What is the name of the tenth wedding anniversary? Pink wedding gift

10 years of marriage after marriage. This anniversary is also called the Rose Wedding or Rose Day.

The main symbol of the holiday is tin. It denotes the flexibility of family relationships. Spouses already masterfully know how to resolve family conflicts and compromise in difficult situations. They know each other well, understand perfectly and respect the opinion of the second half. Spouses during this period resemble tin spoons put together, which repeat the curves of each other. The second symbol of the holiday, the rose, denotes the passion and love that have been preserved in the relationship between the spouses.

In Rus', the husband on this day from morning until sunset carried a tin spoon in his pocket. When the couple went to bed, he put it under his wife's pillow. It was believed that this would bring happiness to the family for the rest of their life together. Now this tradition is no longer observed. Instead, another one arose: the husband gives his soulmate a bouquet of 11 roses. In this case, 10 roses should be red, and 1 - white. Red represents the husband's love for his wife, and white represents the hope for a happy continuation of the marriage.

The tenth anniversary after the wedding is celebrated on a grand scale. They try to recreate the wedding day as much as possible. Everyone who was at the celebration 10 years ago is invited, including distant relatives. A huge table is laid, at the head of which sit a husband and wife in pink clothes with witnesses. The room is decorated with bouquets of roses. The night after the holiday, the couple spend on a bed strewn with petals.

Gifts for the tenth wedding anniversary

For this anniversary, the family will be presented with everything related to the symbols of the holiday:

  • pewter: candlesticks, glasses, a tray, a coffee pot, wine glasses, a vase (necessarily useful for donated roses), spoons (a symbol of the holiday; they can be bought as a souvenir set with congratulatory inscriptions);
  • any items with a pattern of roses: a tea set, dishes, a picture, a bedspread, a blanket, bed linen;
  • pink items: the original version is standard items in an unusual color (for example, a pink toaster, an alarm clock).

Gift for husband/wife

Spouses do not have to stick to the theme of the holiday if they do not like pewter, roses or the color pink. You can present a significant gift to your beloved wife, which will emphasize the value of your relationship with her: jewelry, a fur coat made of expensive fur. Unusual gift - pink appliances: phone, laptop. The spouse will be happy with an expensive bottle of wine, a good pair of shoes, a new gadget, an expensive notebook.

A symbolic gift "for two" - tin rings in the form of an "infinity" icon with an oath on the inside.

Gift for spouses from guests

Guests can present a souvenir set to a married couple that will remind them of the wedding. For example: a combination of two champagne glasses, a small box of chocolates, scented candles and jewelry in a decorated box. An original gift will be a jar of rose jam in honor of the theme of the holiday.

Options for those who want to congratulate the spouses separately: you can present jewelry with pink stones, a rose hairpin to your wife, and a pink tie, key chain, and a pewter beer mug to your husband.

Congratulations and toasts

It is better to prepare in advance for the holiday greetings of the “young”.

Table speech options:

Dear spouses!
A whole 10 years have passed since that happy moment when you decided to link your lives into one. We've all watched your relationship change together. From unreliable paper, which could catch fire from a careless word, they flowed into the hardness of wood. And finally, after the stubbornness of cast iron, they turned into soft tin. So let your love change for the better and further and turn into a shining precious diamond. Be happy!
Dear spouses!
We sincerely want to congratulate you on the tenth anniversary of your family. May your eyes continue to shine as you look at your soulmate. Don't forget to make each other happy every day. Talk about love, don't be silent. May your home always be filled with happiness. Love to you for many, many years!


The competitive program will help to entertain guests.

Game options:

1. Dancing with flowers

Each incoming couple is given one rose with the thorns previously removed. Participants must dance while holding the flower between them without using their hands. The couple that can last the longest wins.

2. Memories

Each guest brings with him photographs or things that remind of any family event that has taken place over these 10 years. They are presented to their spouses in turn. They must remember what each thing is connected with.

With a decade of marriage, the spouses must be congratulated with a good memorable gift. This anniversary is called a pewter or pink wedding. Therefore, the choice of gifts for 10 years is very diverse.

Ten years of marriage is a very serious anniversary in the fate of every family. This anniversary is popularly called a pewter or pink wedding. Tin is a flexible metal, it symbolizes that the spouses have already learned to find compromises in relationships and easily get out of complicated family situations.

