The ideal body proportions of a woman with a height of 170. Photo of the most ideal figure in the world

In pursuit of a beautiful appearance, most women put their figure first. To do this, the beautiful half of humanity sacrifices a lot to look like beauties from the covers of fashion magazines: they use diets, go in for sports, and so on. But are these efforts worth the reward in the eyes of men?

Opinion of men: the female figure should be symmetrical

And what figure do they consider the most attractive when looking at photos of famous beauties? Today, scientists from around the world can answer this question, who have repeatedly conducted sociological surveys regarding the most attractive female appearance.

What a “beautiful female figure through the eyes of men” she is - you will learn from our article!

It turns out that a beautiful female figure through the eyes of men is not at all the notorious sizes 90-60-90, as many women believe. But there is still some truth to this.

As many different people as there are many opinions about the ideal appearance. Previously, at different times, plump or very thin girls were in fashion. Now the main ideal of a female figure can be called symmetrical proportions, and the size of the chest, waist and hips are not so important.

There are lovers, both thin and full women:

  1. Too skinny should have rounded proportions to draw attention to their figure. It is better if the chest and hips are about the same size, and the waist is smaller. This figure is perfect for girls of short stature. Men like this type of appearance due to the fact that you can feel like a gentleman by protecting and caring for her.
  2. Curvy ladies also attract the attention of men. They are more often chosen for serious relationships. According to psychologists, this type of appearance is more like men of low social status or those who have a mother of the same shape. But it is worth noting that fullness should be moderate - sagging belly and sides do not paint anyone. If you look through the eyes of a man, then a full female figure can be called beautiful if the waist is about 70 percent from the hips, and the chest is of the same volume.
  3. The most perfect appearance women have an athletic build. Tightened belly and hips, medium-sized breasts and slightly pumped up muscles of the arms and legs make the owner of the fair sex the most desirable in the eyes of a man. But here you need not to overdo it with pumping up muscles, since too noticeable biceps make the figure less feminine, which is extremely disliked by men.

The hourglass figure is the ideal body according to men

Although everyone has different tastes, most men agree in one opinion - a masculine figure with large shoulders and narrow hips is not very attractive. The most ideal figure is considered to be the hourglass. In this type of women, the waist is much smaller than the hips and chest.

This choice is connected with the fact that on a subconscious level, it is inherent in men to choose a healthy and prolific couple for themselves. And the narrow waist and wide hips just evoke the idea of ​​a woman's readiness for procreation.

Interesting fact! Scientists have found that women with a guitar-like figure have a large amount of estrogen, which contributes to the conception and bearing of children. It is this sex hormone that shapes the female body, making the hips wider than the waist.

Therefore, a beautiful female figure, when viewed through the eyes of most men, should be in the shape of an hourglass, indicating that a woman can bear and give birth to a healthy child.

Figure "90-60-90" - the perfect body for womanizer

Not so long ago, the proportions of 90-60-90 were considered the standard of beauty. It was to these parameters that most beauties aspired. But, as it turned out, such volumes most often attract men who are not ready for a long relationship. If we talk about a partner for procreation, then The main criterion that men distinguish is a thin waist and wide hips.

And centimeters are not the main thing here. But a man who has only fashionable attributes of attractiveness in the first place is looking for the most ideal, most beautiful, most slender. Such a partner will always cheat, looking for a more fashionable and glamorous beauty on the side.

Rectangular figure - the ideal body for male leaders

But a beautiful female figure through the eyes of male leaders is rectangular, without roundness and appetizing curves. Such a woman demonstrates a strong character and the ability to stand up for herself, so for her only a strong man with leadership qualities can be the best couple.

But "mama's sons" with a weak character, who are ready to live "under the heel", are also drawn to women with a "rectangle" figure, because they want to be under someone's protection.

Note! In women with a rectangular figure, the male hormones androgens predominate, which direct fat deposits to the waist area, removing them from the hips. Such gomons increase stress resistance and endurance, which makes the female character "steel".

What should be the female breast

Often in fashion magazines and on television, you can see models with large breasts. Many ladies try to enlarge their breasts in every possible way, believing that men like this type more. But it is worth knowing that beauties of model appearance are more to the liking of teenagers or men of age.

And such ladies attract them only because of the opportunity to assert themselves, to show others their importance.

Not everyone considers a female figure with large breasts beautiful. In the eyes of most men, the most acceptable size is the second or third. And for busty ladies, they show rather simple curiosity, but they don’t want to marry such women.

On thin and fragile girls, large breasts look more vulgar than beautiful. Therefore, you should not disfigure your body with silicone, as this can lead to poor health, and the desired result cannot be achieved.

Waist and hips: what are the ideal parameters for men

Men, when looking at a woman, immediately pay attention to the hips and waist. This zone, according to most representatives of the stronger sex, is the most attractive.

