What you need at a ski resort. What to take with you to a ski resort

When going to a ski resort, first of all you should take care of ensuring comfort during the cold season. The main task: not to freeze, but at the same time not to sweat too much. Clothing should absorb sweat well so that the body remains dry. Achieving this goal is possible only by purchasing high-quality clothing for winter recreation. Below I have compiled a list of things that I take on vacation in the mountains. , We already know, now let’s decide what to take with us.

List of necessary clothing

The main rule when choosing: the top layer of clothing should not allow moisture to pass through, but retain the heat generated by the body during physical activity. The very first thing you should put in your suitcase is thermal underwear.

In addition, be sure to take:

  • Underwear;
  • First layer thermal underwear set;
  • Thermal socks, 2 pairs required;
  • Two pairs of waterproof shoes;
  • An additional layer of thermal underwear (golf under the throat);
  • Waterproof trousers;
  • Jacket for skiing in the mountains;
  • Woolen hat (universal type);
  • Balaclava;
  • Special goggles for skiing (an irreplaceable thing when the sun is shining or snowing);
  • Scarf;
  • Waterproof gloves;
  • Gloves are normal for walking.

It is advisable to have an additional set of clothing, especially underwear, in stock. It needs to be washed off from sweat from time to time. Waterproof jackets and trousers dry faster and, as a result, can withstand more wear and tear. Therefore, there should be no problems with this issue.

The above items are required solely for skiing. You can wear your regular winter clothes for walks. For children to practice skiing in the mountains, everything is taken as for adults. In general, a ski suit will never be superfluous, even in the city. By the way, it’s worth taking care in advance about the leisure time of your children in their free time from skiing. It wouldn’t hurt to take his favorite toys, books, and so on.

First aid kit

A first aid kit is an indispensable item in the mountains. Active winter recreation requires the mandatory availability of certain medications and first aid supplies. When collecting a first aid kit, make sure you have:

      • Drugs that have an analgesic effect;
      • About standard products for treating small wounds (cotton wool, peroxide, bandage, brilliant green and iodine);
      • Take sports gels (of different strengths);
      • Ointments for eliminating hematomas;
      • Cold medicines;
      • Don’t forget to add ascorbic acid, it perfectly improves immunity and helps restore strength;
      • – unconditionally!

Do not forget about anti-inflammatory, fever-reducing and expectorant medications (nasal drops, spray, dissolving tablets and cough medicines). Remember: changes in temperature and fresh air can cause “jumps” in blood pressure. It is worth taking additional medications for hypertension and a blood pressure monitor. Special-purpose gels will save you from sprains and soft tissue bruises.

A medical policy will come in handy in case of serious illness or injury. With this document you are guaranteed to receive help in the hospital. Insurance will protect you from many troubles and big expenses. Do not forget that the ambulance will not climb the mountain slope. If something happens, you will have to call a helicopter, and this “pleasure” is far from cheap.

This of course provokes a high cost of an insurance policy for skiers. But with some effort, with the help of special services you will always find a suitable option. You might even be able to save money.


To communicate with the outside world and capture the most interesting moments, you will need modern gadgets:

      • Telephone;
      • Camera or video camera;
      • An action camera is used to film triggers;
      • Charging device;
      • A netbook (it won’t be very convenient with a laptop) or a tablet.

Please note: not all resorts have Internet access, so this issue should be clarified before your trip. If there is no Wi-Fi at a ski resort, then the need for a netbook or tablet will disappear by itself. First switch to a favorable tariff, or activate roaming.

Women's suitcase

My wife always takes with her only the necessary items:

      • Hygienic lipstick (very helpful in windy weather and not only for the fair half);
      • Moisturizer (for me too);
      • Elastic bands (for hair);
      • Products and items for bathing procedures, shaving;
      • Robe.

Ulyana:“Hair bands are an indispensable thing when skiing down the mountain. I don’t recommend experimenting with loose hair. It's certainly beautiful, but it can be dangerous. As for shaving accessories, be sure to take cream for and after shaving. This way you will protect your skin and will not cause additional problems.”

