What develops quilling. Quilling classes for older preschool children


Master class for preschool teachers on the topic

"Quilling as a means of developing the creativity of children of senior preschool age"

Completed by: educator MBDOU No. 25 Budantseva Anna Andreevna

Purpose: to form an idea among teachers about one of the types of arts and crafts - quilling, as a means of developing the creativity of children of senior preschool age.


Acquaint with special knowledge and practical skills in the field of working with paper;

To teach in practice how to create the simplest shapes from quilling;

Show the possibilities of quilling for the development of children's creative abilities.

Equipment: strips of quilling paper, toothpicks, cardboard, glue, scissors.

Preliminary work:

Selection of methodological literature, material on the topic;

Preparation of material for practical work.

Master class progress

1. Statement of the problem

It has been proved that preschool age is sensitive and most favorable for the development of not only figurative thinking, but also imagination, mental processes that form the basis of creative activity. Therefore, the development of children's creativity is one of the main tasks of preschool education, as noted by E.A. Flerina, T.S. Komarova, G.G. Grigoriev, etc. Quilling classes can become an effective means of developing creativity in senior preschool age in a preschool educational institution. In addition, it is also a great way to develop fine motor skills. Children really like this type of work with paper, but many teachers are afraid to use it in practice, because. poorly imagine the process itself. Today we will get acquainted with quilling as an art form and learn how to make simple crafts.

From the history of quilling

Paper filigree is an ancient paper processing technique that is still common today in many European countries and in the United States, where it was called "quilling". Quilling has a long history: the filigree processing of paper was known to the ancient Egyptians, who used papyrus as the main material, and this art was also known in the Middle East and China. In France and Italy, since the 16th century, paper filigree has been used by monks to decorate and frame sacred images, as a modest substitute for gold and silver filigree. From these countries, the art of paper filigree spread to England, initially practiced extensively in the noble houses of the Stuart period, and then establishing itself well into the Victorian period. Specialized magazines presented the quilling technique and various projects with detailed explanations: classic decor items, tea and tool boxes, teapot warmers, various boxes and baskets. There were even real quilling training courses in the most elite schools. Connoisseurs of this art include such crowned heads as George III's daughter Elizabeth, who is said to have presented her doctor with a quilling screen, Queen Mary and Empress Alexandra, who collected its samples, as well as such intellectuals as Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters. . From England, quilling migrated to North America with the colonialists, and here in the first half of the 19th century, some cabinetmakers made boxes and caskets with inserted walls, decorated using paper filigree technique, as if it were a mosaic. This unusual processing is called a mosaic. Since the end of the 19th century, the popularity of quilling has gradually waned, almost to the point of oblivion, only to be revived today in a more modern form, but with charm and sophistication that are not inferior to those of past centuries. This technique has many fans around the world. In England, in 1983, the Quilling Union of England was created, a real quilling corporation that receives letters from all continents. On her initiative, the First International Quilling Festival was organized in 1992, during which one could admire ancient products and modern creations. Two major quilling exhibitions were held: the first in 1927 in London, the other in 1988 in New York, at the Florian-Papp Gallery, where real masterpieces were put up for sale.

With paper, we have an idea of ​​fragility and fragility. But quilling refutes this statement - you can put, for example, a cup or a heavy book on a filigree voluminous stand, and not a single curl of paper lace will suffer. You can assemble a vase for sweets from paper elements and calmly use it for its intended purpose - it will not fall apart or break. In a word, quilling is an opportunity to see the unusual possibilities of plain paper.

Nowadays, paper rolling is widely known and popular as a hobby in Western Europe, especially in England and Germany. But this art became most widespread when it was adopted in the East. The richest traditions of the finest graphics and plastics, paper making and working with it gave new life to the art of paper plastics. In South Korea, there is an entire Association of Paper Plastic Lovers, which unites followers of various areas of paper art. (The story is accompanied by a slide show of illustrations.)

It should be noted that the Korean school of quilling is somewhat different from the European one. European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of details, they are laconic, resemble mosaics, decorate postcards and frames. Europe is always in a hurry, so it loves fast technicians. Oriental craftsmen create works that resemble masterpieces of jewelry art. The thinnest voluminous lace is woven from hundreds of small details. Masters of the Eastern school prefer to twist with a thin awl. A replacement for it can be made from a thick needle and cork. With children, it is most convenient to use simple toothpicks. This brings us to the question ofquilling tools. Quilling masters use a lot of tools. This:

Awl. It is advisable to purchase an awl with a diameter of about one millimeter. Usually the awl is tapered, which can be inconvenient. In this case, you can use any hardened rod of a suitable diameter. An awl (rod) is used to wind a spiral from a paper strip. In this case, it is necessary to control the paper tension, the handle of the tool should be comfortable for this purpose. You can make such a tool from a cork from a bottle and a needle with a long and wide eye.

Tweezers. The tips should be sharp, exactly aligned. For high precision work. Notches at the end are undesirable, because. can leave marks on paper. The grip force should be comfortable for your hands, providing a secure grip with the least amount of pressure.

Scissors . Like tweezers, they should have pointed ends. For the most precise cutting of fringes.

When working with children, it is enough to limit yourself to toothpicks. Glue is better to use PVA - bottles with a dispenser are convenient for children and it firmly connects the parts.

Quilling paper is now available in bookstores. It is cut into strips 3 mm wide. You can buy a pack of colored paper for printers and cut it. For children, you can cut strips slightly wider - 5-7 mm. Double-sided tinted paper for children's creativity is also suitable.

