What to give a child in 2 years. What gifts will please a two-year-old boy on his birthday

Liana Raymanova November 8, 2018, 09:14

The birthday of a child is a joyful event for all family members, as well as relatives and friends. Everyone wants to give the best gift to a child for 2 years.

The range of children's gifts is huge, but when choosing, you should first of all take into account the individual characteristics of a 2-year-old child. What one child will love, another may not like at all.

Before buying, you can ask his parents what you can give a child for 2 years for his birthday. Then the gift will be necessary and useful. First you need to decide from which category you are going to make a present.


It is customary to give toys to a child. Two-year-old children actively explore the world, they are attracted by everything new and bright. When choosing a toy, pay special attention for her safety. It should not contain small parts and emit a pungent chemical odor. It’s good if the toy has the inscription: “2+”. Gifts that both the boy and the girl will be happy with include:

  • wheelchair;
  • dry pool;
  • tricycle;
  • trampoline;
  • balls.

A rubber baby doll will be great, and choose a big truck. Any child will always be happy to receive another new doll or another car. You can't go wrong here.

Swing as a gift to a child for 2 years

Both the boy and the girl will be pleased to receive a hanging swing as a gift. They can be fixed directly in the apartment, if necessary, the swing can be easily removed. Children's swings are safe, as they are equipped with special restraints. The child will be very pleased.

Educational toys

It's a good idea to give a 2 year old for his birthday something that will help him develop. It can be:

  • modeling kits;
  • drawing kits, including finger paints;
  • musical instruments;
  • coloring pages.

There are a lot of developing centers, tables, rugs on sale. You can also take a look at them.

You can give a 2-year-old child something that will develop his mental abilities, teach him to find logical solutions. Toys in this category include:

  • large mosaic;
  • puzzles;
  • large designers;
  • lotto with pictures of vegetables, fruits, animals, etc.

Large mosaic as a gift to a child for 2 years

If parents devote a lot of time to the early development of the child, suitable gift will become educational talking posters

Talking toys

A good gift for a child of 2 years old will be a talking toy or a book with an audio recording. Such presents especially liked by children. They easily memorize rhymes and songs that their toy pronounces, thereby developing auditory memory.


Children grow up very quickly, so clothes will be an appropriate birthday present. Try to find him something original so that the baby likes the present.

Glowing boots

Shoes with luminous soles deserve special attention. These shoes will make the child visible in the dark, thereby securing him on the roadway. They are bright and the kids will love them.

Luminous shoes as a gift for a child for 2 years


Funny home clothes. Came to Russia from Japan and immediately gained popularity among the population of all ages. It is comfortable and suitable for wearing in the cold season. Kigurumi is made in the form of an animal costume. Children like it very much. You can choose both a boy's version and a costume for a girl.

Sweater with squeakers

Both boys and girls will like this sweater. On the chest or pockets there is a special device that makes sounds when pressed. It will not deteriorate during washing, just remove the squeaking element, and after washing, insert it back.


a good gift for the child will be children's furniture. Ask your parents if it will be superfluous. Ordinary furniture for the baby is too large, otherwise it will be comfortable for him.

Table and chair

If the child does not have his own place where he can draw, do modeling or assemble a designer, a children's table with a high chair will be an excellent gift.

The table usually has drawers in which all children's albums, pencils, paints, plasticine, coloring books are put.

Now all this will have its place, and mom will get rid of everyday cleaning and searching for the things the child needs


A great solution to give a chest of drawers to a family with a child. Children's things usually take up a lot of space, there is nowhere to store them, otherwise everything will be in its place.

mini sofa

You can give the child a mini-sofa. He will have his own bed. The sofa unfolds, will last a long time. And when assembled, it does not take up much space.

Furniture in the girl's room as a gift for 2 years

What else can you give?

If it is difficult to choose a gift, or, for example, the donor is not familiar with the child, and it is inconvenient to ask parents, give bright balloons to a child for 2 years, and give parents an envelope with a sum of money or gift Certificate to a children's store.

Original birthday gift for 2 years with your own hands

You can always give a two-year-old child something made with their own hands. There are many tutorials on the Internet for making crafts suitable for a baby. It can be educational toys, various puzzles, coloring books.

DIY puzzles for a 2-year-old child's birthday

In making gifts with your own hands for the birthday all family members can participate. For example, let mom prepare multi-colored modeling dough, dad design doll furniture or plywood puzzles, and older children prepare educational cards for their brother for 2 years for his birthday.

