How does a tattoo affect a person. How a tattoo affects the character and destiny of a person

The phenomenon of the influence of tattoos on the fate of a person has been proven by modern scientists and psychologists. Wearable drawing is not just a fashionable decoration, but a special symbol that accompanies a person all his life. Even the most ardent skeptics sometimes encountered mystical phenomena that are difficult to scientifically explain.

Excursion into history

Body painting is rooted in those distant times, when people did not yet know how to read and write. A tattoo helped to convey information to others. It was she who served as a kind of "passport" of a person, by which it was possible to determine the social status, marital status, merits and achievements, as well as character. Drawings were applied in public in front of all members of the community. The process was accompanied by special rituals and rituals, the celebrations of which sometimes lasted for months.

In many tribes, the tattoo served as an amulet that protected from evil spirits. For example, the Indians of North America decorated their faces with a demon mask in order to deceive him and avoid death. Often there were images of totem animals and symbolic ornaments that protected the owner from enemies, troubles and troubles, provided a positive influence on fate. Occultism was also common among pagans. The tattoo helped to establish a connection with the other world, dead relatives and leaders. Piercing bodies with pointed stones or sticks, people fell into a trance and communicated with the world of the dead.

In medieval times, tattoos were banned for religious reasons. In the middle of the 20th century, body painting was revived as a fashionable youth trend, but people stopped attaching importance to the meaning of images. Only at the beginning of this century, scientists became interested in the question of the influence of tattoos on the fate of a person and came to interesting conclusions..

Any image or picture is a portal to your world. Here it is also worth remembering, for example, those symbols (stars, domes, etc.) that thieves in law stuff themselves (usually on their shoulders, knees). These are frank magical seals of egregor, many of which have pronounced portal characteristics (and where the portal leads is known only to the master, and even then not always).

Thieves do not just have their own subculture with their own symbols, language and traditional rites, crownings, etc. In fact, these are the same initiations / involtations that are used in Freemasonry or the army, and each initiation is an unconscious (or not entirely clear to the wearer) permission to connect the controlling entity, egregor, the infernal world. For example, Yakuza tattoos are a direct sharing of spirits. But protective or not, it already depends on the behavior of the adept.

The same applies to orders, for example. They are also a kind of portals, connecting to the egregor of the army (war), power and state: Are the inverted pentagrams in the center and on the right visible to everyone?

Where do we usually wear orders? That's right, on the chest, or rather on the heart. Attached the order to the heart and pump yourself anahata energy as much as you like. Yes, and pour in the necessary settings there, block it for the most I don’t want. And how many petals do anahata have? It is generally accepted that there are 12 (in fact, there are an immeasurably many of them, the more multidimensional the chakra, the more petals). That is, if you now hang a portal with 5-6 rays there, then the anahata loses its strength, is grounded, blocked.

Do not forget about such stars that every Soviet schoolboy had to wear (and for bad behavior he could lose an asterisk, and with it the respect of others, i.e. the egregor of the state put an adept outside the threshold): Where is our grandfather to this day Lenin? In a ziggurat. Where is the ziggurat? On the main square of the country. And it does not lead to the brightest worlds. The energy of hundreds of millions of anahats was directed to one of the main symbols of the state. By the way, this is another point that you should pay attention to in purges.

Magic symbols are found everywhere and you should not be afraid of them. If a person is aware, he can remove the influence or it simply does not affect him. However, if there is no sufficient awareness / luminosity, the egregor turns on with all the consequences.

Any artist is a portal worker, through his work a connection is made to his worlds. Tattoo artists are not just porters, but magicians who had extensive experience as guides in the past, otherwise they would not have the skills to do it now (there is no “earlier” experience gained). any creation is a portal, and a tattoo is even more so, since it is tied to blood. magicians, they are usually not very "light".

Again, we will not equate everyone with the same brush, there are those who perfectly understand what they draw. For example, a man went to Thailand, decided to get himself a tattoo there, came to the master, he did it. the man returned home, he began to have problems in life. goes to the sens, and he says to him: “the master didn’t just fill you with a picture, but a curse / spirit planted, such as revenge on an annoying tourist or just throwing something. go back, demand that you interrupt now "

Many healers and healers, especially those who work according to the old traditions in the villages, refuse to work with tattooed people, because they believe that a person deliberately gave himself (part or all of his soul) to the service of one or another force.

