Homemade masks to nourish normal skin type. Home care and masks for normal facial skin

Sea buckthorn mask

1 glass vegetable oil, 1 raw egg, 1 teaspoon sea ​​salt And lemon juice, 1 tbsp. spoon of sea buckthorn leaves, 1 glass of water

Pour boiling water over sea buckthorn, leave for 30 minutes in a thermos, strain, take 2 tbsp. spoons. Grind the egg with 1/2 cup of vegetable oil, add salt, lemon juice and sea buckthorn infusion. Add the remaining vegetable oil and beat. Apply on face for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Peach mask

1 ripe peach, 1 teaspoon potato starch

Mash the peach, remove the pit, add starch and stir. Apply to face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Lemon-honey mask

1 tbsp. mix a spoonful of honey and 5 drops of lemon juice. Apply to face, rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.

Mask with kefir and carrots

2 tbsp. spoons of carrot pulp, 1 tbsp. spoon of kefir

Mix. Apply on face for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Refreshing green tea mask

2 tbsp. spoons of green tea, 1/2 cup of water

Pour boiling water over the tea, leave for 30 minutes with the lid closed, and strain. Soak up gauze pad and apply on face for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Carrot mask

1 fresh carrot, 1 tbsp. spoon of milk,

1 fresh egg white, starch

Wash the carrots, peel and chop on a fine plastic grater; beat the protein, mix with carrots and milk and add a little starch for thickness. Apply to face and neck for 15 minutes, rinse with warm boiled water.

Orange mask

2 oranges

Peel the oranges, chop and mash until puree. Apply to the face and neck, covering the top with gauze, for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water and lubricate the skin with nourishing cream.

Dandelion mask

8 dandelion leaves, 2 teaspoons low-fat cottage cheese

Chop the leaves, grind with a wooden spoon and mix with cottage cheese. Apply dandelion juice to your face, apply the mask for 15 minutes, then wipe your skin sour milk and rinse with cool boiled water.

Yoghurt mask

2 tbsp. tablespoons honey, 1 cup full-fat unsweetened yogurt, 1 teaspoon grated grapefruit zest, 1/2 cup strong cold brew

Mix. Apply to face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Grape juice mask

2 tbsp. tablespoons thick semolina porridge (cook in water), 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon olive oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of grape juice

Mix. Apply on face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. The procedure is recommended to be carried out in a course of 5 weeks, 2 times a week.

Honey mask

1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon mineral water without gas

Mix. Apply on face for 15 minutes, rinse with cool boiled water.

Plum mask

1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 tbsp. spoon butter and plum puree

Mix. Apply a thin layer to the face for 30 minutes, rinse with cool water.

Honey mask

100 g honey, 25 g 70% alcohol, 25 g water Heat the honey in a water bath until softened; mix alcohol and water, pour into honey, stir until smooth. Apply to face using a cotton swab for 15 minutes, rinse face with cool water.

(1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

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  2. Winter mask with clay 1 teaspoon clay, 1 tbsp. spoon of cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, 1 tbsp. spoon carrot juice Mix clay with carrot juice, add honey, cottage cheese and grind everything until smooth....
  3. Protein mask 2 teaspoons egg white, 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice Beat the whites, add juice. Apply the mask 2 times every 5 minutes, remove with a cotton swab moistened with tea infusion. Yeast mask 30 g yeast,...
  4. Cucumber mask 2 cucumbers, 1 tbsp. spoon of celandine, 200 ml of vodka Wash the cucumbers, cut into slices, put them in glass jar, add crushed celandine, pour in vodka, close the lid tightly and leave to infuse for 14 days in the dark...
  5. Yeast mask with kefir and berry juice 10g yeast, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of curdled milk, 1 teaspoon of berry juice (or juice of plantain leaves) Mix the yeast thoroughly with the curdled milk to obtain a mixture with the consistency of sour cream, add juice. Face...
  6. Curd mask 2 tbsp. spoons of fat cottage cheese, 1 tbsp. spoon of cream, pinch of salt, 1 tbsp. spoon of warm flaxseed oil Grind cottage cheese with cream, add salt and butter. Apply to face for 20 minutes, remove...
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  9. Honey, having absorbed the aromas of flowers and herbs, is truly considered a magical elixir. Since ancient times, it was considered in Rus' to be the rarest product in terms of its healing values ​​and enjoyed enormous popularity not only as a food product, but...
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To the owners normal type skin is very lucky. They almost never have problems with their face, and their skin radiates freshness and health. However, this type also needs timely care.

