Feng Shui birth of a child. Feng Shui for an easy and happy pregnancy: from conception to childbirth

Abandon the routine of restrictions, reveal the possibilities of your home that you did not take into account before.

(Nancely Vaidra)

Remember how in the touching and very instructive film "My Life" actor Michael Keaton in the title role of Bob Jones associates his childhood with the nursery on the second floor, where he often hid in a closet from his father and liked to watch the outside world from his window. Yes, my dears, whether we like it or not, our children's room first of all evokes memories of childhood. It is the children's room that is forever imprinted in our memory.

Feng Shui takes a very close look at the things that we surround ourselves with in an apartment and studies how they affect us. Feng Shui reveals how the color, shape, texture, smell, taste and sounds that surround us affect our emotions, physical and spiritual state, imagination, character and energy. Our material world forms a three-dimensional reality. The magic lies in the fact that it gives us the opportunity to help the baby to know himself, to maximize his potential, to give the opportunity to his imagination, to develop the soul, mind and body, to push for self-realization.

Dear parents, do not forget that children are much more sensitive and receptive to outside actions than adults. They are clear indicators, some kind of litmus test of the destructive or creative energy of the house. And take my word for it, if children in some houses for no reason behave inappropriately, lethargically, start acting up or they are drawn to sleep, then in this room the energy has stagnated and has long been “retrained” into destructive Sha-Qi. Fortunately, the opposite is also true. If you come to visit friends and the children begin to actively play, have fun and behave well, then this is a clear indicator of the fresh and kind energy of Shen-Qi in this house. Yes, these are our irreplaceable, unique and unique helpers from God - children.

About three months ago, at the request of a lovely family, I conducted a feng shui audit of their new country home. According to the stories of the mother of the family, they bought this house from very wealthy people a year and a half ago. After moving into a new home, their family business began to flourish even more. That is, monetary energy stirred instantly. The remaining abundance energy of the former owners has brought wonderful results to the current owners.

A reasonable question arises. If everything is fine with them, then why did they turn to a feng shui specialist? Yes, there was one important "but". The reason for their appeal to me was a sharp deterioration in the health of their charming children, and all three at once.

- Snezhana, you have no idea, but as soon as we moved here, as if something happened to my children. There is not a single month that they do not get sick. Either flu, then SARS, then some kind of bruise, then something else, - a desperate mother told me.

It turned out that the former owners were also ill, and moreover, very serious diseases. They sold this house intuitively, not knowing the canons of Feng Shui ... As a result of my observations, the following turned out.

Firstly, on a plot of 20 acres there are 3 dried trees.

Secondly, the sharp corner of the neighboring two-story house looks at the windows of the children's room.

Thirdly, according to the “Bagua grid”, there is absolutely no sector responsible for the fate of children.

Fourthly, they did not neutralize the 2 year sickness star, which, ironically, flew into the children's room.

Fifthly, they got mirrored ceilings from the former owners, moreover, in two bedrooms.

Can you imagine what happened to the children who found themselves in a house that was attacked by five arrows of poisonous radiation at once? I recommended urgently uprooting dead trees, neutralizing the attacking sharp corners of the neighboring house, correcting the missing sector, neutralizing the sickness star 2 and completely redoing the ceilings to ordinary ones. Believe it or not, Irina called me thanking me exactly two months later.

This friendly family, following my recommendations, remodeled their house in just ten days. Praise and applause to them for this! Unfortunately, many of us live by inertia and cannot take the first step towards a happy life, and then wonder why feng shui does not help. Need to work. It is necessary to act. Yes, my friends, it is to act.

So, as soon as they healed their home, their children stopped getting sick! Why were they sick? Yes, because it was children, the most sensitive indicators of energy, who were the first to react to destructive radiation after moving into this house. Do you understand?

That is why it is impossible to overestimate the importance of Feng Shui in improving the quality of life of our little ones. Therefore, here and now, it is important for parents to think about how the surrounding physical space affects the development of the child. After all, while children are under our wings, under the care of mom and dad, we, fortunately, can still influence the course of their development, which flows into adulthood. This is the responsibility we bear!

Therefore, let's think together how we can improve the quality of life of our children with the help of feng shui canons.

Feng Shui in the children's room

Let me tell you about the canons of Feng Shui, by applying which, many and many of my followers have improved the lives of their children.

According to the canons of Feng Shui, the east side of the apartment is the ideal place for a nursery. Why? Because in the east, the dominant element is Wood. And Wood is the only element of the five capable of growth. It is the eastern location of the nursery that ensures the spiritual and physical growth of the baby.

It would seem that nowhere is easier. However, these are only general recommendations, so to speak, only the tip of a giant iceberg called Feng Shui.

When assigning your children's bedrooms, you can also be based on feng shui compass formulas and take into account personal auspicious directions, which are calculated based on the date of birth and gender of the child. We will talk about this ahead of time. In addition, you can distribute children's rooms according to the Postheavenly order of the Eight Trigrams or Bagua. We will also talk about this later.

In addition, remember that the nursery has Yang energy. Hence, I advise you to fill the room with bright and light colors. In the nursery there should be a feeling of the "pulse of life", otherwise the child will be afraid of open spaces. For example, a cuckoo clock, a rocking horse, a music center, a cage with budgerigars, etc. will be appropriate here. But if the child is hyperactive, then you should not decorate his bedroom in too Yang, for example, poisonous raspberry or ultraviolet colors , and even hang it with posters with rock stars such as Marilyn Manson or Ozzy Osbourne.

