Innovative work experience “Education of ecological culture in preschool children through project activities. Innovative technologies of environmental education Innovative approaches in environmental education dow

Article "Modern approaches in the environmental education of preschoolers"

Malyavina Vera Nikolaevna teacher MKDOU Anninsky kindergarten No. 7 ORV.
Target: Formation of ideas about modern approaches in environmental education.
Description: The article is intended for kindergarten teachers. In a preschool institution, it is possible to create optimal conditions for environmental education and upbringing. In the preschool educational institution there is an opportunity repeatedly, during the day, to return to the topic, and in different versions.
"Ecology"- translated from Greek - the science of the house. "Oikos" - house, "logos" - science. In our time, ecology has become a science that should help people survive, make their habitat acceptable for existence. Unfortunately, society realized this when there were practically no corners of untouched nature left on the planet, when the state of the habitat had already negatively affected the health of a huge number of people. And, despite this, the value system of most people is still focused on consumption, tool activity, and manipulation of the objects of the material world.
In a preschool institution, you can create optimal conditions for environmental education. In the preschool educational institution there is an opportunity to repeatedly, during the day, return to the topic, and in different ways: in the game, observations, individual work, experiments and experiments, etc.
There are such concepts:
1. "Environmental education".
2. "Environmental education".
3. "Introduction of preschoolers to nature."
How do they differ from each other?
« Ecological education"- a new direction in the pedagogy of preschoolers.
The goal of environmental education- the formation in children of a scientific-cognitive, emotional-moral, practical-active attitude towards the environment and their health.
Man, animal, plant - we are all part of nature and form a single whole with it, despite our differences.
The difference between new approaches in environmental education and traditional ones:
Ecological education.
Man is part of nature.
1. Man is the measure of things - the uniqueness of life (ecocentrism).
2. Harmonization of human needs with environmental requirements.
3. Respect for all forms of life.
Traditional approach.
world for man.
1. Man is the measure of things (anthropocentrism).
2. Technocratic calculation of the benefits of nature, its utilitarian value.
3. Man is the "owner", "king" of nature.
Value judgments in relation to objects should be excluded ("harmful animals", "ugly"). We call them "harmful" because they bring inconvenience to a person. And in nature they are a link in the ecological chain. Adults often allow themselves in the presence of a child who has not yet formed his own attitude towards objects of nature, an expression of hostility, disgust: “fu, what a disgusting, what an unpleasant, leave him” (frogs, earthworms). And the children's emotional rejection of these animals turns into a practical plane: an ugly worm - it needs to be crushed.
Output: in the presence of children, one must restrain one's emotions.
From the point of view of environmental education, it is extremely important to form in a child a caring attitude towards all living beings, without exception, regardless of whether he likes it or not.
Our goal on the example of ecosystems (forest, meadow, reservoir, steppe, etc.) - to show the child that any organism is included in a complex chain of natural relationships and its loss can cause unpredictable consequences.
Ecologists distinguish three groups of factors that determine the characteristics of the life of living beings:
1. Abiotic(climate, soil, chemical composition of water, air).
2. Biotic(plants, animals, microorganisms that influence the existence of organisms).
3.Anthropogenic(human impact on nature).
These factors never act in isolation, but are always inseparable from each other. This connection of the components of the natural community is called geobiocinosis - ecosystem.
Solar energy, phytosynthesis - plants - herbivorous animals - animals, small predators - animals, large predators - bacteria, fungi that decompose animal corpses - nutrients - plants.
Ecosystems (forest, meadow, steppe, reservoir…).
Relationships and dependencies can be considered with children.
Wildlife lives according to its own laws, without the help of man.
- What, - you ask, - we should not teach children to help nature? We need to help the animals and plants that live next to us, take care of them. These are the trees near the house, the plants that live next to us, the birds that are starving in winter, those who depend on us.
Nature from the point of view of an environmentally educated person should be considered as:
1. Habitat for all creatures, including humans.
2. The object of knowledge.
3. The object of satisfying aesthetic needs.
4. The object of human needs.
We must protect nature not because it gives us something, but because it is valuable in itself.
"The concept of general environmental education" puts before us the following tasks of environmental education:
- the formation in children of an understanding of the inherent value of nature;
- the child's awareness of himself as part of nature;
- fostering a respectful attitude towards all species without exception, regardless of personal likes and dislikes;
- the formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards the world around, the ability to see its beauty and uniqueness;
- the understanding that everything in nature is interconnected and the violation of one of the relationships leads to other changes, as if a chain reaction occurs;
- understanding that a person should not destroy what he cannot create;
- to form in children the desire to preserve the environment, their awareness of the relationship between their own actions and the state of the environment;
- learning the basics of environmental safety;
- assimilation of initial information about the rational use of natural resources (water, electricity).
- formation of skills of environmentally-literate behavior in everyday life.
The turn to ecological education of children is two interrelated directions:
1. The problem of raising children.
2. The problem of development of ecological consciousness in adults raising children.
Adults are a decisive factor in environmental education.
Three aspects of the personality of the educator:
1. Understanding of environmental problems and their causes, desire and readiness to change them.
2. Professionalism and pedagogical skills (mastery of methodology, understanding of goals and objectives, implementation of specific technologies, creative search and perfection of one's activity).
3. General orientation and application of the humanistic model of education.
Creation of conditions for environmental education in preschool educational institutions:
1. Subject-developing environment.
2. Methodical fund.
3. Visually - illustrated material.
Subject-developing environment.
1. Group corners of nature.
2. Use of free space in the preschool educational institution:
a) winter garden (corridors, hall, landing)
b) art gallery (corridor)
c) a mini-garden on the window.
3. Artificial creation of mini-ecosystems (modeling, species composition, prevailing phyto and zoocenoses of local forests, multi-layered forest ecosystem, food chains, human impact factors on the ecosystem. Rules of human behavior in the forest. Forest as a source of raw materials). Folders are folding. The reservoir is like an ecosystem. Meadow - ecosystem, etc.
4. Landscape modeling:
a) desert
b) mountainous - flat terrain
c) coast of the Arctic Ocean, Arctic
5. Collecting and designing collections.
6. Didactic games.
7. Creation of mini-laboratories.
8. Organization and equipment of the ecological space with a description of the objects of observation, corners of untouched nature, a garden, flower beds, planting of medicinal plants.
What does the development environment contribute to:
1. Cognitive development.
2. Ecological - aesthetic development.
3. Improvement.
4. Formation of moral qualities.
5. Formation of environmentally correct behavior.
6. Ecologization of various activities.
Forms of organization of activity:
Directly - educational activities.
- tours;
- classes;
- observation of animals and plants (recognizing - for one object, comparative - using handouts, observation of change and development);
- visual activity of ecological subjects;
- familiarization with the work of adults in nature;
- teaching children how to care for plants;
- development of speech (composing stories about natural phenomena and objects, inventing environmental fairy tales, ethical conversations);
- the formation of generalizing ideas about nature (conversations using models, classes in the form of a didactic game);
Joint activities of the teacher and children:
- observations in the corner of nature, on a walk, at the window;
- targeted walks in nature;
- games (didactic, intellectual, story, mobile);
- teacher's story, reading children's fiction;
- conversations with children on environmental topics according to their interests;
- collecting collections of seeds, stones, autumn leaves;
- experiments, search activities;
- work in the corner of nature and on the site;
- watching videos;
- work with models;
- maintaining calendars of nature;
- creation of books - homemade;
- ecological leisure and holidays.
Independent activities of children:
Independent activity of children (different types of games); experimentation; caring for plants, working with literature, encyclopedias; collecting; making models, books - homemade products, crafts from natural materials, flower arrangements; theatrical activities.
Used Books:
I.A. Ryzhova "Our home is nature."


on the topic:« Innovative technologies for environmental education of preschoolers”

Prepared by the teacher

MBDOU No. 46 "Kalinka"

Cherney Galina Anatolyevna

Our task is to teach a child to treat every living organism as an intrinsically valuable, unique entity that has the right to life. The best result can be achieved if you start to form the foundations of ecological culture at preschool age.

