April Fool's Day in rural cultural centers - Tyukalinsk centralized club system. Scenario of the event “April Fool’s Day Events dedicated to April Fool’s Day

April Fool's Day in elementary school. Scenario

Extracurricular event on the theme "April Fool's Day", grades 1-2

Entertainment program "Around laughter"

Olga Anatolyevna Litvinenko, primary school teacher, MBOU "Tashlinskaya secondary school", Orenburg region, Tyulgansky district, village. Tashla
Description of material: I offer you a summary of the event, which was held on April 1 with 1st and 2nd grade students. This material can also be used with students in grades 3-6, and some games and competitions with preschool children. The provided material will be useful to primary school teachers, preschool teachers, and counselors.
Subject. Laughter all around.
Target: expand the range of emotions in children through understanding and experiencing feelings of joy; create positive feelings and emotions through a smile; teach to emotionally perceive the cheerful mood of people.
1. Identify the creative and artistic abilities of students;
2. Develop the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual.
3. Create a festive atmosphere.
4. Activation of cultural and leisure activities of students.
5. Cultivate a sense of humor and the ability to have fun.
Form: gaming entertainment program

Progress of the lesson

I ask you to clap your hands together,
We don't need loners
Laugh only where necessary
And not one at a time either.
Don't cough, don't sneeze, don't sleep,
Behave decently in everything!
Do not you mind? Great!
Our holiday can begin!

Greeting without words.

Let's greet everyone around us without words using facial expressions and gestures, while clearly following my commands:
- say hello with your eyes;
- say hello with your little fingers;
- say hello with your heels;
- say hello with your ears;
- say hello with noses;
- greet with cheeks;
- shake shoulders.
- Our holiday is called “Around Laughter.”

April Fool's Day or "April 1st - I don't trust anyone"! Where did the custom of making jokes on this day come from? There are several versions about the history of the origin of April 1st, many attribute this tradition to Ancient Rome or Ancient India. According to the most common version, April Fool's Day arose in France in 1564 due to the postponement of the beginning of the year from April 1 to January 1. Having not received traditional gifts that day, disappointed subjects began to consider April 1 a day of deception.

In Russia, April Fools' jokes became fashionable under Peter I. Everyone jokes on April Fools' Day. So be on your guard, and, of course, stock up on a selection of fresh jokes and surprises! In general, have fun, because a minute of laughter is as healthy as a kilo of carrots.

But smiling and laughter have their own rules.
Rules for smiling and laughing:
1. A smile will help in communication.
2. Try to smile more often at friends, parents, and teachers.
3. Laugh contagiously, but know where and how to laugh.
4. Learn to laugh at yourself.
5. Don’t laugh at someone else’s grief or physical disability.
- I wish you a good mood!

And to warm up, we will play the game “The Birds Have Arrived.” I will say the phrase “The birds have arrived,” and then name them, and when I name the birds, you will have to flap your hands like wings. And when I name non-birds, you don’t raise your hands. And we will try to deceive you and will raise our hands when necessary and when not necessary. Be careful! Shall we try?
Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, jackdaws, crows, seagulls, pasta... Yeah, someone's pasta has already flown!
- Let's try again, be careful!
- Birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, crows, swifts, magpies, hedgehogs... Now the hedgehogs have flown!

Let's play again.
Crows, jackdaws, swallows, sticks.

Last time for the most inattentive.
Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, nightingales, rooks, starlings, bricks.
- Well, well done! Let's give ourselves a clap.
Game "Yasha and Masha" or "Blind Man's Bluff".
The players form a large circle, in which two blindfolded students stand. They take turns looking for each other. First, one of them turns around several times and says: “Masha, where are you?” and is looking for Masha. Another student responds: “I’m here, Yasha,” and quickly runs away. After one child catches the other, they change roles. Then, without removing the blindfolds, they select other players, identifying them by touch. If children are unfamiliar, then you can ask leading questions.
Game "Who is the most attentive?"
Students form a large circle inside of which is the prize. It will go to the one who is the most attentive.
I'll tell you a story
In one and a half dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three"
Take the prize immediately!
The stated boy dreams
Become an Olympic champion.
Look, don’t be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command: “One, two, march!”
When you want to memorize poems,
They are not crammed until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself,
Once, twice, but better... five.
Recently a train at the station
I had to wait three hours.
Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize,
When there was an opportunity to take it.