Additional items

I also make sure to take with me:

      • Thermos and mugs (thermo);
      • A small bag that fits on a belt, something like a wallet;
      • Navigator;
      • Dryer for shoes;
      • Sunglasses with level 3 protection;
      • Walkie-talkie (an irreplaceable thing for communication);
      • Player.

In my jacket pockets I always have several chocolate bars and descent routes, a map of the resort. Before skiing, I fill a thermal mug with sweet hot tea. Helps satisfy sudden hunger and restore strength.

Naturally, at almost any ski resort there are a lot of different cafes, restaurants, and so on. But all skiers experience “sudden hunger,” when they want to eat so much that their stomach hurts. This is where a tea bar comes to the rescue.

As for the shoe dryer, you can’t do without it. Ski boots need to be dried, and this can only be done from the inside. Do not neglect this simple rule, and your holiday at a ski resort will bring you only positive emotions.

Well, now you have a rough list of things you need at the resort. What do you take with you? Maybe I missed something, write in the comments - the readers and I will be grateful. Have a fun and safe holiday everyone!

This is your first time going to ski resort, you are enveloped in euphoria and joy from a wonderful, interesting vacation. But in order for it to take place at the highest level, you need to take care of everything necessary. Today we will tell you what every tourist who is going to ski needs needs

Equipment for a real skier - choosing boots

Skiing– it’s great, new emotions, extreme sensations, unforgettable impressions. But in order to appreciate all the benefits, you need to prepare well and take the necessary and very necessary things.

In the list of very necessary things we include equipment, without which it is difficult to imagine a normal holiday at a ski resort.

Be sure to think through the issue of ski boots. There are two options - buy your own or rent. Of course, the second option will be cheaper. However, if you want to buy your own boots, then it is important to know how to choose the right ones. By the way, we advise you to take these recommendations into account when choosing shoes to rent. So:

  • Do not buy shoes that are too loose (when you straighten your legs, your toes should rest on the shoes).
  • When you squat a little and lean your torso forward to transfer the load to your knees, your toes should not rest on the shoes (there should be a little space).

If the conditions described above are met, then the ride will be comfortable. When choosing boots, bring a thick sock or whatever pair you're taking with you. You should start buttoning your boots from the bottom, and unfasten them the other way around. At the same time, make sure that the shoes do not dangle and that your feet do not move in them when walking. Make sure your shoes are well laced and fit well to your feet.

What is one thing you definitely can’t do without at a ski resort?

Of course, what could it be ski holiday without skis. But don't worry, you don't have to buy them. There are places at the resort where you can rent them without any problems and inexpensively. Just remember that in order to do this, you need to know your height. Note that it is better to take not the newest models, they are more expensive. So choose from last year's. By the way, this principle will help you save money when buying your own skis. We advise you to buy them not before the winter season, but in the summer or spring, you will save a lot.

You also need to carefully choose ski poles; height is also taken into account here. Don't rush to make a choice, try several options. Your ski poles should be comfortable and fit your hand.

When going skiing, it is important not to forget about safety. Therefore, even if you were told that a helmet is not necessary. It's still better to rent or buy one. Especially if you are a beginner. Pay special attention to the size of the helmet. It shouldn't be too loose or too tight. It is important that it fastens well.

It’s not necessary, but it’s advisable to buy a real skier’s hat. This is an ordinary warm, non-slip hat, without any decorations or additional elements. You won't just wear it to stay warm, you should wear it under your helmet.

A mandatory attribute is a ski mask, this way you will protect yourself from too bright sun, in addition, without it it is impossible to look at the snow.

The buff will help prevent a cold in your throat; it is made of soft, pleasant material that warms well. Can be used as a scarf, hat. If there is no buff, you can buy a balaclava.

A ski jacket will keep you from getting cold and wet. Since it is sewn from a special water-repellent fabric or impregnated, when buying such a jacket, pay attention to the functionality: pockets, the presence of a hood, a snow skirt that will help not to be covered with snow when falling, and so on.

