How to give an original mug for a birthday. Cash gift: how to make it yourself? How beautiful, original, funny, funny, unusual it is to give a gift of money for a wedding, anniversary, birthday

Hello, dear friends! Today we will discuss how to give money for a birthday in an original way.

What to give for your birthday? I’m sure this question comes to you 4-5 times a year at least. And if you choose a gift for a couple of birthday people easily, knowing their needs and interests, then you probably prefer to give banknotes to the rest. But it gets so boring to hand over money in an envelope or postcard...

And this is where the second pressing question arises: How to give money for a birthday in an original way?

And, judging by the comments to the article?” (and there are more than 150 of them) are you concerned not only with the monetary gift itself, but also with what words to give the money?

In this article I will give 10 ways to give money, and what words can they be presented with?.

Choose the option that you like the most. I hope that after reading the article you will be able to quickly decide how to give money in an original way for a birthday, no matter who you are going to for the holiday. Delight and surprise your birthday people!

How to give money in an original way for a birthday or anniversary?

I repeat: it is desirable that your cash surprise evokes feelings of surprise and joy! In this case, the birthday person will remember it due to the emotions that he experienced at the time of receiving your gift, and you will be satisfied with yourself and the holiday as a whole (and this is also important).

So let's begin!

What is an unusual way to give money?

Money bag

This phrase paints a very specific image. Having a bag of money can fulfill most of your daily desires. Hence the “let’s stomp.”

Preparing this present is not difficult. The bag can be made from fabric similar in texture to burlap, and then a dollar sign can be drawn on it. Or you can use any gift bag, even a translucent one, in which you can place banknotes rolled into a tube and tied with cute ribbons. The main thing is to name it correctly. Indeed, in both cases it will be a bag (or pouch) of money. Well, it’s always nice to give a bag of money!

Money in the bank

This gift is based on a play on words. The phrase “money in the bank” usually evokes an association with a current account or bank deposit. Hence the idea. We give a glass jar with money, and present it with a hint of a substantial amount in a bank account.

Flowers made from money

This idea can be viewed in two ways. Some people like chic money bouquets, while others cannot stand the sight of crumpled banknotes.

But I don’t think anyone will argue with the fact that this is an original cash gift. Because such compositions look really beautiful and unusual. But this is what we are trying to achieve, right?

Watch how a rose and a bouquet of banknotes are made in this video.

What's a cool way to give money?

We have amateurs for whom it is not enough to present money in an original way. They want to make it funny, to play the hero of the holiday.

I noticed that men like these methods more, especially if in their group of friends it is customary to laugh kindly at each other. But sometimes women are not averse to joking, preparing an unusual gift “with a joke”. I have chosen several cool ways to present money for you.

Shovel with money

"Row money with a shovel"- probably a purely Russian dream that came to us from fairy tales. It is not surprising that we often hear such a wish during the holidays.

What if, along with money, you donate the instrument with which you can make this wish come true?

It turns out that even online stores offer a souvenir shovel that can be given to the birthday person along with banknotes.

But you can do it simpler: buy an ordinary children's spatula (it costs a penny), carefully glue a paper pocket to it, into which you put the bills so that they look out of it. This would be a really cool gift! And you can present it with jokes and jokes, which is always received with a bang 🙂!

Money in hundred rubles

Option for a cash surprise from a stern man.

See the idea in the video.

Money toilet paper

Another “funny thing” 🙂 .

But it is quite suitable for students, young and creative people. After all, such a gift can be presented not with mockery, but, on the contrary, with wishes for a successful life in which money is not of great importance.

How to give money beautifully?

In this section I have collected ideas that are suitable for women. We love everything beautiful, right? Therefore, if the type of banknotes that we prepare for our friends, mothers, sisters and grandmothers evokes aesthetic pleasure and pleasure, this will only benefit the gift!

Money in candy

Options for presenting money in candy can be very different.

For example, you can roll banknotes, tie them with ribbons and place them neatly in a box of Raffaello chocolates.

Or buy an expensive box of chocolates and wrap each candy in a banknote (not a quick option, but an attractive one).

Painting from money

A picture made of money is a very attractive option. Moreover, the subjects of the paintings can be completely different!

It could be a tree of happiness or a scarlet flower (see how I once made a very simple picture of money for a friend), a sailboat with sails in the form of banknotes, or money randomly located across the canvas. A picture made of money can be presented with style, and there will always be words suitable for presenting a gift.

Money butterflies

This gentle greeting balances the strength and power of a monetary gift. A butterfly, a symbol of serenity and lightness of attitude towards life, will be a decoration and a good addition to a surprise of money.

