F 079 new. What medical certificates are needed for a health camp and how long they are valid

06/25/2018, Sasha Bukashka

A certificate in form 079 / y is a necessary medical document for sending a child to a summer camp. How to get it, and how long does it last? Let's find out together.

“What a horror!” - you probably thought, because not a single parent wishes illnesses either for their own or for other people's children. The value of certificates, which until now could seem like an unnecessary bureaucratic element, has increased, and there was a desire to learn more about them, as well as draw up an action plan for their extraction. Indeed, besides the fact that you need to spend time going to the doctors, this should be done shortly before the trip, since the expiration date of the certificate 079 / y for the camp is limited. But first things first.

What is a certificate of form 079/y?

A certificate of form No. 079 / y is a single and mandatory document for a child to visit any health institution:

  • camps;
  • sanatorium;
  • holiday homes;
  • etc.

This medical certificate can be obtained at the local clinic at the local doctor or even at the school first-aid post if the trip is planned during school hours. Form 079 / y contains all data on the child's health:

  • health group;
  • vaccination information;
  • information about chronic diseases;
  • information about regularly taken medications;
  • test results before going on vacation;
  • information about contact with infectious patients and the epidemiological situation at school and at home.

Help 079 / y, in which the doctor must also enter the name of the child, his age and date of birth, as well as the registration address, should look like this:

The document must contain the date of compilation, the signature of the doctor, his personal seal and the stamp of the medical institution. The certificate 079 / y for a camp or any other health institution is valid for 3 months. Not so little, right?

When to start applying for a certificate for a trip to the camp?

Considering that the results of the analysis should be indicated in the document, it is better to process the medical certificate necessary for the child’s trip to rest in advance. After all, they need to pass, as well as get results. Experienced parents are advised to allocate time for such events approximately 2 weeks (10-14 days) before the start of the shift and departure. This is not at all a long time, as it might seem at first glance, because unforeseen difficulties may arise.

But it’s also not worth getting a form 079 / y in advance: its validity period includes the entire period of stay on vacation. That is, before being sent home, it must still act. Imagine that your child will enjoy his summer vacation so much that he will want to stay for another shift. Or you will turn up a last-minute ticket to a boarding house and right from the camp you decide to go there with your children. Therefore, it is better to play it safe with the terms of reference.

Other medical documents for the child's trip to the camp

Although certificate 079 / y is universal and the same for everyone, many children's health institutions require parents to provide additional medical certificates. Such a list may, in particular, include:

  1. Help with the results of tests for enterobiasis and worm eggs.
  2. Document on the absence of pediculosis and scabies.
  3. Other medical certificates, depending on the specifics of the children's health institution.

You can get such medical certificates at the clinic along with certificate 079 / y, but keep in mind that they are much less effective than this single form. In particular, the certificate for enterobiosis for the camp is valid for only 10 days from the date of the analysis. And without such a certificate, children may be taken on vacation, but they will not be allowed to use the pool for sure. Similarly, information about the absence of scabies is valid for 10 days. All of them are necessary only at the time of arrival, because then the institution itself, where the child entered, takes responsibility. In this regard, it is better to coordinate the moment of obtaining such certificates with the local doctor so that they are not overdue for the trip.

Comments recording Medical certificate for a pioneer / children's / summer camp (form 079 / y) disabled

This type of medical certificate is issued for children going to a pioneer camp. This medical certificate contains data on vaccinations, infectious diseases suffered by the child and indicates which physical culture group he belongs to.

Children's camps are institutions of mass congestion of people. The children's team, as you know, is a society that is extremely susceptible to external influences. In the children's team, various kinds of infectious diseases spread with extreme speed, since the child's body is quite susceptible to any nature of external influence. In addition, the child's immunity is very, very weak, since this is a normal feature of the child - his immunity has not yet been strengthened and is not fully formed. Thus, a sick child, once surrounded by healthy children, will infect them almost instantly. Therefore, ensuring a normal epidemiological situation in the children's team is really necessary. Ordinary common sense unequivocally testifies in favor of this statement. Thus, a favorable epidemiological situation should also be maintained in the children's camp.

Of course, the ways to maintain epidemiological well-being in a children's health or sanatorium camp are very, very diverse and variable. We will talk about only one of them, which is directly related to the formal and organizational component of the case. It means the use health care for the camp, preliminary registration of this document for each child who goes to the camp.