Educational cards

Making them is very easy:

  1. From thick paper, rectangular cards of the same length should be prepared.
  2. Divide them equally.
  3. On one part of the cards, draw on any one subject (balloons, sweets, crackers, etc.).
  4. On the second part, draw exactly the same objects, but 2 or 3 each.

The child will be able to learn to distinguish between the concepts of "a lot - a little", to master the beginning of the account.


You can make a poster for a birthday for 2 years for a child, make a beautiful inscription, post photos of the birthday person from the moment of birth. Get excellent commemorative gift!

Shoe lacing trainer

An excellent option for a do-it-yourself presentation will be a device in order to teach your baby to tie shoelaces. It is very easy to make it:

  1. You will need a sheet of thick paper or cardboard (you can take plywood), an awl, paints, laces.
  2. On the sheet draw a pair of shoes (you need a front view).
  3. Make holes with an awl, like a real shoe.
  4. Lace up one shoe, and thread the lace through the second one and show the child how to lace up the shoes.

Now he will be able to independently learn to thread the laces through the holes and tie a bow. A sample in the form of a second shoe is always in front of his eyes.

DIY gift for a child's birthday for 2 years

What to give twins for 2 years?

Many questions arise when you need to give birthday gifts to twin children for 2 years. People do not know how to choose a gift, they need one present or two, the same or different.

Psychologists have their own opinion on this matter. They believe that everything that is the same in the life of twins deprives them of their individuality, and one thing for two causes discord between them. It is better to listen to their recommendations and buy two different gifts. If a boy and a girl celebrate a birthday in a family, there are no problems. You can choose a gift by gender, for example, give a girl a dress, and a boy - trousers. Or buy a car for a boy, and a doll for a girl.

If there are two birthdays of the same sex in the family, gifts should be given that will be different from each other. Of course, this does not mean that you need to give one child a wheelchair and give another chocolate bar.

Birthday dolls for 2 years old twins

In this case, buy two wheelchairs, but different in color or shape. The same should be done with educational toys. If one child gets a loto with fruits, give the second one with vegetables. Twins, as a rule, live together, they will exchange gifts.

When choosing a gift for a child, make sure that it is safe for his health. Ask the seller for a quality certificate for the product, see if the gift matches the age of the child.

Children 2 years of age do not yet understand the value of the gift. Their attracts everything bright, sounding even if it costs a penny . It is much more important for a child to have the closest people next to him. The emotional balance of the baby itself also depends on their emotional state. For the birthday boy, the holiday will be fun and enjoyable if there are people who sincerely love him nearby.

Watching with interest how their children grow up, parents cannot but notice how much their needs, desires and even behavior change by the age of two - in order to prove their independence, they are even ready to go to conflict. This is due to the fact that the baby already has its own priorities and hobbies, therefore, when the time of the anniversary approaches, it can be difficult to figure out what to give a child for 2 years, because he needs new toys that meet his real physical and mental level.

The main feature of a small child at 2 years old is increased emotionality and, in a sense, the episodic manifestation of such mental abilities as memory, attention and logical thinking - he pays his attention only to what he is really interested in and cannot yet control these processes. This trend continues until the age of five, and the task of adults is to offer the baby different games and activities.

But thanks to the skills already mastered, children still have their own preferences, which attentive moms and dads, of course, know about. The question of what to give a child for two years can be addressed to them or you can ask the child himself about it. But then you won’t be able to make a surprise, so you should figure out which games and toys two-year-olds like the most.

From the age of two, children have the makings of role-playing games with a certain plot. Considering the benefits of such a pastime, one can note the development of imagination, the arbitrariness of actions and thinking, the ability to feel like someone else in order to take a different point of view. Such aspects are very important for the mental and emotional growth of the baby. It is easy to guess that the main toys for story games are all kinds of dolls, baby dolls, rubber and plastic animals, interactive game items. But, in addition to them, the child can also be given toy furniture, clothes for dolls, kitchen utensils, play vehicles, attributes necessary for the characters.

For the comprehensive development of the child and the formation of him as a person, other toys are also important - developmental centers, designers, mosaics and puzzles, children's lotto, dominoes, good books - for the time being they should be large with dense pages and large high-quality illustrations. Children are beginning to show more and more interest in fine arts, so coloring books, drawing and modeling supplies, creative kits for creating paintings, crafts are suitable for a gift.

We should not forget about sports presentations that will accelerate the physical development of the child. For children, it's time to buy a home gym, a tricycle or a trampoline. Such gifts can be made to the child by parents, relatives, and, if desired, guests invited to the celebration, if they discuss such a purchase with the father and mother of the baby in advance.

