How to attract worthy men to you. Psychology and esotericism will help you attract a man into your life

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Since childhood, girls dream of princes. Years go by, preferences and dreams change, images become more realistic. Expectation slowly turns into disappointment. How to attract a real man? The secrets of wise women will help you.

Who is a worthy man?

Stop and think about how you imagine a worthy man? Write on a piece of paper who he is and what qualities he has. Does he really exist: strong and brave, confident and wealthy, affectionate and gentle, romantic? The features of an invented image often contradict each other.

99% of men are divided into 2 types:

A warrior and hunter - he is decisive and brave, self-confident. Tenderness and constancy are not for him. His life is about conquering new heights, struggle, movement. Warriors make great leaders. They are not attached to home, and rarely show themselves to be good family men. The male hunter adheres to the role of the dominant male. It is difficult for a hunter to become attached to a woman for a long time. It ignites quickly and cools down quickly. When interest has faded, the warrior sets off for new love exploits and unapproachable beauties.

A sedentary family man, he is not used to fighting and is prone to hoarding. It can be soft and hard, flexible and stubborn. The only thing such a man strives for is consistency, preferably comfortable. A successful representative of this type, having made a fortune and formed a family, does not strive further. A sedentary man does not leave his family, is afraid of change and avoids risks. He's reliable. But you won’t get strength and determination from him. There will be no crazy actions and exploits. You won’t experience a passionate craving like you would for a male predator, but with a skillful approach you will receive full affection.

There are exceptions to the rules. In life, there are men of transitional types, but there is no need to put much hope in meeting a domesticated warrior: you will waste years of your life, and your dream may not come true.

A relationship with a hunter is a constant test of strength. To stay in his life for a long time, you need to show your imagination.

But it is enough to attract a man with a clear desire to settle down once. The established connection will not require huge efforts to maintain. Of course, you shouldn’t let life take its course. Such a man will not leave, causing a stormy scandal, there will be no passionate showdowns. He will find a mistress and start a new pleasant tradition in the form of sex on the side on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

How to attract? Change.

Find your strengths

The attractiveness of a woman lies in the ability to present herself from the best side. Every person has many shortcomings. It is impossible to eradicate everything. By showing your best side to a man, you mask your weaknesses.

Create an image

You are special. Bring this to the man. Mediocre and ordinary women are not interesting to successful representatives of the stronger sex. Every woman has a zest, charm, mystery. Don't strive for fashionable looks. Find a unique combination of qualities in yourself.

Remember femininity

Opposites attract. To become a powerful magnet for the stronger sex, charge yourself with femininity. Pay attention to how you move, speak, show emotions and feelings. Listen to, are they worthy of women? Work on your attitudes, don’t be afraid of weaknesses, because they are so common to women.

Learn to understand men

Don't judge the stronger sex by yourself. A man feels good with a woman who understands and accepts him. And if you make hasty conclusions based on a template or your own arguments, the prince will slip away in the near future.

Raise your cultural level

The attraction of beautiful silly girls is a myth. The man will spend the night with the doll, but will not connect his life. An educated lady is a pleasant conversationalist. If you are applying for an educated representative of the stronger sex, then in conversations with him a sharp mind will help maintain interest. Conversations on everyday topics quickly become tiresome.

The end of your relationship is a matter of time.

Watch your appearance

Don't chase models from glossy covers. Every man has individual taste preferences. Your task is to look healthy and well-groomed. An additional bonus will be a delicate taste. A man loves with his eyes, and the highest art is to give him visual pleasure with your appearance.

How to awaken the woman within you?

Every year there is less and less femininity in the world: the fair sex loses it in work and everyday chores. The fashion for men wearing skirts is growing among office workers. Fashion trends celebrate confident and independent ladies. From childhood, girls are taught to live with men on an equal basis, to repeat and copy. The gender struggle has turned a woman into a sexless being.

A successful representative of the stronger sex is looking for a companion who can reveal his inner potential with femininity. A business and independent lady must understand that the role of the head of a large department will not work with a man. How to awaken your femininity and become attractive to the stronger sex?

