Exfoliants - what is it and how it is useful for the skin. Deep skin cleansing: scrub, gommage, exfoliant

Today, there are several types of cosmetic products that help to deeply cleanse and exfoliate the upper layers of the dermis. Such a process is known to everyone under the name "peeling", reviews of which are only positive. Depending on the method of exposure (chemical or mechanical), peeling can also be carried out using a laser, but it is impossible to do it at home. Among other things, an effective cleansing emulsion is Exfoliant Body Cream - a cosmetic product that guarantees rapid cell exfoliation. Most often, the preparation contains fruit acids in its composition, which simultaneously stimulate and produce new cells.

Features of the application of the presented balm

Many are interested in what it is? The drug is most often prescribed to patients with different skin types, except for irritable. It is used both in the composition of the mask, and in the composition of creams. Before buying, carefully read the instructions. Basically, it is used no more than twice a week, if the composition includes fruit acids.

By type of exposure, the exfoliant is a chemical peel, so be extremely careful during the application process. To achieve optimal results, the mask is usually used once a week, and the course is twenty procedures. Before starting the procedure, clean the face, then apply the cream on the skin of the neck and face, avoiding the area around the lips and eyes. The composition is washed off no later than after 7 minutes and only with warm water. The main effect on the skin, which has a cream-mask Bark with fruit acids:

  1. exfoliation
  2. Accelerated exchange updates
  3. Wrinkle smoothing
  4. Tone improvement
  5. Restore elasticity and softness.

The exposure time of the composition may increase and decrease depending on the sensations of the patient. If any unwanted reactions and sensations occur during the course, the mask is removed from the surface of the face. During the first application, there may be such reactions:

  1. pinching
  2. Redness
  3. Burning sensation.

If reactions occur, then after removing the mask, apply a moisturizer with marine extracts, after which, a restoring hypoallergenic agent. Redness may persist for some time, so it is better to apply the mask in the evening.

In some cases, peeling Kora can cause a feeling of tightness of the skin, but after the first procedures it disappears. Increased peeling may occur after the third or fourth procedure, and people who have never used such cosmetic preparations with the addition of fruit acids may even develop small pimples. Do not be afraid, as this is a favorable sign showing the recovery process.

It is important to remember that the course should be carried out in cold weather. Before going out to the sun, protect your face with special means (protection factor must be at least 15). Contraindications for this balm are:

  1. Herpes
  2. Dermatitis
  3. Acute eczema.

In addition, this emulsion is not recommended to be applied from May to September inclusive, when the sun is at its maximum. It is also worth noting that it is better to apply Exfoliant on very oily skin in the evening with a thin layer. All excess is removed after 20 minutes. With regular use of the composition, the final result can be observed after two months.

The effectiveness of this procedure

The production of natural and high-quality cosmetics is a multi-stage and scrupulous process. It requires special endurance and takes a long time. The preservation that exfoliants lend themselves to is achieved with the help of special essential oils. Not all patients know what a facial exfoliant is. Speaking about this procedure, not everyone understands its impact process. Its main goal is the absolute removal of dead cells so that new ones come to the surface.
The video contains recommendations for the use of the drug:

Young and healthy skin absorbs all substances better, and the main concern when using an emulsion is that the face can simply dry out. To reduce the risk, special oils and moisturizing clays are included. In addition, the tool combines three products:

  1. Purifier
  2. Exfoliant particles
  3. mask.

Thus, after regular use, the effectiveness will be guaranteed. If we talk about the fight against cellulite composition, then it can be argued that the exfoliant is a great solution. It performs an important job - massages, starts blood flow, absorbs fat and improves metabolism. So, you can tighten the skin in problem areas. Doubting your abilities, contact a specialist and do not perform the procedure at home.

The abundance of cleansers in cosmetic lines can puzzle even an experienced dermatologist. There is a certain fashion for the names and composition of the contents of the tubes. Difficulties in translation only complicate the choice, because the inscription does not always have a Russian-language description. Are there any major differences between exfoliants and other products?

Strictly speaking, exfoliation is the process of cleansing the surface of the dying cell layer of the skin by exfoliating. Peeling was written on the jars, the absence of a Russian analogue for this word allowed all “exfoliating” products to be called peelings. This composition contains particles that allow you to remove the "skin" from unnecessary cells mechanically.

  • Scrubs did it with seeds and ground shells, grains, sugar, which did not suit the delicate skin of the face at all.
  • Exfoliants do not leave mechanical traces, do not violate the integrity of the integument and allow you to dissolve or break down dead cells.

This is a kind of homemade version, so it has its own advantages, features and disadvantages.

The active substance in the composition of the exfoliant corrodes the upper layers of the skin, dissolves them, penetrates through the dead stratum corneum closer to the basal structure of the skin, which forms new cells.

