How to attach baby clothes. How to install a child car seat in a car: installation in the back and front seats

In our age of speed, roads and constant tension from reckless drivers, safety comes first. This saying is especially close to children. In view of this, world scientists have developed special child seats that are installed directly in the car.

If you do not provide your vehicle with these attributes, at a minimum you can run into a significant fine. Otherwise, in the event of an accident, there is a high probability of a disastrous situation.

A child car seat is a must when transporting children, but just buying one is not enough. You need to know how to attach baby car seat so that in the event of an accident, its correct fixation will preserve the life and health of the little citizen.

Before explaining how to attach a child seat in a car, you should understand what criteria to use when choosing it. Today consumers are presented great amount variety of options from infant carriers for the little ones to seats for older children.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the emphasis should be on the main parameter – convenience.

All child car seats are divided into several groups:

  1. The first 2 groups, by the nature of the designation 0 and +0, refer to infant carriers and are intended for the smallest passengers. Group 0 is intended for children under one year old with a baby weighing up to 10 kg.
  2. The next group allows you to secure a child up to 13 kg of body weight and up to 18 months.
  3. The following categories are full-fledged car seats. Group No. 1 – 9-18 kg and from 3 to 7 years.
  4. Group No. 2 – 15-25 kg and also from 3 to 7 years, that is, for larger children.
  5. The last one, group No. 3 – 22-36 kg and from 6 to 10 years.

0 and +0 belong to the category of infant carriers and, accordingly, have an exclusively lying position. In addition, the position can be changed using a special mechanism. Such infant carriers are always equipped with special belts with which it is not difficult to secure the child.

For older children, groups 1-2 and 3 should be purchased. They can be either transforming chairs or a regular fixed type.

Safe fastening rules

Installing a frame seat is a decisive step in the safety of the child. There are several methods of fixation. First of all, the car seat can be secured with regular seat belts. There is also a specially developed isofix system.

According to multiple tests, the safest place to mount child seat The middle of the rear seat is recognized.

The fixation process itself is quite simple:

  1. First, pull out the seat belt 100 - 120 cm.
  2. Next, a chair is installed in the middle of the rear seat.
  3. The usual method is to check how stable the structure is.
  4. If the car seat is securely installed, the car seat belt is inserted into specially designed straps.
  5. Finally, the seat is tightened with standard tape.

It is much easier to fasten a car seat for a child 5-7 years old than the same car seat, since the belts are fastened from above, and the standard tape is secured in special devices.

In order to simplify the whole process as much as possible, it is best to seat the potential passenger in the seat being installed. This will allow you to take into account all the nuances, because the main thing is that the child feels comfortable.

Installing car seats using isofix

How to properly secure baby Car seat using isofix?

The isofix mount is nothing more than special fasteners that are built into the car body and into the car seat itself.

It is rapidly gaining popularity and, for example in Europe, is a mandatory addition to the production of any car.

It is also important to note that regardless of any brand of seat, securing it will not be a problem, since the fastenings are universal. If the car itself is not equipped with these locks, it is permissible to fasten with regular seat belts.

The technology for installing a car seat with isofix locks is uniquely simple:

  1. If the car is already equipped with these fasteners, you should find them.
  2. Then find similar fasteners on the child car seat.
  3. Then the brackets are connected by pressing.

If done incorrectly, the child seat will not lock. Otherwise, specific clicks will be heard, which will confirm the correct connection.

In order for the child’s safety to be at the highest level, you should adhere to some basic rules:

  1. Even if you have the skills, it is recommended that you read the instructions. The point is that some models may have some differences. The methods of fastening change accordingly.
  2. If possible, it is better not to remove the seat after each trip, but to leave it in the car. If this is not possible, you should be careful after each new installation.
  3. After securing the child seat, you need to check it for tightness. In the case when it moves up to 2 centimeters during testing, this is allowed, but if more than 2 cm, the child seat should be reinstalled.
  4. After the child seat is installed, you should pay attention to the fact that the seat belt in the shoulder area is secured. It is equally important to make sure that the mating part does not come into contact with the child seat.

In the case when some of the installation nuances are not very clear, you should not experiment. This can expose the child to unnecessary danger.

Buy good car seat- does not yet mean completely solving the issue of baby safety, because its effectiveness directly depends on how correctly you can install a child car seat in your car.

Of course, you can turn to a specialist for help in fastening the structure, or you can just read our article and do everything yourself.