The name pink wedding reminds that there is still a place for romance in family life. This anniversary, pink is preferred in everything. Clothes, dishes, tablecloths, napkins, snacks and wine - delicate pink shades must be present everywhere.

By tradition, the decade of the wedding is widely celebrated, which means you need to prepare in advance for the invitation and buy a good gift for the heroes of the occasion.

What to give relatives or friends for a tin wedding

Gifts such as candlesticks, coasters, figurines, bottle holders, tin wine glasses are ideal for a tin wedding. For close friends, you can buy a set of tin cutlery as a gift or an original mirror in a frame made of this beautiful metal.

Considering that for a pink wedding, all guests will bring bouquets of roses as a gift, you can buy a flower vase made of tin. A pewter tray, coffee pot and wine glasses made of this practical metal will always come in handy in the household. Tin spoons are considered the best gift on this day. Now these can be bought in a gift version with congratulatory inscriptions.

An excellent gift for the tenth anniversary of the wedding - a set of bed linen with roses. You can also buy a blanket, bedspread, towels or bathrobes decorated with patterns in the form of beautiful roses for anniversaries. A wonderful gift for spouses for a pink wedding can be a picture of roses, a tea or table service decorated with these wonderful flowers.

For 10 years of the wedding, you can give any pink gifts. A pink vacuum cleaner, a toaster, an alarm clock will fit into the theme of the holiday. If there is no money for an expensive gift, then you can get by with a plastic chest of drawers, a mop or a pink bucket.

What to give your wife for a tin wedding

There is a tradition according to which a loving husband should give his wife 11 roses on the pink wedding day. Ten red flowers are a symbol of years lived in a happy marriage, and the eleventh white rose is the personification of hope for a long and happy future life.

For a tenth anniversary, it is quite possible to give your beloved wife a mobile phone, laptop, MP3 player, tablet computer, e-book or pink USB flash drive. Such a gift will be accepted with admiration, because most women are very fond of "glamorous" technique.

Jewelry will also look more than appropriate as a gift for a pewter wedding. Earrings, rings or pendants with pink stones are perfect for this occasion. Also on sale you can find original products made of an alloy with the addition of tin, and to store numerous jewelry, you can buy a tin box as a gift.

What to give a husband for a tin wedding

As a playful, but very pleasant gift to your spouse for the tenth wedding anniversary, you can give a set of tin soldiers. A real man will like models of small arms or edged weapons from this symbolic metal. A lover of board games will be delighted with pewter chess, and a beer connoisseur will be happy to accept a beer mug made of pewter.

From inexpensive gifts, you can look at key chains or small figurines made from this flexible metal. If you can’t find anything symbolic, it doesn’t matter. Any gift made with love will be received with great joy.

Married life has many positive aspects. Some occur frequently and others less frequently than we would like. Anniversaries can be attributed to the latter. A very important holiday is the birthday of the family. The first round date is 10 years and what this is a wedding - pewter or pink, or all together, it's up to the heroes of the occasion to decide.

Tin and rose

Such an anniversary, as mentioned above, is called differently. The name pink wedding sounds more often, because the flower, after which this event is called, carries love, romance and a sense of beauty. On this day, a married couple must show all the warm feelings, and it is desirable that this is consistent with the theme.

At ten years, the wedding is also called tin. For some, this name is less attractive than the first option. However, it has a hidden meaning. It is known that tin is a soft alloy. What does this have to do with such a celebration as a wedding? The fact is that after a ten-year period of living together, relationships begin to be built on compromises. That is, they become flexible, just like tin.

What kind of wedding will be in 10 years of marriage, the couple chooses for themselves. Rose or tin ... Choose which is closer. Some try to combine such seemingly different items as metal and flower in the design of gifts for each other. Also, the choice of the "name" of the wedding affects the appearance of the design of the holiday.

How to celebrate

Many believe that such a serious important round date should be celebrated on a grand scale. And according to tradition, it is necessary to hold a celebration in a circle not just of close people, but with those guests who congratulated the married couple 10 years ago. Some go even further and try to get into the same restaurant that celebrated the birth of a family a decade earlier.