What to give a child for 2 years: toys for development

An excellent solution would be to choose an educational game or toy as a gift for a two-year-old baby.

Educational games for children are aimed at developing different skills and abilities of the child:

  1. Speech development is extremely important for a child, and a book is an ideal gift to help accelerate the formation of this process. At the moment, there are many options for children's educational benefits, as well as encyclopedias, interactive, voluminous books with special effects.
  2. To develop spatial thinking, the guest invited to the celebration can choose board puzzle games as a gift - Trucks, Shy Rabbit, Smart Wheelbarrow, Palette. These games also develop concentration in children, teach them to distinguish between various geometric shapes.
  3. To train your memory, you can recommend various types of games with Memory cards. For the same purpose, a children's loto, for example, Native Land, is suitable.
  4. To learn the basics of arithmetic, you can choose the board game IQ-games. Mathematics. Form. Check.
  5. The original children's domino Where's my tail is a game aimed at improving the logic, attention and intuition of children at the age of two.
  6. Board games Cheerful beaver, Don't scare away the penguin, Cheerful octopus Joly, Frog balancer will teach you to carefully control your fingers - they train fine motor skills, coordination, and dexterity.
  7. Board card games such as the School of the Seven Dwarfs, Logic Pictures, City will help develop logical thinking.

Different abilities of the child are perfectly developed by children's designers for outdoor games with large details, but desktop options, such as Bunnies, are also suitable. The tenth kingdom, despite the fact that the genre is a walker.

What to give a boy for 2 years: video

Gifts for creativity

Two-year-olds are already ready to bring their fantasies to life with pleasure, but for this they need supplies for creative development. A rich assortment of special sets, in this case, makes it easier for those who are still wondering how to choose a gift for 2 years.

It is worth considering all the options for such products:

  • these are watercolors and gouache, children's finger paints, pastel pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens;
  • special unpainted pokatushki, whistles, wooden spoons, balls and painted eggs;
  • art albums for drawing with palms;
  • wax crayons;
  • plasticine - wax, ball, soft, vegetable, containing natural oil and starch, plasticine paints for creating paintings;
  • molds and stacks for modeling clay, plasticine and dough;
  • boards with ready-made stamps in the form of animals, flowers, insects for modeling;
  • sandbox with kinetic sand;
  • molds for decorating a sand castle in the form of starfish, crabs, croissants, turtles, shells;
  • children's musical instruments - xylophone, piano, organola.

To develop your child's drawing skills, you can purchase a double-sided children's easel as a gift. It is a structure of two frames with two surfaces, it can be plastic or wooden with metal elements. This is a universal design that allows the child to develop fine motor skills, visual and motor memory, improve concentration.

Attributes for physical development

Love for sports and an active lifestyle must be instilled in children from childhood, so it's time to think about what to give a child for 2 years from the goods in this category.

Since it is too early for two-year-olds to get up on roller skates and skis, you can offer other interesting gifts to strengthen muscles and improve their motor skills:

  1. Still a welcome gift for kids at this age are rocking chairs in the form of horses and other animals. Such a simulator toy is extremely useful for a child, as it trains his vestibular apparatus, develops the muscles of the legs.
  2. Many kids will love the wheelchair. On this transport, adults can roll them with the help of a rope or a handle, the baby independently moves on such a machine, thanks to the movement of the legs.
  3. A bicycle in the form of a gift causes constant delight in almost all children, but for the age of two, three-wheeled, high-quality transport is needed. In the first couple, it is unlikely that the little one will pedal himself, but his parents will be able to ride him. This gift is good because in a year the child will start riding it without the help of mom and dad. The main benefit of a bicycle for a baby is to strengthen the nervous system, train breathing and work of the heart muscle, and develop the muscles of the legs.
  4. The most expensive, but certainly the most attractive gifts are the swimming pool and the trampoline. But for a trampoline, you will need free space in the living room, and the child can use the pool if the family lives outside the city or the parents have a summer house.

For some, it is of fundamental importance what to give a two-year-old child, but, in the end, it is not necessary to give expensive presents, and you can completely give the birthday boy a good ball - this is a universal thing that is considered one of the best simulators for the physical development of two-year-old children when playing with it develop, absolutely, all the muscles of the body of the baby. In addition, it promotes balance training and improves coordination.

