How to give your nails the beautiful shape you want. How to give eyebrows the correct and beautiful shape

The shape of the eyebrows emphasizes the expressiveness of a woman’s gaze. Neat and well-groomed eyebrows look elegant and sophisticated. Therefore, their condition needs to be monitored and corrections made from time to time.

note! Many people think that only a specialist can create the ideal eyebrow shape. But this is a misconception.

Every girl can properly shape herself at home. The main thing is to adhere to several rules and arm yourself with the necessary tools and patience.

Table: necessary tools and objects

Tool Description
Mirror You will need a table mirror with adjustable angle.
Tweezers It is better to choose tweezers with pointed ends. It grips hairs better
Eyebrow brush Give preference to brushes with stiff bristles
Manicure scissors They will be needed to trim stray hairs.
Cooling gel This product slightly freezes the skin. The gel acts as an analgesic. You can purchase such a product in specialized cosmetic stores or pharmacy kiosks.
Pencil The pencil should be hard and sharpened
Desk lamp Needed for better lighting
Disinfectant Needed to disinfect the skin before the procedure

Before plucking your eyebrows, choose a shape. Selection scheme step by step:

  1. You will need a pencil, designed for drawing eyebrows.
  2. Initially, the pencil is applied vertically from the sinus. The line formed at the top of the nasal septum is the beginning of the eyebrows. These points are marked with a pencil.

    It is advisable to mark two points: the highest and the lowest. This indicates the width of the future edge.

  3. Then the pencil is applied parallel to the cheekbone so that the edge of the object passes through outer corner eyes. This point symbolizes the end of the eyebrow.
  4. After this, the object is applied to the eye so that it passes through the middle of the pupil. The upper point of the eyebrow (the point of inclination of the eyebrow) is marked with a pencil.
  5. Then the points are connected by drawing with a pencil. The upper and lower boundaries are drawn.

    After drawing one eyebrow, the second one is drawn using the same method. It is important to compare both options for symmetry.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make beautiful eyebrows:

  1. Initially, it is worth lubricating the skin above the eyelids with a cooling gel.. He will numb the procedure. Wait until the gel is absorbed.
  2. Then you should comb the hairs in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Sticking hairs are trimmed with nail scissors.
  3. Then draw desired shape . Sharp corners needs to be rounded.
  4. Treat tweezers with disinfectant. Using tweezers, remove hairs that extend beyond the boundaries drawn in pencil.

    You need to pluck in the direction of hair growth. That is, if a hair grows towards the temple, then it should be removed with a tool in the same direction.

    If this rule is neglected, the hairs will begin to grow towards the nasal septum.

  5. Pull out the bottom row first, and then the top one. so that the bend can be corrected.
  6. After removal, the eyebrow is combed again with a brush.. Sticking hairs are removed.
  7. The skin is then treated with an antibacterial agent. If special means If you don't have it on hand, use alcohol instead.

To decrease pain threshold steam your face before the procedure or wipe it with a piece of ice. Do not use cream to soften.

Under the influence of the cream, the skin will become oily, and plucking hairs will not be possible due to them slipping out of the tool.

Correction with makeup

You can change the shape of your eyebrows at home using makeup.

Step by step instructions:

  • Draw the desired shape with a pencil by outlining your own eyebrows according to the diagram.
  • Choose shadows to match your hair color.
  • Use a brush to comb the hairs against their growth.
  • Then, using a thin shadow brush, apply the shadows onto the skin in a precise manner, without going beyond the boundaries.
  • Comb the hairs back and draw in the ends with a brush.

Important! Matte shadows are selected for drawing. Cosmetics with shimmering particles look unnatural.

If you apply such shadows, your eyebrows will shimmer in the light.

To hide hairs outside the borders, use a white pencil. Swipe them thin line along the bottom base. This will visually raise the eyebrow and make the look more expressive.

What eyebrow shape is considered classic and correct?

The classic shape is arched. She does not change her appearance and suits most women on the planet.