Of course, to follow the tradition or not is the choice of everyone. And it is unlikely that anyone will point a finger if the "newlyweds" do not want to bother with the organization. It should be remembered that the rose is a symbol of love, tenderness and romance. Therefore, there is no need to condemn the couple if they want to spend such an event only with each other.

But, even in such a situation, it is quite possible to make a romantic surprise, because on this very important date - 10 years, what kind of wedding can do without gifts? There are different ways to surprise a husband/wife. Fortunately, in our age of the Internet, there is the possibility of organizing any gifts that everyone can afford.

For example, you can strew the bed with rose petals (do not forget - the wedding is still pink) or fill the bath and put scented candles. If we talk about simpler options, then you can present a bouquet of roses. And if there is a desire to combine business with pleasure, then a set of bed linen in pink tones will come in handy.

But, if romance doesn’t quite suit you, and your soul demands to celebrate a serious event on a grand scale, then the theme of the anniversary should be applied to the design of the wedding.

If you want to combine both roses and tin, you should be careful not to overdo it. You don't have to put pink everywhere and you don't have to force all your guests to dress in matching colors. You should take care of their nerves too. In return, you can give each guest a neat pink ribbon. And aesthetically pleasing, and a tribute to tradition observed.

On the tables, it is also not necessary to serve all pewter. It is enough, for example, to put a few candlesticks from the desired alloy, and choose a tablecloth in a delicate pink shade. Thus, for 10 years of the wedding, all the attributes will be present.

And if such elements are not enough, then the wedding can be pink on the menu. You can serve red fish with pink sauce, and treat guests with wine of the corresponding color.

What to give

What wedding for the tenth year will do without presents? On the one hand, it’s nice to surprise a couple with something unexpected, but on the other hand, a question arises. What to give for ten years of marriage?

There are two options. You can do without traditions and give a sum of money. Or ask the heroes of the day what they would like. But, who then will remember about your gift after another ten years?

That's why you should strain your imagination and remind that the wedding is themed. So, all gifts should be related to traditions to one degree or another. Very original presentations can be made from tin. Give something useful, such as a set of pewter cutlery with engraving or in an interesting shape (rose-shaped handles or something like that).

In fact, you can give whatever your heart desires. If you really want to be remembered by the heroes of the occasion, then you can give something stupid, but that will definitely cause a smile. For example, a set of tin figurines, where each will represent someone from the family: a mother-in-law with a rolling pin or a wife around her husband's neck.

Nobody canceled the gifts, where both symbols will be combined. A congratulation can be in the form of a rose made of tin, and to it a card with wishes (or poems) that will be remembered for many years.

In fact, the flight of fancy is unlimited. On the wedding anniversary of 10 years, in addition to bouquets of roses, which everyone will surely come with, you can give decorative things made by yourself. Postcards decorated with rose petals, vases with appropriate engraving or embroidery with inscription and theme elements.

The list of possible gifts is endless:

  • Technics;
  • paintings;
  • tableware;
  • candy.
There are a lot of options, but, most importantly, the gift should be from the heart.

What to give your wife

Having lived a joint ten years of life, not a single man wants to lose face at such a crucial moment. Such an event should be approached with all seriousness.

The most important tradition for 10 years of marriage is the gift of a bouquet of roses to the wife, in which there will be symbolic eleven flowers.. Ten of which will be pink or red (a symbol of tenderness, romance, love) and one white rose, as a symbol of hope for a happy future. There is an opinion that the white color is not taken by chance. It is known that white swans are the most faithful birds and create a couple for life.

Also, following a long tradition, you can prepare pewter rings with an original engraving on the inside. For example, a declaration of love in verse. Any woman will appreciate such a gift, and the anniversary will have a memorable souvenir.

Jewelry with a pink stone will also look quite appropriate. But, if this option is not suitable for various reasons, then a mobile phone, a cosmetic set, or even a trip abroad to the sea are given along with the bouquet. The main thing is to present beautifully.

What to give your husband

What to give your husband for ten years of marriage? This question torments every woman. After all, here the pink theme is quite difficult to apply. It is unlikely that a man will appreciate roses or anything related to this color. Of course, you should focus on tin.

Every adult hides a small child. And if we talk about men, then this is an axiom. Therefore, a gift in the form of tin soldiers will surely be received with a sincere and wide smile.