This effect was originally required for the treatment of dermatological problems in order to reach living cells through the layers of flaky old skin. Cosmetology quickly adopted this fact and figured out how to use it.

The potential of exfoliants as chemical agents is useful in the right hands. Amateurs and beginners are able to cause harm, armed with "heavy artillery".

As active substances, AHA and BHA are used - alpha and beta hydroxy acids.

Under these names, the usual and often used drugs in cosmetics are hidden.

  • - these are water-soluble acids, the most popular are lactic and glycolic acids, citric, malic and tartaric acids are also used in cosmetology.
  • BHA is salicylic acid, it does not dissolve in water, but it easily passes through the sebum in the pores and the lipid barrier.

When cleansing the skin, specific acids or a mixture of them can be used. Naturally, different types of skin are helped to solve problems by different acids. The concentrations of the reagents play a significant role in this process. Of course, the exfoliant can be included in the tube labeled "peeling" and used for chemical and combined facial cleansing.

Choose by skin type

It is not difficult to choose “your” acid, it is more difficult to find a competent and honest specialist, to whom you can safely entrust your face.

It will help to take care of problematic, oily skin. Black dots won't stop her. Thick and uneven skin reacts worse to VHA, dry and irritable skin with incorrect or high concentration during a chemical peel runs the risk of serious burns. However, BHA passes through the multi-layered scales of the skin and is a vehicle for other drugs.

It is often included not only in antibacterial complexes, but also in anti-dandruff, anti-psoriasis formulations.

AHAs are suitable for cleansing normal to dry skin, sensitive, dehydrated, and prone to pigmentation. At the same time, they affect the degree of skin hydration, its elasticity, ability to regenerate and increase sun protection properties.

There is also such a variant of AHA as PHA (complex of lactic and), it is also called polyhydroxy acid). It has a milder effect on the skin, does not cause an allergic reaction. However, the "renovation" of the skin, the degree of penetration due to the larger structure will be somewhat lower.

Shades of Purification

In addition to concentrations and peeling systems recommended by manufacturers, there are author's methods of cosmetologists. These variations literally "at random" and "by eye" strengthen or weaken the composition so that the peel fits a specific skin type.

Cosmetic concerns also love experiments, and since they are afraid of a “negative” reaction, they use bases close to exfoliants.

The reaction of the skin will be softer, and the result is far from expected.

Washing products. Therefore, it is important to understand when investments will not bring results. For example, "washers" with AHA and BHA are useless.

  • First, in liquid form, there is a danger of eye irritation.
  • Secondly, the time of contact with the skin itself and the concentration of the substance will be so small that they simply cannot act.

absorbent agents. Therefore, you can only “believe” in gels and creams, and in the case of salicylic acid, also in lotions with this component. With a pronounced problem of acne, dermatologists may advise the use of 2% salicylic lotions; in their absence, oily skin can easily “get by” with a cream or gel with 1% salicylic acid.

The cream manages to "work" enough and get as deep as possible and does not harm the skin.

Salicylic acid reduces acne in the form of a lotion: at a higher concentration, it has time to pass the lipid barrier and inside the pore it extinguishes inflammation and reduces bacterial activity.

Peeling with AHA or BHA will be more effective than just a scrub composition. The peculiarity of the application is that the acid works only with the area of ​​keratinized or dead cells, which with age cease to self-clean as quickly and begin to serve as a crust for new skin.

  • Therefore, "in running" form, the difference between "before" and "after" will be obvious.
  • With good care, the contrast will not be as bright, but the duration of the effect will be longer. Sometimes it takes several days for a correct assessment.

We study the composition

Concentration is what you need to focus on with acids:

  • for alpha acids, the operating range is 5-10% at a skin pH of 3-4,
  • for beta acid - 1-2% at skin pH 3.

At a high pH level, acids become inactive, they give a weaker effect.

A higher concentration of acids can give a temporarily high skin tone, which quickly subsides and is replaced by a "withered" appearance. Such “elasticity” sometimes turns out to be an allergic edema, and it can also turn into a burn, the treatment of which will require a lot of strength.

When purchasing finished products in packaging, you are unlikely to find a mark indicating the actual concentration. Therefore, focus on the place in the list of ingredients.

  • AHA should be looked for in the first 3-5 components;
  • salicylic acid may be somewhere in the middle of the list - given its working concentration, this will be enough;
  • BHA is derived from aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) and has a similar anti-inflammatory property;
  • but willow bark, from which it is extracted, has low anti-inflammatory properties, so judging its effectiveness or believing that it will give the effect of salicylic acid is naive.