In my work, I set the goal and objectives of environmental education of children:

Purpose: formation of a new type of person with a new ecological thinking, capable of realizing the consequences of their actions in relation to the environment and able to live in relative harmony with nature.

1. Development and correction of the emotional sphere of children through the organization of direct communication with wildlife and the widespread use of psychological and pedagogical games-trainings of natural history content in various activities of preschoolers.

2. Formation of the basic foundations of ecological culture in children:

Mastering elementary ecological knowledge about the nature of the native land, reflecting the relationship of living organisms with their environment;

Obtaining initial ideas and practical skills in the field of nature management (economic impact on nature), nature protection;

Obtaining initial ideas about a person as a living organism, about human ecology (understanding of individual manifestations of the dependence of the health of children and adults on the conditions of the environment in which they live);

Education in children of a positive and active attitude towards objects and natural phenomena with which they come into contact.

3. Disclosure and development of the creative and spiritual and moral potential of each child in the process of communication with the nature of his native land.

The problem of environmental education is sufficiently covered in various methodological recommendations. The goals, objectives, principles, means, forms and methods, as well as the content of environmental education are determined. All this is familiar to you.

I want to draw attention to the use of innovative forms and methods of working with preschoolers.

To make every day of children's stay in kindergarten interesting and eventful, I try to implement the tasks of environmental education through an integrated approach to teaching.

Children receive environmental knowledge and skills not only in specially organized classes, but also during walks, excursions, play and research activities, reading books, in visual arts and music classes.

Game activity

Role-playing game is a method in which children play out a life situation (actually occurring or simulated). The scenario of the game is not described, but only the situation is set. Children themselves model their behavior, build relationships. In role-playing games, the child's social competencies are actively formed. Role play turns learning into a creative laboratory of self-education.

Games for children are a way of understanding the environment, a way to understanding the world in which they live and which they can change and transform.

Puzzle games, experience games, exploration games, meditation games(“I am the Sun”, “I am the Rain”, “I am the Wind”, “The Sun and the Cloud” and others) give new impressions about the life and work of people, about the state of nature and its changes; arouse interest in nature and develop a value attitude towards it; form the motives and practical skills of environmentally sound activities; provide opportunities for independence, initiative, cooperation, responsibility and the ability to make the right decisions. In these games, children apply their life experience and reflect what interests them, excites them, pleases them.

Interesting in working with children is such a game technique as receiving letters of complaint from residents of a living corner, residents of a forest, garden, orchard. Upon receiving such a letter, children think about its content, discuss various environmental situations, decide how to help this or that living creature, how to protect and protect nature - their land, and the entire planet.

Case technologies

Case - technology- this is an analysis of a situation or a specific case, a business game. Its main purpose is to develop the ability to analyze various problems and find their solution, as well as the ability to work with information.

Technology Ideas:

It is intended for the development of communicative competencies in those educational areas where there is no unambiguous answer to the question posed, but there are several answers that can compete in terms of truth;

The development of the child in the joint activity of the child-adult on equal terms. For example, a case photo or a case illustration “Does a child behave correctly in nature?”

The method of discussion “Good-bad”, “Why did the leaf turn yellow?” or “Why are poplar buds big and birches small?” etc. - the purpose of such a case is to analyze the situation through the joint efforts of a mini-group of children, to find a way out, the correct version.

Computer technology and multimedia presentations

Information and computer technologies are firmly included in the system of preschool education, are widely used to improve and update the forms and methods of working with children.

Unlike an adult, who is enough to listen to an oral explanation, subsequently connecting logical thinking, to understand the meaning of the information, the saying “better to see once than hear a hundred times” is the best fit for children. A child, with his visual-figurative thinking, understands only that it is possible to simultaneously consider, hear, act with an object or evaluate the action of an object. That is why it is so important when teaching preschoolers to turn to the channels available to them for obtaining information.

In my practice of work, introducing children to nature, I use a variety of materials: didactic pictures, reproductions of art paintings, photographs, videos, sound recordings; in which children become active rather than passive objects of pedagogical influence.

I use the following types of illustrative and visual materials on electronic media:

2. screen materials are slides, i.e. a series of individual frames dedicated to a particular topic;

3. multimedia presentations are educational screensavers with beautiful, bright pictures that help to tell children about the world around them. The presentation combines dynamics, sound, colorful image, which significantly improves the perception of information;

4. media classes that I conduct in a group room using a laptop or in a music room equipped with a computer, projector and screen;

5. in the process of modeling;

6. in case it is necessary to give some kind of virtual cognitive information.

I include multimedia ecological games both in the content of classes to get acquainted with the outside world, and in free activities: travel games, riddle games, didactic games, quizzes, physical minutes, finger games.

Ecological theater, the use of folk wisdom (fairy tales, legends on environmental topics)

An effective method of expanding knowledge of ecology is the use of pearls of folk wisdom - fairy tales, legends, sayings, riddles on environmental topics, the purpose of which is to enrich the mind and excite the soul, and not so much to give ready-made answers to the questions posed, but to develop the child’s ability to think independently, using their experience and previous observations .: “A lot of forest - do not destroy, little forest - take care, if there is no forest, plant it”, “Don’t put your hand on nature, your grandson will too”, and so on.

One of the forms of non-traditional environmental education for preschoolers is ecological theater, which contributes to the development of a sense of collectivism, responsibility, forms the experience of moral behavior, affects the spiritual and moral development of the individual. This is one of the innovative forms of environmental education and upbringing of children. Innovative, because children reveal environmental problems through costumed theatrical performances with the inclusion of songs, dances, ditties of propaganda content that promote environmental protection.

The parents of pupils are involved in the organization of the ecological theater. But here they not only write poems, ditties for performances, help in creating costumes and scenery, but also become assistants in working with society (posting campaign leaflets, distributing memos to the population, cleaning up the territory).

I would like to emphasize once again that the ecological theater is a new direction in the work of the kindergarten, opening up wide opportunities for creative search, the result of which is not only new productions, but, above all, new knowledge about our common home, about our neighbors on the planet, about interdependence man and nature.

Classes in ecological theater provide an opportunity not only to study and learn about the world around us, but also to live in harmony with it.

Contests, quizzes, brain-rings, entertainment, holidays, environmental

Holding competitions, quizzes, brain-rings, entertainment and ecological holidays, such as "Bird Festival", "We are friends of nature", "Earth Day", "Forest Birthday", "Autumn Kaleidoscope", also helps children feel like part of nature, children like rehearsals, they are happy to perform not only in front of friend, but also in front of their parents, who are not only frequent guests, but also participants in our holidays.

Environmental actions

At our preschool environmental actions take place throughout the academic year. In the course of actions, preschoolers receive natural history knowledge, develop environmental culture skills, and an active life position. Actions serve as a good environmental propaganda among the parent community. Children see the attitude of parents, the organization of the event and participate in it themselves.