Medical certificate for the camp- this is a completely official document that is registered in a single list (register) of medical certificates used on the territory of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the presence of a medical certificate for the camp is mandatory for all children. There are no exceptions in this regard, and the law applies equally to everyone.

A certificate of form No. 079 / y is issued to a student leaving for a pioneer camp. Help for the camp is a mandatory medical document for all children traveling to summer camps. The form is filled in by medical workers of the school, children's polyclinic or FAP and provides the medical staff of the pioneer camp with information about the child's health, necessary for the proper organization of physical education and recreational activities during the children's rest period.

Form No. 079/y(help for the camp) contains the following data:

- data on past infectious diseases;

- vaccination list - DTP (from the medical record);

- physical education group.

When leaving the pioneer camp, the results of the stay and the effectiveness of recreational activities are also recorded in a special section of the medical certificate for the camp, after which the document is returned to the student for transfer to the medical staff of the school or children's clinic, FAP.

To clarify the situation and identify the real reasons for the need to use a children's medical certificate for the camp, we will determine the specific features of this document.

So, perhaps it would be worth starting with the fact that medical certificates for the camp in our country are traditionally used. Back in the days of the Soviet Union, there were medical certificates for the pioneer camp. Despite the fact that the camps in modern Russia are no longer called pioneer camps and, in fact, they are not, the main principles of their work have been preserved. Medical certificates for the pioneer camp have also been preserved, which are now simply called “medical certificates for the camp”, excluding the word “pioneer”. In the medical register, which we mentioned a few paragraphs above, a medical certificate for a camp for children is entered as medical form 079 / y. Thus, medical certificates for the camp, in any case, must be filled out according to a single model, like medical form 079 / y.

Naturally, the registration of a medical certificate in a children's camp cannot happen just like that. Without any medical intervention. This process involves the child undergoing a medical examination, which is traditionally very general. The main purpose of the child’s medical examination and the main purpose of the medical certificate itself for the children’s camp is to assess the child’s health and correlate the results of this assessment with the prospect of sending the child to the camp for a particular period. However, the period of the child's stay in the relevant institution of recreation and leisure does not affect the issuance of a medical certificate to the children's camp. Any such medical certificate, in any case, is calculated for one arrival of the child in the camp. Usually, we recall, the duration of one race is about three weeks. If the child will rest in the camp for several races, then, accordingly, every time the medical form 079 / y will have to be issued again.

By itself, the medical certificate to the camp for children is valid for three months. This means that this medical certificate can be prepared in advance, long before the child travels. At the same time, it is also not necessary to go to the doctors and issue a medical certificate to the children's camp too early, since it is possible that by the time the child arrives and stays in the camp, the medical certificate will no longer be valid. It is best to prepare a medical certificate for a children's camp about a week or two before the expected date of the child's arrival at the camp.

The preparation and receipt of a medical certificate for a children's camp is carried out in medical institutions. In the classic version, this is a children's district clinic. There you need to contact the local pediatrician. Pediatricians are traditionally engaged in issuing medical certificates for children's camps. In Soviet times, pediatricians also issued medical certificates for the pioneer camp.

Medical certificate 079 / y is issued to a child who has passed the necessary examination. This form is started immediately after contacting a doctor. In order for the medical certificate form 079 to be initially entered, in addition to the personal appearance of the parents with the child to the pediatrician, certain documents are also required. In particular, you should bring with you the child's outpatient medical record, his MHI (mandatory medical insurance) policy, the child's birth certificate and the parent's passport.

The pediatrician will then refer the child for the necessary tests, to the specialists who need to go through, and also independently perform a general therapeutic examination and give his own conclusion. All these activities are subordinated to one single common goal, which is to identify possible contraindications for a child to rest in a children's camp and, in general, in principle, to stay in a large children's team. Usually, in addition to the pediatrician, children are also examined by a dermatologist and a surgeon. Plus, the child is sent to donate blood for a general analysis, feces and urine. After the child has passed all the necessary measures, the pediatrician completes the issuance of a medical certificate for the camp.

It is very important that the medical certificate 079 / y be filled out correctly, not to mention the fact that this document must be issued on a special form without fail. The medical certificate form 079 must be numbered, stamped and also contain the seals and signatures of all doctors who took part in filling out the medical document in one way or another. The certificate 079 / y contains general information about the child: last name and first name, date of birth, address by registration and address of residence, place of study. Additionally, information about the camp is reflected in the certificate: name, location, estimated duration of the check-in. It is especially noted if we are talking about a camp of a sports or sanatorium type. This is followed by information about the child's health: his position within the general dispensary territorial registration, data on previous diseases (this information is written out from the outpatient medical card). The state of affairs with the vaccination of the child is also indicated - an extract from the vaccination card is made, or the vaccination card itself (its copy) is attached.