Many tattoos cover energy centers - chakras. if a tattoo is made on the heart, for example, an eagle or a scorpion, this living creature really comes to life on a thin one, because it is recharged. block can work strong enough, sometimes control personality. Of course, any living creature can be reprogrammed, but who even thinks about such possibilities?

Of course, tattoos were originally also used as amulets, but nowadays everything is turned upside down and few people really understand their magical properties. If you can reflash a separate egregor and even individual words, then reflashing a picture or a master (adept of an egregor) is as easy as shelling pears.

In any case, a tattoo is not just a distinctive symbol, but a figurative and very powerful magic. In theory, a “good” tattoo should enhance the strengths of the character and dull the weak. But the question is, who decides which side is which, the carrier, the master or the egregor? Everything is individual and the less a person understands the meaning, the more the meaning takes a person into circulation (since we do not build our own reality, someone does it for us, yeah).

As with all other aspects of life, the thoughtless use of someone else's, especially fashionable and hyped symbolism is fraught, because. within the framework of energy exchange, new symbols are equivalent to new energy in your field, which can include or exclude certain aspects from your life. After tattooing, loss or acquisition of character traits, emotional states, acquaintances, areas of activity, material possessions, etc. is possible. In other words, there is a direct reprogramming of the subconscious, subtle bodies, DNA and the series of events.

How do tattoos affect fate? As a result of the research, it turned out that wearable drawings are constructive and destructive. The same image can have opposite meanings for different people. The answer lies in the subconscious of the person himself, in the purposes and reasons for which he chose this or that image.

A person endows a tattoo with mystical properties, sometimes without even suspecting it. Any wearable drawing is done for a reason. The owner puts a special meaning into it, bears the idea of ​​a sketch for a long time and, as a result, realizes his plan. This whole long process is accompanied by certain emotions and experiences that affect the subconscious of a person. He draws attention to the tattoo so much that he “charges” it himself, and this affects his future life and destiny.

Take, for example, the image of an eagle or a tiger. If the owner of such a tattoo has a strong strong-willed character, then the tattoo will only emphasize his dignity, strengthen faith in his own strength and serve as an incentive for further self-improvement. A soft, modest, indecisive person with such a pattern will only aggravate the internal conflict. Trying to match the unattainable image, he is even more disappointed in himself. All this has a negative impact on the psyche. This is one of the clearest examples of how the same tattoo can have destructive or creative properties.

Choose a tattoo that will match your image and emphasize your individuality. Don't try to be someone you are not. By doing this, you will break the inner harmony, and such an experiment will have a negative impact on the psyche, the body, and subsequently on fate. A properly selected tattoo will help a person in the fight against shortcomings and the development of virtues.

Avoid unfamiliar characters (for example, hieroglyphs or inscriptions in a language you do not know). You can misinterpret the image and thereby distort your destiny. Be especially careful with images of witches, bones, skulls, a goat's head, and foreign symbols, as you can activate destructive energy and demons.

There is another aspect to the tattoo. It has two meanings, good and bad. Very often, if a tattoo is made by a good master who understands the meaning of the image that he puts on the skin, then the tattoo “glows” on a subtle plane like a beacon.

Using this beacon, it is very easy to track the location of a person and what he is doing at the moment. It is possible to influence such a tattoo and what reflects the tattoo on a subtle plane, that is, on the tattoo wearer himself, through any energy plane. This is one of the unpleasant aspects for a tattoo wearer.

Of the positive aspects, this is that the tattoo can be a personal protector totem or determine the wearer's belonging to any clan (egregor), that is, to warn that this tattoo wearer is under the protection of any tribal forces.

But, by and large, identifying yourself with a tattoo on the body, both socially and energetically, is not a good thing. In any case, you are positioning yourself, that is, attracting attention to yourself. Declare yourself as an object that is available for influence. Moreover, for the impact of any nature, including magic.