Funds based natural ingredients will help keep skin hydrated and fresh.


Severe frosts and, on the contrary, stuffy hot summers can seriously harm unprotected and unprepared skin: make it dry or oily, lead to or premature aging. Skillful care, a mandatory component of which are masks for normal skin face, will help counteract many skin problems.

Nourishing oatmeal mask

A very popular recipe that is suitable for both normal and combination skin. Oatmeal in the mask gently cleanses, while honey and egg yolk moisturize. Mix 1 tablespoon of softened oatmeal, 2 teaspoons of liquid warm honey and the yolk of one egg in a non-metallic bowl. Mix all ingredients and apply to face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water;

Contrast sage mask

Prepare an infusion: pour 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves into 500 ml of water and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool and strain the broth, diluting it with 500 ml of still mineral water. Divide the broth into two parts: make ice from the first, and place the second in a warm place. Contrast mask for sage it is done as follows: crushed ice is placed in a dry handkerchief or gauze and applied pointwise to the face, avoiding the nose area.

After the face has cooled down a little, immediately apply a warm sage compress - a towel or thick fabric, soaked in a slightly warmed decoction. Repeat the procedure several times, ending with overlay warm mask. This product perfectly rejuvenates and refreshes the skin;

Curd and berry mask

In the summer, during the peak of fruit and berry picking, you can pamper your normal facial skin with vitamin masks. Mash 3-4 medium strawberries or strawberries into a puree and mix with 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese. Leave the curd and berry mass on your face for 10-15 minutes, rinse with cool water. This homemade mask is ideal for inflamed or sunburned skin.

If your facial skin is of normal type, then you can only be envied. But such skin also requires ongoing care to maintain her beautiful healthy appearance.

Here you will find recipes for various masks for normal facial skin types, which, with regular use, will help you maintain the youthful elasticity and velvety softness of your skin for many years.

All masks consist of available ingredients and are very simple to prepare at home.

Oatmeal mask with egg white

To prepare this mask, you will need to separate the egg white from the yolk and mix it with a tablespoon of oatmeal, which can be prepared in a coffee grinder from oatmeal. The mixture should be thoroughly beaten until a foamy consistency is obtained, and then applied to the skin of the face. Let the mask dry slightly, then wash it off with a damp cotton swab.

Vegetable mask for normal skin

To prepare this mask you will need fresh vegetables such as zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, beets, carrots. Grind vegetables in equal quantities in a blender and apply to face for 15-20 minutes. After this, rinse with warm water and a few drops of lemon juice. This mask perfectly refreshes and nourishes the skin with vitamins.

Egg yolk mask with sour cream and carrot juice

To prepare the mask, take a raw egg and separate the yolk from the white. Mix the yolk well with a tablespoon of sour cream and a spoonful of carrot juice. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and rinse with water after 15-20 minutes.

Egg mask with vegetable oil

To prepare this mask for normal facial skin, you will need one egg yolk and 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Olive or linseed oil, which are real treasure troves useful substances for skin. The mask is applied for 15-20 minutes and then washed off first with warm and then cool water. You can add a little honey to the mask.

See also:
How to determine your facial skin type?
The main signs of dry, combination, oily and normal skin!

