What to take for tone. Local hypertonicity of the uterus during pregnancy

How to relieve uterine tone during pregnancy at home? Almost 60% of pregnant women experience uterine hypertonicity, and most often this diagnosis is made in the first or second trimesters of pregnancy. In our medicine, this condition is considered a threat to pregnancy, so it is most often treated in a hospital. In fact, increased uterine tone can harm the fetus if it continues. long time. But real threat termination of pregnancy carries such a diagnosis only if it is accompanied by severe nagging pain in the lower abdomen, as well as bloody discharge. With such symptoms to the expectant mother you must call an ambulance immediately.

If there is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and the uterus has become hard, then this condition can be dealt with at home. Western experts consider uterine hypertonicity a physiological manifestation of pregnancy. After all, the uterus is a muscular organ, and muscles tend to tense and relax. During pregnancy, the uterus is constantly growing, blood circulation in it increases, so it tends to tone up from time to time. In our medicine, this condition is treated with the use of antispasmodics, such as papaverine or no-shpa. Often, pregnant women with hypertension are prescribed magnesium and vitamin B6 supplements. In European practice, medications are used only in as a last resort. And the experience of many women has already proven that it is possible to cope with hypertension without medications with the help of relaxation exercises.

How to relieve uterine tone during pregnancy - exercises

1. Scientists have long noticed that if you relax the facial muscles, the uterus relaxes automatically. Western doctors suggest that all expectant mothers actively use this relationship.

Relieving the tone of the uterus during pregnancy is quite simple: when the first signs of discomfort appear, you need to sit down comfortable position, lower your head a little, try to relax absolutely all the muscles of your face and neck as much as possible. In this case, you should breathe calmly and evenly through your mouth, trying to free yourself from tension with each exhalation. Within a minute the symptoms will begin to disappear. By regularly performing this exercise, a woman begins to learn to control her body, which will be useful not only during pregnancy, but also at the time of childbirth.

2. Not immediately and not all women manage to master the first technique. In order to quickly learn relaxation in a sitting position, it is useful to perform the “Cat” exercise. Get on all fours, lower your head, then slowly lift it and arch your back down, taking a deep, even breath. Try to relax your facial muscles as much as possible. Raising your head up and arching your back, maintain this position for 5-7 seconds, then begin to slowly bend your back up, lowering your head and gradually exhaling. Repeat all of the above movements several times, and then try to lie down for one or two hours. It is useful to perform this exercise several times a day. One thing has a beneficial effect on overall well-being.

3. You can relax the uterus by simply taking a position in which the uterus is suspended. To do this, you need to kneel down, rest your elbows on the floor and stand in this position for a minute. After this, you definitely need to lie down. In parallel with the exercise, you can take magnesium in combination with vitamin B6. This drug is sold in pharmacies in the form of solid capsules or dragees. Magnesium helps relieve tension in the body, helps with nervous disorders and sleep disorders. It is also a good prevention of uterine tone during pregnancy. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to take 1-2 tablets per day for 10 days, then take a break.

Pregnancy is excellent condition in the life of every woman. But it can be overshadowed by various health problems that threaten not only the expectant mother, but also the baby.

One of these problems is uterine tone, which occurs mainly on initial stages pregnancy.

Excessively active contraction of the uterine muscles can provoke either in the second and third trimester. What to do with uterine tone during pregnancy?

The tone of the uterus during pregnancy can be kept normal if you monitor your physical and mental condition.

The uterus is characterized as a hollow muscular organ made up of three layers: myometrium, perimetrium and endometrium.

Myometrium is tissue that can contract. The relaxed state of the myometrium is called normal tone (normotonus). Strong contractions of the myometrium occur during the birth process.

But in normal conditions, any tension in this muscle is abnormal. Therefore, when visiting a gynecologist, pregnant women hear about increased tone, that is, uncontrolled contractions of the uterus.

Normal uterine tone is ensured by the hormonal state of the body. Like other internal organs, the uterus has its own receptors that send impulses to the brain.

Receiving such signals, the body adjusts to correct flow pregnancy. The activity of the female body will be aimed at bearing healthy fetus.

When overexertion or anxiety occurs, the hormonal levels begin to change, which is why the uterine muscles begin to spontaneously contract and unclench. The tone of the myometrium increases and the pressure in the uterus increases. Similar condition Doctors characterize it as increased tone.