The correct one is the one made according to the scheme of three points:

  • At the base of the bridge of the nose.
  • At the top point of the eyebrow (in the middle).
  • Parallel to the outer corner of the eye.

When choosing a form, the main thing to consider is the fact so that it fits your face. Eyebrows should not stand out, but complement external image, look natural.

How to determine which eyebrow shape suits your face type?

When choosing a shape, pay attention to the eyes. Thin, even eyebrows help to visually enlarge small eyes. For girls with a Mongoloid eye shape, an arched shape is suitable.

Women with high forehead It’s better to have wide, even eyebrows that focus attention on the eyes and lower part of the face.

note! The shape is selected according to the type of face.

Table: which eyebrows are suitable for different types faces:

Face type Suitable shape
Triangular To the owners triangular type faces, it is worth considering rounded options that can smooth out and visually correct a sharp chin
Square For square face It is worth choosing variations that can soften a sharp chin and cheekbones. Give preference to a “house” shape that is visually “stretching” top part faces
oblong If a girl oblong shape face, then wide, even eyebrows that emphasize the eyes will suit her.

But it is worth remembering that with a high forehead it is better to give preference to eyebrows with a slightly rounded end

Round It is more difficult for those with a round face to choose suitable form. Better choice stop at wide, angular and slightly pointed variations.

Straight, thin eyebrows indicate imperfections and add extra volume. It is also not recommended to make rounded eyebrows. They draw attention to the cheekbones

Oval Owners of an oval face can make themselves different shapes brow. But it’s worth remembering a few rules: optimal height and not drooping tip.

The height of the edge refers to its top point. It should not be made too high, otherwise the face will acquire the effect of surprise.

The tip is slightly curved. If you overdo it, your face will look sad

Fashion trends

Today, the fashion trend for eyebrows is width and thickness.

The main fashion trends of 2017:

  • Thickness.
  • Volume.
  • Straightness with smooth bends in the far third.
  • Upper contour liner.

Important! Today, not every woman has bushy eyebrows.

Therefore, the only way out is to create gorgeous eyebrows– this is skillful makeup, microblading or tattooing. The last two procedures involve injecting paint under the skin.

Useful video

Rarely does nature endow someone with exceptionally smooth eyebrows without hairs protruding beyond them. By and large, there are no straight eyebrows. For each of us they approach some a certain form: rounded, straight, broken or curved. But this shape can be made obvious or completely changed only with the help of a procedure such as eyebrow plucking.

During this procedure, sometimes only a few hairs are removed, and sometimes you need to work hard to give the eyebrows the desired shape. How to pluck eyebrows correctly, how to find golden mean so that in the end you don’t end up without eyebrows, but also remove all unnecessary vegetation - this is what we'll talk further. In addition, we invite you to compare the advantages and disadvantages of methods by which you can give your eyebrows the desired color. Simply put, it will answer questions that concern all women: how to pluck eyebrows without pain and achieve the desired effect, and how to draw eyebrows that are ideal in shape and color.

How to pluck eyebrows

Some women do not bother answering this question and turn to specialists for eyebrow correction. This is really not a bad idea. A specialist will help you choose the eyebrow shape that suits you and quickly bring all your ideas to life. But when turning to a specialist for eyebrow correction, you need to take into account the following nuances:

1. In our area there are still masters who give the eyebrows the desired shape using a razor blade. The only advantage of this method is that it is very fast. But all the beauty of the imperfections can be appreciated after the eyebrows begin to grow. After just one such procedure, they will become much rougher and darker. If the master offers you this method of eyebrow correction, then you do not need to tell him how pluck eyebrows correctly. It is better to inquire about the possibility of using alternative methods.

2. Remember that periodic eyebrow correction is a procedure as inevitable as the correction of extended nails, eyelashes or hair. Even though the hairs on the eyebrows are not as noticeable as the capsules from regrown hair extensions, they immediately give the face a fresh look. well-groomed appearance. Therefore, be prepared to visit the salon with a fairly high frequency or learn how to do it yourself. how to pluck eyebrows correctly. In general, the ideal option is to periodically come to a specialist for eyebrow correction, and then maintain the shape of the eyebrows yourself.