As for ANA, they work only in their structural combinations. No other “similar”, “primary sources”, “derivatives” have their useful properties, so you need to look for such names on the label:

  • Glycolic acid - glycolic acid.
  • Lactic acid - lactic acid.
  • Gluconoalactone - PHA.
  • Citric acid - citric acid.
  • Malic acid - malic acid.
  • Tartaric acid - tartaric acid.

Application in practice

Hydroxy acids can be applied to the skin of the face as part of creams 1-2 times a day. It is allowed to apply AHA to the skin around the eyes, avoiding the eyelids themselves, so that the agent does not get into the eyes. Use a cream or gel with a hydroxy acid after the tonic, lotion or micellar water has dried. There may be slight tingling and redness, which should pass quickly.

Both types of acids help the skin develop a protective filter mechanism against the sun's rays. According to some studies, it helps to avoid and treat skin cancer. At the same time, exposing the unprepared young skin layer, they do not give him such immunity. That is, it does not solve the problem entirely.

Therefore, the use of exfoliants must be combined with substances that have an ultraviolet filter, regardless of the season and solar activity.

Retinol and hydroacids

Retinoids are often confused with hydroxy acids, believing that they also exfoliate the skin. Removal of scales is an undesirable effect of the use of products with retinol and its derivatives. The intent of using retinol is for an anti-aging effect, and dryness and flaking are indicative of improper use.

Exfoliants form the basis of proper anti-aging care. The meaning of such a system is to prolong the health and youthfulness of the skin in natural ways, without stress and alternative options (laser or plastic methods).

Of course, there are many more secrets to radiant skin, but your own reflection will speak louder than words. Long-term adherence to a specific technique will make you look younger than your peers and increase self-esteem with the results. The main thing is to be attentive to yourself and your skin.

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I welcome everyone!

If the mask dries up, it is possible to irrigate it with an ice spray or thermal water (tonic).

After the expiration of time - wash off)

And although the photo does not convey the difference, it is there and palpable. Before the mask, I plucked the hairs between the eyebrows. there was redness. The paste soothed that irritated area.

My T-zone is prone to breakouts. She is fat. Owners of oily skin (pressers) will understand me perfectly - when you squeeze an area of ​​​​oily skin, a "byaka" can come out. So the mask absorbs this excess sebum (nothing is squeezed out anymore, and you don’t want to press it).

I also noticed a slight narrowing of the pores.

With regular use, exfoliating paste Oxygen balance can truly transform your skin.


From the usefulness I will highlight:

white clay kaolin

deep seaweed powder

zinc oxide,

fireweed extract,

lactic acid

Well, as I already wrote above - this paste reminded me very much of the predecessor-mask of the triple action "Instant Beauty", which I took repeatedly.

The products are very similar in appearance. Don't distinguish. I even forgot somewhere

They are also similar in action. But packaging in a tube is much more convenient and aesthetically pleasing than a jar:

So thanks to the producers). It seems to me that they changed the natural ingredients, added something, but the mask (sorry, pasta) did not get worse from this. Who wants to compare the compositions, can peep the ingredients of the mask "Instant beauty"

I'll summarize.) He is positive. I was pleased with the exfoliating paste both in volume and packaging, and in action. Now I have a fat absorbing paste and a nourishing mask (oil with clay) for oily skin. I love both products tenderly and will last me for a long time)

In the fall, I will switch to my favorite Prolixir, but for the time being it is still warm to use the new line with joy).

Take care of your skin) and it will delight you with its condition)

With love - Kuzik)

Exfoliant - what it is and how effective it is, not many people know. The abundance of cosmetics today can puzzle even an experienced cosmetologist. Among this variety, it is very important to find a suitable and good remedy for home use, and the result should be no worse than after a salon procedure.

Exfoliant - what is it, composition, types

Exfoliant is the short name for the list of ingredients that a cosmetic product contains. As a rule, these products serve to cleanse, moisturize or exfoliate.

Having an amazing effect on the skin, it is able to “dissolve” the keratinized particles of the epidermis, penetrating to the basal structure of the skin. Due to this, new young cells are formed, and thus accelerated renewal is launched. The skin becomes soft and tender like a child's.

Exfoliants are divided into:

  • mechanical,
  • enzymatic,
  • acid-free,
  • acid.

The main active ingredients in exfoliants can be:

  • acids (fruit and lactic)
  • enzymes (plant and animal origin).

Depending on the condition and age of the skin, the cosmetologist selects the appropriate remedy. So for too young or aging skin, active acids will be detrimental, and can cause swelling or burns on the client's face, so it is preferable to use enzymatic exfoliants.

For mature skin, acid is not so terrible, in moderation it has a noble effect on the skin, slowing down its aging process and enriching it with useful microelements.

The exfoliant in the composition can be found in almost every cosmetic product for face and body care. As a rule, all of them are aimed at cleansing and renewing the skin.