Before you hit the road, stock up on thermal underwear; we recommend taking one made from natural wool, it’s warmer. In addition, special thermal socks (they should be high) will not hurt.

To prevent your hands from freezing, we recommend buying membrane gloves; their feature is that they not only warm you up, but also drain water.

Make sure you have waterproof boots, because you still need to walk to the skiing area.

In addition to all this, at a ski resort, you must take it with you. Take all your standard medications with you, and also make sure that you have an elastic bandage, a plaster, and a special cream for bruises and contusions.

We recommend taking a thermos and a backpack with you. Try to always carry a snack with you whenever possible. And one last piece of advice: find out what they offer ski resorts and what prices they have the necessary ammunition.

You can’t do without high-quality mobile Internet at a ski resort

In addition to equipment and a first aid kit, you should think in advance about the issue of mobile communications, which can be expensive abroad. We have very good tariffs, which we will briefly discuss now.

  • The operator offers an excellent tariff for Europe, which provides the opportunity to communicate without borders and use mobile Internet in 36 countries. For 1 euro per day you have access to 100 MB of 4G traffic. Or you can activate the communication package and for 1 euro per day you will have a full 60 minutes of calls.
  • will provide inexpensive Internet for mobile and communication with family for 3 euros per day. For this money you get a universal SIM card that works in 41 European countries, as well as Turkey and the USA.
  • New SIM card from Globalsim called offers unlimited Internet all over the world, the ability to receive inboxes in 140 countries for free. Outgoing calls within the Globalsim network will cost you $0.25 per minute. And calls to Russia from $0.39 or $0.49 depending on the country of residence.

You can purchase all SIM cards in our store. On our website you will be able to ask questions to the operators in the chat if you suddenly doubt the right choice. And after the purchase, top up your balance or ask technical support for help.

Here it is - the long-awaited event - a trip to a ski resort to go skiing.

For some, this is no longer a significant event, but for those who travel to the mountains for the first time or not very often, it is a very exciting procedure with anticipation of the holiday of sun, snow and mountains.

Little things you can't do without at a ski resort

There are several little things, or rather positions, that need to be taken into account for a comfortable pastime when traveling to the mountains.

How to prepare and what to take to a ski resort:

Preparation of ski equipment.

Basically these are skis and bindings, their transportation.

Properly sharpen the edges of your alpine skis. If there is a ski center in your city, then it is better to perform this procedure at home and treat the slip one after the other. This can be done at a ski resort, but in Europe it will cost more.
When transporting mountain skis, always use special covers to protect skis and bindings from mechanical damage when repacking at the airport or on an airplane.

It is better to wrap the fasteners with elastic material to soften the shock when thrown and dropped.

The skis must be firmly secured to each other so that during transportation and throwing there are no impacts against each other, otherwise the edge, sliding surface and fastenings can be damaged. Use all kinds of fastening tapes, luggage straps or rubber from expanders.

Ski clothing

From the experience of traveling to the mountains, I will say that the minimum configuration option is not always good.


It makes sense to ride in one and take the other for riding. During skiing, the jacket gets wet from sweat, and not every hotel has the opportunity to dry it in the room. The exception is the advanced Swedes with their slogan: “Made wisely.” In hotels, everything is thought out to the smallest detail: from air ducts for drying ski boots to gloves and jackets with pants.

Après-ski will not be fun in wet clothes.

Thermal underwear

You should take two sets of thermal underwear - one for yourself, the second for washing. Otherwise, no French perfume will cover the smell of a stressed-out skier.

Ski wax

The weather in the mountains is unpredictable, and at a certain humidity, snow can stick to the ski and ruin your entire skiing experience. You don’t have to rush into the ski center, and you should have ski ointment; at worst, rubbing the sliding surface with a simple paraffin candle will greatly save the situation and ensure normal gliding.

Ski boots

Electric shoe dryers have proven themselves well. You insert it into your boot and by morning you put on dry shoes, ready to conquer new peaks and descents.

Facial care

The only exposed part of the body is the face: nose, cheeks and lips.