You can also give your eyebrows the perfect shape at home. And for this you do not need to have the appropriate education. Knowledge of how to pluck eyebrows correctly, as well as experience gained over time, are often sufficient conditions for a successful eyebrow correction procedure.

First of all, remember that when correcting your eyebrows, you must adhere to the “nothing too much” rule. This is especially true for women who naturally have thick and wide eyebrows. If nature wanted you to have wide eyebrows, then string eyebrows are unlikely to be suitable for you. And imagine how much work you will have to do almost every day to maintain this shape.

Also make sure that the eyebrows are the same. Fortunately, the procedure for plucking your own eyebrows differs from doing a manicure yourself, and almost everyone can pluck both eyebrows equally, which cannot be said about applying varnish to the nails of both hands.

Start the eyebrow plucking procedure by shaping their outer edge. To do this, place a pencil on the tip of your nose and use it to draw an imaginary line through the outer corner of your eye. Where the pencil intersects with the eyebrow is the outer edge of your eyebrow. Gently remove any hairs that remain outside the outer edge. There is no need to make your eyebrows shorter - it will look unnatural. And more long eyebrows, as a rule, do not look neat and well-groomed.

Now start shaping. Several questions arise here: how to pluck eyebrows correctly and how to pluck eyebrows without pain.

If you are asking the first question, then, first of all, remember: you do not need to pluck hairs from top edge brows. They may seem superfluous to you, but their absence will only visually lower the eyebrow and can completely change the facial expression. In addition, you should not get too carried away with plucking the hairs at the outer edge of the eyebrow, and leave it completely untreated. inner edge. Too uneven eyebrows are also unsightly.

For those for whom the second question is relevant, we can advise you to correctly grab the hair that needs to be removed with tweezers. Before, how to pluck eyebrows, it should be grabbed not near the tip, but not directly on the skin. The best option The tweezers will be positioned as close to the skin as possible, but without touching it. This way you will avoid unpleasant pain associated with the gripping of skin by tweezers. In addition, the hair will not break off in the middle, but will be pulled out along with the root.

Now gently but quickly pull the hair strictly in the direction of its growth. Plucking eyebrows in the opposite direction not only creates discomfort, but can also provoke their ingrowth into the skin. Keep in mind that between the outer and inner edges of the eyebrow you can ideally draw horizontal line. If your line is slanted, reconsider your attitude towards the ideal eyebrow shape a little.

Drawing eyebrows

Eyebrow color correction is a procedure that is especially relevant for those with light eyebrows. But even those who do not suffer from a lack of dark pigment sometimes want to change the color of their eyebrows to make it more suitable for their hair color, skin tone or a particular makeup look.

There are three basic methods changes in eyebrow color, and each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Eyebrow dyeing using special dyes in a salon or at home.
Pros: low cost, long-lasting effect;
Cons: in inexpensive paints the palette is usually limited to two or three tones; in addition, it is often difficult to color eyebrows without touching the skin, which also acquires the corresponding shade.

Daily tinting of eyebrows using pencil or shadows
Pros: rich palette, the ability to change the shade every day, the ability to get as close as possible to natural effect when using shadows;
Cons: Having to fill in your eyebrows every day and then remove any leftover makeup every night can sometimes take up valuable time.

Pros: no need to constantly worry about how to draw eyebrows or that the man you love will see you “not on parade” in the morning;
Cons: pain that occurs during the procedure, the need for periodic adjustments.

Remember that it is the correct shape of the eyebrows and their perfect color give the face a well-groomed look.

Inna Dmitrieva
Women's magazine JustLady

On the eve of any holiday, you want to look well-groomed, attractive, and shine at the celebration silky skin, demonstrating deep neckline, or amaze your guests with the beauty of your hair. Unfortunately, most women do not have enough time, or even the funds, to regularly visit salons, so they are interested in how to become beautiful in a week at home.