Possibility of installation by groups of seats

  1. Group 0 seats are placed exclusively backwards perpendicular to the movement.
  2. Group 0+ seats can be installed in front if the car does not have an airbag (or it must be forcibly disabled).
  3. Group 1 chairs allow you to seat your baby in the direction of travel on any of the seats, securing it with an additional belt.
  4. Seats of groups 2-3 are placed in the same way without the need for fastening with an additional belt.

Where is the safest place to install?

Despite all the available installation variations listed above, the best locations for a child car seat are the right backseat(for left-hand drive cars) and the middle of the second rear row from the driver.

They are recognized as the safest for any passenger in the car, as they are capable of:

  • protect the child from fragments that rain down into the passenger compartment during an impact;
  • allocate for him the necessary amount of living space;
  • at the same time, the space in the middle of the car additionally protects little passenger from damage that it may receive when the side parts of the car are crushed during an accident.

Mounting methods

In a general sense, the types of fastenings can be divided into those that:

  • secured with seat belts;
  • secured using the ISOFIX system;
  • installed using Latch and Super Latch mounts.

Seat belts

This universal option fastening, for which special grooves are provided on the car seat. With the help of this system, the baby is in complete safety (this is achieved through a strong belt fixation).

However, there is one caveat: since the designs of car seats differ from each other, there is no universal installation method for them. It is best to use the instructions included with it.

Cons of fastening

The disadvantages of this method of installing a seat include a certain complexity of the process and a certain discrepancy between the geometry of the car seats and the car seat itself. Often, during installation, the belts become twisted, which does not comply with safety regulations.

ISOFIX mounting

You can also attach a child car seat using the ISOFIX system. This method is nothing more than attaching the car seat directly to the car body, which, in turn, must be equipped with brackets of this type:

To secure a child seat using this system, you need to push it into these brackets until it stops until you hear a click. This can be seen in the figure below:

There is another method of fastening, in which it is located on top of the seat and is pulled to the bracket by a specific “anchor strap”. Here's what it looks like:

What is such a belt for?

To prevent the seat from jumping forward during sudden braking. That is why in some European models, instead of a belt, a stand is provided that extends forward and rests directly on the floor of the car.

It performs a similar function, but looks like this:

Advantages and disadvantages of fastening

The advantages of ISOFIX fastening include ease of installation, quite reliable fixation and a high degree of security.

The disadvantages of this fastening are the weight limit (the baby should not be heavier than 18 kilograms), since when the weight increases during the DPT, the anchor belt experiences too much load and it simply cannot withstand it.

Latch and Super Latch Mount

This type of fastening is similar to ISOFIX, only the belt that secures the car seat in the car is slightly different.

The highest level of evolution of such fastening is the Super Latch system. Both of these types of fixation are actively used in the USA, but are not used in Europe.

Positioning the car seat correctly

The eternal question - whether to place it in the direction of the car's movement or against it, haunts caring parents, buying a new “gadget” for their little one. But big role How the car seat is installed in your car plays a role in your child’s safety.

Against the movement or along the way?

Children over 1 year of age can only be transported in the rear facing position. Their head weighs quite a lot relative to their body, and their neck is not quite strong enough to support their head during a possible collision.

If you place a car seat in the front against the direction of travel of the car, the airbag ejected during an impact can push it against the body, causing the seat to tip over and harm the baby.

Expert opinion

Experts recommend, if possible, installing a child seat in the middle of the rear row of the car. If your car does not provide the ability to attach a car seat between the seats, place the car seat on the left or right rear seat strictly in the middle (if the car is 5-seater).

If the car is 7-seater, then it is safest to install the car seat in the middle of the second row from the driver (not the third!) or on the outer seats in the same row.

Installation steps

  1. Move the front car seat back before you begin to mount the structure - this will make it more convenient for you to work.
  2. Having positioned the car seat, pull the seat belt intended for fastening strictly along the marked area. Make every effort to do this.
  3. Once you have completed this task, check that the shoulder belt area is fastened.
  4. Do not let the belt come into contact with other parts of the seat, as in the event of an accident the clip cannot withstand friction and comes unfastened.
  5. The securing strap must be properly secured. It should not be pulled too high, as when jerked, the clamp will move towards the neck and become an additional safety hazard. If the belt is low, it will simply slide off the shoulder.
  6. Move the car seat after installing it. If it wobbles or moves, you have not secured it correctly.
  7. Place the child in the seat and fasten it. At the same time, do not let the belts twist and make sure that the gap between them and the body is as thick as two of your fingers.