Keep the balance of Yin and Yang. Give preference to peaceful images. For example, instead of a bloodthirsty dinosaur, hang a friendly dolphin, instead of a predatory tiger with an open mouth, a cute kitten, etc. Also beware of images of war symbols such as tanks, pistols, warships, fighter jets, etc. Because they generate a large the amount of hostile and aggressive energy in the child's bedroom.

I quite often had to observe children's bedrooms that have an L-shape, as well as non-parallel walls. These configurations are not very favorable. Naturally, if this is not a private house, in standard apartments we cannot move the walls as we please. In such cases, good Feng Shui comes to our aid and recommends installing a partition, screen, curtain, as shown in the figure.

Many books advise hanging mirrors to improve the feng shui of the bedroom, but you need to be very careful with mirrors! Thus, your children's room takes the form of a regular rectangle.

The ideal shape for a child's room is a square or rectangle.

Any bedroom, especially children's, should be on the upper floors. It is unacceptable to have a children's room on the lower floor.

Just last week, I was approached by a family that has been trying to complete the construction of a three-story house for several years now. On the same plot they live in a separately built small house. The hostess told me that as soon as they moved to this site, the youngest daughter began to get sick constantly, an atmosphere of scandals and quarrels reigned in the family, and they could not enter the new house in any way.

And what do you think? In addition to the fact that all three bedrooms - one adult and two children - are located above a huge garage, all the beds are under sloping ceilings.

Please remember not to place a bedroom, especially a child's bedroom, above a garage or storage room. Otherwise, the energy of the children's room will suffer due to the lack of a "solid foundation", as a result of which luck will begin to elude your children, they simply will not be able to realize their plans.

The children's room should not be located directly above the garage.

The next taboo. The kitchen belongs to the element of Fire, so it is undesirable to have a children's room above it. This arrangement also brings bad luck to your baby. If it is not possible to place the nursery in other rooms, then at least take care not to place the baby's crib directly above the stove.

The crib should not be directly above the stove.

In addition to all of the above, try to design your home so that the stairs, the toilet or bathroom door, the back door, the door to the mother-in-law's room are not directly in front of the door to the children's room. In particular, the staircase in front of the baby's bedroom door is one of the most serious taboos. If this is already the case, then I recommend neutralizing these violations in this way.

Move the door to the children's room to another place.

Place a large plant, such as a ficus, between the stairs and the door.

Put a screen between the stairs and the door.

Hang a giant wind chime between the stairs and the door.

The staircase directly in front of the door to the children's room is unfavorable.

Dear ones, please do not be discouraged if you find one or two of these taboos in your home. Your goal is to mitigate the imperfections of the environment as much as possible. Take my word for it, in very rare cases it is possible to equip your home so that it is 100% in line with the canons of feng shui. After all, in the end, the fortune of your family depends on the final feng shui of the house as a whole, and not on small flaws.

You may be surprised, but I myself am constantly making some adjustments to feng shui in my house. Yes, yes, my friends, there is no limit to perfection. After all, I periodically replenish my baggage of knowledge. I constantly learn from different feng shui masters and immediately put this knowledge into practice. If I notice any shortcomings in my house that I didn’t pay attention to before, then I immediately correct it.

In addition, people who practice feng shui know one important thing. If you are carried away by this amazing science, then at least once a month you must rearrange, hang or move something in your house. Of course, I mean the movements associated with the favorable and unfavorable stars of the month, as well as the monthly purification of space.

Let's go back to the children's room. Now I propose to talk about the main subject of her interior - about the crib.

feng shui baby crib

Thank God, the days when children, for lack of a bed, slept right in the stroller, are gone. By the way, I'll tell you a secret, my first bed, or rather, the first car was just a Soviet stroller on silver wheels, huge, like a tractor. Yes, yes, my parents-students sent me, one month old, on a white "Volga" far to the village to my grandmother. And my grandmother arranged me near her bed in this tallest stroller ...

Now, fortunately, there is a huge range of all kinds of pretty beds with lace canopies on sale, so beautiful that sometimes you want to turn back the clock and sniff sweetly under this airy shelter.

So, the crib is the very first house of the baby. We are obliged to equip it according to the canons of Feng Shui.

Hang beautiful rattles or squeaky toys above the crib. Rotating devices with melodic accompaniment with all sorts of cute little animals are appropriate. All these cute things will occupy and develop the baby.

You should not buy bunk beds even in order to save space. A child sleeping on the lower section is pressed by the energy of the upper floor, and a sleeping one above is suppressed by a low ceiling. In such situations, the physical and spiritual growth of children slows down.

Remember how in the movie Gone with the Wind, the sensitive and caring father Rhett Butler strictly ensured that Bonnie's daughter did not sleep in a dark room. He once even fired a nanny for arguing with him: “All children sleep in dark rooms. If you constantly indulge your daughter, she will grow up to be a coward with you. If the baby is afraid of the dark, then you can install a night light or a lamp with a light power switch in the nursery. Then the child will calm down and sleep soundly.

Position the crib so that your baby sleeps with the headboard against the main wall. This will provide support, protection and a sense of security.