The luminaries of Western medicine claim that increased tone cannot be considered as serious illness or pathology. There is some truth in these statements, since muscle contraction occurs even during laughter.

Home physiological feature tone consists in its short-term occurrence and the absence of unpleasant sensations. If the uterus has been in good shape for a long time, we can talk about the need for treatment.

The main causes of increased uterine tone

The tone of the uterus is often caused by improper functioning of the entire body as a whole.

However, there are a number of external reasons that can provoke a dangerous condition that threatens the life of the baby and the health of the mother.

  • Development .

In such a situation, the cause of tone will be stretching of the uterus.

  • or .

The fetus puts pressure on the walls of the uterus and its contractions occur too often.

  • and strong intestinal motility.
  • Developmental defects and genital infantilism.

Malformations of the female genital organs include: agenesis and hypoplasia, uterine anomalies, the presence of intrauterine septa, bicornuate, saddle-shaped, rudimentary and double shape uterus.

Genital infantilism is the defective development of the organs of the reproductive system. An underdeveloped uterus can often contract due to the pressure exerted on it.

  • Tumor process.

This is the formation of benign or malignant neoplasms. Myoma is benign tumor, which negatively affects the uterus.

This neoplasm consists of smooth muscle cells that cover the walls of the uterus, due to which contractile activity may be impaired.

  • Endometriosis.

This is an abnormal growth of the uterine mucosa inside the muscular organ, due to which contractile activity is also impaired.

  • Bad habits.

Abuse of alcohol and drug mixtures, as well as smoking, provoke tension in the uterine muscles due to increased blood pressure.

  • Somatic diseases.

By them are meant discomfort, having no real physical basis.

The syndrome of somatic diseases becomes very painful for women during pregnancy. They may complain of pain in chest, organs digestive tract and abdominal cavity;

  • Poor working conditions during pregnancy.

Women should avoid working in chemical plants and X-ray rooms, that is, where possible negative impact radiation and chemicals

Physical overexertion, working in several shifts can provoke an increase in uterine tone;

  • Numerous abortions.

Lead to stretching and weakening of the uterine muscles;

  • Age under 18 and over 40 years old.

How to identify: symptoms and signs

At each stage of pregnancy, pathology can be determined by different signs.

The following symptoms are typical for the first trimester of pregnancy:

  • The appearance of a sensation of muscle contraction;
  • Excessive tension of the uterus, it becomes hard;
  • Minor painful sensations and abnormal, mild discharge;
  • Heaviness at the bottom.

How to determine the tone of the uterus in the second and third trimester of pregnancy:

  • , extending into the spine;

Diagnose tone on early stages pregnancy is quite simple, since the above symptoms are not typical for a normal condition.

But starting from 7-8 months, periodic contractions of the uterus are not considered something unusual.

You can distinguish increased tone from training contractions by the presence of bloody discharge and severe nagging pain. Preparatory contractions are infrequent and short-lived, unlike strong tone during pregnancy.

Some experts call increased tone hypertonicity. This is not true. Hypertonicity of the uterus appears only during childbirth. At untimely assistance often leads to .

Why is tone dangerous during pregnancy?

In the second or third trimesters, uncontrolled uterine contractions can trigger premature labor.

Very often the problem is detected in the initial stages of pregnancy, when implantation ovum difficult. Muscular contractions of the uterus can lead to its complete rejection.

This is a miscarriage that usually occurs before 23-24 weeks of pregnancy. For more later, the tone of the uterus can provoke and lead to premature birth.

In addition, tense muscles of this organ can compress the umbilical cord and prevent the baby from receiving enough oxygen. This can trigger development.

The fetus does not receive nutrients, which can cause malnutrition and developmental arrest.

Slight uterine tone recent months Pregnancies are normal training contractions, in which there is nothing dangerous. In this way, the body prepares for childbirth.

Carrying out diagnostics

If a woman expecting a child comes to see a gynecologist with suspicion of increased uterine tone, she should tell in detail about all unpleasant symptoms. Then the doctor will conduct a diagnosis using one of the following methods:

  • will reveal a total or local increase in the thickness of the muscular layer of the uterus;
  • Tonuometry uses devices with built-in sensors that accurately determine the state of the uterus;
  • Palpation is the easiest diagnostic method. A doctor palpates the abdomen of a pregnant patient.

How to relieve uterine tone at home

After diagnosing the tone of the uterus, the doctor prescribes treatment. It involves taking medications.