The results of the medical examination are sequentially entered into the medical certificate form 079. At the end of the document, the pediatrician writes down his conclusion and permission for the child to rest in the camp. For camp workers, other information about the child is often also indicated, for example, the health group to which he is assigned as part of physical education, the recommended daily routine, diet, diet, etc.

Please note that medical certificate 079 must also indicate the date of its issue to the patient, since it is on the basis of this that the period of validity of this document can be calculated.

Sometimes filling out a medical certificate for a children's camp is not limited to the indicated activities. There is also a practice when this document is filled in with new information about the child already directly in the camp - in this case, the data is entered by the medical worker of the camp. For example, this can happen if a child is injured in a camp, has an illness, etc. If this happened, then the information reflected in the medical certificate by the doctor of the children's camp will, in the future, be useful to the pediatrician, and must be entered in a certain way in the child's outpatient medical record.

There are times when parents forget about getting a medical certificate for a children's camp. There are cases when medical certificate 079/y is forgotten or lost on the way to the camp. There are times when neither parents nor the child have any idea until the very last moment that a medical certificate for a children's camp should be issued at all. Thus, it is understood that in a number of cases, for more or less objective reasons, the child in question may not have the document at the time of his arrival at the camp. Here much depends on the policy of the camp leadership. Sometimes it is practiced, in particular, the possibility of postponing the arrival of a child, the possibility of passing a medical examination on the basis of a first-aid post at the camp, etc. However, some camps strictly do not accept children on vacation without a medical certificate 079 / y.

Certificate form 079 / y (certificate for a pioneer camp) is an official medical document that is mandatory for all children going on vacation to summer, sports and health camps. The certificate to the camp must be filled out by medical workers (a doctor at a children's clinic, a medical worker at a medical center, school or kindergarten, etc.) based on the child's medical examination and test results.

A certificate for a pioneer camp (form 079 / y) is an official medical document that is mandatory for all schoolchildren leaving for vacations in summer, pioneer, sports and health camps.

Form 079 / y certificate (certificate to the camp) must be filled out by medical workers (doctor of a children's clinic, medical worker of a medical center, school or kindergarten, etc.) based on the data of the child's medical examination and test results, information from the medical record, and in in the absence of such, according to the data from the outpatient card. The data contained in the certificate to the camp should include information about the general state of health of the child, chronic diseases, vaccination and revaccination, indicating the dates, numbers and series of vaccinations (extract from the vaccination list).

Help in the pioneer camp enables the workers of the children's camp to properly organize the system of physical education of the child, choose the right set of recreational activities and the daily routine, and, if necessary, help to provide effective medical care.

A correctly executed certificate of form 079 / y for the camp should contain information about the age of the child, physical culture group, previously transferred infectious diseases, contain an extract from the vaccination list (vaccinations: measles (ZHKV), mumps (ZhPV), tuberculosis (BCG), hepatitis B , rubella, ADSM, Mantoux reaction), as well as data on fractures, injuries, features of physical development and allergic reactions.

It is also important that at the end of the child's stay in the camp, the camp's medical workers must fill out the back of the form 079 / y. The reverse side of the form 079 / y should contain data on the health-improving and preventive measures carried out in the camp, the weight of the child upon admission and departure, indicators of physical condition, as well as data on past illnesses if the child was sick. In this form, the certificate of form 079 / y must be returned to the place of medical registration of the child (school, college, children's educational institution) and attached to his outpatient card.

Immediately before the child leaves for the camp, in addition to form 079 / y, additional medical certificates will need to be issued.

In the summer, many parents try, if possible, to send their children to a pioneer camp, so that they can rest, gain strength and new impressions after the school year, and they themselves can temporarily get rid of the worries that are inevitable when having children in the house. A health-improving vacation in a pioneer camp is preferable to aimless pastime at home during the summer holidays.

First of all, you need to purchase a ticket to the camp, it’s quite simple to do this now, just contact any travel company if you have no other way (for example, through a trade union organization at work or in the child welfare authorities), and you an extensive list of possible options will be presented.

After purchasing a ticket, you need to prepare all the documents necessary for the trip and things that the child will take with him.