And most importantly, in the course of environmental actions, children are shown and given the opportunity to improve themselves, correct the consequences of environmentally illiterate actions of people, since the result of any action is the productive activity of children.

Each action is held under its motto, has a visual campaign (leaflets, posters, memos).

Types of shares:

“A seed and a grain in reserve!” (collection of seeds for the future harvest, flower seeds, seeds for feeding birds).

· "Good winter for birds" (feeding wintering birds).

· "Christmas tree - a green needle."

“Vitamins on the windowsill” (growing onions for yourself,

monitoring the growth of onions in different conditions, maintaining a general and individual observation calendar).

· “Beloved is a clean city!” (This city campaign "Clean City" is traditionally held, and we are actively involved, parents + children + employees: we clean the territory, improve and plant trees and shrubs).

"To each singer a palace!" (together with parents, making and attaching birdhouses).

· “Decorate the planet with flowers” ​​(the action starts in April, on the Earth Day holiday, when children sow flower seeds).

· “Let's decorate the planet with flowers” ​​(layout of flower beds, lawns from grown seedlings, caring for plantings).

“Protect the forest and its inhabitants from fire!” (call how to behave in the forest).

ecological trail

While working with natural objects, it is important to form in children the need for independent study of nature. This task can be accomplished by creating a pedagogical developing environment of an ecological direction in which a child could learn about the world around him, independently identify the connections and dependencies that exist in nature, observing objects and phenomena of inanimate and living nature and actively interacting with them.

One of the most important components of the ecological developing environment is ecological trail, which we used as an innovative form of environmental education.

The ecological path allows more productive use of ordinary walks with children for ecological activities and at the same time for the improvement of children in the fresh air. The same objects can be visited many times, especially in different seasons of the year. If it is an introductory walk, you can visit different points; if we are pursuing a specific goal (for example, to find out who lives on a stump), then we will limit ourselves to only one object. On the path we conduct observations, games, theatrical classes, excursions. It is very important to remember the integrated approach: on the path, I observe, examine, discuss, analyze, etc. with the children, but children express their impressions of what they saw, acquired knowledge about nature in different types of activities: visual, musical, which helps to consolidate this knowledge in the memory of the child.

Circle work

In a rapidly changing life, a person is required not only to possess knowledge, but, first of all, the ability to obtain this knowledge himself and operate with it, to think independently and creatively.

It is the children of preschool age, with their desire to know the world around them, that provide great opportunities for the development of a moral position in relation to their native land.

Therefore, in my work, I can consider the creation of a circle for experimental activity “Know-it-all” to be innovative, where the child is given complete freedom to display cognitive, emotional, social and motor activity in the process of experimentation.

About a human;

About materials (sand, clay, paper, fabric, wood, etc.);

About natural phenomena (wind, snowfall, sun, water, etc.);

About the world of plants (methods of growing from seeds, bulbs, leaves);

About the subject world.

Active forms of work with the family

We solve the problem of formation of ecological culture with the help of parents. Parents are invited to classes and holidays of ecological content, in which they were not just spectators, but also active participants. Such events as the ecological duel "Children against parents", KVN "Connoisseurs of nature" were held. And also given homework, joint care of animals, plants; collecting collections of natural and other materials; assistance in creating a developing environment; improvement of plots in the territory of the kindergarten; writing ecological fairy tales and designing books; participation in environmental actions (which were described above).

For parents for several years I have been publishing a monthly environmental newspaper "Kapitoshka", from which parents learn about the work of our group in this direction, and also learn many interesting and funny stories about living and inanimate nature; and also thematic booklets are issued: “All about flowers”, “All about proper nutrition for children”, “Winter walks”, “Outdoor games for a walk”, “A clean city is our city”, etc.


During the course of work, the following changes were noticed:

Children have noticeably expanded their ecological ideas, their ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

Interest in objects and phenomena of the natural-objective world has increased, as well as an emotional reaction to "disorders" in their use, value judgments about them;

There was a desire to comply with the norms and rules of behavior in the environment, aimed at preserving the values ​​of the natural world.

And in conclusion, I would like to play a game with you using one of the methods of environmental education: "Computer technology and multimedia presentations."

· The game is called "Find out by ad."

From the screen, children give an announcement on behalf of some animal, and you will have to guess which animal the announcement came from?

Speech at MO on the topic:

"Innovative technologies for environmental education of preschoolers"


(SLIDE 2) Our task is to teach a child to treat every living organism as an intrinsically valuable, unique entity that has the right to life. The best result can be achieved if you start to form the foundations of ecological culture at preschool age.

In my work, I set the goal and objectives of environmental education of children:

Purpose: formation of a new type of person with a new ecological thinking, capable of realizing the consequences of their actions in relation to the environment and able to live in relative harmony with nature.


1. Development and correction of the emotional sphere of children through the organization of direct communication with wildlife and the widespread use of psychological and pedagogical games-trainings of natural history content in various activities of preschoolers.

2. Formation of the basic foundations of ecological culture in children:

Mastering elementary ecological knowledge about the nature of the native land, reflecting the relationship of living organisms with their environment;

Obtaining initial ideas and practical skills in the field of nature management (economic impact on nature), nature protection;

Obtaining initial ideas about a person as a living organism, about human ecology (understanding of individual manifestations of the dependence of the health of children and adults on the conditions of the environment in which they live);

Education in children of a positive and active attitude towards objects and natural phenomena with which they come into contact.

3. Disclosure and development of the creative and spiritual and moral potential of each child in the process of communication with the nature of his native land.

(SLIDE 3) The problem of environmental education is sufficiently covered in various methodological recommendations. The goals, objectives, principles, means, forms and methods, as well as the content of environmental education are determined. All this is familiar to you.

(SLIDE 4) I want to draw attention to the use of innovative forms and methods of working with preschoolers.

To make every day of children's stay in kindergarten interesting and eventful, I try to implement the tasks of environmental education through an integrated approach to teaching.

Children receive environmental knowledge and skills not only in specially organized classes, but also during walks, excursions, play and research activities, reading books, in visual arts and music classes.

(SLIDE 5, 6) Game activity

Role-playing game is a method in which children play out a life situation (actually occurring or simulated). The scenario of the game is not described, but only the situation is set. Children themselves model their behavior, build relationships. In role-playing games, the child's social competencies are actively formed. Role play turns learning into a creative laboratory of self-education.

Games for children are a way of understanding the environment, a way to understanding the world in which they live and which they can change and transform.

Puzzle games, experience games, exploration games, meditation games(“I am the Sun”, “I am the Rain”, “I am the Wind”, “The Sun and the Cloud” and others) give new impressions about the life and work of people, about the state of nature and its changes; arouse interest in nature and develop a value attitude towards it; form the motives and practical skills of environmentally sound activities; provide opportunities for independence, initiative, cooperation, responsibility and the ability to make the right decisions. In these games, children apply their life experience and reflect what interests them, excites them, pleases them.

Interesting in working with children is such a game technique as receiving letters of complaint from residents of a living corner, residents of a forest, garden, orchard. Upon receiving such a letter, children think about its content, discuss various environmental situations, decide how to help this or that living creature, how to protect and protect nature - their land, and the entire planet.

Now everyone is widely using design methods. I won't dwell on them.

(SLIDE 7) Case technologies

Case - technology- this is an analysis of a situation or a specific case, a business game. Its main purpose is to develop the ability to analyze various problems and find their solution, as well as the ability to work with information.