But what is it that really grabs their attention? Scientists have found that on an intuitive level, men evaluate their potential partner in this way - is it worth getting to know her, is she already busy with another contender for her hand and heart, is she healthy, and so on.

And you can find out exactly by the waist, hips and their ratio:

  • thin waist shows a man that a woman is not pregnant, which means she is not busy;
  • taut, rounded hips talk about the good health of the female and the ability to give birth to healthy offspring;
  • difference between waist and hips will show the character of a woman and her ability to bear and feed a child.

No matter how full a lady is, the optimal index between the waist and hips should not exceed 0.7. That is, the waist should be only 70% of the hips. Such parameters will attract attention regardless of the fullness, height and body weight of a woman (within reason, of course).

Interesting fact! Men don't need to walk around with a tape measure to see an attractive waist-to-hip ratio. It is enough for them to look at a woman for 10 seconds, and intuition itself will tell them the correct parameters of the female body, under which they can safely make a further decision on procreation.

Long legs - the standard of female beauty

An indisputable fact is the increased interest of almost all men in long-legged ladies. Regardless of height and weight, a woman's legs must be long..

Such a whim can be explained by the fact that short legs indicate childhood, that is, the woman is still unprepared for procreation. And during puberty, women's legs begin to lengthen, and this intuitively allows men to understand that the girl is ready for childbearing.

So long legs and a symmetrical figure of a woman are not at all a whim of a pampered and capricious man, but a quite practical choice in implementing the plan for the production of offspring.

What size should a woman wear according to men?

If women think that they need to lose weight to the 40th clothing size (or XXS by international standards), then this is a deep delusion. Numerous studies have shown that men prefer to see their chosen ones in the 46th clothing size rather than in the smallest.

For example, the British TV presenter and actress Kelly Brook has a rather impressive bust, and it is difficult to call her thin, but her figure has become an ideal for most men.

For comparison, in order to understand how beautiful a thin woman is considered, you can look at the table of the ratio of positive votes received to the parameters of the figures of different celebrities.

As you can see, too small size of women's clothing is not popular with the representatives of the stronger sex and is gaining very few votes of sympathy.

But men are also treated with disdain for very full girls, and they will not be delighted if their chosen one suddenly begins to gain extra pounds. A particularly large amount of disapproval was heard against girls who rapidly gained three or more clothing sizes.

Men reacted relatively calmly when their partner gained 1-2 sizes. And the opinion was divided almost in half if their chosen one recovered by 2-3 sizes.

So a beautiful female figure through the eyes of men is definitely not an anorexic model and not a shapeless puff, but a figured woman with rounded proportional shapes and a thin waist.

A survey by German sociologists of men regarding the ideal female figure showed very interesting results. It turns out that the male ideal varies depending on the social status in the country.

In wartime or in the event of a financial crisis, the eyes of men are turned to magnificent forms, and in peacetime - to thin ladies. So do not worry too much about the extra 2-3 kg of weight gain, the main thing is that the figure is toned and the body is healthy. To do this, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, give preference to natural products and play sports.

A beautiful female figure through the eyes of men in this useful video:

Women's beauty through the eyes of men in different countries of the world:

Every man has a certain picture in his subconscious, and it is a portrait of an ideal lady, of course, in full growth and with a minimum of clothes. Everything in life is based on the mutual attraction of the two sexes, because otherwise human life would cease. Simply put, the ideal figure for a girl is her powerful weapon in the fight for the best male. Only for some, some parameters are ideal, for others - others, and, of course, they do not argue about tastes. But, whatever you say, there are standard canons of female beauty in the world, defined by the male half of humanity.

The magical 0.7 waist-to-hip ratio isn't just a number. Sociologists have proven that the vast majority of men stop their eyes on ladies with just such body proportions. Let's try to more specifically answer the question of what the ideal figure for a girl will unconditionally attract male attention.


If a stereotype is thriving in your head that men are crazy about big breasts, that a lady should resemble Burenka or Dawn from a local farm, try to get rid of this cliché and not think about bust enlargement. Men admire only the elasticity of the most exciting part of the female body, and its size should be natural. The picture shows, in general, the ideal figure for a girl - the photo, however, shows a not very large bust. Do not be sad if the chest is small - buy special-shaped bras, since now there are a huge number of options with silicone fillers and inserts.

Ah, those legs...

A man can forgive a woman a lot (but not betrayal, lies and dislike), if the lady is the happy owner of long legs. Therefore, even if the hourglass figure is not your trump card, but the legs are long and slender, it does not matter, because the ideal figure of a girl for men should be characterized by legs of a decent length. There is an opinion among the stronger sex that stocky and short legs are a direct sign that the lady has not yet formed, and is essentially a teenager, respectively, she cannot be of interest to a man. In general, how long a lady's legs should be is a purely individual concept. Men who love women's legs growing "from the ears" are common, but if the guy is not tall, this option is excluded.