Parsley whitening mask

The mask is prepared from a tablespoon of finely chopped fresh parsley with the addition of a spoonful of sour cream and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until you obtain a smooth consistency and add a few drops of vitamin A. Apply to your face and after ten minutes, rinse with warm and then cool water.

Yeast mask for normal facial skin

Mix fresh yeast in the amount of 1 tablespoon with milk to obtain a creamy mass. Add a couple of spoons of grated horseradish to the mixture and apply to your face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Moisturizing masks made from fermented milk products

To moisturize your facial skin, you can use masks made from any fermented milk products. Kefir, yogurt, and yogurt are suitable. The face is lightly lubricated with olive or other vegetable oil, after which a thin layer of fermented milk product is applied to the skin. After 15 minutes, the mask should be washed off with warm water.

Berry mask for normal skin

IN summer period this mask will be an excellent source of vitamins for your skin. Mash a few wild strawberries or strawberries with a tablespoon of cottage cheese. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse your face with cool water.

Normal skin looks amazing - has even color, no enlarged pores, redness, greasy shine and peeling. But even normal skin, according to cosmetologists, needs proper care, to maintain health and aesthetic appearance.

Masks for normal facial skin - rules of use.

1. Masks for normal facial skin should be applied only to a cleansed face, this way you will increase the effectiveness of the mask for normal facial skin many times over. To cleanse, use lotions, scrubs and cleansing milk.
2. Masks should be used for normal facial skin fresh, that is, prepared and applied immediately and should not be stored under any circumstances.
3. To maintain healthy skin, we recommend using masks for normal facial skin 2 times a week.

Nourishing mask with cottage cheese.

This mask will nourish normal facial skin with vitamins and refresh the complexion. All the ingredients for it are easy to find at home - thoroughly grind cottage cheese, milk, carrot juice and olive oil taken in equal proportions (about 1 tsp each). Apply the mask to the face in a thick layer. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water and wipe your face and neck with a piece of ice. Judging by the reviews on our website, one of best masks for normal facial skin.

Vitamin mask from kiwi for normal skin

Kiwi is wonderful not only as a tasty fruit, but also as a excellent remedy for skin care - in particular. it makes excellent vitamin masks for normal skin, because it is full of vitamins. This mask is especially good for home use because it can be prepared simply - just mash one kiwi fruit, and that’s it, you can use it in pure form. If you think that the mask is too greasy, add a little cottage cheese or flour to it so that the mass becomes denser and does not fall off the skin. This mask tones normal skin, gives it healthy looking, saturates with vitamins. Frequency of use: 2 times a week.

Moisturizing mask for normal skin made from cucumber.

A cucumber mask for normal skin will have a moisturizing effect on the skin, making it smooth and velvety. To prepare it, grate half of it on a fine grater. fresh cucumber, add egg yolk and a little starch to give the mask a mushy state. Apply the mask to your face. After 20 minutes, wash your face with warm water, and then cold water. In the same way, you can prepare masks from grapes and strawberries.

Fruit and vegetable masks for normal facial skin.

Fruit and vegetable masks for normal facial skin increase blood circulation, tighten and rejuvenate facial skin. To prepare it, you need to crush several black currants, raspberries and grapes, add a tablespoon of carrot juice. Apply the resulting mixture to your face, and after 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. If the mask turns out to be very liquid, then for better application you can add wheat flour. Also, normal facial skin will be happy if you pamper it with citrus masks.

Apple mask for normal skin.

Normal skin really likes apple masks; they give it tone and richness. You just need to peel the apple and grate it on a fine grater. Add a tablespoon of olive oil, milk or sour cream, apply to face and neck for 20 minutes. Little advice- when choosing a fruit for a mask for normal facial skin, look not only at appearance, but also pay attention to the smell - than brighter apple smells, the less it has been exposed to substances for long-term storage.

Banana mask for normal facial skin.