This is interesting: the typology of women among the ancient Hindus

Men's idea of ​​the opposite sex is based on archetypes - subconscious images.

Ancient Hindus in their treatises identified 4 types of women:

Lotus woman (padmini).

She descended to earth from the world of the gods. Soft and gentle, Padmini has sensitive skin and a melodious voice. She moves smoothly, like a proud swan. Her body is rich in volume. The lotus woman has a delicate taste and is pleasant to talk to.

Woman of the Arts (chirini).

This guest from heaven is distinguished by her beauty and slenderness. Her volume attracts men: thin waist, wide hips, full breasts. She has the gait of a coquette, attracting the gaze of the stronger sex with the measured sway of her pelvis. Chirini loves beauty and art.

Snail woman (shankini)

A lady from the human world, with a large physique. The chest is small and the lower body is powerful. She is attracted to worldly values ​​and wealth. Shankini is not distinguished by its exquisite taste.

Elephant Woman (Hastini)

She came to earth from the animal world. Heavy and slow, with an awkward gait, she moves stiffly and has an irresistible passion for food.

The first two types express the ideal of femininity. If you want to attract a man, convince him that you are a guest from another world, that you are a Woman. The one of which there are almost none left: a soft and smooth keeper of beauty and harmony.

To awaken your femininity, follow these tips:

Listen to yourself.

Do not suppress the natural urges of sensuality. When was the last time you felt like a woman? Remember the smallest details of the event. If there are several of them, choose the most intimate and secret and remember. This memory will become your switch in the company of men.

Feel and love your body.

Don't think about beauty "standards". Men love liberated women. Beauty is hidden not in forms, but in the ability to present them. Remember the Indian typology: the lotus woman and the elephant have magnificent volumes, but the first delights, and the second causes contempt.

Pay attention to your movements.

Awaken natural plasticity. She will put her thoughts in order after a working day.

Accept your impermanence.

It's part of femininity. and desires is associated with the cyclical nature of the fair sex. Your hormonal levels change and you feel different.

Don't be afraid to feel.

Women's are brighter and deeper than men's. How often do you hold back smiles, laughter, tears, or hide sadness? Lower the barriers. Sincerity and spontaneity look very feminine.

Don't forget about a healthy lifestyle.

Beauty and femininity awaken only in a healthy body. Move more and... The lightness that appears will push you to new exploits.

When looking for a worthy representative of the stronger sex, do not get hung up on a specific image. Next to real women, men reveal an unexpected side. The destiny of a wise woman is to be a pioneer.

March 16, 2014

Become attractive in appearance

It’s probably no longer a secret that all men first of all pay attention when meeting a woman to her appearance. Any man will like a beautiful, well-groomed, clean and attractive person, which means there is a great chance of at least simply attracting the attention of the opposite sex. Wear more skirts and dresses, even if not high heels, wear light makeup that will highlight your natural beauty. Always take care of your clothes, nails, shoes, give up bad habits. It’s not for nothing that they say that “one meets people by their clothes..”

Be interesting to yourself

After a man pays attention to your appearance, he will want to get to know you and start a conversation. To support any conversation and feel confident in such communication, first become interesting to yourself. This will allow men to understand that you are not “hungry” for communication, you are not bored with yourself and you can always find something to do. To do this, try to get involved in different activities, discover something new. For example, start learning a foreign language, read books, do handicrafts, join some kind of hobby club, buy a gym membership. A hobby will not only teach you to develop yourself, but you will also understand that life is interesting not only when there is a man nearby, but also without him.

Get rid of masculine qualities

There is an opinion that all the necessary feminine qualities are inherent in a woman from birth. To become a real woman, she just needs to get rid of male habits and manners. A real man will only be attracted to a real woman. This means stop arguing with everyone, proving you are right and being stubborn. Don't boss people around, especially men. It is a man's job to fight, compete, dominate and compete. They expect only affection, gentleness, kindness and tenderness from a woman.