It is undesirable to place the crib directly under the window. A lot of energy comes from the windows, and the baby will not have enough “support”. But in my practice there was a case when there were two windows in a small children's room, and it was impossible to move the bed located under the window to a solid wall. In such cases, I advise you to curtain the windows with a thick cloth.

It is not recommended to place the crib diagonally across the room, even if this is the best compass direction for your baby based on the Gua number. It is more expedient to put the baby himself on the diagonal of the bed itself.

Good feng shui for a child's room is primarily determined by the crib.

My attentive readers already know that you should never sleep in the "position of the dead", that is, with your feet to the bedroom door. If this is the case, then urgently move the bed to the right or left. And if you can’t move the crib in any way, then install a screen or put a locker between the crib and the door.

The location of the crib in relation to the doors in the nursery

In the dominant part of the apartments, the doors of the room are located directly opposite the window. In this case, there is an undesirable "energy breakdown". Especially unfavorable is the case when the crib is located with the headboard against the wall where this “energy breakthrough” passes. Thus, the baby is exposed to harmful energy effects. This problem can be solved by moving the bed headboard to the opposite wall.

The location of the crib in relation to the bathroom and bathroom

Further, you already know that the toilet radiates negative energy. Therefore, try not to place the crib headboard against the wall on the other side of which it is located. Sometimes a children's room is located under the bathroom or toilet located on the top floor. In this case, be sure to move the crib so that it is not directly under a toilet, tub, hot tub, or shower.

If you have a private house, then it is possible that the children's room has ceiling beams. Try not to place a crib under them. If the baby is already sleeping under a bulky beam and it is impossible to move the crib, then hang a suspended ceiling on this beam or at least repaint it in light colors: beige, cream or white.

Of course, there should be absolutely nothing above and below the crib. Chandeliers and bookshelves above the bed, all kinds of basins, boxes, toys under the bed are unacceptable.

If the nursery has a computer or TV, it is necessary that the crib be removed from them. Be sure to cover the TV with a thick cloth at night.

In order for your child to feel safe in his personal space and fall asleep faster, I recommend arranging a fabulous canopy over the crib. My daughter is now 7 years old, and she falls asleep with pleasure under a beautiful canopy, like a princess from a fairy tale.

The child should not be reflected in the mirror. This is very bad feng shui. First, it negatively affects the activity of the heart. And secondly, a child, like an adult, undergoes a certain purification from negativity during sleep. I think you have probably already guessed what happens when this happens? Yes, the mirror returns this negative to the child.

And the last taboo that I want to warn you about is the attacking "poison arrows" of Sha-Qi of protruding corners. An antidote can be some kind of crystal or "wind chime" that is hung from the ceiling just in front of the corner.

Dear parents, perhaps many of you clutched your head with the question: “Where to put a crib?” As a moderately well-fed man in the prime of life named Carlson said: “Calm, only calm!” Take my word for it, at first glance it seems that everything is so complicated and incomprehensible, there is not a single square meter where a crib can be placed. There is always a way out. So take a breath in and a long breath out and begin to calmly plan the location of the crib. I assure you, you will definitely find the best place for your baby to sleep, which will bring him health and good luck. The most important thing is your intention to make the child's life happy.

feng shui writing desk

The successful location of the student's desk will bring excellent results in the form of school performance, great luck in passing exams, and also disciplines him.

The format of this book does not allow you to get into the intricacies of the Bagua and Lo Shu formulas, but take my word for it - it is desirable that your child sit at the table facing the most favorable direction for him, which is calculated based on the date of birth and the sex of the child. As I promised, we will talk about this ahead.

Do not place the table so that there is a door or window behind the seated child. The back should be protected by a wall or cabinet.

The favorable position of the desk helps in studying and in exams.

Place the table so that a beam or air conditioner does not hang over it. They breed failure.

When arranging the table, keep in mind that the open shelves of bookcases do not look at the child, which cut luck like blades. If no other arrangement is possible, then make some doors for the shelves.

The child sitting at the table should see the door to the room.

There should not be any shelves, nails, hooks and chandeliers above the child's head. These are classic poison arrows.

In order for the success and achievements of the child to continue, I advise you to hang his diplomas, awards, medals, cups, etc. in the zone of fame and position, relative to his room. For information on how to identify the nine vital zones, read my book, I Choose a Happy Life!

We determine the directions favorable for your child

So, as I promised you earlier, I will teach you to calculate the personal favorable and unfavorable compass directions of children. I remind you what you need them for.

In order to receive the beneficial energy of the Earth through the seventh chakra - sahasrara, the child must lie headboard in one of the favorable directions.

During classes at the desk, he should sit facing in the most favorable direction for him.

Food nourishes both the spirit and the body, so at the dinner table the child should also sit facing in the most favorable direction for him.

A favorable direction contributes to the success of the child.

My regular readers are already familiar with these calculations, but as they say, repetition is the mother of learning. Take my word for it - the application of the "School of the Eight Directions" alone can bring excellent results. This will help us as parents grow future champions, leaders and millionaires! You can even print the child's favorable directions, carry them with you and always guide the baby exactly according to them, wherever you are - at home, in the country, visiting friends, in a hotel in another city, etc. This also applies to unfavorable directions . Remember them and try to avoid them.