The skin of the face and lips receive a strong shock from active sunlight in high altitude conditions, plus airflow due to movement at high speeds. Therefore, a special sunscreen for your face is very necessary.

In the mountains, the face receives a double impulse - directly from the sun and reflected rays from the snow. In the mountains, the tip of the nose burns quickly and well from below. If you don’t want to arrive with a peeling nose, use cream.

Hygienic lipstick is necessity number 1. After one day, your lips may turn into a cracked, bleeding mess.


This refers to ski goggles and ordinary sunglasses.

For the mountains you need ski goggles with special filters. Read how to choose ski goggles.

Ordinary sunglasses will come in handy for walks after skiing, because... The sun's rays in the highlands are dangerous to the eyes.

Electrical appliances

Dinner included in the package usually does not include drinks. If you are not ready to pay 4-6 euros for tea, then a small kettle-boiler taken from home will not hurt.


Different hotels and rooms may have insufficient lighting for reading. A portable folding table lamp will keep you in good company and help you comfortably read a book before bed. An extension cord is useful for using these devices.

A small trifle without which your mood drops

How to avoid drinking a glass of dry wine after a great ride?

raising vitality. There is a lot of good and different wine, but a corkscrew is always missing. Don't forget the corkscrew - this is the golden key that opens the door to a space of good mood.

Good luck!

Take care of yourself, return from the mountains healthy and safe!

We prepare all skiers and snowboarders who are going to a ski resort and don’t know what to take first. The article is aimed at beginners, but professionals will also find useful tips. We have prepared a table that will make your fees easier.

What you need for snowboarding or skiing: solving the equipment issue

Among those who dream of mastering snowboarding/skiing or those who have just started skiing, there are often activists who immediately run to buy their own equipment. But there is no need to rush! At first, you can easily make do with the resort’s rental equipment.

For those just starting out, the benefits of renting equipment are clear: there is no guarantee that the sport you choose will suit you. Even if you have dreamed of “taming” skiing all your life, this does not mean that you will like skiing.

When you are already more or less confident in skiing or snowboarding and have definitely decided to continue with it, still don’t rush into buying equipment. Rental equipment allows you to test different options and subsequently make the best choice for yourself.

Once you decide on the ideal type of equipment, it is better not to delay the purchase and be “fully prepared” for the new season, since rental equipment is still not cheap.

Absolutely everyone can benefit from protective shorts. It is the back part of your torso (below the lower back) that suffers for all skiers without exception! Protection can be provided by either special shorts or simply anatomically shaped foam inserts. By the way, they will not only soften your falls, but will also allow you to stay warm while sitting in the snow.

What to wear for skiing/snowboarding: packing clothes

You need to approach the choice of clothing as responsibly as possible so as not to suffer from discomfort and cold. Simple sweatpants, a warm sweater and a casual jacket will not work; you should climb the mountains in special equipment.

In any specialized store you will find a comfortable and high-quality suit (pants and jacket) for skiing. You should wear a warm fleece sweatshirt under your jacket.

It is better to additionally purchase special thermal underwear, which is worn under ski suits. Such underwear can be either cotton or made from synthetic materials - microfiber, fleece, etc.

Don't spare money on specialized underwear, as it not only provides warmth, but also wicks moisture away from your body. You will have to sweat a lot on the mountain; ordinary underwear will get wet very quickly, as a result you will be cold, and the risk of returning from the resort with a cold will increase significantly.

It wouldn’t hurt to be generous with special socks, which, like thermal underwear, provide warmth and dryness. But besides this, such socks have another advantage - they prevent chafing from ski boots.

We continue to “pack our suitcase”; the next item in it must be gloves – waterproof and windproof. Buy a special balaclava under your helmet; this is especially important for those who are going to ride in severe frost or plan to conquer high mountains.

What to take to a ski resort from casual clothes?

When choosing casual suits, don't get carried away. One pair of jeans and two sweaters is enough. They are useful for hiking around the resort and visiting a local restaurant. Your regular pajamas will suffice for sleep. If you plan to visit the bathhouse, bring a swimsuit and robe.

