning and then forget about your promises - unfortunately, many people do this. Moreover, they do not understand at all that the woman has already tuned in to what was promised, and when she does not receive it, she will be bitterly disappointed.

Don't make empty promises if you can't keep them.

  1. Excessive jealousy

Over time, a man’s desire to take care of his beloved develops into a manic desire to control every step.

There is a substitution of concepts"protect" on "control". A feeling of possessiveness appears. Instead of a beloved and equal second half, a woman turns into a slave. Does it mean he loves you? On the one hand, yes. On the other hand,excessive jealousy is a lack of trust. A woman is afraid not only of staying late at work, but even of going to the store one more time, not to mention getting together with her friends in a cafe. Wearing a dress to work? Get ready, there may be a scandal in the evening: “Where did you dress up, for whom?!” My husband is at home, and she’s seducing someone in a dress!”

Trust your loved ones. By doing this, first of all, you respect yourself. .

  1. Treason

There's nothing even to talk about. A woman is much less likely to cheat on her man. She also expects fidelity from her life partner. Few women can forgive betrayal and save the family. Even for the sake of the children. Going “to the left” of a loved one hurts painfully and leaves an indelible mark on the soul.

Are you changing? Be prepared for the woman you love to leave you at any moment. Neither expensive gifts nor hot promises to do this again will help.

  1. “A man can have everything, but there shouldn’t be a “woman”! All other shortcomings can be forgiven”

These are the words of one of my friends who “successfully” got married. A slight infantilism and femininity at the initial stage of their relationship gave a certain charm to the man. And after a couple of years he turned into a person completely incapable of making any decisions or actions. Constant whims and antics, reluctance to run a joint household, build a career, strive to earn money. The woman took upon herself the entire burden of both female and male responsibilities. You know, like the saying goes: “Me and the horse, me and the bull, me and the woman and the man”.

Glamorous men may be in fashion now. But a woman still needs a strong shoulder and support.

  1. Stinginess with tender words

Well, women need compliments, they do. And pleasant words that she is beautiful and desirable. Even after 30 years of marriage.Women love with their ears, and it is true.

Say a few kind words to your companion. You will see her embarrassed but satisfied smile, it will bloom before your eyes and her mood will immediately lift.

  1. Greed

Not even greed, butCRUELTY. Such pettiness. He invited me to a cafe and didn’t pay for a cup of coffee. When the relationship broke down, he asked for the return of all the gifts, even the inexpensive mirror or keychain given to him.

Or when, in response to a girl’s request to buy ice cream during a walk in the park, she demonstratively gets her wallet, shows how much money is in there, and then buys the cheapest one. And it doesn’t matter that she likes pistachio in a glass of chocolate. The refusal to buy this particular ice cream is explained by the fact that it is fatty, harmful, etc.

  1. Drunkenness

No comments. Relaxing after work with a bottle of beer may not be so bad. But when this happens every day, day by day the dose gradually increases, then the problem of alcoholism emerges in all its glory.

Drinking ruins relationships. A man who drinks is unattractive as a sexual partner.

How we managed to save a family where the man was rude

And now the promised denouement of the story. The matter went to divorce and even to court. All this time, the couple lived like strangers sharing the same living space. At the trial, the male judge, after listening to both sides, said the following phrase:

Guys, I'll give you a month. A month to express all your complaints in person, because you have nothing left to lose. If you love each other, find out everything to the end and decide how to live further .”

A lot of things were said after, but there is a result. The husband has changed, and so has the wife. Both tried to hear the complaints, learned to correct themselves, their behavior and monitor their actions.

It's never too late to change yourself. The main thing is to realize what drags us down, prevents us from fully enjoying life and giving happiness to our loved ones.

The women expressed their opinions. We look forward to your comments on what you agree with and what you don’t.

And to keep things fair, I asked the male half of the community a similar question: “What do men don’t like about women?” Want to know the answer? Then don't miss the next article from my colleague :)