Quilling technique

At first glance, the paper rolling technique is simple. A strip of quilling paper is twisted into a tight spiral. It will be convenient to start winding by wrapping the edge of the quilling paper tape on the tip of a sharp awl. Having formed the core of the spiral, it is advisable to continue working without using a quilling tool. So you can feel with your fingertips whether the roll is uniformly formed, and adjust the forces in time. As a result, a dense spiral should form, less than a centimeter in diameter. It will be the basis for the further diversity of all forms. After that, the paper spiral dissolves to the desired size, and then the necessary quilling figure is formed from it.

The tip of the paper is caught with a drop of glue. Rolls can be given a variety of shapes by performing compressions and dents.

In total, there are 20 basic elements for quilling, but the principle remains the same: we fold, pinch - using your imagination, you can always come up with new quilling elements yourself.

2.Practical part

Today we will all try to make a bouquet together. To do this, each of you will make a few flowers and leaves. Before you on the tables are the necessary materials (strips of paper, glue, toothpicks, trays for folding ready-made elements). We will start with simple elements with which you can start working with children. Before we begin, I propose to prepare our fingers, as you will do with children. Remember any finger game and play it with us (2-3 people).

Finger gymnastics: "On the seabed"

Here jellyfish swim to visit, on watermelons.

Cancer moves its mustache - an old valiant sailor.

The fish have fun and frolic along the bottom.

And a crab walks along the bottom, guarding the fish headquarters.

Here are sea beckers straightening scallops.

Everyone was spinning, having fun and hiding somewhere.

What's happened? What's wrong?

A terrible visitor swims up.

Silence, the shark is swimming!

The mouth gaped, yawned.

She lay down on the side and fell asleep for an hour.

Now our hands are prepared for work, you can start.

Making elements "drop" and flowers from them.

Creation of collective work (see appendix 1)

3. Feedback, debriefing.

Here we have such a wonderful bouquet. I hope you enjoyed the process of making it too.

So, our master class is coming to an end. Please tell us your comments, wishes.

Opinion exchange-

In conclusion, I suggest you do the following task. Now that you have received an initial idea of ​​​​what quilling is, try to formulate a thesis for everyone - what is the benefit of quilling with children?

Five minutes work independently, then we exchange opinions and formulate general provisions:

The benefits of quilling with children:

1. Develops fine motor skills, tactile sensations.

2. Promotes the development of aesthetic taste, imagination.

3. Promotes the development of perseverance, patience, brings up accuracy.

4. Promotes the expansion of horizons, helps in the study of colors, shapes.

5.promotes the development of figurative and spatial thinking.

6. Teaches you to follow verbal instructions.

7. Stimulates the development of memory.

This concludes our master class. Thank you for your cooperation.


1. Davydova G.N. Paper plastics. Floral motifs.-M: Scriptorium 2003 Publishing House, 2007.

2. Komarova T. S. Classes in visual activity in kindergarten. -Moscow. Enlightenment, 1991.

3. Tikhomirova L.F. Development of cognitive abilities of children [Text]: a guide for parents and teachers / L.F. Tikhomirova. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria, 2003. - 40 p.

Internet resources


2. .http://stranamasterov.ru/

explanatory a note .
« origins creative abilities And talents children on tips fingers. From fingers figuratively speaking, go the thinnest streamlets, which nourish source creative thoughts. Others words: how more skill V children's palm, topics cleverer child».
Sukhomlinsky IN. A.
One of the main tasks of teaching and educating children in applied arts classes is to enrich the world perception of the pupil, i.e., the development of the child’s creative culture, the development of a creative non-standard approach to the implementation of the task, the education of diligence, interest in practical activities, the joy of creation and discovery of something new for oneself.
This program has an artistic and aesthetic orientation, which is an important direction in the development and education. Being the most accessible for children, applied art has the necessary emotionality, attractiveness, and efficiency. The program involves the development of children's artistic taste and creativity.
At present, the art of working with paper in children's creativity has not lost its relevance. Paper remains a creative tool available to everyone.
Paper is the first material from which children begin to craft, create, create unique products. She is known to all early childhood. The steady interest of children in creativity from paper is also due to the fact that this material gives great scope for creativity. A paper sheet helps a child feel like an artist, designer, constructor, and most importantly, an infinitely creative person. Undergoing tremendous changes since ancient times, paper in modern society is represented by a great variety. Colored and white, velvet and glossy, papyrus and twine - it is available at all levels of society. With the help of paper, you can decorate a Christmas tree, fold a puzzle, make a funny toy or a gift box, and much, much more that interests the child.
As already noted, the paper falls into the hands of the child in his earliest childhood, and the ion independently creates images of his inner world from it. The usual material - paper - is acquiring a new modern direction, they can be worked in different techniques.
Children with creative abilities are very inquisitive and active. Such children can independently make decisions that depend only on themselves. Children are able to create something different, original, each with its own view of beauty. In the child's creativity, such mental qualities develop as: modeling, imagination, observation, the ability to analyze and compare, creative thinking, etc. d.
If we talk about preschoolers, then the development of fine motor skills of their hands contributes to further successful learning at school. One of the ways to develop fine motor skills of the fingers is paper construction. Designing from paper refers to artistic and aesthetic development. There are many techniques for working with paper: folding, folding, cutting, creasing, etc. Designing from paper using different techniques is a complex activity for preschoolers; for this, children must have well-developed spatial representations.
Quilling originated in the 14th century, now it is experiencing another birth. Many are attracted by the fact that such beauty can be created with your own hands from paper strips.
The word quilling came from Russian and English: quilling comes from the word quill, which means “feather birds”.
Alternative names for this type of needlework are also words such as “paper twisting” and “paper filigree”.
The history of the emergence of this type of needlework is very interesting and goes back deep into the past.
For the first time he spoke of it in the 14th and early 15th centuries in Europe, and the first creators of jewelry in this technique were monks.
It was they who made very beautiful medallions, twisting gilded paper with the tip of bird feathers. This is where the name quilling came from.
Paper in medieval times was expensive, so only well-to-do people could be allowed to make crafts and decorations from it, mostly only ladies from high society were engaged in quilling.
All the more so that paper is not durable and is considered an impractical material for making something.
In the new 19th century, paper twisting resumes again, this type of needlework becomes popular again, and many ladies rush to create something special, bizarre and intricate.
At the beginning of the 20th century, villing again loses its popularity, but by the end of the century there is a boom.
Quilling not only gained former fame, but multiplied it many times over. Aquilling masters all over the world create the thinnest voluminous paper lace, which can be the basis for both practical things and spiritual pleasure.