Money cake

An excellent and “magnificent” cash gift that will definitely become the most memorable present at the holiday.

If you decide to bring this idea to life, you will receive a lot of compliments and admiration from the birthday boy and guests of the holiday, since such a gift is given extremely rarely.

It is not surprising that the eyes of everyone present will be focused on your cash gift - a cash cake always looks great.

Often women say: “It doesn’t matter what he gave, it’s important how.” This time, both the “what” and the “how” are important, because we will talk about how to give jewelry and surprise your loved one.

We offer you 5 ideas that will help you present your jewelry in an original way.

Surprise - inside

Guess what it takes for a gift to delight even the most serious person? Just a bunch of balloons!

It has been proven that balloons create a feeling of celebration and give truly childlike joy at any age. Even on an ordinary day, when you see a bright multi-colored armful of balloons in someone’s hands, you can’t help but smile.

Give your loved one balloons, one of which will contain your surprise - decoration. This will be a pleasant surprise, and joy will know no bounds.

Four-legged postman

This is the case when you discover that your four-legged friend can not only ruin everything, but also help.

Attach the decoration to the collar with a ribbon or tie a bow with a treasured box on the back of the little postman in the form of a backpack. So, waking up in the morning from a ringing bark or demanding purring, your beloved will see the desired gift. Believe me, she will remember this morning for a long time, and even a scratched sofa will be forgiven for your four-legged friend.

Like a true gentleman

What's one of every woman's favorite moments in Pretty Woman?

Of course, the moment when Edward Lewis presents Vivian with a necklace before going to the opera. So why don’t you take this idea and give your loved one a piece of jewelry along with tickets to the ballet or theater. Such a gift seems to say for you: “You are so beautiful! I want your beauty to shine this evening, and everyone to see what a dazzling woman is next to me!”

Your chosen one will appreciate not only the gift itself, but also the reason to wear it.

The effect of surprise

It’s not for nothing that they say that the best gift is the one you receive when you’re not expecting it.

Send jewelry and a bouquet of her favorite flowers by courier in the middle of the working day, or when she, suspecting nothing, is chatting with friends in a cafe or doing yoga. You'll see, the effect of surprise, multiplied by the beauty of your gift, will work wonders.

Vacation mood

It is believed that before flying to another country, you must buy other perfumes. The new smell will be associated with the trip and convey the flavor of this country.

This interesting tradition can be applied to jewelry gifts. Present her with jewelry a few days before your vacation. You can show your imagination and choose a symbol product. For example, before a trip to Paris, give a pendant in the shape of the Eiffel Tower, before a trip to the Netherlands - jewelry inspired by Van Gogh’s paintings, and before an unforgettable vacation on the islands - a fish pendant, jewelry with turquoise or coral.

There are many options. The main thing is that a jewelry gift will definitely preserve the most pleasant memories of the trip, and will be associated with this country for a long time.

Don't forget how to make surprises! As you know, only a gift for no reason is a real gift.

We always choose gifts for our loved ones and friends with imagination and passion, but how do we feel about the process of giving? After all, you want to present such a carefully selected gift with humor and originality. The immediate delivery of a gift is an important stage of its giving. The gift should not only be bright and memorable, but its delivery should remain in the memory of the person who receives it. How to give a gift in an original way? Often, the characteristics of a gift depend on the way it is presented.

Unusual methods and individual approach

How to give a birthday gift in an original and unusual way to your husband, man, child, wife, mother, friend, girl, boyfriend, colleague...

  • For a child, for example, you can arrange a search for a gift with hint notes, some kind of quest. Remember this team children's game? If you make an additional gift with a sweet present, then you can involve all the birthday boy’s friends present in this game.
  • It is better to give a gift suddenly. You can hide a gift in a certain place. You need to tie a very long thread to the gift. And attach the other end of this thread to the hand of the person to whom you are giving the gift. It is best to do this when your loved one is still sleeping. This will be an unexpected factor when you wake up!
  • You can choose an unusual way to congratulate. For example, arrange a themed costume party for the birthday boy. You can choose different styles - from a pirate gathering to an oriental-style party. To do this, you need to gather all the friends of the birthday boy in one place and warn about the themed outfit. And of course, prepare competitions and treats on the chosen topic. This birthday will be remembered for a long time!