Once a curiosity, bananas are now available to everyone and can become an excellent basis for homemade mask for the face, intended for normal skin. To give freshness and a healthy glow, try this banana mask for normal skin. To do this, mash half a ripe banana and mix with a small amount of milk. Apply the resulting mass to the face and neck and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Honey-glycerin mask for normal facial skin.

A honey-glycerin mask for normal facial skin will soften, saturate with vitamins and tighten the skin of the face. For it you will need honey of medium thickness, not very flowing, but not sugared, as well as glycerin sold in pharmacies. To prepare the mask, mix 1 tsp. melted liquid honey and glycerin, add a little wheat flour to make the mask viscosity. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and neck for about 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Decoctions for washing for normal skin.

Normal facial skin really likes washing with herbal infusions. This will give the skin elasticity, increase tone, smooth fine wrinkles and prevent the emergence of new ones. For normal skin best action decoctions provide: St. John's wort, chamomile and plantain, parsley and dill, green and black teas. To make decoctions, you need to brew 2 tbsp with a glass of boiling water. l. spoons of any of the listed remedies, let it brew for 1-2 hours, and then use it every time you wash your face.

We made a video on how to properly make a mask for normal skin

To help you quickly understand all the intricacies of preparing and using masks for normal facial skin, we made this video for you.

Alena Josse All rights reserved

Reviews and comments (9)

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I have normal facial skin and I don’t have any special problems, but I still make masks for normal facial skin. I especially like the honey and olive oil mask. Need to mix in equal proportions honey and olive oil. 1 tsp is enough for the face. If your honey is solid, then you need to melt it in a water bath until it becomes liquid. Ready mask Apply on face for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply cream.


A carrot-based mask will help improve your complexion and refresh your skin. Grate the carrots on a fine grater, add a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of aloe juice, mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin of the face. Leave for 30-40 minutes, then rinse and apply moisturizer.

It's no longer a secret that masks - the best remedy for skin care at home. Available in stores and pharmacies huge selection finished products, for every taste and budget. But almost all proposals contain unnecessary ingredients: fragrances, dyes, flavors and preservatives. Why does our skin need this? Therefore, homemade masks that contain natural and healthy ingredients are considered the most effective and proven. Today we offer you folk masks for normal skin, they are easy to make at home. Take care of your skin regularly and be beautiful.

Essential oils for normal skin

For normal, but sensitive skin shows homemade nourishing and cleansing masks with essential oils. As basic basis a decoction of Hercules flakes is suitable, fruit puree, honey, egg yolk; for cleansing masks - soap foam.

  • orange - 2 drops;
  • verbena - 1 drop;
  • spruce - 2 drops;
  • myrtle - 3 drops;
  • rosewood - 4 drops.

Fruit and berry compositions

Face masks made from fruits and berries are more suitable for summer season, when these components are fresh and as healthy as possible. However, frozen berries also have all the properties needed to care for normal skin.

Grind 1 banana with 1 teaspoon of milk. Apply to face.

Excellent for normal skin pear mask. Take a medium-sized pear, wash it, peel it and grate it on a fine grater. Place the gruel (2 tablespoons) in a saucer, add olive or any other vegetable oil (1 tablespoon), mix everything thoroughly wooden stick or with a spoon.

Mix 2 teaspoons of juice (vegetable, berry or fruit) with 1 tbsp. spoon of flour or starch.

A strawberry mask perfectly cares for normal skin at home. Rinse 2-3 ripe strawberries well in a colander with cool water, draining the water several times to remove dirt from the berries. Mash, add boiled new potatoes and pour 1 tbsp. spoon of boiled milk. Grind the mixture thoroughly and mix. The paste is applied to the skin and removed after 15-20 minutes.

Grind two or three strawberries and mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of cottage cheese (or sour cream). Apply the mask for 10-15 minutes and rinse with water room temperature. Instead of strawberries, you can use strawberries, plums, peaches, apricots, and apples.