The baby must remain buckled up while driving!

Do not forget that the child is quite active in the car: he looks around, jumps in place and even sometimes tries to get out of the seat. That is why the fastenings that are responsible for its fixation had to be reliable, otherwise the little researcher would simply unfasten them.

To discourage your baby from playing with fasteners, make sure he takes toys or books with him. This can distract him from the belts for a while.

Reliability of fastenings is the key to safety

The more secure the fastening, the lower the risk of injury in an accident. To make sure that the belt is long enough to properly fasten the device to the car, at the time of purchase, ask a consultant to try the car seat in your car.

The car seat can be secured using a special three-point belt. However, five-point ones are considered more reliable - they can provide maximum protection for your child.

Rules for placing a baby in a chair

  1. The child sits tightly in it and does not “slurp” while moving. Of course, you shouldn’t go too far, tightly “screwing” it to the seat, but you also shouldn’t let go of the belt too much, arguing that this action will give the baby “something to breathe.”
  2. The child's head protection is located as close as possible to his shoulders, that is, in a safe car seat it should be adjustable.
  3. Don’t forget to buckle your baby in, otherwise there will be no benefit from buying a seat for him. Always do this, even if you only need to drive for 5 minutes.
  4. Before placing your child in the car seat, make sure it is securely secured.

Summing up

A child car seat is one of the most important aspects of a child’s safety while traveling by car. But remember that it’s not enough to just buy it - the chair also needs to be installed correctly so as not to expose your baby’s life to additional and completely unjustified danger.

In our age of enormous speeds and roads clogged with cars, the recklessness of individual drivers, a child is exposed to increased danger when traveling. Therefore, for safe transportation children, child seats have been developed that are installed in car interiors.

For the safe transportation of children, child seats have been developed that are installed in the car interior.

In a fatal moment, a well-secured chair will save the life and health of a little citizen. To avoid trouble, even on short trips, he should always be in the safety that is guaranteed by a correctly selected and installed seat.

How to choose a car seat for a child

The car seat should be comfortable for the child. Tired, he will be capricious and distract the driver’s attention. To increase the comfort of children when driving in a car, manufacturers have conditionally divided children's car seats into 5 groups. Armchairs of the same group can be suitable for children of different ages - there are small children, there are heroes.

For the first 2 groups, equipped seats are numbered zero. Children under 3 years old cannot stay awake for long periods of time and usually sleep on the road. The car seat for them is adjusted to the “sleep” position, the child is secured with belts with a soft elastic pad.

For groups 1, 2, 3 of car seats, domestic manufacturers offer transformable seats.

Transformable chairs are convenient because they do not require frequent purchases of new ones - as the child grows, they can be adjusted to his height.

They have several fixed positions, including sleep and wakefulness.

How to properly install a child car seat in a car: video tutorial

On children's health You can’t save money, so it’s better to buy a car seat from a company that is well-known among buyers high quality their goods. A baby cradle or car seat can be installed in the front or rear seat, facing or against the direction of travel of the car.

Experts have found that the most safe place- rear middle seat in a car showroom. The cradle chair is installed against the movement of the car. Older children can be transported in a seat installed in the direction of travel of the car, but as late as possible. The vertebrae of a child’s neck are very delicate and can be damaged by unexpectedly sharp braking.

If there are airbags, it is prohibited to install a child car seat in the front seat.

Their automatic operation will cause injury to the baby. If, due to current circumstances (alone with the baby in the car), you are forced to place the child next to you, then:

  • disable, preferably at a service station, the airbag,
  • Place the baby's chair in the reclining position,
  • move the seat back, moving it away from the glass,
  • Make sure that the device is securely fastened with a standard seat belt.

How to properly fasten a car seat with a standard seat belt

To increase the comfort of children when driving in a car, manufacturers have conditionally divided children's car seats into 5 groups

A baby in a car seat and a child under 4 years old are fastened with seat belts built into the car seat. The car seat itself (infant seat) is secured with standard belts or accessories from the car dealership. If the child tall, he and the chair are fastened with a standard belt.

Basic mount standard belt should pass through the baby's chest. If the seat belt touches the neck, use a booster seat. The seat will raise the child for optimal seat belt placement. If the car seat becomes too tight for an older baby, the backrest is removed. In this case, the booster seat is also secured with a regular belt along with the child. A child with a minimum height of 150 cm can sit in a car seat fastened with a standard seat belt.

Before purchasing, make sure that the seat will fit into the allocated space in the car. Install the chair, check the play (no more than 2cm). Place your child in the car seat.