I don't think most magical practitioners are actively seeking "manifest fame" on the energy levels of reality. In some cases, a magical formula or a magical totem tattooed on the skin blocks the further development of the practicing magician. Penetrated skin, anywhere in the physical body, disrupts the movement of energy through the subtle energy channels that permeate our entire body. And if the tattoo is applied to the exit area of ​​the channels of any chakra, then the effect of such an impact is rarely positive and benefits the tattoo wearer.

In principle, any magical sign applied to the body with the help of a tattoo changes the normal flow of energy in the human energy system and most often in the direction of "voluntary blocking of the flow of energies." A tattoo on the physical body is always a "sacrifice" (since pierced skin is always bleeding. Blood magic is a serious thing) in the name of something, someone for some purpose. Voluntarily sacrificing oneself, one's energy structure to something is a denial of one's "freedom of choice". And, this is exactly what the Creator “rewarded man with”.

So, a little about blood magic. I want to warn and "a little scare." But first, a small digression.

How an icon is prepared for painting, what does an icon painter do before starting work. Oak boards (blanks) are dried in a dark and dry room, where there is natural air circulation. Next, the boards are glued together with natural glue, which is cooked specially. So, of course, it used to be, today the glue is bought in stores, but one way or another, the glue must consist of natural ingredients.

Next, gesso is prepared, in this mixture a chicken egg is used, namely the yolk. The resulting mixture is a bioenergetic mass (mixture), which is applied to the prepared base - oak boards. All together - this forms the basis for a magical "living" artifact, on which a "magic drawing" will be superimposed - the face of a saint. But, before that, before starting work, the icon painter himself must undergo the necessary processing (training). Firstly, fasting (from three days to a week), secondly, purification, thirdly, the consecration of one's intention (the goal of one's subsequent work). That's about it, if you do not go into a lot of specific details. This is how a magical artifact, the Icon, was prepared.

Now let's go back to our tattoo parlor, where we wanted to get some kind of tattoo for ourselves. Let's skip some details of the process and think about a few important things.

So, the master himself. How experienced is he? Does it evoke a feeling of purity of “soul and body”? Are you kind? Is he calm in mind and emotions when he sees you? Maybe the “master” is generally hungover or after another quarrel with a girlfriend or wife. And does he think about you at the time of his work? And if he thinks, then how?

Well, let's say that everything suits us and the interior of the salon and the master himself satisfy us according to some of our criteria. What else you need to remember and be sure to know. The meaning of your drawing, your tattoo is important - this is of great importance. And, of course, the most important thing is blood magic, some aspects of its action. One way or another, this will be present in the further process of applying a tattoo to the body (on the skin).

When applying a tattoo, the skin breaks through, droplets of blood flow out of small capillaries pierced by a needle. These "holes" line up the tattoo pattern. The tattoo drawing itself is saturated with blood - that is, the tattoo is consecrated and activated (the tattoo drawing already becomes magical and has an energy effect on your energy structure).

Let's say you have chosen, consciously and reasonably, the tattoo design you need (that is, you have prepared). But what does the master himself think when he puts a tattoo on your skin? What are his thoughts at this moment? Where is the guarantee that the master at this moment thinks positively, and does not remember any of his life problems. One way or another, but the master tattooist imposes an energy imprint of his thoughts on his work (on your tattoo).

So, three processes are interconnected - blood, drawing (tattoo), energy message (thoughts) of the tattoo artist, in the process of tattooing (the meaning of the drawing, your tattoo, is of additional and great importance). How positive are the energies (emotions, thoughts) of the master? What does he put on your artifact (skin + blood + drawing) at the moment, voluntarily or involuntarily, consciously or subconsciously.

What energy matrix is ​​superimposed on your artifact? (The thoughts of a tattoo artist are, after all, like a slander to a runic stav. Only a thought form is much stronger than a verbal spell - words that are spoken aloud. Since blood consumes energy very much and is itself an active bioenergetic substance, at the moment it manifests itself on your skin).

