The history of the emergence of crochet technique briefly. Centuries-old history of crochet

Do you know the history of crochet? In this article, we'll talk about just that.

Read more about the history of crochet in today's article.

Having passed through the centuries, this type of needlework has reached our days, having undergone a number of changes and becoming more perfect.

From a simple utilitarian craft, crochet has evolved into a truly mass art. It is understandable!

This needlework makes it possible to create exclusive clothes, accessories, various useful and necessary things.

Crochet, like any other kind of applied art, is constantly evolving, absorbing the experience of artistic creativity of different cultures and times.

Ancient knitwear

According to indirect data, it is possible to make an assumption that it originated before our era. However, due to the fragility, knitted products of the first masters have not been preserved.

Studying the history of crocheting, one of the oldest examples found by archaeologists that has survived to this day should be mentioned: a knitted belt with a strikingly accurate image of a hummingbird, dating back to the era of Peruvian culture of the 3rd century BC. n. e.

The finest pattern and harmoniously selected palette of colors testify to the high level of craftsmanship of the South American Indians of that time.

There are officially confirmed facts that the technique of this type of applied art was owned even during the construction of the Egyptian pyramids.

So, during archaeological excavations, socks were discovered that outwardly looked very much like mittens. This style allowed them to be worn and used in sandals with a strap between the thumb and forefinger.

The history of the emergence of crocheting testifies: the inhabitants of China and the Arabs also knew how to use sticks bent at the ends. They mastered the technique of knitting, which allows them to create complex multi-color patterns.

There is a hypothesis that this type of needlework arose on the basis of ancient Chinese embroidery, for which a needle and an additional hook were used.

The history of crochet in Europe

For European culture, the history of crochet began in the 12th century thanks to the descendants of the ancient Egyptians - the Copts. Their knitted clothes attracted the attention of even members of the royal families of Spain, Sweden and England.

At first, handmade stockings, socks, gloves cost fabulous money and were affordable only for very rich people.

Gradually, crochet turned into a profitable industrial branch. Initially, knitters were only men and the employer could be fined for using female labor.

Even with the advent of knitting machines in the 16th century and the beginning of knitwear production, hand-crocheted knitting was not forgotten.

Cheap stockings created in the factory were much coarser than their hand-made counterparts. In Scotland, entire families continued to do needlework, creating unique patterns, lace, and clothing.

They developed a new technique for creating original multicolor patterns.

At the beginning of the ΧΙΧ c. The first book with crochet patterns was published in Holland. Then standardized ones appeared, divided into American and English versions.

The history of the emergence of crochet in Russia

In our country, the history of the emergence of crocheting dates back to the beginning of the ΧΙΧ century. Peasants most often used sheep wool, from which they knitted mittens, socks, and boots.

In addition, skilled craftswomen created lace for trimming clothes and decorating tablecloths and curtains, using patterns from cross-stitch and weaving.

Handmade value

Industrial enterprises throughout Europe produced products that were created quickly, were inexpensive and of high quality. Knitted clothes gradually turned into everyday clothes, losing their individuality.

In this regard, the demand for manual work has increased again. It made it possible to enrich the wardrobe of men and women with original products, the patterns of which cannot be reproduced on any knitting machine to this day.

A new round of crochet popularity began in the twentieth century, during the Second World War. From a simple hobby of individual needlewomen, it has turned into a useful and exciting activity that can significantly reduce the family budget for a new wardrobe.

After the Great Patriotic War, with the development of the chemical industry, an impressive assortment of inexpensive yarn of various qualities and colors appeared. Crocheted sets, openwork curtains, cute toys, exclusive handbags and light bedspreads have gained popularity.

Gradually, crochet products became so popular that fashion designers paid attention to them. Since the second half of the last century, hand-knitted products have often been used by well-known brands when releasing new collections.

Today, people of various social status, age and gender are fond of crocheting. The ancient craft, having absorbed the experience of many centuries and peoples, continues to develop rapidly, turning into a fascinating art.

It is constantly enriched with modern materials, new patterns, techniques and compositional techniques.

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The famous traveler and knitter Annie Potter claims that the art of crochet originated in the 16th century. The Dane Lisa Polüden put forward three theories at once for the appearance of this art. According to the first of them, it originated in Arabia, then spread east to Tibet and west to Spain, and from there to other European countries. According to the second version, for the first time representatives of the primitive tribes of South America picked up the hook, making jewelry with it. The third version says that crocheting was invented by the creators of many varieties of arts and crafts, the Chinese. They first appeared voluminous dolls.