Make sure that the child sits comfortably, the belts are suitable for the baby in width and length, and do not disturb his posture.

Contact a service station if you are not sure that you can install and fasten the car seat correctly with your own hands. Remember! A correctly installed and secured seat will save your child's life.

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Today, there are two main methods of securing a child seat in a car: using a three-point standard seat belt and using the IsoFix system, which is now found in almost every modern car. Next we will look at each mounting method in a little more detail.

Fastening with a car belt

The most widespread and popular method of fixing a child seat. This way you can secure the seat in any car, since three-point belts are present in all cars. Depending on the brand and group of the child car seat, installation using standard belts is accompanied by certain nuances, so when purchasing, it is advisable to check with the manager about the mounting methods, and also read the operating instructions.

The general rule for attaching child car seats is that the length of the standard seat belt must be at least 215 cm.

Car seat group 0/0+ (weight up to 18 kg, height up to 75 cm)

Any infant carrier can be secured in the car using standard belts; for this, it has special guides. After installation, the belts should be tight.

Car seat group 1 (from 9 to 18 kg, from 75 to 110 cm)

If the seat of this group has its own IsoFix base and the child is secured with internal belts, then the standard belt serves as an additional fixation of the car seat in the car. If the chair has a table as a way to secure the child, then the standard belt holds the chair together with the child. Fastening occurs by pulling the standard belt through the table.

Car seats group 2-3 (from 15 to 36 kg, from 95 to 150 cm)

IN in this case everything is quite simple - the child car seat is secured with a standard belt along with the passenger located in it. The main thing you need to pay attention to is that the belt should go over the child’s shoulder.

IsoFix fastenings

The advent of Isofix technology has largely solved the risks of improperly installing car seats in a car. The rigid connection of the IsoFix system to the vehicle body allows for greater occupant protection and, in independent tests, shows higher reliability results in the event of an accident.

Essentially, the system consists of 2 special brackets, welded to the car body in the rear seat area and marked in the form of a child seat or labels with the corresponding inscription. You can also find in some car models small, vertically oriented sockets in the fixation points for easy installation of the seat. Now in any car you can easily install seats from different manufacturers on brackets that are the same for all.

Car seats group 0/0+ (weight up to 18 kg, height up to 75 cm)

Most modern safety car seats have an Isofix base. As a rule, the base is sold separately, but with its help you can significantly increase the safety and ease of use of the car seat.

Car seats group 1 (from 9 to 18 kg, from 75 to 110 cm)

Chairs in this group often have built-in Isofix fasteners. There is also the option of installing a Group 1 child car seat on an Isofix base, which was used together with a car seat. Isofix in this group affects safety and also serves as an additional fastening for convenience.

Car seats group 1-2-3 (from 9 to 36 kg, from 75 to 150 cm)

Group 1-2-3 car seats come with or without Isofix fastening. Depending on this, the seats either have a forced rest mode for the child, or do not have it if Isofix is ​​available.

Group 1-2-3 car seat with protective table and built-in Isofix mount

Group 1-2-3 car seat with built-in 5-point harness and without Isofix anchorage

Car seats group 2-3 (from 15 to 36 kg, from 95 to 150 cm)

Group 2-3 car seats come with or without Isofix fastening. Isofix in this group does not greatly affect safety, but rather serves as an additional fastening for convenience.

The legislation of the Russian Federation and traffic regulations regulate the transportation of children under 12 years of age or up to a height of 150 cm and a weight below 36 kg strictly in special restraints. Manufacturers offer big choice child seats. How to choose them, is it possible to install and attach devices to the front seat of a car?

Types of devices for transporting children in a car

Despite the fact that car seats are created according to the European standard ECE R44/04, as well as GOST R 41.44–2005, they differ in weight, age, and method of fastening.

Types of car seats by age group: which one to choose

When choosing a car seat, the main attention should be paid to its group. It is this indicator that indicates the weight and age of the baby each specific device is designed for. There are 4 categories in total from 0 to 3, but there are universal ones, for example, 0+/1 or 1/2/3, which are transformed if necessary and replace several devices for transporting children.