I do not think that most tattoo artists go through a similar cleansing ritual before their work, like a master icon painter. It is unlikely, although in “good salons” where they work with you individually, it is quite possible that tattoo artists undergo such training. But, it is expensive, like any individual work with a client. Here, approximately, such thoughts should visit your head if you have decided to get a tattoo.

So is it worth getting or removing tattoos?

It all depends on you, gentlemen, free will is paramount. It is highly not advised to apply other people's drawings, especially with incomprehensible symbols. It is better to invest your own soul and choose a pure master. If you already have a tattoo, you can change it: see compatibility, talk with it in meditation, reprogram it if necessary, pacify it.

In any case, remember that some people believe that by putting a certain symbol on their body (or hanging an icon on a torpedo, in a house / office), they will become happy, rich, protected and successful. This is not true. everyone has different genetics, energy system and levels of natural / ancestral protections, (in) compatible with many symbols and archetypes. Don't forget about it. If in one culture a sign can have the meaning of protection, in another it is completely contraindicated or has the opposite meaning.

A tattoo has a deep psychoenergetic meaning, it brings new vibrations into your body, changing the flow of energies, the matrix of the soul, often through work with archetypes. Hypothetically, a tattoo can reveal your potential and there are people who testify to this, but then again, each case is individual. If you are not sure about your compatibility, meaning or are afraid of it, it is better not to apply anything. You can try a temporary tattoo and see the effect.

The higher your luminosity and awareness, the less influence you have. However, if the energy of the tattoo is out of tune with yours, it can make a big difference. For example, it is better not to apply the symbols of thieves in law just like that, especially to peaceful and law-abiding citizens. Trust in the master is very important, it emphasizes your energy connection, compatibility with those who, one way or another, will change your energy cast. The issue of trust is very important in all spheres of life. If there is no trust, it is better not to go to this or that specialist.

Konstantin Avramenko has been removing tattoos from the skin of his clients for many years. Based on his experience, he came to the conclusion that tattoos can not only change the character of people, but also, literally attracting trouble, their fate. And sometimes to kill ... But, nevertheless, the fashion for these "decorations" does not go away.

“My beloved girl was a quiet kind angel. They lived soul to soul with her for two years, they even planned to marry, writes Alexey Voronin. - And then one day she got a tattoo on her buttock in the salon - a devil with a dagger. And her character suddenly changed dramatically. She began to scandal over trifles, be jealous, became angry with her tongue. It was as if this imp had stabbed her in the ass with a knife. In the end, we parted ways. Can a tattoo really change a person?

Maybe, - Konstantin Avramenko assures, - Tattoos change the lives of 15 percent of people - those who, through thoughtlessness, made a tattoo of dubious content. I have seen this from my own experience.

Naturally, patients tell Konstantin why they decided to get rid of their tattoos. Here are some stories from his practice.

girl and demon

A girl with a Chinese character came to me. Also on the priest, - says Avramenko. She was crying and begging to have the tattoo removed immediately. According to her, misfortunes rained down on her immediately after drawing the picture. Within a year she lost her job, gave birth to a stillborn child, and her husband left her. And the last straw that almost led her to suicide was the gang rape by drunken youngsters. Having barely recovered, she ran to reduce her tattoo, which, as I found out, meant the word "demon" ...

Now this girl lives in London with a wealthy businessman.

Paratrooper and spider

I also had a former paratrooper with a complex tattoo: airplanes, wings, a parachute and death with a scythe. He begged me for any money to erase the drawing of death. “I,” he says, “is a realist and never believed in magic. But when I started walking with this tattoo, luck seemed to turn its back on me. ”

The guard and the number "13"

Twenty years ago, a 40-year-old security guard at a bank stamped the number "13" on his little finger. And all these years, according to him, "bad luck" pursued him. At first, the mother fell seriously ill, and in order to pay for the treatment, the dacha had to be sold. Then he got into a car accident, for which he had to pay with an apartment. The daughter became a drug addict. The family fell apart...

When I erased the tattoo, everything in the life of a security guard changed as if by magic. He met the woman he loved, and inherited a luxurious dacha from his deceased grandfather ...