The first mention of the art of crochet in Western Europe

The first written mention of crocheting, called "shepherd's knitting", is found in the "Memoirs of the Scottish lady Elizabeth Grant", written in the nineteenth century. Crochet patterns were first published in 1824 in the Dutch magazine Penelope.

There is a version that crochet appeared in the 19th century as one of the varieties of tambour embroidery. The first crochet hooks ranged from primitive bent needles with cork handles to expensive items made of silver, steel, or ivory. Of course, the precious hooks of ladies were created not so much for work, but in order to draw attention to their lovely white hands.

During the famine of 1845-1849 in Ireland, one form of relief for the starving was to provide them with orders for crocheted lace. Tradition credits the invention of the art of crocheting Irish lace to Mademoiselle Riego della Blanchardier, who in 1846 published the first book devoted to the manufacture of products in this technique.

Crochet in Russia

In Russia, the art of crocheting appeared at the end of the 19th century. Needlewomen specialized mainly in the manufacture of lace, for which they borrowed patterns from weaving and cross-stitching.

Today, the skill of crocheting, honed over the centuries, has not lost its relevance. Despite the opinion that existed at one time that it will gradually replace the manual, handmade products are becoming more and more popular. At the same time, crocheting seems more interesting and attractive than knitting. Easier to master, it allows you to create truly unique products of the finest work.

Knitting is one of the oldest types of needlework, dating back hundreds and even thousands of years. It is not forgotten even today. At the moment, knitting is one of the most favorite and interesting activities of the female representatives. Knitted or crocheted scarves and socks, pullovers and sweaters, hats, mittens and sweaters, skirts and coats have always been, remain and most likely will continue to be in fashion. After all, such wardrobe items can easily emphasize the individuality of a person, his own unique style, warm even in the most severe frosts, give comfort, warmth and good mood.

The first knitted things

Where and at what time this needlework arose is not known exactly. However, researchers say with confidence that the history of knitting and crocheting began in ancient times. The ancient roots of this craft are evidenced by a find made by archaeologists in one of the Egyptian tombs. They found in it a knitted children's shoe, which, according to scientists, is more than 4 thousand years old. And this is already a clear confirmation that the history of knitting and crocheting has gone through many eras and times. The sock was decorated with bright stripes, and the thumb in it was separated from the rest. A similar design of the product made it possible to wear sandals.

In the Republic of Peru (South America), scientists discovered a knitted belt with an image of a hummingbird on it. This product of the masters of the Inca Empire dates back to the 3rd century. BC e.

The following finds by archaeologists date back to the period of the beginning of our era. At the same time, they all indicate a significant development in the technique of knitting. For example, during the excavations of ancient Cairo, a silk dress was found. It is connected by an ancient master with the help of metal tools.

During excavations in one of the tombs in Germany, scientists discovered knitting needles. According to experts, the find can be dated to the 9th-10th centuries. n. e.

The history of knitting can also be studied from the expositions of modern museums that tell visitors about the life of our ancestors. For example, in some of them there are similar things created as early as the 9th-10th centuries. ad. These products confirm the high skill of the craftsmen who worked on them. Interestingly, the first things were created with the help of fingers. And only later did the history of the emergence of knitting and crocheting begin.

Further spread of the craft

The history of knitting in Europe began with the Egyptian Coptic Christians. They made missionary trips, in which they took unusual things with them. These were knitted products of extraordinary beauty, which attracted the eyes of others. Thus, thanks to the Copts, the history of knitting began to develop in European countries. The peoples of many countries of this continent were so carried away by such a craft that it sometimes even became homework.

The origins of the history of knitting in France date back to the 13th century. In this country, this craft gradually occupied a large and profitable niche.

With the development of industry, a new round in the history of the appearance of knitting began. With the help of special machines, they began to create hats and gloves, stockings and many other wardrobe items.

If we consider the history of knitting briefly, it becomes clear that initially this activity was purely male. Craftsmen, representatives of the strong half of humanity, even fought for primacy in this skill with women. In confirmation of this, very briefly, the history of the emergence of knitting sets out one significant incident that occurred in 1612. It was then that the Parisian hosiery refused to employ women. And only many years later, with the spread of this craft around the world, it was mainly the fairer sex that began to engage in it.