What to give a girl for 2 years: video

Useful gifts for the whole family

When choosing what to give a two-year-old child, in some cases you can limit yourself to a symbolic car or an inexpensive, but original doll, while at the same time financially supporting a family with a small child. Parents will be grateful for this. Yes, a gift can be practical, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Among these things:

  • children's bed linen with the image of favorite characters, animals;
  • a night light for a nursery or a table lamp for a table where a child will play or be creative;
  • beautiful and good clothes for growth;
  • a set for a baby, consisting of a table and a chair, because children already need personal space;
  • playhouse, tent (wigwam) - the thing is suitable for home use, and also useful in the country;
  • a set of children's dishes - this will please the little one, especially if he does not yet have his own plate and cup.

It is important to discuss the future purchase with parents in advance, and then the problem of choice will disappear. But some things should not be given to children, a priori:

  • cheap toys of low quality that can harm the health of the child;
  • games that are not suitable for the baby by age;
  • too big soft toys;
  • toys containing small parts - the little one can swallow them.

Also, you can’t buy children’s furniture and other expensive things on your own without consulting with family members of the hero of the day.

How to please a boy and a girl at 2 years old

As it turned out, a variety of games and toys are suitable as a gift for two-year-old children. And yet, for girls and boys, they cannot be the same, because the behavior of most daughters at two years old is strikingly different from how boys behave. Children of both sexes are already beginning to comprehend their gender - this is manifested in imitation of their father and mother, and at this moment it is important to develop certain male and female skills in them.

read also:

What should a 2 year old be able to do?

daily routine of a 2 year old

However, babies are already able to show their housekeeping and a special attitude to household chores, and while playing, they take care of their toys, wash and comb them, take care of the cleanliness of the house, prepare toy food for dolls. In addition, they love trying on their mother's clothes, decorating themselves with her jewelry and even cosmetics. Not knowing what to choose for a girl, it would be nice to use this information and give her:

  • a large doll that can stand, sit, it’s good if her legs move and bend - the child will like to change her clothes, teach her to walk, put her to bed;
  • a medium-sized high-quality soft toy in the form of a tiger cub, elephant or cat;
  • beautiful, original dress;
  • a set of children's jewelry or a creative set for their creation;
  • doll utensils, clothes, a stroller with a blanket and pillow;
  • a house for dolls or a house-tent in which the birthday girl will place her toys.

Also, the girl can be given a children's piano or synthesizer, a large book with children's poems, a Lego constructor, a tricycle.

As a gift, the boy, first of all, should be given various children's vehicles - a balance bike, a car with pedals, a scooter or a bicycle. The kid will be happy to accept a home sports corner or a Swedish wall, a new designer, various models of cars, planes, rockets and ships. You can give him a transformer robot, a railroad, a drum, large puzzles.

When deciding what to give a child for 2 years, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the interests of the baby and his family. But sometimes even the most expensive gifts cannot replace the attention paid to the baby on this day, because direct communication is the most important for him now.

What to give a child for 2 years: video

Your baby is 2 years old and you do not know what to give? Or going to the birthday of a child who is 2 years old? Then our article is for you.

A two-year-old toddler is quite inquisitive, active and restless. As a rule, a long occupation with something monotonous does not attract him, it quickly bothers him.

Don't know what to give for two years? To begin with, pay attention to what you definitely shouldn’t give: a small mosaic, a metal designer with small details, and also Lego. In addition, wind-up toys, collapsible railways, toys with remote controls are not recommended, they will quickly fail. A gift for a child for 2 years should be bright, beautiful and unbreakable.

Naturally, gifts for girls and boys should be different. After all, they have different interests and tastes.

What to give a girl for 2 years?

Despite such a young age, babies at the age of 2 are already beginning to show maternal feelings and their domesticity. Therefore, gifts must be appropriate:

1. The doll is quite large so that you can learn how to care for her.

2. Carriage for a doll. And, oddly enough, but in the period from one to three years, some boys also like to roll a stroller, only they put cars and soft toys in it. There is nothing wrong with that, kids like the mode of transport itself.

6. An easel or a board for drawing with chalk and a marker.

9. And you can also give some emotions: going to a soap bubble show, to, an amusement park, etc.

If you can add to our list, write in the comments. And if you don’t know what to give a child for 2 years, ask your parents what he likes more, or take a closer look at the baby, what are his hobbies. You can buy an educational game that is suitable for this age, then you will definitely guess with a gift.