Have your own principles of decent behavior

A man behaves with a woman the way she allows him to do so. Do not tolerate unworthy and disrespectful behavior from men. If it is unacceptable for you to go to the home of an unfamiliar man, then tell him so. If for you courtship and showing signs of attention from a man are an absolute and mandatory norm, then you should not enter into a relationship with someone who does not want to spend money on you and make pleasant surprises. Have your own strict principles, rules and know clearly what you want. Relationships should develop according to the woman’s scenario.

Spend time where good people are

If your goal is to build a serious relationship and create a family, then you should not go to places where people gather for other purposes, such as nightclubs, bars, discos. Everyone here is looking for short-term entertainment. People with serious intentions visit other, more elevated places. Go to museums and exhibitions, presentations, concerts and interest clubs more often.

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Sooner or later in the life of any girl the desire to get married arises. But it happens that there is no candidate for the hand and heart. Various ways, methods and rituals on how to attract a worthy and successful man into your life will help resolve this issue.

Simulating means finding a solution to any issues playfully, applying in practice

funny rituals that fill the body and soul with lightness and soaring. Some methods are similar to buffoonery or a farce, but in this way a good mood and lightness are guaranteed, which is the main condition for conducting rituals.

The slipper ritual will tell you how to attract a worthy man into your life. You need to buy men's slippers in the store that are worthy of their future owner. Be sure to feel and imagine how the future groom looks in these shoes. Having brought the slippers into the apartment/house, put them in the hallway for three days - no one is allowed to put them on, they are “waiting” for the owner. After 3 days, in the hallway, put the slippers on your hands with the toes facing the inside of the apartment, knock them on the threshold 27 times and say three times: “Betrothed, no bad habits, positive, show up!”

Next, you need to draw up and write down on a piece of paper a list of qualities that your future lover should have, roll it up and leave it inside the slippers. You can talk with slippers, go for walks, sit you down at the table, even put you to bed. Only an attracted man can put them on.

The next easy way that works is inviting yourself to your own wedding! Buy a colorful wedding invitation and fill it out yourself. For example: Dear _____ (name)! I invite you to my grand wedding, which will take place on ____ (date)! With delight I announce to you that I am entering into a marital union with the most wonderful person in the world: the most _____, the most _____ (the listed qualities inherent in the upcoming chosen one) . Seal the invitation in a pinkish or red envelope and send it to yourself by mail.

After the invitation has been received, open it, read it, be sincerely happy for yourself and hide it in a secret place at home/apartment in the love sector. It must be preserved in the same pink or red envelope so that the energy of love is attracted.

Scissors, thick paper, and markers (paints, pencils) will help you lure a man. A beloved of extraordinary beauty is cut out of paper, called “Darling” and painted to suit your taste. Next, sweet semolina porridge without lumps is cooked and Darling is fed with a beautiful spoon with the following words: “I care for my Milenochka like a child, I treat him with semolina, I attract him to the house!” Just as a cardboard lover gets enough, so he will appear in fate.

Moon's help

The energy of lunar days, like the Universe itself, helps people move towards happiness.

On the 1st lunar day, you need to create an image of your love, that is, dream carefully and in detail about your beloved. The girl imagines what kind of man she would like to see next to her.

The main thing is that he must be loved. But you need to not just outline the image of the man you are looking for - you need to see yourself next to him. You must create a portrait with joy, pleasure and with confidence that everything will come true. Don't imagine this relationship too far in your imagination. Otherwise, these illusions will absorb a lot of energy and there will be no strength left to realize them.

On the 2nd lunar day, girls are advised to carefully look at those around them, observe signs and signs. If you don’t manage to meet your betrothed the first time, there is no need to be upset: it can take a lot of time to make your dream come true.

People make acquaintances more easily when the Moon is in Gemini and Leo, so these days be in public more often and communicate more. Another way to attract a man into your life can be conspiracies carried out precisely on these days..

On the 6th lunar day, mentally align yourself with a person who is attractive, try to feel him, study his thoughts and feelings - on this day your intuition becomes more acute, and you will be able to very accurately assess the chances of a relationship and further behavior to achieve your goal. At this time, the girl intuitively knows how to attract a man to her, with or without conspiracies.

