Talking walls in the dhow. zone of cognitive development

Elena Ivanova

Decorating, wall, so I have several goals in mind.

Firstly; - Pictures, posters, illustrations are hung on topics of the week:

"Carnival", "Autumn", "Russian Fairy Tales" etc. (thereby decorating third space) ;

Secondly; - I chose the topic for self-education on health conservation. And for the prevention of vision, I partially use the author’s method of V. F. Bazarny. To do this, on a hanging fishing line, I place didactic material that is perceived in far vision mode and in search mode, i.e. children receive information not only in classes and from books, but also from bright pictures hanging on the wall at different levels.

In classes on artistic and aesthetic development, children became more interested, they drew a lot with enthusiasm; the drawings became more diverse and more meaningful. They try to draw animals and birds that are unfamiliar to them.

Also around the perimeter of the ceiling groups of fishing line stretched, on which didactic material is hung. Oscillatory movements of the fishing line with clarity create increased efficiency of visual perception.

Thus, creating a developmental environment in group plays a big role in the development of the child. Therefore, every corner is important and wall in the group.

Publications on the topic:

I believe that a teacher-defectologist (and a teacher in general) is a psychologist, an actor, and a designer rolled into one. He must not only teach children.

In the group we have a wall that was empty. For a long time we didn’t know what to do with her so that she would take on a beautiful appearance. Finally.

This year we did not change our tradition and designed a wall in memory of the Second World War. I asked parents and students of senior and preparatory groups.

May 9 is a special day at the Palace of Creativity. The great holiday Victory Day is celebrated by children, parents and teachers. This day is a symbol of pride.

Report “Sociocultural space of preschool educational institutions” Moskvicheva O. V. Sociocultural space of preschool educational institutions Currently, in connection with the publication of the Federal State Educational Institution.

Summary of GCD in the senior group “Travel to Outer Space” Abstract of the GCD in the senior group on the topic: “Travel to outer space” Objectives: 1. Continue to form children’s ideas about space.

In 2014, my children and I were given a different group. And when the repairs were made, it became clear that something was missing. Because our children love it very much.

In fact, Reggio Emilia is not a method of developing children in the way we are accustomed to. This is a kind of philosophy and a completely different experience and approach to the development and upbringing of children.

The founder of the Reggio Emilia theory is considered to be the Italian Loris Malaguzzi. But both representatives of the city of Reggio Emilia (Italy) and parents participated in the development of approaches to raising children. The result of their joint work was the development of new kindergartens in Reggio Emilia, the atmosphere in which was fundamentally new.
The emergence of a radically new attitude towards childhood in general in Italy is not accidental. In the post-war period, when people had just overcome fascism and devoted all their efforts to eliminating the totalitarian regime, there was an invisible need for something new. Italians began to understand that they needed to change their attitude both towards life in general and towards people. And they started with children. Now they began to be perceived as a full-fledged part of Italian society. And education gradually began to reach a new level. Children should be brought up in close contact with the public and all the processes that take place around them. They must actively participate in life and absorb as much useful and vital information as possible during their studies in a preschool institution.
Currently, representatives from many countries around the world are trying to learn from the experience of the organizers of kindergartens in Reggio Emilia. But in fact, it is very difficult to endure the environment and microclimate that prevails in such institutions in their homeland - in the Italian town of Reggio Emilia. But still, with great success, you can adopt general approaches to creating conditions for the full development of a child’s personality, following the principles of the authors of the Reggio Emilia methodology.
The main teachers in the methodology are parents and teachers (pedagogista) in kindergarten, who continuously learn something new together with the kids.

The age for which the method is designed is from 3 to 6 years (the period of visiting kindergarten). But it should be taken into account that this is a very conditional age range, since the authors of the technique repeatedly focus their attention not on the age of the baby, but on the attitude of adults towards him and his development. A developing environment that allows the formation of a harmonious, free and competent personality is the key to successful upbringing from the very birth of a child.