Girls, remember: even if a man swears by all the saints that there is on earth, claiming that your height compared to him is not a hindrance, do not believe him - this is a deception. He lies to himself, convincing him that it's okay that you look over his head.

You may have an ideal figure, but height is important for a girl: a guy will never accept and forgive a lady who is taller than him, so that he can leave a man’s pride alone. The strict rule about legs is only about two things: they should never have cellulite and hair. It's unshakable.


You can’t do without a fat layer at all, so the ideal figure for a girl, according to men, can have a small, neat tummy. Guys absolutely do not like protruding ribs, Russian fairy tales intelligibly told that Koschei the Deathless is a negative character, and men, most likely, are simply afraid of skeletons with rattling bones. The time of anorexics has passed, girls, do not starve, do not exhaust yourself with cruel diets and take care of your health!


The ideal figure for a girl through the eyes of men is that win-win option when a lady walks straight and knows how to keep herself. A straight back attracts the attention of people of any age. Think Scarlett O'Hara or characters from historical TV shows. It is a pleasure to look at the royal posture of both ladies and gentlemen.


Here the rule works: bulge is better than thinness. But fat on the buttocks is not very attractive for the stronger sex. One way or another, the ideal figure for a girl should contain a taut muscular fifth point, while a sagging butt will not please anyone, and the girl herself too. Forget that if you get married, then you can give up on yourself. This is a misconception that leads to discord in the family, and in some cases comes to divorce. You need to train your buttocks both at home and in a sports club: different types of exercises, strength exercises, yoga, Pilates, stretching will help you tighten what seems hopeless to you.


This is the ideal female figure, according to many opinion polls. This type is the most harmonious and symmetrical, causes pleasant associations in men. In general, guys need only 10 minutes to appreciate the female figure. A lady with an hourglass figure can be both thin and puffy. The main thing is to respect the proportions of the body. In the pictures in the article, you see that this is a way to emphasize what an ideal figure for a girl is. A photo not only in a bathing suit can emphasize her beauty.

Today we love to share our intimate pictures with the whole world, forgetting that photography is a document and a weapon that can be used against ourselves. Nevertheless, the hourglass figure is pleasing to the male gaze at the subconscious level: such a lady will easily continue the race, this type of figure seems to carry a message of femininity and a promise to endure and give birth to a baby (wide hips contribute to this). Therefore, the guy on a subconscious level reads information from the female body, and not just receives visual satisfaction. Why do some representatives of the stronger sex like thin ones? Slenderness is a sign of a young organism, this stereotype is embedded in the male subconscious. As a rule, young hardy and strong. This is how the choice of a life partner is often made.

Fruits - are they sweet and desirable?

The "pear" figure - massive hips and fragile shoulders - is not liked by all males. Some prefer rectangular, teenage figures, inherent in many ladies, and with skillfully selected clothes, such a body can sparkle with new colors. The “apple” figure, in which there is no waist, is an unfortunate circumstance, and in men such a lady is unlikely to cause desire and delight. But even this can be overcome if you use the right physical activity.

Whatever your figure is, there is only one permanent rule: men love tight figures. Therefore, go in for sports, give yourself any physical activity and eat right.

Researchers from Britain have found that the beloved body of a woman in the male mind is Beyoncé. The ideal figure for a girl is important in conjunction with other qualities of her owner. The dream companion should be a blue-eyed blonde, with an apartment and a job, although it doesn’t matter what kind of mistress she is. The main thing is that she be kind, loving, not indifferent to nature and animals, possessing mystery and magnetism. The companion cannot smoke in any case, alcohol is sometimes acceptable. But she must have a good appetite and love meat. And most importantly, to earn less than her man.

Lose weight or get smart?

If you are overweight, you consulted a doctor and decided to go on a diet in the name of beauty and self-confidence, remember not so much about the desired protruding knees and elbows, but about the proportions of your slimming body. Skinny arms and lack of breasts look comical with well-fed hips and buttocks. Remember that a diet without physical activity is ineffective and does not bring quick results, which you still need to try to fix. Consult with a competent fitness trainer, he will help you adjust your figure to your liking.

Ideal parameters of the female figure

Each person has his own physique, but nature has arranged everything so that when looking at a woman, a man immediately determines her constitution, and clearly sees how much she corresponds to the parameters of her complexion. And here are the standards by which the ideal figure for a girl can be calculated: the parameters of the main body types are given below.

