How to help your baby with intestinal colic. Poor nutrition of the mother and negative factors during pregnancy

Why is the baby crying? There can be many reasons for this, and very important ones: he is hungry or scared, cold or, conversely, suffering from the heat, he is lonely and wants communication. All this can be dealt with quickly and easily. But crying caused by discomfort in the tummy is not as easy to relieve as the abdominal pain itself.

Behind the scary word “colic” for new mothers, there is often a series of sleepless nights spent rocking the baby and searching for a way to relieve the baby from unpleasant sensations.

It will be easy to help a child with colic if you know what its nature is and what should be in your first aid kit in case it occurs.

Why do babies get colic?

There is no need to be afraid of colic in babies: this is a natural process for children under 3-4 months. This phenomenon is due to a number of reasons: from the immaturity of body systems to errors in feeding.

Colic in babies can be caused by the mother or baby taking medications, in particular antibiotics. Some experts even put forward theories that colic in newborns can arise from stress or an uncomfortable climate in the family.

Features of the digestive system

The digestive system in newborns is imperfect; it continues to develop until one or one and a half years. After eating, all parts of the baby’s intestines begin to work intensively at once, which, of course, causes inconvenience to the child.

The baby’s gastrointestinal tract lacks all the necessary enzymes, which causes gas formation and, as a result, discomfort in the abdomen.

Feeding mistakes

Colic can be caused by an ill-organized infant feeding regimen, namely:

  • for bottle-fed babies - inappropriate formula, excessive volumes of formula in one feeding and failure to comply with the requirements for preparing the formula, as well as using an insufficiently fresh product and the baby sucking on an empty bottle;

  • for infants - improper attachment to the breast, as a result of which the child swallows air.

Poor nutrition of the mother and negative factors during pregnancy

The mother’s lifestyle during pregnancy has a noticeable influence on the development of the baby’s digestive system. It has been noted that insufficient motor activity of a pregnant woman slows down the development of all systems of the child’s body, including the digestive system, since the fetus lacks oxygen.

Of course, the bad habits of the pregnant woman, if any, will have their say. According to medical research, children of smoking mothers are more susceptible to colic due to increased plasma levels of the hormone responsible for moving food through the intestines.

The occurrence of intestinal colic in infants is influenced by improper nutrition of the nursing mother. If a woman does not follow the diet prescribed for lactation, is overly fond of baking, especially yeast baked goods, and includes in her diet a lot of sweets, legumes, raw vegetables and fruits in large quantities, fatty and fried foods, problems with the baby’s tummy cannot be avoided.

Symptoms of childhood intestinal colic

Of course, while parents have not yet “studied” their child enough, it can be quite difficult to determine the reason for the baby’s crying. However, in the case of colic, there is no time to think and guess - you need to help the baby as quickly as possible, so it is useful to know what other symptoms accompany them:

  • the child not only cries, but screams shrilly;
  • the baby passes gas, and after this (as after stool) it becomes much easier for him;
  • while crying, the baby twists its legs, presses them to its stomach, like its arms;
  • the baby's face turns red;
  • The child generally behaves restlessly, tosses and turns, and cannot fall asleep.

In addition, it is worth noting that crying caused by colic can even last for several hours.

How to help baby with colic?

To alleviate the condition of a baby with colic, there is a whole arsenal of different remedies.


Tummy massage is a good anti-colic remedy. The warmth of mother's hands calms the baby, helps to relax the baby's abdominal muscles, and relieves cramps. Correct movements (all circular movements must be clockwise!) promote the movement of gas bubbles in the intestines to the exit and activate the reflex work of the muscles.

The sequence of massage is as follows:

  1. First, it is enough to place warm palms on the baby’s tummy for a few minutes.
  2. Next, using your palm or fingertips, we perform stroking and gentle pressure in the area below the ribs, moving from right to left; as an option, we simply pinch the tummy around the navel.
  3. Placing our palms across the baby’s tummy, we stroke with them one by one the entire area from the ribs to the symphysis pubis.
  4. We place one hand in the navel area, and with the other we stroke the tummy along the line of the oblique muscles.
  5. We massage the area of ​​the colon: either in a spiral from the navel to the left thigh, or along a U-shaped path from the right iliac region to the left.

Fans of acupuncture will like the acupressure version of anti-colic massage, which involves influencing three points - at the bottom of the foot, just below the patella and just above the ankle on the inside of the leg.