quilling For beginners
The technique of quilling can create a huge number of things. Sometimes the imagination is not even subject to all the ideas that are easily implemented in practice.
Crafts in the technique of quilling are very unusual, a huge number of curls, spirals, tight windings of thin paper are streaked and intertwined in a water work of art.
The color palette is very rich, so water work can have smooth overflows of shades of water color and bright combinations of saturated colors.
For more variety, quilling masters use not only ordinary strips of paper, but also framed paper - millimeter vertical cuts on one side of the strip.
To perform work in the technique of quilling, special devices and expensive materials are not required. Most often, for any work in this technique, strips of colored paper with PVA glue will suffice, as the basis to which the product is glued, you can use cardboard, cardboard sheathed with fabric.
Children easily master these arts, and open the way to creativity, develop their own imagination and artistic abilities.
The program is built “from simple to complex”. Various techniques for making products from paper and cardboard using a wide variety of techniques (paper twisting, designing, mosaic, appliqué) are considered.
“Magic quilling” is the name of the course. It offers the development of the child in various directions: design thinking, artistic and aesthetic taste, figurative and spatial thinking. All this is necessary for a modern person to realize himself as a harmoniously developed personality. By creating his own world out of paper, the child is preparing to become the creator of a good world. In this we, educators, see the main need today.

presenterideagivenprograms- creation of a comfortable environment for communication, development of abilities, creative potential of each child and his self-realization.
Targetprograms- comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development of children in the process of mastering the elementary techniques of the quilling technique, as an artistic method of designing from paper.
Introduce children to the basic concepts and basic forms of quilling.
Teach different paperwork techniques.
Develop the ability to follow oral instructions.
Introduce children to basic geometric concepts: circle, square, triangle, angle, side, vertex, etc. e. Enrich the child's vocabulary with specialized terms.
Create compositions with products made using the quilling technique.
Develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination.
Develop fine motor skills of the hand eye.
Develop artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children.
To develop the ability of children to work with their hands, to teach precise movements of the fingers, to improve fine motor skills of the hands, to develop an eye.
Develop spatial awareness.
Raise interest in the art of quilling.
Build a culture of work and improve work skills.
Contribute to the creation of game situations, expand the communication skills of children.
To improve labor skills, to form a culture of work, to teach accuracy, the ability to carefully and economically use material, to keep the workplace in order.
Principles, lyingVbasisprograms:
accessibility (simplicity, compliance with age-related individual characteristics);
visibility (illustrativeness, the presence of didactic materials). “The more organs of our senses take part in the perception of any impression or group of impressions, the more firmly these impressions fit into our mechanical, nervous memory, they are more likely to be stored by it and easier, then they are remembered” (K. D. Ushinsky);
democracy and humanism (interaction between a teacher and a student in society, the realization of one's own creative needs);
scientific character (validity, the presence of a methodological basis of a theoretical basis).
“from simple to complex” (having learned elementary work skills, the child applies his knowledge in performing complex creative work).
The topics of the classes are built taking into account the interests of the pupils, the possibility of their self-expression. The rate of development of special skills and abilities, the level of independence, the ability to work in a team are taken into account in the assimilation of the content of the program by children. The program allows you to individualize complex work: stronger children will be interested in a complex design, less prepared, you can offer easier work. At the same time, the educational and developing meaning of the work is preserved. This makes it possible to warn the child against fear of difficulties, to attach without fear to create and create.
In the process of working on the Magic Quilling program, children constantly combine and combine all the components of a paper image into a single whole: material, visual and color solutions, manufacturing technology, purpose, etc.

The program was created on the basis of the author's program of the circle "Magic Quilling" E.R. Kireeva. During the development, the author's programs of a similar nature T.V. Kutsak "Quilling", O. I. Dasevich "Magic quilling", V.N. Ryabtseva "Paper Symphony", V.A. Osipova "Magic quilling" T.A., Nesmeyanova "Lacy secrets of quilling" .. It should be noted that the topics of the classes are built in accordance with the calendar and thematic planning of the general educational program of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2", Bolkhov.

The complex of classes is built according to the principle “from simple to complex”, taking into account the age, individual characteristics of children.

“Magic quilling” is the name of the course. It offers the development of the child in a variety of directions: design thinking, artistic and aesthetic taste, figurative and spatial thinking. All this is necessary for a modern person to realize himself as a harmoniously developed personality. By creating his own world out of paper, the child is preparing to become the creator of a good world. In this we, teachers, see the main need of today.