Principles of the methodology:

The author and creator of the concept of Reggio Emilia, Loris Malaguzi, was based on the principles of the methods of Montessori, Steiner, and Vygotsky, which were already quite widespread at that time. Having adopted from them deep thoughts about approaches to the development and education of the younger generation, he created his own theory, which he successfully implemented in life in Italy.
The Reggio Emilia technique is based on the following principles:

Children can learn if they touch, move, rotate, smell, sculpt, draw, see, listen. In a word, for successful and harmonious personal development and learning, it is necessary to use all possible channels of perception of the surrounding world and information;
- Children should have a huge number of ways to express themselves: singing, dancing, theater, ballet, sports, communication, music;
- A child is a person. And like each of us, he also deserves respect;
- Kids are able to independently control their learning process;
- Kids can build harmonious relationships with others only in a space where they have the opportunity to explore the world;
- The child creates himself. He is a hero, a strong man. In Reggio pedagogy, education comes down to maintaining and preserving the power of constructing a personality, which is given to every child without exception from birth. And many parents simply take away these powers, limiting their children’s knowledge of the world around them.

Not only kindergarten teachers, but also parents play a big role in the learning process. They are considered the main and important teachers for their children. Parents are not only actively involved in the learning process of their children, but are also co-authors of the methods and programs used to develop their children. Parents are fully aware of everything that happens to their children, they have unlimited access to all materials, crafts, drawings and even statements of their kids. This is very good, because teachers keep records of various dialogues, statements and situations that occur with children throughout the entire period of study.
In ordinary kindergartens, there is a rapid separation between the baby and those around him, including adults. One of the important ideas of the authors of the concept of Reggio Emilia was the reunion of the child, his family and all the people who surround him.

The learning environment is a kind of “aquarium”...:

The authors of the Reggio Emilia concept of development and upbringing of children are convinced that constant search, research and intellectual activity at an early age plays a vital role for the full formation of a child’s personality.
Therefore, the main goal of the technique is to create a free environment, which, like an “aquarium,” will reflect all the feelings, thoughts, relationships, emotions and inventions of the little inhabitants of this world and everyone who surrounds them.

Features of the environment created in the kindergartens of Reggio Emilia:

◦ General comes first. In kindergartens working according to the principles of Reggio Emilia, absolutely all conditions have been created for open and close communication between children and everyone around them. And these are not only their peers, but also adults who openly demonstrate what they do and pass on these skills to children. Children communicate without obstacles both with each other (regardless of age), but also with kindergarten staff, cooks, and craftsmen. The kitchen in the Reggio Emilia kindergarten is open. The kids enjoy watching the work going on there. Parents are also allowed access there;

◦ Research activity is an important factor in the formation of character and development of abilities. Children in the Reggio Emilia garden are never given ready-made knowledge and information that needs to be memorized. Children are brought up in such a way that they must independently seek sources of knowledge. Teachers just guide them in the right direction and unobtrusively control the entire development process. Children in such kindergartens are explorers and discoverers;

◦ For children in such kindergartens, excellent conditions have been created for self-development and the realization of their capabilities and talents. There is an atelier, workshops, several stages for young artists, rooms for active games and sports. The gardens of Reggio Emilia are equipped with many mirrors, they always have a costume room, a shadow theater, light boxes, and mailboxes. In a word, such a kindergarten has everything that will help a child find himself, discover his talent and learn a lot. Children paint walls, bedding, and express themselves in other unusual ways and search for their path in life;

◦ Developmental materials - everything natural and natural. There is a minimum number of real children's toys here. Children in Reggio Emilia kindergartens play with real tools and materials. There is wire, plaster, clay, various paints, bolts, nuts, scissors, paper, fabric, thread and much more;

◦ The atmosphere is only homely. The Reggio Emilia kindergarten is a home for children. Everything is accessible and open here. Portraits of children hang on the walls, their quotes are written, and their crafts stand. And everything is at eye level, you can touch everything. According to the authors of the methodology, the premises of the kindergarten themselves are the “third educator”;

◦ Creating an atmosphere of security. Such kindergartens must have a “quiet room”. Here everyone can retire, relax, be alone with their thoughts, just read a book or lie down;