Caring for the body, facial skin and hair is available to every woman, if you develop some rules - not a day without cosmetic procedures, For example. Find no more than 20 minutes of time for household chores and, believe me, you will certainly be the center of attention at the party.

Maintain this pace for a month, and you will understand that it is not so difficult, and gradually, the procedures will become a habit. My advice will help with this. So, let's start the transformation in a week.

  • Try to sleep at least 8 hours over the coming week, which will noticeably affect your skin, which will become much fresher.
  • Next rule– regular and proper nutrition: hearty, solid breakfasts and the most light dinner. For dinner, try to cook vegetables and lean meat. Have dinner at least 4 hours before bedtime and by the end of the week your waist will become 2-3 cm narrower.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water, this improves your skin and hair, as water saturates it with the necessary moisture. Let's look at the daily step-by-step instructions.

Monday. The first day

Taking care of the skin of the face and neck. No mask will restore the freshness of the face if done the day before festive evening, but a week-long course of masks will give wonderful results. We start with a scrub or peeling; it is better to choose the most gentle ones. If your facial skin is overly sensitive, use time-tested products for cleansing. folk remedies:

  1. kefir;
  2. yogurt.

Wait until the mask dries and begin the massage. To do this, wet your fingers in water and use the tips to perform circular movements from the center to the sides. Lactic acid removes the stratum corneum well, dissolving scales and whitening.

On New Year's Eve, perform a “tea ceremony” for your face every day. Brew strong tea. Then cool, pour into special ice molds and put in the freezer. These cubes perfectly tone and refresh the skin, relieve fatigue and add a light, natural-looking tan.

Those whose facial skin is not so sensitive can use candied honey (if there is no allergy to the product), or even coffee grounds as a basis for massage. After the massage, pat your face dry with a towel, apply care cream and start applying makeup.

In the evening, after household chores, sit on the sofa, taking the TV remote control, special napkins to remove makeup, burdock oil, fresh cucumber(pre-cut into circles), milk to cleanse the skin and night cream.

While watching TV, we take off our makeup, burdock oil lubricate the eyebrows and eyelashes and apply cucumber slices to the face. Then apply the cream to the face, neck and décolleté, while doing light massage. We combined business with pleasure, taking a break from household chores and putting our face in order.

IN winter time Wind and frost sometimes cause lips to crack and become dry. In this case, use a honey mask, the most common folk remedy that has been tested for centuries. In the morning, before applying lipstick, apply lip balm and wait until it is absorbed. The balm not only protects lips and heals wounds, but also prevents lipstick from spreading.

Video tips and instructions

One more touch. Don't forget to do your eyebrows. The ideal eyebrow shape can only be done by a professional master, but in the future you can maintain the shape yourself at home. It is better to pluck under natural light and in the direction of hair growth. The procedure will not be so painful if you take a shower first to soften the follicles. Some people, before plucking their eyebrows, draw a line of the desired bend with a pencil.

Tuesday. Second day

Taking care of your body. During the evening shower, add special procedures - polish the skin with a scrub (usually thick candied honey or coffee grounds), rub with a special washcloth or mitten problem areas: stomach, sides, thighs and buttocks. After shower, apply body cream. Everything will take about 20 minutes, no more.

If time allows, work on the décolleté area. We sometimes forget to take care of the skin of our neck and décolleté. To look irresistible in an evening or New Year's dress with a neckline that exposes your back or chest, do not consider it difficult to prepare the skin of this area.

  1. Stir 1 tbsp in a glass of water. l. alcohol, the same amount of lemon juice and salt. Wash your neck with a washcloth and soap that contains a large number of fat Then, moisten the skin of the neck with a cotton swab until the elixir runs out. There is no need to wipe or rinse off; when the skin dries a little, rub in the cream you always use with your fingers.
  2. For a rejuvenating mask you will need 2 tbsp. l. full-fat cottage cheese, juice of half an orange and 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Mix everything and apply it to gauze, bandage it to the neck for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

To wear revealing Evening Dress, don’t put it off, you need to solve your skin problems now. The sooner you do this, the greater the chances of being at your best at the upcoming celebration.