The first example from my practice. In one family, as soon as Kolya was 5 years old, his parents gave him a separate room. But, starting from the very first week, the boy began to have nightmares every night in the form of Baba Yaga, Kashchei the Immortal, etc. As a result, Kolenka did not want to sleep separately in any. After I examined his nursery, it turned out that the head of his bed was oriented towards the direction of total collapse (Jue-Ming). Of course, the boy immediately reacted to this.

On my advice, the parents moved the children's bed to the northeast direction, which is the best source of Shen Qi for Kolenka. In addition, a huge Turkish eye was hung near his bed, since my mother went to Turkey quarterly.

After such simple adjustments, the boy began to sleep peacefully.

By the way, remembering the power of the word, never say: "My child sleeps like a log." I think there is no need to comment here.

Second example. The daughter of my friend Lyudmila studies diligently at school. She only has one B in math. But a few months ago, Lyudmila turned to me with a request. It turned out that as soon as her daughter Dayana sat down at the piano, she became uncontrollable and unrecognizable. The girl could not concentrate on doing compositions from her homework. She referred to the fact that she was tired, then she wanted to call her girlfriend, then something else distracted her, but one thing was unchanged - this was an unwillingness to make music. “Snezhana, I understand if my daughter herself was absent-minded and would not study well at school. But the fact of the matter is that the girl is neat, attentive and assiduous. And as soon as Dayanochka sits down at the piano, she seems to be replaced, ”complained Lyudmila in bewilderment.

But as soon as we rearranged the piano so that Dayanochka looked in one of her best directions, the girl began to bring only fives in music. It was not easy to rearrange the huge piano in the living room, where every piece of furniture had its place ... But we succeeded!

These are the changes that await children oriented to their favorable compass directions.

Shen-Chi, Tien-Yi, Nien-Yang, Fu-Wei are my best friends!

So, there are four compass directions that your child should make friends with once and for all, which means in adulthood too. The highlight is that each of the four directions has its own peculiarity, that is, it brings different results. Based on the current priorities of the child, you can choose the most necessary direction for him.

1. Shen-Qi (+90). Source of vital energy.

My friends, this is the best of the four auspicious directions. It brings good sleep, so it is the best destination for relaxation. This area can also be used by children who have reached the age of majority. It helps to reveal the creative potential of a person, contributes to the manifestation of leadership qualities. Above all, Shen Qi helps to earn a lot of money for those children who start thinking about it at an early age.

2. Tien-I (+80). Heavenly Doctor.

If your child sleeps with his head in Tien Yi, then, believe me, he will get sick less. Your child will be less susceptible to flu epidemics, SARS and other unpleasant diseases. By the way, Feng Shui masters advise taking vitamins, dietary supplements and medicines, turning your face in this direction, then heaven itself will help strengthen your health.

3. Nyen Yang (+70). Harmony in the family.

For adults, this direction symbolizes harmony in marriage. And Nyen-Yang helps children become more balanced, calm, obedient and disciplined. So I recommend this direction to be “taken into service” by those parents whose children are hyperactive, inattentive and absent-minded.

Dear mothers and fathers, if you want your child to succeed in school, in some sports competitions, etc., then do your best to ensure that your child, lying on the bed and sitting at the writing and dining tables, all the time looked in the direction of personal development. This is especially important during tests, exams or final sports.

If you need to improve the health of the child, as well as improve his performance at school, then you can orient the head of the bed in the direction of Tien Yi, and at the desk, put the child facing Phu Wei.

And one more very important point. The fact is that the energy of influence of annual flying stars in the house changes periodically. After a certain period of time, the best direction of the child can become the worst. This must not be forgotten! We'll talk about this a little later. Agreed? Okay, let's move on.

Ho-Hai, Wu-Gwei, Lui-Sha, Tszyue-Ming are my worst enemies!

Dear parents, I will deliberately not list all the negative consequences of the four unfavorable directions in this book. Avoid them. If you want to know more about the meaning of these unfavorable directions, then I recommend reading about it in my book Money Loves Me.

Eastern and Western children

We draw knowledge about the belonging of children to the eastern or western group from the "School of Eight Palaces". All children of the world, regardless of age, nationality, geographical location and other factors, are divided into two groups: Eastern and Western. In order to determine the group of the child, it is necessary to calculate his personal Gua Number. There are only eight Gua numbers, of which 1, 3, 4 and 9 belong to the Eastern group, and 2, 6, 7 and 8 belong to the Western group.

Since my student days, I have been very fond of all kinds of tables. It seems to me that they greatly simplify the perception of information, and also allow you to visually conduct a comparative analysis. Therefore, I give you a table that indicates the belonging of the Gua numbers: 1) to the group; 2) the relevant element; 3) compass direction.

Why do we calculate the Gua numbers of children? In order for the child to make friends with the above four auspicious directions (Shen-Qi, Tien Yi, Nien-Yang and Fu-Wei), and also avoid unfavorable directions (Ho-Hai, Wu-Gwei, Lui-Sha and Tszyue-Ming).

So, we recall the simple mathematical calculations given in my book “Money Loves Me”.

Calculating the number of Gua for girls

When calculating the Gua number of a girl, and indeed a boy, pay attention to two factors.

What year was the child born? Before 2000 or after?