Apple masks at home have proven themselves to be effective in caring for normal facial skin. What you need to do: peel the apple, grate it, mix with 1 teaspoon of sour cream or 1 teaspoon of olive (corn, sunflower) oil. Add 1 teaspoon of starch. Apply to face and neck for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

More soft mask There will be a recipe with apple and sour cream. Add 1 teaspoon of sour cream to the apple mixture and apply to cleansed facial skin. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

To make a plum mask at home, you need to peel the plum, mash it to a pulp, add 2 teaspoons of sour cream or vegetable oil, mix with 1 teaspoon of starch. Apply for 20-30 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Pour 10-15 currant leaves into 1/2 cup boiling water, strain after 15-20 minutes and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of currant juice. Moisten several layers of gauze with the infusion, apply for 20 minutes, then rinse your face with water at room temperature.

For peach mask at home, you should mash the peach, add 1 teaspoon of starch or oatmeal. Apply the paste for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Using yeast at home

Homemade yeast masks perfectly nourish normal facial skin. We offer you the most effective 3 recipes.

A mask of yeast with milk is made at home 1-2 times a week. Mix 30 g of yeast with milk to a paste-like mass. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water using a cotton swab. If after the mask you feel tightness of the skin, then you should apply a cream for normal or dry skin for 15-20 minutes. Remove the remaining cream with a soft cloth. If you are over 30 years old, take a course of 20 masks.

A mask made from yeast with rye flour makes the skin soft and elastic. Dissolve yeast in warm water. Add rye flour, stir until the sour cream thickens. Keep in a warm place until fermentation. After a day, apply the leaven to the face and neck in a thick layer. Rinse off with warm, then cold water.

A mask made from yeast with egg and honey is very useful for normal skin. 1 egg, 1 teaspoon honey, 2 teaspoons 20% camphor oil, 1/4 stick of yeast, 1 tbsp. spoon of wheat flour. Dilute with milk until sour cream thickens.

Best Egg Recipes

Let's start with homemade masks for normal skin with egg white.

Mix finely grated carrots (medium size) with the beaten white of one egg, add 1 teaspoon of dry milk or starch, apply for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Very famous Hollywood mask: 2 tbsp. Mix tablespoons of corn or oatmeal with one egg white. Pour the mixture into a cup and whisk well until foamy. The mask cleanses and strengthens the skin, giving it a matte finish.

When regularly used at home, masks with egg yolk normal skin will be noticeably transformed.

Add a tablespoon of glycerin to the raw yolk. Apply the mask for 10-15 minutes, then rinse off soft water room temperature.

Mix the yolk with grated orange peel, add 2-3 drops of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Wash off the mask after 10-15 minutes with parsley decoction.

Grind the egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of carrot juice and 1 teaspoon of sour cream. Apply the mixture to your face. Leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off first with warm, then with cold water.

Homemade masks with vegetables

Vegetable masks provide excellent care for normal skin. For such masks, cabbage, carrots, pumpkin, radishes and other most common products that any housewife has are used. While you're preparing dinner, make a face mask at the same time.

Grind the leaves of fresh cabbage in a meat grinder and apply a thin layer to the skin so that there are no free spaces left on the face.

On pre-lubricated skin thick cream, apply crushed sauerkraut or a fabric mask soaked in cabbage brine.

To make a mask for normal skin from potatoes at home, you need to boil and mash the potatoes. Mix with milk and any vegetable or fruit juice(in a 1:1 ratio) to the consistency of a soft paste. This mask is made every week for a month.

Radish has good cleansing properties for normal skin. To make a mask at home: wash a medium-sized radish (black), peel it, and grate it on a fine grater. Then place in a bowl or saucer, add 1 teaspoon of warmed milk and a few drops of lemon juice. If there is no lemon, then it can be replaced with a solution citric acid or sour juice from cranberries, plums, red currants. Mix all components thoroughly.