There is an opinion that it is much more difficult for a boy to choose a birthday present than for a girl. But today this problem is easily solved, you can donate toys and inventions for the development of intelligence, creativity and physical skills. At two years old, children are happy with new objects, because they are just getting to know the world around them. If you carefully approach the choice of a surprise, the baby will be pleased and happy on his holiday.

How to choose the right birthday present for a two-year-old child

Children are very sincere, they rejoice and grieve even over trifles. Therefore, the choice of a gift for a child's birthday should be taken seriously. In order for the little birthday boy to like the present, you should pay attention to some important points:

  • prepare for the holiday in advance. Do not rush to buy toys or other products. It often happens that you already know what surprise to prepare, but the store does not have the right thing. As a result, there will be no time left for the delivery of the order and you will not be able to please the baby;
  • Pay attention to the age restrictions that are written on the packaging of all children's products. Many toys are completely unsuitable for two-year-olds;
  • talk to the boy's parents. At this age, the child already has his own preferences and interests;

    For example, you want to buy an interactive pet, and the baby is afraid of animals. Ultimately, the baby will be scared and the holiday will be ruined.

  • do not buy gifts for growth. Of course, such things will not be lost, but they will not please the birthday boy right now. The baby simply will not understand what to do with the teaching computer, because he still does not know how to count and does not know the letters;
  • pay attention to the composition of toys. It should not contain any harmful substances. Two-year-old crumbs often try many objects on the tooth;
  • ask the child's mom and dad if there is room for a voluminous gift in the baby's room or apartment. It may turn out that there is simply nowhere to put a sports complex, a dry pool or a swing. In this case, it is better to choose something else as a present.

Before buying a gift, ask the parents of the child if the crumbs have such a thing so as not to repeat themselves and not buy the same item as a gift

Development comes first

Psychologists, neurologists and pediatricians around the world speak positively about the early development of children. When deciding what to buy as a gift for a two-year-old boy, pay attention to products that will not only please the child, but also help in the development of fine motor skills, thinking, logic and creativity.

A two-year-old learns the world by interacting with surrounding objects. The more various things surround him, the more freely he can manipulate them, the better the child develops.

Today, there are special development centers for children on sale that have a positive effect on the development of fine motor skills.

What can be given for the development of speech, fantasy and imagination

At the age of two, many children begin to talk, learn to form words into phrases and sentences. They are also interested in everything new: what kind of sound is it, how this device works, etc. Such presents for a boy will be useful:

  • finger or table theater. Kids love it when their parents read them fairy tales. With the help of such a gift, mom or dad will be able to revive the heroes of their favorite stories;

    Speech therapists and pediatricians say that the more adults talk to the baby, the faster the child's speech develops.

  • magnetic board and a set of magnets. Adults will explain the seasons to the baby, show figures, fruits and vegetables, and many other objects and phenomena;
  • tent or house. The child needs a personal space where he can hide, put his toys;
  • dry pool. The game with many balls delights even older children. Together with the baby, parents imagine themselves in the sea, the ocean. You can come up with game rules, for example, find balls of only one color. It all depends on the imagination of adults;
  • books with audio accompaniment. It will be interesting for the baby to listen to children's songs and look at the pictures on the pages of the printed edition.

Gallery: options for useful presentations

Books with sound accompaniment are sure to please the crumbs
Balls can be bought separately and filled with them in the tent Magnetic board with animal magnets will help the baby to distinguish between domestic and wild animals Bright figures that move on the fingers of adults will attract the attention of the baby
Dry pool is useful - immersion in a mass of balls creates a massage effect

What to give to improve creativity, thinking and fine motor skills

There are a lot of educational toys and products on the shelves of stores that are suitable as a birthday present for a two-year-old boy:

  • constructor. For a child of this age, buy a set with large blocks;
  • insert frame. Another great option. The best models are made of wood and painted with a safe composition. Playing with this present, the kid will not only learn to pick up the right parts in place, but also learn the names of certain objects, animals, fruits and vegetables, etc .;
  • soft puzzles. These are large details from which the child needs to make up the whole image;

    Keep in mind that for children who tear and break everything at once, such a present will be useless. The fact is that the details are very easy to tear and ruin.