In what month was the baby born? Before February 4 or after? After all, the Chinese Lunar New Year differs from the European one in that it begins on February 4, and not on January 1. If the baby was born before February 4th, you must subtract one year from that date before using the formula. For example, if the child was born on January 29, 1999, count based on 1998. Remember this! By the way, there are borderline birthdays, then it is better to turn to the exact lunar calendars.

Calculations of the number of Gua girls born before 2000

Take the girl's year of birth and add the last two digits. If you get a two-digit number, then keep adding until you get a number consisting of one digit. Add 5 to the result, again reduce to one digit, as a result you will get the Gua number of your daughter or granddaughter.

Then 9 + 8 = 17; 1 + 7 = 8; 8 + 5 = 13; 1 + 3 = 4. So, the Gua number is 4.

Then 9 + 0 = 9; 9 + 5 = 14; 1 + 4 = 5. This case is an exception to the rule, because the Gua number 5 does not exist. Therefore, if the result is the number 5, then it automatically becomes 8 for girls, that is, the Gua number is 8.

Calculations of the number of Gua girls born after 2000

With this calculation, the same calculations are made as before the year 2000. But instead of 5, add 6.

Then 0 + 1 = 1; 1 + 6 = 7. Katenka's Gua number is 7.

That's all. Nothing complicated, right? And now we will carry out the same mathematical calculations for boys - future leaders.

Calculating the Gua Number for Boys

Calculations of the number of Gua boys born before 2000

Take the boy's year of birth and add up the last two digits. If you get a two digit number, keep adding until you get a one digit number. Subtract this number from 10. This will be the Gua number of the son or grandson.

Then 9 + 9 = 18; 1 + 8 = 9; 10 - 9 = 1. So, the Gua number is 1.

Then 9 + 5 = 14; 1 + 4 = 5. Gua number 5 does not exist. Therefore, if the result is the number 5, then it automatically becomes 2 for the boys, that is, the Gua number is 2.

Calculations of the number of Gua boys born after 2000

With this calculation, the same calculations as before 2000. But instead of 10, subtract from 9.

Then 0 + 3 = 3; 9–3 \u003d 6. The number of Gua Little Johnny is 6.

As you have seen, there is nothing complicated in calculating the Gua numbers of boys. Moreover, it is even entertaining.

It remains for us to clarify the friendly (favorable) and hostile (unfavorable) directions for each Gua Number. To do this, carefully study the tables below.

Now, my dears, I am calm for your children. After all, I presented to your attention a whole arsenal of magic wands and I know for sure that if you correctly apply my “Feng Shui” advice, then your children will have excellent health, enjoy incredible success and inexhaustible energy. After all, you will call on the energy force of the Earth itself to help! The main thing is to apply it. Take action! Create! And enjoy!

Meet Flying Stars

My friends, of course, the topic of flying stars is very, very serious. This is Feng Shui aerobatics, almost like advanced mathematics. Flying stars can be devoted to a separate thick book, but here I can only give you some recommendations.

As I said above, in a certain period of time, the best direction for a child can become the worst. This information cannot be ignored, it can and should be adopted by all parents. That's what I'm going to talk about now. Yes, yes, this topic is so serious!

Many skeptics claim that "if something is not visible, then it does not exist", but you and I know that, although the time factor and the changeable energy of the stars are invisible and imperceptible, they have a huge impact on the energy of the house, therefore for all its residents. As more sensitive and tender creatures, our children are especially exposed to flying stars.

I don't want to bore you with complex calculations and bore you with listing the values ​​of all the stars. I will tell you about the main four afflictions (prohibitions), whose directions your children need to avoid. After all, prevention is better than cure. Is it true? Moreover, I will “warn” you for three whole years in advance.

When calculating the Gua number, be sure to take into account the four afflictions of flying stars.

First affliction. Star number 5 (Wu Wang, or Wu Huang)

There are nine in total. She is also called the yellow "five" or the hungry tigress who pounces on people. What is its harmfulness? And that it harms health, activates and multiplies accidents, brings failure in all endeavors, provokes problems in business.

Although our children are far from business, but nevertheless you will agree - you can’t help but pay attention to such a mass of destructive energy!

Calculating the location of the unfavorable annual star, we must change the location of the crib, if the "five" flew into the nursery - take an antidote to protect the front door and secure the desk.

How can we neutralize, calm down the "five"?

Based on the fact that the element of the “five” is the Earth, we resort to the theory of the generation of the five elements of U-Sin. When a woman gives birth to a child, she depletes her energy. So right? Do you think I'm getting off topic? Nothing, my friends. I'm leading you to the fact that if we want to deplete the energy of the mother of a hungry tigress, we must show her a tiger cub, that is, Metal. After all, the Earth generates Metal. A huge metal “wind chime” with six pipes, bronze bells, metal weights, a singing bowl, a singing bell, a metal pagoda, 6 Chinese coins are our disguised artillery used against an intruder - a hungry tigress.

Second affliction. Grand Duke Jupiter (Tai Sui)

The cosmic influence of Jupiter is so great that since ancient times many emperors have taken it into account when planning military operations.

So, how can the ancient imperial knowledge help our future millionaires? The most important rule is not to sit facing him at the desk. What does this mean? Your child should not, while doing homework or playing on the computer, look directly at the compass direction where Tai Sui is this year, even if this is his best direction.