Leading idea this program - creation of a comfortable environment for communication, development of abilities, creative potential of each child and his self-realization.

Purpose of the program comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development of children in the process of mastering the elementary techniques of quilling technique, as an artistic method of designing from paper.

Program objectives:


Introduce children to the basic concepts and basic forms of quilling.

    Learn different paper handling techniques.

    Develop the ability to follow verbal instructions.

    Introduce children to basic geometric concepts: circle, square, triangle, angle, side, vertex, etc. Enrich the child's vocabulary with special terms.

    Create compositions with products made using the quilling technique.


      Develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination.

      Develop fine motor skills of hands and eye.

      Develop artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children.

      To develop in children the ability to work with their hands, to accustom them to precise finger movements, to improve fine motor skills of the hands, to develop an eye.

      Develop spatial imagination.


    Raise interest in the art of quilling.

    Build a culture of work and improve work skills.

    Contribute to the creation of game situations, expand the communication skills of children.

    To improve labor skills, to form a culture of work, to teach accuracy, the ability to carefully and economically use material, to keep the workplace in order.

The principles underlying the program:

    accessibility (simplicity, compliance with age and individual characteristics);

    visibility (illustrative, availability of didactic materials). “The more organs of our senses take part in the perception of any impression or group of impressions, the more firmly these impressions fall into our mechanical, nervous memory, they are more faithfully stored by it and easier, then they are remembered” (K.D. Ushinsky);

The topics of the classes are built taking into account the interests of the pupils, the possibility of their self-expression. In the course of mastering the content of the program by children, the rate of development of special skills and abilities, the level of independence, and the ability to work in a team are taken into account. The program allows you to individualize complex work: stronger children will be interested in a complex design, less prepared, you can offer easier work. At the same time, the educational and developing meaning of the work is preserved. This makes it possible to warn the child against the fear of difficulties, to join without fear to create and create.

In the process of working on the Magic Quilling program, children constantly combine and combine into one whole all the components of a paper image: material, visual and color scheme, manufacturing technology, purpose, etc.

Methods based on the way the lesson is organized:

Verbal (conversation, story);

Visual (showing finished works, observing the process of winding paper tapes on a tool and giving them the desired shape, working on a model, etc.)

Practical (performing work on instruction cards, diagrams, etc.)

Forms of organization of work with children

- individual (each child must make his own craft);

- frontal (when performing collective work, each subgroup performs a specific task);

- collective (in the process of preparing and performing a collective composition, children work together without sharing responsibilities)

Features of conducting classes

1. Classes are held with children 5-6 years old. (Children of the senior and preparatory groups.)

2. The subject of classes is designed for 1-2 lessons.

3. In the classroom, it is necessary to alternate the time of work with a short rest (physical education).

4. Use the method of synchronous work (the teacher shows step by step how to perform this or that detail, gives the necessary advice).

5. Tasks are given to children from simple to complex. In the first lessons, children learn to twist by performing plane objects (flowers, animals).

6. In the classroom, it is necessary to use the word of art, music, which contributes to the figurative perception of the topic, has an emotional and aesthetic impact.

Technical equipment for classes.

For classes in the circle you must have:

Equipment and tools :

colored paper;

Corrugated cardboard;

Cardboard white and color;


Paper strips 5-7 mm wide;


Simple pencils;


Brushes for glue;



Quilling tool.

Organizational and methodological support of the program
(age of children, terms of implementation, mode of employment)

The Magic Quilling program is designed for 2 years. The duration of the lesson is:

In the senior group - 25 min.

In preparatory - 30 min.

Year of study

Number of lessons

Number of children in the group

whole group

Expected results

As a result of this program students:

- learn different ways of working with paper;

– will know the basic geometric concepts and basic forms of quilling;

– will create compositions with products made using the quilling technique;

- develop attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination; fine motor skills of hands and eye; artistic taste, creativity and imagination.

- learn the art of paper rolling;

- master the skills of work culture;

– improve their communication skills and acquire teamwork skills.

Methods for verifying results :

    Exhibitions of children's work in kindergarten.

    participation in online competitions of creative skills,

    awarding the best diplomas,

The development of the creative abilities of preschoolers is given particular importance in the context of the standardization of preschool education. One of the effective means of developing the individuality of the child, his creative potential, imagination, thinking is a productive artistic and creative activity.



"The development of creative abilities of preschool children through the quilling technique."

3.1. Relevance, goals and objectives of work experience.

"The origins of children's abilities and talents are at their fingertips. Figuratively speaking, the thinnest threads come from the fingers - streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child."

V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

The development of children's creativity is an urgent problem of modern pedagogy and psychology, and sets the main goal for the education system - educating the younger generation of a creative approach to transforming the world around them, activity and independence of thinking, contributing to the achievement of positive changes in society. Many teachers and psychologists, both domestic and foreign (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, J. Piaget, S.L. Rubinshtein, D.B. Elkonin, N.A. Vetlugina, N.P. Sakulina, E.A. Flerina), emphasize the great importance of artistic creativity in a comprehensive, especially in the aesthetic development of the child's personality.

The development of the creative abilities of preschoolers is given particular importance in the context of the standardization of preschool education. One of the effective means of developing the child's individuality, his creative potential, imagination, thinking is a productive artistic and creative activity that contributes to:

  • developing the ability to think outside the box;
  • readiness for creative activity;
  • the ability to create creative products of their own activities;
  • formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world.

Target: to determine the content, methods and forms of development of creative abilities and the formation of constructive paper skills in preschool children through the quilling technique.