Remember that this is a ski resort, people come here to relax, ride and get their dose of adrenaline. You should not try to impress someone with pretentious outfits and flashy makeup, including when visiting a restaurant. The right choice is the most simple and comfortable things.

Medicines and hygiene

Sunscreen should be a must on your list. It will not only save you from burns, which are very easy to “earn” in the mountains, but will also protect your skin from chapping. Another must-have item on your list is chapstick. Neither girls nor boys should neglect it. By the way, such sets - cream + lipstick - can be found in any specialized ski store. Then there will be no problems with the insufficient level of protection of the funds you have chosen.

Additionally, you should take with you a small first aid kit, which will include:

  • Elastic bandages;
  • Cold medicines;
  • Ointments for bruises, contusions and sprains;
  • Painkillers;
  • Warming ointments;
  • Plasters;
  • Cotton wool and hydrogen peroxide/iodine.

Be sure to take with you all medications you take for health reasons. It would be a good idea to take anti-allergy medications.

By the way, if you wish, you can take out ski insurance.

You should always take first aid with you. Something can go wrong on the slope

If you are traveling for several days, then take a toothbrush, razor, and slippers with you (choose ones that you can wear to the bathhouse/swimming pool). The hotel will give you all the hygiene products, but it’s better to play it safe and take a travel kit with toothpaste and shampoo just in case.

What to take to the slope?

So, you have reached the resort and are already in a hurry to conquer the snowy peaks. We give final instructions on what is best to keep to yourself.

Let’s say right away that ski jackets have a lot of pockets, so there won’t be any problems with storage space. Although you shouldn’t “overdo it” with packing: a jacket stuffed to the brim does not contribute to easy skating.

Be sure to bring a bandage, elastic bandage, and peroxide in case of abrasions, cuts, or chafing on your boots. Experienced snowboarders advise putting spare socks and balaclavas in your jacket, since they are the first to get wet. You should also keep some hygienic lipstick or lip balm with you, otherwise you will get chapped lips. Apply sunscreen in advance.

Along with your ski pass, you can take a ski map. Be sure to take at least some money in case you want to have a snack in the mountains (and you will want to have a snack very quickly, fresh air and physical activity will do their job).

Among skiers and snowboarders, there are those who prefer to take a backpack with them, but this is a truly individual question. Not everyone will be comfortable skiing with a backpack, and this applies not only to beginners, but also to experienced visitors to ski resorts.

It’s better to first try riding with and without a backpack, and then decide whether this will hinder your movements or shift your center of gravity? If the answer is no, then you should choose a backpack that is as flat as possible, otherwise it will be more difficult to use the lift.

If you are going to the mountains with a backpack, you can add a thermos of sweet tea and a light snack to the above. By the way, the backpack will provide additional protection from the wind, and will also protect your spine (although it does not guarantee 100% safety).