If the bone is wide

For girls of average height, the following circles will be ideal parameters. Waist - from 70 to 75 cm, hips - from 95 to 105 cm. If we talk about the circumference of the chest, then it should be half the height plus 10 cm, which is actually approximately 90 cm, and the chest should be about 100 cm. the length of the legs, then here the calculation is also carried out from height, and, considering various types of figures, the legs should be more than half the height by about 4 cm and be about 87 cm.

Medium bone madam

If we take a lady with an average bone width, then ideal, from a male point of view, will be one that meets the following parameters: waist and hips - 65 and 95 cm, respectively, chest circumference should exceed half the height by 5 cm and be about 92 cm. The girth of the chest is 8 cm larger than the chest and is about 100 cm. The legs should be about 90 cm long - more than half the height by 5 centimeters.

Asthenic girls, or thin-boned ladies

For these fairies, the following figure parameters will be ideal: waist - 60-64 cm, hips - 85-92 cm, chest in girth more than half the growth by 2 cm - 86 cm, chest volume is approximately 5 centimeters larger than the volume of the chest (it is easy to calculate ). Legs in length should be more than half the height of the girl by 10 cm and can reach about 92 cm.

The great Leonardo da Vinci was one of the first

Who studied and defined the ideal parameters of the human body.

The anatomical proportions presented by him are still

Studied in art schools all over the world.

According to Leonardo da Vinci's theory of ideal proportions,

That the volumes of the chest, waist and hips, taken separately,

They don't decide anything, it's all about their ratio.

In modern society, changes in the parameters of the human body

(anthropometric data) are reviewed every 15 years,

Because during this period, as a result of the acceleration process, changes in size occur,

Proportions and shapes of the human figure. Well known to all 90 - 60 - 90, of course,

They are not the standard of ideal female proportions for everyone.

Body proportions generally cannot be the same for all women,

Since there are different body types given to us genetically.

Basic body types

The main body types include asthenic (thin-boned), normosthenic (normo-boned) and hypersthenic (broad-boned).

Women with an asthenic (thin-boned) body type have thin bones, long limbs, a thin neck, and muscles are relatively poorly developed. Representatives of this type usually have a small weight, they are energetic and mobile. Abundant nutrition for a long time does not lead them to increase in body weight, as they spend energy faster than they accumulate. If a woman of this type does not have a very thin waist and normal, not narrow hips, everything seems miniature because of the thin bone.

The physique of normosthenic women (norm-bone type) is distinguished by the proportionality of the main body dimensions, the correct ratio. The most beautiful female figures are found precisely with this type of physique.

In representatives of the hypersthenic (wide-boned) physique, the transverse dimensions of the body predominate. Their bones are thick and heavy, their shoulders, chest and hips are wide, and their legs are sometimes somewhat short. Women of this type, you need to remember that they tend to be overweight.

You can determine the approximate body type by measuring the circumference of the wrist of the working hand. In normosthenics, it is 16-18.5 cm, in asthenics - up to 16 cm, and in hypersthenics - 18.5 cm.

Quite often there are mixed body types with a predominance of the parameters of the above types.

If we talk about the gradations of female height, they are as follows: short height - 150 cm and below, below average height - 151-156 cm, average height - 157-167 cm, high - 168-175 cm, very high - 176 cm and above .

True, in recent years, this gradation needs to be changed, taking into account the acceleration of modern youth, therefore, normal growth can be considered for normal-boned and wide-boned from 166 to 170 cm, and for thin-boned from 168 to 172 cm.

Correct legs

There are certain proportions between height and leg length. Legs can be considered short if their length is less than half the height. A figure can be considered proportional when the length of the legs is more than half the height. For broad-boned, it is desirable to be 2-4 cm, for normal-boned, 4-6 cm, for thin-boned, 6-9 cm. For example, if with a normal-boned body type with a height of 168 cm, the length of the legs is 90 cm, then this is ideal.

The length of the legs should be measured from the protrusion of the femur to the floor. In cases where the legs are somewhat shorter than the accepted norm, shoes with heels will help to change this ratio, since it visually eliminates the existing disproportion.

The diameter of the leg in the calf, depending on the physique, ranges from 36 to 40 centimeters, in the ankle from 16 to 20 cm. Experts even tried to compile a table of the ideal shape of the legs, depending on the type of physique.

Here are the approximate parameters: with a height of 156 and a weight of 50 - 55 kg - the circumference of the leg at the thigh is from 48 to 54 cm, in the calf 31-32 cm, in the ankle 18-20 cm; with a height of 160 and a weight of 55–58 kg - the circumference of the leg at the thigh is from 50 to 56 cm, in the calf 32–35 cm, in the ankle 19–22 cm; with a height of 167 and a weight of 56-65 kg, the circumference of the leg at the thigh is from 52 to 58 cm, in the calf 33-36 cm, in the ankle 22-23 cm.