  • Another great way to surprise a person is to use the “matryoshka principle”, that is, putting boxes one inside the other, of increasingly larger sizes. After all, in anticipation of the gift, the person being congratulated will open the box, and there a surprise awaits him - another box, and so on. One of my friends decided to propose to his girlfriend. He bought a ring. But he considered it banal to simply pack it in a velvet box and hand it over. Therefore, I used the “matryoshka principle”. To begin with, he took a packaging box from under... a refrigerator, placed a box from under a TV inside, then there were five more boxes of smaller and smaller sizes. Can you imagine the reaction of his girlfriend, who, initially delighted by the huge box as a gift from her beloved, soon began to quietly hate him, unpacking another smaller box?! The end of this story with the boxes is very predictable - the last box contained an ordinary envelope with a bow and a ring inside. The girl was moved to tears and of course said “YES!”

  • Also, instead of a large number of boxes, you can use one large one filled with helium balloons. Can you imagine the surprise of the birthday boy when he opens the box? Multi-colored balls will scatter throughout the room and will be a real decoration of the room. Some holiday agencies offer bright butterflies as a service. The meaning is the same as in the case of the balls... Very beautiful and impressive, I don’t argue, but... somehow inhumane, or something. Or give a gift in the summer, in the garden, outdoors? Presenting a gift in this way is, of course, bright and colorful, but don’t forget about the gift itself. Place it in a box with balloons, butterflies, etc. in advance.

  • You can organize your surprise through an intermediary. Do you know exactly the route that your beloved man or girl takes every morning or evening? Find a person who always gets in his way (for example, a coffee seller). Agree that he will give your gift. And it doesn’t matter if it’s just candy or flowers, it’s better if the gift comes with a postcard. Such a surprise will make the surprise even more pleasant.

There are a lot of ideas on how to congratulate. The main thing is the desire to stand out with originality and congratulate the birthday person with all tenderness! And his happy eyes themselves will tell you that you guessed right!

What gift presentation do you still remember with a smile and joy?

A gift is, of course, important, but what is most memorable is how it was given. They proudly brag about this to their friends, tell it to their loved ones and keep the memories with warmth for a lifetime. That is why you need to think in advance about how you will present the gift.

If you have limited funds for a gift, then it is the original presentation of it to the hero of the occasion that will save you. For example, you were only able to buy some not very expensive thing, such as a fruit basket. To make your gift the most unusual, involve all the guests at the table in presenting it. Develop a whole scenario - perhaps these will be competitions for which you will give out prizes (fruits from your basket). Let the guests participate and guess, and the birthday boy receives gifts. It has been proven that such gift giving helps at the table and even sets the tone for the party, as well as causing a lot of laughter and a storm of delight.

To prepare an original gift, it would be good to find out more information about the premises where the holiday will take place. If it will be at your friend's house, then you can start preparing in advance by coming up with your own secret places and preparing details for delivery in them. If the holiday is planned in a restaurant, you can easily involve its technical staff - waiters, musicians, cooks, etc. - in the donation process. The main thing is to clearly plan everything in time so that there are no overlaps. For example, you agreed with the waiter that he will bring your gift, hidden in some sweet from the chef, and at this time the musicians should play a certain melody. Of course, for all this you will have to additionally pay for the services of the restaurant staff. But it’s unlikely that anyone will give a more original gift than you. By the way, men usually use this method when they want to propose to their beloved.

You can organize a collective congratulation for the hero of the occasion. True, its preparation requires a sufficient amount of time. The essence of this method is to agree with many people, both acquaintances and those not of the birthday boy, so that during the day they each call once or write by mail, Skype, or ICQ with their congratulations. The person who is given such a gift will be very pleased that so many people know and remember about what is important to him.

If you just want money, then don’t make it trivial. They can be hidden in a balloon, a soft toy, or in a package of several layers and boxes. Also in relation to money, and, in fact, any other gift, it will be important to draw up a treasure map. Let the hero of the occasion look for his gift like a pirate treasure.

You can give a gift like this: put it on the doormat, press the bell button and run up a couple of flights of stairs so that you can hear everything that is happening. True, you can only do this if you are sure that the door will be opened even if no one is seen through the peephole.

If the gift is intended for a romantic evening, then place it in an airtight container that is suitable in size. Wrap with wrapping paper. Next, use a fishing line or attach floating candlesticks to it in a circle and place the entire structure in a container of water. You need to give a gift in the dark; light all the candles in advance. A romantic mood is guaranteed for you and your partner.

Any way of giving gifts is good, because it shows how dear the hero of the occasion is to you. And most importantly, there are no restrictions in giving gifts - only what your imagination allows you to do.

The first thing you need to take care of is packaging. The modern industry offers a lot of options - it’s worth going to a gift boutique or florist shop.