  • lacing. Pediatricians and neurologists note that it is precisely such purchases that perfectly develop the fine motor skills of the crumbs;
  • lamp-projector. The set comes with a set of slides. Choose images that boys will like: airplanes, cars, animals. In a playful way, the baby will quickly remember the names and get acquainted with new information;
  • soft bodyboard. They are sold in book form. Many craftsmen sew them by hand, fulfilling all the wishes of the customer;
  • mat for drawing with water. The kit comes with a special felt-tip pen, which must be filled with liquid. The boy can then draw lines or other images. After a few minutes, all drawings will disappear;
  • Finger paint. Not all children of this age begin to paint with a brush. And finger paints are made from safe substances that will not harm the child even if swallowed;
  • kinetic sand. Another unique invention that all children are delighted with. It is sold in special containers and comes in different colors. In the kit, buy a sandbox so that the baby has a place to play with sand;
  • sorter. A wonderful gift for the development of logic and thinking of the child.

Gallery: gifts for the development of fine motor skills in a 2-year-old baby

For a boy, choose laces in the form of transport so that he is interested in playing with them
Such a flashlight not only shows slides, but also has a soundtrack Kinetic sand does not leave stains on clothes, skin and other surfaces
Removable parts should have small handles for which they can be given. A bright sorter will help the baby develop fine motor skills
Soft puzzles are easy to assemble At the time of purchase, pay attention to the composition so that it does not contain harmful substances With such a rug you can play for a long time, because the drawings disappear and the baby has a clean sheet again On the pages of the book, the baby is waiting for a lot of tasks and exercises for the development of fine motor skills and logic For a child of two years, buy a designer with large blocks

Video: what is kinetic sand and how to play with it

For active pastime and physical development

The health of the crumbs depends on the physical development, so presents aimed at active activities, especially in the fresh air, will be very useful:

  • bike. Although strollers are designed for children under three years old, many kids are ready to give up this type of transport by the age of two. For a boy, buy a new model with a handle so that it is convenient for parents to carry the child. Modern products are complemented by a shopping basket, a drinker stand and even cases for the phone and camera. All these details can be removed as soon as the baby learns to ride on his own;
  • basketball hoop. In addition to such a sports present, buy a ball so that the birthday boy trains to throw it into the ring;
  • electric car. The most desired gift for young children. Even adults dream of such a purchase, because it is a kind of huge toy on the control panel. While the boy cannot drive the car himself, dad or mom will do it for him;
  • tolokar. The principle of driving such a car is to push off with your feet. An excellent gift for strengthening the muscles of the whole body;
  • home trampoline. If the parents of the birthday boy do not mind and they have somewhere to put a rather voluminous surprise, the baby will be completely delighted;
  • a set of skittles. This is not only fun, but also develops coordination and accuracy;
  • soft modules. Another big gift. From large parts, the baby can build a house, a train, a caterpillar and other items;
  • bibikar. Works without batteries and pedals: the child only needs to control with the steering wheel and he will have fun riding.

Gallery: sports gifts for a two-year-old baby

If the baby does not jump, the trampoline can be lowered and removed
Skittles will make the evening of the crumbs fun and interesting The set includes a ball and a pump for it Children love to play with soft modules Tolokar can be not only in the form of a car A relatively new type of transport for children
The electric car will serve the baby for years Choose a bike with a visor to protect your baby from the bright sun

Video: what is a bibikar

What toys to buy for a two-year-old baby

The first thought that comes to mind when you are invited to the birthday party of a small child is to buy toys. However, not all products are suitable for a boy at the age of two. An excellent option would be to give such gifts:

  • motorized machine. Children love it when things move and make sounds. But it’s too early to buy models on the control panel, because the baby will not figure out the buttons and lever. And toys that can be dispersed and let go are a great choice;
  • training phone. By pressing the buttons, the birthday boy will study the numbers, sounds that animals make and remember this information;
  • gurney. Buy a boy a product that shoots soft balls while riding;
  • backpack with a toy. The kid is already beginning to repeat after adults. In his personal bag, he will put his favorite things that you can take with him for a walk or visit;
  • musical instrument. If parents are not against frequent soundtracks, why not give the birthday boy a toy synthesizer, guitar or drum set;
  • favorite heroes. At two years old, kids already watch cartoons and show sympathy for some characters. Plastic products often have small parts, so soft copies are suitable for a two-year-old.

Gallery: best gifts - toys

An unusual wheelchair toy with balls will make the game fun and interesting. Musical toys develop a sense of rhythm and hearing. Such cars the baby will be happy to catch up with
For a child, choose backpacks in the form of cartoon characters that the boy likes Soft toys repeat their prototypes from cartoons very realistically
Phone with buttons will attract the attention of the crumbs

We create comfort: presentations for the interior of the nursery

Many children at this age already have their own room. Today, parents are trying to choose a design in a thematic style so that it pleases the baby, gives pleasure during the game.