And, above all, ideal legs should have three gaps between them. To do this, you need to stand in front of a large mirror and put your feet in a position - heels together, socks apart. You should see the first gap under the knees, the second at the ankles, the third at the top closer to the hips. In other places, the legs should converge.

Correct weight

Body weight depends on the type of physique, height and, very importantly, the age of the person. One option for calculating weight is the Quetelet index. According to this index, it is enough for women with a thin-boned body type to have 325 g for each centimeter of height, for norm-boned - 350 and for wide-boned - 375 g. Then the index is multiplied by height, and the weight corresponding to your parameters is obtained.

It must be emphasized that the ideal weight of women, especially those whose height is below 160 cm, should be 10-15% less than normal. For short women, at least up to 20 years old, it is desirable to have a weight of 3-5 kg ​​less than normal, i.e. calculated by the Quetelet index.

As mentioned above, body weight also depends on age. The table shows the ratio of weight and height (weight in g divided by height in cm) for women aged 15 to 40 years.

Age Body types

(years) Fine-boned. Normocost. Shirokokost.


15-18____ 315____ 325____ 355

19-25____ 325____ 345____ 370

26-39____ 335____ 360____ 380

To determine your normal weight, you need to multiply your height in cm by the weight-to-height ratio that matches your age and body type.

Excess weight can be tracked by measuring the fat fold on the abdominal wall, above the navel, 3 cm from the midline. Its thickness should normally be from 1 to 2 cm.

Hips, waist and chest

Knowing the circumferences of the body - chest, waist and hips also helps to determine the correct physique. This indicator is called whites.

Whiteles' normal indicators for young women (18 - 28 years old) of a normosthenic body type can be considered if the chest circumference is exactly half the height plus 2-5 cm, for the bust - chest circumference plus 8-10 cm, for the waist - standing height, minus 100, the hips should be about 25-30 cm larger than the waist circumference. For thin-boned women, it can be considered normal if their chest circumference is within 84-86 cm, and their bust is plus 4-6 cm to the indicated figures.

The waist is usually thin, and is in the range of 60-64 cm, and the circumference of the hips is larger by about 25-30 cm. In women with a broad-boned body type, the circumference of the chest exceeds half the height by 8-10 cm, chest - by another 8-10 cm. The waist circumference with a height of 166-168 cm is in the range of 70-76 cm, and the hip circumference is larger by the same 25-30 cm.

Devendra Singh, a psychology professor at the University of Texas, came to roughly the same conclusion in the early 1990s. Only he calculated the proportion between the hips and the waist as a percentage. According to his theory, proportions are considered ideal when the waist is 60 to 70% of the hips.

To do this, you need to divide the waist volume by the hip volume, the resulting coefficient should be from 0.6 to 0.7. By the way, the ideal beauties in this ratio are: Venus de Milo - 70% and Rubens Nude, the same 70%. But among real women, the waist-to-hip ratio is ideal: Marilyn Monroe 0.61, Brigitte Bardot 0.66, Demi Moore 0.72, Claudia Schiffer 0.67, Cindy Crawford 0.69, Gisele Bundchen 0.70, Kylie Minogue 0.70.

Doctors also believe that the ratio of waist circumference to hip circumference should not exceed the endocrine balance coefficient, which is 0.85. If your waist does not exceed 85% of the hips, then your figure is in perfect order both from an aesthetic and medical point of view.

Time moves forward, new criteria for assessing the beauty of a female figure appear.

The latest analysis of the results of an anthropometric examination of women, conducted in our country in the early 2000s, showed significant changes in body proportions. Young women have longer arms, legs, a higher waistline, broader shoulders with the same body size, improved posture.

So we can conclude that the younger and middle generations of women have become taller and slimmer than the previous generation. Well, if your parameters do not match the ideal, do not worry! Still, the most important thing in a woman is her individuality and, of course, a well-groomed appearance.

In the distant 50s at the peak of popularity wasperfect female figurewith proportions of 90-60-90. Marilyn Monroe easily fit into them, demonstrating the roundness of her forms. In the 60s and 70s, fashion jumped sharply to thin people with flat bellies. Then, until the early 2000s, came the triumphmodel appearance, with Cindy Crawford's long legs and graceful bodyKate Moss. For two decades of the twentieth I centuries pass under the auspices of girls with a sports figure. Slim hips, chic abs and sculpted arms. Suchbeauty standardsto date. However, not everything depends on training and diets. In different countriesideal female proportionsare different. In addition, there are generally accepted types of figures and physiques for girls.

Body types of a girl

You can not measure all women under one standard. In addition to the inner individuality, the fair sex is distinguished by the peculiarities of the physique. Something can be corrected with the help of sports, nutrition or plastic surgery. But there are invariable three types of physique, from which the general proportionality is repelled.