Active actions in order to make a certain man fall in love with you should be carried out on the 21st lunar day - a day of rapid active action, creative excitement and inspiration.

If you were unable to meet your lover before the last phase of the Moon, you must suspend your search and other activities. While the Moon is waning, you should not be active.

When your efforts are crowned with success and you have found happy love, the best time to start a serious relationship with a specific person, as well as to get married is the 17th lunar day - a day of joy, celebration, fun, dancing and love.

Prayers, rituals and conspiracies

Prayers asking the Saints to grant a meeting with a worthy man will also help. There are a lot of Christian prayers to attract men, the main thing is that the prayer words must come from a pure heart and with faith that everything will be resolved in the best way. Of course, the thoughts of the person asking must be pure and environmentally friendly in relation to the other person. For example, if a girl wants to attract a certain married man, the Saints are unlikely to help her.

In addition to the Lord, you can turn with loving prayers to the Mother of God, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, Holy Great Martyrs Catherine and Paraskeva, as well as Matrona of Moscow.

Most often they pray to Mother Matrona with these words:

  • “I turn to you with a prayer, Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow. You heal the sick and heal sinful souls. Help me to find mutual love in the person of the servant of God (you need to say the name of the beloved). I promise you that I will become his faithful wife and will not sin with the painful betrayal. Thy will be done. Amen".
  • Matrona of Moscow, Blessed Elder. I turn to you in shame and repentance. Forgive me the sins I have committed, forgotten and hidden. Not with any malicious intent, I want to attract the love of a man to create a family and have children. Ask the Lord God for this. Thy will be done. Amen".

Each prayer is read at least three times, preferably in front of the icon of Mother.

Conspiracies will help resolve the question of how to attract a man to you. This is the so-called household magic, i.e., everyday objects can help in achieving the goal. It is important to follow clear recommendations in performing such rituals.

For example, you can use the power of the test, if a girl needs to get married for a long time, but there is no groom, such a conspiracy will help her. You need to buy chicken eggs of different colors, knead the dough at 12 o’clock at night and say the following spell to attract a man: “Dough, dough, lie down in your place. The bride (name) is asking you. Come to my yard, suitors, as quickly as my dough rises soon. The lock is strong to my words, and the key is in the water.” Next, the girl bakes buns from this dough and treats them only to male people.

You can also use threads to knit a product for mutual love. If a girl is ready to move to a new stage of relationship with her lover, she needs to take red threads and, at the beginning of knitting, imagine how the destinies of her and the man are united, saying: “I knit, knit, knit, I show you (names) the fate.” Having finished knitting, you need to wash the product, pour the water down the drain and give the item to the person for whom it was intended.

On the waxing moon, a girl who wants to attract the groom into her life can perform the following ritual. Seeing the small crescent moon, you need to spin around on your right heel with the words: “A month, a month! Draw suitors around me, just as I dangle around myself!”

Other attraction methods

To attract a worthy, successful, rich, good man into your life, there are many other ways and methods.

Affirmations for love

Everyone knows the power of the spoken word. Therefore, regular and correct repetition of affirmations also helps to find happiness and love. Every day in the morning (after waking up) and in the evening (before going to bed), you can say the following words: “I love free men! I welcome a free man into my life to create a happy marital relationship! I, (full name), welcome a happy marital union into my life!” If a girl keeps meeting the wrong guys, you can say the following affirmations: “I see strong, courageous, successful, generous and sober men around me! Thank you!"

Talismans and symbols

Magic stones will tell you how to attract a man into your life. Pearls, agate, and sapphire can help with this, as they attract good and worthy men who want to build a serious relationship and are ready to win their woman.

If a woman needs a man only as a lover, then she should wear a ruby, which awakens passion and sexuality. Tourmaline, a stone that brings success in love, can also help you attract a man into your life.

The Gebo rune (depicted as the letter X), which symbolizes a successful and long-term union between a man and a woman, can be a talisman of love and happiness.