Wednesday. Day three

Taking care of your hands and nails. The procedure can be carried out while relaxing, sitting in front of the TV. Surely you do your manicure at home? Before your manicure, take a handful. granulated sugar, mix with liquid soap and wash your hands thoroughly. After such a scrub, dip your hands in warm water, to which honey and milk have been added, and hold until the water cools down. Further along the well-worn path:

  1. nail file the required form nails;
  2. hand massage with thick cream;
  3. apply on nails nourishing oil;
  4. wait and put on special gloves.

In this form, you can finish watching your favorite movie, and you can also sleep with gloves on.

  1. Folk remedies help to take care of your hands and nails - carrots, which you grate on a fine grater and pour vegetable oil. Wait for the mixture to infuse and rub into your hands. After the procedure, do not wash your hands.
  2. Helps strengthen nails lemon juice and vitamin A, dripping a drop of the resulting composition onto each nail and rubbing thoroughly to penetrate under the nail plate. You will notice how your nails gradually become stronger and stop peeling.

When caring for your hands, do not forget about your elbows, which often become a cause of worry for many women, as darkened and rough, slightly rough skin. Folk remedies will help put everything in order - a mask based on glycerin (60 grams), to which add 1 tsp. ammonia. Apply the resulting composition to your elbows and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.

Thursday. Day four

Taking care of your feet. We start with a foot bath, where we add oil tea tree. Wait for your feet to steam (the water should not be very hot), then wipe your feet with a scrub, and treat your feet with a pumice stone or a foot file. Rinse your feet.

Let's start with your nails: clean them well, file them and apply nourishing oil. Massage your feet using a rich nourishing cream. Wait for the cream to be absorbed and apply special socks, in which you can sleep. The procedure will take no more than 30 minutes.

We choose the time for procedures in the evening, when household chores have been done and there are no distractions. You can combine procedures with watching TV or your favorite movie.

Friday. Day five

Taking care of your hair. Wash your hair with volumizing shampoo, then apply conditioner, but only to the very ends, do not rub into the roots. When drying with a hairdryer, use a cream that will give the strands shine, make them smooth and without weighing them down, and protect them from exposure to hot air.

Hair is dried with the head tilted down to create more volume. When your hair is almost dry, take a comb and hair dryer and style it strand by strand. The next day, slightly adjust your hair.

When caring for your hair, use homemade recipes.

  1. When rinsing, a nettle decoction is good, which will strengthen the hair, eliminate brittleness, and add shine and silkiness. To prepare the decoction, you will need half a glass of dried nettle and 2 cups of boiling water. Soak the ingredients for 30 minutes in a water bath, strain and after washing, rinse your hair with the broth.
  2. A mask of black bread and linseed oil (or olive oil) will work wonders on your hair. To prepare the mask, crumble the black bread, put it in a bowl, and add a little boiling water. Cover the bowl so that the bread swells and easily turns into a paste when mixed with oil (1 tablespoon of oil is enough). Apply the mixture to your head, wrap it well, leave for an hour and rinse. If your hair is oily, do not add oil; take flax seeds instead.

Restore hair in short term at home it is possible, but it is advisable to make masks not on the eve of the celebration, but a week before the start, since the hairstyle very quickly loses its well-groomed appearance. And one more moment. Try to choose hair dye taking into account the color of your face and eyes to remove several years of age.

6 proven ways to restore hair

Saturday. Day six

We apply finishing touches . We take a shower and moisturize the skin with lotion. Don't forget about perfume. Warm skin will absorb the aroma, and your favorite scent will last longer.

We apply makeup without mistakes with an emphasis on the eyes, using brown shadows (or those that are in harmony with the outfit). The shadows are applied to the entire eyelid, shading top corner eye. You can apply mother-of-pearl in the center of the eyelid, which attracts light, visually enlarging the eyes.