It should be remembered that massage has contraindications. This remedy should not be used if there is a strangulated umbilical hernia, suspected volvulus or intestinal obstruction.


Heat helps to relax tense abdominal muscles in children. It is not for nothing that many generations of mothers use such a proven anti-colic remedy as a warm compress. In fact, it is a flannel diaper ironed on both sides, which is placed on the baby’s tummy.

For the same purpose, heating pads are used (but only with fabric covers, so as not to burn the baby's skin!), toys with natural fillers - cherry pits and millet grains, which perfectly retain heat. But, perhaps, the best thermal “compress” for the baby is the mother’s body: hold the baby close to you (stomach to stomach), this will calm him down and relieve pain from colic.

Using a gas outlet tube

Very often, discomfort in a baby’s tummy is caused by an excess amount of gas in the intestines. You can help your child get rid of them using a gas tube.

Before use, the tube must be boiled and cooled to room temperature; immediately before insertion into the anus, the tip of the tube is lubricated with oil, baby cream or Vaseline.

It is better to place the child on his side and bend his legs - just like when inserting a candle. After inserting the tube, you need to twist it a little. After a few minutes, the gas will go away and the baby will feel better.

Remember that you cannot use the gas outlet tube too often: this procedure is not very pleasant, and the intestines can “get used to” removing gases only when external irritation occurs. The minimum break between uses of the tube is 4 hours.

Folk remedies

You can alleviate the condition of a baby with colic using folk carminatives. It is recommended to brew dill, cumin, fennel and anise seeds (in a proportion of 5 g per 100 ml of water) - the resulting drinks do an excellent job of removing gases.

The decoctions are prepared as follows: the seeds need to be boiled in water for 1-2 minutes, and then left to stand under the lid for another half hour. Taking such teas is good not only for the baby, but also for the nursing mother, because with milk the beneficial substances will get exactly where they should.

Pharmacy drugs

If the methods and folk remedies tried by mom do not produce results, dad’s finest hour comes - it’s time to run to the pharmacy.

The choice of anticolic medications is quite wide:

  • fennel-based preparations (Plantex) and dill water (however, it is worth remembering that these remedies will not help relieve a painful attack, they must be taken in a course);
  • “Bobotik”, approved for children from one month of age (8 drops no more than 4 times a day during or after feeding);
  • "Espumizan", which is not absorbed by the intestines and is completely eliminated from the body (25 drops as needed);
  • similar to the previous drug “Infacol”, which alleviates the baby’s condition on the 2nd day of use (0.5 ml before feeding);
  • plant-based drug "Babykalm", not recommended for children with allergies (10 drops before feeding);
  • herbal preparation “Bebinos” (10 drops 3 times a day during or after feeding);
  • “Simplex”, approved for children from a month (15 drops 2 times a day, including at night).

Most products contain simethicone in one dosage or another - a substance that helps break up and remove gas bubbles from the intestines. Remember that you should use any of these medications only after carefully reading the instructions and consulting with your pediatrician.

It is better not to give herbal remedies for colic to children with a tendency to allergies, or to give them a very small dose at first (3 drops) to see how the body reacts.

How to prevent colic in a child?

Of course, it will not be possible to completely avoid colic. However, these unpleasant sensations can be minimized using preventive measures such as:

  • the mother's adherence to the diet (no - fatty, fried, sweet, baked; limit raw vegetables and fruits; exclude legumes and cabbage);
  • correct attachment to the breast;
  • careful selection of the mixture (possibly on a fermented milk basis or with a complex of bifidobacteria), preparing it strictly according to the instructions and using only fresh product, sterile containers and nipples;
  • the use of anti-colic bottles: their inclined shape allows the child not to throw back his head while eating, and special valves on the bottom prevent air from entering the container during feeding;
  • the use of anatomically shaped nipples with one small hole, which ideally complement anti-colic bottles and also prevent the baby from swallowing air while eating;
  • for a few minutes - this will help the air that the baby might have swallowed during feeding to come back out;
  • placing the baby on the tummy is a kind of stationary massage of the tummy and strengthening of its muscles;

  • sufficient motor activity of the baby, contributing to the proper functioning of all body systems.

Knowing how to help a baby with colic, you will face this problem head on and quickly relieve the baby from discomfort. You may have to try a lot of things, but in the end everything will work out.

Remember that your baby's tummy problems will only last a few months. Be patient, take the baby in your arms and take pity - it will become noticeably easier for both him and you.