Group 1/2/3 car seat is modified as the child grows

Car seats by weight and/or age - table

Device name Group Child's weight, kg Child's age Installation method Peculiarities
0 0 - 10 0 - 6 months Fastened with two standard belts sideways in the direction of travel in the back seat of the car. The child is placed in a supine position. It is prohibited to use a cradle from a stroller as a car seat unless it is certified. The device is made of impact-resistant plastic, equipped with straps for fastening a newborn, and a soft lining is sewn under the buckle.
Autocarrying 0+ 0 - 13 0 - 12 months Fastens with the back in the direction of travel on the front or back seat of the car. It is prohibited to place the child facing forward because the child’s cervical vertebrae are not yet formed properly, and a “nod” even during sudden braking, not to mention a real accident, can cause serious injuries to him. Auto-transfer of this group can be performed in two ways:
  • installation directly on the car seat;
  • mounting on a base that is installed on the car seat.
Car seat 0+/1 0 - 18 0 - 4 years
  • with your back facing the direction of travel for children under one year old;
  • facing in the direction of travel for children over one year old.
The design resembles a group 1 car seat, the child in it is in a sitting or semi-sitting position, and the angle between the back and the seat is smoothed out due to special inserts. They begin to use it when the baby is 4–5 months old.
1 9 - 18 9 months - 4 years Mounts facing the direction of travel on the front or back seat of the car. The seat itself is secured in the car with a standard belt or using the Isofix system, and the child is fastened with the internal straps of the device.
1/2 9 - 25 17 years The chair has removable internal belts that are removed as the child grows up.
1/2/3 9 - 36 1 - 12 years A universal car seat will save thousands family budget. The device grows with the child and is modified to suit his height and weight.
2 15 - 25 3.5 - 7 years It is not equipped with a built-in belt; the child and the seat are secured with a regular one.
2/3 15 - 36 3.5 - 12 years Groups 2 and 3 are very similar to each other, so you can rarely find them on sale separately. Manufacturers usually produce transformable devices that combine these two age categories. Their characteristic difference is the ability to remove the backrest, after which the car seat turns into a booster.
3 22 - 36 6 - 12 years It is mounted facing the direction of travel in the middle of the rear seat of the car. It is a firm seat without a backrest that lifts the passenger so that the standard seat belts are located at shoulder level and pelvic bones, not the neck and abdomen.

Car seats of different weight categories from discharge from the maternity hospital to adolescence - photo gallery

A group 1/2/3 car seat is designed for a weight of 9–36 kg. A group 1 car seat is designed for a weight of 9–18 kg. A group 2/3 car seat is designed for a weight of 15–36 kg.
The booster is designed for a weight of 22–36 kg
Autocarrying group 0+ is designed for weight up to 13 kg
Group 0 car seat allows you to transport newborn babies

Frameless devices to restrain children during transport

A classic car seat has a rigid frame, but there are other devices:

Since January 1, 2017, amendments have been made to the Russian Traffic Regulations, according to which children in the front seat up to twelve years old can only ride in a frame car seat, and in the back seat - up to seven years old. Next, use a standard belt with or without a booster. The fine for violation is 3,000 rubles.

Semi-reclining and lying position in a car seat

The main purpose of a car seat is to minimize risk, and comfort comes second. The backrest angle provided by the manufacturer will be from 30 0 to 45 0. Highest level the safety of the child in the device is set exactly to 45 0.

The angle of inclination of devices for transporting children varies between 30–45 0

There is a position close to a lying position in infant carriers of group 0/0+, but the important point here is that babies should not focus on the spine and sit up to six months in vertical position. Therefore, the carriers look as if the baby is lying down, but if you take measurements, the back of the baby relative to the seat will be at an angle of 40–45 0.

Senior car seat angle age groups also changes the position within acceptable values, but due to the placement facing the movement, these settings are not noticeable.

Types of fastening of car seats and carriers: photo and description

There are two main types of car seat attachments.

  1. Standard seat belts. Universal method securing a car seat in each car in the passenger seats, both front and rear. Due to length restrictions, it may be difficult to install the infant carrier, so you should check the length of the belt in the car in advance and purchase the device required size, otherwise incorrect installation is possible, which violates the safety of the child.
  2. Isofix system. Since the mid-90s, at the production stage, machines have been equipped steel hinges Isofix. They connect to the locks on the chair, which is accompanied by a clear click. With this method of fastening, errors are eliminated, unlike seat belts, the incorrect installation of which reaches 60%. The locks are removed from the hinges by pressing one or two (depending on the chair model) buttons. The Isofix system is equipped with an additional third support point:
    • an anchor belt that prevents the risk of “nodding” forward and is attached behind the rear seat or in the trunk of the car;
    • bracket or leg-rest is an alternative to an anchor, which rests firmly on the floor, preventing the device from tilting during sudden braking or an accident.