To ensure that feelings are always reciprocated, you can make a talisman from summer herbs: leaves and flowers of cherry, rose, rose hip, leaves of apple, viburnum, raspberry, birch, oak and red rowan. Place the collected herbs in equal proportions into a small bag made of red cloth and sew it up with red silk thread.

Meditations to attract a man

You can attract what you want through meditation. Being in a flow of relaxation and goodness, a girl can easily create the ideal image of the man she wants to attract. By meditating every day before going to bed or after waking up in the morning, you can easily attract a partner in a very short time.

To do this, you need to turn off all irritants, sit or lie down in a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax your body with breathing or music, release all tension and imagine yourself on the stairs or a moving escalator. You stand on one step and go up. And literally one step above you is your man - the very chosen one of fate that you are waiting for. Feel it. Imagine that this man comes down one step towards you because he passionately wants to be with you, because he has been looking for you for a long time. Feel his love and openness, the warmth of his body. Tell him: “Hello, betrothed!”

He hugs you and tears of joy flow down your cheeks. He kisses your eyes, gently wiping away your tears. You stand on this escalator, hugging each other tightly, and moving up. Stand to the left of him, you feel strength and support in him. Feel with every cell of your body everything that is happening to you at this moment..

You know you can always rely on him. Feel it. Look ahead, ahead is the life through which you will walk together. Take the first step together, experience the joy of it. Remember this state of bliss. Take a deep breath and exhale sharply. Open your eyes. You are here now.


Mantras are sacred texts in Sanskrit that glorify Hindu deities, corresponding to Slavic prayers. Most often, such mantras are sung to the goddess of prosperity, beauty and love - Lakshmi.

  • TUMI BAJA RE MA NA TUMI JAPA RE MA NA OM SHRI RAM JAYA RAM JAPA RE MA NA - the mantra of tenderness and love. The more often you chant this mantra, the faster the result will be.

If it is difficult to remember the words of the mantra, you can find a video or audio format and just listen, filled with tenderness and love.

Finding an ideal partner and finding happiness is a very serious and necessary thing. But it should be remembered that happiness in personal life will come when peace and harmony appear in the soul, and the seeker acquires the ability to enjoy surrounding events, getting used to living in complete harmony with true nature, the world and the Universe.

Attention, TODAY only!

First, you need to decide what kind of man you are attracted to? What traits do you welcome in a man’s image, and which ones will you never put up with? If you attract all men indiscriminately, you will only create the image of a slutty woman and turn away all men, and all your friends.

So, the person you are interested in is on the horizon... You can use special techniques and models that attract men and arouse their sexual interest. It is very important to learn the language of the eyes first. The “heart” of the eye is the pupil, which, like a real heart, can tell a lot about a person, about what is going on in his soul. Being in a depressed, gloomy, indifferent state, a person’s pupils are constricted. And vice versa, joy, excitement, erotic interest are certainly accompanied by dilation of the pupils. So, what does it take to attract a man's attention...

1. Stand out from the crowd

Modern youth look at this in their own way. Nose rings, torn jeans, too bright makeup, piercings in every possible place... Yes, of course, he will definitely pay attention to you, but he will immediately forget. So, the first thing that men of the opposite sex like is femininity.

  1. The timbre of your voice, a light gait, a sweet facial expression, beautiful clothes... Everything in your image should be feminine.
  2. As many dresses, skirts, sundresses, scarves, and all sorts of other cute women's trinkets as possible. Women who choose men's, sports clothing are less attracted to men, because... in appearance they remind them of themselves.