So what can you choose:

  • ribbons and bows made of various materials, mini bouquets, rhinestone stickers;
  • all kinds of paper for packaging: plain, colored, shiny, with thematic designs;
  • fabric bags of various materials and design solutions;
  • polyethylene packaging - plain, transparent, with a printed pattern;
  • boxes of various sizes and designs - drawings, embossing, varnishing, etc.
  • wicker baskets, wooden and plastic boxes, paper and plastic bags.

Advice! If you are invited to a name day with someone you know superficially, opt for modest options: a stylish plain package, a box of dull matte or “newsprint” paper, wrapped in decorative twine. But when decorating gifts for loved ones, turn on your creativity at full power.

To each his own: choosing a color scheme

Before you start choosing packaging, let us introduce you to another important point - color:

Green, blue Pack the present for an important hero of the occasion in “solid” green and blue.
Red Red packaging looks great on small gifts - a large box of this fiery color will look vulgar.
Violet Some people treat purple with distrust: what if they look “purple” on you?
Yellow Also choose yellow with caution, especially when wrapping a gift for your loved one - as you know, this is the color of separation. But in combination with other colors this shade is very good.
Brown Brown decoration is too warm for such a celebration.

Advice! When choosing gold or silver packaging, make sure that it is in moderation - separate inserts, ribbons. Otherwise, the packaging will look flashy and vulgar. For men, choose strict tones, for women - gentle ones, echoing spectacular bright inserts, for little birthday boys - cartoonish, colorful, but not offensive to the eye design.

Do it yourself: 7 quick packaging ideas

Of course, gift wrapping can be entrusted to specialists who are skilled at this, who will wrap your gift in a delicious candy in the blink of an eye. But a gift is, first of all, attention.

When the birthday boy sees that you put your own efforts into packaging a present especially for him, won't this give him warm feelings?

So, ideas for the very busy:


  1. Two or three bows made from ribbons of contrasting colors, criss-crossed around the box.
  2. Ribbons with fun tassels and pom-poms.
  3. A couple of sets of stickers and decals suitable for the occasion - cover a plain package with them.
  4. A small, colorful designer card attached to a modest wrapper (use today's popular decorative twine).
  5. A bottle, vase, vial or similar shaped gift can be wrapped in a bright scarf, secured with an invisible pin or brooch.
  6. Print out children's photos of the birthday boy or pictures from a past celebration in a small format and cover the surface of the gift box with them.
  7. For the little birthday boy, make a nesting doll box or another simple quest so that he doesn’t immediately get to your surprise. You can give a box with a lock that opens with a code. The last one will be answering your riddle or completing another task.

Packaging as a work of art

And if you are willing to get creative a little, then the following ideas are for your attention.

So, how to beautifully wrap a birthday gift:


  1. To cross ribbons and twine, use a nice large button with four holes. One attribute – how it transforms the packaging!
  2. It’s a good idea to decorate the gift with small live plants according to the season. In winter it is a fragrant pine twig, in spring it is a tassel of lily of the valley, an unblown tulip, in summer you can use dried berries and fruits, in autumn it is a composition of dried leaves. This design goes well with modest plain wrapping paper and twine, as in the photo.
  3. Do you have a lot of different colors or floss at home? Great! Tie the gift with threads of the most varied thickness and texture - they can be arranged in a strict order, chaotically, intertwining with each other, along, across, crosswise. You can fluff the ends or tie them into tassels. And from multi-colored floss you can even embroider a small design on a thick cardboard wrapper.
  4. Just like with yarn, you can wrap a gift with multi-colored strips of cardboard (cut from the cover of a glossy magazine - why not?), securing them with tape or hot glue.
  5. If you're giving a gift to a baby, turn the wrapping into an extra gift. The instructions are simple - write “Paint Me” on the wrapper or cover it with contours from coloring books. Glue small wax crayons or mini markers to the gift with double-sided tape.
  6. Find kids' fun stamps at your office supply store and cover the entire solid-color package with stamps.
  7. For a child, the packaging can be decorated with a small toy glued to double-sided tape: a car, a plush keychain, a small doll.
  8. Plain packaging can be decorated with text, the basis of which is letters cut out from newspapers and magazines.
  9. Paint the entire package with gel pens: it can be an extensive congratulation poem, a comic book about the birthday boy, or just funny congratulatory drawings.
  10. I don't mind the last shirt. From an unnecessary shirt, scarf, or sweater, you can make excellent gift packaging: wrap the material along the contour of the box and fasten it with invisible “tangles” made of plain threads.
  11. From many small postcards or photographs, you can make a booklet, which can be combined with a decorating bow or separately attached to the gift with twine.
  12. Cut out from magazines or from printed pictures (it's great to use self-adhesive paper for this) a lot of the same type of images: flowers, funny characters, the phrase “Happy Birthday!” in different languages ​​of the world and paste them around the entire perimeter of the packaging.
  13. Are you familiar with origami or other paper plastic techniques? Using double-sided tape, you can attach several of your creations to the gift. Alternatively, you can make them yourself from corrugated paper - these can be butterflies, flowers, cranes, paper boats, birds.
  14. Rhinestones. From a set of these shiny things you can create a specific pattern or image or inscription on the gift wrapping. A quick option is to look for a ready-made rhinestone design in a craft store, which you just need to glue on.
  15. Do you have an unnecessary collection of Kinder Surprise toys? They can be used as a gift not only for a child, but also for a loved one.
  16. Alternatively, the packaging can be decorated with large letters or buttons, securing them with hot glue.