Ectomorph. A girl with this type of physique is fragile and sophisticated. The fat layer is minimized. The arms and legs are thin. Wasp waist. Growth is high. It is difficult for her to gain muscle mass, since weight gain is not observed due to accelerated metabolic processes. An ectomorph girl demonstrates her thin wrists and fingers to others. Often, the hip bones and collarbones protrude in relief. She can not boast of large breasts and elastic buttocks. A thin person is friends with sports and can be distinguished by special endurance, but not in a power load. A typical representative of ectomorphs is Keira Knightley.

Mesomorph. Body sizes with this type have an ideal ratio. Well developed leg muscles, rounded hips and broad shoulders are harmonized by the waist. She is not aspen, but without excess fat. A girl with such proportions looks athletic. With moderate physical exertion, the body is feminine and embossed. Freely builds muscle mass, but can just as easily gain a couple of extra pounds. For a mesomorph, it is important not only to exercise regularly, but also to eat right. A striking example of such a physique is Halle Berry.

Endomorph. This type includes all girls who have crossed the line of mesomorph in terms of weight and volume. Their metabolism is slow. Fat is actively concentrated on the hips, buttocks, waist and arms. A distinctive feature is an expressive bust. Growth is mostly low. Endomorphs easily gain muscle mass, which is hidden under fat reserves, if you do not include aerobic exercise and dietary restrictions. This category includes not only girls with obvious overweight. But also those who have an idealized proportion of 90-60-90, with a tummy, extra pounds in the hips. A typical example among famous personalities is Marilyn Monroe. The actress was not full, but she did not hide her magnificent forms.

A photo. Endomorph Body Type: Marilyn Monroe

It is impossible to distribute all women in the world among the three above-mentioned types. A 100% match for all characteristics is rare. Therefore, there is such a thing as a mixed body type. The girl combines the principles of the two predominant species.

Types of female figures: which one is ideal?

Each girl has a different body shape. Some of them are congenital, genetically incorporated, and the rest depend on lifestyle. The female type of figure is formed from pronounced characteristics. Based on them, the coach draws up a training program, and the stylist selects clothes.

Hourglass. This type of figure is graceful. It shows balance. When a thin waist levels moderately voluminous hips and bust. The buttocks are rounded, and the legs are slender. Fat, if present, is distributed evenly over all parts of the body. An hourglass is the ideal parameters for a girl. Most of the fair sex tends to approach them.

V-shape (triangle). A physique with broad shoulders, large breasts, rather narrow hips and slender legs. When engaging in physical activity, a girl with such characteristics needs to increase the volume of her buttocks. The fat layer likes to gather in the upper abdomen, while the waist is visible, which means that nutrition can correct this deficiency.

Rectangle. A boyish figure without embossed curves. Proportions: chest, waist, hips - almost the same. The rectangle girl is gaining weight with great difficulty, as her metabolism is accelerated.

Pear (spoon). With this type of female figure, the emphasis falls on the lower body. The buttocks are massive, the hips are wide, but the shoulders, chest and stomach look disproportionately small. The pear girl is predominantly short in stature and has short legs. Fat is concentrated below the belt.

A photo. Jennifer Lopez: a typical representative of the female "pear" figure

Apple. The most dangerous zone with this type of figure is the waist and stomach. They create a visual association of a girl with an apple. Flat buttocks and narrow hips add fuel to the fire. Slender legs and an expressive bust improve the situation. To restore balance in the figure, intensive training and serious changes in nutrition will help.

Defects in one or another type of figure are covered by correction with the help of physical exercises. For example, girls with a V-shape need intensive training for large muscle groups - on their legs. For a “pear” it is important to focus on the upper body. For a “rectangle”, nutrition comes first. An intense training regimen will need an “apple”. Girls with this type of figure should lean on cardio. The hourglass is in the best position. Ideal proportions allow them to simply keep fit and enjoy the process.

Ideal parameters and standards

The world has long been struggling to develop a formula for the ideal proportions of the female body. This includes not only a visual picture with body types and physique. From the basic parameters: weight, height, volume and length of the legs, you can’t go anywhere.

1. Ideal weight. A difficult topic for many girls. Someone wants to get rid of extra pounds. Someone seeks to get the missing ones. The question arises: is there an ideal standard for female body weight and how to determine your comfortable weight? There is definitely no single standard. However, there are boundaries that must not be crossed in order to stay in shape. Each girl's performance is individual. To determine the ideal body weight, the following methods and tools come to the rescue.

Case mass index according to the Quetelet formula. In order to calculate your personal body mass index, you need to know your current weight and height. The result obtained is compared with tabular indicators. The state of health of the girl is determined and a recommendation is made on what to do - to increase or decrease body weight. And it is possible not to change anything, since the weight is ideal.