But your child can use the truly powerful powers of Tai Sui to their advantage. How? Turning his back on him, the child receives the power of the great patron of Tai Sui. Consequently, academic success increases.

If Tai Sui is in the children's room this year, then advise the child not to particularly disturb the Grand Duke for 365 days. Do not turn on loud music, drive in nails. In addition, Feng Shui masters recommend placing a protective figurine of the mythical animal Pi Yao in the children's room.

By the way, Tai Sui takes only 15 degrees on the compass.

Third affliction. "Breakthrough of the Year" (Sui Po)

Just opposite the Grand Duke, there is another sector that is subject to adverse effects - this is the “breakdown by year” (Sui Po). Hence, it also occupies only 15 degrees on the compass.

What does this mean? First, Sui Po brings temporary bad luck to the astrological signs. For example, this year children born in the year of the Horse should be especially careful. Secondly, again, in this sector, you should not drive in nails, in general, do some kind of repair work.

Fourth affliction. Three Assassins (San-Sha)

The fact that one man is not a warrior in the field is well known by the Grand Duke. Therefore, he has three guards (Three Assassins), occupying all 45 degrees of the compass each calendar year.

The San Sha rule is never to position a child's desk in such a way that it sits with its back to the Three Assassins.

Knowing the main sources of problems and failures will help you keep your children out of trouble this year. Dear parents, do not ignore the knowledge and practice of millennia. Is it true? After all, any information is not accidental. So, it is at this moment of life that the Universe, through my book, transfers this most valuable knowledge to you. That is how it is. I know it.

In order to make it easier for you to orient yourself in the listed four afflictions, I give below a table where the compass directions of these damaging factors are indicated, and for the whole 3 years ahead.

Well, I have revealed to you the great secrets of influential Feng Shui masters. And I am happy for you, my dear adults and children! This knowledge, accumulated over thousands of years, also helps parents.

After all, only those parents who are happy and enjoy life can help children. Not otherwise. Think for yourself. How, for example, can a dad forbid smoking and drinking alcohol to his teenage son if he himself smokes every hour like a steam locomotive and abuses strong drinks?

Please, dear parents, remember that your children, having matured, will repeat the model of behavior and relationships of mom and dad. Therefore, only being in a state of bliss and happiness, we, parents, can teach children to be successful and rich.

I wish you happiness, my dear!

If you managed to conceive a child after a short period of "trying", then you are simply fabulously lucky. All over the world, millions of people have been unsuccessfully trying for many months, or even years, to replenish their family, although health, it would seem, allows. What do they do in such situations? Some people pray, others turn to doctors, others go to psychics and healers, and still others simply do not stop trying. For some people, the problem resolves itself, and for some it doesn't. What is the reason? website

After analyzing the Ba-Tzu chart, one can see problems in the field of conception in both men and women. It is noteworthy that the real percentage of people to whom the card reads complete infertility is very, very small. In a certain period of time, each person can conceive, give birth and raise a completely healthy child. You just need to know when this period will come, and then proceed to take action. The tips in our article will help you become a real happy parent in the very near future.

Feng Shui teaches that the house and the place where we live directly determines the quality of our life.


The concept of "quality of life" also includes the aspect of conceiving a child. And in order to be able to analyze the influence of feng shui of your home on the possibility of conceiving and having a child, you need to have a detailed plan of the house on hand, on which all compass directions will be indicated. It is necessary to make sure that the western sector of the house is favorable. According to the theory of 8 life aspirations of BaGua, it is the Western sector that is directly responsible for the construction and implementation of all our projects and plans. It is the Western sector that is responsible for the possibility of having a child, as well as for its favorable development and future success. The Chinese even associate the western sector with the youngest daughter (under 15). But for the younger sons, such a sector as the Northeast is responsible.

If these sectors are absent in your house, and, in addition, the Ba-Tzu card indicates possible problems with conception (regardless of the presence of health problems), then the cause of all your evils is clear as daylight. By the way, in addition to the absence of a sector, its suffering is unfavorable. If the sector you need is cluttered, there are Sha-objects outside, or the sector needs to be repaired soon, it is considered infringed and needs to be fixed or put in order soon. If the required sector is missing, you can conditionally supplement it with the help of mirrors or paintings.

If the sector is present and not suffering, you can activate it with the help of appropriate accessories and talismans that symbolize motherhood and children. These can be children's or family photos, metal bells, mobiles, chiming clocks, a music center, icons (symbols of motherhood), a figurine of a deity with children.

In the event that the presence of a sector and the presence of the necessary accessories in it did not help you, you should check with the Flying Stars theory, which can also spoil the overall picture. Flying Stars can form an unfavorable combination, and it is in your bedroom. This happens in a certain period of time, which is calculated by the analytical method. Alternatively, the cause of problems with conception may be the lack of a personal sector in your home.

If for some reason you cannot turn to a professional from the field of Ba-Zi and Feng Shui, or you cannot make a natal chart at home with your own hands, or you cannot interpret star combinations, then we recommend that you temporarily change the “marriage” room. There is every chance to increase the auspiciousness of the moment of conception in a new room in which there is no influence of unfavorable stars.
If Flying Star analysis is available to you, monthly and yearly stars must be closely monitored.