In the video you will take a closer look at how to wrap gifts:

Award ceremony

The gift has been purchased, packaged - now all that remains is to present it to the birthday person at the highest level. How to beat a birthday gift? We will share with you the brightest and most impressive ideas for congratulations and gift giving.

The effect of surprise

If the celebration involves a walking walk, then you can’t help but take advantage of it:

  1. Ask the birthday person to check their mailbox- a present can be waiting for him there, as well as a large congratulation poster on his door. In the summer, a large congratulatory collage drawn with chalk may appear at the entrance of the hero of the occasion, and in winter - a congratulatory snowman.

  1. Having previously agreed with different people with whom the birthday person is not familiar, ask them to intersect with you at different times (if you are walking in a park or city center, then this will not be difficult to do). What is required from strangers is to say a few kind words and give symbolic gifts - a flower, a small card, and from you - to carefully pretend that you have nothing to do with it.

By the way, many people carry out such an operation on social networks: they ask strangers to call or write to the birthday boy and congratulate him. But we still advise you to involve your friends in such a flash mob, so as not to meet with fans of hard “pranks”.

  1. By playing the same idea with strangers, you can encourage them to gather in a group, suddenly surround your celebrating party and start singing a congratulatory song.
  2. Do you know a police officer? Wonderful! “By chance” meet him while walking (naturally, the hero should not be familiar with the birthday boy). Next is a document check, which turns into an unexpected present for the hero of the occasion. And the mysterious policeman, as if nothing had happened, walks off into the sunset

In such an “accidental” congratulation, you can also involve animators, street performers, artists, DJs and waiters, having previously provided them with gifts for your hero of the occasion.

The courier is here!

For many, it is already a tradition to deliver unexpected gifts by courier. Particularly good in this version are a bunch of huge balloons, a luxurious bouquet, a basket of sweets or exotic fruits (see). At the holiday agency you can order a visit from an unusual courier.

Let's share the most win-win options:

  1. Courier life-size doll. In some agencies, an animator comes to congratulate you, and in some you can rent such a costume. This is not only an unusual congratulation, but also a fun photo session with a funny character.

  1. Animator in character. It all depends on what roles are available in a given event agency - a dude, a gangster, a ballerina, a catwoman, an angel and a demon, a cartoon character, a hero from a movie, etc.

  1. Tropical butterflies. Such a congratulation will certainly delight the fair sex. The courier asks to open the box - and the birthday boy’s home is transformed into a magical hall.


A bright, colorful, explosive congratulation (its price, of course, in some examples is not symbolic, but if you divide it between a friendly company, the amount will not be too catastrophic):

  1. A small gift (decoration, envelope with money, certificate) can be placed in a special surprise ball. At the crucial moment it explodes, and the birthday boy finds himself among a scattering of streamers, small balls, confetti, and leaves of congratulations. His task is to find his gift in all this madness.

  1. A soap bubble show, a sand show, and “Fun Chemistry” can impress not only the little but also the adult hero of the occasion - after all, at heart we remain children, and a birthday is the best reason to remember this.

  1. A gypsy choir, a performance by a magician (who, by the way, will “conjure” your gifts), a fire show (if you are celebrating outdoors and in the evening), a vocal performance, a performance by a saxophonist - all this is available today, you just need to contact an event agency.

That's all we wanted to tell you about how to arrange a birthday gift and how to organize its delivery and congratulations to the birthday person in a memorable way. We hope that our tips will help you give a gift that the hero of the occasion will remember with a smile and warmth in his soul.