A brief history of knitting tells us that for the first time a machine for creating products from yarn appeared in 1589. Its inventor was the assistant priest William Lee, who lived in Wilbridge. After that, industrial production began to force out groups of knitters, as the latter ceased to be competitive. However, with the increase in the production of mass-produced items, hand-knitted items were valued more and more expensively.

Making things with a hook

Interestingly, wardrobe items and accessories that were created using this tool were the most successful. After all, such products had unique patterns and were truly unique. But knitting, even by hand, still resembled machine knitting.

In the Cathedral of St. Peter, located in Italy, crocheted lace has been preserved. These are items dating from the 16th century. It was from this period that clothing, lace and various crocheted household items began to gain popularity in Europe. In the 19th century this art has reached its unprecedented success. Magnificent lace was knitted in Ireland by common craftswomen, who themselves developed intricate complex patterns. Over time, their skill reached such a level that the lace they made began to be attributed to the masterpieces of needlework. And today, Irish crocheted lace is highly valued.

In many cold countries, women knitted on long winter evenings. They created beautiful and warm clothes for their families. Well, southern women escaped from the hot sun with hats and umbrellas, shawls and gloves crocheted from threads.

Creation of a unified system

In order for any needlewoman to be able to do interesting and original things, knitting patterns even began to be published. They first appeared in 1824 in the Dutch magazine Penelope. Somewhat later, by the end of the 19th century, the symbols and signs for knitting patterns were unified. In this case, two systems of their designation arose. One is American and the other is British.

Guessing and speculation

It is clear that the first report on the history of knitting takes us to the Middle East. However, this ancient needlework is lost in the depths of history. After all, the finds of archaeologists speak of an already highly developed technique, in which the selection of colors was used and patterns were drawn up. But what happened before that? According to researchers, people began to knit long before our era began. Already in those distant times, they mastered the technique of knitting. And the alleged evidence of this is found in various states of the East. For example, in Beni Hasan, in the tomb of Amenemite, archaeologists discovered an ancient drawing on the wall, which dates back to about the 19th century. BC. It depicts Semites, and four female figures among them are dressed, as it is believed, in knitted vests.

An interesting find was also made in the ruins of the palace of Senacherib located in Nineveh. A relief depicting a warrior of the Iliad was found here, who is standing in socks that are similar in appearance to modern ones.

In 1867, the work of William Felkin was published, who made attempts, using more or less logical reasoning, to prove the version that such a craft as knitting was known during the Trojan War, as well as during the creation of Homer's Odyssey . And only because of inaccuracies in translation and correspondence, the term "knitting" was replaced by "weaving".

It is known that Penelope, who was waiting for the return of Odysseus, gave impatient suitors a promise to marry only after she had created a wedding dress. At the same time, she dissolved at night what she had created during the day. It would be possible to do this without visible traces only with a knitted fabric, but not at all with a woven one.

In addition to these evidences, there are also ancient Greek vases created during the Trojan War. They contain images of captive nobility dressed in tight-fitting trousers. These wardrobe items are reminiscent of knitted tights, which were one of the accessories of the solemn attire of the Venetian doges, who lived in an era 2.5 thousand years later.

But it is worth noting that the above is only guesswork and assumptions, which are often refuted and questioned. However, given the fact that the knitted items found by archaeologists date back to the 1st-4th centuries. BC e., the craft itself should have arisen much earlier. Although when this happened, it is impossible to specifically answer. However, based on the fact that any kind of labor in former times developed rather slowly, there is a possibility that people learned such needlework several hundred years before the beginning of our era.

Knitting in Rus'

The history of the emergence of this craft on the territory of our fatherland is closely connected with the development of this type of needlework in Europe. Sophisticated techniques for using hooks and knitting needles came to us from England, France, Spain, Scandinavia and Italy.

The fact that the history of knitting and crocheting in Rus' began to develop precisely thanks to European countries is evidenced by the sequence of the emergence of this craft in our state. Let's look at specific dates. So, we already know that Europeans began to actively crochet at the beginning of the 19th century. In Russia, this technique became widespread by the end of the same century. Our craftswomen used the hook mainly for lace. At the same time, they borrowed patterns from folk weaving and cross-stitch, but Irish patterns on the territory of our state have not received their distribution.