Star 9 is considered the most favorable for the process of conception, which has a special energy. If the marital bed is located in the room where the annual nine is currently located, the possibility of conception reaches its maximum. For example, in 2011, the nine was located in the western sector.

Sleeping area

Further, if you want to successfully conceive, the marital bed should be oriented in such a way that it is in the male direction +2 (according to the spouse's personal Gua number). When a woman becomes pregnant, the bed should be reoriented in the female direction +3 (according to the personal Gua number of the spouse).

If a woman has no health problems, and she has not previously had miscarriages and related problems, it will be enough to place the bed in any direction that is favorable for her.

auspicious days

There are days that are absolutely unfavorable for the process of conception. We are talking about lunar days or lunar days. Also, days of lunar and solar eclipses, full moon days, personal days of unfavorable orientation are considered unfavorable, in accordance with the data of the Ba-Tzu chart.

This map is compiled based on the date and time of your birth, for which you can use a special calculator. As for lunar days, not all of them are unfavorable. But this topic requires more detailed study on your part.

Your children in Ba-Tzu's chart will be indicated by the Pillar of the Clock. Analysis of this sphere of life, based on the study of the map, can only be carried out by a professional specialist in Ba-Tzu. You can also use the received dates to exclude unfavorable time periods that are not recommended for planning and conceiving a child.

Note which Animal is comparable to a certain Clock Pillar. The day or year of the Animals that encounter the Animal of the Hourly Pillar is considered inauspicious for conception. By the way, all of the above applies not only to natural, but also to artificial insemination. For example, if the Animal of your Pillar of hours is the Rooster, then looking at 2011 (Rabbit), we see that this year is not favorable for conception. Well, in general, it will be necessary to exclude those days that correspond to both the Rabbit and the Rooster, regardless of whether fertilization is natural or artificial. Compatibility and collision of certain Animals can be checked in a special table. Conflicting signs in such tables are usually designated "antagonists".

And here's another tip for you, which is not directly related to Feng Shui. You need to dream about a child, wish him as sincerely as possible, ask the Higher Powers for such a gift, and do it often. Your child should be truly desired, and you, of course, should be prepared for the fact that he will appear in your life. The child should not be a means to an end. Your only goal is to make both yourself and your spouse happy. Then the children will be happy and healthy.

  • Love, wedding and family happiness according to Feng Shui.

  • Butterfly symbol in Feng Shui - how to use it in the interior?

  • 1 lunar day - a characteristic, an impact on areas of our life.

  • Feng Shui of the kitchen - the correct location, decoration and interior design.

Many people, even being perfectly healthy, for some unknown reason, cannot have children.

Someone just waits, hoping for God's will, someone turns to doctors for help, someone goes to fortune-tellers and parapsychologists. But not everyone has this problem.

You can place accessories symbolizing children and motherhood in these sectors: family, children's photographs, mobile phones, metal bells, a music center, a striking clock, musical instruments, a statuette of God with children, icons symbolizing motherhood. The placement of various accessories is not classic feng shui, but backed up by a firm belief, it will symbolically indicate your intention to become parents.

But, the presence of the western and northeastern sectors in the living room and the placement of accessories there does not guarantee the birth of children.

The reason for the presence of this problem may be an unfavorable combination of Flying Stars in your bedroom, or for example, the absence of your personal sector in the house.

If you do not have the opportunity to contact a feng shui and Ba Zi specialist and you yourself do not know how to draw up a natal chart at home and interpret the combinations of the Stars, then try changing the room for the marital bed for a while. It is possible that the new room will be more conducive to this.

As soon as a woman becomes pregnant, it is advisable to reorient the bed in the direction of +3 according to her Gua number. But if a woman is healthy, she has not had miscarriages before or any problems with bearing a child, then it will be enough for her to sleep in one of her auspicious directions and in a room in which auspicious annual Flying Stars are staying.

In addition, it is impossible not to mention a few days when conception is not recommended. These are some lunar days, full moon days, days of solar and lunar eclipses, as well as personal unfavorable days that you can calculate on your own, knowing your Ba Zi card.

If you know the time of your birth, then draw up your Bazi chart using

Every woman (with very rare exceptions) dreams of becoming a mother someday. There is nothing more beautiful than the smile of your baby, when he pulls his tiny hands towards you, calls you mom. Children are the meaning of our life, the greatest happiness and joy. Unfortunately, not every one of us manages to get pregnant as soon as the desire to become a mother appears. Sometimes long examinations and treatment do not give the desired result, and the woman falls into despair. And in vain. First you need to try another effective remedy - Feng Shui.

This ancient teaching is used in China to improve and harmonize all areas of life - it is not surprising that the Chinese themselves and their ancient ancestors did not know the problems with childbearing. Perhaps we should take the advice of ancient science.

The first thing to do is to activate the western sector of your house, which is responsible for children.

First, we dismantle the blockages in these places in order to give access to energy. By the way, pay attention not only to the western part of your house, but also to the bedroom, and especially to the bed. More precisely, do not forget to look under it - very often old books, magazines, etc. accumulate there.

Now you can activate the western sector. To do this, you need to hang "wind music", bells, crystal crystals on red ribbons in the western part of the apartment or house. There you can also put a pot with a pomegranate tree, which is a symbol of fertility. Or at least ficus. It is necessary not only to take care of the plant, but to communicate with it, as with a living one. Rubbing the leaves and watering, tell him how you dream of a baby.