Game: “FUCK, NOT ME!”
I invite you to play
Pass the ball around.
Don't yawn, buddy.
Give the ball back quickly!
Children stand in a circle and pass a balloon to each other to the music. When the music stops, the child who currently has the ball is eliminated. The winner is the one who stays in the game the longest. The rules of the transfer change - turn around, crouch, jump, bend over, etc.
- Well done! I see you are a little tired. Now we will do a little warm-up.
- Stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your left hand up, wave it, shake it. Then raise your right hand up without lowering your left. Wave both hands, make the noise of the birch trees: “Sh-sh-sh-sh!” Spread your arms to the sides, hum like airplanes: “Zh-zh-zh!” Wave your arms like birds and shout: “ Kshi-kshi-kshi!“ I congratulate you! You all graduated from the school of garden scarecrows!”
Game "And I"
- I will read a poem. When I pause, you will say in unison “me too.” Only so that the sentence makes sense.

I wake up when the bell rings (and I)
I've been lying on my side for a long time...
After lying around, I get up...
I'll make my bed...
I put the kettle on the stove...
I'll quickly sweep the floor...
I'm vigorously doing exercises...
I'm dancing squat under the table...
I hear the tea is already boiling...
The lid bounces and rattles...
I quickly turn off the gas...
I'm pouring a cup of tea...
I sprinkle sugar, two or three spoons...
I add two potatoes...
I want it to be delicious...
I'll spread soap on the sandwich...
I'll collect my notebooks...
I'll play peekaboo with the cat...
I'll repeat the poem...
I'll smear the shoes with jam...
I'm quickly running to school...
I'm saving a moment...
On the way I saw a fight...
A black cat bit a dog...
The cat barked, and then
Wagging his tail...
I walked past the store...
I see an elephant lying in a basket...
I walked past the garden...
Look, there's a crocodile on the tree...
I run to my class
An hour late...

Guys, now I invite everyone to stand up. We all stand in a circle, placing our hands on the shoulders of the person in front. Let's imagine that we are at a carnival in Brazil. Now we will go to the music, dancing in a circle, without giving up. I say: “My elbows are good, but my neighbor is better” - and you immediately take your neighbor by the elbows and continue dancing like that. Shall we try? Hands on shoulders! Music!
- My elbows are good, but my neighbor is better!
- My ears are good, but my neighbor is better!
- My waist is good, but my neighbor’s is better!
- My knees are good, but my neighbor’s are better!
- My shoulders are good, but my neighbor is better!

Game “What is suitable at school?”
Do we take dolls with us to school in the morning, day after day? (No)
In class, as if in the old days, is he teaching all the children an ABC book? (Yes)
The desk is a wonderful bed! Don't forget to sleep on it! (No)
In class, take your time, write straight letters! (Yes)
At school you should not study, but have fun all the time! (No)
Mom will only praise you if she suddenly sees a “D” (no)
He will scold you again if he suddenly sees “five” (no)
During class you have to listen and secretly eat candy. (No)
Open your ears wider, and don't talk to your girlfriend. (Yes)
If you know, don’t yawn, quickly raise your hand. (Yes)

Joking questions.
1. How many wings does a flea have? (No)
2. Three ostriches were flying, the hunter killed one, how many were left? (Ostriches don't fly).
3.What is it? When you take from it, does it get bigger? (Pit).
4. Which hand is better to stir sugar in a glass of tea? (With a spoon).
5. Grandson Fyodor, dog Sharik, and cat Vaska lived with grandmother. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (one).
6. Run up to one of the guys and ask: “Is Winnie the Pooh a pig or a boar?” And quickly demand an answer so that he does not have time to realize that it is just a harmless bear cub.
7. It is recommended to repeat the following questions 3 times, and then you will get the desired result:
- What comes from the sky in winter? (3 rubles)
- What color is the snow? (3 rubles)
- What does the cow drink? (3 rubles)
If you did everything correctly and did not make long pauses, then all the guests, regardless of their scientific degrees and titles, will answer in unison: “Milk.”
- Say the well-known phrase from A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “There lived an old man with his old woman by the very blue sea” in different ways:
- in a whisper;
- like a robot;
- Like a little child;
- very loud;
- intoning;
- So slow;
- very fast;
- as if you were terribly cold;
- how an alien would pronounce it;
- as if your mouth is full of porridge;
- as if you are suffocating from stuffiness.