And if a man is a great connoisseur of weapons (both firearms and cold), perhaps you should give a souvenir in the form of a decorative pistol or saber made of tin. Again, engraving will not be superfluous. Such a memorable gift will surely be carefully stored and remind the spouse of the anniversary.

Anna Lyubimova

Sometimes newlyweds are interested in: after how many years of marriage does a pink (or tin) wedding come? This name sounds so romantic! And having heard the answer, they are surprised that they still have a long way to go along the road with obstacles. Chintz, paper, leather, wood and other no less amazing anniversaries will be the steps to it - landmarks on their joint path.

What wedding is called tin

At first, a loving husband and wife do not miss a single date of their marriage. Each year spent together is an occasion to receive relatives or a friendly party. But the decade requires a special approach. This is a milestone, and its overcoming is celebrated on a grand scale. There are good reasons for this.

The tin anniversary is when 10 years of marriage have passed, the experience of the first common victories and confrontation with difficulties has already been accumulated. Both partners have matured, but their feelings are still hot and fresh, so I really want the 10th anniversary to be truly unforgettable.

So why is the tenth wedding anniversary called pink or pewter? This means that the love of the spouses has acquired a new quality. Despite their youth, the years passed hand in hand included many important events that are of great importance for their common destiny. Education is completed, children were born, the house is practically equipped. Relations with relatives on both sides have acquired a stable and even character.

All this made their union strong, taught them to be more flexible in difficult situations, to find compromises in resolving sensitive issues.

That is why it is customary to celebrate ten years of family life under the sign of tin, which has the rarest properties. The famous periodic table characterizes him as the most soft yet durable metal. Under the influence of external forces, it bends, but does not break. So is the relationship of two people who value each other. Their psychological plasticity and mutual compliance create strength that cannot be violated from the outside.

The second character of the original "ten" is even more understandable. By this time, the beauty of the keeper of the hearth enters the time of amazing flowering, and the love that surrounds her faithful companion emphasizes and enhances this. True masculinity and the ability to be responsible for the family are gaining strength in him, he is established in the profession, and achieves success in business. It is no coincidence that such a union is associated with the perfect beauty of the roses that set off these celebrations.

Ten years of family life: we celebrate like a real anniversary

For a joyful event to succeed, you need to think in advance,. Original ideas for the 10th wedding anniversary can be found literally everywhere - in TV shows and movies, conversations with friends and special literature, in communication with experts and on the Internet. The status of a pink (tin) wedding, written in social networks in hot pursuit by one of the participants in such an event, will also be useful. Useful any interesting idea. After all, a ten-year anniversary is worth it to prepare well for it!

It’s better to start pleasant chores with the guest list. There are recommendations that you need to call everyone who was present at the wedding 10 years ago, but this is not always feasible for various reasons. It makes more sense to send an invitation to the celebration of 10 years of married life to relatives, close friends and colleagues with whom you have common interests. The circle of those invited to the first real anniversary will turn out to be quite wide, but it will not include random people or those with whom life managed to separate them on opposite sides of the “barricades”.

Then we choose the venue of the holiday and its design. Depending on the time of the year and the financial capabilities of the couple, it can take place in a cafe or restaurant, in the open air: in a rented recreation center, in a summer house or in a forest, on a river bank, etc. But any of these places should be decorated and equipped accordingly with all available comfort.

In the rays of the radiance of the queen of flowers

On a festive day, the heroes of the occasion cannot escape not only from pewter items, but also from these amazing flowers. When ordering a dinner party in one of the restaurants or cafes, there is no doubt that the restaurant's designer will make sure that the hall is decorated as the customer wishes. Chair covers can be white, tied at the back with lush pink bows. The same color can be tablecloths on tables or napkins, boutonnieres near cutlery, balloons under the ceiling and on the walls. Roses will be everywhere: in bouquets that the invited spouses will present, in the uniform of the attendants. Up to the point that some snacks, desserts, including can be sprinkled with their petals.

It is good that this royal flower has a variety of colors. This will help to avoid excessive "caramel" anniversary.

Somewhere in nature, you will have to take care of everything on your own. You can make a poster with the inscription "10 years together" with your own hands and attach it above the symbolic arch, under which the spouses will sit, weave wreaths from artificial plants and decorate them with a platform on which the festivities will unfold.