Here is an approximate list of documents that you may need:

- trip to the camp

- a copy of the birth certificate or passport if the child is 14 years old and has already received it

- medical certificates

- copy of health insurance

– if required, a completed questionnaire with a detailed description of all the features related to children's health

– if the place of rest is located abroad, the consent of the parents, certified by a notary and a passport (here you may need an additional number of documents, in particular, this is a questionnaire for the embassy, ​​a certificate from the place of study, a certificate from one of the parents, from the place of work, etc. complete list ask for when booking)

Let us dwell in more detail on medical certificates and the timing of their issuance.

The first of them is a medical certificate for a student leaving for a pioneer camp (form 079 / y). This medical certificate can be issued in advance and attached to the package of documents.

The second certificate that is required to be submitted to the administration of the children's camp is a certificate of contacts. The full name of this certificate is a certificate of a favorable epidemiological environment. A certificate of contacts is issued at a medical institution at the place of medical registration of the child and indicates that the child has not been in contact with infectious patients for the last three weeks (21 days), and that at the place of residence of the child (at the location, school, region and etc.) no outbreaks of epidemics and contagious infections were recorded. A certificate of contacts is taken no earlier than 1-2 days before the child arrives at the camp, so that from the moment the certificate is received to its presentation to the camp administration, no more than 3 (three) days have passed.

If the camp where the child goes is large enough and with a claim to elitism, there may be a sports complex with a gym and a swimming pool. In this case, make sure that your child has medical certificates for this case as well. To visit the pool, you need a certificate to the pool, confirming that it has no contraindications for swimming in pools (for example, allergic reactions on the skin when interacting with a chlorine environment, since the water in the pools is chlorinated for sanitary safety). For classes in the gym, you will need a medical opinion on the absence of contraindications for practicing a certain sport or a certificate to the gym (form 1).

Note: For example, some large camps (Artek, Orlyonok, Robin Hood, etc.) have their own form of a medical certificate for the camp. This form includes all of the above references in the required combinations. A blank form of this combined certificate can be downloaded from the camp website or received by e-mail after purchasing a ticket. This combined certificate form must be printed on a conventional printer and the child's medical examination must be taken with it.

After collecting all the necessary medical certificates, you need to carefully consider what things your child will need in the camp and prepare them. Depending on the climatic conditions of the location of the pioneer camp, you should choose the clothes that the child will take with him. There is no universal list of required things for a trip to the camp, so let's try to make an approximate list.

The number of things should not exceed reasonable limits, and they should be comfortable, practical and functional. If you have time and desire at that time, sew tags with the child's initials on the inside on the main large things.

Personal hygiene items will be required by your children without fail, regardless of the climatic region in which the camp itself is located. The child must have:

- a toothbrush and a couple of tubes of toothpaste

- toilet soap (and a soap dish for it)

- washcloth

- lotion or toilet water

- shampoo or shower gel

- a bath towel

- if necessary, hygiene products for girls

- toilet paper (a couple of rolls) and sanitary napkins

- if necessary, for boys, a razor and shaving foam

- comb

– mosquito repellent (especially if the camp is located in a forest area or on the shore of any reservoir)

- dark glasses and sun protection products, sunburn products

- scissors or nail clippers

What to give your child from office equipment is up to you to decide, a camera or an audio player, a mobile phone or a pocket computer, of course, every child would like to have, but there is a high risk that he will either lose them or they will simply steal them from him. To avoid such troubles, they should not take expensive equipment with them, for example, Tetris and an inexpensive mobile phone model will be enough to contact you.

In the process of picking things, connect the child himself, so that he knows exactly what he will have with him. If possible, satisfy his wishes to take something that he considers will be "vitally necessary" for him. Absolutely exclude playing cards from this list, but chess, checkers, dominoes, why not? It is not advisable to take medicines with you, since in health-improving institutions of this type there is always a first-aid post with all the necessary medicines. In conclusion, I would like to say that the more carefully you prepare everything you need for the trip, the more comfortable you will feel yourself, knowing that your child has everything.


Conclusion on professional suitability by order 302n Medical books - obtaining, renewal, certification
Passage of fluorography with a medical certificate Preventive vaccination card (form 063/y)
Form 027 / y (extract from the patient's medical record)

Before sending a child to a children's health camp, there is always a lot of trouble and unnecessary fuss. Of course, you can accidentally lose sight of the execution of all necessary medical documentation. Help for the children's camp form 079 y is a prerequisite for the child's stay in the camp. It is this medical document that can guarantee that the child will not suffer during the holidays from dangerous infections and will not get sick.