  • to analyze the approaches available in the pedagogical and psychological literature to the development of creative abilities in preschoolers, the formation of constructive skills in working with paper through the quilling technique;
  • to determine the methods and techniques of work that increase the effectiveness of the development of the creative abilities of preschoolers;
  • to develop a system of work on the development of creative abilities, using the quilling technique;
  • to introduce children to the basic concepts and basic forms of quilling, to teach children the techniques and methods of performing paper work;
  • increase the level of development of fine motor skills; processes of thinking, attention, memory, imagination; aesthetic feelings and artistic and creative abilities;
  • to cultivate such personality traits as perseverance, will, ability to plan one's activities, accuracy in work;
  • involve parents of pupils in joint creative activities.

Expected Result

  • learn different ways to work with paper;
  • will know the basic geometric concepts and basic forms of quilling;
  • learn to follow oral instructions, read and draw product diagrams; create quilling products using instruction cards and diagrams;
  • will create compositions with products made using the quilling technique;
  • develop attention, memory, thinking, spatial imagination; fine motor skills of hands and eye; artistic taste, creativity and imagination.
  • master the skills of work culture;
  • improve their communication skills and acquire teamwork skills.
  • partnerships with parents will be established through motivation for joint artistic and aesthetic activities.

The experience is based on general didactic principles that determine the main provisions, content, organizational forms and methods of the upbringing and educational process of developing children's singing skills and musical abilities.

  1. Scientific principleinvolves the reinforcement of all activities with scientifically based and practically adapted methods.
  2. The principle of activity and consciousness- we define success in work through ensuring a high degree of initiative and creativity of all subjects of the educational process.
  3. The principle of systematic and consistent.The principle involves systematic work to develop the creative abilities of preschoolers, the gradual complication of the content and methods of working with children at different stages of pedagogical activity, the end-to-end connection of the proposed content, forms, means and methods of work.
  4. The principle of accessibility and individualization.I work on the development of the creative abilities of children in the ranks, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children.
  5. The principle of complexity, integrity of pedagogical processes.I carry out the development of constructive skills and creative abilities in the complex of all their components.
  6. The principle of developmental education.I use developmental teaching methods in my work with preschoolers, I try to create conditions for the development of a creative personality who can resolve non-standard situations.
  7. The principle of democracy and humanism.The interaction of the teacher and the child in society, the realization of their own creative needs.
  8. The principle of "From simple to complex".Having learned elementary work skills, the child applies his knowledge in the performance of creative work.
  9. The principle of art.The selection of material is carried out from the standpoint of its artistic and aesthetic value.
  10. The principle of engagement.It is based on emotional perception and is the most important condition for achieving the unity of educational, cognitive and aesthetic tasks.
  11. The principle of visibility.In order to convey information to children in an interesting and accessible way, it is necessary to produce a number of manuals, observing the requirements for the culture of display and for the design of visibility.

3.2. Stages of implementation of work experience.

Stages of work on a methodological topic

Measures to implement work experience

Implementation period

I. Preparatory

Target - to analyze the scientific and methodological literature

1. Acquaintance with the theoretical foundations of quilling technology;

2. Diagnosis of preschool children in order to identify

the level of development of creative abilities and constructive skills.

  1. Drawing up a long-term plan to create conditions for teaching children the quilling technique.


II. Practical

The goal is to introduce technology-guided quilling into the practice of the preschool educational institution, making adjustments.

  1. Development of an educational and methodical set, including; calendar - thematic planning for II junior, middle and senior preparatory groups;
  2. Drawing up a long-term plan to familiarize children with the artistic features and design capabilities of paper;
  3. Creation of an electronic file of methodological aids on this topic.
  4. Development of a system of work, a long-term plan, abstracts of classes;
  5. Compilation of cards of games and exercises.





average age




  1. Analytical-generalizing

The goal is to summarize the experience.

  1. Diagnostics of the development of children's creative abilities.

2. Survey of parents and teachers, analysis of proposals.

3. Transmission of work experience:

  • open events;
  • speeches at methodological events of various levels;
  • presentation of visual material.

2013 - 2014

  1. The system of implementing the technology of killing in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

Paper rolling (also quillin g English quilling - from the word quill (bird feather)) - the art of making flat or three-dimensional compositions from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals.Quilling for kids -a great opportunity to develop creativity, perseverance and motor skills.

Quilling technologyis simple: narrow strips of paper are wound onto any thin rod, then removed in the form of rolls - paper spirals, then the roll is unwound to a certain size, the end of the paper strip is fixed with glue. The resulting spiral can be given the desired shape (for example, "drops" or "triangles"). All the resulting elements are glued to the base or glued together, creating a certain composition.

In my work with children, I use only a part of the basic elements of quilling (tight and free spiral, “drop”, “eye”, “arrow”, “square”, as well as open forms: “heart”, “horns”, “curl ").Children's quillingdoes not provide for the creation of complex, intricate shapes and elements from paper rolled into rolls.

This technique has a number of advantages over other areas of decorative and applied art:

  • relatively cheap and affordable materials (colored office paper and PVA glue);
  • easily manufactured devices for making elements in the quilling technique (based on a toothpick or a plastic tube);
  • easy-to-learn techniques for working in this technique, developing fine motor skills;
  • a great opportunity for self-expression and manifestation of creative abilities;
  • quilling products are highly artistic and harmoniously combined in a modern interior.

Being engaged in the development of artistic creativity and the development of abilities in children, I believe that various types of productive activities, in particular, quilling, affect the development of abilities for creative activity.