2. Appearance

  • According to men, the most attractive hairstyle is considered to be natural, healthy hair of medium length in natural shades that match the skin tone.
  • While, according to men, they cannot stand a thick layer of “plaster” and value the cleanest possible skin, even with minor imperfections. As for the body, men pay attention to tactile sensations, so don’t neglect oil after shower to make your skin velvety.
  • Men say that they value individuality and “peculiarity,” which, by the way, is quite difficult to discern behind “cat smokey eyes” and aggressive contouring. That same tired phrase about zest actually very accurately expresses what men want to see.
  • Cloth. Cleverly selected outfits made from high-quality and natural fabrics, in which the femininity of the figure is only guessed at, and the shapes are emphasized and not covered. Correctly chosen colors that match the girl’s skin and hair tone also play an important role. Besides, as men say, a girl’s sexuality is in her eyes, not in her dress.
  • Men value femininity in a woman's figure. Extra pounds, insufficiently elastic buttocks and sagging muscles in the arms are not a reason to enroll yourself in the ranks of the “unliquid stock.” Men perceive the female figure as a whole, and not in separate parts. And proportionality of shapes, which, by the way, is not difficult to achieve with the right wardrobe, is valued by them first of all.

It is rightly said: “If you don’t love yourself, what do you want from others?” A woman who is confident and knows her worth always attracts men. After all, they are conquerors by nature. A man must believe that this woman is something special, and only she herself can prove it.

The opinion that men love thin women with large breasts is not correct. Yes, for many of them breasts are a symbol of female sexuality. Although, others, on the contrary, are attracted to cute fat women with sloping hips.

“For every product there is a merchant,” says an old proverb. This is actually true. The main task is to present yourself correctly.

4. Be natural

Don't deceive yourself and others. If you are timid, be so; if you are a leader by nature, do not hide it. A man will feel a lie, and this, even on a subconscious level, will push him away from you. By creating an implausible image for yourself, you can attract a man who will mistake you for someone other than who you are. And this could all end badly.

5. Willingness to meet others

The first condition that must be met in order to get to know you is to be ready for this very acquaintance, and for communication in principle. Many women automatically respond to an offer to meet with rudeness, and this is all due to lack of self-confidence. At least follow the rules of decency; there is no harassment in the word “hello”.

6. Confidence

An insecure person of any gender exudes threat. He has a “prickly” or dull look, and not very adequate behavior. Of course, many people feel a little embarrassed when meeting someone of the opposite sex. But outright fear of a stranger and fixation on your “imperfections” will certainly not add any charm to you.

7. Be happy and live in harmony with the world

If you are constantly dissatisfied with something, “gnawing” at yourself and others, you are unlikely to attract a man into your world. A happy woman subconsciously “promises” her man to be happy too. And who would refuse this?

8. Independence and strength

Many people think that men prefer weak and submissive women. In fact, a confident man does not need to assert himself at a woman’s expense, he needs an equal. Natalia Vodianova was once asked: “Could you fall in love with a plumber?” “Of course, I could, but where will I meet him?” It is absolutely not necessary to be from the same social circle as a man, but if he is an accomplished person who has not depended on anyone for a long time and relies only on himself, he is unlikely to like this kind of “opposite”, who is unable to provide for himself in basic ways. Unless, of course, he suffers from a “savior” complex and is not looking for a woman “daughter” who can be easily controlled. Do you need it?

9. Don't have problems

Many women are firmly convinced that a man will come into their life not for love and joy, but to save them from suffering. Solving the problem with living space, the problem with a leaking faucet, and simply, will eliminate the nagging, annoying loneliness. In reality, these women are the last people a normal person would want to deal with. Not because he doesn't care about your problems. But because he doesn’t even really know you enough to help and save you out of the kindness of his heart. You don’t have to put everything on the line with dating, it’s enough just to chat first and get to know the person better.

10. Smile!

The best way to show your interest is to smile. Give it to the man whose attention you want to attract. In return you will certainly receive his smile. Believe me, this is a small victory, but a victory! Having met his gaze, look away for a while, and after a while look at him again - most likely, they will be waiting for your gaze.

11. Look into the eyes

  • When entering into a conversation with a man you like, look him straight in the eye. So, you can hint to him that he interests you as a person. In addition, you find everything that comes out of his mouth interesting and exciting.
  • A languid, fickle, slightly shy alluring gaze, a flutter of eyelashes and a glance at the floor, a repeated, control flutter of the eyelashes a minute later. Such a look will not leave any man indifferent.