Before giving preference to any remedy, beauty experts recommend:

  • Determine your skin type and know in detail the existing problems (pigmentation, acne, wrinkles). If it is difficult to do it yourself, it is better to seek help from a beautician.
  • Find out in detail from a specialist or pharmacist about such a remedy as an exfoliant, what it is.
  • Choose the right product for your skin type.

Paste exfoliant

The paste is somewhat reminiscent of a regular face mask based on mud or clay. Its texture is quite thick. The composition may contain both AHA acids and enzymes of animal and vegetable origin. The paste is used 1-2 times a week.

Cream exfoliant

It has a weaker concentration of acids or enzymes as it is designed for daily use.

Exfoliating creams that contain salicylic acid in the composition can dry out acne and narrow enlarged pores. Salicylic acid also controls the production of subcutaneous fat well.

Gel exfoliant

It has the same spectrum of action as creams, but has a lighter texture. Its use is recommended more for owners of oily, problematic, combination skin.

Soap exfoliant

Convenient skin cleanser. According to some women, it has a stronger cleansing effect compared to regular soap.

Gommage exfoliant

A kind of cleansing cream. It acts like a scrub, but has smaller particles, which means it is considered more gentle. Suitable for sensitive and dry skin.

Exfoliating mask

Not suitable for daily use. As a rule, exfoliating masks contain acid in their composition, so you need to take it with extreme caution. But the effect is noticeable almost immediately and lasts much longer than after a regular mask.

Tonic exfoliant

It's designed to be gentler. The product is suitable for daily use. Tonic prepares the skin for further application of the cream and enhances its effect.

Exfoliating Powder

A novelty in the cosmetic world. Very economical consumption. Used no more than twice a week as a cleanser. Apply dry to wet skin or mix with water to form a paste. Most often referred to as acid-free enzymatic exfoliants.

Exfoliating scrub

It contains coarse abrasive particles. Suitable for those with oily, porous skin.

Peeling exfoliant

Basically, the composition contains AHA and BHA acids. Their complex effect renews even the most neglected skin almost from the first application..

On well-groomed skin, the effect will not be so noticeable, but still quite noticeable. Beauticians recommend exfoliant-based peeling as a good home remedy that is almost in no way inferior to a cosmetic procedure.

Exfoliating lotion

This line is designed for body care, which also needs cleansing. In addition to the exfoliating effect, it tones well, reduces the appearance of stretch marks and reduces existing ones.

Exfoliating Shampoo

As a rule, this product contains acids (salicylic, fruit), which act in several directions at once. Its use can reduce the production of subcutaneous fat and reduce hair loss. This effect is not achieved immediately, but after a couple of weeks the first results are already noticeable.

Instructions for the use of exfoliants. How to use exfoliants

Basically, all products that contain an exfoliant are aimed at cleansing the skin. This is a tool that is almost impossible to find an analogue. Depending on the product, a special instruction is required for it, which describes in detail how to use this tool and how often to do it.

For face

The face is the hallmark of the overall appearance of a woman. When choosing an exfoliant for the face, you need to take into account everything to the smallest detail - condition, youth and skin type.

Sometimes cosmetologists offer a whole line of exfoliants for the skin, which contain: cream, tonic and mask or washing gel. This is such a trio that even neglected skin can be cured of acne.

In general, beauty experts advise to adhere to the following scheme for the use of exfoliants for the face:

  • For oily skin, you can use any of the proposed exfoliants, but no more than 3 times a week.
  • For owners of sensitive and dry skin, the use of exfoliants is limited to once every few weeks.
  • The use of strong acid peels, as a rule, implies a kind of skin preparation. For this, weakly dosed acidic cosmetics are used daily. In addition, it is better to use them in the cold season.

A properly selected scheme will not harm the skin, but will make the face cleaner and younger.

For hands

Exfoliant, what it is and how it works on the face, has already been said above. For hands, the product acts in the same way, but is most often used in the form of scrub oils.

They are applied to dry skin of the hands and massaged for 1-2 minutes. Then washed off with warm water. Manufacturers claim that regular use of this oil (2-3 times a week) will provide well-groomed hands, as after spa treatments. Also, after using the oil, you practically do not need a cream, your hands are already sufficiently moistened.

For legs

All kinds of files, pumice stones and other devices used in a pedicure can be replaced with a special foot exfoliant. So say the manufacturers who came up with this cosmetic product. It comes in the form of a scrub. In order to achieve a good result, you will need to initially steam your legs with the addition of soda or sea salt.

After, apply the product on the feet and massage for a long time. Then rinse with water. Any greasy cream applied after scrubbing will help to fix the effect.