With clear characteristics: underweight, optimal, overweight, obese, severely obese.

Table depending on the age of the girl on the type of physique. In this case, the age category from 15 to 40 years is considered. Types of body composition: thin-boned, normal-boned and wide-boned.

2. Ideal height and leg length. If a person can adjust his weight throughout his life, then he will have to come to terms with growth. There are general standards:

Short girls- do not go beyond 150 cm;
- below average - from 151 to 156 cm;
- with an average - from 157 to 167 cm;
- tall ladies - from 168 to 175 cm;
- very high - above 176 cm.

The ideal length of the legs depends on the height of the body. Girls are considered short-legged if their legs are less than half the height. If greater than or approximately equal, then the figure is balanced. Compliance with proportions affects the visual perception of the girl. In addition, this parameter is taken into account in models. There is nothing to do without long legs on the podium. To complete the characterization of the lower extremities, scientists derived the formula for ideal legs in three gaps: at the ankles, under the knees and between the thighs at the top. They can be seen simply by joining the legs together. There should not be any other "holes", only then the girl's legs are perfect.

3. The ideal volume of the chest, waist and hips. Body parts should be proportional. The most expressive female forms have always been: bust, waist and hips. It's not about the exact 90-60-90 standard. Everything is much more delicate. A truly thin waist should be a maximum of 70% of the hips. Each girl has an individual result. Because everyone's body type is different.

The ideal proportions of the girl's body are not those that men came up with in a fit of their violent fantasies. This is the daily work and love of the lady herself. Beautiful female figures are born from jewelry work: sports, nutrition, inner harmony and the right clothes. This is the key to success.

Ideal figure in different countries

The ideal parameters of a girl in every corner of the planet are different. There is no clear standard for what a woman should be. In Spain, Japan or California - everywhere there is a representation of the proportions of beauty.

Europe. Most European girls have a slim figure. Spaniards are athletic. Italians are graceful and with a thin waist, despite the delights in food. Slavic girls at the world "council" are recognized as thin. Ladies from the Netherlands can boast of long legs.

A photo. Italian with a thin waist Monica Bellucci

Asia. Fragile with small stature, this is how people around see Chinese women. In Israel, they do not attach special importance to the figure of girls, attention is directed to facial features. In Vietnam, women are sophisticated, with thin necks.

America. Despite the mass problem of obesity, most girls in the United States dream of ideal proportions in the form of an hourglass. Who managed to achieve a thin waist is the Mexicans. In Peru, women became famous for their wide hips and large busts.

Africa. On the continent, representatives of the African race have very slender bodies. They are envied by Europeans who are on diets and Americans whose standards are far from ideal. In Africa, women know a sense of proportion and balance. They eat little and are constantly on the move.

How beauty standards have changed over the years

Over the past century, the world of ideal standards for female figures has undergone significant changes. Every decade the proportions changed. The hips were wide and narrow. The waist was retracted, the stomach added a couple of extra pounds. The bust now and then changed its size depending on fashion. And only long legs have always been appreciated by true admirers of female beauty.

Girls in corsets stood at the origins of the last century. Their thinnest waist is still considered an unattainable luxury. However, just ten years later, everything has changed dramatically. A boyish figure is becoming a trend, without a magnificent bust and a graceful waist. Men could not tolerate such standards of beauty for a long time and protested. In the 1930s, femininity with rounded shapes returned again. Ten years later, a woman takes on a house, family, work, which means she changes her slenderness for broad shoulders, on which she drags all this burden.

In the 50s, the world was stirred up by the sexual forms of famous actresses. They were followed by a sharp decline and a transition to blatant thinness. At that time, diets came into fashion. Since the beginning of the 70s, the female tummy had to have a normal percentage of fat, and preferably without it at all. After another 10 years, fashion models introduced thin standards, with long legs. The 90s were famous for their painful thinness. But that time has passed too. Protruding ribs are replaced by slender legs, abs or just flat tummies and elastic buttocks.

A photo. Sports female figure

conclusions. The concept of the ideal figure of a girl varies depending on the continent, time and outlook on life. There are a lot of existing proportions and ratios. It is impossible to put female forms in the general formula. Each girl is individual, which means that her parameters only subtly adjust to the general standards of female beauty.

Nowadays, every representative of the fair sex strives to have the notorious parameters of the figure 90-60-90. But why did such figures arise and why try to fit into the standard? When you watch how girls mercilessly torture their bodies with diets in the struggle for every centimeter, it seems as if the world has gone crazy.