◦ Relaxed atmosphere. The Reggio Emilia kindergarten is not a standard institution, but cozy rooms where children live and develop in conditions of freedom. There is no place for violence here. For example, the baby does not have to sleep during the lunch break. After all, not all children like it. But they have the opportunity to just lie down, listen to relaxing music, play with a flashlight in dim light, read a book;

◦ In the kindergarten, children have full access to all materials. There are no closed cabinets here. Kids can touch everything at any time. Access to each child’s portfolio is also open. They contain all his crafts, drawings, there are even videos and photographs, as well as a kind of diary of statements and monologues kept by the teacher;

◦ Children's preferences come first. When creating programs, teachers primarily take into account the preferences of children. Kids are co-authors of educational programs, they are the creators of their lives;

◦ Freedom of action. In such kindergartens, children do not sit strictly at desks, much less for a long time. Basically, all activities and games take place on mats; children sit facing each other, sitting in a circle. Children do not have to strictly repeat everything after the teacher;

◦ "Talking Walls" is a unique development of the authors. During the development of the child in kindergarten, teachers keep a journal in which the whole life of the child in the institution is reflected both in writing and in video recordings and photographs. All this is reflected on screens - these are the so-called “talking walls”. In fact, there are no empty walls in the garden. Everywhere at children's eye level there is a lot of varied information about themselves;

◦ A teacher is a partner for a child, not a tyrant. Teachers help children realize their ideas and projects, rather than exercise careful and strict control over the completion of assigned tasks. Everyone who works in the garden, children, as well as parents, are colleagues and like-minded people. Teachers are children's assistants;

◦ The formation of individuality, a free and successful personality is the main goal of the kindergarten team and methodology
Reggio Emilia as a whole;

◦ The implementation of new projects is the basis for the activities of children and teachers in kindergarten. Kids hatch ideas, and then, together with teachers and parents, fully implement them in the form of specific projects. The project is everything that interests the child - rain, shadow, theater and much more. It is important that the time for its implementation is unlimited. This can take from several hours to a year. It's the creative process that matters, not the end result.

When studying the principle of the Reggio Emilia concept, it is necessary to take into account that it was their kindergartens that were recognized as the best in the world.
Reggio Emilia kindergartens are a wonderful demonstration of what our children can do if their creative activity is stimulated in a timely and meaningful manner. In fact, the gardens of Reggio Emilia are a kind of shrine and a place of delight for everyone who is not indifferent to the future of our planet. After all, it is there that real creators and enthusiasts are born, unselfish and open, talented and self-confident, as well as simply free and liberated individuals who will certainly be able to prove to everyone that a competent approach to raising children is one of the important and main areas of activity of any state which is sure to flourish.

Who is the concept suitable for?:

In fact, the principles of Reggio pedagogy can be fully applied by any parents who accept them. Naturally, not everyone has the opportunity to take their child to a kindergarten of this type, but it is important to understand the essence of the methodology and try to implement some of the authors’ ideas in your parenting practice.
You can start from your home. Design it according to the principles of Reggio Emilia kindergartens. Let the walls of your home develop your child. Lead a full social life, involve your child in everything you do. Let him have living and natural toys, and not purely childish options. Invite your child to try his hand at creativity: buy plasticine, glue, paints, scissors, various papers, etc.
The main thing that Reggio pedagogy “requires” is to be your child’s best friend and partner. Let him come up with ideas and projects, and you help implement them.
Do not isolate your baby from society and everyday activities. He can do a lot, just give him the opportunity and create full-fledged conditions for realization and self-expression.

Believe me, the results of such upbringing and communication with your baby will amaze you!

How to make an interactive wall in a group: tips for the teacher.

Notice the empty walls. After all, they can also be designed and used in working with children. For example, make one of the walls interactive. With its help, teachers will solve problems in educational areas, organize educational activities, creativity and communication of preschoolers with each other.