Technology Ideas:

It is intended for the development of communicative competencies in those educational areas where there is no unambiguous answer to the question posed, but there are several answers that can compete in terms of truth;

The development of the child in the joint activity of the child-adult on equal terms. For example, a case photo or a case illustration “Does a child behave correctly in nature?”

The method of discussion “Good-bad”, “Why did the leaf turn yellow?” or “Why are poplar buds big and birches small?” etc. - the purpose of such a case is to analyze the situation through the joint efforts of a mini-group of children, to find a way out, the correct version.

(SLIDE 8) Computer technology and multimedia presentations

Information and computer technologies are firmly included in the system of preschool education, are widely used to improve and update the forms and methods of working with children.

Unlike an adult, who is enough to listen to an oral explanation, subsequently connecting logical thinking, to understand the meaning of the information, the saying “better to see once than hear a hundred times” is the best fit for children. A child, with his visual-figurative thinking, understands only that it is possible to simultaneously consider, hear, act with an object or evaluate the action of an object. That is why it is so important when teaching preschoolers to turn to the channels available to them for obtaining information.

In my practice of work, introducing children to nature, I use a variety of materials: didactic pictures, reproductions of art paintings, photographs, videos, sound recordings; in which children become active rather than passive objects of pedagogical influence.

I use the following types of illustrative and visual materials on electronic media:

  1. sound materials are recordings of the voices of birds, mammals, the sound of the forest, surf, rain, wind, etc.;
  2. screen materials are slides, i.e. a series of individual frames dedicated to a particular topic;
  3. multimedia presentations are educational screensavers with beautiful, bright pictures that help tell children about the world around them. The presentation combines dynamics, sound, colorful image, which significantly improves the perception of information;
  4. media classes that I conduct in a group room using a laptop or in a music room equipped with a computer, projector and screen;
  5. in the process of modeling;
  6. in case it is necessary to give some virtual cognitive information.

I include multimedia ecological games both in the content of classes to get acquainted with the outside world, and in free activities: travel games, riddle games, didactic games, quizzes, physical minutes, finger games.

(SLIDE 9) Ecological theater, the use of folk wisdom (fairy tales, legends on environmental topics)

An effective method of expanding knowledge of ecology isthe use of pearls of folk wisdom - fairy tales, legends, sayings, riddleson environmental topics, the purpose of which is to enrich the mind and excite the soul, and not so much to give ready-made answers to the questions posed, but to develop the child’s ability to think independently, using their experience and previous observations: “A lot of forest - do not destroy, little forest - take care, if there is no forest, plant it”, “Don’t raise your hand to nature, it will be for your grandson” and so on.

One of the forms of non-traditional environmental education of preschoolers isecological theater,which contributes to the development of a sense of collectivism, responsibility, forms the experience of moral behavior, affects the spiritual and moral development of the individual. This is one of the innovative forms of environmental education and upbringing of children. Innovative, because children reveal environmental problems through costumed theatrical performances with the inclusion of songs, dances, ditties of propaganda content that promote environmental protection.

The parents of pupils are involved in the organization of the ecological theater. But here they not only write poems, ditties for performances, help in creating costumes and scenery, but also become assistants in working with society (posting campaign leaflets, distributing memos to the population, cleaning up the territory).

I would like to emphasize once again that the ecological theater is a new direction in the work of the kindergarten, opening up wide opportunities for creative search, the result of which is not only new productions, but, above all, new knowledge about our common home, about our neighbors on the planet, about interdependence man and nature.

Classes in ecological theater provide an opportunity not only to study and learn about the world around us, but also to live in harmony with it.

(SLIDE 10) Contests, quizzes, brain-rings, entertainment, holidays, environmental

Holding competitions, quizzes, brain-rings, entertainment and ecological holidays,such as "Bird Festival", "We are friends of nature", "Earth Day", "Forest Birthday", "Autumn Kaleidoscope",also helps children to feel like a part of nature, children like rehearsals, they are happy to perform not only in front of each other, but also in front of their parents, who are not only frequent guests, but also participants in our holidays.

(SLIDE 11) Environmental actions

At our preschoolenvironmental actionstake place throughout the academic year. In the course of actions, preschoolers receive natural history knowledge, develop environmental culture skills, and an active life position. Actions serve as a good environmental propaganda among the parent community. Children see the attitude of parents, the organization of the event and participate in it themselves.

And most importantly, in the course of environmental actions, children are shown and given the opportunity to improve themselves, correct the consequences of environmentally illiterate actions of people, since the result of any action is the productive activity of children.

Each action is held under its motto, has a visual campaign (leaflets, posters, memos).

(SLIDE 12) Types of shares:


  • "A seed and a grain in reserve!" (collection of seeds for the future harvest, flower seeds, seeds for feeding birds).
  • "Good winter for birds" (feeding wintering birds).


  • "Christmas tree - a green needle."
  • "Vitamins on the windowsill" (growing onions for yourself,

monitoring the growth of onions in different conditions, maintaining a general and individual observation calendar).


  • “Close the faucet tightly so that the ocean does not flow out!” (March 22 is International Water Day).
  • "Beloved - a clean city!" (This city campaign "Clean City" is traditionally held, and we are actively involved, parents + children + employees: we clean the territory, improve and plant trees and shrubs).
  • "To each singer a palace!" (together with parents, making and attaching birdhouses).
  • “Decorate the planet with flowers” ​​(the action starts in April, on the Earth Day holiday, when children sow flower seeds).


  • “Let's decorate the planet with flowers” ​​(laying out flower beds, lawns from grown seedlings, caring for plantings).
  • "Protect the forest and its inhabitants from fire!" (call how to behave in the forest).

(SLIDE 13) ecological trail

While working with natural objects, it is important to form in children the need for independent study of nature. This task can be accomplished by creating a pedagogical developing environment of an ecological direction in which a child could learn about the world around him, independently identify the connections and dependencies that exist in nature, observing objects and phenomena of inanimate and living nature and actively interacting with them.

One of the most important components of the ecological developing environment isecological trail,which we used as an innovative form of environmental education.

The ecological path allows more productive use of ordinary walks with children for ecological activities and at the same time for the improvement of children in the fresh air. The same objects can be visited many times, especially in different seasons of the year. If it is an introductory walk, you can visit different points; if we are pursuing a specific goal (for example, to find out who lives on a stump), then we will limit ourselves to only one object. On the path we conduct observations, games, theatrical classes, excursions. It is very important to remember the integrated approach: on the path, I observe, examine, discuss, analyze, etc. with the children, but children express their impressions of what they saw, acquired knowledge about nature in different types of activities: visual, musical, which helps to consolidate this knowledge in the memory of the child.

(SLIDE 14) Circle work

In a rapidly changing life, a person is required not only to possess knowledge, but, first of all, the ability to obtain this knowledge himself and operate with it, to think independently and creatively.

It is the children of preschool age, with their desire to know the world around them, that provide great opportunities for the development of a moral position in relation to their native land.

Therefore, in my work, I can consider the creation of a circle for experimental activity “Know-it-all” to be innovative, where the child is given complete freedom to display cognitive, emotional, social and motor activity in the process of experimentation.

The main content of the research is:

About a human;

About materials (sand, clay, paper, fabric, wood, etc.);

About natural phenomena (wind, snowfall, sun, water, etc.);

About the world of plants (methods of growing from seeds, bulbs, leaves);

About the subject world.