But the history of knitting in Rus' got its start thanks to the Scandinavian peoples, where most of the men were engaged in this craft. In our country, peasant girls took over.

In the history of knitting, woolen threads have played a decisive role. They were used for mittens, socks and stockings. Sheep wool was also needed to create beautiful Orenburg shawls.

The emergence of knitted socks in Europe

This product has a long and very interesting history. Coming to Europe from the Middle East, woolen socks are firmly established in the Nordic countries. For example, thick and warm stockings were knitted in Norway. For their production, coarse sheep's wool was used, into which goat's wool was also woven for reliability. It was in Norway that two-color patterns of stars, snowflakes and deer originated, which are considered the most fashionable today. These small-sized images were created by experienced craftswomen with their skillful hands.

In Finland, the first mention of knitting socks with knitting needles dates back to the 15th century. They are connected with the sisters who lived in the monastery of the righteous Brigid. Girls earned their living by knitting stockings and mittens. Over time, this craft has become widespread throughout the country. At the same time, for the majority of the population, it has become the main source of income. The bride was even evaluated by the quantity and quality of related products. Sometimes the girl brought socks to the family, which would have been enough for 20 years that way. Sometimes there was no need to create new products throughout the entire family life.

Socks were also used in wedding ceremonies in Latvia. In this country, matchmakers brought a bottle of strong alcoholic drink to the bride's house. If she returned started, then it was considered that the proposal for marriage was rejected. If the bottle was passed back empty, and there was a knitted sock or mitten on its neck, then the wedding was to take place.

This craft also developed in England. So, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, woolen or silk socks were literally at the peak of their popularity. Everyone was engaged in knitting at that time: men, women, and children. Especially elegant things were obtained from small masters. These items paid very well. The scale of manual production of knitted socks is evidenced by the fact that in the middle of the 17th century, almost 10 thousand pairs of them were sent from England to Spain, France and Italy every week.

The appearance of knitted socks in Rus'

While excavating near the city of Pronsk, located in the Ryazan region, archaeologists discovered a sock on which a shoe was put on. The shoes are almost gone. But the sock has reached our days in a much better condition. Later, the researchers set the date of the find. Products were created in the 11-12th century. To date, this sock with a half-decayed shoe is kept in the Historical and Architectural Museum of the city of Ryazan. Researchers were interested not only in the fact that the wool product was perfectly preserved. The size of the sock was unusual. This item was clearly higher than the shoe and most likely filmed with it. What is the technique of knitting these socks has not been established for certain. Perhaps the tool for their creation was not knitting needles at all. After all, a wonderful imitation of the front surface is also obtained with single-needle knitting.

With the development of the craft, the history of knitting woolen socks with 5 knitting needles began. This made it possible to create products in a circle, without seams, which increased their convenience. You can see such a sock in the archaeological exhibition complex "Old Gostiny Dvor". Moreover, the find has been tolerably preserved to this day, although it is dated to the 16-17th century. It is quite possible that the history of knitting woolen socks with 5 knitting needles began from this period.

These handicrafts in Rus' played a special role in various rituals and wedding ceremonies. They, along with mittens, were a significant part of the dowry. In the Arkhangelsk region, it was believed that a bride could be called skillful if she was able to present knitted socks to all her husband's relatives. Moreover, the more patterns there were on such products, the more gifted the future wife was considered. Such gifts were considered very expensive. That is why socks were worn only on holidays. The most popular were geometric patterns or images of plants. Specially they even knitted socks made of wool dyed red, calling them “beautiful” and “meaningful”.

Why was the mitten named that way?

Currently, there are several versions that explain the origin of the word "mitten". The first of them claims that this is nothing more than the phrase "Varangian mitten". This explanation emphasizes the borrowing of this wardrobe item from immigrants from the Scandinavian countries - the Varangian. The second variant of the origin of this word is the verb "varovati". It means "guard" or "protect". Most likely from the cold.

There is also a third option. According to him, the word "mittens" comes from "varegi", that is, "cook". The fact is that in those distant times this wardrobe item was brewed with boiling water, after which it became warmer and denser.