Certificate 079 / y can be issued at a school institution by a doctor or at a polyclinic at the place of residence after being examined by a pediatrician, but you have the opportunity to quickly issue this certificate at the Sanmedexpert medical center as soon as possible. It contains the following data:

  • the number of vaccinations and revaccinations received;
  • past illnesses;
  • physical education group.

This information is necessary for the medical worker of the children's health institution in which the child will stay for the entire shift. Based on these data, a competent specialist will monitor the proper organization of rest and nutrition of the child. An employee of the first-aid post at the end of the wellness shift in a special column will note the effectiveness of the procedures and, if necessary, the features of the child's stay on vacation.

How long is the certificate for the children's camp 079/y valid?

Certificate for children's camp 079/y is valid for three months. This means that you can go through all the specialists in advance and receive a document in the spring. The following year, the certificate is issued again, taking into account the changed data.

Where can I get a medical certificate for the camp?

A pediatrician is responsible for issuing a certificate for the children's camp 079 / y. He not only makes notes on the vaccination passport, but also conducts a general examination. For the conclusion, consultations of two narrow specialists are necessary:

  • dermatologist

In addition, it is necessary to pass a number of tests:

  • general clinical blood test,
  • general clinical analysis of urine.

Can a doctor forbid a child to go on vacation to a children's camp?

Unfortunately, maybe. If your child is sick at the time of the examination or has serious medical contraindications for active recreation in the children's health camp. Also, a certificate is not issued if, 21 days before the issuance of this document, the child had contact with infectious patients or was even expected. In this case, it is necessary to leave the baby under observation for the entire quarantine period of the alleged disease.

Why is it worth issuing a certificate 079 at the Sanmedexpert center?

  1. In our medical center, a certificate is issued as soon as possible.
  2. Conforms to all necessary standards.
  3. You can visit all narrow specialists in one day.
  4. Affordable prices.
  5. Convenient work schedule.

Children's camps are considered a place where a large number of people gather. But it is precisely in children's groups that infectious diseases of any kind spread most quickly - even one child can infect the entire team. To prevent this from happening, each child, before enrolling in a children's camp, must undergo a medical commission, the results of which are recorded by certificate 079u for the camp.

The price of the certificate form 079y for the camp

Help titlehelp formPrice

To the pioneer camp

Issuance of a health resort card

Registration of a sanatorium-resort card (if there are analyzes)

Making a certificate for obtaining a ticket

Additional services:

Psychologist's conclusion

Examination by a psychiatrist-narcologist

Seeing by a psychiatrist

Reception (examination, consultation) of a general practitioner

Appointment (examination, consultation) with an ophthalmologist

Reception (examination, consultation) of a surgeon

Appointment (examination, consultation) with a Psychiatrist and Psychiatrist-narcologist

ECG removal

Holter ECG monitoring

Digital photo with output for reference

Digital photo with output for reference

A copy of the license of ZNAKHAR LLC

Help confirmation

Our licenses

License page 1 License page 2 License page 3

What information does edit 079u contain for the camp

Help in the form 079y for the camp is an official document registered in the register of medical certificates. A certificate of form No. 079 / y is considered a mandatory requirement for all children leaving for camps. A certificate of this type is drawn up from beginning to end by medical workers at children's clinics or school health workers.

Form No. 079 / y contains the required data:

  • About transferred infectious diseases;
  • A sheet of vaccinations taken from the medical record;
  • Physical culture group.

When the child leaves the camp, the certificate indicates all the recreational activities that were carried out for him. Upon arrival home, the student is required to hand over the certificate at the place of its issuance. Medical certificate in the camp is valid for three months. But this does not mean that it can be issued long before the start of the trip. It is better to start undergoing a medical examination two weeks before departure.

Medical certificate is issued on a specially designed form. Proper completion of the certificate - the certificate form must be numbered, stamped and include the signatures of all the doctors who took part in the medical examination. If the camp is of a sports type, then the physical condition of the child should be indicated, if it is a sanatorium-health camp, then the past diseases are indicated.

In the medical certificate No. 079 / y, the date of its issue should be written. In exceptional cases (loss of the form when sent to the camp or when the parents did not know about its execution at all), the certificate can be issued by the camp's medical workers. But not all camps will want to conduct a medical examination on their territory.

If you are offered to buy a certificate 079u for the camp, then it is better not to do this, this is a violation of the law. In our center, we will consult in detail on this type of certificate.