Girl and butterfly

A 16-year-old girl made herself a tattoo on her back - a beautiful colored butterfly. Since then, the main business of her life has been to meet a new boy every evening. After school, the girl did not go to college - she preferred to run around nightclubs. At the same time, young people treated her without respect, and she did not get out of other people's beds. When the girl had a permanent boyfriend, their relationship did not last long: he told her nasty things and began dating her friend ...

Someone advised the girl to get rid of the tattoo and sent her to me. I explained to her that, according to old beliefs, a butterfly is a sign of a prostitute.

After the tattoo was removed, her boyfriend returned to her, and a few months later they got married. Now the girl is expecting a baby.

boy and death

Once I was asked to come to the hospital to remove a tattoo from a 15-year-old boy who was in a coma. I was very surprised: is it really impossible to wait until he comes to his senses? It turned out that his parents insisted on my arrival, who only in the hospital saw a terrible inscription on their son’s right shoulder: Live quickly die young (“Live quickly - die young”).

It turns out that the parents sent the boy to rest in Cyprus. There they made him a tattoo. Then he broke loose like a chain. In two months, he managed to abandon school, several times to get into the police for hooliganism and pick up a venereal disease. And then he took his father's car and crashed into a pole at a speed of 120 km per hour ... The airbag saved him. But he broke his pelvis and hip.

I was afraid to erase the entire inscription at once - what if complications arise? I decided to bring out only the word die (“die”) so far, which changes the meaning of the tattoo. And then something strange happened.

Although the kid was unconscious, I still gave him local anesthesia. He began to wash the tattoo, and the guy in a coma (!) suddenly began to move his shoulder away, and with his other hand he tried to push the device away. His pulse rose to 138 beats.

I doubled the dose of anesthesia - the boy still felt everything. The three nurses present at the same time and the head of the intensive care unit, like me, were in shock. The impression is that Satan himself moved into him and did not let him get rid of the fatal words.

When I removed part of the tattoo, the pulse dropped to normal, and the guy recovered very quickly.

Therefore, if you do not know the meaning of a tattoo, then you should not prick it, - sums up Konstantin Avramenko. - And it's better not to make tattoos at all. No wonder there is a prohibition in the Gospel: "... do not make cuts on your body and do not prick writing on yourself." It also says the following: “Do you not know that your bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?” That is, for a Christian, in principle, it is unacceptable to do either a tattoo, or a piercing, or in any way disfigure his body - the temple of the Holy Spirit.

In addition, you should know that it is easy to make a tattoo - it is much more difficult to get rid of it, - Konstantin concludes the conversation. - Unfortunately, people have no idea what they will have to face, what torments they will endure if the tattoo and their future life become incompatible ...

Expert comments

Director of the tattoo parlor Olga BELOTSERKOVSKAYA:

Undoubtedly, there is energy in a tattoo that can change a person's life. But it is exactly as much as you yourself and the master put your feelings and moods into the drawing. After all, a tattoo on the body is a certain fixation not only of the image, but also of the attitude to the world and to oneself.

For example, if you decide to wear a tattoo as a decoration, then it will not be able to influence you in any way, it will be like a regular bracelet. But if you perceive a tattoo as a symbol of the beginning of a new spiritual path, then it will constantly remind you of your desire and even inspire you to exploits.

Nowadays, having tattoos is very fashionable. People who decide to get a tattoo, first of all, think about how beautiful it is. However, in the case of tattoos, beauty is far from the main thing. In fact, tattoos are not for fashion or beauty. These are signs that perform certain functions, they can seriously change the fate of their carrier, and often not for the better. Do you want to know how tattoos change fate?

Not for beauty

The art of tattoos came to us from ancient times. Our ancestors covered their bodies with amazing tattoo patterns, but they did it not at all for beauty.

Tattoos were endowed with magical properties: they embodied a set of key information about a person, his main personal qualities, they also served as a sign of a tribe, clan or totem, protected from evil spirits, accidents and injuries, gave strength, strengthened military qualities and even played the role of a doctor .

Each tattoo was applied very consciously, after the performance of a number of magical rituals, and was perceived as part of the body and as part of fate.

Strong influence

Knowledgeable people today argue that tattoos have a very serious impact on our lives and on ourselves, because they are a kind of way of programming fate.