Beautiful well-groomed hands start with neat manicure, A good manicure With . But what can be considered a correctly selected form? Maybe, fashion trends, which the Internet is replete with, or maybe copy an oval that really suits your friend, or maybe your mom will recommend something?

Of course not. Any of the described methods will not work simply because the shape of the nails must be selected individually, taking into account personal preferences and the structural characteristics of the hand.

A professional manicurist will be able to give advice on a difficult choice; one glance at your hands and fingers, at the contour of your nails and the convexity of your nails will be enough.

But what to do if you don’t want to rely on outside help, if you want to make a decision depending on your mood and circumstances, then consider several some simple advice, I hope they will help you make the right choice.

Select the desired form

Wondering how to style your nails beautiful shape We are aware that the choice is small. But a well-chosen form in combination with original manicure will transform your hands, hide imperfections and add individuality.

So, choose:

  • square - considered one of the most common shapes, it is recommended to do it on long nails. She is considered ideal basis for a French jacket and can be with sharp and rounded corners, you should be careful when shaping, otherwise it will turn into an oval;
  • oval curve - considered the most universal, it suits everyone. Any manicure looks great on it, especially with an original design and pattern;
  • it is also advisable to form a pointed one on long nails, be sure to take into account the fact that it is quite fragile and breaks easily. Sharpen it at an angle on both sides, leaving the tip rounded;
  • crescent-shaped– is formed round form, it is preferred by doctors, nannies and everyone to whom it is recommended due to professional duties.

If the question of how to properly shape your nails is on the agenda, and you are still at a loss, use some tips recommended by professionals:

  • If you have large hands with thick fingers, then from the thought of how to give nails square shape It’s better to refuse, a slightly elongated, oval one is more suitable for such hands. This will visually lengthen and make your arms more graceful;
  • You can envy the owners of thin, small fingers with a narrow brush; they are the luckiest, because such hands will suit any shape. They may not think about how to give their nails a beautiful shape, feel free to choose whatever they like and confidently put it into practice;
  • It is worthwhile to treat narrow, sharp nails with care for those ladies who have narrow long fingers. With them, your hands will look thin and emaciated like an old woman. Short stylish nails are suitable for such hands, and it is also recommended to study the question of how to give your nails an oval shape;
  • If your fingers are small and plump, then ideal option will become average length nails with oval or trapezoidal formation of the tips of the nail plate;
  • Perfect for small hands with thin fingers suitable option with narrow and long nails. They will visually lengthen your hands and add grace to your look.

Formation process

Having decided on the shape of the nails, we begin to bring our plans to life. To do this, we take tools in the form of nippers, nail files and scissors. Using pliers and scissors, we trim the nail plate, taking into account its length and further transformation. The tools must be sharp and of high quality, otherwise you can easily damage the nails and not achieve desired result. The choice of nail file should also be approached with special care.

The metal file with coarse abrasiveness has already remained in the last century; it was replaced by glass and porcelain ones. They are gentle on the cornea of ​​the nails, which eliminates the appearance of cracks and hangnails.

According to the grain size, the files are divided into:

  • rough, suitable only for extended nails;
  • middle is formed nail plate and its length;
  • soft final treatment of the marigolds;
  • Polish very softly before applying the coating.

To avoid delamination, work with the file in one direction, holding it slightly at an angle, where the plane of the file is directed under the nail; for the same purpose, first apply wax and do not file too much on the sides. Everything should be done under good lighting Renew dull and worn out instruments in a timely manner. Next, proceed to removing the cuticle and applying varnish coating. I hope these simple tips will help you make your choice and achieve the desired results.

The shape of the eyebrows emphasizes the width and length of the nose and the size of the eyes. It should be harmoniously combined with the oval of the face.

Density and width hairline above the eyes depends on fashion trends, features of the eyebrow line. Natural defects can be corrected cosmetics, if you know the basics of harmony, the rules of makeup and eyebrow care.