For body

To date, a full range of foot procedures can be replaced by only one - using an exfoliant. There are 2 products to choose from: scrub or lotion with AHA acids. Scrub is applied before taking a shower, lotion - after.

The effect of the first is achieved a little faster, since the scrub often contains mechanical particles in the form of walnut shells or fruit pits. The lotion is designed for longer use, but it is gentler in care, which will be a plus for owners of sensitive skin.

For the scalp

A line of exfoliants, also created in the form of peelings for the scalp. They are applied to dry hair and massaged for 10 minutes. After washing off with warm water and shampoo. These procedures will help solve problems with dandruff, excessive fat content and hair loss, they do not bring joy to anyone.

For hair

Hair exfoliant comes in the form of shampoos. They are able to strengthen the structure of the hair, make it thicker and smooth out the scales. Shampoo is not used often, but after lathering it is left for a few minutes so that the beneficial properties penetrate the hair structure properly.

Instant tan exfoliants

Instant Tanning Exfoliant is designed to prepare the skin for instant tanning sprays and creams.
It comes in the form of a liquid lotion and is applied to the skin with a sprayer. It is aged for several minutes and washed off with ordinary dry wipes.

Exfoliants to shrink pores

Exfoliants for narrowing pores must contain BHA acids in their composition. They have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. As a rule, they are produced in the form of serums. The serum is applied to the already pre-cleansed face, forming a thin protective film on the skin, under which the pores are tightened.

Glycolic or salicylic acid exfoliants

The use of a cosmetic preparation with glycolic acid contributes to the rapid renewal of skin processes. Old cells die and slough off while new ones begin to regenerate as quickly as possible.

Subsequently, the skin is leveled, its color and structure change. Increasing the level of hyaluronic acid helps to smooth fine wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones.

An exfoliant with salicylic acid is more intended for problem skin with acne, blackheads and increased sebum production. This acid has an antibacterial effect and prevents the appearance of new rashes.

Rating of the best exfoliants. Reviews

When the word exfoliant already sounds not so unusual and what it is described in detail above, readers will probably want to know what products are needed and can be purchased with this ingredient in the composition. Leading experts in the beauty world are ranking the best and most affordable exfoliants based on customer reviews.

Cream-mask "Bark" - exfoliant with fruit acids

A domestic remedy of very good quality cream-mask "Bark" is a mild chemical peeling, which can be safely used at home. The composition of this cosmetic product contains AHA acids of natural origin.

They help to start the regeneration of the epidermis, exfoliate dead cells, even out the relief and smooth out fine wrinkles.

The composition also contains grape seed oil, which moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

The mask is intended as an independent remedy for oily and combination skin types.

Its use helps smooth out traces of small scars and post-acne.

It also has a brightening effect and will help lighten existing age spots. Sometimes cosmetologists recommend the use of this mask for the upcoming high-acid peeling.

The result, which the manufacturer claims after a certain course (20 days), is renewed and fresh skin, with narrowed pores and a smooth texture.

After applying the "Bark" cream-mask, some women note the pleasant sensations of "breathing skin" and a pleasant feeling of freshness, a decrease in fat content. Those who have used this mask repeatedly advise using it on the skin during the cold season and note that the mask is very economical to use. 1 tube is enough for the course recommended by the manufacturer.

You can buy a cream-mask "Bark" in any pharmacy or online cosmetics stores. The price is very reasonable and starts from 400-500 rubles.

Cream-exfoliac and gel-exfoliac from "Noreva"

Cream and gel are suitable for daily use. The gel is used for local application and is applied directly to the foci of inflammation. The cream is intended for complex care.

Manufacturers and women who have tried both of these products report positive improvements in problematic skin. It is also recommended to use them at night, because after application the cream can pinch the skin a little, and the gel can remove inflammation overnight. For those whose skin is oily, the cream may leave a small greasy film, which is well absorbed by morning.

Exfoliating paste for the face of the series "Air Stream: oxygen balance" from "Faberlik"

Mask of oxygen cosmetics. Age 20+. It contains clay and active substances that fight excessive oiliness and inflammation on the skin.

The manufacturer promises a stunning result after applying this mask, and it is confirmed by Faberlic distributors. Women who have tested this product on themselves do not notice anything special after using it, except for the feeling of freshness immediately after use.

Clareol - soft cleansing gel exfoliant

Its direct action is the removal of warts and growths. Also, the gel softens rough skin well. You can buy at a pharmacy or search on Internet sites. The price of an exfoliant gel is quite high and varies from 900 rubles and more. Sometimes for a full course you need 2-3 bottles.

Most of the reviews associated with this gel note its effectiveness in direct action. It is able to remove even very old and hard-to-remove warts. But some people successfully use it in a pedicure when it is necessary to remove hardened corns and soften the skin of the feet.