Forming industriousness in children, I teach them to set a goal, find ways to achieve it, get a result corresponding to the goal. At the same time, I take into account the peculiarities of the work activity of preschoolers, the desire of the child to do something on their own, I develop such personality traits as activity, independence, purposefulness, and initiative. In the process of work, I direct the attention of children to a logical sequence of actions that leads to the best result.

In the process of performing collective work, I carry out the moral and aesthetic education of children, develop the following skills:

  • agree on joint work, its content;
  • work together, yield to each other, help, suggest;
  • plan your work, determine its sequence, content, composition, additions;
  • rejoice in the success of one's own and comrades in the creation of work.

All teamwork has a purpose. I lead the children to create a picture together, decorate a group, make panels for leisure, decorations for games, a screen book, illustrate fairy tales, poems, which will be the end result of creative work.

While doing the work, I teach children to communicate with each other and with adults. Therefore, my goal is to help the child gain personal freedom and teach them to master the language of art as a means of sensual and spiritual orientation in the surrounding world of nature and human culture.

In my work with children, I use effective methods and techniques:

  • verbal (oral presentation, conversation, story, lecture, etc.)
  • visual (showing multimedia materials, illustrations, observation, showing (performing) by a teacher, working on a model, etc.)
  • practical (performing work on instruction cards, diagrams, etc.)

Methods based on the level of activity of children:

  • explanatory and illustrative - children perceive and assimilate ready-made information
  • reproductive - students reproduce the acquired knowledge and mastered methods of activity
  • partial search - participation of children in a collective search, solving the problem together with the teacher
  • research - independent creative work of students

Methods based on the form of organization of students' activities in the classroom:

  • frontal - simultaneous work with all students
  • individual-frontal - alternation of individual and frontal
  • work forms.
  • group - organization of work in groups.
  • individual - individual performance of tasks, problem solving.
  • and others.

I also use common ways stimulation of creative activity:

  • providing a favorable atmosphere. Goodwill, for its part, the refusal to express assessments and criticism of the child contribute to the free manifestation of multidimensional thinking;
  • enrichment of the child's environment with a wide variety of new objects and stimuli for him in order to develop his curiosity;
  • encouragement, expression of original ideas;
  • providing opportunities for exercise and practice;
  • using a personal example of a creative approach to solving problems;

I have developed stages activities with children of younger and older preschool age, in the process of learning quilling technology:

1 year of study (younger age)

  1. Familiarize children with the qualities and properties of paper.
  2. Didactic games using geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle), reminiscent of the basic elements of quilling.
  3. Games and exercises for the development of creative imagination in younger preschoolers.

2nd year of study (middle age)

  1. Introduction to the history of quilling.
  2. Acquaintance with a new paper processing technique - paper rolling (the basic element of quilling is “spiral”, “drop”, “eye”); compiling simple compositions.
  3. Didactic games.
  4. Finger games that promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

3rd year of study (senior age)

  1. Continuation of acquaintance with the basic elements of quilling ("eye", "rhombus", "month", "arrow", "heart", "horns", "curl", composing compositions.
  2. Work of children according to ready-made cards schemes.
  3. Independent production of schemes by children.
  4. Didactic games.
  5. Finger games that promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands.
  6. Games and exercises for the development of creative imagination.

Thus, the combination of play, labor and learning into a single whole made it possible to provide a single solution to cognitive, practical and gaming tasks (with the leading importance of the latter).

  1. Creation of conditions for the development of creative abilities through the quilling technique in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

To implement the tasks and use the quilling technique,methodical literature:

Rationale for application

Paper crafts in kindergarten. Quilling. Amazing things - with your own hands"

I. V. Novikova

Year of publication: 2012

This book offers a series of activities that can be used in kindergarten and elementary school to teach children how to quill.
The book is addressed to teachers of preschool institutions, teachers of additional education, as well as parents..

"Quilling. 70 models and compositions from corrugated cardboard, paper tape, paper cord»

I. Bogatova

Year of publication: 2012

Working with corrugated cardboard, paper tape and paper cord is very entertaining, interesting and accessible at the same time, and finished products and compositions will decorate your home, become worthy gifts for friends and never cease to amaze with their uniqueness. This is a simple and very beautiful type of needlework that does not require large expenditures. The book brought to your attention is intended for everyone who likes to make things with their own hands, for parents interested in the versatile development of their children, for teachers of preschool institutions.

"Paper filigree" A.I. Bystritskaya. 2nd ed. - M .: Iris-press, 2008

The book tells about the most ancient art - quilling (paper filigree). By twisting them into a spiral and giving the desired shape, you can make elegant paintings, elegant greeting cards, original wall panels and even three-dimensional compositions. The author describes in detail all the techniques of this original art, which requires only paper, knitting needles and glue. The book contains color photographs of finished products.
Addressed to children of preschool and school age, their parents, school teachers, leaders of art circles.

"Corrugated cardboard"

E.A. Stupak

Year of publication: 2012

The models presented in the book are made from strips of corrugated cardboard by twisting. You can make funny animal figurines, original fridge magnets, boxes and coasters, Christmas decorations - all these are wonderful gifts for friends and family for any holiday. The publication is addressed to parents, school teachers, leaders of art circles for classes with children 6-10 years old.

Internet resources

http://paper-studio.ru/gallery1.htm - gallery of works in paper rolling technique of the paper art studio
http://stranamasterov.ru/taxonomy/term/587 - section "quilling" on the site "Country of Masters"
http://www.flickr.com/groups/quillingcardsandcrafts/pool/ - gallery of works in paper rolling technique.