The face of every woman is a unique combination of eyes, lips, eyebrows, and facial contours. There is no instruction, using which you can create the ideal eyebrow shape, suitable for everyone.

The shape of the eyebrows is initially determined by the location and curvature of the brow ridge. It can be straight and hanging over the eyes, high and round.

When choosing a shape, you need to take into account the natural brow ridge, because it is determined by the structure of the skull.

Most of all, you need to take into account the oval of the face. The shape of the face is determined from the hairline to the chin.

There are 7 types of facial oval:

  • oval;
  • round;
  • square;
  • triangular;
  • pear-shaped;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • long.

The classification is based on the law of proportion, by which it is determined perfect shape faces: the lines of the bridge of the nose and the base of the nose divide the face into equal parts, the width of the nose and eyes are equal.

At oval shape The widest place on the face is the cheekbones. The face narrows towards the chin and temples, but the forehead is slightly wider than the chin. The chin is rounded and not prominent. Round face has the same size in width and length, smoothed jawline.

A square oval has a hard, angular chin, the width of the forehead, cheeks, and cheekbones is approximately equal. For triangular shape characterized by a sharp narrowing from the upper to the lower part of the face, a sharp chin.

They differ from the main forms in some more pronounced features:

  • an elongated face at the cheekbones is 2 times narrower than the distance from the roots of the hair to the chin;
  • pear-shaped tapers towards the temples;
  • The diamond shape has the same width across the forehead and chin.

A certain shape is suitable for each oval face.

When characterizing the structure of the eyebrow, its beginning (inner edge or head), body, and end (outer edge or tail) are distinguished. The length is determined from the beginning of the head to the end of the tail.

According to the degree of bending, the line is:

  • arcuate;
  • curved;
  • straight;
  • with a break;
  • descending.

The arcuate line can have any bend. The outer part of the smooth arc is located slightly higher than the inner one. This shape is the most common because it fits many ovals. Visually increases the size of the eye.

The curved shape is a smooth arc in which the center of the bend is shifted to the outer edge.

A straight line means horizontal with a slight bend. The outer and inner edges are at the same level.

When the eyebrows are shaped with a kink, the ascending line sharply changes direction (bend) downward at the border of the body and ponytail.

When the head is higher than the tail, there is no bend, this means a descending line (house).

An oval face will not suit pronounced curves. A straight, slightly raised eyebrow will look best.

A round face will be visually lengthened by a curved shape. There should be no dissonance between the shape of the face and the degree of bending. A sharp and high break is contraindicated.

The angularity of a square face will be smoothed out by an arched or curved line. A significant bend will add expressiveness to the face, but it should be in harmony with the thickness of the eyebrow. Thin eyebrows do not suit the heavy features of a square face. A straight eyebrow line is combined with square oval with big eyes.

For triangular face shape suitable option– an arcuate line with a slight bend (ascending) or with a slight break.

Determining the shape of the eyebrows: algorithm of actions

Find yours perfect line you can do your eyebrows yourself at home. To do this, you will need a mirror (preferably a magnifying one), a pencil or brush, and a contrast pencil. With their help, the length (beginning and end) and the highest bending point are determined.

The whole process can be divided into 3 stages. Here's how to give correct form eyebrows at home:

  1. Place the pencil vertically from the wing of the nose to the inner corner of the eye. Make a mark on the bridge of your nose. Here is the beginning of the head.
  2. Position the pencil so that it connects the wing of the nose and the outer corner of the eye to the brow ridge. This is where the tail ends.
  3. Look in the mirror directly in front of you and connect the wing of the nose and the pupil with a pencil. Place a mark. In this place - the most high point bending

Connecting these 3 points will give the length and bending point. The distance between the eyebrows should be approximately equal to the width of two fingers or an eye.

To finally decide on the shape, you need to find out what type of oval your own face is. Knowing the basic characteristics existing ovals, this is not difficult to do. You need to study your face in bright daylight in front of a large mirror in which your face and neck will be visible.