Great cook.
The volunteer is given two spoons (or forks) and blindfolded. The presenter offers to “identify” different objects by touch using spoons. You can offer food (potatoes, carrots, onions, pears, etc.), or you can give a more difficult task - identify such inedible objects as a cassette tape, book, coin, soft toy, etc.
Mrs. Mable.
This game is especially popular among teenagers because it brings a lot of laughter and fun.
10-15 people sit in a circle. One begins the game with the following question addressed to the neighbor on the right: “Is Mrs. Mable at home?” He must answer: “I don’t know, I’ll ask my neighbor.” And he asks his neighbor the same question, to which he receives the same answer. Participants get all the pleasure from how the words are pronounced. They must be spoken without showing teeth, i.e. biting my lips.
Questions and Answers Game
Questions and answers are each written on a separate card. They are all turned over and folded into 2 piles. One contains questions, the other contains answers. Next, each participant is given the opportunity to choose one card with a question and one with an answer. When everyone has pulled out 2 cards, everyone in turn begins to read out their question first, and then the answer to it. It turns out funny.
Do you often have to crow?
Do you often pick your nose?
Does your pen break when you write for a long time?
Do you comb your hair every day?
Do you have to wash dishes?
Do you break plates every day?
Do you often fall out of bed?
Do you cheat from your neighbor's desk?
Do you often climb into your neighbor's raspberries?
Do you make your bed every day?
Do you like to eat sweets?
Do you lick your plate after eating?
Do you trip on your way to school?
Do you wash often?
Do you cut your toenails in front of guests?
Does it happen that you sleep in class?
Do you often dream about hippos?
Do you like to sleep after lunch?
Do you brush your teeth every day?
Do you like to crack seeds?
Do you wear socks with holes?
Do you often run away from class?
Would you walk through the forest at night?
Are you stepping on your shoelaces?
Yes, and my dog ​​too!
You won't understand this, I like it so much.
Of course, this is the most fun thing to do.
I don’t know myself, but others say yes.
No, it's still no use.
Yes, but our cat gets hysterical because of it.
Not here.
Why not? With great pleasure!
Yes, the neighbors won't stand it soon.
If they really ask me about it.
Yes, when you need to look smart.
I can do it for hours, especially in the dark.
Yes, to avoid washing dishes.
Only when the weather is bad.
Only on an empty stomach.
Only on holidays.
Only at night.
Yes, if you have something to eat.
Only if no one sees.
Yes, it creates a beastly appetite.
Yes, they even wrote about it in the newspaper.
On Saturdays this is a necessity for me.
Yes, the doctor prescribed this for me.
Not always, but often.

Summing up the game.
- What is the meaning of laughter and smile?
-Did you know that laughter and smiling also affect human health?
-How do you think? (A person becomes cheerful, energetic, there is even an expression: “Laughter prolongs life”)
A few facts about laughter.
1. Relieves depression.
2. Rejuvenates the skin.
3. Treats the cardiovascular system.
4. Reduces pain.
5. Trains the respiratory system.
6. Improves your figure.
Laughter is both aerobics for muscles and a good massage for internal organs. While you laugh with pleasure, 80 muscle groups are involved in the work!
7.Settles relationships.
From the point of view of psychologists, laughter is group psychotherapy: it unites people, helps to quickly engage in conversation, and relieves negative emotions.
8. Characterizes people.

Be cheerful so that you become happier
The one with whom you become friends.
So that everyone has enough in life
Wonderful human kindness.

Happy holiday! Happy April, 1!
Let's laugh
Let's smile at luck,
We make failures
Without sadness and without tears.
On a good April holiday.
Let the world get bogged down in laughter,
And the world will become kinder
For a long time and seriously.