The Lyubogorye ski resort invites you to ski, snowboard, cheesecake or skate! It will be equally interesting for both beginners and experienced extreme sports enthusiasts!
What to take to a ski resort - summary table
Clothing and equipment
Knee pads Important
Wrist and hand protection Important
"Turtle" (for back protection) Important You can get rid of “excessive” protection as soon as you decide what exactly needs to be additionally protected. This will become clear after a couple of days of falls.
Alpine skis, poles, carrying case, snowboard Optional If you are a beginner, you should start with rental equipment.
Thermal underwear Important Special underwear has water-repellent and heat-insulating characteristics, which makes your stay on the mountain more comfortable.
Ski suit (jacket+pants) Important You have nothing to do on the mountain without a special suit!
Fleece sweatshirt Important A special sweatshirt will protect you from cold and illness.
Ski gloves Important Waterproof and windproof gloves will protect you from frostbite.
Balaclava Important Worn under a helmet, it protects the skin from frostbite and chapping. Especially important in severe frost!
Regular clothes Important Jeans, a down jacket and a couple of sweaters are the necessary set for a good rest. You don’t have to take a huge suitcase of things with you, but you shouldn’t limit yourself to a ski suit.
Medicines and hygiene
Hygienic lipstick Important Without it, your lips are guaranteed to be chapped.
Sunscreen Important The risk of getting sunburned in the mountains is no less than on the Cote d'Azur.
Elastic bandages Important Sprains are one of the most common injuries on the slopes.
Cold remedies Important Of course, they won’t help with viruses, but if you get cold on the slope, anti-cold powders will prevent the development of the disease.
Ointments for bruises, contusions and sprains Important
Painkillers Important
Warming ointments Important
Plasters Important
Cotton wool and hydrogen peroxide/iodine Important
Ski insurance Optional This insurance works in both Russian and European ski resorts, although its registration is optional.
Travel kit for personal hygiene Optional If you plan to go for one day, this item is optional.
On the slope
Patch Important
Elastic bandage Important
Hydrogen peroxide Important
Replacement socks and balaclavas Important Socks get wet first, the balaclava also quickly becomes unusable, it is better if you can change them in a timely manner, otherwise you risk getting sick.
Chapstick Important
Resort layout Important Without a map, you risk getting lost, this is especially true for resorts with branched trails.
Money Important You should definitely keep some cash with you in case you get hungry on the slopes or miss the lift.
Backpack Optional It is not suitable for everyone; first make sure that you can ride with a backpack.
Light snacks Important On a slope, energy is consumed quickly; it is better to refresh yourself with something and restore strength.

The first thing you need to do before traveling to a ski resort is to take out special ski insurance taking into account the number of days of your vacation. That is, if you rest for, say, 10 days, but ride only 5, then take out insurance for exactly 5, but indicating the dates. For example, if you rest from the 3rd to the 13th, and ski from the 5th to the 10th, this means that, God forbid, you get injured before the 5th or after the 10th, you can’t count on insurance. Everything is strict here.

According to equipment. You can rent it at the resort. You can take not the whole ski kit, but just one thing - skis, boots, helmet, poles, snowboard. If you've been there before, you know how it's done organizationally. The question is that during the season, rental is an expensive pleasure, and you can “fly by” with the size of the equipment. Once in Sweden, in Åre, we relied so much on the local ski service and for two days my wife could not rent ski boots of her size, they simply weren’t available. In addition, “general” ski equipment can lead to injury; no matter what the service, they care for it differently than for personal ones.

The principle of rental prices is simple - the more days, the cheaper.

If you are bringing your own equipment, then when booking tickets it is better to indicate in advance that you will have it. During the season, almost all airlines make the carriage of individual ski equipment free of charge. But within reasonable limits, which include 1 ski, 1 helmet, 1 pair of boots and 1 pair of poles per person, plus special clothing and even ski goggles. All this together must be packed in a case (the boots can be in a separate case).

By weight – different airlines have different free weights. Thus, Transaero allows you to carry equipment weighing no more than 10 kg (there are no restrictions on dimensions), and Finnair - up to 32 kg. For everything above that you will have to pay.

You can put two pairs of skis in one case, then this will be considered a combined place, this is also possible, and free of charge (but up to 30 kg - with Transaero).

It’s easier to go to the website of a specific airline before your flight and see how much equipment they specifically allow you to carry by weight.

On a train, free luggage can weigh a maximum of 36 kg and in a sleeping car - 50 kg. The maximum length is 180 cm. As a rule, alpine skis fit into this size and weight.

But if you cross the border on your own, by car, then get ready to open all the bags and cases with equipment at customs. Border guards will check them carefully. Therefore, it is better not to bring any goods and especially products (when crossing the border with the European Union). They may be fined and have their skis and boots confiscated. Last spring we were driving from a ski resort in a Fiat van, there were 6 of us and 11 pairs of skis (mountain and cross-country), so, imagine, at the border we opened ALL the covers, turned everything inside out.

What else to take to a ski resort? I would advise you to stock up on medications - for colds, flu, and poisoning. Abroad, all this is very expensive.