Psychologists explain that if a child likes the environment in the nursery, he feels safe. And comfort and favorite characters will help the boy sleep separately from his parents without fear.

Therefore, a great solution would be to make gifts for a children's birthday:

  • themed bed. Most often, boys want a bed in the form of a car. When buying, choose a model with sides so that the baby does not fall during sleep;
  • bag chair. Very comfortable product: the baby will easily climb into it.

    Some children even sleep in such a cozy interior detail, but orthopedists recommend that parents shift the children to a flat surface of the bed in order to reduce the load on the child's spine.

  • projector lamp. Ideal for the boy not to be afraid to sleep in the dark;
  • children's sofa. Choose furniture design that fits the overall style of the crumbs room;
  • repair in the nursery. Such a gift is quite expensive and you need to start making it in advance of the holiday date.

Gallery: gifts for baby boy

On the bean bag chair, you can order personalized embroidery. A car-bed for a two-year-old baby should be with sides. A wonderful gift for a boy’s birthday - a repair with the birthday boy’s favorite characters. This sofa is suitable for a young birthday boy who loves the sea and sea transport. The most popular are starry sky projectors

Memorable surprises, including with your own hands

Gifts for memory are most often given by close relatives or godparents. But family friends can also add a small souvenir to the main present:

  • silver cup. On sale there are products for children with the image of animals. You can order an engraving with the name of the boy;
  • baby portrait on canvas. Such a surprise is ordered in advance. The artist draws a picture with paints or charcoal from a photo of the birthday man;
  • photobook. Ask parents for the best photos of the baby, a professional will process the material, create a layout and send it to print;
  • scrapbooking album. Made exclusively by hand. The pages contain not only photographs, but also important notes from the life of the child;
  • bedding set. Choose an image with your favorite heroes of the crumbs, he will definitely like such a gift;
  • name pillow. It will be a great addition to the interior of the birthday child's room;
  • soft author's toy. It can be ordered individually or supplemented with a name tag, a greeting card for a child.

Gallery: souvenirs for a son, grandson, nephew or godson

A personalized pillow can be made in the shape of a car Handmade albums are exclusive gifts that are expensive A silver cup will remain as a memory for a grown up boy A bedding set with favorite cartoon characters will appeal to a boy
This soft toy will become your baby's favorite subject The photo book includes the best photos of your baby This portrait is a memory for a lifetime

What not to give: a sample list

To avoid disappointment, crumbs as a gift are undesirable:

  • toys with small parts. They threaten the safety of the baby, because the child can swallow small items or inhale them;
  • clothes. The kid will not understand such a gift, he is simply not interested in outfits and branded items. If you want to present a festive attire, complement your present with a toy to please the birthday man;
  • sweets. Undoubtedly, the cake is the highlight of every holiday. But for many children, parents do not give sweets. The reasons may be different: allergies in the crumbs or personal beliefs of mom and dad, because pediatricians do not recommend feeding the crumbs with sweets for up to three years;
  • money. The reason is the same: for the baby, these pieces of paper mean nothing, even if the parents buy a gift later. The child should feel the holiday on his day. If you decide to give a present in financial terms, buy an inexpensive toy for the birthday man.
  • animators. Some guests want to surprise the boy and invite people dressed as their favorite characters. But not all children of this age make contact with strangers, and many are generally afraid of life-size puppets. Don't risk ruining your holiday.

Video: gift ideas for two years for a boy

Today, manufacturers of children's goods offer a large selection of toys and educational toys for children of different ages. Start preparing for the holiday in advance and then you will find the best gift that will please the little birthday boy and his parents. Even if the financial capabilities of the donor are very limited, you can buy an inexpensive but high-quality present.

Very soon all our sweet Augusts will have birthdays! The question arises: what to give a baby for 2 years?