There are no families who have not encountered such a problem as intestinal colic in children. Most often, the child’s torment begins in the late afternoon or at night.

In such cases, the severity of the problem is felt more than ever, because no one can sleep: the baby is in pain, the parents are trying to calm him down, and the neighbors hear a terrible scream through the wall. What to do in such moments? There are many ways to calm a colicky baby.

Causes of colic in a child

The exact reasons for this phenomenon are not known for certain. Colic occurs due to excessive pressure on the walls of the baby's tummy from gases accumulated in the intestines. The attacks are always sudden and can last several hours. A temporary lull gives mom a few minutes to rest, but then everything starts all over again.

Despite the widespread belief that babies deprived of mother's milk are more susceptible to this disease, colic in infants also occurs quite often.

The type of food does not always have a decisive influence on the duration and intensity of attacks, but also the method of obtaining it. When breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, you need to ensure that your baby has a good fit around the nipple or pacifier. If this is not the case, the baby swallows air along with the milk, which can subsequently cause painful attacks.

Treatment of colic in a child

The term “colic treatment” refers to the alleviation of childhood suffering and the implementation of measures to promote the rapid removal of gas accumulated in the tummy. How can you help a child with colic?

The feeling of warmth and touch from a loved one: mom or dad, relaxes the baby very well. To do this, you need to place the little sufferer on your chest or on your lap, tummy down. Stroking and massaging the thighs will distract and calm him down. An even better effect can be achieved if you sing a lullaby or talk to your baby at this time.

When there is such close contact between children and parents, all worries seem nothing to the kids. By the way, it has been noticed that daddy’s affection and care has a beneficial effect on the child’s body much faster.

Not only parental warmth can help. Take a clean diaper and warm it thoroughly, for example, with an iron. Fold it and place it under your child's belly. And in order not to run around every 5 minutes for a new one, sew a bag of salt into the fabric, or even better - with flax seeds.

This way you can save yourself from unnecessary hassle. Make such an “emergency” diaper for the case when children’s colic does not go away for a long time.

Another “warm” way is a relaxing warm bath. You can prepare a bath for just the child and let him “swim” on his sore tummy. In this case, you need to periodically stroke it with your palm.

The best option, of course, would be a joint bath between the patient and the doctor - the baby and the mother. When the baby is in warm water, and even in contact with his beloved mother, no colic can harm him.

Dancing can help a child no less than warm water. Take him in your arms and begin to gently rock and twirl him. Hold the baby in an upright position or place his tummy in the palm of your hand, holding his head with your hand on the crook of your elbow. The rhythm of the dance can be anything, but the best rhythm is one that coincides with the baby’s heartbeat in the womb - about 70 beats per minute.

Don’t forget that dancing is about moving in three planes, which means swaying alone is not enough. It is necessary to move the little dancer up and down, back and forth and from side to side. If you are tired of doing this, change your partner. Let dad take part in this too.

Continuing the theme of the healing properties of parental touch, you can use one more method. Place the baby on his back. With your palm, start massaging his tummy, stroking it clockwise. This must be done for at least 5 minutes. This relieves colic in children.

Have you noticed that sometimes when something hurts you, and something interesting suddenly starts happening around you or simply distracts your attention, you are able to temporarily distract yourself from the pain or completely forget about it?

A similar method can be used to help a child. Show him some interesting new object, entertain him, play with him, sing, dance. In a word, do anything as long as it interests your child enough that he forgets about his tummy problem. Sometimes this method really turns out to be the most effective for children.

You need to fight the main cause of colic in children - accumulated gases. If all else fails, there is one old proven method - use a gas outlet tube. You can buy it at any pharmacy, or you can use a cut baby enema bottle. When the gases come out, the colic will stop.

To speed up the release of gases, perform a few simple exercises. Place the baby on his back, grab his legs at the ankles and bend them at the knees, lifting them towards the tummy. Repeat this exercise for several minutes and the baby will soon calm down. The “bicycle” exercise has a similar effect.

A decoction of dill seeds or chamomile flowers is soothing and at the same time has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract of the baby. Brew the herb and give your baby this infusion once every half hour or hour, one tablespoon at a time.

If the above methods fail to help, it is best to consult a pediatrician. He can prescribe medications and advise how to help the child. In addition, it is possible that the cause of a child’s crying may not be colic at all, but some kind of illness. You shouldn't risk the health of the person you care about most. Don't be lazy and go to the children's clinic.