On the eve of each school year, educators are faced with the task of how to decorate a group room so that it is not only cozy, but also interesting for children. Since pupils spend most of their time in preschool, it is important that they want to come here again. Every day children should feel comfortable here and learn a lot of new things. To solve this problem, you can use ready-made play equipment and materials or create elements to decorate the group with your own hands. However, even a content-rich environment in a group will not be developmental if preschoolers cannot demonstrate their creative abilities, cognitive activity, and independence in it.

We present our author’s project for the design of an interactive wall in a group, which was implemented at the MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 8 “Cheburashka”” in the city of Skopin, Ryazan region. It will help educators meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education for a developmental environment.

The idea of ​​​​creating an interactive wall, which will take on part of the load and will complement the subject-development corners, arose during the renovation of the kindergarten group. For this purpose, one of the largest walls in the room was chosen. Thanks to the efforts of teachers and parents, the wall became colorful and multifunctional.

What elements does the interactive wall include?

An interactive wall is a tool that allows you to change the educational subject-spatial environment of a preschool educational institution in an unusual way, a kind of living screen.

Interactive wall elements

The interactive wall is a drawing - a small town on three hills. A bright rainbow stretched out in the middle of them. A cheerful little train is bringing something interesting to children.

Three hills visually divide the wall into three zones that correspond to educational areas:

  • “Town” – cognitive development;
  • “Locomotive” – social and communicative development;
  • “Rainbow” is an artistic and aesthetic development.

"Town". Pupils of primary preschool age, under the guidance of a teacher, and children of senior preschool age, independently arrange this area. They select and place elements of social infrastructure: buildings, streets, traffic lights, people of different professions. Then they simulate real situations and act them out.

The “locomotive” and the connecting element are seasonal trees. In accordance with the content of the educational activity, the teacher selects and places the necessary demonstration material in the locomotive cars, with which both the teacher and students subsequently work. For example, he puts cards with letters and numbers in trailers and teaches children literacy and counting.

"Rainbow". On the rainbow swing, the teacher places a thematic element: for example, a symbol of the upcoming holiday or a themed craft.

Working with an interactive wall involves constant communication: children with each other, students and the teacher. During a game or discussion of a topic, the teacher asks the children to express themselves in detail and describe the elements of the wall. Thus, the teacher simultaneously solves the problems of another educational area - speech development.

What problems does an interactive wall solve?

The interactive wall solves important problems:

  • creates conditions for children’s playful, cognitive, and creative activity;
  • allows you to change the subject-spatial environment taking into account the educational situation;
  • develops attention, memory, fine motor skills, speech, visual and auditory perception, imagination, creative thinking of preschoolers;
  • provides emotional comfort in the group.

An interactive wall allows you to diversify the equipment of the group and make it attractive to children. The dynamic series, which is demonstrated on the interactive wall, affects the consciousness and imagination of students. Using the wall, the teacher and children can create original interactive games and presentations. It can be used in classes on FEMP, literacy, speech development, visual arts - each element can be presented in a new image. The interactive wall helps the teacher to unobtrusively consolidate and expand the experience gained by children, make educational activities bright and dynamic, and at the same time demonstrate pedagogical skills.

St. Petersburg artist Olga Krokhicheva managed to turn an ordinary kindergarten, where her child goes, into a real science museum.


Watching my child grow, I began to pay attention to how he learns about the world around him. How to relate sounds and words to shapes and objects. Over time, this grew into a full-fledged idea of ​​creating an image-based educational environment. I thought how great it would be, for example, to turn the walls of a kindergarten into an unobtrusive information plane that would help children learn and explore the world.


We have a problem with kindergartens in our country - everyone knows this. Therefore, after the birth of the child, we stood in line at several institutions at once. True, when the time came, none of them were hit. But we were offered a place where we could sign up right away. There was no queue, which surprised me a lot. I tried to find some reviews or information on the Internet - nothing. I went there with a referral out of pure curiosity: it turned out that it had opened quite recently, it had been converted from a school, and after the renovation it still smelled of paint. I met with the manager and gave directions. And then, unexpectedly for herself, she blurted out: “Let me sign up the kindergarten for you?”


The manager, as befits an employee of a government agency, was surprised and immediately refused: there was no money. I explained that I didn’t require payment, and then a miracle happened: the woman asked if I could draw at all and accepted my offer.