Home treatment is possible if the increased tone is not associated with a danger to the child’s life.

It is considered a common remedy. It replenishes the deficiency of vitamin B6 in the body, which is necessary for the normal bearing of a healthy fetus. The drug has a positive effect on the nerves of a pregnant woman.

Papaverine is prescribed in the form of rectal suppositories 3 times a day. It helps relax muscles and lower blood pressure. Gives an excellent calming effect.

Special simple exercises help relieve uterine tone.

You should get on all fours, arch your back and stay in this position for some time. Then you can slowly return to your original position and relax in a comfortable position. This exercise will help temporarily relax the uterus.

It has been proven that relaxation facial muscles leads to a decrease in tone. You can sit down, tilt your head and try to relax your face. As a result, the uterus will also release tension.

The above methods must be combined with the use of special medications. If the cause of increased tone is hormonal disorders(), it is necessary to take medications that contain it. In case of excess male hormones their antipodes are appointed.

If the problem is related to increased bowel function, you must follow special diet, prescribed by a gastroenterologist.

You can take regular sorbents like or.

Inpatient treatment

Constant uterine tone is the main indication for planned hospitalization.

Often, treatment in a hospital is significantly effective, since the specialist strictly monitors compliance bed rest patient without allowing him physical activity, stress and overexertion.

Antispasmodic, sedative and hormonal drugs are prescribed.

Previously, the doctor draws up individual plan medications for each patient. In case of acute tone, it is recommended to do intravenous injections. For good tolerability of No-shpa, Papaverine and other drugs, they are administered through a dropper with the addition of saline solution.

The advantage of being located in a hospital is the constant presence and supervision of a doctor.

The hospital will definitely monitor the patient’s pulse rate, blood pressure and blood sugar levels, and will also help reduce tone during childbirth.


If an ultrasound examination showed mild tone with rare but noticeable contractions of the uterus, the following preventive measures should be followed:

  • You shouldn’t be nervous and upset, it’s important to monitor your state of mind;
  • You should include foods high in magnesium in your diet;
  • You need to drink at least two liters of water per day;
  • You should have good, full sleep, but you should limit it a little;
  • You cannot engage in heavy physical labor;
  • It is recommended to spend more time outdoors and take short but frequent walks.

Increased tone uterus is a phenomenon that occurs among pregnant women. Constant contractions of the muscles of the uterus usually lead to negative consequences, including fetal loss.

During pregnancy, you need to take care of yourself so as not to provoke such problems and follow all doctor’s recommendations.

The main organ of the female reproductive system is the uterus. Its main components are muscle fibers, due to which it has the ability to contract and relax. Sometimes it becomes necessary to relieve the tone of the uterus, but not all representatives of the fairer sex know how to do this.

Many people know that increased contractions often occur during pregnancy. However, this condition can also develop under the influence of other provoking factors. Let's take a closer look at the causes of its occurrence, and also determine how to relieve uterine tone at home, and what its danger may lie.

If you delve into the anatomical structure, you can find out that a woman’s uterus is represented by a hollow organ that contains large number muscle tissue. It consists of three layers: on the outer part it is called the perimeter, in the middle there is the endometrium or mucous membrane, and the muscles are the myometrium.

Main anatomical parts of the uterus. Source: nazdor.ru

It's worth saying that muscle tissue may have different direction. If inside they go in a circle, then outside they have a vertical arrangement, and in the middle they have a spiral arrangement. The tension or relaxation of these fibers is regulated by the nervous system and hormones. Of course, you need to know how to remove the tone of the uterus, but you need to remember that the muscles are constantly moving, so this condition may not always be pathological.

If we consider the state of the norm, then in women who are not pregnant, the main reproductive organ should be relaxed and at rest. The attending physician will tell you what to do if the tone of the uterus is increased, but the girl is not carrying a child, since tension may be associated with gynecological diseases.



Women need to ask questions about how to reduce the tone of the uterus if it increases with endometriosis. This is developing pathological process, in most cases, after termination of pregnancy, abortion or surgery on the pelvic organs. Since the mucous membrane of the organ undergoes certain changes, the muscle fibers may be in a contracted state.

Doctors almost always tell patients what to do if uterine tone occurs due to fibroids. This disease is characterized by the formation of benign tumors in the reproductive organ. It is often diagnosed in patients who have already experienced menopause. Among accompanying symptoms paroxysmal pain is noted.