Exfoliating body soap Yves Roshe

The soap is intended to be used 1-2 times a week as a scrub. Apply in circular motions to damp, steamed skin.

It has a very fresh and unusual aroma, from which no one will remain indifferent. The composition contains rough scrub particles, so it is unlikely to suit the owners of delicate and sensitive skin. Some women note small scratches after application, especially on the inside of the arms and in the décolleté area.

Cream-exfoliac "Acnomega 100"

A versatile cream that can be used both day and night. Age of application - from 18 years. Aimed at skin whitening, has a mild and gradual cleansing effect.

Although the manufacturer does not indicate which skin this cream is intended for, women who test it note that it is definitely for dry or moderately oily skin. For more oily or combination skin, it is better to use Acnomega 200.

Scrub-exfoliant for cleansing the pores "Siberian Health"

The scrub comes in the form of a gel and is designed for gentle cleansing. Suitable for dry and sensitive skin, as for oily (based on reviews) the gel is rather weak.

With regular use (2 times a week), a good cleansing and exfoliating effect is noted, as well as partial relief from acne and blackheads. After application, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer.

Gel-exfoliant for the face "Lierak"

The gel is produced by a French cosmetics company for cleansing and removing make-up of the face and the area around the eyes. It belongs to the classification of luxury medical cosmetics, since the price is quite high compared to mass market cosmetics.

The gel is suitable for girls over 18 years old, but it is also successfully used in 15-year-olds.

Suitable for normal and combination skin. The natural ingredients contained in the composition can have a beneficial effect on the skin, reduce redness and peeling.

Girls and women testing this gel claim that it copes with its cleansing function with a bang, while there is no feeling of skin tightness after application.

Exfoliating Powder with Dior Texture

A dry powder that is lathered on wet hands and applied to the face. Many women who test this product note the packaging is uncomfortable and impractical.

Due to the wide opening, the powder can wake up more than it should. Those who are waiting for a hard exfoliation will be surprised.

After mixing with water, the powder takes on the consistency of a paste and is more like a washing gel. However, the effect of it is better than that of an abrasive scrub.

Many note the complete disappearance of flaky skin and a decrease in black spots. Cosmetologists advise using the tool like this:

  • 1-2 times a week - for dry and sensitive skin;
  • 3-4 times a week - for normal and combination skin;
  • daily for oily skin.

Bioenzymatic exfoliant "Alpika"

Dual action dry powder based on pineapple and papaya phytoenzymes. Used as a peeling and as a face mask. Good for delicate and sensitive skin. Fruit acids saturate the skin with vitamins, jojoba extract has a polishing effect.

Manufacturers recommend using the powder 2 times a week as a mask or peeling. Although the composition contains small scrubbing particles, women using this powder as a peeling did not notice any discomfort.

Payot Radiance Enhancing Facial Tonic Exfoliant

Tonic serves as an intermediate between cleansing and moisturizing. Therefore, it is recommended to use it in such a way as to achieve the result presented by the manufacturer.

Created on a non-alcoholic basis, it leaves no unpleasant sensations behind. The tonic is suitable for all skin types, many women state the fact that after this tonic the skin is sufficiently moisturized and does not require the application of a cream.

Cream-exfoliant and mask-exfoliant "Cellular renewal" from "Belita"

Belarusian cosmetics has pretty good reviews among women. The price is reasonable and the quality is not inferior to expensive brands. The Cellular Renewal series, which includes a mask and an exfoliating cream, is quite good and has many positive reviews. Among them is hydration, cleansing and smoothness of the skin.

The only thing that customers are unhappy with is the slightly specific smell of the mask. But he, as they say, is an amateur.

Cream-exfoliant "Mezopharm"

Used as a preparation for chemical peels. Apply to the skin daily in the morning and evening. Designed for oily skin prone to breakouts, for aging and hyperpigmented skin.

Among women using this cream, its rather strong and effective action is noted and it is not advised to use it for more than the prescribed period, which, depending on the type of skin, is 14-30 days. The cream also lightens pigment spots very well.

Exfoliating Powder "H2O"

A novelty in the field of cosmetology. Convenient to use. Both a disposable package and a large tube are on sale, which makes customers very happy, since you can buy 1 package for a test and find out if this product is suitable or not.

The product is intended for cleansing the skin of the face 1-3 times a week. The powder is mixed with water and gently massaged into the face.

Cream-exfoliant "French Almonds" from "Academi"

Peeling cream is designed for all skin types and is designed to cleanse it. It is recommended to buy in addition to the mask of this manufacturer, to achieve the most effective result. A rather expensive product, but women note its high efficiency, namely:

  • smoothing the relief of the skin;
  • pore cleansing;
  • exfoliation;
  • refreshing complexion.