There are two types of tattoo influence - external and internal. The external changes the attitude of others towards the person - the wearer of the tattoo - and at the same time changes the position and behavior of the wearer in society.

Internal influence leads to the fact that a subconscious adjustment of the psyche occurs, with a high degree of probability, hidden mechanisms of fate are triggered, and sometimes there is a change in the modes of operation of internal organs, which can be fraught with consequences.

Place value

The strength of the impact of a tattoo depends on its location. For example, the influence of a tattoo on the neck is manifested in the complexity and inability to overcome certain life difficulties. A tattoo on the chest provokes isolation and unwillingness to be among people because of the conflict in the perception of the world by others and the person wearing such a tattoo.

It may very well be that, having made a tattoo on the lower back, the wearer will begin to doubt his partner, and he will also have a desire to get much more out of life than what he already has.

A tattoo on the right hand will make a person strive to take as much as possible from the world, but at the same time he will forget how to find compromises, and on the left hand he will act according to the template, having lost the ability to see the variety of ways out of different situations.

A tattoo on the right leg will make it difficult to move forward in life, and on the left, the wearer will receive too little support from loved ones.

A tattoo on the stomach is dangerous because a person can lose some of his good acquaintances and be limited in important contacts, and on the buttocks, he will no longer adequately assess himself and his capabilities.

A tattoo on the back will force its wearer to constantly strive to show himself and his "coolness", and a tattoo on the head will give rise to an overly strong desire to gain weight in society.

bad tattoos

There are a number of images that conceal the maximum danger to humans. For example, pentacles are magical drawings with which you can perform rituals of submission, and in general all drawings, one way or another connected with black mysticism and the devil.

Any numbers are highly undesirable as tattoos - they can either "tie" the wearer tightly to a specific date, or they will generally "tick" like a timer, counting down the time to death.

Images of people are also not the best option. If the depicted people are still alive, for example, relatives or an object of sighing, then the pricked “portrait” will have a powerful influence and all the failures of the depicted person will become yours, and all his illnesses and problems will be transferred to you.

If a portrait of a deceased person was pricked (for example, some idol or a great figure), then things are even worse here - such tattoos can lead to misfortune.

For good

But, of course, there are also such symbols that have a very favorable effect on fate.

For example, a mandala is a great option for those who seek to achieve peace of mind and attract good luck. Mandala tattoo effectively protects from external negativity and helps personal and spiritual development.

An inexhaustible source of light energy, goodness, blessings, health and love bestows a lemniscate - a sign of infinity. Everything that the bearer of the lemniscate strives for will never end.

The dolphin symbolizes freedom, nobility, love, pleasure, its image has a powerful protective effect.

Symbols such as eloquence, diligence, order, frugality, wisdom are associated with the bee.

In any case, tattooing should be conscious and carefully weighed. If you treat tattoos as fashionable decorations, then the best option would be not permanent, but temporary tattoos - temporaries that disappear after the renewal of the upper layer of the skin, that is, after 28 days.

What are the consequences of tattoos? Few people ask themselves this question before going to the master. But in vain! Despite the popularity of the procedure, many still do not know all the features of its application. Therefore, before you get a tattoo, think about the possible consequences.

Types of tattoos

  1. Classic - a drawing made by inserting a needle with a coloring pigment to a shallow depth. The paint is applied by a special machine, which, after piercing the skin, splashes the paint. It is quite difficult to get rid of such a pattern, so recently young people have chosen the following option.
  2. A special paint is applied to the skin, which eventually fades and completely disappears. But there is one drawback: the process of lightening the pigment takes place gradually, so for a certain time you will have to walk with a faded pattern. In addition, no one gives guarantees for complete disappearance. There were times when the trace remained for many years.

You can also hear about temporary tattoos without the introduction of paint under the skin. It's about mehendi. These pictures are not considered tattoos, they are practically harmless and wash off within a few days.

Why tattoos are dangerous: expert opinion

According to the research conducted by scientists, it was found that the paint used for tattoos contains many harmful substances. For example, in red - in other shades - titanium, chromium, lead and cadmium. But the most dangerous is considered blue, which contains cobalt and aluminum.