12. Body language and flirting

  • Help. Ask him for help in carrying your heavy bag. This way you will make it clear that you are a fragile woman and you need the help of a strong man, who is your chosen one.
  • Fleeting movements of “hypnosis” - effortlessly throwing your hair back, as if slightly exposing your neck, lightly swinging a shoe, effectively throwing one leg over the other - a man, whether he wants it or not, will become an involuntary participant in your game.
  • Touch is the last and most powerful weapon in your arsenal, which determines the goals of your actions. With light flirting, psychologists advise reducing touching to zero. Remember: “social zone” - 1.2 m, “personal” - 70 cm and “intimate” - 45 cm. Flirting is an eternal mystery of the two sexes, their secret and mutual interest. Use it masterfully, making your life rich and exciting.

13. First courage, then lust

At the first stage of courtship, be as interested in each other’s opinions on various occasions and situations as possible. This will make it easier for you to understand and get to know each other. It is very important that the object, firstly, feels like a protector, and secondly, is imbued with lust, not pity, for the hunter. To do this, she will certainly, as if by accident, expose the most seductive part of the body: shoulder, leg, chest. Think over your wardrobe, hairstyle, makeup, manicure and pedicure, choose beautiful underwear so that at the right moment you can expose a part of yourself.

14. Forbidden Fruit

The task is to let the object inhale the seductive aroma of the fruit, but the fruit is still hanging high on the branch and it is not yet known who will get it. Here a rival certainly appears, and a serious rival at that. You need to unobtrusively make it clear that for all your inner admiration for the object, it is not at all a lonely ship in your harbor. Convince him of the gulf between him and others.

15. Don’t be afraid to show your man care

However, do not do this in a very intrusive manner. Men subconsciously choose a woman who expresses maternal feelings. (Firstly, it reminds them of their mother, and secondly, they subconsciously evaluate the woman as the mother of future children).

You can scare him away with this. Men don't like women who are easily accessible. Give him time to woo and conquer you. This period of courtship is probably the most pleasant memory for every woman. Yes, he will most likely agree to your proposal. But it is not a fact that he will want to establish a further relationship with you. Therefore, in order not to blame yourself later, give the man the opportunity to take the initiative himself.

17. Know how to be a woman

Success with men depends, first of all, on how much you know how to be a woman. Everything else - the ability to cook, wash, embroider, etc. fades into the background.

18. “A man will love the woman in whose eyes he looks decent”

Appreciate him, love him, respect him as a person. And you will receive his love and respect in return.

19. 4 levels of communication

True intimacy occurs when there are 4 levels of connection, on the energetic, physical, emotional and intellectual levels - full acceptance and strengthening of each other. If you have a feeling that you have known each other for a long time, there is no feeling of understatement, and your chosen one experiences the same thing - no doubts. Your only man is next to you.

20. Look at mom

Every man was once a boy who had (and still has) a mother. A parent of the opposite sex is the one from whom a person “copies” his libidinal image. This is not necessarily a complete coincidence, like if the mother is a busty brunette, then a man will only like such women. But you have to hook him with something. What exactly? Only God knows. This could be the shape of the ears, the timbre of the voice, the gait, the manner of speech, whatever. To “reveal” the libido-image of each individual man, hours of psychoanalysis sessions will be required. Therefore, in order to attract men, it is completely useless to dress in a special way, lose weight or gain weight, have plastic surgery, change your behavior, and so on. It doesn’t work, from the word “at all”. The only way is to go all-in, that is, to really be yourself. Without any games, pretense, attempts to please. Only in this situation will you have a chance to “hook” a man, to coincide with what lies in the depths of his subconscious.

Absolutely mind-blowing, but not too long. The object must taste the sweets to the fullest, but not to the full. Next comes a separation caused by some insurmountable difficulties. Such separation binds a man more tightly than any dating and seems to deprive him of his mind.

Be loved, love yourself, and the one who will definitely appear in your life will make your life even happier and fill it with meaning.