Also developededucational kit, including:

  • calendar - thematic planning for II junior, middle and senior preparatory groups;
  • a promising plan for introducing children to the artistic features and design capabilities of paper;
  • thematic plan of games and exercises for the development of children's creative abilities;
  • thematic plan of games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills of children;
  • thematic plan of work with parents;
  • an electronic file of methodological aids on this topic.

In order to improve the quality of work, replenishedsubject-developing environment:

  • made a set of visual - didactic and demonstration material;
  • albums depicting crafts made using the quilling technique;
  • cards depicting the basic elements of quilling;
  • cards-diagrams for doing crafts.

For the effectiveness of educational work on this topic, she created:

  • a card file of tasks and games that contribute to the development of fine motor skills of hands;
  • card index with games and exercises of finger gymnastics;
  • card file with games and exercises that develop creative imagination;
  • a card file of games aimed at developing constructive-spatial thinking.

Thus, the conditions created in the preschool educational institution make it possible to ensure the development of the creative abilities of children through Quilling.

3.5. Interaction with the parents of pupils.

Involved parents in joint creative activities in order to improve their pedagogical competence in the field of artistic and aesthetic development of children. Developed consultations for parents: "Quilling - paper filigree"; "Development of fine motor skills of hands in the process of quilling"; “Quilling is not so difficult: we work with children at home”; memo for parents "Quilling - as a means of developing children."

Together with their parents, they purchased the necessary material and equipment for quilling. A workshop was held, and a master class for parents and teachers of the kindergarten "Magic quilling", "Quilling with children"

The children's work decorated the halls of a preschool institution, group rooms, decorated festive costumes, made greeting cards for employees of preschool educational institutions and parents; the exhibition "Our Flower Garden" was arranged, the works took part in the exhibition of the House of Crafts dedicated to Mother's Day, in the Intermunicipal Internet Competition of Creative Works "Flowers for Beauty", the children made greeting cards for their parents and employees of the preschool institution.

MDOU "DSOV No. 101"

"Quilling as a means of developing the creative abilities of preschool children"

Compiled by:


Denisyuk O.P.

Bratsk, 2011

In the draft Federal Component of the State Educational Standard for General Education, one of the goals related to the modernization of the content of general education is the humanistic orientation of education. It determines the personality-oriented model of interaction, the development of the personality of the child, his creative potential. The process of profound changes taking place in modern education puts forward as a priority the problem of developing creativity, thinking, which contributes to the formation of a diversified personality, distinguished by originality and originality.

What is meant by creativity?

The pedagogical encyclopedia defines as the ability to create an original product, products, in the process of working on which the acquired knowledge, skills, skills are independently applied, manifested at least in a minimal deviation from the model, individuality, art.

Thus, creation- creation on the basis of what is, what has not yet been. These are the individual psychological characteristics of the child, which do not depend on mental abilities and are manifested in children's fantasy, imagination, a special vision of the world, their point of view on the surrounding reality. At the same time, the level of creativity is considered to be the higher, the greater the originality of the creative result.

One of the main tasks of teaching and educating children in the classroom, applied art is the enrichment of the pupil's worldview, i.e. development of the child's creative culture (development of a creative non-standard approach to the implementation of the task, education of diligence, interest in practical activities, the joy of creation and discovering something new for oneself).

At present, the art of working with paper in children's creativity has not lost its relevance. Paper remains a creative tool that is available to everyone.

Paper filigree is an ancient paper processing technique that is still widespread today, called “quilling”. "Quilling" opens the way for children to creativity, develops their imagination and artistic abilities.

Quilling (translated from English means - PAPER ROLLING) – the art of twisting long and narrow strips of paper into spirals, modifying their shape and composing three-dimensional or planar compositions from the resulting parts.

Nowadays, paper rolling is widely known and popular as a hobby in Western Europe, especially in England and Germany. But this art became most widespread when it "moved" to the East.

In the 15th century it was considered art. At 19 - ladies' entertainment. For most of the 20th century, it was forgotten. And, only at the end of the last century, quilling began to turn into art again.

In England, Princess Elizabeth was seriously interested in the art of quilling, and many of her creations are kept in a museum in London. With paper, we have an idea of ​​fragility and fragility. But quilling refutes this statement - you can put, for example, a cup or a heavy book on a filigree voluminous stand, and not a single curl of paper lace will suffer. You can assemble a vase for sweets from paper elements and calmly use it for its intended purpose - it will not fall apart or break. In general, quilling is an opportunity to see the unusual possibilities of ordinary paper.

Paper is the first material from which children begin to make, create, create unique products. She is known to everyone from early childhood. The steady interest of children in creativity from paper is also due to the fact that this material gives great scope for creativity. A paper sheet helps a child feel like an artist, designer, constructor, and most importantly, an infinitely creative person. Undergoing tremendous changes since ancient times, paper in modern society is represented by a great variety. Colored and white, velvet and glossy, papyrus and twine - it is available to all strata of society. With the help of paper, you can decorate a Christmas tree, fold a puzzle, make a funny toy or a gift box, and much, much more that interests a child.

Paper falls into the hands of a child from early childhood, and he independently creates images of his inner world from it. The usual material - paper - is acquiring a new modern direction, it can be used in different techniques.

Quilling tool is also different. In Europe, a plastic or metal stick with a split end is used to twist the strips. Some people make such a tool themselves, for example, from a ballpoint pen, at the end of which a slot is made. I didn't really like this idea, because when twisting, it turns out a part with a large and uneven hole in the center. However, this tool is suitable for children.