The reason for the negative effects of tattoos can be equipment. It can be used to infect and provoke the emergence and development of diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B and C, skin cancer. It is also forbidden to fill drawings near moles.

The list of sad consequences continues with the defeat of muscle tissue. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that you be especially careful when choosing a tattoo parlor.

Consider the most important dangers

  • Infection. Many may argue that the presence of non-sterile equipment or a dirty needle in a tattoo parlor is a real nonsense. Indeed, if you choose a proven institution, then the likelihood of infection is minimal. But do not forget that the skin after stuffing the pattern is an open wound. The slightest oversight during care - and the consequences of the tattoo will not be the most pleasant.
  • Dye. Unfortunately, pigments are not controlled by the health authorities, and therefore they do not undergo any research, like, for example, drugs. Unscrupulous craftsmen sometimes introduce paints for industrial use, and no one was interested in their effect on human health when injected subcutaneously. This means one thing - it is impossible to predict the reaction to the pigment.

Is it true that tattoos harm women more than men?

No matter how much feminists fight for gender equality, our bodies are completely different. What is a trifle for a man is a big problem for a woman, and this also applies to the place where tattoos are made. For example, in the lumbar region. The fact is that the pattern stuffed in this place makes it difficult to diagnose diseases of the small pelvis. Therefore, women with tattoos on the lower back are often advised not to have an MRI, because due to the presence of metals in the paint, the process will be very painful and the result will be unreliable.

In addition, with a pattern on the lower back, epidural anesthesia is not done, which is necessary during childbirth and caesarean section.

Patterns on the buttocks often cause a negative effect on local immunity. As a result, the risk of cystitis and urinary tract infections increases. According to unofficial statistics, women with stuffed drawings on the lower back, inner and outer thighs are the most frequent guests at gynecologists.

Special attention should be paid to tattoos on the chest. Of course, not a single professional master will fill the drawing and generally affect the nipple area, since the skin in this place is very delicate, and the pigment cannot be distributed evenly.

According to doctors, tattoos on the chest can undermine the immune system, which is responsible for the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. In addition, if you are allergic or the owner of sensitive skin, then such drawings can "give" skin diseases such as dermatitis or eczema.

Can the consequences be avoided?

Initially, you need to check whether the salon has a medical license and how accurately the sterilization rate of each instrument used is observed. Needles and each consumable must be disposable.

Equipment processing consists of the following steps:

  1. Placing instruments for 30 minutes in a solution of Lysetol.
  2. Hourly sterilization in a dry oven.

Despite the control of these measures, the risk of infection through the skin still exists. According to statistics, 1/3 of clients of salons and private masters faced the consequences of tattoos. Most often, the reason was that the drawing was stuffed by people who did not have the right to carry out this activity and without special tools.

Often a complication is an allergy to a certain paint. Black ink is especially dangerous because it contains paraphenylenediamine. In addition, according to research, they still contain arsenic, and as you know, this component can provoke cancer.

Consequences of improper tattoo care

Needle injury causes an inflammatory process, which is a natural defensive reaction. The duration of pain depends on the location and size of the tattoo. On average, the process lasts up to 10 days, followed by healing. To prevent the occurrence of a secondary infection, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Do not touch, and even more so do not pick the resulting crust. Avoid friction with clothing, washcloth.
  2. The negative effects of a tattoo can result from improper care or lack thereof. Most often this leads to inflammation. Moreover, an experienced master will understand by the pale shade of paint and other external factors how the work he did healed.
  3. Manufacturers give a 15-year guarantee on the durability of the shade. But you should know that the mascara that you have in your skin is an organic product that can fade in the sun. Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences, be sure to protect a fresh tattoo with special sunscreens.
  4. For the first few weeks, it is recommended to refrain from swimming in pools, saunas, and reservoirs.

What is the connection between tattoos and alcohol?

Before the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol due to the fact that they dilate blood vessels. During stuffing, the needle touches them, and minor bleeding occurs. With dilated blood vessels, it will be much more difficult to stop the bleeding.