A mask made from various vegetables perfectly nourishes and moisturizes normal skin. To make a mask at home, you need to grate any vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, beets, etc.) on a fine grater. Apply the paste to the skin of the face and neck. Keep for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Wash a few fresh lettuce leaves, cut them and squeeze out the juice. Pour the juice into a bowl, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil, a few drops of lemon juice, mix everything thoroughly. You can use any vegetable oil instead of olive oil, and another sour juice instead of lemon juice.

Pumpkin is useful not only as a food product. Masks with pumpkin perfectly care for normal skin, making it smooth and soft. Regular home pumpkin masks rejuvenate facial skin. To make it at home, you need to mash boiled pumpkin pieces. Add 1 tbsp to the resulting slurry (2 tablespoons). a spoonful of olive (dill, peach, corn, sunflower, etc.) oil. Mix everything thoroughly.

Grate 1 carrot on a fine grater. Mix the gruel with 1 teaspoon of wheat flour. Add a few drops of cabbage brine or lemon juice. Apply to facial skin and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Many people like the Parisian mask. To make it at home, you need to squeeze out 100 g of well-fermented cabbage and apply a thin layer to the entire surface of the skin of the face and neck for 15-20 minutes. In this case, the cabbage should fit tightly to the face. This mask refreshes the skin and gives it elasticity and matteness.

How to make fermented milk masks

Often used to care for normal skin at home. dairy products. Thus, kefir, cottage cheese, and yogurt perfectly nourish normal skin at home. To make masks, use our best recipes.

1 tbsp. Mix a spoonful of kefir with 1 teaspoon of oatmeal. Apply the resulting mass for 10-15 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature. Pre-lubricate the skin with nourishing fatty cream or vegetable oil.

Curdled milk, kefir, yogurt, acidophilus and other fermented milk products are applied to the skin, and a damp cloth can be placed on top. The skin is pre-lubricated with a nourishing fatty cream or vegetable oil.

Grind 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese and 2 teaspoons of honey, add? teaspoons of vegetable oil and mix everything well. Apply the mixture to the face and neck. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse off first with warm, then cold water.

The Swedish mask for normal skin cleanses pores well, promotes a uniform flow of blood, and has a nutritional effect. Grind 3 teaspoons of fresh fat cottage cheese well with 1 teaspoon of liquid flower honey. Place the mixture in a cup, then beat thoroughly with a whisk or mixer until foamy. Place the resulting mass on your face, distributing it evenly over the entire surface in a thin layer. After 15-20 minutes, remove the mask using a swab dipped in a tea solution or decoction medicinal herbs(chamomile, sage, mint), or in cold milk.

Useful masks for normal skin

A honey mask for normal skin is an excellent homemade cleanser. Mix 100 g of warm honey with 100 ml of vodka. Apply to face, neck and décolleté using a damp cotton swab. Rinse off with cold water after 15-20 minutes.

The Spanish mask has excellent rejuvenating properties. To make at home: rinse one cup of mature beans and soak in cold water for 3-4 hours. Then place the beans in a small pot and cook until fully cooked and soft. Rub the boiled beans through a strainer or in a mixer. Add the juice of half a lemon and 1 tbsp to the resulting slurry. a spoonful of olive or other vegetable oil.

Oatmeal masks are very beneficial for normal skin. They perfectly cleanse, nourish the skin and even remove fine wrinkles. Try our recipe: 2 tbsp. spoons of “Hercules”, 4 tbsp. spoons of milk, 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil, 1 teaspoon of honey. After swelling, apply the paste to the skin of the face and neck, rinse with warm water, rinse with cold water.

Herbal mask recipe: 1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of chamomile, linden, elderberry flowers with 1 glass of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes. Strain. Should I add it to a warm infusion? teaspoons of honey and oatmeal until thick sour cream.

A homemade beer mask makes the skin elastic and partially whitens. For this, 1 tbsp. dilute a spoonful of brewer's yeast with milk. After such a mask, the skin becomes elastic and partially whitens.