(SLIDE 15) Active forms of work with the family

We solve the problem of formation of ecological culture with the help of parents. Parents are invited to classes and holidays of ecological content, in which they were not just spectators, but also active participants. Such events as the ecological duel "Children against parents", KVN "Connoisseurs of nature" were held. And also given homework, joint care of animals, plants; collecting collections of natural and other materials; assistance in creating a developing environment; improvement of plots in the territory of the kindergarten; writing ecological fairy tales and designing books; participation in environmental actions (which were described above).

For parents for several years I have been publishing a monthly environmental newspaper "Kapitoshka", from which parents learn about the work of our group in this direction, and also learn many interesting and funny stories about living and inanimate nature; as well as thematic booklets are issued: “All about flowers”, “All about proper nutrition for children”, “Winter walks”, “Outdoor games for a walk”, “A clean city is our city”, etc.

(SLIDE 16) Conclusion:

During the course of work, the following changes were noticed:

Children have noticeably expanded their ecological ideas, their ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships;

Interest in objects and phenomena of the natural-objective world has increased, as well as an emotional reaction to "disorders" in their use, value judgments about them;

There was a desire to comply with the norms and rules of behavior in the environment, aimed at preserving the values ​​of the natural world.

And in conclusion, I would like to play a game with you using one of the methods of environmental education: "Computer technology and multimedia presentations."

  • The game is called "Find out by ad."

From the screen, children give an announcement on behalf of some animal, and you will have to guess which animal the announcement came from?


To use the preview, create yourself a Google account (account) and log in:

Mironova Larisa Alexandrovna, educator, Kindergarten No. 268, Aircraft Building District, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan.
Formation of the basis of ecological culture in preschool age.

Publication date: 10/19/2017

"Innovative technologies for environmental education of preschoolers".

Nature is a great teacher! Environmental education is very closely related to moral education - it is the education of humanity, kindness, mercy, a responsible attitude towards nature, people who live nearby. In the period of preschool childhood, the child undergoes intensive social development, which is carried out through his interaction with others, peers and adults. The period of formation of the foundations of the future personality is preschool age.

Our task is to teach a child to treat every living organism as an intrinsically valuable, unique entity that has the right to life. The best result can be achieved if you start to form the foundations of ecological culture at preschool age.

In this work, we set the goal and objectives of environmental education of children.

Target: the formation of a new type of person with a new ecological thinking, able to realize the consequences of their actions in relation to the environment and able to live in relative harmony with nature.


1. Development and correction of the emotional sphere of children through the organization of direct communication with wildlife and the widespread use of psychological and pedagogical games-trainings of natural history content in various activities of preschoolers.

2. Formation of the basic foundations of ecological culture in children:

Mastering elementary ecological knowledge about the nature of the native land, reflecting the relationship of living organisms with their environment;

Obtaining initial ideas and practical skills in the field of nature management (economic impacts on nature),

Nature protection; - obtaining initial ideas about a person as a living organism, about human ecology;

Disclosure and development of the creative and spiritual and moral potential of each child in the process of communication with the nature of his native land.

The problem of environmental education is sufficiently covered in various methodological recommendations. The goals, objectives, principles, means, forms and methods, as well as the content of environmental education are determined. All this is familiar to you. We want to draw attention to the use of innovative forms and methods of working with preschoolers.

To make every day of children's stay in kindergarten interesting and eventful, we try to implement the tasks of environmental education through an integrated approach to teaching. Children receive environmental knowledge and skills not only in specially organized classes, but also during walks, excursions, play and research activities, reading books, in visual arts and music classes.

One of the most important conditions for the implementation of the environmental education system is organization of a subject-developing environment. In our group, we tried to create an environment in such a way that it would contribute to the development of the child, shape him as a person, and also created conditions for the formation in the child of elements of environmental culture, environmentally literate behavior. Therefore, we try to build the learning process in such a way that children receive basic environmental knowledge using a visual method. To this end, they created an environmentally experimental corner in the group, where children make the simplest experiments and make observations, which are recorded in a special journal "Our Observations". We called the corner of nature in the group with the children the “Science Center”. Thus, we can say that ecological knowledge, brought to independence, can be a means of educating a conscious attitude of preschoolers to the surrounding reality.

lEcological and developing environment of the group and kindergarten:

Kindergarten greenhouse

Tourist routes outside the kindergarten

· Vegetable garden on the site

vegetable garden on the window

· Visual and demonstration material.

The main content of the research is:

About a human;

About materials (sand, clay, paper, fabric, wood, etc.);

About natural phenomena (wind, snowfall, sun, water, etc.);

About the world of plants (methods of growing from seeds, bulbs, leaves);

About the subject world.

Game activity.

Games for children are a way of understanding the environment, a way to understanding the world in which they live and which they can change and transform. Role-playing game is a method in which children play out a life situation (actually occurring or simulated). The scenario of the game is not described, but only the situation is set. Children themselves model their behavior, build relationships. In role-playing games, the child's social competencies are actively formed. Role play turns learning into a creative laboratory of self-education. Content role-playing games I will come with an ecological character: "Journey to the Forest", "Journey to the Underwater Kingdom", "Journey to the Moon", "Zoological Shop", "Let's Cook a Dinner for the Family from Healthy Foods", etc.

Puzzle games, experience games, exploration games, meditation games

(“I am the Sun”, “I am the Rain”, “I am the Wind”, “The Sun and the Cloud” and others) give new impressions about the life and work of people, about the state of nature and its changes; awaken interest in nature and develop a value attitude towards it. Form motives and practical skills for environmentally sound activities; provide opportunities for independence, initiative, cooperation, responsibility and the ability to make the right decisions. In these games, children apply their life experience and reflect what interests them, excites them, pleases them.

Interesting in working with children is such a game technique as receiving letters of complaint from residents of a living corner, residents of a forest, garden, orchard. Upon receiving such a letter, children think about its content, discuss various environmental situations, decide how to help this or that living creature, how to protect and protect nature - their land, and the entire planet.

Innovations introduced during the project:

Eco interactive games

Role-playing games;

Didactic games;

simulation games;

Competitive games;-

Games - travel;

Interactive games;

Interactive games in cooperation with the kindergarten.

Case technologies

Case - technology- this is an analysis of a situation or a specific case, a business game. Its main purpose is to develop the ability to analyze various problems and find their solution, as well as the ability to work with information.

Technology Ideas:

It is intended for the development of communicative competencies in those educational areas where there is no unambiguous answer to the question posed, but there are several answers that can compete in terms of truth;

The development of the child in the joint activity of the child-adult on equal terms. For example, a case photo or a case illustration “Does a child behave correctly in nature?”

The method of discussion “Good-bad”, “Why did the leaf turn yellow?” or “Why are poplar buds big and birches small?” etc. - the purpose of such a case is to analyze the situation through the joint efforts of a mini-group of children, to find a way out, the correct version.

Computer technology and multimedia presentations

Information and computer technologies are firmly included in the system of preschool education, are widely used to improve and update the forms and methods of working with children.

Unlike an adult, who is enough to listen to an oral explanation, subsequently connecting logical thinking, to understand the meaning of the information, the saying “better to see once than hear a hundred times” is the best fit for children. A child, with his visual-figurative thinking, understands only that it is possible to simultaneously consider, hear, act with an object or evaluate the action of an object. That is why it is so important when teaching preschoolers to turn to the channels available to them for obtaining information.

In this practice of work, introducing children to nature, we use a variety of materials: didactic pictures, reproductions of art paintings, photographs, videos, sound recordings; in which children become active rather than passive objects of pedagogical influence.