Prevention of colic in a child

What to do when colic occurs in children is now clear. But why fight a problem that has arisen if it can be prevented?

Colic in a child often occurs due to the fact that he also swallows air along with his mother’s milk. This is what ultimately causes hysteria before bed. To reduce the risk of such nightly concerts, after feeding, hold the baby in an upright position, leaning against your chest and shoulder.

Lightly pat him on the back so that he burps that same accumulated air. But this is not enough. Make sure that the baby eats normally, that is, correctly grasps the breast or pacifier with his mouth.

Herbal teas are also an excellent preventive measure. You can give it to children not only during attacks of pain, but throughout the day. They produce a tonic effect, and their properties have a beneficial effect on the child’s body as a whole. They need to be done every day and given only fresh infusion.

Intestinal colic and bloating in young children is, unfortunately, an extremely common occurrence. It occurs in most children and quite often becomes one of the first and therefore especially frightening problems among those that young parents have to face. Therefore, of course, it is better to find out everything about this trouble in advance. This will help neutralize the natural fear of an inexperienced parent and quickly eliminate the consequences.

Intestinal colic occurs in children aged from three weeks to three to four months. Boys and babies born in spring or summer are more likely to suffer from this problem.

What are the characteristic external signs of colic?

The baby begins to worry, get nervous, his face turns red, he finds no place for himself, cries, screams or whines, twists his legs, sometimes pressing them to his tummy, sometimes straightening them with force. At the same time, the baby’s tummy swells, and if the mother listens to it, she may hear a characteristic rumbling.

As a rule, after a bowel movement or passing gas, the baby calms down for a while - until the next attack.

What are the reasons and how to deal with them?

Bloating is characterized by the accumulation of large amounts of gas in the intestines and occurs much more often in children than in adults.

First of all, pay attention to the nutrition of a nursing mother. The composition of breast milk is determined by her diet, and this affects the functioning of the baby's entire gastrointestinal tract. Cabbage, pickled vegetables, brown bread, onions, leeks and beans can cause gas in your baby's intestines, so if your baby is suffering from bloating, it's best to avoid these foods for a while.

Other causes of bloating in a baby may be feeding with unadapted and improperly diluted formulas, swallowing air during feeding.

What to do if a child has bloating and intestinal colic?

Of course, you can use the advice passed down from generation to generation: massage the baby’s tummy, apply a warm diaper or woolen handkerchief to the tummy, apply it to the mother’s belly. You can bathe the baby in warm water. This will alleviate the baby's troubles.

You can use modern proven products recommended by doctors. Like, for example, "Bobotik", the active substance of which is simethicone. "Bobotik" eliminates increased gas formation and gas accumulation in the baby's gastrointestinal tract. Just 8 drops of Bobotik will help cope with intestinal colic*! "Bobotik" can be dripped onto the breast during feeding, it is very convenient for the mother.

But do not forget that you should consult a doctor in all cases of severe and prolonged anxiety in your child.

There are contraindications. It is necessary to read the instructions before use or consult a doctor.

Comment on the article "How to help your baby with tummy problems?"

How to help your baby with tummy problems? What to do if a child has bloating and intestinal colic? Of course, you can use the advice passed down from generation to generation: massage the baby’s tummy, apply warm water to the tummy...

Sorry, the baby is farting. Medicine/children. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placing children in families, raising adopted children, interaction with guardianship, education in the Child, sorry, farts. Often and smelly. It's silent, but I have a nose.

A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. We stopped drinking at three and a half months. I was wondering, can older children be given espumizan for bloating?

How to help your baby with tummy problems? Massage for colic should help the gases accumulated in the intestines to come out as quickly as possible. The doctor didn’t really say anything, she said the pain threshold is different... but there is no strength to look at it, the child is suffering, what can I do to help??? I give from...

Viferon - colic?. Medical issues. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. Is Vovka's stomach hard when he screams?

How to help your baby with tummy problems? Emergency help for colic If gas has accumulated in the tummy, the baby is pushing and crying - warmth on the tummy and massage will help. Pediatric medicine. baby has a big belly. I once read here that it helped someone...

Elevit. Medical issues. A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. And bloating is normal. soothe a newborn baby with the breast. What foods can you use to lose weight quickly?

Intestinal problem. My stomach swells very often, it’s just hard to live. You can’t sit normally at work, while you’re running to the toilet, it goes deeper and deeper, and as soon as you come back, the gas starts back up again: (I’m already afraid to appear in the company of men.