Guests must be warned in advance about the option in which the holiday is planned. They also need to choose clothes that are suitable for a particular situation, decide what to wear to a pink wedding, take with them what they may need. Someone will gladly dress up in special T-shirts for 10 years of marriage or order them as a gift for young and athletic spouses.

But the "jubilee" will not deny herself the pleasure of putting on the most beautiful outfit or dress for the 10th wedding anniversary. If she is categorically against the excessive "naivety" of the pink toilet, you can limited to any accessory or trim of that tone. A small element of the same color (stripes on a cherry or gray tie and a pink handkerchief in a jacket pocket) will not damage the head of the family's suit. It will unite the look of the spouses and emphasize the festive nature of their fashionable ensemble, and the tin products that the guests will present to them will become another bright accent of the celebrations.

Pleases everything that is given with love

Do not think that a bouquet for a pink wedding should consist only of flowers of the same name. Joy and happiness sparkle and shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, and any of them have the right to be present in festive flower arrangements.

Cheerful ideas of a pink wedding give a wonderful mood to the celebration: a photo montage that tells about the different stages of the formation of a new "cell of society", playful predictions written on "birch bark", a medal for 10 years of the wedding, which the spouses deserved by devotion to their halves. You can also make beautiful pink wedding photo shoot all family. The invited toastmaster for the 10th wedding anniversary prepares serious and funny toasts, proclaims toasts about all those present and, of course, the central heroes of the celebrations. Parents and friends can invite a cameraman who will capture the holiday in order to later present the voiced film to yesterday's newlyweds with wishes to remain the same happy all their lives.

January 22, 2018, 21:50

The tenth anniversary is traditionally called the tin anniversary. There is another name - the pink anniversary of the name of the queen of the kingdom of rose flowers. Only after a ten-year date, each subsequent anniversary is celebrated every five years.

10th Wedding Anniversary Traditions

The symbolism of the anniversary date was not chosen by chance. After all, tin is considered the softest metal of the periodic table. Durable - bends and does not break. So are relationships. For 10 years of marriage, the sharp corners have worn out, but the feelings have not faded away. Even the life of gray everyday life did not turn out to be a stumbling block for the touching relationship of the spouses.

What to give your wife for the tenth wedding anniversary

Another tenth anniversary is called a pink wedding. The name is not related to the color palette. It arose thanks to an old rite. On the tenth wedding anniversary, the husband gave his wife a bouquet of roses. Ten flowers were blood-red, and one snow-white. This tradition still exists today.

Most often, husbands give their wives gifts for their 10th wedding anniversary that are practical and valuable. It can be a technique (iPhone, e-book, laptop), or original jewelry cast from tin.

What to get your husband for his 10th wedding anniversary

Choosing a gift for your husband on the tenth anniversary of the wedding, you can show your imagination. For example, to give a spouse a set of tin soldiers for ten years from the date of marriage, or a model of an old weapon cast from tin. The man is the same boy, only grown up. And his toys are getting more and more expensive every year.

A good solution to the problem of choosing a gift for a husband for the 10th wedding anniversary will be a real men's set, consisting of polaroid sunglasses and leather gloves or a belt, packed in a tin box.

How to celebrate 10 years of marriage

Traditionally, a tin wedding is celebrated in a big way. Spouses prepare in advance, sending out invitations, looking after gifts for each other.

Do not forget that a tin wedding has a second name - a pink wedding. Therefore, the hall for the celebration of the tenth wedding anniversary is decorated accordingly:

  • The table is decorated with bouquets of cut flowers.
  • Salads are sprinkled with rose petals.
  • Rosé wine is served at the table.
  • The clothes of the spouses are dominated by pink tones.

The celebration of ten years of marriage is noisy and fun. Comic congratulations are heard, gifts needed in the household are given. After all, five years must pass before the next celebration.

What to give friends for a tin (pink) wedding

At the celebration on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the wedding, the best friends are given not gift tin souvenirs, but useful and necessary things, symbolizing the second name of the 10th anniversary of the wedding:

  • bedding set with pink print;
  • bathrobe with an ornament of roses or pink;
  • a set of towels "in rose";
  • plaid with a pattern of large roses;
  • pink cover.

It has become a fashionable rule to give friends for 10 years of living together tea and table sets, paintings, modular paintings depicting blooming roses.