Laughter prolongs our life.
If you want to live long,
“Die” from laughter more often!

In conclusion, let's sing the song "Smile"

Materials and literature used:
1. Mishchenkova L.V. 25 developmental activities with third graders. A popular guide for parents and teachers./ Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.
2. Pashnina V. M. We have an excellent vacation! Holidays and entertainment at summer camp. – Yaroslavl: Development Academy; Vladimir: VKT, 2008. – 176 pp.: ill. - (After lessons).
3. Exercises for the program for the formation of tolerant relationships among junior schoolchildren” // Journal “Open Lesson”. Techniques. Scripts. Examples." – 2010. - No. 10. - With. 66.
4. Hours of fun activities // Ed. – comp. L. I. Zhuk. – Mn.: Ed. LLC "Krasiko-Print", 2000. – 128 p. – (Holiday at school.)

Municipal budgetary institution

additional education

Center for extracurricular activities "Harmony" in Tikhoretsk


holding an entertainment event

Developed and carried out:

teacher-organizer Belavina V.V.




holding a quiz "April Fool's Day".

Goals: to cheer up the quiz participants.


Talk about the importance of laughter in our lives;

Develop imagination, sense of humor, resourcefulness, ingenuity;

Foster a sense of mutual assistance and team spirit.


We have the best life

Because Laughter is with us!

We will never part with him,

Wherever we are, we laugh!

If the path to school lies -

Laughter runs next to us.

Our friend is with us everywhere.

Laughter-Smeshinka! Laughter-Laughter!

Young, perky laughter!

It's not a sin to laugh, is it?!

Hello, dear friends! As you already understood, today's quiz is dedicated to April Fool's Day, the day of humor on April 1st. “Those who know how to laugh live longer,” says popular wisdom. And you can't argue with that.

But the front-line writer, Alexander Tvardovsky, who raised the spirit of the Russian army, said this about this:

You can live without food for a day,

You can do more, but sometimes...

Can't live without a joke

The most humorous jokes...”

The old saying that “laughter is the best medicine” certainly holds true. Laughter is not just good for health: it prevents diseases, strengthens the body's immunity and even prolongs life, especially when it comes to the heart. American scientist Miller even gives practical advice: include mandatory laughter in your “daily diet” along with physical exercise.

Did you know that the effect of laughter on the body is similar not only to physical exercise, but even to food consumption:

1 minute of laughter replaces 1 bucket of cutlets, so you will never go hungry if you want to;

1 minute of laughter replaces 1 glass or 200 grams of sour cream;

1 minute of laughter replaces 10 minutes of intense gymnastics;

In general, 1 minute of laughter prolongs your life by as much as 15 minutes.

Laugh more and you will live forever!

Happy Day of laughter, jokes and mischievous pranks! Kind, cheerful laughter is a wonderful vitamin for everyone, the most powerful and priceless elixir of life. Let's laugh today, let's compete, let's lift each other's spirits!

Stage 1. Presentation of commands.

To participate in the quiz, I propose organizing two teams: “Veselushki” and “Laughter”! (On the right hand of the leader is the team “Veselushki”, and on the left - “Khokhotushki”). And today you will be judged by a strict but fair jury in the person of N.I. Vasilchuk. and Lopatina E.V., our methodologists.

But first, I suggest you watch a short presentation, which, no doubt, will cheer you all up!

Stage 2. Quiz "April Fool's Day".

So, now you are invited to take part in the humorous quiz “April Fool's Day”, which consists of 35 questions. Teams will take turns answering questions, and the jury will add up the points. If a team gives an incorrect answer, the right to answer passes to the next team. So, now we will find out who is the smartest among us. The fastest and the smartest! Attention, questions. (Presentation of the comic quiz “April Fool’s Day”).

1.What kind of comb can you use to comb your head? Answer6 cock.

2.Which hand is best to stir tea? Answer: It is better to stir the tea with a spoon.

3.What do we eat for? Answer: at the table.

4.What will not fit into the largest saucepan? Answer: its cover.