Types of fastening devices whose purpose is to secure and transport children in a car - photo gallery

Isofix - special locks that firmly fix the car seat in the car Anchor belt - additional Isofix fastening Additional support for car seats with the Isofix system
Fastening with belts - universal method car seat installation

The place in the car where the car seat should be placed and secured

The safest place in the car is the center passenger seat in the back. In the event of a frontal collision, the inertia will be restrained by the seat belt; in a side impact, the risk of injury from the door is eliminated.

A car seat can be easily installed in the central passenger seat and Isofix system, and secured with standard seat belts.

How to fit two or three child car seats in a car

Two child car seats in one car are installed on the rear outboard seats. Fasteners for all three locations using the Isofix system are provided by many brands of cars, so it is possible to place devices for transporting children in each of the three places.

Two car seats with Isofix system in one car

Conditions for transporting a child in the front passenger seat

  1. It is prohibited to transport children in the front passenger seat against the direction of the car, i.e. in a car seat, if the car has an airbag.
  2. When installing a frame car seat, it is necessary to move the passenger seat as far back as possible.
  3. In the front seat, children under 12 years of age can be transported strictly in a frame car seat suitable size(from 01/01/2017);
  4. Other restraint devices (FEST, booster, frameless chair) on the front seat are prohibited for use at any age (from 01/01/2017).

Note: for a three-door car, manufacturers recommend buying an isofix or a seat with a base, as it reduces the installation and buckling time of the child.

How to secure a child seat in a car with a standard seat belt

Each certified car seat comes with detailed instructions in Russian, which should be protected and stored with documents at home or in the glove compartment of a car. The rules of care and fastening are required to be read upon purchase; this is not the case when the instruction manual should be opened after a breakdown. The installation method is duplicated on the device itself.

If the fasteners and seat belt guides on the seat are red, then it is installed facing forward; if it is blue, it is installed backwards.

Car seats for newborns and infants

The principle of fastening the car seat with standard belts is the same for most manufacturers - side fasteners and fasteners on the back, although minor external changes are possible.

When installing a car carrier, you need to carefully monitor the correct position of the standard seat belt

Video instructions for installing a baby carrier - video

Installation of the base for the cradle

A device with a base gives an advantage to those who are constantly on the go with a child. It is attached to Isofix or standard belts, and the car seat/car seat can be removed with one click.

As in the case of a car seat, the base of different manufacturers is attached with a seat belt in approximately the same way:

How to install the database - video

Installing a group 0+/1 car seat using a standard seat belt Installing a group 1/2/3 car seat using a standard seat belt

Universal car seats: installation instructions - video

Frameless car seats: step-by-step instructions

The frameless car seat is attached to the back seat of the car with two belts that the device is equipped with.

Installing a frameless car seat is easy for all parents

How to install a child's frameless car seat - video

Caring for the device: how to wash, repair, disassemble, assemble the car seat, clean and wash the upholstery

The instruction manual for each car seat contains illustrated diagrams for disassembling and assembling the device. It also describes washing and cleaning methods (water temperature, manual or machine method), drying (automatic or mechanical), special conditions storage, other regulations for use.

How to disassemble a chair to remove the straps and upholstery

Before you begin disassembling the chair, pay attention to the number of parts and the location of the belts. For the first time, it is advisable to photograph or videotape the entire process so that you know how to assemble the device in the future. You should start with the belts and small parts, leaving the main cover and upholstery at the end.

How to put on washed car seat covers

After washing and drying all the parts according to the instructions, put on the cover and liner in the order you wrote down when removing it.

  1. The main cover is put on first, then the secondary parts.
  2. Threading belts important aspect, they must not twist or come together differently than specified in the instructions. Soft inserts prevent pressure on the baby's shoulders and chafing of sensitive skin.
  3. Lastly, the belts are threaded through top part and secured with a metal retainer.
  4. After securing the belts, a special pillow is put on the buckle, which limits the pressure of the belts on the baby’s stomach.
  5. Finally, clips and Velcro are fixed if they are provided for in the design.

If during assembly/disassembly any foam part is cracked or broken, it must be replaced. This can be replaced free of charge under warranty or purchased for a small fee from the same manufacturer.

How to assemble a car seat after washing - video

A car seat is a non-bulky piece of equipment that guarantees the safety of a child on the road, preserving the child’s life and health in the event of a collision. Care and proper use of the device will contribute to its for a long time services.