We use the following types of illustrative and visual materials on electronic media:

1. sound materials are recordings of the voices of birds, mammals, the sound of the forest, surf, rain, wind, etc.;

2. screen materials are slides, i.e. a series of individual frames dedicated to a particular topic;

3. multimedia presentations are educational screensavers with beautiful, bright pictures that help to tell children about the world around them. The presentation combines dynamics, sound, colorful image, which significantly improves the perception of information;

3. I include multimedia ecological games both in the content of classes to get acquainted with the outside world and in free activities: travel games, riddle games, didactic games, quizzes, physical minutes, finger games.

4. media classes that I conduct in a group room using a laptop or in a music room equipped with a computer, projector and screen;

An effective method of expanding knowledge of ecology is the use of pearls of folk wisdom - fairy tales, legends, sayings, riddles n and environmental topics. The goal is to enrich the mind and excite the soul, and not so much to give ready-made answers to the questions posed, but to develop the child’s ability to think independently, using their experience and previous observations: “A lot of forest - do not destroy, little forest - take care, no forest - plant" , “Do not put your hand on nature, it will be for your grandson” and so on.

One of the forms of non-traditional environmental education of preschoolers is ecological theater, which contributes to the development of a sense of collectivism, responsibility, forms the experience of moral behavior, affects the spiritual and moral development of the individual. This is one of the innovative forms of environmental education and upbringing of children. Innovative, because children reveal environmental problems through costumed theatrical performances with the inclusion of songs, dances, ditties of propaganda content that promote environmental protection.

The parents of pupils are involved in the organization of the ecological theater. But here they not only write poems, ditties for performances, help in creating costumes and scenery, but also become assistants in working with society (posting campaign leaflets, distributing memos to the population, cleaning up the territory).

Special attention should be paid to the fact that the ecological theater is a new direction in the work of the kindergarten, opening up wide opportunities for creative search, the result of which is not only new productions, but, above all, new knowledge about our common home, about our neighbors in planet, about the interdependence of man and nature. Classes in ecological theater provide an opportunity not only to study and learn about the world around us, but also to live in harmony with it.

Contests, quizzes, brain-rings, entertainment, holidays, environmental

Holding competitions, quizzes, brain-rings, entertainment and ecological holidays, such as "Bird Festival", "We are friends of nature", "Earth Day", "Forest Birthday", "Autumn Kaleidoscope". It also helps children feel like part of nature, children like rehearsals, they are happy to perform not only in front of each other, but also in front of their parents, who are not only frequent guests, but also participants in our holidays.

Another interesting form of work with children is promotion.

At our preschool environmental actions take place throughout the academic year. In the course of actions, preschoolers receive natural history knowledge, develop environmental culture skills, and an active life position. Actions serve as a good environmental propaganda among the parent community. Children see the attitude of parents, the organization of the event and participate in it themselves. Each action is held under its motto, has a visual campaign (leaflets, posters, memos).

Types of shares:

Autumn: "A seed and a grain in reserve!" (collection of seeds for the future harvest, flower seeds, seeds for feeding birds).

Winter: "Good winter for birds" (feeding wintering birds). “Christmas tree - a green needle”, “Vitamins on the windowsill” (growing onions for yourself, observing the growth of onions in different conditions, maintaining a general and individual observation calendar).

Spring: “Close the faucet tightly so that the ocean does not flow out!” (March 22 is International Water Day). “Beloved is a clean city!”, “Each singer has a palace!”

“Decorate the planet with flowers” ​​(the action starts in April, on the Earth Day holiday, when children sow flower seeds).

Summer: “Let's decorate the planet with flowers” ​​(laying out flower beds, lawns from grown seedlings, caring for plantings). "Protect the forest and its inhabitants from fire!" (call how to behave in the forest).

ecological trail

One of the most important components of the ecological developing environment is ecological trail, which we used as an innovative form of environmental education. The ecological path allows more productive use of ordinary walks with children for ecological activities and at the same time for the improvement of children in the fresh air. The same objects can be visited many times, especially in different seasons of the year. On the path we conduct observations, games, theatrical classes, excursions. It is very important to remember the integrated approach: on the path, we observe, consider, discuss, analyze, etc. with the children, but children express their impressions of what they saw, acquired knowledge about nature in different types of activities: visual, musical, which helps to consolidate this knowledge in the memory of the child.

Circle work

In a rapidly changing life, a person is required not only to possess knowledge, but, first of all, the ability to obtain this knowledge himself and operate with it, to think independently and creatively.

It is the children of preschool age, with their desire to know the world around them, that provide great opportunities for the development of a moral position in relation to their native land.

Therefore, in this work, we can consider the creation of a circle for experimental activities to be innovative, where the child is given complete freedom to display cognitive, emotional, social and motor activity in the process of experimentation.

Olga Mokshina
Innovative work experience "Education of ecological culture in preschool children through project activities"

I picked a flower and it withered.

I caught a beetle and it died in my palm.

And then I realized: "You can only touch nature with your heart"

nail word

“The health of the nation depends on what kind of natural habitat we leave for our descendants,” Dmitry Medvedev said in his Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. According to Dmitry Medvedev, “civil society should play a decisive role in protecting the environment”, while environmental education and upbringing the rising generation. And the first basics ecological culture are laid in preschool childhood.

Today's children must learn to live and act safely in the face of exposure. environmental hazards and risks, reasonably refers to natural resources and their multiplication. A task teacher: form y children responsible attitude to nature, a sense of belonging to all living things. This is a complex and lengthy process that involves the interaction children with nature, its phenomena, the diversity of the animal and plant world. Therefore, there should be educator- a source of attention and support, a partner in play and work, a bearer of knowledge about the surrounding natural world.

One of the targets at the completion stage preschool education is the ability to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and the actions of people who are able to realize the consequences of their actions in relation to the environment and who can live in relative harmony with nature.

Relevance and prospects experience, its value for

improvement educational-educational process

Currently environmental education, more than ever, is one of the urgent problems of our time. To save nature on the planet, we need environmentally educated and educated people. Why?

First of all, environmentally the correct behavior of the child is the key to his correct behavior in the future, when he becomes an adult.

Secondly, familiarization with nature makes it possible in the best way to introduce the child to the beauty of nature.

Thirdly, preschool childhood is a crucial period of a person's life, when the foundations of a correct attitude to the world around are laid.

The relevance of the problems associated with education of ecological culture is indisputable, since kindergarten is the first step towards children learning the "alphabet of nature." A child needs to learn how to consciously navigate nature, protect it and increase it.

For education of ecological culture among preschoolers all forms of children's activities.

Due to the lack of social experience, far from everything can be correctly understood by children when communicating with nature, and the attitude towards wildlife is not always correctly formed. And this has been worrying teachers and parents for a long time.

Relevance experience is also that nature is the source of the first concrete knowledge and those joyful experiences that are often remembered for a lifetime. Children are always in one form or another in contact with nature. Green forests and meadows, the smell of flowers, the singing of birds, the rustle of grass, moving clouds, falling snow flakes, streams - all this attracts attention. children, allows you to feel nature, serves as a rich material for their development and the formation of a positive attitude towards it.