5.Which word starts with three letters “g” and ends with three letters “i”? Answer: trigonometry.

6.Which river is the scariest? Answer: Tiger.

7.Who has a hat without a head and a foot without a boot? Answer: a mushroom.

8.What notes can be used to measure space? Answer: mi-la-mi.

9.What can you cook, but cannot eat? Answer: lessons.

10. How does day and night end? Answer: soft sign.

11.Can an ostrich call itself a bird? Answer: no, the ostrich cannot speak.

12. An ancient hero who has survived to our times in the form of porridge. Answer: Hercules.

13.Which fabric cannot be used to make a shirt? Answer: from the railway.

14.how many months in a year have 28 days? Answer: everything.

15.You, me, and you and me. Are there many of them? Answer: two.

16.Without legs and without wings, it flies quickly, you can’t catch it. Answer: time.

17.Where there are cities without houses, rivers without water, forests without trees. Answer: on the map.

19. Either a pancake or half a pancake; now this side, now this side. Answer: moon.

20. Why does a goose swim? Answer: from the shore.

21.Which horse doesn’t eat oats? Answer: chess, sports.

22.Which word always sounds wrong?

Answer: the word is “incorrect”.

23. Mary’s father has 5 daughters: Chacha, Chichi, Chocho, Cheche. What is the name of the fifth daughter? Answer: Mary.

24.Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? Answer: by gender.

25.What gets bigger when you put it upside down? Answer: number 6.

26.What does not have length, depth, width, height, but can be measured? Answer: time, temperature.

27.The more there are, the less weight. What is this? Answer: holes.

28. She dresses everyone in the world, but doesn’t put them on herself. Answer: needle.

29.Name a word that has 40 vowels. Answer: forty (forty “A”).

30.What is between the window and the door? Answer: letter "i".

31.What do you throw down when you need it and pick it up when you don’t need it? Answer: anchor.

32. Alas! The number of points is reduced by 2 times! (transition).

33.Lucky! Extra 10 points! (transition).

34.Lucky! Points earned are doubled! (transition).

35. Alas! minus 5 points from the total!

Stage 3. Rewarding.

Awarding the participating teams with certificates and emblems “Happy April Fool’s Day!”





5th grade

Prepared by:

Kozlenko T.V., physics teacher

Bastan village, 2013

Target: - conduct an educational and entertaining event;

Bring the class team together with laughter and enthusiasm.

Before the start of the event, the class is divided into two teams by drawing lots.

Board design:

"Laughter is a great healer"

“Whoever makes people laugh is worth the light”

“He who knows how to have fun is not afraid of grief”

“If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh”

“All genres are interesting, except boring”

“It’s easier to keep laughing than to stop laughing.”

"Tears together, laughter in half"

“If you want to look smarter, don’t have smart people around you”

“He who laughs last laughs best”

“Laughter is the head of everything!”

Progress of the event:

If you leave home one day

And suddenly you wander into our light,

Then rest assured that with us it is clear

It will be a very nice and cheerful evening.

And a smile, without a doubt, will suddenly touch your eyes,

And a good mood will be with you at the same hour!

Today we will laugh, have fun and give each other a good mood. And we will call all this “Humorina”.

Humor is an English word that means a special type of comic that combines ridicule and sympathy. The word “comic” translated from Greek means “cheerful, funny.” Most often, April Fool's Day is celebrated on the first of April. This day is also called “April 1st - I don’t trust anyone.” Previously, this day was called “the first of April - fun for a fool.” April Fools' pranks have been known in Russia since the time of Peter the Great, when both men and boyars played pranks on each other.

This day is celebrated not only in Russia.

In England, on this day it is customary to send each other comic packages, for example: a net to catch, and a rope to tie up the wind.

In France, it is customary to discreetly attach a paper fish to someone's clothing, meaning "to be fooled on this day."

In Australia, this day begins with loud laughter. Early in the morning, a tape recording of the cry of a cucumarra bird is played on the radio. It's very similar to uncontrollable laughter.

If your friends consider you an irrepressible prankster,

If your head is swollen from planning funny pranks,

If you can laugh not only at others, but also at yourself,

So you've come to the right place!