Uterine fibroids cause increased tone of the organ. Source: MedPrice.com.ua

Excessive or insufficient amounts of male hormones in female body can also lead to increased uterine tone. Treatment for hormonal imbalance should be developed by an experienced specialist, since it will require taking specific medicines, in particular progesterone or antipode.

If a woman’s muscle fibers of the reproductive organ are in constant tension, it is necessary to check the condition of the intestines; there may be problems with its peristalsis. Increased level gas formation, bloating, colic and constipation lead to strong pressure on the uterus, causing it to tone.

Many people wonder what to do, the uterus is in good shape if intestinal motility is impaired, doctors recommend changing your diet, making it correct and balanced.


Many women who have recently given birth to a child may experience increased uterine tone. A gynecologist should tell you how to treat this condition. It develops against the background of the fact that there are placenta particles in the reproductive organ. To confirm the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound screening of the pelvic organs.

Based on this, a natural question arises as to why the placenta is not completely rejected. This is due to the fact that the level of contractility of the uterus is low enough that it was not able to push out its remains. However, manual separation may also be the cause if it is very tightly attached to the placenta. What to do if the uterus is toned for these reasons will be determined by the doctor, but cleaning and subsequent ultrasound monitoring are often prescribed.


Another feature of the main reproductive organ of the female reproductive system is that it contains a large number of nerve endings. If a representative of the fairer sex is in constant stress, is stalking her nervous breakdown or overwork, the level of uterine contractility decreases.

The next important one psychological aspect due to the fact that a woman can independently provoke uterine hypertonicity on a subconscious level. Treatment in this case is selected individually, and can be based on taking sedatives, sedatives, relaxing drugs, as well as consultations with a psychologist.

Sometimes it happens that after intimacy uterine tone occurs. You can remove it by relaxation, and if this does not work, then you need to consult a doctor.


The doctor will definitely tell you how to relax the uterus with tone, especially if it arose after a history of surgical intervention. The point is that there are certain gynecological diseases, the treatment of which is directly related to surgical manipulations on the reproductive organ.

In most cases, such an intervention is indicated for patients who have polyps, develop a precancerous condition, or have been diagnosed with cervical erosion. The last step of the procedure is always suturing and inserting a cotton swab.

As a result of this, the woman will feel a pulling pain in the lower abdomen for some time, and will also appear slight highlight blood. If you are wondering what to take if you have uterine tone, your doctor will definitely recommend painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications.

If a woman is interested in whether the tone of the uterus can go away on its own, then in principle such an outcome is possible, but if this condition occurs once and for a short time. In other cases, the help of an experienced gynecologist is required.


How to get rid of the tone of the uterus is often of interest to women carrying a child, because during pregnancy the occurrence of such a condition can cause premature birth or miscarriage. Actually, a logical question arises: is it dangerous condition increased tension in the muscle fibers of the reproductive organ in other patients.

It is definitely necessary to know how to relieve uterine hypertonicity, since it can cause the following:

  • General discomfort develops associated with a constant feeling of tension, which reduces the woman’s quality of life;
  • Problems with the liver may appear, since girls take antispasmodics to relieve unpleasant conditions;
  • If the uterus is in a state of tension, certain problems may arise with the onset of pregnancy, since the embryo cannot attach to the wall of the organ;
  • There are definitely problems with intimate life, because excessive tension in muscle fibers leads to a feeling of discomfort and pain during sex.

How to relieve hypertonicity should definitely be determined by the leading gynecologist. The most appropriate technique is selected individually for each patient, based on the reasons for the development of this state, and also individual characteristics body.


Many women wonder what to do if the tone of the uterus does not go away long period time. In most cases, patients are offered topical drug therapy. However, it is important that the complex medicines determined by the attending physician.

Suppositories quickly normalize the tone of the uterus.

Literally every woman has heard or personally encountered the problem of increased uterine tone. According to statistics, 60% of pregnant women suffer from hypertension and most of them during the first trimester. But don't panic. At the first signs of muscle tension, prevention and treatment can be carried out at home.


Symptoms of increased uterine tone on different dates have distinctive features. For example:

  • first trimester. All the signs that precede menstrual cycle: pulling in the lower abdomen, feeling of pain in the lower back;
  • second trimester. Added to the nagging pain is the stomach, which is hard to the touch. It is enough to lie on your back, put your hand on the bottom and you can feel the stone uterus;
  • third trimester. may be accompanied by bloody discharge and a feeling of contractions.