Paper. The paper must be colored on both sides. Suitable colored paper for printers "Rainbow". Ready-made cut strips of paper can be bought at specialty stores. If this is not possible, then you can cut the strips yourself. The width of the strips for quilling is usually 3-7 mm.

In the process of working in the “quilling” technique, children constantly combine and combine all the components of a paper image into one whole: material, visual and color scheme, manufacturing technology, purpose, etc.

Target- comprehensive intellectual and aesthetic development of children in the process of mastering the elementary techniques of quilling technique, as an artistic method of designing from paper.



Introduce children to the basic concepts and basic forms of quilling.

Learn different paper handling techniques.

Develop the ability to follow verbal instructions.

Introduce children to basic geometric concepts: circle, square, triangle, angle, side, vertex, etc.

Enrich the child's vocabulary with special terms.

Create compositions with products made using the quilling technique.


Develop attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination.

Develop fine motor skills of hands and eye.

Develop artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children.

To develop in children the ability to work with their hands, to accustom them to precise finger movements, to improve fine motor skills of the hands, to develop an eye.

Develop spatial imagination.


Raise interest in the art of quilling.

Build a culture of work and improve work skills.

Contribute to the creation of game situations, expand the communication skills of children.

To improve labor skills, to form a culture of work, to teach accuracy, the ability to carefully and economically use material, to keep the workplace in order.


1. A. Bystritskaya. “Paper filigree”.-”Enlightenment”, Moscow 1982.

2. R. Gibson. Crafts. Papier mache. Paper flowers.- "Rosmen", Moscow 1996.

3. Helen Walter. "Patterns from paper tapes" - "University", Moscow 2000.

4. D. Ciotti. “Original paper crafts.” - Polygon St. Petersburg 1998.

5. http://stranamasterov.ru/technics

Consultation for parents "Quilling technique with the hands of a child"

Quilling is a way of creating great compositions by twisting long thin strips of colored paper. Graceful flowers, butterflies, bees, three-dimensional compositions, paintings, decorations for photo frames and boxes, natural compositions, portraits, etc. - all this can be done in an unusual technique - quilling.

What does quilling develop

At present, the art of working with paper in children's creativity has not lost its relevance. Paper remains a creative tool that is available to everyone.

Paper filigree is an ancient paper processing technique

widespread in our time, called "quilling". "Quilling" opens the way for preschoolers to creativity, develops their imagination, artistic abilities, forms speech activity, helps to cope with speech problems.

Quilling (translated from English means - PAPER TWISTING) - the art of twisting long and narrow strips of paper into spirals, modifying their shape and composing volumetric or planar compositions from the resulting parts.

With paper, we have an idea of ​​fragility and fragility. But quilling refutes this statement - you can put, for example, a cup or a heavy book on a filigree voluminous stand, and not a single curl of paper lace will suffer. You can assemble a vase for sweets from paper elements and calmly use it for its intended purpose - it will not fall apart or break.

Therefore, quilling is an opportunity to see the unusual possibilities of ordinary multi-colored paper paper.

It is known that paper is the first material from which children begin to make, create, create unique products. She is known to everyone from early childhood. The steady interest of children in creativity from paper is also due to the fact that this material gives great scope for creativity. A paper sheet helps a child feel like an artist, designer, constructor, and most importantly, an infinitely creative person.

Paper falls into the hands of a child from early childhood, and he independently creates images of his inner world from it. The usual material - paper - is acquiring a new modern direction, it can be used in different techniques.

Paper. The paper must be colored on both sides. Suitable colored paper for printers "Rainbow". Ready-made cut strips of paper can be bought at specialty stores. If this is not possible, then you can cut the strips yourself. The width of the strips for quilling is usually 3-7 mm.

In the process of working in the “quilling” technique, children constantly combine and combine all the components of a paper image into one whole: material, visual and color scheme, manufacturing technology, purpose, etc.

Quilling helps to master:

Various ways to work with paper.

Introduces children to basic geometric concepts: circle, square, triangle, angle, side, vertex, etc.

Enriches the child's vocabulary with special terms.

Quilling develops:

Attention, memory, logical and spatial imagination.

Fine motor skills of fingers and eye.

Artistic taste, creativity and imagination of children.

The ability to work with hands, to accustom to precise finger movements, to improve fine motor skills of hands, to develop an eye.

Spatial imagination.

Quilling brings up:

*Interest in the art of quilling.

*Culture of work; improves work skills.

* The ability to play in a team, expands the communication skills of children.

* Accuracy, the ability to carefully and economically use the material, to keep the workplace in order.

What we need:

Quilling paper

On sale you can find special paper for quilling. It is sold both in whole sheets and ready-made strips. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase such paper, you can use the usual two-sided. The main thing is that this paper should be dyed inside.

As a basis for crafts (paintings, postcards), you should use ordinary white or colored cardboard that does not have a smooth (glossy surface), or, on a cardboard base, glue a substrate made of rough material, such as a wallpaper sheet. Thus, the adhesion of cardboard and the product will be the most durable and durable .

Quilling tools

The main activity in quilling is the twisting of paper strips. You can wind them on toothpicks, knitting needles, a ballpoint pen. It is most convenient to work with a special quilling tool.


Most often, PVA glue is used for quilling. Choose tubes with a thin nose - dispenser.

Do quilling with your child, believe me, it will bring you joy and pleasant feelings from the time spent together, will allow you to better understand and get to know your baby.

Good luck in your endeavors!