1.Create recipes for dishes with the following names: “Hedgehog in the Fog” cocktail, “Nobody Wanted to Die” sandwich.

2. Often in performances there are lyrical or tragic scenes of farewell. Stage a silent scene in which they say goodbye: 1) to the lady of his heart - a knight going on a crusade; 2) with his daughter - a father going to a parent-teacher meeting.

3. Tongue twisters:

Once upon a time there lived three Japanese: Yak, Yaktsedrak, Yaktsedraktse-Droni.

Once upon a time there were three Japanese women: Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa, Tsypa-Dripa-Drimpapony. So they had children: Yaktsedrak with Tsypa-Dripa-Shah, Yak with Tsypa - Shah-Sharah, Yaktsedraktse-Droni with Tsypa-Dripa-Drimpampona - Shah-Sharah-Sharahsheroni.

Shishel - went out, went out,

I went to the boyar's courtyard,

There the boyars sew hats,

They put them on the window.

You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t over-speak them all.

4 .Draw a person’s gait:

who just had lunch

Whose shoes are too tight

Who ended up in the forest at night

The soles of his shoes have peeled off.

5. Humorous riddles:

1. What happens if you swallow your knife and fork while eating? (you'll have to eat with your hands)

2. To whom do all people take off their hats? (in front of the hairdresser)

3.What do elephants have and no other animals? (baby elephants)

4.What kind of fabric can you not make a shirt from? (from the railway station)

6. Dramatize

1.Mom wakes up Seryozha:

Get up, Serezhenka, it's time for school!

Will not go! Smirnov will make faces again!

Get up, honey, you're already late!

Will not go! Chernov will start throwing a rag again!

Get up, Serezhenka, why don’t you go? After all, you are the school principal!

2. An ant is walking through the forest, dragging two loaves of bread. An elephant is approaching. The ant throws the loaf to the ground and yells at the top of his lungs: “Elephant, elephant!” Come on, go to bed quickly! The elephant got scared and fell to the ground. The ant climbed onto the elephant, put down the second loaf and said:

Well, it turned out to be an awesome sandwich.

7. Blindfolded, draw a portrait of your favorite teacher.

Well guys, I hope

Nobody's tired of it

April Fools jokes?

Or rather, on the contrary:

People are happy to laugh!

8. Jokes competition

Ivan Tsarevich galloped for three days and three nights and would have galloped further if the rope had not been taken away...

Each team tells a joke. 1 point for each joke.

While the jury is summing up the results,funny win-win lottery:

1. Here's the ticket, so the ticket, don't rummage around in the rooms,

Consider that there is no gain - cry and calm down. (handkerchief)

2. Having received this gift, think a little, maybe you have forgotten your friends, write a letter to them, baby. (pen)

3. Moths ate the tulle yesterday, it was torn to the point of pain, we give (a package) in return - there is nothing else!

4.This ball will stop children's crying. (balloon)

5.Yes, the lucky ticket is yours, so hold it (pencil).

6. To prevent your cap from being blown away by the wind, here’s a gift for you (a paperclip).

7. Small business seal. (eraser)

8. May your life be warmer from the gift of Prometheus. (candle)

9.Antique hanger. (nail)

10. Dear comrade, get (candy)

Just don’t eat it yourself, but treat your neighbor.

11.Thrill seeker. (buttons)

12.Device suitable for emergency situations. (pin)

During our holiday, we saw dazzling smiles and heard laughter: cheerful, infectious, joyful. But…

Everything comes to an end

Our hour of parting has come.

They joked, played and kept us warm

Smiles and the sparkle of your eyes...

I wish everyone a whole year ahead

More joy, more success.

Laugh for a hundred years

Not knowing grief, tears and troubles,

And also more...laughter!


1. The school year is hassle-free. Scenarios for school holidays. -Rostov n/a: from “Phoenix”, 1999. Konstantinova M., Petrova M., Yuryeva M.

2. School holiday calendar. S.I. Lobacheva, K.V. Shchigol, O.E. Zhirenko. M:5 for knowledge, 2006

3. Internet resources.