Before feeding, place the baby on his tummy; feed the baby in a semi-upright position First of all, the baby should be comfortable and calm at home (and not only during feeding). How to help your baby with tummy problems?

A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. And I also read an article by Professor Yatsik, he connected abdominal problems with neurology - a violation of autonomic regulation - a violation of peristalsis as a consequence.

Namely, today I looked at the baby naked, the stomach seemed painfully bulging.... and such a network of blue veins from Children on GW, but we have big problems with the stomach - after 3 months it started and still doesn’t go away. How to help your baby with tummy problems?

How to help your baby with tummy problems? The baby begins to worry, get nervous, his face turns red, he finds no place for himself, cries, screams or whines, twists his legs, sometimes pressing them to his tummy, sometimes straightening them with force.

Medical issues. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and I’ve been meaning to ask for a long time, it is believed that the first six months a child is tormented by gases, and then everything seems to go away and more about flatulence especially.. .

How to help your baby with tummy problems? Bloating is characterized by the accumulation of large amounts of gas in the intestines and occurs much more often in children than in adults. Emergency help for colic If gas has accumulated in the tummy, the baby pushes...

How to help your baby with tummy problems? Take the baby in your arms, apply a heating pad to the tummy, hold him close and carry him like this for 10-15 minutes. Massage for colic should help those who have accumulated in. Our nephew was born, his tummy hurts terribly, his legs are getting tight...

How to help your baby with tummy problems? Of course, you can use the advice passed down from generation to generation: massage the baby’s tummy. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. Eggplants give babies stomach...

So that your tummy doesn't hurt! And in order for your stomach to stop hurting, you need to remove what is causing not everything to go smoothly at school. With the same picture, we went to a gastroenterologist, had tests done, and had an ultrasound. How to help your baby with tummy problems?

tummy swells. . A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. And bloating is normal. soothe a newborn baby with the breast. What foods can you use to lose weight quickly?

A child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. We are two weeks old and after feeding we have a revolution in our tummy. I am breastfeeding and use bifidumbacterin twice a day.

One of the most common and unpleasant problems that accompanies a child at different ages is constipation. Newborn babies, preschool and school-age children, as well as teenagers can suffer from this disease.

Constipation may rarely occur(isolated cases) or become chronic. If there is no normal bowel movement, you should contact a specialist for help. For a growing organism, such constipation is very dangerous, since it is accompanied by long-term intoxication: those toxic substances that are in the feces are absorbed into the intestines and cause self-poisoning. Only a doctor can find out the source of the problem and prescribe the correct treatment. But if the problem is not permanent, then you can fix it yourself. Any mother should definitely know what measures to take and what to give her child for constipation.

How to tell if your child is constipated

Constipation is usually called difficult, irregular, and in some cases even painful bowel movements. . Constipation occurs due to impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is very difficult to identify this problem in time, since the bowel movements largely depend on the age of the child. In this case, stool retention may occur for several days or be absent altogether: daily bowel movements will still be considered constipation.

So how can you tell if your baby is constipated? There are symptoms of this disease. These symptoms include:

Depending on the age of the baby, there is a norm for his bowel movements:

  1. A newborn baby has bowel movements approximately 5–8 times a day. It all depends on the number of feedings.
  2. In the second month - from 3 to 5 times a day.
  3. On the third - approximately 1 or 2 times a day.
  4. At 4–6 months - once a day.
  5. During the period 6 – 24 months - from 1 to 3 times a day.
  6. After 24 months, the number of bowel movements should be 1 time every 1–3 days.

If your baby has bowel movements less often, then he is constipated. The child may complain of pain in the tummy. During the process of defecation, the child strains, and emptying is difficult. The feces become hard and have an unusual color and consistency. If a child's stool comes out in the form of balls and resembles sheep's in appearance, then he is constipated.

Causes of constipation in a baby

Before you begin to treat constipation in your baby, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence. There can be many such reasons:

Each baby has its own bowel movement routine. Dr. Komarovsky claims that if the baby has bowel movements once every three days and his condition is normal, you should not panic. This is a sign that mother's milk is completely absorbed. But if you notice symptoms of painful constipation in your baby, you should take action immediately.

If stool does not pass for more than three days, contact a specialist as soon as possible. Such a symptom may indicate intestinal obstruction, which requires surgical intervention.