Attention! If after carrying out procedures to relieve tone the pain remains, then do not ignore uterine contractions. At any stage, this can threaten the loss of the child. Be sure to contact the gynecological department.

How to relieve uterine tone at home

As practice shows, uterine hypertonicity occurs more often in women who lead active image life. Taking care of the family, work, household chores - this can contribute to tension in the walls of the uterus and its contraction. Therefore, you should not neglect the advice of doctors - start getting more rest.


At home, gymnastics will help relieve spasms to tone the uterus. Its goal is to completely relax the body, face and uterus as well.

Sit in a position that is comfortable for you, calm your breathing, close your eyes and relax as much as possible. You should feel how tension is released from the whole body through your hands, the facial muscles are calm and not tense, breathe calmly and evenly. Do this exercise every day, morning and evening if possible.

Another exercise that quickly relieves tone in the uterus is quite simple to perform. Get on your knees, bend your elbows, lower your head and try to relax. Then, as you inhale, gently raise your head, slightly arching your back, and stay in this position for a few seconds. As you exhale, slowly lower yourself to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 4 times, then lie in bed for one hour.


Aromatherapy has become quite successful in its use in calming exercises. You can buy an aroma medallion and take it with you everywhere. Choose a pleasant, soothing relaxer and enjoy its aroma to tone up. Do not neglect aromatherapy when taking warm baths with special oils. Bath for uterine tone with the addition of:

  • jasmine – relieves stress, opens a second wind, has a delicate aroma;
  • lotus - soothes, relieves fatigue, its smell is tart and sweet;
  • roses – relieves tension, helps fight stress, has a sweetish smell;
  • vanilla - gives a feeling of peace and home comfort, has sweet aroma;
  • , valerian, geranium - calming effect.

Interesting! Valerian acts as a sedative for uterine hypertonicity and relieves spasms.


To lighten the load on your uterus, provide it with support. To do this, you will need a maternity bandage or trousers with a wide elastic band instead of a belt. Supporting the abdomen relieves tension in the muscles of the uterus.

Drugs to relieve tone

Important products for tone

In complex treatment of uterine hypertonicity, doctors recommend reversing special attention for food. It is necessary to add to your menu as many products as possible that relieve tone. As a rule, they contain magnesium. Daily requirement expectant mothers in this element increases to 400 mg.

  1. Bread with bran. If you like to eat white wheat, then it is recommended to partially replace it with bran bread. You can alternate them during meals.
  2. Buckwheat and oatmeal. Take 3 tablespoons of cereal, pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. You can take it in the morning on an empty stomach with the addition of milk and sugar (honey) to taste.
  3. Beans. This product can be consumed either in a dish or separately. Daily norm should not exceed 200 g.
  4. Green vegetables. Cucumbers, asparagus, peas, broccoli and other vegetables are good for pregnant women. Prepare salads by combining various ingredients, season with any vegetable oil. Consume 100–200 g every day.
  5. Forest or almonds. It is enough to consume up to 100 g of nuts per day throughout pregnancy.

Folk remedies for relieving uterine tone

How to get rid of uterine tone quickly? When removing tone at home, you can use folk remedies– any herbal tinctures that have an antispasmodic or sedative effect. Herbs:

  • valerian tincture is the best remedy with increased uterine tone, it is completely safe and effective. You can take it both during tone and for prevention. Place 20-30 drops into a tablespoon and drink before meals;
  • tincture Take 15–20 drops in the morning and evening after meals;
  • herbal tea Mix 100 g of lemon balm, 100 g of mint, 50 g of motherwort and 50 g of valerian. Pour boiling water over the herbs and let steep for 30 minutes. After this, you can drink tea with honey added to taste.

Be sure to let yourself lie down for at least one hour after taking this tincture, as it has a relaxing and calming effect.

Attention! The tone of the uterus is felt by the child inside you. The walls of muscles compress it, and the baby begins to worry. This adds to your mom's anxiety and you start to get nervous. To calm the child, you can lightly stroke the belly and talk to him. Your voice can calm him down and give him confidence.

As you already understand, in order to relieve the tone of the uterus at home, you need to calm down as much as possible and relieve tension from the body. If you suddenly feel pain in the lower abdomen outside the home - in the park, at work, while visiting, then try to sit down and lie down if possible. Don’t worry, calm your breathing, start breathing in and out smoothly. There is nothing more important than your health and the peace of your baby!