In the western zone of the house and in the bedroom, place various symbols of fertility - figurines, figurines (netsuke), paintings depicting apple trees, pomegranates, apricots, persimmons, the moon, and children. You can also put figurines of angels, photos of children, your photos with children (for example, your relatives) there. A very useful symbol is Fu-xing, the God of happiness in Chinese mythology, depicted with a boy and peach fruits. It brings happiness and health and protects children from disease.

The crystal egg is also a symbol of fertility, eternal life and renewal. Place the egg figurine (can be made of marble, malachite or metal) in the western sector of the house and in the bedroom.

Another lucky symbol is the fish. Put an image of two fish under the mattress of your bed (on the side where you sleep) - and very soon you will become pregnant. For the same purposes, you can wear an amulet around your neck - in the form of a crane with a peach fruit. The crane is similar to the symbol of the stork in Slavic culture, bringing children. You can also wear special amulets with stones that give fertility, help you get pregnant and give birth. These stones include diamond, amethyst, emerald, rock crystal, garnet, lapis lazuli, malachite, rhodonite, carnelian, topaz, amber, jasper. An amulet or just a stone can be worn around the neck, as well as put it in the western sector of your house.

In the bedroom, you can place figures of blue animals (if you want a boy, then be sure to pair them!) Or pink (if you want a girl, then one) color - for example, elephants, rabbits or fish.

Now you need to activate the assistant zone, which is located in the northwestern part of your house. There you can place icons of the Mother of God with a baby in her arms, Nicholas the Wonderworker and others. If you don't believe in God, put an image of a happy Buddha with children there.

The creators of the ancient teachings believed that the atmosphere that reigns at home is of great importance. Because children themselves choose where, when and with which parents they are born. Perhaps something weighs on you, or you have a tense relationship with your husband or with someone from your family at home. For the appearance of a child, you need to try to create the most favorable atmosphere - happiness and love, so that he feels like he is expected.
Ekaterina Kruglova

Not everything in life happens according to our desire, unfortunately. And even the brightest and kindest desires do not come true immediately or require great effort. If you have not been able to get pregnant for a long time, you have tried a lot of means, try to approach this problem from the other side.

Many psychologists advise to study feng shui and everything related to feng shui techniques for pregnancy. So you mentally push yourself to fulfill your dream and set yourself up for a positive outcome of the idea.

Feng Shui for the birth of children: symbols

So, what does feng shui for conceiving a child include? To get started, decorate your apartment with a picture of hundreds of kids. The Chinese consider such a picture a positive symbol, and it does not matter what it is painted on - on paper, canvas or printed. True, the most effective in China is considered a crystal ball, where there are small children inside.

You can get any photo of children from the Internet and make a simple collage. Next, print it on a printer and place it in a beautiful frame. Photos do not have to be different, the main thing is their number. If you know how to draw - depict a schematic face of a girl and a boy on a vase, tapestry, screen and alternate. In general, the main desire and fantasy.

The finished product must be hung on the western wall or in the west of the apartment. In addition, according to the rules of Feng Shui, the symbol must be illuminated with at least one light bulb, since light activates the action of talismans and symbols. At the same time, you can place children's toys and plants in the west that grow quickly.

In the same part of the apartment, place grenades, their image, figures. Since ancient times, the pomegranate has been a symbol of fertility. The figurine of an elephant with its trunk lowered has the same meaning (pay attention to this, because the opposite position is a symbol of victory and triumph).

But this should not stop the decoration of the apartment. You can enhance their effect by placing them among white and metallic colors. The element of the western part of the apartment is metal, so its symbolism should be everywhere. Pay attention to whether water symbols are placed in this sector.

Favorable areas of the apartment and their environment for pregnancy

You can argue for a long time about the effectiveness of feng shui for the birth of children, but a positive attitude and visualization of a happy event, of course, brings the dream closer to fulfillment.

Also, let's remember how the apartment is placed in relation to the horizon. According to Feng Shui, the west is considered the sector of children, the southwest is responsible for the feminine in the house. It should always be clean and everything should be in harmony.

To conceive a child, the main thing is to maintain an atmosphere of love in the house, so the symbols of swans, your wedding photo will not be superfluous here. Feng Shui also teaches us that if you want to have a baby, you need to cover yourself with the colors of fertility and earth, that is, brown, red, orange.

By the way, do not deprive the attention of the matrimonial bed, because it is the main element in the desire to conceive a child. It should be located headboard in the direction of the male part of the apartment. Often, wanting to get pregnant, we ask for help from someone. The Chinese believed that small bells help to call for the desired help.

The eastern part of the apartment is the family zone. Here it is just necessary to place symbols of water, sea, waves. A vase of water with bamboo branches dipped into it will look beautiful enough.

When decorating a house with symbols and talismans, it should be remembered that quantity is not always quality and you should not litter the space with a bunch of rubbish. Feng Shui to get pregnant in any case should be within reason. The interior of the apartment, in which the little man will appear very soon, should be bright and pleasant.

And pretty little talismans can only complement it and create a sense of harmony of a person with his housing and life. Clean your apartment of unnecessary things, throw away broken dishes and believe that prosperity will come to your house very soon along with the realization of a small dream.