Historically, it so happened that each era was famous for its standards of beauty and parameters of the ideal figure. In antiquity, ladies with rounded shapes were in fashion. For example, Aphrodite of Knidos had a waist of 72 cm with a height of 164 cm. In the Middle Ages, when self-restraint and asceticism were preached, new ideal parameters of the female figure came: waist - 62 cm, chest - 79 cm, hips disappeared into obscurity, because then the ladies wore bouffant skirts. In the 19th century, puffy breasts and a wasp waist were in fashion. Pushkin's wife, a well-known beauty of that time, had the following parameters of an ideal figure: waist - 42 cm due to the corset, chest - 92 cm. At the beginning of the twentieth century, women of athletic and dense physique came into fashion. With a height of 162-165 cm, the parameters of the ideal figure were: chest volume - 90-94 cm, hips - 94-96 cm, waist - 64-66 cm.

Figure parameters: where did the ideal come from

The pioneers of the ideal parameters of the female figure of the 21st century were the engineers of the United States. Ateliers for tailoring ordered mannequins from them. They were made according to standard proportions for sewing. But to reduce plastic costs, the mannequins were made thin. Such savings also benefited fashion designers, who began to spend less fabric. So the opinion was established that it is necessary to be tall and thin in order to wear designer clothes. And the parameters of the ideal figure were 90-60-90. The skinny model of the 60s Twiggy won the hearts of fans. And today she remains a legend in the fashion world.

The artist Leonardo Da Vinci first noticed that their relationship to each other is more important than the ideal parameters of a figure. His thoughts resulted in the theory of the ideal parameters of the figure. According to the nature of his own activity, Da Vinci appealed with his own drawings. The structure of such a body was considered canonical, which allows enclosing a position with spread arms and legs in a circle. If the legs are brought together, then the contours should be square.

Plastic surgeons still use the theory of the classical parameters of the Leonardo figure in order to create impeccable forms. In addition, this theory formed the basis of the modern classification of figure types. How to determine the type of figure by parameters?

The apple type is characterized by shoulders and hips equal in massiveness and width. But the waist is missing. The outlines of the whole figure resemble a ball.

The pear body type is dominated by the hips. They are much wider than the shoulders in volume. And the waist looks slim.

The hourglass is characterized by a thin waist, equal in width to the shoulders and hips. This type of figure is also called X-shaped in terms of parameters. These figure parameters are considered very feminine.

The rectangle is distinguished by equal volumes of the waist, hips and shoulders.

And the last type is an inverted triangle. This is an inverted pear, that is, the shoulders are very wide, and the pelvis is narrow.

According to the data above, you can determine the type of figure according to the parameters that are most pronounced in you.

Figure parameters: proportionality and physique

What is a proportional figure? It is considered as such if all parts of the body are proportionate to each other:

  • the width of the shoulders is equal to one fourth of the length of the body;
  • the circumference of the wrist is less than half the circumference of the neck;
  • the circumference of the hand in the fist is equal to the length of your foot;
  • the length of the foot is equal to the length of your forearm;
  • the circumference of the neck is half that of the waist.

You can also define your perfection by other formulas. So, first you need to measure the circumference of the shoulder, the circumference of the thigh under the gluteal crease, the circumference of the neck, the circumference of the lower leg, the circumference of the chest, the circumference of the waist.

The proportionality of the figure is determined as follows: it is necessary to divide the circumference of the thigh by the sum of the circumference of the lower leg, the circumference of the neck and the circumference of the shoulder. If the result is in the range of 0.54-0.62, then your figure is perfect.

The physique can be sthenic, asthenic and normal. Sthenic and asthenic differ even as a wide and narrow bone. To find out the type of figure by the parameters, it is necessary to measure the volume of the wrist. If the result is more than 19, then you have a sthenic type of figure, if less than 17, then asthenic. Asthenics always look fragile, graceful, and no workouts and diets will give a girl with a wide bone the weight of Malvina and an aspen waist.

How to get the perfect fit

In order for the parameters of the figure to approach the ideal, it is necessary to perform such exercises with a bodybar weighing from four to eight kilograms three times a week.

Squats with a bodybar above your head - we take the bar with a wide grip, bring it over our heads and a little back, tighten the press, bring the shoulder blades to the spine. We perform twenty squats at a slow pace in three sets.

Push-ups - we take emphasis on the palms and knees, hands are under the shoulders. We bend our arms, while straining the pectoral muscles and spreading our elbows to the sides. Repeat twelve times for four sets.

Removing the bar - we bend at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor, we take the bar with a grip at shoulder level. We stabilize the buttocks, strain the back and press, bring the bar at the level of the top of the head and return it back. We perform eight times in four sets.

Twisting - we pull the knees to the chest and the body to the knees twenty times in four sets.

Screw - we take emphasis on the palms and socks, pull the right knee to the left shoulder thirty times. Then change legs and repeat. We make four approaches.

In the race for the ideal parameters of the figure, do not forget that the ideal woman lies in manners, look, self-confidence, behavior, and not just in the ratio of width, length and height.

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