The appearance of mittens in Rus'

It is believed that this product came to our state from Scandinavia. After that, the history of knitting mittens with knitting needles began for our people. In Scandinavia, this craft was usually done by men. In Rus', this art was quickly mastered by women. Interestingly, the history of knitting in Russia tells us that they began to learn this skill from early childhood. Already for the wedding, the girl had to prepare a dowry for herself, in which, in addition to the wedding dress, embroidered tablecloths and towels, there must certainly be mittens for all future relatives. Moreover, these knitted products were divided into women's and men's. The first of them were not only smaller in size, but also distinguished by their multicolor and elegant patterns. Men's were easier. They were knitted without elastic, for ease of use. It was easier to throw off such mittens from your hand to smoke or wipe sweat from your forehead.

Until the 13th century, only peasants used these products in Rus'. The boyars and nobles wore clothes with long sleeves, in which they hid their hands from the cold. But over time, fashion has changed. And representatives of the upper class also began to use mittens. After all, the sleeves of their clothes became shorter, and their hands had to be protected from the cold.

Knitting today

In the late 80s of the last century, manufacturers offered their customers a large number of clothes that were machine-knitted. This significantly reduced the volume of things created by hand. The popularity of such products fell due to their high cost.

However, the 21st century has revived ancient traditions. The retail trade began to offer a huge range of wool yarn, mohair, angora, alpaca and merino. In addition, many celebrities have contributed to the popularization of knitting. Among them are Julia Roberts, Russell Crowe, Cameron Diaz and many others. As in ancient times, men again took up the knitting needles.

06/23/2013 Updated 01/31/15

History of crochet

Who and when invented the first loop, no one knows, but it has long been known that this miracle loop was born long before our era. The history of our planet tells that people knew the technique of knitting in ancient times.

In Egypt, in one of the tombs, archaeologists discovered a knitted children's shoe. As Egyptologists have established, this find dates back to the third millennium BC.

And already at the beginning of our era, the knitting technique and the principles of drawing up patterns were at a very high level.

For example, in the ancient Euphrates, excellent examples of Arabic knitwear were discovered.

In one of the districts of old Cairo in Egypt, an amazingly beautiful multi-colored silk product was found, knitted, as experts believe, with thin metal knitting needles.

In Egypt, copies of knitted items from the 4th and 5th centuries AD have been preserved. A children's sock made of colored wool was knitted with a relatively complex technique: the thumb is separated from the rest so that a sandal strap can pass between them.

It is believed that knitting entered Europe through the Egyptian Christians - the Copts. As missionaries, they traveled to Spain, France, Italy and England, often taking knitwear with them on their travels, which attracted everyone's attention.

In the 12th century, knitting in Europe turned into domestic work.

In the 13th century in France, this was already a profitable industry: hats, gloves, sweatshirts, hoods, and stockings were knitted.

In Scotland, a traditional headdress appears - a knitted beret.

Interestingly, knitting was at first a male craft, and men fought against female competition even with special contracts. So, in 1612, the Prague hosiery decided that, under pain of a monetary penalty, not a single woman would be hired. Only later, when knitting became widespread, did women begin to engage in it.

In 1589, Woolbridge assistant rectory William Lee invented the knitting loom. Instead of artels of knitters, industrial enterprises appeared, with which these artels could no longer compete.

But knitting machine production developed very slowly. Only in the 19th century was it really mechanized.

At one time there was an opinion that machine knitting with the further development of technology will supplant hand knitting. However, life has refuted this assumption. The more products of mass machine production were produced, the more valuable things became, knitted by hand, especially crocheted - after all, knitting on knitting needles in the structure of a knitted fabric is very similar to machine knitting.

The art of crocheting at the beginning of the 19th century is truly jewelry. Knitted products of that time, preserved in museums and private homes, delight with beauty and grace, amaze with laboriousness and skill.

From the finest threads of wool, silk, linen in the golden hands of craftswomen, beautiful tablecloths, bedspreads, curtains, shawls, lace and other items of clothing and jewelry were born.


How often do you meet your peers at school, at a holiday, on the streets in knitted clothes. Looking at many things made by the hands of the guys themselves, you feel a sense of admiration - what young masters can’t knit! Everyday and elegant suits, dresses, coats, shawls, sportswear - they invented and performed all this themselves.

Very interesting exhibitions of creativity are held by the Moscow Palace of Pioneers, where students' works are exhibited. They select the best products by region. And how many such exhibitions are held all over our country, in all the republics!