Hair is removed from the forehead and ears to define the hairline and cheekbones. To view the jawline, the neck must be completely open.

After carefully studying your oval, you can decide which shape is suitable: with a break or an ascending one, an arched or straight one.

How to properly correct and fill eyebrows

Eyebrows require daily care, adjustments and appropriate coloring.

On initial stage the form is adjusted. A line is drawn with a white pencil.

The skin above, below the hair and tweezers are treated with a disinfectant. With its help, hair protruding beyond the main line is removed.

Hair up to the head and below the ponytail is completely removed. The hair is plucked along the line without touching the main hair mass to avoid the appearance of bald spots.

The hair on the eyebrows does not grow equally: at the bridge of the nose it rises and then lies close to the skin. Using a brush or comb for the eyebrows makes the hair bristle. Using nail scissors in front of a mirror, trim the length of the hair (by 1-2 mm).

To relieve signs of irritation after plucking, the skin is treated with a special cream.

By the end of the adjustment, the cream should be completely absorbed so that the skin and hair are dry.

Methods for tinting eyebrows depend on the thickness of the hairline:

  1. If the eyebrows are sparse and have bald spots, then it is used for coloring. cosmetic pencil. Marks corresponding to the chosen shape are made with a contrasting pencil: beginning, bending point, end. The entire length (the line from the start to the end point) is outlined with a foundation pencil. From the beginning of the head, the volume is drawn to the bending point. The second part is drawn starting from the end of the tail to the bend. Volume shading starts from the tail to the bend and continues to the beginning of the head. Then the drawing is shaded with a hard brush. At the end of coloring, the eyebrows are powdered.
  2. With normal hair thickness, matte eyeshadow or eyebrows are used to fill the volume. The shadows are applied, starting from the bridge of the nose, with careful, precise movements to the ends of the hair. To give a natural appearance, the eyebrows are lightly powdered. To emphasize a somewhat blurred line, eyeliner is applied below and above the hairline with a white pencil. Then she carefully blends it over the skin with her finger. For thin ones, gray eyebrows special powder is used.

Instead of a daily makeup session, you can get a tattoo or dye your eyebrows special paint. The procedure for applying a layer of color to the hair is similar to drawing with a pencil.

The eyelids are protected with a thick cream applied before coloring. The dye is applied simultaneously to the hair of both eyebrows. After 5-15 minutes (according to the instructions), remove the dye from the hair with a damp swab.

Beauty salons offer two types of tattooing: hair tattooing (each hair is drawn), shading. The drawn shape will be saved a long period, you can make color adjustments. The line cannot be changed.

Eyebrow hair should be combed with an eyebrow comb every day. At sparse eyebrows hair follicles need to be strengthened nourishing cream or castor oil.

A pencil for coloring needs to be hard and well sharpened. The drawn and colored lines should appear symmetrical over both eyes.

The tone of the pencil or shadows for brunettes is selected by 1-2 tones lighter than hair, for blondes the pencil is 1-2 shades darker. In case of bleached hair The shade of the pencil matches the color of the hair roots.

The distance between straight eyebrows depends on the shape of the nose: the further they are drawn from each other, the wider the nose appears; placing it too close makes it longer. Very Thick hair Superciliary arches with this shape give the face an expression of severity.

The purchased hair dye must be tested for allergenicity. Apply it, observing the specified proportions.

To remove hair dye, use warm, non-soapy water. Soap solution used if the hair color turns out darker than expected. To lighten your hair, you need to wipe it with a swab dipped in soapy water.

Ungroomed, incorrectly colored eyebrows disrupt harmony appearance. Before you paint them, you need to choose the shape for your facial oval.

Knowing the main characteristics of face types and how to determine the length and curve of the eyebrows, solving the problem of choice is not difficult.

Daily makeup includes their correction and subsequent coloring. If desired, you can dye your eyebrows with hair dye or get a tattoo. In these cases, it remains necessary to pluck out excess hairs.

You can learn how to properly correct the shape of your eyebrows from the following video.