Acquired in childhood, the ability to see and hear nature as it really is, causes children deep interest in it, expands their knowledge, contributes to the formation of character and interests. Exactly at preschool period, the child develops the first worldview - he receives emotional impressions about nature and the world around him, a basis is formed environmental thinking.

work experience is of great importance in improving educator-but-educational process. Its implementation is necessary for:

Content updates work on the formation of ecological culture;

Application of modern technologies and methodological approaches;

Development environmental representations and conscious behavior in the natural environment;

Development of creative abilities, improvement of cognitive interests and speech children;

Formation and development of the child's personality as a subject of public interpersonal relations;

Development of subject-developing space;

The growth of personal achievements of all subjects educational-educational process (children-teachers-parents) .

Selected design the method is aimed at using such organizational forms adequate age and development of children that contribute to the formation ecological culture in preschoolers and conscious relationship to nature.

Conditions for the formation of a leading idea experience, conditions for the emergence, formation experience

According to the new federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation" preschool education, are the initial link in the education system in our country. Federal state educational standard preschool education regulates educational preschool activities educational organization and allows you to consider the issues of cognitive development in a different way preschoolers, where environmental education can be traced in integration with other areas and is not distinguished as an independent one.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, traditional education is being replaced by productive learning, which is aimed at developing creative abilities, forming preschoolers interest and needs for active creative activities.

emergence experience due to the implementation of one of the most significant areas work of modern preschool educational organizations - environmental education of preschool children.

Leading pedagogical idea experience is to create conditions for the formation environmental consciousness of children through communication with the outside world; the formation of a consciously correct attitude directly to nature itself in all its diversity, to people who protect and create it, as well as to people who create material or spiritual values ​​​​on the basis of its riches; in relation to oneself as a part of nature, understanding the values ​​of life and health and their dependence on the state of the environment.

The main goal of this pedagogical idea is the formation of a person with a new environmental thinking, the ability to realize the consequences of their actions in relation to the environment and who knows how to live in relative harmony with nature, as well as upbringing active and creative person.

In his work I am considering the issue education of ecological culture through decision of the following tasks:

Formation of prerequisites ecological consciousness(safety of the environment, conservation of nature);

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary value ideas and broadening one's horizons children;

Development of cognitive-research and productive activities.

Development of cognitive interest in the natural world;

The formation of such moral qualities of a person preschoolers as kindness, compassion, attentiveness towards nature;

Formation of labor natural history skills;

- ecological parent education through different forms of work.

One of the main conditions for the emergence experience is, what- would:

Pass on to children an experience human relations with the environment;

To form the need for communication with nature, interest in research activities to obtain specific cognitive skills: ability to observe, plan work, experiment, compare, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations;

Develop the emotional sphere of the child through communication with nature.

In the process of familiarization children with nature in children a number of qualities are formed that are valuable for further emotional and moral development: activity, consciousness, independence, ability to participate and empathize, immediacy of impressions, brightness in the expression and manifestation of positive emotions. Thus, nature will help the child to develop comprehensively.

Basics environmental education, reflected in the educational field "Cognitive Development", where one of the tasks is an: the formation of an understanding that a person is a part of nature, that he must preserve, protect and protect it, that everything is interconnected in nature, that human life on Earth largely depends on the environment - this is another condition for the emergence experiences.

Studying the requests of parents in relation to environmental education of preschoolers showed, which 78% of parents consider the main task preschool“to teach the child safe behavior in nature, respect for it.”

Contemporary upbringing and education also requires from the child not only a high level of mental development, but also the ability to increase and protect the nature of his native land and the country as a whole.

When organizing work relied on the following principles:

The principle of the regional component (the study of the nature of the native land, which allows you to form children concepts based on direct observations and study of the available natural environment and use the information received in various types of practical activities.

The principle of integration, which allows you to connect all educational work in one whole.

The principle of scientific and accessibility concepts: at every stage work with children, initial ideas deepen, saturate with content, gradually turning into concepts that form elementary ecological knowledge.

Principle "spirals" is necessary so that children, returning to certain concepts and ideas, go upward from year to year, deepening and expanding them.

Theoretical base experience

work experience relies on studies of the significance of the system environmental education of preschoolers C. N. Nikolaeva, N. A. Ryzhova, E. I. Sergeenko P. G. Samorukova, T. A. Serebryakova about the role environmental education. The authors of studies on this issue prove that the period preschool childhood - most favorable for laying the foundations ecological culture, ecological consciousness as personal formations that characterize the specifics of cognition preschoolers nature and relation to it.

Outstanding educators of all time attached great importance to communication children with nature. In this they saw a means of all-round development. K. D. Ushinsky considered the logic of nature the most accessible, visual and useful for the child. Many Soviet teachers drew attention to the need to open the book of nature to the child as early as possible, so that every day brings something new, "so that every step is a journey to the origins - to the wonderful beauty of nature." (V. A. Sukhomlinsky).

AT experience used the pedagogical ideas of K. D. Ushinsky and A. S. Ma-karenko, some theories and methods proposed authors: S. A. Veretennikova, O. A. Voronkevich, N. N. Kondratieva, O. A. Solomennikova.

The educational program of MDOU raises the question of the formation of the beginnings ecological culture in children and development in adults raising children; aims at humane education, socially active and creative personality of the child, with a holistic view of nature, with an understanding of the place of man in it.

invaluable help in work provided the following methodological benefits: N. V. Kolomina " Education of the basics of ecological culture in kindergarten»; Z. F. Aksenova "Enter Nature as a Friend"; V. N. Chernyakova « Environmental work in the preschool educational institution» ; E. A. Sveshnikova “The use of entertaining material on environmental education of preschoolers»; V. A. Shishkina, M. N. Dedulevich "Walks in nature" and etc.

working on this problem, I share the position of the Doctor of Biological Sciences, the author of the program environmental focus"Hope" T.V. Potapova: "Destination preschool ecological Education consists not so much in the appropriation of knowledge about objects and phenomena by children, but in the formation of skills for careful and non-destructive handling of them and an active desire to act in such a sparing and saving way.

The psychological methodology of the presented experiences are ideas L. S. Vygotsky, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, B. T. Likhachev, who attached great importance to the moral environmental education contributing to the all-round development of the personality of the child.

Technology experience. The system of specific pedagogical actions, content, methods, techniques education and training

Familiarization preschoolers with nature is a means of educating in their minds realistic knowledge about the world around them, based on its sensual experience. In order for children to correctly display natural phenomena, it is necessary to direct the process their perception of nature. The basis of the content of any activities the child is made up of those ideas that are formed when getting acquainted with the environment, in particular with nature. Familiarization preschoolers with nature is one of the main means of their comprehensive development.

When forming children a holistic view of the world around me, I pay great attention to a comprehensive study of nature. Nature surrounds the child from birth and with its unusualness, novelty and diversity emotionally affects him, causes joy, delight, surprise, encourages the transfer of feelings and thoughts in speech.

In order for children to correctly display the phenomena of nature, I direct the process their perception of nature using effective means.

There is a need to rethink and rethink the content work in accordance with the new approved standard. The system has also changed work on environmental education. It requires updated approaches, the use of modern technologies, methods and techniques aimed at mastering the basics ecological culture.

Among the relevant and effective methods is the method projects. The relevance of the technique project activities confirmed by the authoritative opinion of scientists. Shkel V.F. claims: "Method projects are very efficient. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills, which allows him to successfully adapt to the changed situation. preschool education».

Project method provides:

- work with children on environmental education in group nature centers and on a walk. The main form of influence on the child is joint activities for children and adults.

Problem-search questions, problem situations.