To make it easier for parents to decide on a gift for the birthday boy and to have the answers to the question ready in advance: “What should I give you?” let's try together to make a list of gifts for a 2-year-old child!
A gift for a child should be special. Especially if we are talking about the age of 2 years. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the child is going through rapid development, and besides, soon, namely at 3 years old, the first crisis age of the child will come. The gift should please him and contribute to his development. Let's think about what it could be.
Sets of plot-role-playing games.
A good gift would be a themed set. It can be "Kitchen", "Barbershop", "Tools", "Shop", etc. The choice of such a toy will be prompted by the hobbies of the crumbs.
Set of animals (wild, domestic).
Playing with them, you can teach your baby to imitate the voices of animals, talk about their cubs, their habitat (where they live), what they eat.
This is an exciting game that will teach the kid to put objects on the background, combine holes, lace up shoes, the child will acquire design skills. The choice of laces is great. This is a button with a “needle”, where the task of the crumbs is to push the lace into the hole and pull it out from the back. And plot: we lace up the missing details to the unfinished picture (a hedgehog - a leaf; a house - windows, a roof; a Christmas tree - toys). Such a game will teach your child attentiveness, accuracy, will be a good material for the development of motor skills and speech.
This is a multifaceted game that contributes to the formation of a child's creative vision of the world, teaches them to work according to certain rules. For children under three years old, it is recommended to buy a mosaic with large chips that are comfortable to hold in your hand. There is a mosaic set, which consists of multi-colored carnation chips with hemisphere hats and a rectangular white field. Such parts are easily attached and easily removed from the field. There is a mosaic in which the parts are interconnected by slots and protrusions. Such chips can be laid out on any horizontal surface: floor, table. By connecting them together, the baby can build a path, a house, the sun and other interesting compositions.
Beginning players need pictures cut along straight lines. The number of pieces in such a puzzle should be no more than four. When choosing puzzles for your little one, pay attention to the pictures, which should be clear and recognizable. Start the game with the simplest images - a house, a car, a butterfly. By assembling a car from parts, the child develops visual-figurative thinking, forms a holistic view of the subject.
The first board games
Board games include lotto, where you need to match the same pairs of cards. With the help of this game, the baby in a playful way gets acquainted with the outside world: he will learn the names of fruits, vegetables, geometric shapes, etc. There is also themed board games. Usually they are large cardboard cards, divided into two elements using the Puzzle technology. Each element with the image of objects has its own pair, which must be found. These are the sets “Whose house”, “Professions”, “Who is whose cub”, “Clothes”, etc. Board games develop a child's memory, thinking and observation.
you should focus on the thematic set, consisting of large parts. Since the elements of the plot game prevail in the game of children of 2-3 years old, with the help of the designer, the child will be able to build a house for a doll, a road for a car, a garage. Building block constructors are also popular. They help the baby develop imagination, perseverance, imaginative thinking, as well as motor skills.
you can choose at your discretion. But it is better for a novice sculptor to purchase mass for modeling or salt dough, since they do not get their hands dirty, they do not need to be “warmed up” and it is easy for a child to sculpt. Teach your baby to pinch off pieces, roll balls and flatten them with your finger, roll sausages, and later make simple figures. Plasticine games develop sensorimotor skills in a child, improve coordination of movements, develop thinking and imagination.
Easel, sketchbooks and coloring books.
Usually they are given together with paints and pencils. Drawing develops imaginative thinking and fantasy. Do not be upset if the child works with the coloring in a peculiar way, for example, paints over the sheet in solid, as if not seeing the outline - these are the features of perception at this age. The contour for a two-year-old is not a limiter, but the basis on which he applies his images. Most artists will learn to use coloring for its intended purpose only after three years.
Preferably copies made of thick cardboard, as two-year-olds love to tear paper into small pieces. The book should be with bright pictures and a small amount of text (with fairy tales and poems that are easy to understand). Two-year-olds love to listen to descriptions of pictures, and in multiple repetitions. Later they will become more interested in the content, and the time will come, they will read the text on their own. Thus, a book donated at 2 years old will last a long time.
Toy sets of vegetables and fruits.
Used for learning and playing. With the help of the mother, the child will learn to recognize vegetables and fruits, tell what taste is inherent in each of them, and practice to determine the color and shape. In the future, it is possible to use sets in story games.
Children's musical instruments.
Guitars and pianos, harmonicas, drums, trumpets and rattles diversify the child's leisure time, expand his understanding of sounds. Musical toys are best given with parental consent.
Cartoon disks.
You can give it if the parents are not against the early introduction of the child to the blue screen. "Good" cartoons are recommended, for example, "Luntik", "Engines from Chuggington". Dosed display of cartoons allows the child to expand vocabulary, has an educational value, brings positive emotions to the child.
Of course, for girls this is an irreplaceable gift. A doll and a sea of ​​various accessories for them: strollers, clothes, a set for feeding / bathing / swaddling, etc.
Toy transport.
Sami boy's gift. Cars, planes, boats of all sizes and colors. Thematic transport becomes relevant: trucks, tractors, ambulances, police cars, excavators, etc.

What ideas do you have?