What to do if your child is constipated

How to help a child with constipation and what to do in this case? First you need to identify the reasons for its occurrence. Taking into account all factors, it is necessary to correctly select medications and take care of prevention:

Frequent stimulation of bowel movements in a child is not recommended. This can lead to addiction. Because of this, he will not be able to go to the toilet without outside help. If you have frequent problems with bowel movements, exclude foods that hold stool together from your child's diet: baked goods, rice and eggs. Do not cook food too liquid or soft. In some cases, the porridge should not be cooked to the end. You need to let your baby eat a whole apple.

Your child is constipated - how to help?

In case of constipation, which was caused by poor nutrition or other factors not related to serious illnesses, you can help the baby by giving him an enema. Its volume depends on the age of the baby:

  1. For a newborn - no more than 20–30 milliliters.
  2. For infants aged 1 to 3 months - up to 40 milliliters.
  3. For a child from 3 to 6 months - from 70 to 90 milliliters.
  4. Babies from 6 to 12 months - 150 milliliters.
  5. After 12 months - 200 milliliters.

An enema of boiled plain water is given. Complete bowel movement can occur after the first portion of liquid. The liquid used for the enema should be at room temperature. Absorption of harmful substances formed in the intestines can be triggered by warm liquid. The pear with liquid should be administered with extreme caution so as not to injure the intestinal mucosa. Lubricate the end of the bulb with Vaseline oil.

If the enema is not effective, then you need to seek the help of a specialist. You can also use the drug from the pharmacy Microlax, which is administered rectally and has a viscous consistency. This drug produces a laxative effect, thereby helping the baby empty his intestines.

What to do if your one-month-old baby is constipated

To improve digestion and prevent problems with stool in a baby, it is necessary to place him on his tummy before each feeding. It is recommended to massage your baby's tummy regularly. Lightly press your palm against the baby's tummy and move it clockwise with your hand. The baby can be laid on itself. Your baby's bowel movements will be stimulated by your body heat. Do not give your baby anti-gas drugs if he has problems with bowel movements (Espumizan, Smecta). They can reduce intestinal motility.

If all methods do not bring the desired result, then try to mechanically influence the sphincter in order to make the baby want to empty the intestines. To do this, use the following methods:

  1. Use a gas outlet pipe.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in baby oil and insert it into the baby's anus. Twist it a little to stimulate emptying.
  3. Use a thermometer inserted into the anus.

Soap should not be inserted into a child's rectum.. This can cause a burn to the mucous membrane due to the alkali it contains.

You can also use glycerin suppositories, which are not absorbed by the intestines and are completely safe for infants. They will help get rid of intestinal problems in 30 minutes. The candle should be placed in the “lying on the back” position for a baby, and for an older child – on its side. In both cases, you need to bend your legs at the knees.

Gymnastics helps a lot. It is performed in a lying position.

Nutrition plays an important role. With proper nutrition, you can not only recover faster, but also get rid of this disease. A child’s diet must include the following foods:

  1. Fruits. Prunes and plums are good for constipation.
  2. Boiled fish or lean meat.
  3. Coarse bread.
  4. Low-fat kefir.
  5. Vegetables in the form of salads using vegetable oil (the more vegetables, the better for the intestines).

Let your child drink more.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of foods with preservatives and sweets.

What to give a child for constipation

If the methods listed above do not help, then you can use medications. To avoid addiction, the drugs are used for no more than 14 days. This procedure is rather a forced measure, but not the norm.

At home, to help children, it is recommended to give the following medications:

Products containing lactulose (Duphalac) are effective for infants. This drug should be started with 5 milliliters.

Help with folk remedies

Not in all cases it is necessary to resort to drug treatment if there are problems with bowel movements. Traditional medicine can also have a healing effect.


Tea from this product will help improve intestinal function, improve appetite and eliminate fermentation processes. It is very easy to prepare. To do this, pour half a spoonful of tea herb into 0.5 liters of water, boil and leave for 10 minutes. The product should be drunk several times a day. If the baby refuses such tea, then you can add a spoonful of honey.

This tea is very good for severe coughs..

Flaxseed oil

Take half a teaspoon before breakfast. You can also mix 1 teaspoon of honey and oil before going to bed. Add this mixture to yogurt and give it to your child before bedtime.

Vegetable juices

Freshly squeezed carrot or beet juice is good for constipation. Infants can be given a few drops of them as complementary foods, and older children - 50 - 100 milliliters. It is not recommended to drink them in their pure form. It is better to dilute with water in a ratio of 1:2.