After application does not cause discomfort.

Gommage exfoliant "Teana"

Gommage based on enzymatic exfoliants. Suitable for use on very sensitive skin. Used once a week.

Those who used this product note the pleasant smell of the product and high-quality packaging. Also, gommage did not suit many, as it has a milder effect than scrub or peeling. Suitable more for almost problem-free skin, to maintain hydration and elasticity.

Tonic exfoliant "Natura Siberica"

Purifying and brightening fruit acid tonic. A good domestic analogue of expensive French brands. Designed for daily use. According to the reviews of most women and cosmetologists, it does its job quite well as an intermediate remedy.

After use, there is a good lightening of freckles and age spots. Tonic has a pleasant smell of sea buckthorn.

Where to buy exfoliant for face and body. Price

Unfortunately, there are a lot of fakes on the domestic market of cosmetic products, so it’s not so easy to buy a good proven product. An exfoliant, especially an acid one, and especially for the face, is better to choose very carefully and not buy the first product that comes across a promotion.

The price sometimes also does not matter, a good and inexpensive pharmacy product is sometimes no worse than the one sold in a luxury store.

Exfoliants for both the face and body can be found in pharmacies, chain stores, Internet sites, or at the cosmetologist himself. The price category "for every taste" - from 300 rubles and more, depending on the product. Domestic and Belarusian cosmetics are much cheaper than imported ones, if it is not a network brand. Prices for the most popular exfoliants:

  • cream-mask "Bark" - from 465 rubles in Russian pharmacies;
  • exfoliating soap "Yves Rocher" - 169 rubles on the official website.

How to make an exfoliant at home

To look beautiful, you don’t need to run to the nearest pharmacy or store at all, but you can prepare an exfoliant at home from improvised means.

Most often, homemade scrubs and peels are prepared on the basis of:

  • soda;
  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • vitamin C.

The easiest homemade exfoliant recipe for problem skin:

  1. Put 4 aspirin tablets on a saucer and put a couple of drops of water on them so that the tablets dissolve and turn into gruel.
  2. Add 2 teaspoons of honey to the aspirin and stir.
  3. Apply the mixture on your face and leave for 15-20 minutes.

This home peeling not only dries up small and large inflammations, but also noticeably brightens the face.

Peeling or exfoliating - which is better?

It is not entirely correct to compare peeling and exfoliant, since peeling is a procedure, and exfoliant is a combination of substances that can destroy dead skin cells. Many peels contain exfoliants. The interaction of this tandem gives a better result than the use of conventional peeling.

Scrub and exfoliant - what's the difference?

Scrubbing is a rough, mechanical cleansing of the skin from dead cells. Not suitable for every woman, especially the owner of very dry and sensitive skin. In this case, it is better to replace it with a softer product with an exfoliant, such as powder or gommage.

Exfoliant and what it is is being studied to this day, so for sure in the near future cosmetologists will release new improved cosmetic products, or you can always prepare an affordable home remedy.

Video clips about exfoliates

Homemade acid-based exfoliant. What is it and how does it work:

Yves Rocher Exfoliate Oil Review:

Modern cosmetology offers us many means for effective face and body skin care. So, drugs aimed at exfoliating the skin are popular.

They are called by the mysterious word "exfoliants". They will be discussed further.

In this article:

Difference from peeling

Known about exfoliant, what is this agent that is used in the process of cleansing the top dead layer of the skin through exfoliation. Special particles in its composition make it possible to mechanically remove the so-called "skin" from dead cells.

Such drugs do not leave marks on the skin, do not spoil its integrity, and also make it possible to split or dissolve the stratum corneum.

The active ingredient in the composition, as it were, corrodes and dissolves the upper layer of the dermis, getting through dead cells to the basal structure of the skin, where new cells are formed.

At first, this effect was needed in solving dermatological problems, when it was necessary to reach living cells through old, flaky skin. The same result was also of interest to cosmetology, which began to use exfoliating exfoliants to rejuvenate and cleanse the face and body.

What is the difference between peels and exfoliants? And are they different at all? The concept of "peeling" in literal translation means "cleansing", "cleansing". The term refers to the direct function of cleansing the skin. Any type of peeling, mechanical, chemical, bio, is aimed at removing dead skin cells. An exfoliant is not a peeling, but a means for its implementation..

Exfoliants are usually divided into the following categories:

  • Mechanical;
  • Acid;
  • Acid-free;
  • Enzymatic.

Means of mechanical action are scrubs. They include abrasive large particles and are characterized by a very intense action. Like sandpaper, the products remove dead cells from the surface without affecting the processes inside it. Therefore, due to the use of scrubs, regeneration processes are not accelerated.