In addition, alcohol increases blood pressure, and this leads to the activation of blood vessels. Result: washing out of the dye from the skin.


If you decide to get yourself a tattoo, be sure to follow the recommendations listed so that the process goes without consequences and with minimal pain.

And in the end, I would like to remind you that views change throughout life. And again, according to statistics, a considerable percentage of people eventually want to get rid of a stuffed pattern that has been pleasing to the eye for several years. The tattoo removal procedure is very painful, and after it there are reminders in the form of scratches and scars. Especially girls who strive for an ideal body should pay attention to this.

Take care of your health. Before you go to the tattoo parlor, deciding to embellish your appearance, think carefully and weigh the pros and cons of this procedure. And the latter, as you already understood, are many, and, unfortunately, they lead to sad consequences.

The phenomenon of the influence of tattoos on the fate of a person has been proven by modern scientists and psychologists. Wearable drawing is not just a fashionable decoration, but a special symbol that accompanies a person all his life. Even the most ardent skeptics sometimes encountered mystical phenomena that are difficult to scientifically explain.

Can a regular tattoo change a person's character? How to protect yourself from its negative impact? Which sketch to choose to bring happiness and good luck to life? What is the impact of tattoos on a person's life? And is it really worth getting a tattoo? The recommendations of psychologists and experienced tattoo artists will help you make the right decision.

Excursion into history

Body painting is rooted in those distant times, when people did not yet know how to read and write. A tattoo helped to convey information to others. It was she who served as a kind of "passport" of a person, by which it was possible to determine the social status, marital status, merits and achievements, as well as character. Drawings were applied in public in front of all members of the community. The process was accompanied by special rituals and rituals, the celebrations of which sometimes lasted for months.

In many tribes, the tattoo served as an amulet that protected from evil spirits. For example, the Indians of North America decorated their faces with a demon mask in order to deceive him and avoid death. Often there were images of totem animals and symbolic ornaments that protected the owner from enemies, troubles and troubles, provided a positive influence on fate. Occultism was also common among pagans. The tattoo helped to establish a connection with the other world, dead relatives and leaders. Piercing bodies with pointed stones or sticks, people fell into a trance and communicated with the world of the dead.

In medieval times, tattoos were banned for religious reasons. In the middle of the 20th century, body painting was revived as a fashionable youth trend, but people stopped attaching importance to the meaning of images. Only at the beginning of this century, scientists became interested in the question of the influence of tattoos on the fate of a person and came to interesting conclusions.

Influence on fate: examples

How do tattoos affect fate? As a result of the research, it turned out that wearable drawings are constructive and destructive. The same image can have opposite meanings for different people. The answer lies in the subconscious of the person himself, in the purposes and reasons for which he chose this or that image.

A person endows a tattoo with mystical properties, sometimes without even suspecting it. Any wearable drawing is done for a reason. The owner puts a special meaning into it, bears the idea of ​​a sketch for a long time and, as a result, realizes his plan. This whole long process is accompanied by certain emotions and experiences that affect the subconscious of a person. He draws attention to the tattoo so much that he “charges” it himself, and this affects his future life and destiny.

Stories of tattooed people

Take, for example, the image of an eagle or a tiger. If the owner of such a tattoo has a strong strong-willed character, then the tattoo will only emphasize his dignity, strengthen faith in his own strength and serve as an incentive for further self-improvement. A soft, modest, indecisive person with such a pattern will only aggravate the internal conflict. Trying to match the unattainable image, he is even more disappointed in himself. All this has a negative impact on the psyche. This is one of the clearest examples of how the same tattoo can have destructive or creative properties.

Flour of choice: is it worth it?

To decorate your body with tattoos or not is a personal matter for everyone. You should not go to a tattoo parlor if you have doubts about this or you know that such an act will not win the approval of friends or relatives. If you are a Christian, then take note that the Bible forbids body drawings for believers.

If you still dare to take such a step, listen to the following recommendations.

Before you go to the tattoo parlor, carefully weigh the pros and cons, listen to the above recommendations, consult with your relatives. Only a prudent and responsible approach to business will lead you to make the right decision and allow you to enrich your destiny and life.