Intestinal colic is a problem that almost all parents of newborn babies face. Colic usually appears in the sixth week of a baby's life and stops by the age of five months. When a baby has colic, it is impossible not to notice - he screams, worries, moves his arms and legs randomly, his face turns red, and his tummy becomes tight and tense. Some children go through this period of their lives with relative ease, but for others it turns into a real nightmare. Fortunately, if you choose the right diet and find something to distract your baby (and you can stay calm yourself), colic will no longer cause discomfort for you or your baby.


Part 1

Distractions and movement

    Play soothing sounds to calm your baby. If your baby has colic, rhythmic sounds will help him calm down. Your baby calms down to the rhythmic sounds because he spent 9 months in your belly, listening to the sounds of your breathing and heartbeat. These can be any background sounds that sound continuously and rhythmically.

    • Try soothing your crying baby with the sounds of a vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, or car engine.
    • In addition, you can turn on a disc with calm music or nature sounds.
  1. Carry your baby in a sling. Placing your baby in a sling where he can cuddle close to your body will calm your baby for several reasons:

    • He will enjoy the warmth of your body
    • He recognizes your smell, so familiar to him
    • The sound of your heartbeat will calm your baby
  2. Calm your baby with rhythmic movements. Rocking your baby in your arms, carrying him around the room, or taking him for a ride in the car will certainly help him calm down. As long as the baby is next to you, he is happy.

    • It is for this reason that a sling is very useful - the baby is very close, and the rhythmic rocking up and down when you walk calms the baby. This helps very well with colic and requires almost no effort on your part.
  3. You can place the baby differently. When you change the position of a child's body, you kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, when moving, the contents of the intestines move, which helps the child get rid of gas, and therefore, from colic. Secondly, a change in the environment will arouse the baby’s interest and distract him from the pain for a few minutes. Here are some ideas:

    • Try placing your baby across your lap, tummy down.
    • Try placing the baby in your arms so that the head rests on your palms and the legs are at the level of the elbows.
    • Hold your baby upright in your arms, facing or back facing you.
  4. Distract your child by changing the environment. When your baby is suffering from colic, try going outside with him or at least take him to another room. New surroundings, smells, colors and sounds will attract your baby's attention, distract and calm him.

    • Children and adults feel pain equally. When a person feels pain, he can be distracted from his internal sensations for a while if the surrounding environment gives vivid, new impressions. If you try to distract your baby and draw his attention to something new and interesting, your baby will be able to take his mind off the pain of colic for a few moments.
  5. With the help of physical exercises you can help your baby. There are several physical exercises that stimulate digestion and help get rid of gas, which in turn reduces colic. Here are some useful exercises:

    • Do the bicycle exercise. Place your baby on his back, hold his ankles and make circular movements as if your baby is riding a bicycle.
    • Exercises on the ball. Inflate a large sports ball and place your baby tummy-down on it. Roll the ball forward, backward and in a circle. The ball will massage your baby's tummy, helping relieve pain.
  6. Swaddle your baby. Swaddling your baby will help him feel warm and secure while he sleeps. In addition, this way you will limit the baby’s mobility, and then he will not wake up from his own sudden movement of an arm or leg, which he does not yet know how to control.

    • To learn how to do this correctly, you can read the article on our website How to swaddle a baby.
  7. Hug your baby. When your baby suffers from intestinal colic, he especially needs your love and attention. Hold him in your arms often and hold him tightly to you. Your hugs will help your baby calm down and ease his colic.

    • There is nothing more important for a baby than to feel your presence. Even in sleep, your child is able to feel that you are near him. This gives him a feeling of calm and allows him to sleep longer.
  8. Give your baby a tummy massage. Massaging the tummy stimulates intestinal motility and relieves spasms, thereby relieving colic. To properly massage your tummy:

    • Place your baby on his back and lubricate the skin of his tummy with massage oil.
    • Gently massage your tummy with your fingers, making circular movements in a clockwise direction.

    Part 2

    Change your baby's diet
    1. Try to prevent your baby from swallowing air while feeding. If your baby swallows air while feeding, this increases the amount of air in his tummy and causes more gas. To reduce the amount of air, you can:

      • Use a nipple with a small hole if you are bottle feeding your baby.
      • If you are breastfeeding, make sure you attach your baby to the breast correctly. To do this, hold your breast with your hand before your baby takes the nipple into his mouth.
    2. Hold your baby upright after feeding to allow him to burp for air. It is important to give your baby the opportunity to burp after feeding to get rid of excess air. which can make colic even worse. Lift the baby upright, hold him against your shoulder and gently pat him on the back until you hear the baby burp air.