Observations. The surrounding nature is the immediate source from which children draw their first impressions. Observations in nature introduce the child to the life of birds, insects and plants. On walks, children get to know those who live very close to them, get acquainted with the rules of behavior in nature, learn or remember poems, natural history stories, riddles about nature. After such walks, they depict their impressions in drawings, play and work. activities.

Created on the territory of the kindergarten ecological trail, the objects of which are various trees, shrubs, lawns, flower beds, a vegetable garden.

Ecological the trail provides great opportunities for systematic observations, during which the emotional sphere develops children, a sense of unity with nature and the ability to empathize with all living things are formed.

Games are one of the most important learning tools. (didactic, role-playing, simulation, travel games). In the game, the child psychologically prepares for real situations occurring in nature, masters the methods of communication with peers, adults, objects of nature.

Determining the place of the game in the pedagogical process environmental education, should also take into account its relationship with labor children in nature and organized activities.

The most significant is the experimental activity with sand, clay, water, air, snow, ice, where children in practice comprehend the unknown world of nature

Theatrical performances are especially effective and ecological holidays that promote emotional perception of nature through own actions and experiences.

Thus, work on the education of ecological culture among preschoolers is carried out through a variety of activities. And interaction with parents helps to enhance the quality of assimilation of the material, enrich the sensory experience and adaptation of the child in the social and natural environment.

Technology experience is:

Definition of goals and objectives work to familiarize preschoolers with nature;

- developing GCD planning systems;

Finding and using new technologies, methods and content work with children, parents;

Finding effective, optimal methods work with children, parents;

Prediction, determination and analysis of results.

Classes were built taking into account the visual-effective and visual-figurative perception child of the environment. I conducted cycles of classes aimed at the formation environmental knowledge(knowledge of the animal world; knowledge of the plant world; knowledge of inanimate nature; knowledge of the seasons) and environmentally correct attitude to natural phenomena and objects.

Efficiency experience

I have identified the most important indicators of formation ecological culture of preschoolers:

- the child's manifestation of interest in objects of nature, the living conditions of people, plants, animals, attempts to analyze;

the child's willingness to participate in environmentally oriented activities, the ability to independently choose objects for observation;

- the need for communication with representatives of the animal and plant world, a careful, caring attitude towards them, which determines the nature of communication;

- Availability environmental perceptions and skills and the need to expand them;

- emotional reactions to the phenomena of the surrounding world - the ability to compassion for people, animals, plants, the manifestation of kindness, pity, mercy, etc.

Mastering the norms of behavior in the natural environment;

The ability to evaluate the actions of other people in relation to nature.

As a result of the knowledge gained about objects of animate and inanimate nature, children work habits developed.

In addition, there has been a marked change in attitude children groups to natural objects. In the process of direct observation of nature into consciousness children a clear and accurate idea was laid down about the objects and phenomena of nature, that in living nature everything is interconnected, that individual objects and phenomena mutually determine each other, that the organism and the environment are an inseparable whole, that any feature in the structure of plants, in the behavior of animals is subject to certain laws that man, as a part of nature, is endowed with consciousness and his work actively influences nature.

This Job also helped me connect with families pupils.

When interacting with parents appeared:

Active position of participation in joint activities(visiting and active participation in open events, exhibitions, competitions);

Desire to perform creative and individual tasks together with children;

The ability to properly interact with your children and their peers.

The main thing is to help the child see the world, experience the beauty with him, instill in him confidence in his abilities and ignite the flame of creativity and the joy of life. This determined the choice of the priority direction of pedagogical activities with children - education of ecological culture.

Difficulties and problems when using this experience

In my teaching practice, I encountered certain difficulties.

First, the opportunity to communicate with nature pupils of our institution is limited by territorial boundaries, mainly for excursions, research works nearby territory: vegetable gardens and flower beds, ecological trail on the site of the preschool educational institution, a small meadow and "centers of nature" in a group.

Secondly, the subject-spatial environment required perfection in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;

Thirdly, the selection of forms and methods work required careful selection individually for each child.

Target orientation

Work experience can be used in practice by preschool educators educational institutions.

An experience represented by a single system work on the implementation of project activities to educational process: mini projects"Journey to the Natural World", "Our six-legged babies", "Red Book of Mordovia", abstracts directly - educational activities"Trip to "Mushroom Kingdom", "Sorceress-Autumn" and others, joint activities of a teacher with children(games, observations, experiences and experiments, walks, excursions, conversations, individual Job, interaction with parents.

My pedagogical an experience summarized and located on the official website of the preschool educational institution ( on international educational portals (,,


1 Federal state educational standard preschool education(approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 No. 155) // SPS Consultant Plus.

2 The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010 (approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2001 No. 1756-r) // SPS Consultant Plus.

3 Babaeva, T. I., Gogoberidze, A. G., Mikhailova, Z. A. Childhood. development program and educating children in kindergarten, SPb., OOO "CHILDHOOD - PRESS", 2016. - 387 p.

4 Veraksa N. E. Project activities of preschoolers. A guide for educators preschool institutions. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2014. - 64 p.

5 Voronkevich O. A. Welcome to ecology! St. Petersburg "CHILDHOOD PRESS", 2010. - 276 p.

6 Kondratieva N. N. Ecological education of preschoolers: the problem and some approaches to its solution, St. Petersburg, Mozaika-Sintez, 2012. - 176 p.

7 The natural world and the child: Method environmental education of pre-school children / L. A. Kameneva, N. N. Kondratieva, L. M. Manevtsova, E. F. Terent'eva; ed. L. M. Manevtsova, P. G. Samorukova. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2013. - 319 p.

8 Mikhailova Z. A, Babaeva T. I. Development of cognitive and research skills in senior preschoolers, SPb, OOO "CHILDHOOD PRESS", 2012. - 177 p.

9 Nikolaeva S. N. Methodology environmental education of preschoolers M.: Education, 2009. - 281 p.

10 Nikolaeva S. N. Formation began ecological culture // Preschool education. - 1997. - No. 7. - S. 58-60.

11 Nikolaeva S. N. Yuny ecologist: program and conditions for its implementation in kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009. - 165 p.

12 Nikolaeva S. N. Education of ecological culture among preschoolers, M, "LINKA-PRESS", 2010. - 211 p.

13 Nikolaeva S. N. Place of the game in environmental education of preschoolers. A guide for specialists in preschool education. – M.: New school, 2012. – 189 p.

14 Rumyantseva E. A. Projects in preschool educational institution: learning practice children 3-7 years old - Volgograd: Teacher, 2015. - 159 p.

15 Ryzhova N. A. ecological education in children's garden: a book for educators preschool institutions, teachers and students of pedagogical universities and colleges / N. A. Ryzhova. - M .: Publishing house "Karapuz", 2011. - 432 p.

16 Savenkov A. I. Research methods of teaching in preschool education // Preschool education. - 2005. - No. 12. - p. 6 - 11.

17 Smirnova V. V., Balueva N. I., Parfenova G. M. Path into nature. ecological education in kindergarten. Saint Petersburg. Ed. RGPU them. Herzen. Ed. "Union", 2011. - 234p.

18 Sypchenko E. A. innovative pedagogical technologies. Method projects in preschool. - St. Petersburg, 2012. - 98 p.

19 Ecological projects in kindergarten. O. M. Maslennikova, A. A. Filipenko. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.– 232 p.


1. Innovation projects"Journey to the Natural World", "Our six-legged babies", "Red Book of Mordovia".

2. Abstracts directly educational activities in the preparatory school group "Journey to "Mushroom Kingdom", "Sorceress-Autumn".

3. Video recording of an open lesson.