The administration received only two requests: to decorate the music room as neutrally as possible, so that the drawings on the walls would not interfere with the decoration for the holidays, and to place a space landscape somewhere, since the garden was preparing for an open day on a space theme. To save time, we decided not to make sketches. We agreed that if I didn’t like the result, I would simply paint over everything as if nothing had happened.


No one pushed me or asked me to meet the deadline. I started designing it in August and finished it in April. The work took about 50 days, we just had to take a break while the child was sick.

After the renovation, 60 liters of white water-based paint remained in the kindergarten - on its basis, all the necessary colors were mixed using tints. They even gave me money for concentrated pigments, brushes, rollers and a couple of markers. That's all it took to get the job done.

Before starting, I had to read a lot of literature on the norms and requirements for the design of such institutions. A kindergarten is a complex facility; there are a number of restrictions on the use of certain types of paint, the density of the design, and the use of colors, for example aggressive ones. Therefore, we did not design the groups in which the children spend most of their time, but the administrative corridor and stairs turned out to be quite suitable. The building has only three floors, and they were loosely connected to each other. On the first two there were children's groups and a music room, on the third there were administration offices. Children climb all the stairs several times a day, walk along the long corridor on the third floor, and go down.


In the corridor, it was decided to draw the Solar System on the entire wall. I had to work hard mixing the right colors of paint and studying books on astronomy. My working sketch actually included Pluto; I didn’t even know that it had been deprived of its planetary status. “Space” occupied half of the corridor on the third floor, another wall was painted with an underwater landscape, and the entrance to the elevator was stylized as a spaceship. After finishing the artistic work, a fire inspector came to the kindergarten for a scheduled inspection, saw the details of the spacecraft drawn on the panel and seriously thought that this was an elevator connection diagram.

The idea to add a second layer, painted with ultraviolet paints and visible only in certain lighting, came by chance: my friend at work was ordered something similar. And I took note of the technique.



We repainted the walls of the music room pale blue and painted white clouds in the shape of animals on them. This unobtrusive plot, firstly, met the requirements of the garden management, and secondly, it matched the white piano and chairs.

The stairs were decorated with trees - fruit trees and deciduous trees, which are familiar to our climate. I drew the shapes of crowns, fruits and leaves so that the child could see and remember, correlating certain characteristics of trees with names. I could name a tree, remember it, and then recognize it on the street.

Initially, there was an idea to sign the drawings - the names of plants and animals. But I was reminded that teaching reading is not part of the kindergarten curriculum. In addition, the question of compliance with the standards of fonts allowed for use on walls again arose. Therefore, they decided to abandon this idea. I signed only the constellations, but not so much for the children, but for the teachers, so that they themselves would not get confused.

Difficulties and consequences

Most parents did not believe in the sincerity of this story. The staff too. Someone thought that I was a student and defending my thesis. And all other options implied that I would receive some kind of benefit. This is funny. Although, yes, I made the place where my child spends a lot of time more fun. Probably, to some extent, I really did all this for myself.

Over the nine months of working on the project, I became a local ghost in a black robe: I drank tea with the methodologists, made friends with the security guards. Everyone became very friendly. They joked, worried, commented, worried whether I was spending the night here, because there was a lot of work.

Children, on the contrary, inspired and gave strength. We met with them very rarely, but when they walked into the music room in a group of 15 people and vied with each other shouting: “Hello! Hello! How beautiful! I wonder how!” - this, of course, was tonic.

Now, having completed the project, I still think that this is a great idea and it can and should be implemented in different ways. My method is not the only one, and I’m even sure it’s not the best. I would like people to take up the idea of ​​teaching children at an early age with this more systematic approach.

The other day, a resuscitator wrote to me in comments on LiveJournal that he went to his daughter’s kindergarten to paint a gazebo. If someone who saves lives every day can spend their free time in this way, then each of us can do something too.

About 10,000rubles spent for materials.

130 sq. meters - working area.

650 000 rubles - potential cost of work (in case you invite hired workers)

Photos: Dima Tsyrenshchikov