Exfoliants with lactic or fruit acids work from the bottom up. Getting into the skin, they dissolve and eliminate dead cells, providing high-quality cleansing.

These drugs accelerate the process of skin repair, so it is updated faster.

Acid-free exfoliants work in the same way as the previous products. The main difference is that acids with an aggressive action are replaced by more gentle components, for example, cereal and plant extracts. The compositions act carefully and carefully. This good choice for mature skin, since over the years her sensitivity grows, and it is easier to injure her.

As the name suggests, enzymatic exfoliants are so named because of the enzymes they contain. They act in the same way as scrubs, but they rejuvenate the skin better, as they significantly accelerate the processes of cell renewal.

The composition of the exfoliant

The active substances in the composition of exfoliants are AHA and BHA, alpha and beta hydroxy acids, respectively. The names seem complicated, but in fact we are talking about drugs that have long been used and popular in cosmetology.

  • AHAs are water-soluble acids. The most famous among them are glycolic and dairy. In addition, apple, lemon, wine are used.
  • BHA is a well-known salicylic acid. This component is not water-soluble, but it penetrates well through fatty barriers into the deep layers.

For cleansing, both individual acids and their combinations can be used, taking into account the type and condition of the skin, the desired result. The concentration of reactants plays an important role in this process. So, the exfoliant is one of the components of the product, listed on its packaging as “peeling”, and is used for chemical or combined facial cleansing.

How to use facial exfoliant

When using exfoliating creams for the face, follow these recommendations:

  • Products with acids can be used no more than twice a day.. They, unlike many other similar drugs, are allowed to be used for the skin around the eyes, avoiding only the eyelids themselves. If the product contains hydroacids, it is better to first apply a tonic or micellar water to the skin. Here we wrote. This will improve the penetrating capabilities of the active substances. There may be slight discomfort in the form of tingling, but it will quickly pass.
  • Pay attention to skin reactions. If after applying the exfoliant, it is irritated and reddens, this means that the product is not suitable for you. Then it is worth choosing a remedy with other acids or their lower concentration.
  • Easy to use pasty products. What is exfoliating paste? This is a rich texture exfoliating treatment that is similar to a regular mask, but cleanses at much deeper levels.
  • Exfoliant for the face is especially useful in the summer. It creates a kind of protective barrier on the skin, preventing the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on it. But do not overdo it, especially if the skin is young. In this case, having lost the upper layers, the code will become too tender and vulnerable.
  • It is recommended to steam the skin before using an exfoliating agent. So it absorbs the substances better. The exfoliant is applied to the face and neck along the massage lines. After a couple of minutes, it will dry out, and a kind of soft crust will appear. By removing it, you remove dead cells from the skin.

How to apply to the body

Body exfoliant is also very popular to use. Most often, such products include fruit acids that cleanse the skin and stimulate cell production.

The composition can be applied to problem areas of the body to eliminate cellulite and tighten the skin. This is ensured due to the activation of blood circulation, the massage effect and the improvement of metabolic processes.

As a result, the regular use of exfoliants for the body makes it possible to heal the skin and significantly improve its appearance.

Using them is extremely simple. First, the skin is cleansed (you can take a bath or a warm shower), then the selected product is applied. Wait at least seven minutes after application. You will find exact information in the instructions for the purchased exfoliant. It is recommended to wash off the composition with warm water.

Contraindications and precautions

An exfoliant cream or paste should be used wisely and sparingly. It is worth considering a number of contraindications to their use. So, mechanical scrubs exfoliants should not be used in the following cases:

  • Allergy to one of the components of the product;
  • The location of the capillaries is very close to the surface of the skin;
  • Acne and severe inflammation requiring treatment.
  • Microtrauma, disturbed by the value of the skin.

Mechanical exfoliation should not be carried out with very thin and sensitive skin, since even the smallest abrasives can injure it. Exfoliation is a procedure suitable for normal, combination and.

Chemical exfoliants should not be used in such conditions.:

  • A number of forms of molluscum contagiosum;
  • The presence of papillomas and warts;
  • psoriasis or eczema;
  • Active form of herpes;
  • recent sunburn or sunburn;
  • The presence of microtrauma, damage to the integrity of the cover.
  • Allergic reactions, individual intolerance to the components.

How often you use exfoliants depends on your skin type.

If it is oily or combination, use the composition a maximum of three times a week. For the normal type, reduce this amount to twice every seven days. But for sensitive, it is worth choosing a soft alternative to rough cleansing and using the product no more than once every two weeks.

Consider your skin type and condition when choosing an exfoliant. The more sensitive it is, the softer the agent used should be. Otherwise, you risk not improving the condition of the dermis, but only exacerbating existing problems.

Useful video

Emulsion exfoliant with glycolic acid 15% Académie Scientifique de Beauté.

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