All of them have their own national style, taking into account folk traditions and modernity. Future artists, fashion designers, masters of applied art begin needlework at school. Yes, you yourself, probably, have met more than once on vacation, on the beach, in the park, even in transport, both adults and children who are keen on knitting.

Once I visited the Moscow kindergarten No. 619. The teacher of the preparatory group, Alla Anatolyevna Khmara, conducted labor classes. Some children sculpted from plasticine, others drew, and girls and boys sat at several tables and crocheted. In front of them in the boxes were multi-colored balls of thread and already knitted scarves, hats, handbags, skirts, slippers for dolls. The children sat straight, did not stoop, held the hook correctly - and small hands knitted loop after loop. It was clear that they were not newbies in this business and confidently doing their job.

In a conversation with the guys, it turned out that most of all they want to knit something as a gift for mom, dad, grandmother, and the youngest in the family. I thought: how good it is when next to the children is such a teacher as Alla Anatolyevna, who, with her enthusiasm, can instill in children a love of knitting.

After all, it is very important to help everyone find themselves in one form or another of creativity.

Perhaps you guys also dream of being educators, and the more interesting and enthusiastic you tell children about the world of creativity, the more you teach them, the more beautiful this world will be in themselves.

Needlework circles are one of the forms of aesthetic education. Crochet contributes to the development of industriousness, attention, accuracy, patience, cultivates artistic taste.

And how nice it is to tie something as a gift to your relatives and friends!

If you love needlework and want to learn how to crochet, then our book will help you with this.

Crochet- the process of manually making linen, clothing or lace from threads with the help of. Knitting is a well-known and ancient craft, which at first was practiced only by men, but gradually knitting passed into the hands of women.

Crochet appeared in England and France, it was developed in the 16th century. But there are reliable facts indicating that the Indian tribes also possessed all the secrets of this art; samples of their ancient works were discovered by scientists at the beginning of the 20th century. There is no exact data on where and how exactly crochet appeared. But there is an opinion that this occupation takes its roots from the ancient form of Chinese embroidery.

At the end of the XIX century. Crochet has also spread to Russia. Needlework was done by women who gathered in the evenings for joint gatherings. Basically, girls created beautiful lace, consisting of patterns of folk themes.

Crochet allows you to create both very thin, lace-like, and dense embossed images. With the help of a crochet, both warm clothes and thin stylish bathing suits are knitted. Crochet is able to recreate entire works of art. This knitting method is also used for knitting individual elements, decorations, for example, buttons, collars, and for creating whole clothes, for example, dresses, sweaters, and for obtaining interior elements, for example, tablecloths, pendants for flower pots and so on.

Crochet requires thread and hooks. Threads are suitable: woolen, and silk, and cotton. Hooks are also different. They can be made of plastic, metal, bone, wood. Their thickness is different, the smallest size is 1 mm, the largest is 8 mm. The thinner the hook, the smaller and more elegant the pattern. It should be borne in mind that the thickness of the yarn also matters. Hooks with a diameter of 3 to 6 mm are suitable for knitting things from thick synthetic or wool yarn. And thin hooks with a diameter of 1.5 to 2.5 mm are suitable for floss, garus,. The thickness of the hook is chosen such that it is twice as large as the thickness of the selected thread.

Basic crochet elements:

This is an air loop;

Single crochet;

Double crochet;

Other elements are their derivatives. Knitting patterns consist of different combinations of air loops and columns.

Half column

It is used when knitting the edge of the product so that it is even and dense, and when connecting figures. They knit it like this: insert the hook into the loop of the previous row or into the 2nd loop after the chain, grab the working thread with a hook and pull it directly through the loop of the row (chain) and the loop lying on the hook.

Insert the hook into the loop of the previous row or chain (then into the 2nd loop, not counting the loop on the hook), grab the thread and pull the loop. There are 2 loops on the hook. Grab the thread again and pull it through 2 loops on the hook.

Yarn over the hook, insert the hook into the loop of the previous row or chain (then into the 3rd loop from the hook, not counting the loop on the hook), grab the thread and pull the loop to the level of the loop lying on the hook. 3 loops formed on the hook (loop, yarn over, loop). Then yarn over and pull through the first 2 loops on the hook (loop and yarn over), yarn over again and pull it through the last 2 loops on the hook.