Uterine hypertonicity is a condition accompanied by increased contractility of the myometrium. Occurs at any stage of gestation, but earlier than the established date of birth. Accompanied nagging pain in the lower abdomen, visible tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall. Increased uterine tone poses a threat to the life and health of the fetus. Against the background of hypertonicity, hypoxia occurs, and conditions are created for spontaneous miscarriage or premature birth.

Let's take a closer look at what methods exist for relieving uterine hypertonicity at different stages of pregnancy.

Non-drug treatment

Non-drug therapy is indicated for all pregnant women, regardless of the duration and causes of uterine hypertonicity. The following practices are recommended:

  • Physical rest. Semi-bed rest is recommended only for persistent hypertonicity with clear signs threats of abortion and in hospital settings. In other situations, it is enough not to overexert yourself. It is recommended to exclude sports activities that involve stress on the various groups muscles, endurance training, etc. Lifting weights (more than 3 kg) is prohibited.
  • Sexual rest. Until the tone of the uterus normalizes, it is recommended to refrain from intimate life. During orgasm, the uterus contracts, which leads to a deterioration in the woman’s condition and increases fetal hypoxia.
  • Positive attitude. Stress and worries should go away from the life of a pregnant woman. It is necessary to eliminate all factors leading to nervous tension.
  • Full sleep. It is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours at night. Daytime nap within 1-2 hours will also be beneficial.

With a slight increase in the tone of the uterus, it is enough to establish a daily routine, ensure adequate sleep and rest, and free the woman from household chores in order to avoid termination of pregnancy.

Others don't medicinal methods:

  • Yoga. Yoga classes without stress on the abdominal and pelvic muscles improve general condition women and normalize work internal organs. Training must be supervised by an instructor. Some asanas allow you to relieve myometrial tone and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.
  • Swimming. Calm swimming in a pool or open water relieves tension from the muscles of the back and pelvis, relaxes the ligaments and eliminates the tone of the uterus. It is important that the water is not too cold, otherwise the myometrium may react to temperature changes.
  • Warm shower. The tone of the uterus is relieved by jets of warm water. Contrast shower not recommended.
  • Warm bath. Water relaxes muscles, relieves fatigue and tension, and eliminates myometrial hypertonicity. It is recommended to take a bath daily for at least 15 minutes. You can add it to water essential oils for better muscle relaxation. It is important that the water is not hot and the door is slightly open. A pregnant woman should not be in a hot and stuffy bath.
  • Aromatherapy. You can use a medallion, lamp or sticks. The choice of fragrance will depend on the woman's preferences. Rose is filming nervous tension and fights stress. Lotus calms and relieves fatigue. Jasmine relieves stress and relaxes muscles. Myrrh is used to treat insomnia, but can also be used as a sedative. Sweet vanilla creates a feeling of coziness and sets the mood for positive mood. Essential oils of geranium, mint, wormwood, valerian, and chamomile will be beneficial.
  • Herbal tea. Chamomile, mint, lemon balm, valerian and motherwort have a calming effect. You can mix all the herbs in equal proportion or give preference to only one of them. Tea is brewed in a thermos or kettle with a tightly closed lid for 30 minutes. You should drink the tea slightly chilled. You can add honey to taste.

Yoga asanas that help with increased uterine tone:

  • Shavasana. On early stages the starting position is on the back, after 14 weeks – on the side. To perform the asana, you need to completely relax and let go of thoughts. It is important to relax the muscles of the face, neck, limbs, and abdomen. It is not recommended to fall asleep in Shavasana, but if this happens, there is no need to wake the woman. Restful sleep relieves uterine tone and improves blood supply to the placenta.
  • Viparita Karani. Place the roller against the wall and lie on your back. Place a second cushion or blanket under your head and neck. Place your feet on the wall. In this case, the roller should be located under the lower back or sacrum, then the pelvis will drop down. If you feel a strong heartbeat and shortness of breath in this position, you should refrain from practicing.
  • Sultha Baddha Konasana. Lie on your back. Bend your knees. Bring your feet together and move them towards your perineum. Spread your legs and lower them as low as possible to the floor. You should come out of the asana carefully with gradual straightening of your legs.