      • There's a lot of information on this topic on wikiHow, such as How to Help Your Baby Burp and How to Help a Sick Baby Burp.
    3. Feed your baby small amounts of food several times throughout the day. Giving your baby a large amount of food at once can lead to increased gas and tummy pain. So, if your baby suffers from colic, it is much healthier to give him a small amount of food every two hours.

      • You should not increase the total amount of food your baby eats. He should eat the same amount of food, only divided into several meals. If you think your baby is eating too much or too little, measure the amount of food before feeding so you will know exactly how much nutrition your baby is getting.
    4. Avoid giving your baby foods that cause digestive upset. Certain foods can irritate a baby's tummy and make colic worse. Here are some foods to avoid:

      Try changing the formula you feed your baby. If your baby is bottle-fed, some types of milk may cause intestinal colic. Talk to your doctor and ask him to recommend another formula that can help your baby get rid of unpleasant symptoms. Colic can often only be managed through trial and error.

    Part 3

    Help your child feel comfortable
    1. Place a warm compress on your baby's tummy. Heat has a calming effect, helping to relax muscles, reducing abdominal pain and easing cramps. To make a warm compress:

      • Fill the bottle with warm (not hot) water and wrap it in a clean towel. Make sure the water is not too hot by checking the temperature on your wrist.
      • Place the compress on your baby's tummy for a few minutes. Then remove the compress. The baby's skin is highly sensitive, so it should not be exposed to heat for a long time.
    2. Give your baby a warm bath. A warm bath works on the same principle as a warm compress, soothing your tummy from the heat. Plus, bathing will distract your baby and help build a strong emotional bond between you and your baby.

      • Try to make bath time as fun as possible, especially if your baby is colicky and needs pain relief. Turn bath time into a fun game for even greater calming benefits.
    3. If your baby is older than six months, then you can give him tea. Children under six months of age should be fed only breast milk or formula and do not need to be given additional food. If your baby is older than 6 months, then it may be useful to give him some tea. Here are some useful ideas:

      • Basil tea. Basil has a calming effect due to the eugenol it contains. Add a tablespoon of dried basil to a pan of water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain the basil and cool the liquid before giving it to your baby.
      • Chamomile tea. Chamomile helps soothe an irritated stomach, making it very beneficial for a colicky baby. Pour one tablespoon of chamomile flowers into one glass of boiling water and leave to steep for 10 minutes. Strain the infusion through a sieve and cool before giving it to your baby.
      • Mint tea. Peppermint helps calm muscle spasms. Pour a glass of boiling water over a few mint leaves and leave to steep for 10 minutes. After this, strain through a sieve and give the tea to your baby.
    4. You can use Gripe water or any other colic drops. Drops can be added to baby food or dripped directly into the baby's mouth. These drops contain extracts of cumin, fennel and dill, as well as other ingredients such as chamomile or ginger, to help soothe the tummy and relieve cramps.

      • To keep colic under control, the drops should be given to the baby every four hours.
    5. You can give your child probiotics. Colic can be caused by a violation of the microflora in the baby's intestines. Probiotics help restore normal bacterial balance in the intestines and get rid of colic. This will have a healing effect on the baby’s body as a whole. If your baby is old enough, you can add yogurt to his diet as a probiotic.

      • Yogurt is generally not recommended for babies under six months of age, so be sure to talk to your pediatrician before giving this product to your baby.
    6. Be sure to consult your doctor before giving your baby any folk remedies for colic. It is very important to consult a doctor if you want to give your child any folk remedy for colic. Always follow your doctor's advice and take the recommended dosage, otherwise your baby may get sick and the colic will only get worse.

      You are unlikely to have the opportunity to be alone for a long time, so it doesn’t really matter what you do to relax and recuperate. Go to the movies, go for a walk, have lunch at a nearby cafe, or just lie down and relax in the next room. Anything, if it gives you the opportunity to spend time on your own vacation.

      • Keep reminding yourself that this time will pass faster than you think. Before you know it, your baby will start running and talking. It is very possible that in the future you will remember with tenderness the first months of your baby’s life.