Relieve the tone of the uterus and therapeutic exercises:

Cat pose. You need to get on all fours and arch your back, while raising your head and taking a deep breath. Hold the bend for a few seconds and straighten up. Arch your back in the opposite direction and remain in this position for another 5 seconds. Repeat several times.

Position on all fours. You need to rest your elbows on the floor, leaving support on your legs. In the second half of pregnancy, you can lower your pelvis down and spread your legs slightly to create a comfortable position.

Breathing exercises:

  1. Relax the muscles of the face and upper body.
  2. Take a deep breath, as if drawing out the pain in your lower abdomen.
  3. Hold your breath for a few seconds.
  4. Exhale slowly and calmly, as if releasing pain through your throat.
  5. Repeat until the condition normalizes.

If medication methods do not help, you should consult a doctor. The sooner the cause of uterine hypertonicity is found and treatment is started, the higher the likelihood of a favorable outcome.

Drug treatment

To relieve uterine tone, antispasmodics and tocolytic drugs are used. Symptomatic remedies are also used.

Drug therapy:

  • Antispasmodics. In the early stages of pregnancy, drotaverine (in tablets) and papaverine (in rectal suppositories) are prescribed. The course of therapy is up to 10 days. Taking antispasmodics eliminates pain in the lower abdomen, relieves myometrial tone, and reduces the risk of developing hypoxia. After 16 weeks they are not prescribed due to low effectiveness.
  • Magnesium preparations (in tablets). Prescribed in combination with vitamin B6. Can be used at any stage of pregnancy. The course of therapy is 2 weeks, after which a break is taken. If necessary, treatment can be repeated. Magnesium relieves muscle tone and has a calming effect on the central nervous system.
  • Magnesium sulfate (injection). It is prescribed intravenously in a hospital setting. Allows you to quickly relieve myometrial tone. Reduces blood pressure, therefore, can be used with the simultaneous development of gestosis and the threat of termination of pregnancy. The course of therapy is 3 days. Next, the patient is transferred to taking magnesium tablets.
  • Tocolytics. Reception of Ginipral and its analogues is indicated from 16 weeks of pregnancy. The drug relieves muscle tone, relaxes the uterus and eliminates pain. In the hospital it is prescribed intravenously for 3 days. Next, taking the drug in tablets is shown.
  • Drugs that improve uteroplacental blood flow. Used intravenously for 5-10 days with further transition to tablet form. They activate blood flow to the placenta, improve fetal nutrition, and prevent the development of hypoxia. Indirectly affect the tone of the myometrium.
  • Sedatives. Herbal remedies are prescribed in tablets or drops (valerian, motherwort). The course of therapy is at least 2 weeks. The drugs have a calming effect on the nervous system and eliminate nervous tension. Helps reduce the tone of the uterus.
  • Hormonal drugs. If the cause of increased uterine tone is a lack of progesterone, drugs based on it are prescribed. Treatment is carried out in the early stages and lasts up to 16 weeks. The drug is discontinued gradually with a gradual reduction in dosage. Abrupt withdrawal of the hormone can lead to miscarriage.

Drug therapy is prescribed by a gynecologist after examining and receiving the results of the examination of the pregnant woman. Self-medication is unacceptable! Uncontrolled use of drugs threatens the development of serious complications.

In the treatment of uterine hypertonicity, it is important not only to relieve the symptoms, but also to find the cause of this condition. Depending on the detected disorders, therapy is prescribed taking into account the severity of the woman’s condition and the duration of pregnancy.

Is it necessary to remove the tone of the uterus?

The uterus is a muscular organ. Normally, it should contract and relax periodically. A slight increase in myometrial tone is observed throughout pregnancy. How longer term gestation, the more often the uterus will contract. This condition is not dangerous, but only a gynecologist can distinguish normal from pathology. If no deviations in the course of pregnancy and fetal development are identified, a slight, irregular and short-term increase in uterine tone does not require treatment.

Conditions that require medical help:

  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen, lumbar region or perineum.
  • Bloody discharge from the genital tract.
  • Increased or sharply decreased fetal activity.

If such symptoms appear against the background of increased uterine tone, a consultation with a gynecologist is indicated.

Non-drug therapy and tocolytic agents are prescribed for persistent hypertonicity, confirmed during examination or during instrumental studies(ultrasound, NGG, CTG). Decreased uterine tone prolongs pregnancy until due date and prevents the development of complications.
